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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi mozzers, I am just discovering the RegEx world so I need your help. I would like to create an advanced segment to track 40 specific pages that have very different URIs from each other. Can you tell me how using RegEx? The dimension would be "landing pages" then not sure... Thanks

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Someone came to my website with this keyword a few times, I was just wondering if anyone knows what that is? inurl:login.aspx + "register" "retrieve password" + intext:employment

    | Rubix

  • Built my first Wordpress site. It launched a few months ago. Google has crawled 76 pages so far. But why are 0 indexed?

    | cschwartzel

  • Hi everyone I set up a new adwords account for a company and according to adwords we received 700 hits to the site but none showed up in analytics and no enquiries were made. Now the two accounts (adwords and analytics) weren't connected at the time but I should have been able to see the increased visits in analytics anyway as it was a very new site and had no real traffic yet. Someone at Google repeatedly told me that "Audience Overview" (unique visitors) doesn’t include adwords visits only organic traffic. Is this right? Maybe I'm wrong but I always thought it included everything well an estimation anyway. If anyone could help that would be great as it seems a little fishy. Many Thanks,


  • I'm seeing duplicate page content for tagged URLs. For example: as well as PPC campaigns. We tag certain landing pages purposefully in order to understand that traffic comes from these pages, since we  use Google Analytics and don't have the abiility to see clickpaths in the package we have. Is there a way to set parameters for crawling to exclude certain pages or tagged content, such as those set up for PPC campaigns?

    | DolbySEO

  • We have  SEO Moz  Errors and warnings showing up, yet we have cleaned them
    up. The same errors were showing up in Google's Webmaster tools but after we corrected them they do not show up as crawl errors in Webmaster tools.
    Why is SEO Moz different and why does it continue to show corrections already made.

    | RNK

  • Hi There, I have few similar job forms that were created for different positions. SEOMoz says, its "duplicate pages". So how do I resolve it? I want my jobs to be searchable in Search Engines. Thanks !

    | pointstar

  • We made some mods to our robots.txt file.  Added in many php and html pages that should not have been indexed. Well, not sure what happened or if there was some type of dynamic conflict with our CMS and one of these pages, but in a few weeks we checked webmaster tools and to our great surprise and dismay, the number of blocked pages we had by robots.txt was up to about 800,000 pages out of the 900,000 or so we have indexed. 1. So, first question is, has anyone experienced this before?  I removed the files from robots.txt and the number of blocked files has still been climbing.  Changed the robots.txt file on the 27th.  It is the 29th and the new robots.txt file has been downloaded, but the blocked pages count has been rising in spite of it. 2. I understand that even if a page is blocked by robots.txt, it still shows up in the index, but does anyone know how the blocked page affects the ranking?  i.e. while it might still show up even though it has been blocked will google show it at a lower rank because it was blocked by robots.txt? Our current robots.txt just says: User-agent: *
    Disallow: Sitemap: oursitemap Any thoughts? Thanks! Craig

    | TheCraig

  • Hello, I'm trying to get a rough estimate of how many times a domain name that we're interested in acquiring is typed in to the address bar.  If the google keyword tool says for instance, that the exact match domain name is typed in 720 times, how many times it typed in to the address bar? - 720 global searches Thanks!

    | Optimize

  • GWMT only shows that there are 3 domains pointing to a site of mine. I'm looking under "Links to site". But this can't be true because the site is pretty old and I know there are hundreds of domains that point to this one. What would explain this discrepancy? And is there some other free tool that will show all the backlinks? I've used Opensite explorer but that tool isn't close to comprehensive as GWMT usually is (based on other sites I've analyzed)

    | priceseo

  • Hi all, I've had fairly steady organic traffic to my website ( for the last 2 years. Since the beginning of march however I've noticed that the organic traffic was decreasing. Up until now my total organic traffic has decreased to about a quarter of what it was. It doesn't seem to be a penalty, since I still have most of my important keywords on the first page. They've decreased significantly though, mostly from the top 3 to 7+ position. Any idea on what may have been the reason for this sudden decrease? My link profile is still natural and I haven't done anything radical to the website concerning the backlinks or on-page elements. Could it be an algorithmic (Panda / Penguin) update? Thanks in advance!

    | samerhadionline

  • If we disavow spammy links to our site in google, will the overall number of incoming links reported in webmaster tools reflect the drop? (assuming google indeed disavowed them).

    | joebella

  • If a user is on a mobile device and comes to our home page, they are redirected to  We want a way to remove all the redirects from our Google analytics reports.  More specifically we do not want to include the the page view of in our page view count when the user is on a mobile device.  How do we do that?

