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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • Hi all, We have thousands of PPC landing pages for our products. Usually, these pages are very similar and may differ only slightly for the keyword in question. The landing pages are sitting in a sub-domain of our site. From SEO perspective, assuming we don't want to get hit by Panda, Penguin and other animals Google stuffed into its ranking algorithm...Is it a good idea not to index these landing pages at all (i.e. add meta robots - noindex, nofollow to these pages)? What say you? Thanks!

    | ShivaS

  • I'm having some issues setting up a Google CPP extension, and am looking for help. I just set up a new ad group with a call extension.  The bid for CPP is high enough to cover the adword bid plus $1 for the call.  However, it is saying that the ad is ineligible. Research is leading me to believe that you need to have 25-40 clicks on an ad in a month in order to qualify.  This will be difficult provided the budget and style of the ad. I also have another ad group under the same campaign.  That has 79 clicks in the last month.  Google is marking this ad as ineligible as well. What do I need to do to make the ad eligible?  Anyone have some advice or something that I've missed?  The ad extension itself and phone number have been approved. Thanks again for your help!

    | DeliaAssociates

  • Hi Guys, I'm managing a campaign targeting multiple cities across the country. The campaign is using DKI to display locations in ad titles. Is the following example the best way to handle it (example data only): Ad headline: {KeyWord: Local Chocolate Delivery} Keywords: chocolate delivery chocolate delivery Dallas chocolate delivery Austin Etc etc?

    | David_ODonnell

  • Anyone else notice the new Display Network tab in Google Adwords is buggier than a cheap NY motel bed? Everytime I load it in firefox I end up twiddling my thumbs for several minutes before hard closing the program. Very frustrating morning... In case anyone else is feeling this pain, I just tried it in opera and it finally loaded ok.

    | AdoptionHelp

  • Ok, so let me give you the breakdown here. So I have recently optimized this product and am trying to focus on getting this product to sell a couple times a week before I move onto the next product with SEO. Google has not updated my title and description yet to see if my SEO has been even somewhat successful, so I am waiting on that. While I have been waiting, I started a PPC campaign. I would say over the last 7 days I have had about 250 visitors to this page, however, none of them resulted in any questions about the product, no account signups, no orders that are incomplete and worst of all, No Sales.Here is a copy of the add. RC Nitro Truck 60MPH $219Buy Now Remote Control Nitro RC Truck. Redcat Racing Volcano S30 60 Can someone look at the page and tell me if it looks fishy or if there is a reason you would not buy from this page? Any advice would be appreciated. Also, if you notice any critical SEO errors that would also help! I ran the on-page optimization through SEOMOZ and i got a letter grade of an A with everything 100%. Thanks in advance. I have been working 5-10  hours a day on this website and on eBay and would love for it to actually pay off someday lol. The links to the page are in that add above. Just click on that to take a look.

    | bilsonx

  • I just started marketing to dentists. I spoke at a local gathering to about 6 dentists and 3 of them said they were using SEO services. I looked at their sites and absolutely no SEO of anything was performed. They were quite taken back by this. Page titles all the same, no page descriptions etc. These dentists were paying about $800 per month and some had micro sites set up for them. It appears that this SEO company was using Google adwords to "artificially" drive traffic to the dentist or dentist micro site... and calling themselves an SEO company. This SEO company was also using tracking phone numbers on both the primary and micro sites. Which I've read can harm local NAP issues. I'm a bit worried that if I tell these dentists to stop using this company and go with me that the traffic will decrease while I work on real SEO. Maybe I should use adwords too until the "organic" power of SEO kicks in and they cut back until traffic stabilizes?

