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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • Just as an example, let's say we generate a website lead from John Smith. Can we trace John Smith's activity back through AdWords or Analytics to see exactly where he came from and (with AdWords for example) what keyword he typed in before clicking our ad and converting? Thanks for the help!

    | RickyShockley

  • Hi Moz Folks, I'm new here and am loving all the information! Can't wait to dig in more. Folks, I have a situation and would love to hear more about your experiences here and what advice you all have to give. I have a client whose SEO I helped out with about 4-5 years ago. It went well and they had historically been ranking on pages 1-2 for the majority of their targeted keywords. Client and I lost touch over the years, but now we are in process of working together again. What I learned today is that my client redesigned the entire old site without placing any redirects and entirely creating new URL structures (I already hear the gasps of air of those reading this). Long story short - you guessed it - rankings/traffic has dropped and the old pages have fallen out of index. Considering that I was hired to re-do and re-audit the SEO of the site and also considering that the domain had a relative decent standing in the rankings in the past, I'm wondering what exactly I should do of the following options (or please do suggest other options): 1. We have the ability to completely revert back to the old site with all the old keywords and and search optimized URLs. The new site was launched just 2 weeks ago and the owner has said that he is willing to revert back to the old site while we audit the new site and get all of the proper optimizations in place. This would be a great option if it will help us because at least we can get a site up that we know ranked well with Google in the past. 2. 302 redirect the old URLs to the somewhat appropriate page on the new site while - in the meantime - I work on the new site structure and keywords/SEO optimizations. I say 302 because a 301 redirect from the old pages to the new pages may only do me so good because I would plan on changing the keywords/URL structures of the new site anyway. Once finished with the optimizations, I'd then 301 redirect to the new appropriate pages 3. 301 redirect everything from the old site to the somewhat appropriate page on the new site right away. Then, once I've completed all the appropriate optimizations, I'd need to re-301-redirect to the new pages I've created. As you can see, I'm in a bit of a jam. But, considering that the new site was launched just about 2 weeks ago, maybe there's some hope here. Thanks fellow Mozzers! Hopefully that all makes sense. Cheers!
    Nickname: "P-drama"

    | pfarsaii

  • Hi, I've been involved in a major ecommerce site relaunch, redesign and backend and have been involved in several successful ones before. On the whole things have gone great. Of course there are some minor bugs to fix, rendering issues etc but my real concern is a significant decline in conversion rate BUT only for IE and Edge users. All other major browsers conv rate has increased. Trawling through analytics and the site itself in those browsers there is no obvious sticking points e.g bounce rate has improved on all browser inc IE & Edge, no particular point in the funnel is suffering more than others, no particular page or landing page is doing much worse than others etc. it just seems like all the kpi's (except bounce) are down a little on the 2 microsoft browsers, which has a significant impact. One of the things that changed on relaunch is that we moved to https and im wondering if that might be causing an issue with IE / Edge security or privacy settings or that functionality on the site that relies on cookies is being affected, though in testing we haven't come across anything. I'd appreciate any advice or insight. Thanks, Andy

    | AndyMacLean

  • Tracking conversions via phone call can be challenging. The Adwords phone ads only register a conversion if someone clicks on the phone number from their mobile phone. In many cases a landing page on a website has a lead/contact form AND a phone number displayed. The user calling that number would not be registered as a conversion unless you setup multiple virtual forwarding phone numbers for prominent keywords, ad groups and/or campaigns. This can be costly for smaller advertisers. Has anyone done or know of any empirical data on the average percentage of leads generated via phone call versus online form on a landing page. I know it can vary from business type to business type (and the form layout itself will have a modest effect.) More specifically I'm interested in the professional business services industry such as Engineering, Surveying, Commercial Real Estate, Accounting, etc. So for example if you conversion rate for online form submission on a landing page is 3%, and your phone number is prominently displayed, what would be a realistic ballpark estimate for the actual conversion rate including phone calls? 25% more? 50% more? Double? "Ballpark" is the keyword here.  Just seeing if anyone has measured this and what their results were.

