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Category: Local Listings

Examine the impact of maintaining consistent and accurate local listings on your local SEO strategy.

  • I am trying to create citation for my client sites in As, I am not a hardcore developer, I wont be able to use the API as mentioned in the Factual website. It also provides a lit of  Trusted Data Contributors, which are paid third party service providers. I would like to know, whether it is possible to create a business listing in Factual, by using any other means than these two options.

    | ArthurRadtke

  • Most of the keywords / phrases we are targeting have the city (London) appended to it ie. service name London, service name in London etc. The business of the site we are working on is located in London, but not in central London. Because of this i think the site is not being ranking as well as it could be (compared to other sites that in the centre or nearer to the centre with seemingly lower profiles, including have no reviews on their Google + Pages). The site itself is relatively strong fluctuating between 3rd and 5th spot for the target phrases in the organic listings, but because of the local block which sits under position 2 our site always towards the bottom of the first page. We've submitted the site to all the relevant local directories and listings sites, got 3 google reviews on the Plus profile and added the correct local html schema markup to any of our sites pages where our address is mentioned, but still we are sitting at around #12 on the local listings block (when you click Map results for...) at the bottom of the 7 local listings. So the site dosnt seem far off being on the front page, but I feel ive exhausted the optimisation i can do, any ideas how i can make any gains in these local listings ?

    | Sam-P

  • Hello Mozzers, We have specific situation with google places. We are e-commerce store but google display us as local business where people can come in. (with directions button). This creates problems for us, since we do not want and we are not setup to receive customers. On our website there is address in the footer and also we have About Us page with the address (this is the address of facility from where online orders are shipped.) - is this a problem and is google concluded that we are physical store because of this? Is there any way to change this or we should contact google directly and explain the situation? And if we should contact google, is there any risk involved? (like: why you have the address on site when you are not physical store? ) Thank you, Nenad

    | Uniline

  • I run a mobile outdoor personal training service in London, UK (i.e. no bricks and mortar gym). Or, rather, my business is in London (all my clients and the freelance trainers that work for me) but I'm personally due to move out to the county of Suffolk. As I work from a home office and my company's registered address is my home, that means I have to inform Companies House and various government agencies that the company has moved. Does this mean: a) I also must tell Google the company has moved, and; b) if I do will Google start to see my website as being for a Suffolk-based company? I really don't want this to happen: my clientele are mostly in London., I still want to market to Londoners. And if I want to expand the areas covered by my company, Suffolk is not high on my list. You'll excuse me if this is a simple question! Thanks for any help you could give

    | fionadoggett

  • I came across something interesting today. So there is a business in one of my clients areas that had submitted and was being listed on google maps for some spammy locations.  I went in and submitted feedback informing google of bad listings.  Within 30 minutes or so my results for the same key phrase was different. I decided to see why.  I went to other browsers on my computer and searched that key phrase and the results went back to how I originally saw them before the feedback submission.  I then erased my browsers cache and after this the results now showed the original results. Does anybody know what cookies and such get placed in a browser that affect listing results? Sincerely, Garret

    | eWebify

  • How can one change the image that Google shows in a business' knowledge graph in the SERPs? And the image I am referring to is the one that typically appears to the left of the map within the knowledge graph box, above the business' name. The current image that is being used in my client's case is an image that was uploaded in their Google+ My Business profile, but there doesn't appear to be any particular reason why that one was chosen (it wasn't the first or last image uploaded, nor is it selected as the profile picture). As user-interaction increasingly becomes important in rankings, I would like to change this to something more attractive. Thank you for any help and guidance!

    | gbkevin

  • I have been trying to get to the bottom of a Google algorithm error and have been showing examples of the issue at hand in another forum. This is not the same link that I have mentioned in other forums, so this is just an example. If repeated several times in a thread or series of threads, would this shortened link carry any juice for the featured result on the page? I was told it would, I do not believe it does anything other than illustrate my question in the thread.

    | Krankensigns

  • I've been tuning my SEO pages to cover cities, states, and metro areas for local businesses we have. I'm wondering if the same business showing up on multiple pages, because they can actually go out and service that area, has a negative impact on rankings. Does multiple pages on your site, pointing to the same content, hurt or help the ranking of either page?