    | Czubmeister

  • Hi all, Just joined SEOmoz. Good to be here. I bought an amateur business directory site (not a web directory, but actual profiles of professionals) started in 2004 with page 1 rankings for the top 2 keywords in a professionals niche. Very stable rankings for years and super clean link profile. However I fear I have killed the asset in a matter of weeks, hopefully it's not terminal... here's what I did: #NOTE: I have reverted all changes 2 days ago, but still going down in the rankings. **A) Added Google Analytics:**I think this is what killed it. Why? I didn't realize the analytics account I used had been previously used for a website that was burnt by the search engines, I believe because of duplicate content (I copied a full glossary from a book, didn't know better at the time).Looking at my AWstats the traffic started going down slightly the same day I put the code. It's gone from 170 to 80 visitors per day in 1 week, steadily going down. I rank page 4 or 8 now for what I was page 1 before :(Could it be Google all of a sudden linked that blacklisted (I suppose) Analytics account with the newly purchased site and decided to doom it as well?How can I redeem it?I have taken out the analytics code snippet and deleted the url from the account.OTHER CHANGES: B) On-site SEO: Added H1 in homepage with main keyword (only had H2s before)- Added H1 in each professional profile page "[Professional type] in [Region]" (only had H2s before)- Changed title  "[Professional type]  - Region: [Region], Professional [Name]The idea behind the changes was to add H1 which in my understanding is very important and was missing, and to include the location in the title, as many searches are of the type "[Professional] in [region]".I think what could have hurt it is now many pages have the same H1.I have reversed all changes.C) I launched a Google Adwords test campaign.In the campaign, because it was a quick test to see how much traffic I could get from the kws, not an attempt to get new sign ups, I simply copy-pasted a landing page from another site and tweaked the text so it made sense to my audience. I run the test for a day or two.
    D) Added Hellobar.There was no correlation in time between adding the hellobar and rankings going down, so I don't think this mattered. I have taken it out too.**THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!**I really want to develop a long term asset I can focus on full-time but I fear I may have stupidly doomed the whole website already.

    | Demosthenes

  • Hello seomoz-community, could anybody recommand a good advertising "guide" for bing - we do lots of adwords on google but bing advertising is new to me. i'm looking for a kind of tutorial which gives me an overview so that at least i get a bit of an idea. thanks to you, barbara

    | barbara-f

  • Please bare with me, this might turn into a bit of a waffle, but I'll get to my question... I promise! I've just been looking at our CPC traffic for April and 2 search terms jumped out at me. I recognised them from previous keyword research because they are search terms that I expected to be high traffic (from past experience), but Google Adwords keyword tools showed them to have no potential traffic, and next to no potential traffic (literally 0 local searches and 12 local searches per month). Last month search term A had 46 visits, with 19:25 average time on site and 8.70% bounce rate and search term B had 10 visits with 14:47 average time on site and 0% bounce rate. For very boring reasons we are not currently able to measure conversions on these terms since (they are related to consumer finance and when a customer applies for finance it is all done on our finance providers website) but despite the low volume, these are pretty good figures for on site behaviour and so it got me thinking... Is there a more accurate tool to estimate traffic volume that we should be using rather than the Adwords tools? I appreciate that the estimates are probably made based on historic search behaviour and April's traffic could just be a one off, but these particular terms used to be insanely popular 4-5 years ago when I worked at a competing company.

    | DWJames

  • Is there a tool that you can use to find out what words a competitor is using for google adwords?

    | jaredspencer

  • Hi guys, Is there any way to install a FB conversion script for their PPC (in the same way as the shopping directories use)? I know this was possible about 1.5-2 years ago via a feature they have released in Beta at that time, but this seem to no longer be a choice. There is nothing in the FB help, I found no such option in their settings and the FB support does not answer (what;s new here 🙂 ) We can always try alternatives - as Google Analytics or Prosper202 ... but this time we would prefer FB scripts if possible. Thanks in advance T

    | tolik1

  • Hello, I have two PPC related questions that hopefully someone could help with. My client complains that the majority of leads he is getting are disqualified - mainly due to fake contact info left on the landing page. This happens both in the Display and Search campaigns. We are getting a good number of leads and we checked with Google that there is no fraud involved. What can be done about this? Has anyone encountered that kind of complaint and how did you deal with it? Can you recommend any tools, other than Google's Ad Planner to find good placements for a display campaign? Another client of mine is selling B2B services such as document destruction etc. Where can I find, for example, a list of placements frequented by people from the insurance business? I never had a problem finding placements for B2C but B2B seems to be a lot different. Any insight will be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Michal

    | michalseo

  • I own a furniture e-shop with 240K pageviews per month. Should I put Adsense to gain some more money? Or it would drive my customers away? I see many e-shops using Adsense advertising. Is there a good reason not to use it ?