    | JCCMoz

  • Hi, 1.Can someone explain me with an example what is "The weighted number of conversions under the custom selected attribution model"? How Analytics calculate it? 2. If I increase e.g social source for 1.4 in my attribution model, my organic or direct source are loosing that weighted number of conversions. Could it be because of organic or direct getting lower credit, or for some other reason? Ty. Br.

    | Tormar

  • Does anyone of you has some good and advanced custom attribution model for sharing or some advanced use case? I have over 1000 campaigns per month from all sources and I don't know how optimise them? Most of my adwords campaigns have impressions share close to 100%.

    | Tormar

  • Do any of you know meaning of "weighted number of conversions" in attribution models? How google analytics calculate it? Any example? Thank you.

    | Tormar

  • Howdy, folks. So, Everyone knows that we can create custom Facebook audience with all the filters, interests and behaviors and see what audience "consist of" in FB audience insights. That's all nice and dandy, but here is my situation: So, I "build" the audience the best way I can, run the ad, have, let's say average results. Theoretically (especially if audience is broad), I would be able to get better results if I was able to see which segment (by interests or behaviors) of targeted audience performed best. And then run another ad to narrowed down audience. But, as far as I understand and know, there is no way to do that. FB reporting only provides breakdowns on age, gender, location, devices and couple more things. So, is there way to get that data? P.S. If I'm still confusing, here are couple examples: I run ad for audience who have interest in football OR meat OR potatoes (let's say because I sell meat and potatoes dish for football players :D). So, is there way for me to find out which interest group performed best without running three separate a/b/c test campaigns (imagine if i have 20 "OR" interests)? I run ad for audience of male, between 22-44 age. Is there way to find out which interests group in this audience performed best?

    | DmitriiK

  • We are looking to setup conversion tracking for an Ad on Facebook. Upon selecting the Ad objective as a conversion, the pixel code is eventually provided. However, we are unsure, do we put this pixel code in: In the head tags of the header.php of our Wordpress website In the head tags of the page where a conversion is recored (i.e. the Thank You page of our website)? If it is the second option, is there a Wordpress plugin that will enable this to be easily done? Thank you for helping us clarify this!

    | Gavo

  • Hello Everyone, Currently within Google Analytics, I have a mostly unfiltered view and several goals setup. One of my goals is tracking the download of an eBook (setup to track visits to the 'success' page of the download). At the moment (as I understand it), that tracks "TOTAL" goal completions. So, if the same user/person downloads the eBook twice, I will see 2 goal completions. What I'm trying to figure out is how to generate a report or view or something that tells me how many "unique" users have downloaded the eBook. Is this possible to do? And, can I do it using past data or do I have to setup a new filter that would only track unique users going forward? Thanks in advance.

    | Elite-Rob

  • We are new to amazon. When i was creating a listing, there are alot of fields you can type your keywords in, and each field you can type up to 2000 letters. I have also seen people built up a really long title. So what is amazon looking at?

    | ringochan

  • Hey all, I have GTM set up on a site and I am trying to enable the Ecommerce tracking functionality. My problem is this, I have access to the basket variables all they way through the checkout funnel to the payment page, but they are then lost on the payment completed page. Does anyone know how I can pass the value of the basket across to the payment completed page so I can mark the transaction completed with an actual value present. I cannot post hidden input fields or change the url get variables as the third party system that us used fails. I have thought maybe javascript calls, but not managed to get to work as yet. Can the Google session pass and hold them in the cookies that are set? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers Tim

    | TimHolmes

  • If I have funnel with more options on same step. E.g. PDP (product detail page) --> "Sign in page A" or "Sign in page B" (customer can choose) --> "Thank you page" How can I track both options in same funnel? Because if I set funnel in analytics like: 1. step: PDP, 2. step: Sign in page A and step 3: Thank you page -->
    I would see "Sign in page B" like exit page, but it is not, because customers can choose and come through A or B "sign in" page. Pls help. Ty. 🙂

