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Category: Local Website Optimization

Considering local SEO and its impact on your website? Discuss website optimization for local SEO.

  • My website, used to appear on the first page of my "locally" searched terms on  Specifically, when users searched for "wedding invitations", we would appear between 1-3 on the rankings. Sadly, I "ignored warnings" of making my site "mobile friendly" for too long, and only recently made drastic changes to my site to get it to "mobile friendly" status. So, I've fallen far in the SERP, down to the dreaded second page, for my keyword search: "wedding invitations". The "mobile friendly" version of my site has been up and running for about 1 month now.  My site's home/index page has a PR3, compared to all the other sites that have leaped frogged mine are all at PR1. Does anybody know the likelihood that my site will ever see the page 1 daylight again? 😞  Or has Google Penalized my rankings 😞 Very much appreciated any help the community can provide!

    | TysonWong

  • Hi, I would be grateful if someone could point me in the direction of a web developer who can work and resolve the following issues on my website. The website is coded in HTML5 Remove Duplicate content as per Moz crawl reports Remove 404 errors  as per Moz crawl reports Clean Code according to tool Resolve Site load speed issues as per Google Page Speed Insights Adopt on adding metadata to site Also Adopt Facebook Open Graph on adding metadata to site

    | 7195b

  • How do I set up these sites so that they will not be negatively affecting their SEO efforts? I have 2 businesses with the  same owner. Business A manufactures nurse call systems and Business B installs them. They are run separately with two websites. The content is very similar because the business that installs them describes the different products on their website. These are the two sites: and , My thought was on when you click on the nav link "Nurse Call Systems" you would be directed to the intercell website. Would this be the best method? Thank you for your  help!

    | renalynd27

  • Hey Guys,  Thanks for taking the time out to read my question, I appreciate it. I know Google doesn't treat all duplicate content the same, but what about this scenario. We have a garage door company franchise that services Seattle, San Diego, & Salt Lake City. It is the same brand, but each area has a different website, catering to their own county. Say I write & post a blog about "how to maintain your garage door" to the Seattle site. This is certainly useful for the other locations as well. So would I get penalized for posting the same article to San Diego & Salt Lake City without massively changing the content to avoid duplication?   Or should I dedicate the extra time to revamp the content and avoid duplication? Does Google care about this type of duplication? Thanks in advance!!

    | dwayne.jones26

  • My agency handles digital marketing for about 80 Window World stores, each with separate sites. For the most part, the content across all of these sites is the exact same, though we have slowly but surely been working through getting new, unique content up on some of the top pages over the past year. These pages include resource pages and specific product pages. I'm trying to figure out the best temporary solution as we go through this process. Previously, we have tried to keep the pages we knew were duplicates from indexing, but some pages have still managed to slip through the cracks during redesigns. Would canonicals be the route to go? (do keep in mind that there isn't necessarily one "original version," so there isn't a clear answer as to which page/site all the duplicated pages should point to) Should we just continue to use robots.txt/noindex for all duplicate pages for now? Any other recommendations? Thanks in advance!

    | TriMarkDigital

  • I have a concrete contractor that I do a site for. He has many reviews from Home Advisor. So I created a Structured Data Markup using HTML5\. I put the the AggregateReview near the bottom of the About Us page at []( Question 1: Should I also put the AggregateReview on the home page, or on specific project pages. Question 2: How will Google use the data now if the About page is NOT searched or displayed in SERPs. Does Google display this markup when and where they want to? Question 3: Siince this is a Local Business, should I embed the AggregateReview within the LocalSearch tag. I passed the Google test as it is for the Aggregate Review! But I have the review wrapped in the HomeAndConstructionBusiness tag. Here is the code: ""> # Quality Workmanship w 50 Yrs Experience ""> 4.37 stars-based on 54 reviews at [""](<a) target="_blank">Home Advisor ""> 10005 Fair Lane <spam itemprop="addresslocality" union=""></spam> IL 60180 (847) 364 0161 [""](<a)>Contact Us Price Range: All Jobs Custom; Call for Quote or Visit Web Site Would appreciate any help. This markup is so vague, I can see why few people are using it. Maybe you should do a Video training or extended training on how to's. Vernon Wanner 815-332-8062

    | VernonWanner

  • Hi Community! I'm starting a website that is going to have content from various countries and in several languages. What is the best URL structure in this case? I was thinking of doing something like: english name of the plant, content in english, content for USA: spanish name of the plant, content in spanish, content for MX: english name of the plant, content in english, content for MX:
    this content is not the same as flowerpedia/flowers/red-roses Content for Mexico would not exist in languages other than english and spanish. So for example: would not exist and it would redirect
    to the english version: What would be the best URL structure in this case?