    | All-About-Labor

  • We have a client with 4 locations and all of them do pretty well in Google Maps.  Since the latest update, we dropped from #1 (A) all the way down to #38 in Maps.  We're still #1 for our keyword in Organic but our Maps got crushed.  We use Yext for the citations but we also do some a lot manual ones too.  We have 3 reviews on that location but not sure why the big drop.  I'm not even sure where to being to get it back. From our research: We noticed our categories were a little out of order.  Our primary was "legal services" instead of "personal injury attorney" (we've now updated that.) I've noticed that all the listings ahead of us, minus a few of them, have their homepage as their link.  We've always used a local landing page that has hand written directions on how to find us, our hours and who people will meet when they come in.  Things relevant to that location. Our domain authority is a 40.  Our homepage Page Authority is 49 and our landing page for that location is a 22. What else should we check to see what's happened?  Should I move the Google+ page to the homepage instead of the sub-page (as well as the citations we have)? Thanks for your help!

    | DarinPirkey

  • What happens if we are using Yext and Moz Local at the same time? I hear it can create duplicates. However if the NAP is exactly the same on both, why cant the aggregators/citation sources figure this out on their own? I need to develop a clearer understanding before i start submitting a select few of my clients through Yext. I do have the option to opt out of the Factual aggregator on Yext. Instead we would only update the sites that Yext has access to. End of day we are going to continue using but yext saves us dozens of man hours while trying to clean up citations and fix duplicates (temporarily ofcourse until we contact them ourselves).

    | waqid

  • My business website ranked on the first page for 48 of 51 keywords for years. Then 10 months ago I had a duplicate content problem from a bad plugin and every keyword ranking dropped off the first page. I got the duplicate content problem fixed, but I've been stuck with only 3 keywords of 51 on the first page ever since. This is a local site and without much competition at all. The Yoast SEO Plugin shows the on page optimization of nearly every page/post on this website as solid Green, but MOZ rates nearly all of my pages' On Page Optimization as an F. It rates nearly all these keywords as an F as showing they should all be optimized on the Home page. I don't understand that. Also according to MOZ ,versus my competitor's websites, I have mostly the highest Domain and Page Authority. I also has the largest # and most relevant Root Domains. It also has the best written content, and the almost only active blog. Still, nearly every keyword is sitting on page 2. It seems like it wants to "Spring" onto page 1!  What am I missing?

    | OhYeahSteve

  • Hi, Does anyone know what happened to it? Normally, I can set up clients with £75 credit for new accounts. Is it discontinued or are codes only supplied to partners & associates? Thanks Steve

    | stevenba

  • About 3 months I started a website ( for my roofing business in Montgomery, Alabama. The site is still a work in progress, however, because the competition doesn't really market via internet it was fairly easy to rank on Google Maps. Within 1 month the business was letter "A" in Google Maps. About 3 three weeks ago my ranking was dropped considerably, not showing up at all in letters A through G. The business is still indexed in Google Maps, but only represented by a small red dot. My website is still ranking pretty high for "roofers in Montgomery", but my position on Google Maps has all but disappeared. I have no idea what I've done to be rank so low on Google Maps but still have a solid position on regular Google Search. I've checked my citations and my NAPs, there are a few inconsistencies but nothing major.  How can I rank so far below my competition if I have twice as many citations, an actual website, and a Google Plus page?