    | Darden

  • Hello! This week I used a simple method to reduce my blog Google Analytics bounce rate. My blog all the posts are guides, in order to follow them, user need to download a zip file (same zip file). Otherwise they can't. Therefore I added a separate blog post to download all the necessary files. As a result of that I can reduce my bounce rate from 62-70% to 45-50% level. Now I'm thinking to open that zip file download page in a new tab. If I open my blog zip file download page, in a new tab. It will again increase my bounce rate? I reduced my bounce rate using that zip file download page. Thanks!

    | Godad

  • I've noticed that a couple of my clients in the insurance industry have been receiving a pretty large boost in Referral Traffic from a source called and What surprises me most is that the traffic has a low Bounce Rate, a high Avg. Visit Duration, and is made up of 100% New Visits. What is this? Why would they be getting so much traffic from these two sources all of a sudden? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | copyjack

  • The CEO wants me to present an SEO plan next week for three of our sites; however, I got this message when I went to campaign overview tab: "It appears there's a problem with our connection to your Google Analytics account. Please go to your Settings page to update your connection." I double-checked the GA code and it's the same on both our site and in SEOMoz...what gives? I clicked on Choose Your GA Profile->Set GA Account and Profile then got this warning: "Are you sure you want to change your Google Analytics connection?  Changing your connection will reset our cache of your historical GA traffic data." I need this data pronto so I can set strategy for three sites; any help would be greatly appreciated! Darrell

    | AdviceElle

  • Currently, description is only available if the element is not being optimized (i.e. character count is off/keyword isn't included in the description)

    | Jerome67

  • Dear all, if I want to implement Google Analytics for my mobile apps: Do I need different accounts or id's to ensure separate tracking of my website and mobile apps? How did you do it? Thanks!

    | HMK-NL

  • From Last few days we are not able to find any details from eCommerce section at Good Analytics account for our eCommerce website i.e order detail, Price e.t.c. Please any one can suggest proper solution for this query?

    | yuvastyle

  • Hi Guys I just spotted in the Google Analytics > Traffic Sources > Search Engine Optimisation > Queries section a keyword that on the 27th Feb went from generating 35 impressions per day to 2000 impressions per day. This was down to people searching for a newly launched product. Does anyone know how I can identify any increases like this easily?  I only came across this by accident, and I am 1 month behind the times.  It would have been ideal to pick this up closer to the time so I could capitalise and write some great content on the topic. Thanks Paul

    | TheUniqueSEO

  • Hi, Its my third thread here and i have created many like it on many webmaster communities.I know many pro are here so badly needs help. Robots.txt blocked 2k important URL's of my blogging site Especially of my blog area which are bringing good number of visitors daily.My organic traffic declined from 1k daily to 350. I have removed the robots.txt file.Resubmitted existing Sitemap.Used all Fetch to index options and 50 URL submission option in Bing Webmaster Tool. What Can I do know to have these blocked URL's back in Google index? 1.Create a NEW sitemap and submit it again in Google webmaster and bing webmaster tool? 2.Bookmark,linkbuilding or share the URL's.I did a lot of bookmarking for blocked URL's. I fetch the list of blocked URLS Using BING WEBMASTER TOOLS.

    | csfarnsworth

  • How do you view image search data in Google analytics? Do you need to apply tracking or can you drill down into the default data? Thanks.

    | Bondara

  • is there a guide for getting the most out of the keyword ranking tool? I currently have 250 or so keywords, some move up, some move down on a weekly basis but generally trend up. That's about as much info as I gain from it though. anyone got any good tips? thanks

    | benj45

  • Hi Im new user google analytics  I would like to set up goal for website. I asked to basic questions: What are my bussiness objectives? Answer:make the visitor to click on a advertisment (affiliate links and affiliate banners) to be redirected to company website to finish purchase. How to set up goals? How can I track ads (affiliate banners and affiliate links) on my website?


  • Hi Im new google analytics user, I would like to track affiliates ads (banner flow -javascript)  on my website. How to set up goals to track affiliate ads? thanks.


  • Got 36 "403 errors". Google some stuff and also look into SEOMOZ nothing relevant. The site is wordpress latest version and host is Godaddy. I have recently added these URL's in robots.txt file and they were removed but because of some issue in robots.txt file I have to revert it and make it blank. Kindly guide me a permanent remedy for it?

    | csfarnsworth

  • I have a client who runs an e-commerce website, and I noticed that 40% of his traffic and 25% of his sales are all attributable to Direct Traffic.  At first, I tried to solve this problem by tagging all of the previously untagged links in his e-newsletter, which I expect to be very helpful. However, then I looked at the landing pages for his direct traffic, and I see that it is almost entirely filled with thousands of unique URLs that begin with a question mark followed by the name of his e-newsletter or shopping cart vendor.  It would be the equivalent of having a url like the following: ";sldkfjsdlfkjdf;sldkjf" If we have this amount of information in the link, shouldn't there be a way to add additional parameters to the URL to move this traffic out of the Direct column?  Has anyone encountered this before? Thanks.