    | phiber

  • Most of my clients consist of single entity law firms in which my clients repeatedly use the pronoun "I" to describe every service they provide. I have always preferred using the business name The Law Office of..." put lawyer name here". Is it ok to repetitively use the pronoun "I" in the content. To me it feels lack luster and childish not very professional, however I have a hard time convincing the lawyers of this. What are your thoughts? Can good content be written with the repetitive use of "I"? If not is the business name sufficient or maybe another pronoun? I will be showing responses to my clients if that is ok.

    | donsilvernail

  • Hi there Moz Community, I work with a client (a car dealership), that mostly serves an area within 50-100 miles at most from their location. A previous SEO company had built a bunch of comparison pages on their website (i.e. 2016 Acura ILX vs. Mercedes-Benz C300). These pages perform well in their backyard in terms of engagement metrics like bounce rate, session duration, etc. However, they pull in traffic from all over the country and other countries as well. Because they really don't have much of an opportunity to sell someone a car across the country that a customer could easily buy at their local dealership, anyone from outside their primary marketing area typically bounces. So, it drags down their overall site metrics plus all of the metrics for these pages. I imagine searchers from outside their primary sales area are seeing their location and saying "whoah that's far and not what I'm looking for." I tried localizing the pages by putting their city name in the title tags, meta descriptions, and content, but that doesn't seem to really be getting rid of this traffic from areas too far away to sell a car to. My worry is that the high bounce rates, low time on site, and general irrelevancy of these pages to someone far away are going to affect them negatively. So, short of trying to localize the content on the page or just deleting these pages all together, I'm not quite sure where to go from here. Do you think that having these high bouncing pages will hurt them? Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks!

    | Make_Model

  • Hi There, My one Website gets hacked Again and Again, I had Reset  Many times ,But again, Also generating unnecessary URLs to My website in Webmaster tools, Can anyone Help Me To Solve This Problem please? please help, thx in advance,

    | nupuriepl

  • Greetings All, My law office features many pages with what are essentially directory listings (names, addresses, and phone numbers of places, agencies, organizations that clients might find helpful). Am I correct in assuming that using schema for each of these listings might cause confusion for search engines? In other words, are search engines looking for schema on pages or sites to tell them only about the company running that page or site, or do search engines appreciate schema markup to tell them about all the pieces of content on the pages or that site?

    | micromano

  • Hello guys, I'm working on a plan of local SEO for a client that is managing over 50 local stores. At the moment all the stores are sharing the same URL address and wanted to ask if it s better to build unique pages for each of the stores or if it's fine to go with all of them on the same URL. What do you think? What's the best way and why? Thank you in advance.

    | Noriel

  • Hi, I work for a marquee company and have recently been really trying to optimise our SEO through good content, link building, social media especially google + and so on. Yet a rival  ( who performs worse than us for the majority of the moz parameters still ranks better than us in both organic search and google places. The clear and obvious factor they beat us on is internal links which is currently over 15,000 which seems ridiculous for the size of their site, compared to our site of about 120. Would this have that match of an effect on the rankings and how on earth have they got so many? Also is there any tips and advice to help us leap frog them as we feel, we're producing regular, useful content and optimised our site the best we can? website: keywords: marquee hire dorset, marquee dorset, dorset marquee hire, wedding marquee hire

    | crazymoose78


    | brianvest

  • Hi there, I do SEO for the page I improved the subsite to receive an A grade by the on-page grader for the words Bewerbungsfotos Freiburg. However when searching for Bewerbungsfotos Freiburg it is not the subsite that shows  up but the main page This however get an F in the on-page grader. What should I do to improve the ranking? I do not care which one shows up but I think it should be feasible to get under the top 3. a) Should I improve also the main page for the keywords? I think than I am building an internal concurrence to the subsite which is maybe rather bad. b) Should I place a del canonical on the main site referring to the subsite? c) ??? Thanks for your answers Best regards Marc

