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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • What local strategies has anybody used in the past to boost the local likes of a Facebook page.  The business concerned is a home improvements company covering a geographical area of the UK. What I would like to do is try and increase the number of likes from our potential target audience in cities and towns that we cover. I don't think Facebook ads are the right choice as many users just ignore them, but would be interested in online and offline marketing strategies that could be used to boost numbers to our Facebook page. The reason this is so important especially in the home improvement space is that most projects are awarded on word of mouth recommendations, so Facebook is the perfect platform.

    | ocelot

  • I am in the process of writing a series of blog posts covering one subject in more detail. Normally, I would just post my blog posts on my blog, but I have heard and read recently that posting content on Google+ is having very good results. So should I post this series exclusively on my Google+ pages instead with a link back to my blog and site or just focus on posting on my blog as I have done before? Thanks in advance, Peter

    | crackingmedia

  • I am wondering what would happen if I switched my plugin for social media integration on my WordPress site. For instance, if I have been using Sociable for a long time and have accumulated +1's, likes, shares etc. and then I switch to Flare or Social Stickers, what will happen to all my counts? Thanks so much! I haven't been able to find any documentation on this.

    | gfiedel

  • Link building is challenging. Can you guys read my process below and offer improvements: This is for marketing an article that is good for target websites for humanitarian reasons. It helps their readers in a way that they really need it. Not to say that all of these target websites are going to want to reference my article. I'm looking for A. The target website to write, or let us write, a blog post around my article, of course with a link to the article and no other links to my website (unless they want to) or B. For our article to be listed in a resource section when appropriate How I'm doing this now: 1. We're starting with a well written, authoritative article with attractive images, graphs, and even a fancy javascript display area that's useful. The article is 3500 words. There's a big image link at the bottom that goes to the article in PDF version. Due to some hosting problems, the pdf version is disallowed in the robots.txt (it won't help to get links to it) There's 2 versions of the article, the one I'm marketing has all of our ecommerce menu and such removed, so that this version has minimal commercial parts in it. There's also a commercial version, which we are not pushing, and the non-commercial is rel cononicaled pointing over to the commercial. The non-commercial article has only one external backlink so far, and the commercial version has no external backlinks yet. We're just getting started. 2. First I like on facebook and follow on twitter. I spend some time with the target site's facebook page and like several recent posts, sharing one or two things to my own facebook page. I then retweet two good recent tweets put out by the site's general twitter account. BTW, we don't have very many twitter followers yet for our twitter account. 3. Then I read their newest blog post. I read it thoroughly. Sometimes I don't pick the newest if there is another recent one that is more similar in topic to our site. I spend some time putting together a thoughtful and helpful comment for that blog post. I submit the comment. I then go on FB and carefull post how I found the blog post helpful and place a link to their blog post. A lot of these sites, though, aren't accepting blog post comments but I always post on their facebook page. 4. I wait a couple of days in case my activity gets noticed. At that point, I go to linkedin and look for people that work for the site. If I find a content/marketing director, or if it's a small site and I find the owner [still not very good at this part], I search google for their email address and/or twitter account. I'm successful in finding a specific person only about 1/3 of the time. These sites also often have phone numbers. 5.  I send out either A. a tweet to a specific person asking if they need help with content, or B. An email to a specific person like: Subject: Do you need help with content that is very useful to [niche audience] [their first name] I hope you are doing well. [add sentence here referencing something I learned about them, I don't know how to do this part well yet] I'm writing you because we have some content that is useful and important to [niche audience]. It's an article about [our article name and link]. We're wondering if you'd consider, since it would be very beneficial to your audience, to write a blog post explaining and citing that article. We think our doing this would add to [niche audience] quality of life. Sincerely, Bob Weikel
    [website] If I don't find a specific person, I write an email as similar to the above as possible and send it to their general email address or contact form. I send one email, wait 2 or 3 business days, send another email, wait 2 or 3 business days. Then I call. I ask for "Marketing" or whoever is in charge of their blog [I haven't done much of this and am not good at it yet] or if it's a small company I might talk to the owner. Sometimes I only send one email before calling, especially if I think email's a lost cause. I never leave voicemail. I always keep calling over several days until I reach someone. When I call and get someone, I say something like, "Hi, I'm Bob from [website]. I was wondering if you would be interested in some content that would be beneficial to [niche audience]." I know there is a lot of room for improvement. I'm looking for a 10% success rate. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • The question is, do I build my personal profile or company brand profile? I blog, I tweet, I facebook, I G+, I use LinkedIn, I have accounts with other social media platforms and I am still not sure whether the most effective route to drive traffic is to use my personal or brand profile! My face is v much part of the brand (launched June2013), I have a Disqus account in the brand name and i have joined other communities in both brand & personal names - it occurred to me whether I am diluting my overall "authority" by using both. It also occurred to me that when signing up to new forums by using my brand Twitter account to register this will leave all comments as the brand, when perhaps others will be looking for a "real person"? Previous advice sometime ago was to use both, but I wondered whether expert thinking had moved on? Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Hello My customer trying to leave recommendation on Google+ but it doesn't appear? I tried also to test it I can see on my account under my recommendation part but I can't see on google + under company page? Thanks