    | Tormar

  • I'm very confident it is.  But I'm looking for a study I can use to tell my conservative bosses that if we replace the button with an email entry field and button, we'll improve conversion greatly. If anyone has a link to a study on how much you can further improve clickthrough by having an overlay form appear, I'd appreciate that as well. Joel

    | JoelA

  • Hi, I'm considering devoting either my time to or jobbing out an adwords audit. The account has about a dozen campaigns and in total about 60 ad groups, 15 landing pages. About 6000 clicks and about 450 lead gen conversions. Conversions are phone and thank you page. The account involves search, display and retargeting. Client is looking for actionable insights about both the account and the landing pages, prioritized, in order to lower cost per lead. Here are my questions: How many hours of work? How extensive of a deliverable is the result? What might this cost if I hired a knowledgeable individual (not a big firm)? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • My client sells 4-wheelers, motorcycles, UTV's, Boats, Jet Skis, etc. They have a live chat box that pops up on average 1.66 times per session and is automatic (does not require the user to click any button) Based on our analytics I am recommending we disable this feature but I want to hear from other professional data-driven marketers. I'm just looking for professional opinions on this strategy. Here are your options: Love Live Chat Pop Ups Hate Live Chat Pop Ups Don't Care/Undecided Let the Data Decide Thank you in advance! mCjeiouqH1

    | jws8118

  • On a Facebook page I manage it has been noticed or atleast argued that the more you spend on a boost for a specific day the less conversion it makes. for example: spending 10 euro/dollars on a boost would give: 160 likes, 6 comments, but by spending 40 euro/dollars would give nearly the same: 170 likes, 7 comments we have run this a few times with similar outcomes.. Any ideas or did you have a similar outcome?


  • I'm dealing with an old adwords account that has been managed by a wide variety of people over many years. From what I can tell, the account has always struggled with low kw quality scores. In addition to other quality score improvements (SKAGs, better landing pages, more ad testing for CTR), what do you think of throwing in the towel on this account and starting a new adwords account... importing the better part of the old account? Any hidden pitfalls I should be aware of and precautions to take or is it all opportunity to start fresh? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • How do you find out what are the emotional triggers of your audience? Is there a prevalent methodology? I am familiar with, and I practice persona building, and logic deduction of what may trigger and what may represent a barrier for that persona. But sometimes it's hard, for certain products which have no sex appeal it's hard to figure out. Let's say you are in the business of selling heaters/boilers online, it's tough to find any emotional factor in boiler product/vendor selection. A well defined methodology would help, I just don't find any.

    | max.favilli

  • Good Morning, We recently revamped and relaunched our ecommerce website and we believe we have built a great site that is easy to navigate, find what you're looking for, get all details, and purchase. We were hoping to get some of the Moz community to take a look at the site and let us know if you have any suggestions on usability or conversion techniques that we could implement to improve user experience and amount of orders placed. You can view our site here Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks in advance

    | Prime85

  • Hi guys! Do you have any suggestion about articles about how to work with conversions and SEO from a C-level perspective? I know it is very open question, but there might be articles like ( that are great and written on this subject. Could you please share if you have any examples? I'm thinking for these perspectives: What knowledge and insight does a management team need to take control and drive the SEO and CRO related work (from a executive level)? How do the management team connect business strategy and goals with the SEO and CRO area? Have a great day!