    | RWW

  • So, a little history here, my site is 10 years old, each year I do a theme change to keep things fresh. Over time the site has gone from static html/php to wordpress optimized with yoast seo. I target the area of college station texas mainly but have had clients find me from california to australia. My site has a DA of 26 and a PA of 36 for the homepage and the internal pages range pretty wide.i've tried to go after local keywords since I know that I'm still optimizing for the base keywords even if I can't rank high for them. I have trimmed down some content over the years and used 301 redirects where needed. I try to keep my landing pages above 800 words and for blogs I try to go for 2000+ words. I have my nap with microdata on the site and this matches my info on google places/google+, facebook, and several other sites including the moz local sites. I do not list a physical address but have my business listed as a service that goes to the client. I mainly offer web design services so my keywords are items such as "web design college station tx". For a long time my site was typically the #1 to #3 spot. This was before the personalized results and when that rolled out I was typically still on the first page when using a private window or a remote checking site. My traffic has been pretty bad, in the early days it was typically around 75-100 a day but not I'm lucky to get between 7-12 visits a day. most of these tend to be for software I sell and not for my design services. I have several social signals on my pages but I don't have a consistent social media or blog posting schedule. I've never been victim to a manual penalty and I keep tabs on my backlinks and my competitors but I'm at a loss here as to how to beat out my competition. I'm considering creating pages for each local market and doing original content for each but I've never seen much result from this in the past. I'm also considering doing facebook ads as well. Any ideas on this?

    | spyke01

  • Hello and thanks for reading! We have a bit of a rare issue, where we are a nationwide distributor but have a local side that handles all tristate area requests, the sales that happen via local basically don't impact the online side, so we're trying to not focus on local SEO but in a sense worry about abroad local SEO. We want to try the location based service pages, but not for every state, at most 5 states and inside those pages target 2 to 3 big cities. Is this a waste of time to even think about or is this something that can be done with a careful touch?

    | Deacyde

  • Our company has locations in several different cities, and we're in the process of creating landing pages for each city that feature relevant information. We use Drupal, fwiw. In the past, we've talked about trying to include a local weather widget, a news widget, or something similar as a way to help improve our local rankings for each area. Have you used anything like that? What did you find to be effective? Can you recommend anything similar? Thanks!

    | ScottImageWorks

  • Hey Gang, Thank you in advance for taking some time out of your day to read/comment on this. I really am thankful for this awesome community. SO, I just took over a locksmith client with over 20 different locations all up and down the west coast. They have some of their Google My Businesses ranking in the snap three. But most of them are not even close. The SEO that they had done was very 2012 and very messy. They have the name of the cities in their GMB profiles which is against google policy (although we haven't got taken down) Example: Instead of Locksmith plus they have Locksmith Plus Portland or Locksmith Plus Seattle. So their Citations are all over the place. Some locations have a bunch, and some locations I haven't even been able to put them on Yelp or Super pages (because they do not accommodate well at all for multi location business it's kind of been a nightmare) And Besides mediocre citations their websites are all over the place to. None of them are Linked to each other they each look like a separate brand. So here's my question(s) 1. I have a pretty good PBN network of my own real websites for clients that I have ranked to page one. I want to start Backlinking to just our one Main locksmith site (that ranks for no city) an have that juice flow into all the other sites but I am afraid I wont interlink them correctly and the juice will get wasted. Should I have like all the links to every cities website on the front page and point all my pbn at the front page? How to I link these bad boys correctly? Or should I... (next question) 2. Ok I know the Google my business does not care about how many citations we have but rather the quality of those citations. I already know we are having a brand crisis. We need to change all these listings to the same brand name but I am afraid google will spank us once we change and take down our number ones (so be it?) But My question is how much should I focus on back linking some of these page listings. Like should I be posting the naked Yelp URL on some of my web 2.0s (that link back to my main website)? Or what if i just had the main citations on the cities website so they could get some juice too? Confusing! Overall I know that Google wants clean consistent branding and that what we want to do.I just want to make sure everything is hooked up right so when I do make some Bad a** big content that every location can benefit from it. Guys thank you again. Much Loves and I hope every body had a great new year. Here's to a strong 2016