    | billyguyette

  • Hi fellow Mozzers!  Our marketing agency (based near SF) has partnered with 3 individuals in NYC, LA, and Seattle.  I would like reflect our expansion on our site and local listings, but want to make sure we're on the up and up, since it's not a traditional brick-and-mortar expansion.  Many people have used similar tactics in a black-hat way, so just want to make sure we don't get grouped in there.  Is pursuing local listings in advisable in this case? In the Field/Home Offices - What is the best practice for listing a location in the field with home office - but no official B&M office? Business Centers - How does Google treat business centers where we have a part-time presence?  (We legitimately use, can receive mail/phone calls, have an office share allocation, and host meetings in their boardroom.) Local Numbers and Addresses - Will a local phone number forwarding to our main HQ work?  We'd prefer to filter all of our calls through our HQ since we have the infrastructure there. Other Considerations - Other than setting up our address and phone numbers on our site and major listings, is there anything else that should be top priority or concern? Thanks for your help here!  Andrew

    | Alaniz

  • Here is a brief description of what I am doing and what happened. I recently acquired a new client who had an unclaimed google business listing.   We claimed the listing and within 2 days it was showing up for its main search term on Google.  Almost immediately my client was receiving new calls from the listing. Within a week the listing no longer shows up with the other listings on the home page but does show up when searching on google maps. Does anyone have a lot of experience with Google+ & business listings?  If yes, what are some of the most common reasons listings might be removed, shuffled around, increased or decreased in ranking, etc. Sincerely, Garret

    | eWebify

  • Hi everyone, I have hit a brick wall with regards with the SEO of one of our sites. This is concerning a Belgium based webshop which sells toys. The server is based in the Belgium and the domainname ends also .be . They try to put as much possible dutch/belgium text on the website but the amount of this is very low compared to the english text on the website. The problem starts when they import product description from the main manufacturer which is in english. this means when the customer visits the website, it's dutch, but the product description is in english I have pointed out this but they pointed out the fact they import with 1 click 500 products, but it takes them ages to translate this to dutch. Now is my theory, the way they are doing this, will hurt their ranking a lot in the search engine compared to their competitors to the point that less than 10% of their site is in dutch/belgium and the rest in english. I am thinking of the possibility of suggesting to let them use google translate to automatically translate the products before putting them on the website. It won't be a great translation, but it will stop hurting their ranking and will even contribute to increase their ranking. I thought they do this, and put a small link to the english version of the manufacturer. I would love to hear others thoughts on how to do this with as efficient and fast as possible.

    | sami80

  • Hello everybody We have noticed that when tracking several keywords across the United States, the keywords in St. Louis are almost always ranked the lowest. We rank on the first page for 46/47 locations for several keywords, but St. Louis ranks on page 4 or later. Any ideas? One thought we've had is the different spelling of the city name, St Louis, St. Louis, Saint Louis. Should this have any bearing on the problem? Thanks in advance, I look forward to any insight you can provide!

    | PM_Academy

  • Recently I was doing some research on "appliance repair" for a new client and I ran into some listings that are ranking locally on the 1st page without barely any backlinks or citations. I am wondering how they are doing this. I under stand since they are a GE company maybe this is why but there is not even no backlinks from the GE main site. This Ge Factory website is a pr0 so how is it ranking hundreds of listings without almost any citations?After searching Google I found over 10k listings for "GE Factory Service". How are they doing this? As I understand only Franchise listings are allowed to be posted Nationwide. After investigation I came to the conclusion that GE does not offer any Franchise Opportunities for their repair service. So isn't this in violation of the terms and conditions? These listings all have the address hidden since these are not storefronts. I have checked many listings and they are ranking for most cities I search including:Atlanta, San Diego, Dallas, Tucson,phoenix.Does anyone have any ideas how these listings with virtually no SEO? Any feedback is appreciated thanks

    | bajaseo

  • Lets say a company serves Canada and US customers regularly, but they are based in Canada. They currently have no local optimization or confirmation of their location on their website. If I were to begin local optimization (google my business, local content, link building, schema etc), would Google recognize this website as a Canadian business and remove rankings in the US that it is currently appearing in now without any locational information?

