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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Does anyone know of a tool that export a list of people that Retweeted a piece of content with the url they list on their profile? I'm trying to mine the individuals that RT'd an outreach piece we did to try to gain more opportunities but can't find a tool that will mine the data from peoples twitter profiles. I know of Retweet follow (their export is no where to be found) and Topsy but wanted to avoid doing a bunch of manual thanks tweet@'s. I also have a list of all the twitter handles/urls that I'm looking to find what their site is to do more personalized outreach for.

    | Peter_Dean

  • My predecessor left me a gift of what is arguably the worst kind of Youtube channel name: Our company's name condensed to an acronym with some additional gibberish that may or may not have meant something to her. In short: Our channel name will never be searched for, will never provide any ranking boost. Now our Youtube success has been very marginal so far: 31 subscribers, 7,300 video views. Given that situation, should I seriously consider scrapping my channel and starting  something new with a keyword targeted channel name? Or does channel name matter so little that I should hold on to my 7300 video views?

    | AdoptionHelp

  • Hello I've been trialling an app for Facebook called Shoptab where you can add a shopfront to your Facebook page and then users can browse through the items and when they click buy or more info they are linked through to the main site. The app displays the product, title, description etc so I was wondering if we would run the risk of duplicate content issues by loading our inventory to this app? OR would Google see the hyperlink through to the original item and no damage done? It would be very easy to add our whole inventory to this app. Thanks

    | simplesimonseo

  • Hi, i have been sent a cd with a radio programme on and i need to use a fraction of that disc to put on you tube but not sure how to do this. I am going to put it on you tube as well as on my site but the problem i have is, i have been sent the whole of the radio broadcast and the section i need is half way through the programme. Can anyone let me know what equipment or programmes i need for windows to be able to edit the disc and put it on you tube many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • SEOs know that a rapid uptick in link acquisition speed can trigger a red flag within google. Is the same true of a FB Like campaign? I'm not up to speed on whether Google is believed to use Facebook Likes in its ranking algo. Should we treat a FB Like acquisition campaign like we do linkbuilding -- namely, throttle it so that there isn't a huge spike in growth rate for a short period? Surely FB might have internal algos that devalue 'astroturf' likes, but the core concern of this client is whether SEARCH RANKINGS might suffer if the FB Likes grow too quickly. My gut says no, don't be concerned. What do you think?

    | mcglynn

  • Last year we had a problem with other conferences / companies using a hashtag we had started using for our conference. We stuck with a very similar hashtag for this year's event and are, of course, having the same problem. The event we're using it for isn't until October and already has a decent amount of buzz. How much damage would we be causing by switching the "official" hashtag? And how do we get people to start using the new one and abandoning the old? Does anyone have a case study on this or a similar experience with this issue?

    | HDI

  • Hi Community, maybe this question hasn't to be answered directly, but can be answered with a link. I am sure the answer must be out there on the web... 😉 I have a company, a companies website and a companies facebookpage. Now the question: What kind of user activity on my facebookpage is good for the organic ranking in google? Is it only good, when people click the "like"-Button on my homepage (which gives me a nofollow-backlink from facebook - unfortunatelly in most cases hidden for googles eyes)? Is it useful when I get a "like" directly on my facebookpage? Or is it the best to have a status on facebook that is shared very often? Will Google see the connection between a shared facebook status and my website (of course the website is on the info page of my facebooks site...)? I ask that because I wonder how (for example) a viral picture on facebook shared very often can helb my business. Uuuuh, so, where's my answer on the web? 😉 Thank you!

    | waynestock

  • Hello Mozers! On the Conversation Marketing blog, Ian Lurie published a lengthy article called Google Plus Box Ranking Factors Report. In it, he claimed amongst other things, that "Keyword relevance of your posts: Totally meaningless. Write whatever you want. Seriously. Just make it good." What say you? Are keywords really meaningless? Thanks in advance!

    | ShivaS

  • Websites like include the social media buttons (+1, FB like, linkedin etc.) to the left of their articles so they seem to float outside of the content. Some even let the social media buttons wander while scrolling, so that they are always visible (e.g. here:  The "traditional" way has been to include the buttons within the content, e.g. on top of the article or on the right hand side. I was wondering which alternative has the largest impact. Intuitively "outside" of the content should be more visible as it "breaks" with the website design. Has anyone done an empirical test which version gets more clicks?

    | aschroet

  • I was on shared count and saw a URL that i have has  103 FB comments. I was wonder if there was a way to see those comments at all. Thanks!