    | Meier

  • My company employed a national marketing company to create their site, which was obviously outsourced to the lowest bidder. It looks beautiful, but has a staging site with all duplicate content in the installation. I am not seeing these issues in search console, and have had no luck getting the staging site removed from the files. How much should I be banging the drum on this? We have hundreds of high level crawl errors and over a thousand in midlevel. Of course I was not around to manage the build. I also do not have ftp access I'm also dealing with major search console issues. The account is proprietarily owned by a local SEO company and I can not remove the owner who is there by delegation. The site prefers the www version and does not read the same traffic for the non www version We also have something like 90,000 backlinks from 13 sites. And a shit ton of ghost spam. Help!

    | beth_thesomersteam

  • Hello MOZ friends.
    I work in an digital marketing agency in Argentina and since we have a lot of traffic from other Spanish-speaking countries like Mexico and Spain, we want to rank specific keywords for these countries.
    We were thinking of putting new versions of the homepage in subfolders, for example /es/ for Spain, /mx/ to Mexico, etc. In these new subfolders we would place a very similar version of the homepage with a few minor modifications to work specific keywords in each country. For example, in Spain it is more searched "marketing online", and "marketing digital" is more used in Mexico and Argentina.
    I have understood that to implement this we would be to place a label hrflang on the homepage directing visitors and crawlers to the correct version of each country. Is it ok?
    Another concern is, whether they are very similar pages, Google does not take it as duplicate content ..
    I read this:
    And i am not completely sure about using subfolders for each country, but i dont know how to position diferents keywords for diferent countries.
    Juan Ignacio Retta

    | NachoRetta

  • Hi friends, I have a real estate website that has thousands of these type of query results pages indexed - What would be the best course of action to ensure those do not get indexed, as most provide no value whatsoever. 1. I'm limited to what I can do in the IDX, but I do believe I can modify the URL parameters for the website in Webmaster tools? Would this be correct? What would my parameter look like? 2. I have a webmaster tools for the website, then also the subdomain, which one would I submit the url parameter, or both?

    | JustinMurray

  • I have a website from Canada based, and need only Canadian traffic. But i am getting traffic from USA more than Canada. I have submitted site on Canada based business listing, Classified and rest of sites. But still getting traffic from USA. Please suggest me what should I do?

    | 1akal

  • I have a client who offers multiple services, the current website is already huge because they have added on so many new offerings in the last year and want everything above the fold. As I am building out the sitemap for a re-design, they continue to add more services. (HVAC, Plumbing, Solar, Windows, Electrical) I am working on a sitemap for a re-build, but I am still well over 100 pages deep with huge menu's. **My question is what are the SEO pros/cons of breaking the site up into multiple websites? **

    | Lauren_E

  • I have a question about Google my Business. Currently I have a business that's been verified. I would like to add another business with the same address. The businesses are different (name, website, phone number) but the primary address is the same. Is this something that can be done? Thanks for your help.

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • Hi my name is Gina and I wanted to ask for some advice. I'm thinking opening a diff location and was thinking if its a good idea to open up a new domain and new website? And why that may be a good idea and why or a bad idea and why?

    | LittleDog

  • I've read a good amount here and in other blog posts about strategies for national brands to rank locally as well with local landing pages, citations, etc. I have noticed something strange that I'd like to hear if anyone else is running into, or if anyone has a definitive answer for. I'm looking at a custom business printing company where the products can and are often shipped out of state, so it's a national brand. On each product page, the client is throwing in a few local keywords near where the office is to help rank for local variations. When looking at competitors that have a lower domain authority, lower volume of linking root domains, less content on the page, and other standard signals, they are ranking nationally better than the client. The only thing they're doing that could be better is bolding and throwing in the page keyword 5-10 times (which looks unnatural). But when you search for keyword + home city, the client ranks better. My hypothesis is that since the client is optimizing product pages for local keywords as well as national, it is actually hurting on national searches because it's seen as local-leaning business. Has anyone run into this before, or have a definitive answer?