    | aaronleven

  • Hi If you have a client whose business address is not the same as the regions they serve/cover then how do you set this up correctly in G+? So listing (& preferably website too via the G+ places connection & onpage local address schema) do help local search query listings in the target areas ? Also schema too if possible (i.e. how do you add areas/regions covered if outside of actual business address area) ? Is the only way round this to set up serviced/virtual office addresses in your target market regions ? Surely there's a way to have a business listed in areas outside of its actual address.  Its a physical business but is not bricks & mortar beyond the admin office. All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hey Moz Community, I have a friend I'm asking for who has an agency and will be taking over SEO from another agency. One thing that worries me is that the agency has confirmed dozens of locations in Google Places (about 60-100) for this business. How would you transfer Google Places ownership (assuming they cooperate)? Could the previous agency delete these listings? If so, how would that affect Local SEO? For example, the location and phone number is already on the website. Isn't that good enough for all of these locations (about 100)? I hope this is clear; please let me know if not. I would be interested in hearing any other feedback about moving agencies. Thanks, Cole

    | ColeLusby

  • It was discovered that when you search our brand and our city "alaska airlines seattle" that the brand knowledge graph shows a building at the University of Washington that is named after us as part of a sponsorship deal. This seems logical that it would do that since the building is branded Alaska Airlines and it is in Seattle. The problem is information listed would confuse customers that call the number posted and instead of our customer service they are getting the University. I admit I am not too familiar with local SEO so any help is greatly appreciated. r6GlDj9 wMZQnRB

    | Shawn_Huber

  • Our agency has three main services - SEO, PPC and web design. We're in the process of setting up a new office in a different city where our PPC team will be based, while SEO and web will stay in the original office. How do we handle local SEO/Google My Business listings in this situation? Geo-targeted service pages and two separate GMB listings?

    | CustardOnlineMarketing

  • I am rebuilding my site and wish to provide the best and complete information about a product and the image, and alt tag for the user.   Is it ok, good, to use the same name in a image file name, alt tag, title tag AND product name?  It seems to me they should be the same. Why change the product, name , image name, alt tag, and on the product page the title tag? I am working with a product that has the same base name but with more options and duplicate image file names but with different sizes of the image.   Example...  SLR Camera Strap with a dependable grip pad and nylon web is the core product.  Options are kevlar web, rapid releases and then rapid releases with vectran cord or kevlar web. slr-camera-strap-dependable-grip-pad-nylon-web_1500p.jpg,  slr-camera-strap-dependable-grip-pad-kevlar-web_1500p.jpg,  slr-camera-strap-dependable-grip-pad-large-rapid-release-kevlar-web-ends_1500p.jpg,  slr-camera-strap-dependable-grip-pad-large-rapid-release-vectran-loop-ends_1500p.jpg,  slr-camera-strap-dependable-grip-pad-large-web_1500p.jpg, Then... there will be the same image but with different sizes of the same images being built internally and held in the images folder for various devices such as slr-camera-strap-dependable-grip-pad-nylon-web_400p.jpg,   slr-camera-strap-dependable-grip-pad-nylon-web_100p.jpg   and on and on.... As a secondary question the file names are long but that is what it takes to describe it.   If I remove the key yet repetitive base name XX camera-strap what I end up with is dependable-grip-pad-kevlar-web What to do? What to do?

    | Asteg

  • I have a website with individual Location Landing Pages for each of my Depots.  I also have individual Google Local Business Listings for each of my depots. Should I have a link from my Website Location Landing Pages to the associated Google local Business listings or not ?... Given that I already have a link on my Google Business listing to the relevant Location Page on my website. I wasn't sure whether linking both ways would be more beneficial thus enforcing things better or whether it's not needed to link both ways . thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Why do photos show up next to the map in the Google Maps display on the SERP, while sometimes it doesn't.  Am I missing something as far as a setting or place to upload the image or is it something that Google auto-populates?

    | Gauge123

  • We have a business that has expanded into multiple cities across Canada. What is the process to add these to our Google My Business account. Our existing locations business pages were set up by a previous SEO agency and now we are handling this in-house. I've tried to search step by step guides but was unable to find any solutions.

    | Lorne_Marr

  • In my Google webmaster tools for backlinks to my site there is this website. which shows 97,000 backlinks. When I dig deeper it in GWT it shows urls lick this–2015+(Black)+|+Soccer+Box I cannot find any backlinks to my site if I view the source code. I cannot understand why Google should link this to my website. Should I be worried and what should i do about it? Thank you in advance.