    | Gordian

  • I checked my GA account today and noticed that I had a ton of traffic from Facebook to a specific blog article on my site. I tried to look into it, but I can't seem to find exactly where it's coming from. Is there anyway I can figure this out?  It's been bugging me all day.

    | kevinyu1029

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm in the process of finalising a design for an infographic to be hosted on the blog section of our travel website. The topic of the infographic is Olympics based - 150 days to go! - so it should appeal to a fairly broad audience. Aside from targetting some of the official and non-official Olympic sites that might want to link to us or Retweet us I'm trying to think of some ideas that will give our infographic some legs. I do plan to target sites that have previously posted infographics on the same subject as they're more likely to host one again. Watching Tom Critchlow's Outreach for Linkbuilding is giving me some ideas but I still feel I'm missing something considerable that could really benefit. Any outreach ideas I've completely missed? Thanks!

    | panini

  • I am building a forum and its a general forum, what are the best practices to gain users/members. I dont expect to rank for every category in the SERP's. Doe's anyone here have any experience in gaining traffic/members to a forum?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I know that facebook allows you to change your personal profile to a page. But now they have something else and I don't know what it is. It's another option that might be better than a page. This is for a company. Anyone know what I'm looking for? Thanks!

    | tylerfraser

  • Just trying to find out everyones opinion on twitter and the best way to use it? What is your opinion on Twitter, should i include customers past work, to develop a portfolio? Keep it relevant, or just use hundreds of ###!! Will this not just become spammy?

    | samr217

  • I have created this content in order to promote it via social media. Ideally I want it to be shared across the web in order to gain backlinks. My question is how can I best do this? I know I can post it on twitter, facebook, google plus etc... but is that it? I'm new to social media and don't really understand how to use it to good effect. By posting it on social networking sites am I risking people copying the content and duplicate content penalties? Any help would be much appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • I have a few images that I have taken recently and I was wondering what might be the best way to use them. Ideally I would like to get a few links or some interest via social networks. I know I've a few options including: adding images directly to the website adding images to Flickr or similar adding images to Google+ adding images to Facebook adding images to twitpic or similar I was also intending in keeping some images to include directly in posts. Should I concentrate posting images directly on the site or use social networks? Which social networks work well for images? How can I use images to get links?

    | andywozhere

  • Hello all, Can someone suggest a good way to measure Pinterest as well as the impact Pinterest has on my marketing campaigns?

    | digitalops

  • Our Fan Interactions report for the last 7 days is showing 10475 more interactions than the previous week. These didn't happen on our page and if we'd been tagged wouldn't it show up on our page? We had the usual number of Likes and Comments last week, nothing unusual there and 3 mentions, none of which triggered this level of activity. Can anyone shed any light? If we did get tagged, why wouldn't we know about it? Thanks Cecily

    | CecilyP

  • Good Afternoon from 9 degrees C wetherby UK I'm trying to get a better understanding of how search results are retrieved in Twitter. Take this scanario for instance. Via twitter search (see screen grab for illustration [IMG][/IMG] ) you enter Vintage Clothing. The results
    show tweets where some have #Vintage #clothing in the text whilst others just have the term vintage clothing in the tweet. So my question is please... "If your client asks how do i get my tweets picked up by searchers looking for vintage clothing should i ad hash tags or not bother and just mention the term in the tweek" Put another way, why do some tweeters hash tag a key pharse and place term in the snippet. I'm, a bit confused... [IMG][/IMG]

    | Nightwing

  • Our website has a WordPress blog, hosted at I've discovered that with some hard work and a bit of luck, I can create a blog posts that will go viral - they will get about 50k readers in 1-3 days (which is a LOT for our website), and 300-1000 tweets, 100-250 Facebook shares, and anywhere from 10 to 130~ G+1s. (Unfortunately, these are for the posts, not for our website.) The posts will also get some comments. And most importantly, a few links - sometimes from very reputable domains. However, I feel that I could be doing much more here. The links go directly to the blog post, and I'm not sure how much is that helping our website overall in regards to SEO. What actions can I encourage the readers to do, and how should I prioritize them? Some of the actions are: Sharing/liking, writing a comment, checking out our products, subscribing to our Facebook/Twitter/G+ profile, subscribing to our RSS. One another possible action/opportunity that I see and which could potentially pay off is to offer some kind of PDF report to be emailed, which would initiate an autoresponder sequence. Do you think that having a clear call to action in a blog post could reduce the sharing of it ? Is it possible to encourage whoever is writing about our blog posts to use a direct link to our website, instead of linking directly to the post? If yes, how? E.g. if I included a direct link to our website in the post itself, e.g. in the most important part of the post that gets quoted, it could work - unfortunately that's usually virtually impossible. Am I sitting on a gold mine here, and should do this as much as possible? Should I consider putting this content not just onto the blog, but on our ? I'm actually not sure how that would help though, it would simply have a shorter URL. I've discovered that it doesn't matter where I post this content, if the presentation looks decent. So it doesn't have to be posted on I can even post it on other domains - should I? And the most important question: How do I get the most out of this opportunity in SEO regards? Thanks for any ideas or insights!