    | OscarSE

  • My company is a commercial real estate agency in New York City that helps businesses acquire office space. We are thinking of running a PPC campaign on Google Adwords. However our targeted keywords can cost up to $30 each. Perhaps we can spend $2,000 to $3,000 per month. Is there any way to predict if this campaign would be cost effective? If only 1 out of 15 site visitors generated by the PPC campaign contacts our firm, and one out of ten of those is a viable prospect, and we close with one out of five of those, it would mean that it would cost 750 clicks per transaction. If an average click is $20, that means that we would need to spend $15,000 per transaction. Our average commission is $20,000. So this is very marginal. Is my calculation overlooking something? A few keywords we would be competing on are the following: Manhattan office space rates
    Manhattan office space for lease
    Rental office Manhattan
    Midtown office space for rent
    Office space for lease nyc I might ad that we are competing against huge companies like Loopnet, Weworks,  Regus, and several large real estate brokerages and landlords. Also, many of PPC visitors are running office space like searches when they are looking for shared executive office suites with very short term leases. This is not our market, we are seeking tenants that need their own demised space for a lease term of at least 3 years. Is there any way PPC can filter out clicks so we don't pay for visits from the executive office suite market? The site that we would be marketing is Thanks,
    Alan Rosinsky

    | Kingalan1

  • For example, let's say someone enters via a landing page, and instead of having a form there is a button to a form. What percentage of people will click the button and fill out the form vs if the form was right there on the page? Basically, I am trying to figure out what percentage of users do websites lose for every click a user makes on the site.

    | Firestarter-SEO

  • Hi fello SEOs. I've been working for a large UK artificial grass company since last November. They we're converting badly but ranked no.1 for the keyword artificial grass. Now they convert well but have slipped down to 18. That's one hell of a drop!!! The website is But; Before I came on board they had their main .com website with about 25 subdomains for each major city in the UK. I switched that in February 2016 to sub folders and the rankings for "artificial grass" have drastically dropped in the SERPs but they now have many more pages being indexed by Google. I'm simply lost at what has happend. Am I trying too hard to rank or is there a problem that I''m not seeing. Many of the pages have great grades and scores with MOZ, most in the 90's so the on-page SEO doesn't seem to be a problem. I'm wondering if there is something that I'm not seeing. HELP!!!!

    | SeoSheikh

  • Has anybody used a Facebook Shop for ecommerce? Had a client get contacted by a company pitching that to them the other day, and the most recent research I've been able to dig up about it is from way back in 2012. Just wondering if it's worth looking into. Thanks!

    | ChaseMG

  • Hi all! I know that we can use conversion tracking in analytics to track form submissions by source, but when a specific form comes through for someone (say Susan Smith) who messaged us looking for info about product there a way to connect the data so I can figure out exactly which source brough Susan specifically? Using Wordpress websites FYI. Thanks, Ricky

    | RickyShockley

  • I have been running a content experiment for a short while now and GA has just ended it saying it cannot determine a winner. Looking at the images (links below), without any form of analysis I can already see a pattern of greater success in Variation 1. It ended with a 93% probability of outperforming the original yet the content experiment ended with no winner. Does this mean the 95% confidence threshold I set should've been lowered? Ultimately I'm going to choose this as my winner but why didn't GA push it as the winner? Is there something I am missing? Image 1 - Showing e-commerce performance (objective of split test was transactions) Image 2 - Showing conversions  (same split test, same objective, just different report) Your thoughts and comments will be appreciated.

    | OptiBacUK

  • Good day to all, I do have game download website (Works like Google Play and Steam) and currently working on the deposit page which is payable by fund transfer and Paypal. The thing is I do not have a confirmation page that I can use to track all incoming successful and unsuccessful conversions for this deposit page. My question is, which is better to use for this kind of tracking a goal in Google Analytics? Are we going to use a virtual page or and event tracking method? How can I track users that visit the deposit page that weren't able to do a deposit attempt? Thanks for answering this question. Have a good day ahead.

    | Francis.Magos

  • Hi guys, I've been struggling trying to find average conversion rates for qualified traffic (e.g. PPC) for lead generation/phone calls in the B2B  services(non- SaaS) environment. I know that it varies depending on the industry, but having at least an idea would help us a lot. Any information you can provide would be very valuable. Thanks a lot.