    | Christos65

  • Hey Mozzers, We have a client that has spent $500 on a remarketing trial. This resulted in 4 direct sales with a revenue of $600 and 75 view through conversions. The average sale is about $150. I presented a report with a best and worst case scenario of the VTCs (that is all VTCs were responsible or no VTCs or some VTCs were a direct result of the remarketing campaign). The client needed more proof that the VTCs were a direct result of the remarketing - which I did not have. I know this was a really profitable campaign, but I just cant prove it. Has anyone had any experience with this? Or know of any good blog posts I could read up on? Thanks.

    | LukeyJamo

  • I have a client with an office in their home. Yahoo Local has rejected it 3 times for No Physical Location The location is correct, they are listed correctly in just about every reputable local directory available including Google Places. They do see clients at their home office. Any suggestions? Should they pay the $300 for the Yahoo Directory? Should they the $9.95 for the enhanced local listing? Thanks in advance...

    | cozyweb

  • We have one keyword that brings our site the most visitors.  This keyword is the brand name we carry.  We have several years of tracking it in Adwords.  For some extended time, this keyword [exact match] has averaged 19 cents per click, 2.7 average position, 4.5% click through, and a quality score of 7/10. We wanted more clicks.   We could think of what was needed to increase the quality score.  Sure, we could change the meta tag title and the adwords title to be the same as the single word keyword, but this would be less informative.  We decided to keep these titles as phrases which include the brand name. First change we made: we increased the bid.  After all, it was profitable for the two ads above us, right?  We increased our bid from .50 to $1.50.  Effect?  Average position increased to 2.3 from 2.7.  Click through increased from 4.5% to 4.9%.  Cost per click went from .19 to .51.   The incremental cost for each sale was......well really really high.....this didn't work. (oh, we rank #2 organically.  Our organic CTR dropped from 3.2% to 2.9% with this change as well) Reversed back to where we were and decided to focus on the quality score.  We realized that the keyword was part of an add group with about 20 other keywords.  This word was important.....lets put it in it's own ad group.  We then made an "exact" copy of the ad and started up a new ad group.  Paused the old keyword.   We very quickly realized that the quality score on this "same" keyword was now 4/10.   That was odd....lets give it a few days......quality score drops to 3/10 and no longer qualifies for first page.   What was different we wondered?   AH!   We capitalized the first letter of the word.  Changing this took the quality score up to 6/10 instantly.  hmmm, we thought capitalization didn't matter?  Seems it did.  We now wait to see where the quality score goes.   Saga to continue....

    | EugeneF

  • I you could only optimize for one, SEO, which keyword phrase would you select and why? Going by the data I've attached with the two images. QMbkq.png 2ufnF.png

    | bobjones

  • Very new to SEO and somewhat new to PPC but I have managed a few campaigns before for an old website.  I am very good with numbers, calculating ratios, conversions, etc.  I have a strong analytical and business mind and the theory behind PPC makes sense to me. I know my target audience very well.  I am an expert in the that field but I am not an expert in PPC.   I am just starting out with a very small website advertising myself as a professional consultant in my field.  The thought of spending extra money on a PPC guru when that money could go into my site or pay for visitors is a little scary. Do you think I can learn and teach myself all the tricks of PPC or is this an area where it really makes sense to hire an expert to do the work for me?  My budget would be small at first ($500 or less per month) so every little dollar helps. Thanks.