    | Joe.Robison

  • I have 1 website with 2 cTLD. 1 is with .be another .nl. Both are in Dutch and pretty much with the same content but a different cTLD. The problem I have is that the .nl website is showing up in my serp on So I'm not seeing any keyword rankings for the .be website. I want to be able to see only .nl website serp for and .be serp on I've already set up hreflang tags since 2-3 weeks and search console confirmed that it's been implemented correctly. I've alsy fetched the site and requested a re-index of the website. Is there anything else I can do? Or how long do I have to wait till Google will update the serp?

    | Jacobe

  • Background: We have a dog walking company that serves NYC. According to our AdWords campaign, most leads come from the search phrase: "dog walkers nyc." Question: If the goal is to get as much organic traffic as possible for the search phrase "dog walkers nyc," should we just optimize our domain for the search phrase "dog walkers nyc," OR should we also have a page like optimized for the same phrase? Thanks!

    | BarkBud

  • Hi, i made a question before but the answer not clarified me yet: I mark as answered inadvertently. I want to know what you think about choosing ".es" or "" for create a section for Spain and redirect them from the homepage. Same for Mexico.
    I think that is not so important for SEO, but i am not completely sure about other factors.
    Big marks like Toshiba use:**.es****** and Cocacola:
    http://www.coca-cola**** ".es" for spain and ."" for mexico?

    | NachoRetta

  • Dear Mozzers , I am wondering if someone could please help with some advice and assistance on the following for our Tool hire site: Basically I like to know how we can rank for our categories for our different branch locations ?. We have a branch finder page and separate branch pages but I do not know if I should have an internal link from all our branch pages to all my different categories or not or is google clever enough to know that I have x locations and x categories and I should rank all the categories in all the locations. I think my site structure is fairly straightforward and on the face of it similar to what others do who have multiple branches . For example I enclose a link to 2 of our categories - carpet cleaner hire category and a floor sander hire category carpet cleaner category - floor sander category - Heres a link to our Branch Finder - Heres a link to one of our Branches for example - Bristol Branch - And heres our link to our google plus Bristol page - google plus bristol branch page - . We have link from our bristol page going to the bristol google plus page and visa versa. Currently within our internal linking structure there is No direct link on the branch pages to the categories ?. Is this something we need to do or not necessary ?. - If we do it , then it may mess up or confuse the page as I someone need to get all the category links on the branch pages ? We have lots of good unique content , lots of citations for our branches and categories etc but we just don't seem to rank at all well for any of our categories in local search. For example if somene was to search for - Carpet cleaner hire "City Name " or Floor sander hire "City Name" (City name being where our branches are). We dont rank very well for most of our cities. Even without putting the city name in we dont rank to well in local search. We used to have individual pages for our categories in each of the cities we have branches with unique content on all and these did rank quite well in a few cities but never top 3 in most and we got rid of these last month (start of Oct) as I was told that google may see this as quite spammy or doorway pages if I have a carpet cleaner hire Bristol page or a floor sander hire Bristol page etc ?.. All my location landing pages now just 301 back to the appropriate category. I am wondering if getting rid of these landing pages was a good idea as by tidying things up , I've seemed to have lost my local rankings for my cities. Can someone please advise if what I did was right and what else I should look at doing ?> Could it be an internal linking issue I need to sort ? Any assistance much appreciated.

    | PeteC12

  • Hi there, I'm getting started with MOZ and want to invest time and energy to make sure it works for me. I've watched most of the intro videos and have started poring over the reports. I'm signing up for the seminars and reading lots of stuff. I'm confused about next steps - of course- there are so many ways to go. Our company is a small web and graphic design in a small town ( There are competitors who run very similar businesses to ours but are ranking higher. Results are all over the board in terms of analysis. Some of our competitors have thousands of back links, others have just a few. What I'm trying to do is look at at the numbers and build a strategy for ranking higher. I feel that with a little energy and strategy we could do a lot better. What are the best resources available I can use to get from here to there.

    | Eric_Shew

  • I would like to have an SEO audit of my site, and I'm looking for something beyond the basics. Prices for an audit seem to vary between free (for DIY tools) to over $3,000. That seems like an awfully big spread. What are the best practices I should be looking for or best tools to be looking at for a comprehensive SEO audit?