    | Jiri.Novotny

  • Our website has almost 50/50 ratio of dofollow and nofollow links, and our competitors have "better" ratios (more dofollow links). I suspect it is mainly due to Twitter - several of my blog posts went viral, and had thousands of tweets in total - and twitter links are all nofollow. But I'm not sure about that - do these link count? Also, do you think that this could cause problems? Should I worry about writing too much viral content without building traditional links first?

    | Jiri.Novotny

  • What are early-stage (0-6 months) best practices for social media marketing in a business to business market?  Our customers are professional buyers of electronic components. We are doing it backwards. We registered Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and a few more.  +5 for initiative. -5 for not having a social media marketing plan.  -5 for not having someone helping us who really knows how to engage with our audience. This is also a humble request  to SMM gurus out there who have room for a new client.  I'm looking for our sherpa. Thanks!

    | groovykarma

  • I was wondering why I see my account in most of the "Influential users who have retweeted my tweet"? As I know, I don't retweet my own tweet 🙂

    | Teklan

  • Do Facebook comments get crawled by Google?  How does Facebook play a role in search engine ranking?

    | Todd_S

  • Can a company benefit from Pinrest? and if so what type of Company? I know that some companies can for example, if I sold hair supplies and I placed images of hair styles when a user clicks on my picture it directs them to my site which is relevant I know they will likely interact, However if I offer a service like  an SEO service, can Pintrest hurt my SEO efforts by creating a higher bounce rate. Someone clicks on my picture or repins it when they get to my site they lose interest. Does this influence my results for better or worse? and I know that Pintrest is nofollow, so I don't expect to get any link juice from an image link.

    | SEODinosaur

  • Hello, We want a like box that shows up like the one attached. We've tried several plugins for Joomla 1.6 and none show up consistently in all browsers. Which one do you recommend? like-box-for-seomoz-question.gif

    | BobGW

  • I am starting a blogging competition for my website visitors. How can I use this to help SEO to my site?

    | MartinHof

  • I want to maintain multiple facebook accounts to promote my servicess. Will it be penalized for keeping multiple accounts?

    | Dillipg

  • Analysing the competition in Open Site Explorer, as you all know the results come back with the following detail: Facebook Shares Facebook Likes Tweets Google +1 There is no link through to the pages that have liked, followed or tweeted the URL. I want to understand what the competition is doing in moire detail. How are these numbers actually defined? Is their any way (or whats the best way) to identify the individual pages that the numbers refer to? Thanks in advance. Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • I have a yt channel with almost 9000 subscribers. On it i post video game guides (partnered through machinima so its allowed) and then i embed the videos onto my site. All my competitors do teh same but when they do so it will display a message saying "As seen on "site name" " with a link there. For whatever reason my site link does not show It says As seen on but no link. not even my site name. it just says "As seen on BLANK" How can I fix this?

    | webfeatseo

  • Hoping Mozzers could take some time to give me some ideas. Thanks!

    | Thommas

  • Hi all, A question came up today that I don't think I've seen answered before. We hear all the time how important social sharing metrics are becoming to SEO, but what happens to the social signals of a page when it is 301 redirected? Are the social signals forwarded on in the same manner as link juice? Has anyone ever seen any experiments carried out around this before? Thanks very much in advance for any information shared. Cheers.

    | searchysearchy

  • We currently use Sharethis, but I've noticed many sites using Addthis for sharing. Is there any preference or reason to use one more than the other?