    | frankthetank2

  • Wow! 93% of our Adword keywords in our new campaign received a Quality Score of 4 or less.  That means most of the keywords aren't showing. I received the quick answer from our Adwords advisor that, "Quality score is created from a variety of factors ... etc."  Yes, I know that by reading Google's documentation. I dug deeper into the data. When I looked at keywords dashboard for this campaign, what vexes me is that it's all about "Keyword relevance: poor". That is repeated time and again in the keywords hover, bubble pop-up in Adwords. "Landing page quality: no problems". "Landing page load time: no problems". 63% of keywords have quality score = 3 29% of keywords have quality score = 4 We have thousands of keywords that are electronic part numbers.  All keywords use phrase matching.  We use dynamic keyword matching in the ads. I dug deeper.  I chose random keywords (and corresponding landing pages) from lower quality scores (1,2,3,4) and higher scores (5,6,7,8,9,10).  What is the difference? Examples: Quality score 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 145785-000 10 = 243362-000 Notice URLs with score 9 and 10 have url-encoded space (%20) -- just pointing it out. What is the difference between these pages that have such different quality score? And, interestingly enough, the majority of example keywords in the Urls above (LM2901, BZX84-A20, etc) have zero impressions and zero clicks thus far. Yes, the keywords have low traffic because this is exactly what people search for an purchase when making a B2B component buy.  It's all about the exact part number. **I'd love specific suggestions of how to improve quality score of pages with a 3 or lower! ** Thanks kindly, Loren

    | groovykarma

  • I am reading that submitting to premium directories is a good way to get a jumpstart on SEO rankings.  I have noticed that most of the good ones take a while in order to be approved and that many do not guarantee a listing, even if you pay $299 (Yahoo).  So my question is, Do directories turn you away if you have bad web page optimization on your website?  Because if they do then I definitely need work done there first. Any advice on getting accepted into the premium directories the first time? Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • Hello everyone, I recently read Danny Doves book, Search engine optimisation secrets, and loved it. I was wondering if anyone had read a similar book on the PPC side which they could recommend that touches on similar topics such as advanced techniques but also the practical side such as billing and dealing with customers etc...

    | RikkiD22

  • Does anyone know of a good way to be able to track traffic from Google's display network to a site since this traffic doesn't show up under paid search traffic in Omniture? Thanks! -Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • Before starting a new ppc campaign, I am working on making my site landing pages Relevant. I see some ppc experts suggest separate, noindex, landing pages. But aren't my dynamically generated product pages landing pages- They have a call to action "add to basket" button, a big photo, and orignal detailed conent- prodct description - below all that. Sometimes I would like to advertise we have a broad selection of a Vendor's line- so then my natural landing page is a categegory page with thumbnail photos and the call to action is clicking the photo or product name to go to the specific product page. Can an experienced adwords person help me understand this better? Do I really want/need to create seperate ppc landing pages? What would the difference be? Thanks as ever Handcrafter

    | stephenfishman

  • I work at a media agency in Denmark and I'm trying to open a Google Places-account for one of our retail-customers which is to be linked to the customers AdWords-account. I created a Places account and via bulk upload I submitted the customers 74 locations. I was then asked to verify my bulk upload, which I did. That's two weeks ago, and I've tried to get help from our Google contact but to little avail. Could the problem be that I am doing the places account on behalf of our customer, and thus when I am asked to verify the upload I supply my own information (contact phone and business name) rather than the customers? Have any of you had a similar experience? Is there an alternate path I can take to solve this?

    | Iumreprise

  • A site I help someone with in link building was recently redesigned. I do not have access to the site in any way. Well, after the redesign, no conversions were tracking in Adwords and Analytics ecommerce tracking showed no transactions and no amounts. I found the Analytics code and sent it to their programmer. I have linked the Adwords and Analytics accounts. So now conversions are tracked in Adwords and transactions are tracked in Analytics. However, amounts have vanished and not returned. I'm not technically savvy enough to figure this out. How do I get this Analytics code to track transaction amounts so that they appear in Adwords and in Analytics ecommerce tracking?