    | micromano

  • Here's the scenario. We're doing SEO for a national franchise business. We have over 60 location pages on the same domain, that we control. Another agency is doing PPC for the same business, except they're leading people to un-indexable landing pages off domain. Apparently they're also using location extensions for the businesses that have been set up improperly, at least according to the Account Strategists at Google that we work with. We're having a real issue with these businesses ranking in the multi-point markets (where they have multiple locations in a city). See, the client wants all their location landing pages to rank organically for geolocated service queries in those cities (we'll say the query is "fridge repair"). We're trying to tell them that the PPC is having a negative effect on our SEO efforts, even though there shouldn't be any correlation between the two. I still think the PPC should be focused on their on-domain location landing pages (and so does our Google rep), because it shows consistency of brand, etc. I'm getting a lot of pushback from the client and the other agency, of course. They say it shouldn't matter. Has anyone here run into this? Any ammo to offer up to convince the client that having us work at "cross-purposes" is a bad idea? Thanks so much for any advice!

    | Treefrog_SEO

  • Howdy there!   Two schema related questions here Schema markup for local directory We have a page that lists multiple location information on a single page as a directory type listing.  Each listing has a link to another page that contains more in depth information about that location. We have seen markups using Schema Local Business markup for each location listed on the directory page.  Examples: Both of these validate using the Google testing tool, but what is strange is that the example puts the URL to the profile page for a given location as the "name" in the schema for the local business, uses the actual name of the location.  Other sites such as Yelp etc have no markup for a location at all on a directory type page. We want to stay with schema and leaning towards the superpages option.  Any opinions on the best route to go with this? Schema markup for logo and social profiles vs website name. If you read the article for schema markup for your logo and social profiles, it recommends/shows using the @type of Organization in the schema markup If you then click down the left column on that page to "Show your name in search results" it recommends/shows using the @type of WebSite in the schema markup. We want to have the markup for the logo, social profiles and website name.  Do we just need to repeat the schema for the @website name in addition to what we have for @organization (two sets of markup?).  Our concern is that in both we are referencing the same home page and in one case on the page we are saying we are an organization and in another a website.  Does this matter?  Will Google be ok with the logo and social profile markup if we use the @website designation? Thanks!

    | HeaHea

  • There are approximately 20 clients that we have that all show a drop in traffic in GA this month (anywhere from 5-25%). any idea what could have happened? How to fix? Thanks so much,

    | lfrazer

  • I am currently in the process of apply schema for dozens of clients (many are large retailers). Although I am not a developer, I do know the basics of schematic markup & structured data.   I do work with a development team and I'm trying to provide them with schema application best practices. Obviously there are many good articles/blog posts out there about schema.  However I'm looking for a more substantial training course, webinar or resource website about schema application.  Does anybody have any good recommendations?

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi, I'm working for a digital marketing agency and have traffic from different countries. We are planning to make different websites for each country. What is the best SEO practice to choose the domain between ".xx" or ".com.xx" from Spain, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru?
    I think that the ccTLD is better always, for example ".es" better than ""

    | NachoRetta

  • How to create sites with powerful individual pages to achieve top results . According to MOZ I need to have powerful individual pages to achieve top results my site has a 0 authority so for this reason I need to focus on powerful pages but how do I know if my pages are powerful or not.

    | A.V.S

  • Will using a CDN like confuse search engines in terms of the location (IP address) of where the site is actually physically hosted especially since CloudFlare distributes the site's content all around the globe? I understand it is important that if customers are mostly in a particular city it makes sense to host on an IP address in the same city for better rankings, all things else being equal? I have a number of city-based sites but does it make having multiple hosting plans in multiple cities/ countries (to be close to customers) become suddenly a ridiculous thing with a CDN?  In other words should I just reduce it down to having one hosting plan anywhere and just use the CDN to distribute it? I am really struggling with this concept trying to understand if I should consolidate all my hosting plans under one, or if I should get rid of CloudFlare entirely (can it cause latency in come cases) and create even more locally-based hosting plans (like under who allow many city hosting plans). I really hope you can help me somehow or point me to an expert who can clarify this confusing conundrum. Of course my overall goal is to have:
    1. lowest page load times
    2. best UX
    3. best rankings I do realise that other concepts are more important for rankings (great content, and links etc.) but assuming that is already in place and every other factor is equal, how can I fine tune the hosting to achieve the desirable goals above? Many thanks!

