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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi- For the month of Feb on two of our sites we are seeing inflated product revenues. I have not seen this before and I am not having any luck searching for answers. Here is the issue: Product B sells for $159.95 For the month of Feb we sold 3 thus revenue should be ~$479.85 GA is showing Product B's revenue at $3,360.00 I read online that sometimes folks will bookmark the receipt page and that can cause this and we would need to put a catch in place for this but I am guessing this is not the case as it is happening on two sites. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    | K2_Sports

  • Hi there, I am trying to track an event, newsletter signup in this case, on my Magento store. I added onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Microconversion', 'Evento_Onclick', 'Sus_Newsletter']);" on subscribe.phtml Category: Microconversion Action: Evento_Onclick Label: Sus_Newsletter It doesn't work, it's does not track this event. What am I doing wrong? Thanks and regards

    | footd

  • Does anyone know why there would be a difference in average position from GA and GWT?  I am seeing completely different results for the same date ranges.  Thank you!

    | bloomingB

  • Hi I have GA installed,  whaen I try to use Inpage Analytics, I get this message: We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics. Error: The Website in your settings  ( redirects into a different domain.  ( In-Page Analytics currently works on only one domain. Note that and are NOT considered to be on the same domain. Also, make sure you're not redirecting from http:// to https:// or vice versa My website is running on wordpress. Thanks for help.


  • Does anyone know how to edit the ecommerce javascript with Volusion dynamic variables? I thought I did it correctly but none of the information got recorded in GA. It recorded that there was a transaction made but not info on the purchase price, order #, etc. This is the current code I am using: NOTE: In Volusions customer support center they provided this information: Where Order-Specific Information is Generated Order-specific information can be generated by JavaScript on the OrderFinished.asp page within Volusion. On this page, two JavaScript arrays will be initialized that advanced users may need to be aware of. The arrays and their contents are as follow:
    Order Array Contents Order[0] = Order ID
        Order[1] = Unused
        Order[2] = Payment Amount
        Order[3] = Affiliate Commisionable Value
        Order[4] = Sales Tax
        Order[5] = Total Shipping Cost
        Order[6] = Billing City
        Order[7] = Billing State
        Order[8] = Billing Country OrderDetails Array Contents OrderDetails[X][0] = Order ID
        OrderDetails[X][1] = Order Detail ID
        OrderDetails[X][2] = Product Code
        OrderDetails[X][3] = Product Name
        OrderDetails[X][4] = (unused)
        OrderDetails[X][5] = Product Price
        OrderDetails[X][6] = Quantity Note that in the above example, X refers to a line item number (beginning from zero). Note that there can be multiple Order Details arrays - one for each item contained within an order. I'm a newbie at Analytics installation and could really use any help. Thanks!

    | jhooley

  • An international portfolio of web sites has been suffering from Panda and Penguin over the last months. Essentially many of the international sites completely disappeared from the top 50 when before we had many Top 5 positions for competitive key words. Today we noticed that it appears that for all this time rankings for local keywords have not been affected for domains outside of the most relevant Google CCTLD for the page. To give an example: / Keyword 1 (IT) = Italian Competitive Keyword Keyword 1 (IT) April 2012 Position 4 Keyword 1 (IT) December 2012 Position --- Keyword 1 (IT) April 2012 Position 1 Keyword 1 (IT) December 2012 Position 1 Keyword 1 (IT) April 2012 Position 3 Keyword 1 (IT) December 2012 Position 4 Have other people observed such behavior? Does this give any pointers towards how the recovery strategies should be drafted? We have experienced that the more search volume a keywords has received the harder the Panda/Penguin impact. So one hypothesis could be that because the international Google domains do not receive overly significant traffic for the localized keywords Panda/Penguin protection algorithms are not being applied with the same force. Any thoughts are welcome. /Thomas

    | sp80

  • So I found this link to my website on the huffington post it's at the bottom in the "around the web" section. My question is this article has been around for almost 4 months yet the link does not show up in WMT. I would like to know if the link to is indexed and passing authority. Thank you.

    | jameswalkerson

  • My home page at has been ranked well for various key word phrases for years. I've tried to optimize it for the search "Crystal Lake CPA Firm" and it always had ranked number 1-2. Now it doesn't even rank in the top 5 pages (actually I don't know which page it falls on). I did an on-page report card and it has an A rating. So, what is preventing Google from ranking my home page on page 1? There's not that much competition so this should be an easy ranking for me. I don't know how ling this has not been listed, but I did modify my site about 12-18 months ago with a new WP theme. Could the theme be the problem?