  • Hi last 2 weeks i registered new Domain and today sudenly i found that my new domain has 1099 Google plus 1!. what's happening? Iknow nobody khonwn about my domain and i cant understand why

    | vahidafshari45

  • Hi everybody, I am looking for a Excel template to pull Facebook Insight data directly into the spreadsheets. Do you know any solution? Thank You Davide

    | Pixartprinting

  • Hi, Much of the reading I've done has suggested that existing Google Places/Business Page (with "About" and "Photos" on top) will be automagically "upgraded" to Google Plus Local pages (with "About" and "Photos" and "Reviews" and all the other Google Plus items). However, is there a way to force an upgrade?  I have a Google Places/Business Page and when I go to "manage page" it basically wants me to create a separate Google + Page for the Business.  Is this the correct thing to do?  Do I need to create a Google + Page for the company first, and then try to merge the Places listing with the new Google + Page for the business? Thank your for helping me clear this up!

    | Titan552

  • Since August 11th We have been dropping 5 to 10% in Organic Search Traffic ? 
    We are now producing as more quality content/ blogs/YouTube videos Facebook and Google plus posts, then ever before. We taking a look at our pages, author tags, paying more attention to titles and meta descriptions.
    we are not acting Spammy in any way,  or at least not that we can see. But for some reason, Google analytics Stats are just going down week after week, our website is Can anyone help us see what we are doing wrong ?

    | 365ToursSafaris

  • So many of my clients are (very) small businesses and have added a like button to their website home pages that actually has the person liking their Facebook page rather than the website.  Without debating the pros and cons of this approach, it would seem that Facebook has changed it so that if someone clicks a like button that is for a page they have not actually visited the like does not show up in the like count for that page?  Is that correct?

    | farlandlee

  • I have been promoting posts on our Facebook page with some good results. Am I aable to determine the Day /time the post is promoted? As ideally we  want to be promoting the post when people are awake? Thanks for your help

    | Hardley111

  • Can my site be penalized for including a book review verbatim in my blog that I also post on Amazon? What are the steps I need to take? I have written a book review that I want to post on Amazon. I am also planning to create a blog post and include the exact text of the review within the post which I will then also promote on my social channels. What do I need to watch out for in terms of duplicate content? Is there a sequence I should follow? We have the rel=canonical tag on our site which is WordPress.

    | gfiedel

  • Hello MOZ community, Today my SEO team and I talked about the activities we do in the social media. And one of the things that we discussed is the post description/caption. We upload a lot of unique, fresh and high quality content to our website on daily base, so we want our customers to reach these articles by sharing it on our social media channels. My question is: what is the best way to share a post in Social Media Channels and specially on Facebook ? what description should we use ? is it better to use the article's title? or new text with CTA (call to action) and ask the users to click on the link to read the article in our website ? Another question: how can we use the keyword targeting in the Social Media ? Thanks 🙂

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Does anyone know of a tool that can get you the total, or close to it, social shares an entire domain has received? I know of... - but this only gets shares for the entered URL not the entire domain. - this seems to dig a little deeper but not deep enough. I know opensite explorer gets some data as well but still seems very limited.

    | eyeflow

  • Greetings Mozzers, I'm wondering if there is a way to get a Google+ embed on a website for visitors to easily provide Google+ reviews without having to leave your site? Hard? Easy? Doable? Good Idea? Any direction or education on this matter would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • Hello Moz! I have a validated and completed Google Plus Business Page. The problem is about the Knowledge Graph in the right column of serps when searching for my brand. First, all informations in my page are in french (Canada). But, the Knowledge Graph is working fine when my browser is configured in English. Nothing happen when my browser is configured in French. What do you think?