    | DanDeceuster

  • Hi! Does anyone know how to get listed on Bing TV? Who to contact and such... Thanks!!! -Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • Hi People, I wanted to know if anyone knows what typical click through rates of paid vs organic search results are. We seem to be experiencing a very low click through rate with our organic search results versus our adwords and it seems to be getting worse. For example our website ranks 4th for the search phrase "icebreaker" in (and we are the first online retailer). We are the first adwords listing as well. For the past 3 months we have had 867 clicks through our organic listing and yet with adwords we had 14,000 clicks. This seems pretty strange to me. Both have conversion rates of around 5%. Do you think these sorts of stats are becoming the norm for brand based searches? (icebreaker is a merino wool clothing brand). Adwords also says that there were around 125,000 impressions of this phrase in the search network for this period. Which means with a ranking of 4th our click through rate is less than 1%? If anyone else can share their experience or provide some commentary on this it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Conrad Cranfield

    | ConradC

  • Hi, I have (well I though I did have) a well optimised landing page for Google Adwords for the keyword Sonos Play 3, but yet my quality score is 3/10 - 4/10. It has been like this for a while now. You can see the landing page here If you would like to see the Add Content let me know. (attached as an image) I appreciate any and all help I receive. Thank You Rick hdxKq.jpg

    | Lantec

  • After watching today's excellent WBF by Brian on Adwords, I still have a question. At one point do you believe a PPC keyword or adgroup has enough data to make a decision. Brian mentioned 30,000 impressions. I've heard 200 clicks. Is there a concensus or set of rules anyone could recommend as a guideline. I do PPC but it's not a daily focus, and find myself vacillating, and frankly, probably wasting time and money by not having a more defined approach to PPC.

    | DenverKelly

  • what is the best practice for this? Right now everything is under many different passwords and logins, yet conforming them all to one comes with a bunch of loopholes and bumps along the way. Does anyone know how to get a few clients under the same username and password (linking the AdWords and Analytics for each of them)?

    | imageworks-261290

  • I'm so embarrassed I could just spit, but instead I am seeking some friendly advice. I run, a copywriting company. We've been in business for just over a year and have done incredibly well. Of course, we do SEO copywriting but really focus on content marketing as a system for our clients. So last month I got a random call from I remember looking at their site last year but didn't put much thought into it. When they called, my ears perked at the pitch. They could submit our site for ranking and we would only pay if we were found in the top ten. I thought - what the heck, what are the chances my site would rank. I checked them out on opensiteexplorer and saw they had crazy SEO juice so happy times. Then last week I saw the charge on our company credit card, sure enough we had made it to the top ten in SEO copywriting. I was flabbergasted but happy as a clam. So yesterday I check out their site and we were ranked #1 for SEO Copywriting. For about two seconds I was jumping for joy...but after that I got sick to my stomach. In all the chaos with end of year stuff and the holidays I never considered the fact that they didn't take any references. They never evaluated anything. Here we were ranked #1 and they couldn't possibly know anything about us. Not to mention that there are plenty of more established SEO Copywriting companies. I'm starting to freak out... I looked at my "competition" and (ranked #9) doesn't even exist anymore. So I searched for "topseos scam" and found a wealth of info from 2009 and 2010. I feel like such an idiot. We thought we were paying for an evaluation process but I guess we just got hosed for a ludicrous ranking. Now I don't know what to do. I want to hide under a rock. Do I need to worry about losing authority cred for being on this site? Should I tell them to keep the money but take my profile off their site asap? Or should I just keep my head down, see if any leads generate and then make sure to not pay them any additional monies? I was going to ask this privately but if my stupidity can help anybody else avoid these people that would make me feel less like upchucking. Thanks!