    | anagentile

  • I have a user, Jane, who comes to my landing page through an AdWords campaign.  She click off my landing page, browses the website, then submits a contact form on one of the other pages on the site. My problem is when I receive the email from the contact form, there is no identification that this user came through adwords.  If she had submitted the contact form on my landing page this wouldn't be a problem, but she submitted the form from elsewhere on the site. I know that I can see a NUMBER of how many goal conversions were achieved this way in Analytics. This is not what I want.   I need something to identify it on the CONTACT FORM so that the intake staff in my office can credit that lead to the correct campaign. Any idea on how to achieve this.  Technically, I am using the latest version of Wordpress and the Contact Form 7 plug-in.  I can change plug-ins if needed.

    | McShaneFirm

  • I'm using Google Analytics on and would like to track the source of leads submitted via form submissions. Ideally, I could track if the lead originated from organic search (and what keyword phrase), PPC, referral links, etc. Is this possible with Google Analytics and if so, can anyone point to some documentation on how to do this or better yet someone who can help me set this up? This site is running ASP.NET and uses JQuery so there is not a 'traditional' thank you page that I can reference. I'm not a programmer and do not pretend to be one! Thanks in advance. Link

    | LinkMoser

  • Good Morning Moz, Wanted to pose a question to the community that our company has been wrestling with internally for a while now. I think your insights would be tremendously valuable. Our company effectively has two business units, one that is online and one that is offline. Each appeals to a different customer base as well. In one business unit, the larger, more offline and better established of the two, we refer to ourselves as a "manufacturer of high end automobiles" (not true, but using as an example). We've carried this through to the other business unit which is very small, web-based, and growing, but have quickly realized that the majority of would-be customers do not search for "automobiles", they search for "cars." And the keyword volume is night and day. On the order of 5000 searches/mo for automobiles, and 1,000,000 searches/mo for cars (again, not true for these example keywords but this is the actual ratio against our real keywords). So, do we optimize heavily against a lesser known and used keyword, or do we try to target "cars" which sees higher search volume even though it's significantly more competitive? We have this problem with a few different branded keywords, actually, and our search performance reflects as much. If someone were to search for these lesser known keywords they would find us, and we rank well. But the volume isn't there. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

    | J-Me

  • In 2016 we are doing a massive paid search reset (conversion point: a high involvement purchase), I wanted to get the community's feedback on how long it makes sense to run with our campaigns and make smaller tweaks, versus launching something new? So in other words, if we aren’t seeing the results we want with a campaign, at what point does it make sense to re-evaluate and end the campaign/trying something new instead of optimizing the existing campaign?   In analytics, in most cases there didn’t seem to me much of a runout period on the conversion points, as conversions appeared to be happening within days.

    | Blue_Compass

  • Hi. If I set an ad in Facebook, I can obviously track visits, conversions and so on from that ad and see if they where mobile or desktop. However, how do I, if possible track a mobile visitor who the converts on a desktop? Eg. I go on XXX Facebook Ad on my mobile whilst in work, look around. Like what I see. Then I go home from work, open my laptopn and go on XXX website and send an email enquiry form in. Is this possible to track? Thanks

    | YNWA

  • Hi all! I'm trying to create a rich snippet that shows the bitcoin's price in the SERP title.
    I've already seen this in the search result of "bitstamp". I've added a screenshot so as you can see what I'm saying. Also i'd like you to recommend me some rich snippet preview that supports extract data from an API. This is my first Q&A, hope you can understand me 🙂 Bye 60abdb6537.JPG

    | Gaston Riera

  • What is the best process to track conversions/visits in Google Analytics when running an email campaign that links to both a sub-domain and then the main domain? To elaborate further, we have an email marketing campaign that directs users to a subdomain (e.g. within the subdomain we include our products. Once a user clicks on the promos, they are taken to our main website (e.g What is the best process to track conversions from this email campaign that leads users to the sub-domain first, then to the main site (where the conversions take place)? We have URL tagging in the Email Campaign - but not able to see the true conversions show up in Analytics on the main site. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

    | SEO5Team

  • Hi guys, In trying to add the rating stars extensions to my ads but i have 0 knowledge on this. I triad to so it through the Google plus account, but its not working. Any good instruction on how i can add it to the ads ? Any help are welcome! Thx

    | EdmondHong87

  • Howdy Moz Community, I'm working on a financial product and looking for best practises or case studies on how to make people submit lots of personal/sensitive data which are needed for making calculations. Do you have any technical, UX, CRO etc. experiences how to guide people through of that 10-20 minute long process? Your help is much appreciated! Thanks! Your help is much appreciated! Thanks!