    | Palmbourne

  • I have multiple stores across various zipcodes and i'm having difficulty trying to provide an average Positioning on SERP by region.  I do know that your SERP varies by region because different areas use different vernaculars.  Does anyone know of a way that I can provide a SERP for keywords/terms by county or zip code?

    | rpaiva

  • I've dealt with submitting address change information to Google (and Yelp, YP, etc.) when they have somehow scraped the wrong address or phone number. This is a little different. I work for the parent company with multiple companies of similar names making up the family of companies. What's happening is that people are searching for one of our companies (Lynden Transport) and getting the correct website results to pop up, but the address/phone # shown below the URL and in the local results screen is for one of our other companies (LTI, Inc.). Customers should be seeing a Fife, WA address but instead are seeing one for Lynden, WA. I've attached a marked up screenshot to better those what is happening. At least customers are generally finding their way to our company but it's causing quite a headache for our customer service reps and customers as they get transferred back and forth on the phone, and confusion for customers unfamiliar with our office locations. I've clicked on the "Send Feedback" link at the bottom of Google and explained what was happening, but beyond that I'm not sure what to do. The information presented isn't wrong, it's just being associated with the wrong company. It seems like a Google logic error and not something I can control or edit. Any ideas? moz-ltia.jpg

    | RyanD.

  • Hello, For a business with multiple locations that has a web url built for each location such as: For local search (Google+, Yelp, etc), is it best to link the local search pages to the specific page of that location?  Or is the homepage sufficient enough? I ask that because it is ALREADY touch getting NATURAL links to a location page, so would local search do me good by linking to the exact page of the location?

    | Shawn124

  • Hi mozzers, After noticing that all Google business(known in the past as google places) traffic gets recorded into direct traffic I would like to get this into organic traffic instead. What is the best method to do so? I found this great post by Rebecca Lehmann but was written in 2011. Are these method the only one available to track this traffic or is there a new method we could try that would track all this traffic into organic search? Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • We are working with a client and their marketing consultant who set up a Local Listing service to help local citations, Yahoo, Google+, etc, etc... We have their G+ business page and it is verified, however, as we are new to helping them out, we don't have access to the page to make edits. Here's the catch, neither does the client, or the consultant or the listing company/people. Question: How can we go about claiming this as "our" page in order to help the client out, get it edited/optimized and then keep record of it so this doesn't happen again? PS - Typically, there is an option for a business page to "Is this your page?" or "Manage this page?" at the bottom, but I don't see one of those buttons. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Hi there, Im wondering the best approach to get more consistent listings for google map searches (the pins on the map) for a business.
    Here is a small overview. My client provides storage services in London. His business is very local as customers will only want to use them if they are from surrounding local suburbs within the City. His business is showing on the map for some of the suburbs close to his business, but it does not actually show when you search for the closest location (suburb) that his business is located in, or other local suburbs. What would be the best approach to ensure google shows a pin for his search results when users search for all close-by suburbs to his business address? Is this possible or will it just happen over time? He already has landing pages on his website for each of his suburbs that he is trying to target, eg: "Self Storage Camden".

    | Ampweb

  • Hello all, I've got a couple tough questions about how to go about creating locations pages for my business, and I'm wondering if you can give me some much needed direction. I'm about to launch a professional house cleaning business which will serve Philadelphia and a couple surrounding counties. I plan on aggressively expanding to other large cities, and while I plan on building a Philly locations page, I'm unsure of how to rank organically for all the individual towns/municipalities in the surrounding counties in the middle without having a physical business location there. Should I even hope to rank for these smaller towns? Would a page where the county is in the h1 tag, and say the top 10 largest towns in that county listed underneath in h2 tags help me reach searchers in those top 10 largest towns? How about paying ~$100 for a physical street address in each county and submitting that NAP to local directories of the larger towns, as well as getting a Google My Business page and using the service radius option? Is there some other strategy that I'm missing? I'm just at a loss for how to compete without AdWords for the people searching in the smaller towns when my competition is businesses with NAP/citations and their main page dedicated solely to that smaller town. Google seems to have made it even harder with Pigeon coming out recently. I serve those areas just as readily as my competition, yet the customer will predominantly see them SOLELY due to the fact that most of my competition are incapable of serving or choose not to serve wide areas. I understand that these businesses are dedicating a lot of resources to those small towns, but it does seem a sad fact that it doesn't mean they're any higher quality of a company than mine, yet they get a leg up. ANY advice or direction would be greatly appreciated, and would come with a huge internet bear hug.