    | AmieMarse

  • We are currently running a A/B test on a landing page using only adwords to split the traffic. Looking at the figures in adwords has given us a higher number of conversions than the analytics is giving us in transactions.  The conversion rate is also different. The only visitors this page is getting is from Adwords. Can someone please help us understand why this is? Cheers Al

    | -Al-

  • Hi, I see some Ads on with a yellow stars. I was researching how they are doing this, and just read some topics online about that. And now, i now finally that this Stars are coming from Google Product Reviews on Google Shopping. I don't sell product, i do Financial Consulting, but those ADS on germany doing the same, our product is consulting. I created an Google Merchant Account, and product feed, but i don't know which is the easiest and fastest way to active this option to review the peoples my consulting-product like this one: Can you tell me the steps, from A-Z how to configure all this? Thanks

    | leadsprofi

  • I am looking for an Excel template with Macros that would allow me to drop a column of keywords next to a column of modifiers and it would build out thousands of keywords with a Macro. Can anyone drop their best SEO/SEM Excel template spreadsheet links in the comments?

    | eli-hgm

  • So far here's my algorithm: I will make an excel spreadsheet with all of our currently optimized keywords (about 300 I believe) I will grab all the keywords possible out of the adwords keyword tool I will merge the adwords keyword tool keywords with the 300 on the excel spreadsheet and erase the duplicates. I'll drop what's left over in exact match into a google adwords campaign I'll then use the + modifier with brand names and with two word keywords such as +brand +keywords +here Will this algorithm find all of the keywords, or am I missing something?

    | BobGW

  • So I've been noticing that the "searches" being recorded in Omniture for my paid search campaigns are closer to the total number of clicks that I get on my "search" campaign. However, when I look at the total number of clicks the discrepancy between the two is high...I'm talking 30 to 40% difference.... So I was thinking that perhaps neither Omniture nor Google Analytics really count clicks coming from the "Content Network" as searches or visits? Would anyone agree to this, or does anyone have any other clever ideas? Thanks!! -Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • Hello, In my Adwords Keyword Research (spending $300 to find out any keywords I'm missing using mostly exact match keywords) am I looking for impressions or Click Through Rate, or both? Please explain.

    | BobGW

  • I am trying to find about how much the cost of Pay-Per-Click increases year to year? If anyone can point me to some data/study that speaks to this I would appreciate it very much.

    | JerrodDavid

  • We are always open to new advertising ops and just recieved an email from and I was wondering if anyone else had had experience with this company. Thx

    | Ben-HPB

  • Hello, A long time ago we set up an Adwords campaign for our company on my sister's personal Adwords account. My sister would like us to set up a new account under a business email for the new Adwords keyword research we want to do. Is using a $100 coupon appropriate for our new account? I honestly don't want to use it if it's against Google's policy. And is there anything else I need to keep in mind as far as fees or requirements in setting up a new account and/or using the coupon? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hello, I'm new here, but a HUGE fan of SEOmoz and their working principles. I need someone who would have the same regard for SEOmoz and a healthy respect for safe SEO principles to help me with my monthly clients. Is this the place to post about my need or should I take it to the jobs area? Thanks in advance for your guidance.

    | kbates

  • Hello, At the advice of some knowledgable people around here, we are setting up a $200-$300 Adwords campaign to determine keyword research. Our site is already doing well but we want to make sure we are targeting all the appropriate terms. What do we need to keep in mind in setting up this campaign. I assume we would do some broad match terms with a bunch of negative matching. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I would love to hear what everyone thinks : I wanted to know what people do about seo and ppc when the keywords and industries overlap.

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hi All, I know that when a site is using duplicate content (my content) I can report it to Google and have them removed from the index, contact the hosting provider, etc But I was wondering if there is anything I can do to have Google shutdown their PPC campaign? Thanks!

    | Tug-Agency

  • Does anyone have a suggestion on a very recent Google Adwords book?

    | phogan

  • A competitor of ours is using dynamic keyword insertion for exact urls in our field. I'm not 100% clear on this, but isn't that not allowed in adwords? I am not one that usually turns in a competitor for shady doings, but I'm not sure what to do. Any advice?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • So I've downloaded my 6000 row adwords search term report, and want to analyses brand keywords and variants only....I could do this by brute force, but I'll want to do it again in a month or two. I have a nice regex string which will do the job but can't find a way to implement a solution. Is there a good way to do this? Or is there a better way? Adwords won't let me filter using regex, Excel needs vb setup to use regex  and I've tried the regex in Libre Calc (doesn't return the correct results).