    | EricPacifico

  • What google wants is authority, relevancy, quality and engagement. If you have an authority in your niche and place relevant content on your website plus grammar free, unique and a lot of words, and social influence via Twitter, Facebook, Google +... You shouldn't be worried about the speed of building back links. I checked your website and it seems like an authority site. PR5, 18K backlinks plus $38K SE free traffic (according to SEMrush)... You just need a social influence to boost your authority. Create Twitter, Facebook, Google+ accounts for this website and also Facebook and Google+ pages. Then Create 30 web 2.0 accounts and on each one post three articles. Two of them are an account activation (this is what I call it), which can be just grabbed from ezinearticles and spun. Keep the links to the articles at the bottom of the pages. Once your web 2.0 sites are indexed by Google publish 800+ words quality relevant content with two links to your website. One to your root domain and one to the most relevant page your website (I mean relevant to the 800+ words article). Do this on each of those 30 web 2.0 sites. After this blast all of the 800+ articles with all kind of backlinks. Forum profiles, blog comments, article directories... Just use Senuke and other software. And don't forget to create a facebook fan page for each of the web 2.0 sites. In one month, you'll see a heck of a move in rankings. Where does the bookmarking part go? You need to bookmark every single URL you want Google to see. And if you want to outsource it, I highly recommend you to get a full time VA who would do this for you. Hope it helps. And your answer to your question about speed, if your site is older than 3 months don't care about the speed. Care about the quality.

    | newcitymoving

  • I'd like to see if the community could offer some feedback on how to 'step up' the comments on our blog.  I've been looking over various options, and of course you can find as many pros as you can cons for each of these. In addition to our website, we have a very active, and engaged Facebook page, so my first thought is to install Facebook comments on our blog.  However I believe you loose the SEO benefit form the comments (I'm not sure how much SEO benefit you get form the comments anyways if the post content is optimized), people can't comment unless they have, and want to use, their Facebook account (although I've seen some work arounds that allow people to use either or), people don't get notified when there is a reply to their comment, I don't 'own' any of the comments, Facebook if I ever decide to change comment systems, I loose all the comments, and I loose the ability to send a 'welcome email' to first time commenters (which has been very effective for newsletter sign ups.)  Facebook sends a large number of traffic to my site, and since there are so many people on our Facebook page, I feel this may be a good option.  One other concern I have by allowing people to use either Facebook comments or Wordpress comments is the use of my top commenter plug in.  This plug in has been very useful in increasing our blog comment engagement.  We are even going to be rewarding our top commenter each month. I'm assuming if you use Facebook comments by itself, or the combo Facebook / wordpress solution I've found online, I wouldn't be able to use a top commenter plugin, since this is pulling the data from Wordpress, correct? One thing I don't understand is I've seen a plug in (I think it's Facebook simple connect) that allows comments to 'sync' between those comments that appear on the blog, and those that appear on wordpress. I'm not sure how this works.  Does Facebook recognize a certain url being posted on the Facebook page, and associates that with the same url on the blog, and simply syncs the two? In other words can people comment on the blog (via Facebook comment) and comment on the Facebook page, and simply continue to conversation from either location? This would be a pretty neat feature, but I'm not sure if that's how it works. Also, if I use Facebook comments solely, does anyone know what happens to all of the previous comments left on the blog? Do they all go away? In other words, does it make it seem like I have zero comments on any posts? This wouldn't be good. I know a lot of people use and like the Disqus comment system, but I've read lots of horror stories about loosing comments, blogs being slowed down tremendously, etc.  I like how disquis allows you to 'like' someones post. I feel like this would help increase community engagement, but not sure how much. (We already get a fair number of comments as it, I'm just trying to make the experience better.)  I'd like for people to be able to post pictures / images in the comments, and I think disqus allows for there (though there may be plug ins that allow this on the native wordpress comments.) Finally I'm wondering if there are some good comment plug ins that would allow me to stay using wordpress native comments, but step up the comments. For instance, using pictures in comments, being abel to rank comments (sort of like the thumbs up / down here on SEOmoz) and any other cool plug ins that help promote engagement. I hope you guys can offer some insight as to the best direction to go with the comments. Thanks in advance!

    | NoahsDad

  • I understand that Google will now display search results from your google plus page if it is relevant or if it is from a friend. But my question is  if there is weight based on the amount of friends you have or the relevancy of your friends. For example if you search for the term 'wine' if I have 5,000 friends and many of them are wine and food critics just because of that will my google plus page show up or maybe if I just mention wine would I have a higher chance of showing up than a person who is more relevant on their plus page but has less friends or rather less relevant friends? Thanks!