    | PTHerrington

  • Instead of the home page, have you ever done (domain)/page-1 for the URL in directories? I figured this would be a good way to build some page authority up for deeper pages for small businesses that can't seem to garner any attention with content / links. BTW, these directories are not considered spam directories. Thanks, Cole

    | ColeLusby

  • I have a client who has multiple locations within his state, many of which are satellite offices. Although they don't have anyone working at these satellite offices full time, they have office space available to them their, someone who can take calls/mail and do use the space frequently in person. We've been in the process of cleaning up duplicate and incorrect listings in directories to get on the map in the SERPs in these markets, but the local SEO outfit we've hired has come back with a problem I found surprising. In order to clean up the duplicate & incorrect Google+ profiles that we've got out there for these offices, we evidently need to work with an actual Google moderator. This moderator has said that the satellite offices in question are actually not real business locations and are in violation of G+ guidlines. The local SEO I'm using says that it's not uncommon for Google to actually send someone out to do an in person improptu visit when they are suspicious that a listing might not belong in their listings, and I find this really surprising. Do any of you have any experience with whether this is the case? FWIW, this is a real business that could have someone working remotely in these offices remotely if that's what it took to make Google happy, but they'd rather not and certainly don't need to in order to offer their services in these markets.

    | LeeAbrahamson

  • Okay, so we were just having a discussion about which sites/directories are the most important to be listed in for Local SEO. Ultimately we were looking to 'sort' these by order of importance for the typical local business. Google My Business Yelp Yahoo! Local Bing Local Foursquare CitySearch HotFrog How would you order them?  Would you add anything to the list? Thanks!

    | ClickMonsterIM

  • We've been using trackable URL's to track Google My Business visits in analytics for years.
    Example: ?utm_source=GoogleLocal&utm_medium=example&utm_campaign=example In the past month I've noticed Google showing a redirect notice on any listing with a trackable URL.  It happened for a day or so a few weeks ago - and then it's been a more permanent situation since this past week. Redirect Notice
    The previous page is sending you to:
    If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the previous page.
    I'm fine with removing the trackable URL's - however - I'm not sure how to track maps visits via analytics without using them.  I can't find any updated information on options.  The last post on moz was in 2011 (  The alternate tactics in that post no longer work. So my question is:
    - How do I track Google Maps (My Business) visits through analytics without using tracking URLs?

    | RedNovaLabs91

  • For example, Google has a badge for verified listings. I was wondering if Bing had something similar.

    | bks_seo

  • We are having an issue with our SERP results. Basically here is what’s happening. We offer training in 47 cities. Our main sales page is []. Whenever we change our location preferences in Google, and that URL format is the landing page for our main 3 keywords, we rank no worse than 15. Most of those are on the first page. However, if that is not the landing page in the SERPs, we rank poorly. Depending on which keyword is used, one of three URLs will ALWAYS appear instead of the desired city-specific landing page, and we rank somewhere between pages 6 and 9. The other landing pages, depending on which keyword is used, are (home page), (without the city), or (regardless of how close this is). Out of the 141 keywords, there have been between 9-25 keywords that have this issue. Having all 3 of these keywords in the top 10 for each city is the number one priority from our CEO. We have noticed if a page starts moving down the ranks, once it goes past 15, the landing page changes. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this, or how to fix it? Any insight into this is much appreciated!

    | PM_Academy

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm not a huge expert on local SEO.. the thing is when searching for our brand + city. or brand name specific or anything we do not get the map on the right with our contact info and such.
    To be sure this is what we've done. We have a google+ page + verified content (for more than 4 months now) We have images, opening times, email, url's and such filled in (for 4 months now) We are on several local sites with our address, and such We do have some old listings here and there where we have old addresses but its just a few and we are on it to update / deleting them We have Microdata on our site with our address, lat lang and such. All address data on social, and few other pages are super in sync with each other. We are located in the Netherlands so a lot of info on this site we cannot use, becuase they don't accept us for example. Very curious on some interesting info how to optimize and why we are not showing.