    | webit40

  • Lets take the example of a hotel reservation site offering 500 hotels. Any suggestions on how to present the 500 hotels within their facebook page so that they generate maximum traffic and interaction? No intention to offer checkout on facebook. E.g. adding image of each hotel in the photo album with link to website and some information about hotel. Any ideas? Any good posts or articles on the topic?

    | lcourse

  • Hi! I've been using Sprout Social to manage my Social Media. I saw a video of Social Bakers and was a little bit curious. I haven't heard of it. So I clicked through an ad to look at their features & pricing. I was surprised to see such high values. Does anyone has any experience working with this tool? Are this reports providing a lot more of information than the ones that I can handle through Sprout Social? Thanks for any comment that can help me understand this.

    | guillermoga

  • Hello, I'd like to improve how I use twitter for pushing a piece of content. Here's what I am planning to do currently: First, we created a useful piece of content for a niche where we'll be appealing to the humanitarian side of thing. Nothing like this piece of content is on the web. The subject is not mouthwateringly attractive to other websites, but it is good, very useful, authoritative and uses the information we have in our niche. For Twitter, we plan to pick a website carefully that could use our content and 1. of course follow that site on twitter 2. Retweet 2 or 3 relevant good tweets the site has put out. If the person I want to contact has a twitter account, retweet some of his too. 3. Tweet a general tweet about a good article or blog post the site has with a link to the site and the article. 4. Tweet at a specific person in the site's company (or to the general twitter account if there isn't anyone specific) asking if they need help with content if it is well written and useful, then later tweeting introducing our article. Email will also be used. I'm really new to using twitter for content marketing, any help is appreciated. Facebook liking/sharing as well as blog comment posting along with adding to g plus circles will also be used. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hello Everyone, When i run a report on Open site explorer, it says that our website has 129 Facebook likes and 129 tweets. However, our website has had over 4k Facebook likes and i imagine much more than 129 mentions of our url on twitter. Can any one shed any light on this? Thanks 🙂

    | Alexogilvie

  • I'm trying to put Facebook's Virality Metrics in a framework I understand better. In email marketing, if you consistently get 25% to 30% open rates on newsletters, you're doing solid in most industries. What would you all say the equivalent for that is in Facebook Virality? Thanks, Ruben P.S. If it's drastically higher than 4% - 6%, I'm going to be very sad.

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I am trying to implement rel=publisher but am having some difficulties. Although I have over 1000 fans when I try and verify my page I get a message from Google that "Your page does not have enough followers to be eligible for verification" I have the following code on my pages: <td id="ctl00_header_socialctrl_tdgooglepluslinkctrl"> <a href="<a class="webkit-html-attribute-value webkit-html-external-link" href="" target="_blank">[myname]/posts" id="ctl00_Header_socialCtrl_GooglePlusLinkCtrl_hyperLinkSocial" target="_blank" class="socialIcon googlePlusIcon"></a href="<a></td id="ctl00_header_socialctrl_tdgooglepluslinkctrl"> What should I be doing differently? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Our Company has recently started doing videos on installation and product features. As we were going through our Google YouTube Analytic, we noticed there are random letters and numbers that are coming up as a video (example:YsQgAQPykMI), although it is not a link. _Where we are finding this information: Google YouTube Analytic under the Comment section. The bottom section will list the videos that the channel has uploaded and its respective link.  _ 1. What and why is YouTube pulling this information? 2. How can I remove this from our listing? 3. What are future measures we can take to prevent this from happening again? Unfortunately, I'm not able to upload an image to show you exactly what the issue is. Thanks for your help, Tamara HzS9DYi

    | WebRiverGroup

  • Can you please tell me if hoot suite or sprout social is a better option when it comes ot managing social media? Corn

    | netlover

  • Hello, I'm doing content marketing for an article that is helpful in our industry. When I'm building a relationship with a website, on Facebook I first like their page. Then, I'm liking and sharing a couple of recent posts that stand out and are related to our site. Should I read their recent blog posts and comment on their facebook page thanking them that what I read was helpful while posting a link to their blog post? Or should I post something else on their facebook page? Or should I not post on someone else's facebook page? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I've read the WordPress reviews for several plugins that support FB login / comment, but the reviews are generally mixed.  Even the plugin developed by FB received terrible reviews.  Can you recommend a WP plugin that supports FB login? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Has anyone noticed a discrepancy with their Google + followers? Yesterday we had over 20 followers in each of our four pages and today each say zero. Thoughts?