    | csanadbanhegyi

  • Hi guys, I'm looking for online course for PPC & Google analytics... I'm not looking something for starter and im not looking for something
    that you can find on YouTube...I'm talking about super advanced...The best of the best! Anyone know something like this ? Thx

    | EdmondHong87

  • Hi I work on an ecommerce site and wondered if anyone had tested grid view vs. list view on product listing pages? We use list view, but I think grid view might work better. Thanks

    | BeckyKey

  • Hey Moz Community! I've been digging into the differences between server-side testing and client-side testing and had a generic question. Is it safe to run server-side A/B testing? For example, if I want to Split Test the home page of a site and show 50% of my traffic one home page, and show 50% of my traffic a completely different (read: new template, new content, new CTAs, etc) home page, are there any implications to SEO and organic search? I've spent about five hour researching and from what I can find A/B testing is acceptable as long as you don't show Googlebot different content or run A/B tests on Googlebot. Matt Cutts, head of Webspam at Google, has stated that A/B testing does not impact search rankings. "A/B or split testing or other forms of testing web sites is okay by Google as long as you don't test GoogleBot or don't treat GoogleBot differently." The biggest concerns for SEO cloaking, so from my understanding, for server-side testing, you'd need to do user-agent based redirection so that Googlebot (or any search bot) gets the normal version of the home page. The bots shouldn't be part of the test. Technically that is cloaking, but intention-wise, we're not trying to be sneaky. I've also read through this article about experimentation from Google developers here. Am I missing anything here or is there a definitive answer? If we serve a “B” as a different site for user testing, just exclude google bot by user-agent and we’re good? THANKS!

    | andrewmeyer

  • One of my clients recently had his site redesigned. He wanted to change the design completely, I did offer advice on aspects relating to the redesign, I think its fair to say that he didn't follow all of my advice. PPC still running as usual and rankings still OK but the leads have gone down. Most of the leads come via the phone. I have suggested a number of ways to establish what has gone wrong including surveying his existing customers, comparing old and new designs etc...The client isn't keen on these methods. I'm hoping someone has some direct experience and can offer some direction as to how best to proceed? Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • When looking through my old research on Meta's came across this article on Search Engine Land where Matt Cutt's stated... "In fact, Matt said for his own blog, he doesn’t bother to make meta descriptions for his own site. In short, it is better to let Google auto-create snippets for your pages versus having duplicate meta descriptions."( Recently, I have seen Google continuously play around with my metas, pulling from some really weird places on the page, discrediting the meta that I have there..and more-or-less really f them up.. Does the community think that maybe what Matt said in 2013 still holds weight and we are just wasting time with metas since Google does what they want in that space anyways?

    | GoAbroadKP

  • Hey everyone! I run the marketing for an ecommerce marketplace and we're doing good on the SEO front of things, with 60%+ of our traffic coming in via search and we're ranking for some competitive keywords. I'm really curious about the conversion rate though. Despite intensive googling, I've not been able to find a rough benchmark for conversion rates. Our conversion rate is about 1.2%, increasing as we continue to do more optimization work with regards to the site's usability. While we track other forms of conversions, the 1.2% conversion rate is for bookings through the site, which is our main source of revenue. Does anyone have a reference guide for conversion rates, particularly for ecommerce marketplaces? I'd like to know if we're doing ok or really bad, and also to take reference from other similar sites to improve our conversion. Thanks!!

