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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • How correct is Google´s keyword tool regarding the estimated number of Global Monthly Searches? Judging from my adwords campaigns the real number of impressions is 1/3 compared to the estimated number for an exact match. What is your experience?

    | europeandomaincentre

  • For paid advertising: If I say this keyword is phrase match: red cars Will google or bing show the ad for keywords: cars that are red
    cars with red Do they include "Stop" words? Thanks.

    | tylerfraser

  • Hi guys I'm looking for a good resource to brush up on PPC. Any help would be great. Thanks

    | flemingsteele

  • Does paying for 1cent low quality clicks give you more traffic that can be used to increase your search engine rankings?

    | nutworkweb

  • Hello, I was playing around with my Adwords and received a nice message from Google  saying "Keywood Quota exceed". Basically I have too many keywords. That made me wonder if I could organize my keywords better. I sell tractor parts online. The majority of traffic is from people putting the part number into Google i.e  0J51MP5ON . It therefore made sense to use the manufactures SKU as keywords. The problem is that we have 30,000 keywords and will be moving to 100,000 - which above the Google limit. Each keyword links to the appropriate page on the website i.e. 0J51MP5ON goes to the 0J51MP5ON page. To make things simpler I could cut down on keywords by redirecting all parts starting with 0J5 to  a 0J5 landing page for parts being with 0J5. The would be from the same Tractor manufacturer. However, I am worried this will reduce conversation rates.  It will make it easier to manage the keywords. Anyone got any better suggestions?

    | DavidLenehan

  • Hello, I am having some trouble with my google adwords. I decided to split my existing campaign into two campaigns, one for customers in the UK and one for the rest of the world. The keywords are the same - only the message is different. i.e. Tractor Parts Free UK shipping on Tractor parts & Tractor Parts Fast shipping to Europe from the UK According to Google Adwords my UK campaign has had no impressions and no clicks.  However if I search for one of the keywords it appears in the search results with the UK text. Anyone got any ideas?

    | DavidLenehan

  • I've been optimizing the website for a few keywords we're targeting and I'm looking to improve the quality score for my Adwords landing pages. My on-page scoring is great, but my scores in Adwords are low. Ideas?

    | Bombbomb

  • Hi Guys, I've been wondering if it is really worth it to invest in facebook ads, there have been mixed reviews lately from the positive: to the more negative: The industry I am trying to optimize for is gadget related, I've been running some adwords on it but I would want to venture on the social bandwagon which is facebook. Any Ideas? Suggestions? Reactions? Experiences you can share so I can come up with a better decision? Thanks A Bunch!

    | UPform5

  • I'm trying to convince a large, multinational company that is very resistant to change, into making my on-page SEO changes. Compounding this resistance is the fact that the Analytics, SEO, PPC, and web dev departments are all under different people and they don't communicate very well. So, in order to get them to work together, I've decided to appeal to the places where they are sensitive; e.g., the PPC department where they surely have the desire to be more efficient with their budget. To appeal to this sensitivity, and with my goal of getting on-page changes done to help the SEO dept, I'm considering making the argument that my on-page changes will raise their quality score which will in turn lower the amount they are spending on PPC. Basically, is this a fair argument? Do you have an evidence to back this up? Best in the Midwest, Phil p.s. Hi, Joanna 😉

    | PapaRelevance

  • I have read many conflicting articles on this topic. I understand that running a PPC campaign at a launch phase of a site can get a lot of insights such as exact traffic patterns etc. But the question is: is there a correlation or not with increased rankings position for new site as search engine are forced to crawled that given landing page to give your ad a score? Thanks in advance for your answers and opinion

    | OlivierChateau

  • We operate a Google Adwords campaign that clearly performs better conversion wise on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays ... What is the best way to stack a higher daily budget on specifc days in Adwords - There doesn't appear to be any formal way of doing this and the advice online is mixed...

    | digitalarts

  • my client has 2 adwords accounts - one banned in 2009 and one where 9 of 11 ads are suspended - the other 2 ads run and he pays 6k per month for traffic - he still has net60 terms with no limit on ad spend b/c his offer converts so well. he wants to clear his name so we can proceed further without risk of being banned - he is paying me a pretty penny to turn his 4/10 qual scores into 9's and 10's - he will get 2x the traffic at 1/2 the price and i am looking to make a major 6 figure bump to his bottom line this year so he can jstify paying my exhorbitant fee. lol. i am not getting much help from the folks over at the Big G - to be expected - they have suspended 9 of his ads for "artificial ad traffic" - at least that is their reason - any way he is legit - in biz for 12 years online - with 60,000 customers on his list and over 1000 testimonials on his site - my question is is there any way GG will connect the dots in 4 months once i have his adwords campaign fully optimized and running smoothly and say "hey arent you the guy who we suspended twice over the past 2 years???" or are we to be judged simply on what we do from here forward with this new account? i am having his designer create 100 new landing pages to match the 100 unique ads for the 100 exactmatch kw's for the 100 unique ad groups - lotta work - but once its done its 10/10 across the board - with no mention of artificially boosting someone's traffic -- although isnt that what everyone is doing when they buy visits to their sites? this goes on all day long and no o ne seems to care - except GG but my client sells real human traffic not bot generated crap. all love, EZ

    | ezubkov

  • Hi guys, A client of mine has bought a raft of keyword domains for use in an AdWords campaign. This isn't my area of expertise, hence the question. They have a hosting account which can host an unlimited number of domains. Can they set up the domains with the same content on each site and then use AdWords to drive traffic to the sites? I've suggested they can use rel="canonical" to specify that the preferred site is the main site of the company which should bypass the duplicate content issue. Is this the best way to host the sites or is there a better alternative? Thanks in advance, Brendan.

    | brendanbelladesign

  • I learned Google PPC years ago and got certified by Google. Back then and for a long time since I know it was best practice to capitalize words in your domain name. I know Google no longer does this and that words in your domain name of your ad are now all lowercase. I hear recommendations and see them practice that adding keywords in a directory are a good way to still get capitalized words in your ad. When I learned PPC, I was told your display URL and your destination URL had to match. Now I'm seeing ads where that is not the case. If I have an ad that takes someone to my homepage of a coupon site, can I have a display URL that says: Even if the destination URL is just ? I'm seeing conflicting things online and it's hard because I don't know what the current guidelines are after this change.

    | DanDeceuster

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