    | PlanetDISH

  • Trying to be a good, clean SEO, I have been spending the last two and a half years focusing a lot on building up solid social communities on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest and YouTube. Back when I began doing this, I believed that old school link-building was on its way out, and that, to stay on the 'clean', White Hat side of Google, social was the way to go for future success in organic search. But my main competitor is STILL buying links left and right, and has absolutely no social media following...and he's kicking my butt more and more in the rankings. And I seem to be losing out with my strategy. So I would really like to know: have any of you experienced proof, first hand, that you can win with SEO by focusing on social signals, and by letting NATURAL, earned links pretty much take care of themselves, by trying to create good content? Because I am FRUSTRATED. I thought I was being one of the good guys. I thought I was going the safer, risk-free way to success. And I knew it would take me longer to become successful this way...but it's been YEARS now, and I still don't see any signs of it happening any time soon !

    | masterfish

  • When I search directly for imageworks creative facebook page on Google, I get many results - some of which are not mine and some of which are listings from other citation sites like Manta.  I did a site: search and I do see that the page is indexed by Google, but it's pretty important that we get a better ranking than we currently have! This is the Facebook url: As part of our rebranding, we did have the URL changed from /imageworksstudio, but that was well over a month ago.  I feel as though Google should have caught up by now. Any thoughts on how we can get our FB profile onto the front page?

    | ScottImageWorks

  • I have a simple question - I've read a lot about how google+ pages are ranking well in google searches, and that it's a good idea to incorporate google+ into your strategy. So I was on a call this morning, talking to a client about this.  The client brought up the fact that in all his google searches, he's NEVER seen a google plus page in the search results.  I realized that I never have either.  After some searches, I still don't see any google plus pages, at least not on page 1 or 2.  Am I missing something?  Needless to say, the client was not convinced about the value of having a G+ page, and I came away not sure what I was missing. So how do people measure the impact of using google+ on their main website? -Jim

    | jimr451

  • Hi guys i would like to hear what your tips are on keeping the "professional" competition enterers from flooding your facebook competitions and how you attract quality entries. I've noticed by looking at entry profiles on Facebook roughly 90% of entries i'm receiving are the "stay-at-home-mom-self-proclaimed-professional-competition-enterer" that do nothing other than enter competitions all day...every day. Are they still of any value in your opinion? (other than driving traffic to your site etc) Ciao, Immanuel.

    | Immanuel

  • If you are using the Facebook social plugin on your site like ThinkGeek does for comments: Are there any positive social signals from people leaving comments that could impact the SEO of the page? I searched the text of some comments in quotations in Google and it appears that the first few comments are indexed but most are not.

    | ProjectLabs

  • I saw this on amazon's ordering page. Is it possible to put this on any given web page? I would love to see this on my ordering page.

    | Juergen-119481

  • Hi Folks Has anyone had a very good experience with an offshore SEO provider who they would be happy to share? I am looking for a professional offshore firm to manage a 100 Long Tail key word campaign.  Social Media, facebook campaign experience a bonus. Kind Thanks, Justin

    | jchapman5

  • Anyone out there done it? Any experience to share? Just thinking about it 😮

    | bjs2010

  • I have a niche site that attracts between 50 to 100 visitors a day.  For the past several weeks we've been working on a new article and the with aid of social media have attracted 2,000 visitors in the first 24 hours of posting, a dramatic spike in daily visits.  Visitors are spending about 10 to 12 minutes reading the article and then leave our site.  So, the GA bounce rate is quite high at about 95%.  Does Google know this is a compelling article for our niche based on the number of visits and time spent reading the page?  Will the high bounce rate affect the article's PR, or do they also consider the time on the page? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • We are debating a redesign of a travel site and wondering whether having social sharing buttons including Pinterest and Facebook above each image would slow down site speed and therefore have a negative impact on our rankings.  We are deciding between having the icons above each image or just in the side bar of all pages.  Many thanks, Penny