    | kayintveen_MD

  • Hey guys, Our agency inherited a client that no longer has all of their log-in information for a large number of listings. This is killing their rankings. Can anyone give us some advice on how to handle this? We subscribe to Moz Local, but it seems like it can only help so much (or so we think). Thanks in advanced for any advice!

    | theideapeople

  • Hello Everyone, So we have a problem. There is another business with the same name as ours showing up on Google Local/ Google maps when I type in our business name in Google. Our name is Brighton College, and the other business is Brighton College, however they are from the UK. They are showing up on the right hand side with their wikipedia page and on Google Maps and we aren't, but I'm searching in Canada on across the street from our college. Any idea on how to fix this? Thank you!

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Hell Moz family, My business recently bought 10 locations from a competitor, but I am having real issues claiming these new business listings from Google. I have tried claiming existing listings and starting new ones, but it seems Google have the old business as the registered owner and therefore display their icons in Google Maps and local SERPS??!!! Will Moz Local we rolling out in the UK as well as the US? It would be a great help to manage in one place. Regards Ben

    | Bendall

  • Has anyone had any luck with the Google webspam team getting spammy results taken down or changed? If so can you please tell me how you did it.


  • Hi guys, We have two clients one for 45 listings and another one with 350 listings all controlled in two separate google places bulk upload accounts. Which can be managed here: Recently over the last 3 weeks, every time we make a address change or edit to the listing via the the edit is not changing the actual listing directly any more. And i have had to use the 'suggest a edit or report a problem' to get the address change. This is getting tedious, especially when you have 10+ stores changing address every week. Does anyone know why this is occurring? It worked perfectly before! I have asked GP support but they haven't given me a response. I'm in Australia and believe we're still on the old dashboard, screenshot below: Kind Regards,

    | MBASydney

  • Hi Moz Community! I manage a site where we want to have a support phone number for certain cases, but not for it to be front and centre for all our customers. At the moment, most of our unwanted call volume comes through the number showing up in SERPs due. We haven't included it in any of our listings, but it seems that Google has included it due to its presence on our site. We are now considering using the "Opt out from certain Google properties" tool on Google Webmasters but are concerned that by not playing by Google's rules that we may face some sort of penalty. Does anyone have any experience of using this tool or any thoughts on potential risks to our search rankings? Thank you!

    | HireSpace

  • I've been coming across many yahoo listings that have a "First Name, Last Name-Business Name" as the listing title including one that I came across that includes my name and my company's business. There's no reason why I should be listed on the listing. Yahoo, says that they pull data from other sources: Localeze ExpressUpdateUSA YP Yext But none of those sites have my name connected to them other than in the account information. Yahoo, doesn't seem to have a good way to fix their listings. I sent their customer support an email about it but I'm not expecting to get much out of it. Does anyone know of a good way to get around/fix this?

    | spencerhjustice

  • Please forgive me if I'm asking too many questions.  I'm new to MOZ and have a little bit of experience with SEO, but not that much at all. The question of the day pertains to using keywords that refer to another brand in order to bring search traffic to your site as well as compete on searches against your competitor. I'm certain this is not a unique case, however; it's early in the morning and my brain isn't working well enough to come up with a comparable example, so I will use my own situation. "Pop Warner" is a youth football brand.  It's been around since 1929 and it's synonymous with youth football now.  If someone is looking for a place to enroll their children, they will typically search for "%Town_Name%" + "Pop Warner"  Pop Warner however; is not the only national governing body for youth football.  The association (company) that I'm doing work for is an American Youth Football Program. Now, is it considered bad form, evil or whatever to optimize using a term such as "Pop Warner" on my site if I'm NOT affiliated with pop warner whatsoever?  If the answer is yes, can you provide me with direction as to how this should be handled?  If no...than I know how to handle it.

    | UpperCapeSpartans

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