    | k3nn3dy3

  • I hope you're sitting comfortably, this could be a long one and loaded with questions! Cut to the chase:  Why is traffic from google product ads showing as 'organic' traffic in GA? Here's the scenario: Google Shopping I have thousands of products in a feed to google shopping (froogle, google base, google merchant, whatever you like to call it, I'll settle for google shopping for the purpose of this question). The URLs of this feed is tagged with GA tracking data (notably utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=Product-Search), I have also tagged this with internal tracking which comes through in the back-end to assign orders to that specific source.  In this case 'GOOGLEBASE'. Adwords Product Listing Ads As you know, a new (ish) feature of adwords pulls in your products from google shopping so that you get a richer ad (image, title, price) and displays this in the 'advert section' of the SERP. Once setting up a few of these, I noticed I was getting a fair amount of traffic for these new ads, taking one example, which resided in a relatively specific ad group (advertising Aviation Snips). Naturally, I wanted to find out which keywords were driving that traffic in order to improve the ads, or kill them if they weren't working. What was interesting is that I can't find anything about that traffic anywhere in adwords or google analytics.  254 clicks to 'aviation snips' must show up somewhere in analytics, if not the keywords, then what about the product? Analytics is showing nothing like that quantity of visits to those product landing pages where you'd expect.  It's like ghost traffic. Google Analytics Since experimenting with product listing ads the organic traffic in GA has suddenly shot up, looking at the new keywords they are all queries which when I test them show up product listing ads in the SERP so it's obviously the paid listing ads driving this traffic. Why is google reporting these as organic, rather than paid? I also noticed a keyword appear as * in the PAID segment of analytics.  I thought this was my missing aviation snips traffic, but digging into the landing pages for the * keyword, they are many different ones. There's a connection between the * and product listing ads, but what is it? Is the traffic being doubly reported? Back End Meanwhile we've seen an increase for orders tagged in the back-end of GOOGLEBASE which makes sense - google are pulling in my google shopping feed into the paid part of the SERPs and these are generating sales. Here are some of my initial thoughts / theories: 1. When google pulls in google shopping results into the organic part of the SERP, these get reported as ORGANIC in google analytics, even if you've tagged them otherwise.  It seems they strip the tags out.  This makes it very difficult to know if your google shopping feed is working well, or if you are doing well on standard organic traffic. 2. Google isn't separating out traffic as PAID with their new product listing ads, completely skewing the reports.  It makes it look like you've gained great natural organic listings when if fact you are paying. 3. With relation to the missing Aviation Snips data - maybe google is showing a huge variety of products for that adgroup (even though it's specific) and therefore I can't see the traffic to the specific products that you'd expect.  This I'm most confused about and wondered if I've missed a trick in setting the product listing ads up? I've attached a couple of screenshots which I hope will help clarify some of this.  I can see product listing ads being great if you could get proper data to analyse and improve them. So here are my questions again if anyone can help? How do I see which keywords are driving the product listing ads? How do I see the landing pages for the product listings ads? What is the * keyword coming through in GA? How can you get GA to report product listing ads as paid rather than organic? Thank you so much.  If I can gather enough data on this all and work it out I'll try to write up in a blog post to help others. 0rOMM.png GUAE0.png fWPL7.png

    | ewanr

  • Hi There So I was trying out my first FB ads with a client. I see according to FB there were 105 clicks.  But according to google analytics there were only 69 visits.  I am counting visits from and Any reason for this discrepancy, or any tips? Am I missing something? Thanks! 687sfgMVaE 1j56Pm7nD

    | evolvingSEO

  • Hi Mozers, I have question today. I see lot of Serps with rating review on the snippet, good i am reading on google about that, and i placed it on my website and i checked it, through google test tool and it works! My question is: Which type of rating system can i use on Google Adwords? Only shoping rating, or can i use the same rating system of my content and not on any product-shop on google? Can you tell me please! Thanks, Meti.

    | leadsprofi

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