    | williammarlow

  • Can I sort and track another twitter user name besides my own, and if so, how?  Thank you.

    | halmemphis

  • I know that in Google Webmaster Central, we can see general Googlebot crawl stats based on dates. Our site is crawled daily. We're trying to find out the time of day Googlebot visits our site - know of any ways to do this or tools out there?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • Looking at a Google Analytics report for a client - Traffic Sources - Referrals - Landing Pages from one particular referrer. This one referral site is a large trade directory that links onto several deep pages of the site, but also links onto the homepage. Analytics is showing the one landing page as //index.html. That's 2 // - not one. If you click on the link, it's a 404. I've never seen this in Analytics before. I'm looking at the client's info on this trade directory site and I can't see a link that points to this 404. The majority of incoming traffic from this site is apparently coming to this //index.html page, so you'd think it would be coming from their main profile on the site. But it's not there. Also, if you had all this referral traffic coming to a 404, you'd expect a really high bounce rate, but it's not - it's average. The client also has a sister site also listed in this directory, and I'm not seeing this same issue in their Analytics. Is this just some weird glitch in Analytics?

    | stevefidelity

  • Hei Guys. I think i know the answer for this one but i thought i ask you in order to be 100% sure. Ok let's go.. So i set up url based goals in Google analytics. My website (what are running on WordPress) has google analytics enabled but just before customers makes desired action i have to send them to the application page. Trick is that the application page is not running on wordpress and doesn't have google analytic tracking. After customer fills the application form i send him to my /thank-you page on my wordpress site. My question is: Does the conversion still count because customer left my website for a minute in order to fill in the application form? Best Regards, Tauri

    | seopartnermarketing

  • Afternoon all. I’m pretty sure this is going to be fine but I thought I would seek some confirmation before I action anything. We have a blog subdomain on our site, I have just noticed that the entire blog (built in Wordpress) has no analytics tracking code on it. As this is built in Wordpress I have just logged in on an admin account I think people forgot I had and added the code to the header section as it is a two second job. My question is this – On the main account, subdomain tracking has not been turned on, so the root domain has not got the additional   _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); line of code in it. I have included this on the code as is necessary to enable tracking. Will this work or cause tracking issues? I think it should be ok. I don’t want to have to update the root domain code if I can avoid it as that will need to go through the development team and may take weeks as they are swamped and under resourced. Thanks, Rich.

    | Sarbs

  • I have found this in Google Analytic but it makes no sense to me - is there are better resource which explains how you do this step by step ( or a good video perhaps?) Identical URLs Across Multiple Steps In some situations, the URL does not change across a sequence of activity. For example, a sign-up process might have the following URL path: Step 1 (Sign Up): Step 2 (Accept Agreement): Step 3 (Finish): To track visitors' progress through a funnel with the same URL for each step, modify the tracking code to create a virtual URL for each step in the sequence that you want to track. For details on how to use this in your tracking code, see Virtual Pageviews in the _Asynchronous Migration Examples_guide, which shows how to do this in all versions of the tracking code. The following example shows how you might fabricate 3 URLs using the asynchronous tracking code: _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/funnel_G1/step1.html']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/funnel_G1/step2.html']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/funnel_G1/step3.html']); You would then define your funnel and goal URLs using the ones you created in the tracking code modifications.

    | pookiepro

  • Hi, In my webmaster tools I have a yellow triangle stating that there is a DNS error that is preventing Google crawling my sites. The site is indexed and I have checked fetch as Google and that seems ok but the triangle is still there every time I check it. The whois sites all have the correct information and point to Hostgator who I am using. I have contacted them and they said everything seems ok. Should I just carry on as normal with my  link building as the site is indexed or investigate even further? Cheers, Stuart

    | stuart42

  • Ok so in my traffic sources break down I have 3 sections: direct, organic, and referral. My question is under the referral tab I have recently noticed a new traffic source, my own website.... How is this possible? My top referring site is my own website.... Is this considered direct traffic or how is this being traced?

    | jameswalkerson

  • This is my site. Its in wordpress.I just want to know is there any way I can get the list of blocked URL by Robots.txt In Google Webmaster its not showing up.Just giving the number of blocked URL's. Any plugin or Software to extract the list of blocked URL's.

    | csfarnsworth

  • I added the code before tag but still google not showing it is installed. Status: Tracking Not Installed Last checked: Mar 15, 2013 10:38:10 PM PDT Can someone check my domain -

    | chandubaba

  • Hi, I'm doing Google maps optimization for my local clients, so she uses same login for personal Gmail and Google places, is there a way to change a password for Google places, without giving away her password that she uses for personal Gmail? Thanks for help.

    | tonyklu

  • Some of my key pages got blocked by robots.txt file and I have made required changes in robots.txt file but how can I get the blocked URL's list. My webmaster page Health>blocked URL's shows only number not the blocked URL's.My first question is from where can I fetch these blocked URL's and how can I get them back in searches, One other interesting point I see is that blocked pages are still showing up in searches.Title is appearing fine but Description shows blocked by robots.txt file. I need urgent recommendation as I do not want to see drop in my traffic any more.