    | Pday

  • Hello All, 1st post \ interaction on Moz! I'm now half way through my 4th week in an 'Online Marketing' role for an established travel operator \ agent in the UK and I now want to really start working on my SEO (and linkbuilding) strategy. I'm using Moz for most things and I have highlighted (via crawl diagnostics) lots of warnings & errors (15,000 pages crawled, 12,000 errors and 26,000 warnings!) which I will be addressing with the web design company next week... We engage (but not as much as we should) in Social Media and I have an excellent content writer who can write unique, interesting and informative content about our niche - which is quite large! I am obviously keen to focus my SEO efforts on the content and I have created accounts on Web 2.0 (Squidoo, Hubpages, Blogger etc), Social Bookmarking (Stumbleupon, Digg, Reddit etc) and I have started to engage with other webmasters within the industry in the hope I can submit one or two 'guest posts. Adding to that we have an excellent blog that 'sits off' our site and already has some great content on! I am also looking at other content ideas such as; lists, infographics, quizzes, surveys etc So my question is; do I continue with the 'content strategy' and if so, should i continue with the platforms I am currently using (as above)? I don't think that I'm a million miles away but any advice would be greatly appreciated! Andy

    | TomKing

  • I have recently updated an area of our website that had lots of content and some great social signals such as tweets, pins and facebook likes. The URL structure has changed and URLs have been redirected, but I'm wondering if we have now lost all the social signals? No pins, likes etc show on lots of popular content since the URLs have changed. Is there any way to preserve these or are they lost forever? Thanks in advance

    | BeadsDirect

  • It's late and I might be seeing things disappear...but I noticed something strange with a Pin It button we added in our website: I added a rel="nofollow" to the  <a href="">for Pinterest, however when I use the html inspector in IE or Firefox, and inspect the attributes of the link, 'rel=nofollow' is nowhere to be found.</a> <a href="">Did anyone notice this?
    Does Pinterest's javascript remove the 'rel' attribute? (looks like it's the case)
    How does google treats this? Do they interpret the .js and ignore the 'rel=nofollow'? I hope it's a technical error on my end, otherwise thousands of website owners are being tricked into believing that they added a rel=nofollow, when in fact it's just being removed behind the scene.</a>

    | smarties954

  • I've had the rel=publisher set up correctly for months now and verified it using the Google rich snippet tool. For some reason when I search my site/brand the Google+ profile will not show? Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to have it show up? Thanks!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hello friends, I have a website, linked to my google plus profile and google plus page of the website. But after reading the post , something is not clear for me... To gain some seo benefit when I share a post, Should I share it on my google plus profile or in the google plus page of my website ? BTW, Its better to gain more followers to my google plus profile or to the google plus page of my website? Thanks...

    | lans2787

  • Anyone have experiences using Yotpo to support reviews for an eCommerce site? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Just saw the email that Followerwonk is part of the family so thought I'd give it a try. However once I get over to the site and authorize my Twitter account with it I can't seem to use the functionality of it. I can start a report based on keywords in a bio it gives me a long list of people but I am unable to follow any of them I just get the text "click to learn how to enable in app follow and unfollow" it then takes me back to the homepage If you can see the screen I'm signed in Twitter, the top line "Link your SEOMoz account" did have my username in until I authorised the app FLroc.jpg

    | RichardUK

  • Hi everyone, I've spent the last hour or two googling information on Google Play app rankings, and a few websites mention that standard pagerank of the app page is taken into account when calculating rankings. This seems to make sense, though I'd estimate it's probably not a large factor, with daily downloads being a much higher factor IMO. So my question is, how much of a factor does standard link-building for a Google Play app webpage have in the rankings?. We're trying to increase exposure of an app we've built (, and though we seem to have more downloads, reviews and +1's than others, we seem to be ranking beneath them. Thanks, Chris.

    | PixelKicks

  • I have been asked if this is a sufficient way to provide fresh content to a website, however I am unsure if Google considers this as "fresh content", and I can't seem to come across a clear answer. Any thoughts?

    | pderas

  • Hi, My question is which URL should I use with the share plugins of Facebook and Google Plus.
    Should I use the URL of the website or of the facebook's page / google's + page? By the way , may I ask what's the source of the FB Shares that Moz present in the advanced keyword analysis report? and are those shares are of the website or of the facebook's page? Thanks,

    | Kadel

  • Does anyone have any data that could help us to understand the best time to upload a video to YouTube?

    | alhallinan

  • Hi, Our blog currently is hosted at and we are planning to move it under I've noticed that at the moment in the existing individual articles there are social likes for the reader to likes/follow the page. And we do have some likes from these social buttons e.g. in a particular article I receive 4 twitter likes/5 facebook likes from those social media buttons after the article body. After moving the blog would the articles lose the social likes? How would I manage it not to? I know that there is a wordpress plugin available to purchase: If I purchase it would it resolve my problem? Please help Thanks!

    | LauraHT

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