    | uworlds

  • Hi guys, I am looking for a trusted, digital marketing company specializing in local search services and SEO. I would prefer to be from around Chicago due to the type of business we are in, limousine business, but ultimately, I would be willing to try someone from a different city but it needs to have experience in this type of business. If you know someone, please send me a private message and I will give you more info. I am not looking for a 2-3 man company, we are past that stage. I know about Moz's recommended companies, none of them are from Chicago, bummer. Thanks!

    | echo1

  • First of all, I want to thank everyone for the feedback that I received on the first question. My next question has to do with the URL structure of personal trainer profiles pages on Currently, the structure of each trainer profile page is "" and at the end I manually add the trainer's "city-firstname-lastinitial". Would it be to my benefit to have the developers change the structure so that the trainer profile URLs are ""? That way, each trainer profile would link directly to the trainer's city page as opposed to the general "personal-trainers" page. I don't mind paying a little extra to go back into the site to make these changes, as I think they would benefit the search ranking for each city page.

    | mkornbl2

  • We migrated our site from php to wordpress about a month ago. All of the old website files have been removed. I ran Moz analytics and get 17 critical 404 errors from linking pages that do not exist. 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. www thing is interesting but freeestimates.php does not exist?

    | KrisIrr

  • Hi all, When it comes to local SEO in 2015, I appreciate that having a physical location in the town/city you wish to rank is a major factor. However, if you're a national brand is it still possible to rank for local searches when you're based in one location? The reason I ask is that, although our service is national, the nature of what we offer means that it is not inconceivable that people would search for a local variation of our top keywords. Other than the standard things - location in the content, the H1/H2s, title tag, meta description, url etc. - is there anything national businesses can do to help? Thanks in advance. John

    | NAHL-1430

  • I have scoured the web in order to find a guide that would give me the ideal dimensions for images to populate google my business page... in vain. Google itself is very vague about it as indicated below Format: JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB Minimum resolution: 250px tall, 250px wide Does anyone know of a guide with optimum recommendation for each photo (profile, Cover photo, business specific photos...)  or alternatively can recommend the exact size needed. Thanks

    | coolhandluc

  • Hi All, Google has picked up a competitors logo from overseas (same name) and input it with the wikipedia excerpt on the right hand side of search. What the heck can I do to get this removed as its a serious legal/brand issue.  See URL - Hope someone can help !! Cheers Dave

    | CFCU

  • I found a site that was very easy for me to upload my pictures, add the coordinates, download it and put it on my site. The site is, but it's not nearly as popular as some of the other's out there. Does that matter? I'm under the impression that as long as the GPS coordinates show up in the XIF Viewer, then I've gotten whatever benefit (albeit slight) there is to get. Is that correct? Or is there something about tagging them from the more popular sites like Flickr or Panaramio? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello, I am relatively new to all the different kinds of schema one can use to mark up a site, but not all of the structured data I entered in showing up in the structured data testing tool? Does that mean that Google can't see it either? Thanks so much in advance for your help!

    | lfrazer

  • Hello, I have a client that has continued to be problematic for my team and I. They have fair to middling rankings in Yahoo and Bing, but none in Google. I realize that they are three separate search engines each with their own criteria, but this client is the only one experiencing this problem. There is no significant duplicate content that can find, same with restrictions in the robots.txt file. These seems to be no reason why all my tools say that this client has no presence at all in google, especially when the client gains most of their traffic through Google. Can anyone assist me in finding out what is going wrong? Client website for reference: Best, BeyondIndigo

    | BeyondIndigo

  • I have been doing a structured data test for a client who is looking to improve their local SEO.  After running several tests in Google Developer Tools structured data testing tool I have been noticing data sets for "Custom Search Result Filters" and "Unspecified Type" structured data properties. I have plans to apply Organization and Local Business schematic markup.  However my question is this:  do the "Custom Search Result Filters" and "Unspecified Type" offer any value at all?  I would like to have a response to our client if they ever ask about this. I attached a snapshot of what this looks like. ydu32k6.jpg?1

    | RosemaryB

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