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hi 🙂 I have a little problem. In Multi-channel Funnel Overview I see 50 conversions from Paid Search (screenshot 1). But when I click on Assisted Conversion and then choose Paid Search, I see 31 Assisted Conversions and 32 Last Interaction Conversion.  (screenshot 2) So my question is - why the number of converstions in overview (50) is different than number in Assisted Conversions (assisted or last interaction conversion, or both together)? Probably, the answer is so simply, but I can found out it! 🙂 thanks a lot. X6UihL7.png lCNsw4T.png

    | visibilitysk

  • I've fixed many of my errors, but they're still showing in my dashboard. When will the site be crawled again?

    | sakeith

  • We have 1000s of audio book samples for visitors to listen to as part of their buying decision. Will Google Analytics tell me how often and what specific audio files have been listened to?

    | lbohen

  • Hi I checked in my campaign to look for errors on my page and i have got a report showing me a lot of 404 broken or dead links error. So how can i view the source of the broken link in order to fix it. Thank you!

    | DigitalDave

  • Hi, when planing a strategy for the keywords i am looking at the following parameters: 1. Using Google Analytics i check what are the queries that cause my website to appear in search results 2. I am trying to understand what is the message the website (the company) want to deliver 3. I am trying to find the best keywords that will have lower competition to minimize the costs The Q 1. Any other parameters that i missed? 2. What will be the best way for me to check the competition and the costs for each keyword before i select it? Thank you very.... SEOwiseUs

    | iivgi

  • Good day to all! I am very confuse about results on seomoz Crawl Diagnostics Summary, especially with 6 Crawl Warnings Found. It says title too short:, , why would Google punish me for this??? why should I make longer title for sitemap? or Watamu? It is the name of the place - Watamu or Mombasa. It is very confusing for me. I have very big mess with the website and it is not ranking:-( what I have done:-( and is it possible to meta description for this plugin: how?? I even do not know where is it.

    | VillasDiani

  • Hi, i had a Technorati link as my lop link showing in SEOmoz. its no longer showing. I verified that the blog is still listed with them. Does anyone know why that link is not in the campaign...or showing up in site explorer? Thanks, Kevin

    | yandl

  • Hi, I've seen a steady improvement in my google search referrals since optimising my site and keeping an eye on SEO over the last few months. I'm only getting relatively small numbers of referrals, around 120-130 a day, but this has steadily increased from about 40 before Christmas. It's been a fairly consistent increase until 4 days ago when suddenly my referral numbers were cut in half. I'd be surprised if google was penalising me since I'm such a small site, but are there any obvious signs I should look out for? Oh, and my site is should that be of help. Thanks! Will

    | madegood

  • Good Morning, I am trying to understand 2 issues in Google Analytics. 1. When look at : Traffic Source --> SEO --> Quesrios - i see the impressions column and its always a whole number 1550, 500, 5500, etc.. I never saw (for example) 702, 313, etc... impressions Can anyone explain why and how does it work? 2. In the same report i see my AVG. position for each query, the question is how come i have AVG, position of (290, 230, 190) for some of the queries and still i get clicks on these queries. My guess is that from time to time these queries have better position and the clicks are from these time. Do you familiar with a way to the the distribution of a specific query over time? for example: 1.3.2013 avg position = 4 2.3.2013 avg position = 7 3.3.2013 avg position = 2 4.3.2013 avg position = 8 etc... 3. This report say its for: "Top 1,000 daily queries" - What does it mean? Thank you and sorry for this long question SEOwiseUs

    | iivgi

  • Hello. I have had a Google Analytics account set up to track the property for several years. In Google Webmaster Tools, I recently set the preferred domain to (without the www), and we put in a rewrite from www to no-www in the .htaccess file. Should I now change the url of the property in Google Analytics to (without the www), or does Google Analytics see the two urls as the same? Thank you!

    | nyc-seo

  • This one has me a bit puzzled... I was just conducting a bit of routine analysis on a client's site, when I noticed avg. traffic doubled on one particular day. Now, this was easy to spot, since avg daily traffic for this site is 100 per day. The site also has approximately 100 pages of content. Here is the odd part... the spike was clearly attributed to Direct traffic and from a specific network in Palo Alto. The Bounce Rate was 100% and it appears that every page on the site was visited - very briefly. Any clues as to what may have triggered this? A competitor maybe? An unkown bot? I am looking forward to your thoughts.

    | SCW

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