    | NgEF

  • We’re promoting our sub-page it's on our homepage under the slideshow so I need to see how many people went to the homepage, then went to this page, and then converted (enquired or booked.) What I can’t see is how many people did that. I know how to look up how many people landed on that page and then converted, but I need to know how many people navigated there and then converted. Is that possible? I can only see Goal Completions if I look at that page as a landing page, but that only presents a very slim view of the total visits when compared to those pages generally. Any way to check the entire behavior or activities happening through this page i.e. /flights/london?

    | flightcentre20

  • the product pages of my ecommerce site contain schema markup. 
    according to rich snippet tool from google all looks fine and properly formatted
    however in the SERP google shows the last rating in the snippet instead of the aggregate rating. any idea how to show the aggregate ratings? URL: below extract of schema code as recognized by the rich snippet tool: Product name:adorini Triest Deluxe Rosewood Humidor image: description:High-quality multiple ..... brand [Organization]: name:Adorini offers [Offer]: price:141 priceCurrency:GBP availability: aggregateRating [AggregateRating]: worstRating:1 ratingValue:4.5 bestRating:5 ratingCount:460 review [Review]: description:It 's my first .... reviewRating [Rating]: ratingValue:4 worstRating:1 bestRating:5 author [Thing]: name:Alessandro M review [Review]: description:excellent ... reviewRating [Rating]: ratingValue:5 worstRating:1 bestRating:5

    | lcourse

  • Hi Have a questions. We have lots of products on the website. A lot have reviews and some do not.
    Is it harming that review dates (post dates) are older then let's say 1-2 months? Cause we do not have fresh reviews every month. So is it better to then let the dates behind and not show? Or is it better to show 'old' dates. How important are fresh review dates on the website? We have hreview tags around the reviews and dates.

    | RetailClicks

  • Hi all, We're running an eCommerce site and are using Moz to track our organic results i primarily we are using the Rank tracker and On page analysis tools. One strange issue that we experience on our website is sales dropping from one day to the next unexplainably (to us anyway). For example, one day (could be any day of the week or weekend) we'll make £1,000 of sales, the next £200 - the following might be back up to £1,000. I've tried looking for patterns in traffic, but oddly even on the days when we have poor sales we still tend to have almost as much traffic. We also use adwords, which account for about 50% of sales - on some of the poor days our spend on adwords is down, on others it's not. If the spend is down I could make a fair assumption that our competitors are playing around with their bids. I'm interesting in trying to determine why we have such irregular sales patterns. If they dropped 10/20% I could quite easily put it down to any number of factors - even the weather for example, however drops of 80/90% seem strange. I don't really know where to look for the answers - my first thought was that on the poor days I should check whether our organic rankings had dropped significantly overnight - but the Moz Rank Tracker only updates once per week, so perhaps there is an alternative way someone could suggest? I'd be really interested to hear from any of you that might have been through similar struggles, or, have some ideas that might help us get to the bottom of the fluctuation in sales. Thanks in advance for your time. Kind regards,

    | SimplyPlastic

  • Hi everyone, Description of test: We're a lead gen site trying to add more value by providing users with real, live quotes after they submit a lead. However, we don't want showing the quotes to tank our lead conversion rates. So we're running a test where 50% of leads see quote results and 50% don't, and we compare the lead conversion rates for each. The best possible outcome is to show that showing the quotes DIDN'T negatively affect conversion rates. My issue: When do we conclude the test? In the end, we're hoping to see that the change didn't cause a statistically significant difference between the control and version B, which is the opposite of every other test I've ever run. So, at what point do we conclude that the changes in version B didn't have a significant effect on lead conversions? Currently the control is doing 5% better than the variation with a p-value of .379

    | ted-zarceczny

  • I am trying to understand why my women fashion site has a very low conversion, basically zero apart from some occasional sales (last one a few months ago) There is a lack of organic traffic the to shop subdomain, but what worries me is that (email/social media) campaigns to existing clients who happily buy repeatedly from our brick and mortar store do not generate results, despite using promotion codes etc. Before investing heavily in PPC campaigns etc, I'd like to improve conversion.  Any advice on what can be improved ? PD: link can be found in my profile.

    | J-S

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