    | SEOEnthusiast

  • What is best practice for the Facebook like button, when a user clicks on like on your webpage should this go to your facebook page our should it contain your website url? The reason being is that on my homepage it shows as 5 likes but when going to my facebook page it is only showing 1 like?  So where are the other 4 likes going? Any ideas on what is going wrong or what I have set up wrong? The like box is on My Facebook page is

    | ocelot

  • I've been working on posting more content on my blog and now I need a workflow to help me get more exposure on my posts.  Currently this is what I'm doing: 1- Write Post 2- Add it to my favorites in Stumbled Upon 3- Post it to Facebook 4- Pin it in Pinterest I would love some more ideas.  My goal at this point is to gain greater web exposure.  I would love to be they type of blog others actively follow.

    | continuumphoto

  • I'm trying to put together a brief template for our copywriters to use when requesting the creation of a piece of content. These are the points I have thought of so far are: Subject / Topic Content Objective Desired User Outcome / Call to action Sources, References Tone of voice Related product information Target SEO keywords Can you think of anything else to add? Do you know good resources (articles, blog post) tackling the subject of a content creation brief? Thanks in advance.

    | Amiee

  • I've seen many websites on flippa selling twitter followers, FB fans, or Youtube subscribers. Any caveats about doing so? Thanks.

    | webtarget

  • I'm looking at implementing social sharing buttons throughout a site that I'm working on. I've souced the icons from one of the well known providers however when I test the pages with Firebug I get this: <colgroup><col width="303"> <col width="58"> <col width="86"></colgroup>
    | Version | File Size | Transfer Size |
    | | | |
    | Home Page With Social Media Buttons | 1.02MB | 487.7kB |
    | Home Page Without Social Media Buttons | 238.3kB | 218.8kB | As you can see the buttons alone have a rather alarming impact on the file/transfer size. I want to reduce the size, has anyone got any ideas/been here before? Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • I'm pinning because it's fun, but I'm getting some nice traffic and benefits to my websites. One of my sites has received over 100 links from Pinterest users, plus some embeds on users own personal sites. The average pinner is female and between 25 and 45 years of age.  Do you have any visual content that might appeal to her?

    | juliemarg

  • Ok, we have been pretty dismissive of Google+ but having read more and more about how it is now directly influencing search results (currently in the USA) we are going to suggest setting up accounts for business. The question is, which Google Account should be used for the business page? In the nice presentational video on Google+ the example business is a nice local bike shop, which is simple right? Just use the small business owners account. But what about larger clients? Who in the org should have the business page on their account? What if that individual leaves? Can the page be separated from that account? Should you use maybe a Google Apps for Business account? But the issue with that is you will obviously have no one in any circles to share that page with. It all seems to be too closely tied to the personal side of Google+ Any help would be great. Thanks.

    | CarlE

  • I am interested in finding people or websites that are influential in a particular industry. For example, in the finance world, who has "weight" when it comes to the keyword gold, or mining stocks. Not just for website hits but for social media influence too. Is there a tool to do that?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Hello, When I look at my site in opensiteexplorer it says my site has 79 Facebook "likes". But actually, it has 4,070. In another part of the PRO dashboard it correctly identifies 4,070 but calls them "fans". I thought if someone hit the "like" button they became "fans". So why is SEOmoz reporting the vastly different figures?

    | greenwich

  • Hi, If you look at SEOmoz's Blog pages, you'll see they have added the G+ rel="publisher" code. On Google says: "A rel="publisher" link from the main page of your website to your Google+ page." Is there any benefit to putting this code into the sites template (adding it to every page of the site) when it could be added to just the homepage? Not a criticism, just curious to know how I should implement the code on my own site (concerned that adding it to the site template is a kind-of link out on every page of my site) Cheers FashionLux

    | FashionLux

  • I'm trying to sink my teeth into the power (or future power) of Google +. I would like to find people who are already well connected with Google + (in the military space). I can easily find Twitter and Facebook lists to see who is being followed and who the active users are, is there anything like that for Google +?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Has anyone used paid likes for Google +, Facebook, etc. for liking articles, videos, etc. on your own sites? Is this a safe, SEO practice?

    | Stevej24

  • I want to set default landing page over my Facebook fan page. I have checked Manage Permissions segment on my Facebook fan page settings. But, I am not able to find out facility over there. Please, find out attachment to know more. I have checked Facebook help with same question. But, I am not able to find out my answer over there. 6758684323_cc89fe353b_b.jpg

    | CommercePundit

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