    | smtcpa

  • Hi mozzers, I have a site A: (with its own branded kws) SiteB: Site A and B are related and belong to the same company. Site B was released a couple months ago. ISSUE: I have noticed branded kws from Site A showing up on Site B's GA which doesn't make any sense. I try to make searches in the SE with those kws and not a single search showed the Site B(subdomain). What is weird is that 2 months ago had a an issue with bounce rate on site B showing a 0% bounce rate, then I discovered that we had 2 GATC on site, removed the extra code and bounce was back to normal. Since then I have seen a rise of branded kws from Site A to Site B. Can someone help me here figuring out what is wrong? Thanks

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • As of 28-Jan, referral traffic from Google images (/imgres) to my domain has pretty much vaporized. Visits are down 85%. It's actually not a disaster because most of those visits were from poorly optimized alt tags that were resulting in low quality visits. The interesting thing is that visit duration is up 80% during the same period. So I'm asking this question out of curiosity more than anything. Is this likely an algorithm tweak? I can't think of any major changes on my end. There's only one other data point to mention but I don't see how they'd be connected. I did two PRWEB releases on 29-Jan and 30-Jan that resulted in a few hundred new no-follow links back to my site. 22b7k2.png

    | JonDiPietro

  • This morning I did a search on Google for my site using the site: operator. I noticed that the number of results returned was significantly different than the "Total indexed" in Google Webmaster Tools. What is the difference and is it normal to have two very different numbers here?

    | Gordian

  • Hello! I've set up Goals within Google Analytics and they aren't registering. I'm wondering if someone can review what I've set up to see if I've entered something wrong. I'm trying to track enrollments. Here's the site info: Enroll URL: Upon completion, the user goes to a Thank You page and our CMS generates a trailing URL parameter. For example: My Goal info in GA: Goal URL: /individuals/enroll-careplus-thank-you/
    Match Type: Head Match (to disregard trailing URL parameter)
    Goal Funnel: Step 1: /individuals/enroll-careplus/ I'm curious if the problem lies in either: The URL: Notice how the URL adds /index.php/ on the thank you page. In that case, should I enter the full URL in the Goal instead of the truncated URL? The Funnel: Is it necessary to show the initial Enroll page or if I'll see that in the Flow Visualization regardless? Thanks in advance for helping me out. Erik

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • For the past 3 months my site has had an average of about 400 pages crawled per day by google. We have just over 6,000 indexed pages. However, twice in the last week, Google crawled an enormous percentage of my site. After averaging 400 pages crawled for the last 3 months, the last 4 days of crawl stats say the following. 2/1 - 4,373 pages crawled 2/2 - 367 pages crawled 2/3 - 4,777 pages crawled 2/4 - 437 pages crawled What is the deal with these enormous spike in pages crawled per day? Of course, there are also corresponding spikes in kilobytes downloaded per day. Essentially, Google averages crawling about 6% of my site a day. But twice in the last week, Google decided to crawl just under 80% of my site. Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas? I have literally no idea what this means and I haven't found anyone else with the same problem. Only people complaining about massive DROPS in pages crawled per day. Here is a screenshot from Webmaster Tools: The drop in time spent downloading a page corresponded exactly to an improvement in our CSS. So that probably doesn't need to be considered, although I'm up for any theories from anyone about anything.

    | dellcos

  • Hello, Im having a hard time connecting webmaster tools within Google Analytics i want to be able to see search queries in GA That's what Google tells me to do : "You can visit the Property Settings page in Analytics account management to change which of your Webmaster Tools sites' data you wish to show, and control which profiles on your Web Property have access to view the data." I cant find "Property Settings Page" in google analytics, or anything that has to do with "Webmaster tools" I was wandering if you can help me on that 🙂 Thanks

    | tonyklu

  • I am a little confused about my search results. My ranking on google is displayed as #42.  HOWEVER, I am #1 in the LOCAL results... what does that mean?  Am I really #42?  or am I #1 because local is listed over the organic results?

    | drshahprs

  • Hi! I would like to track everytime a visitor clicks a AJAX contact form's submit button. I created an event in Google Analytics and plan to add some javascript to the submit button code. This is the current submit button code: This is how it'll look after I add the category, action, etc.: Is this correct or am I missing something? Please let me know if you need further detail. Thanks a lot!


  • Hi, We have two sites and We want to track these sites separately. We created two different properties with IDs UA-XXX-1 for main domain UA-XXX-2 for subdomain. gaq code for main domain is as following, gaq code for subdomain is as following, It works well for subdomain. But we want to see traffic from subdomain to main domain as referral.
    What is wrong with the gaq code of main domain? 
    Do i need to change code or is it enough to inactivate subdomain tracking option in profile settings of main domain? Thanks in advance,

    | OkanKortan

  • We are seeing Google Analytic's drop transaction on our site so therefore all the figures are skewed. Is there a way I can manually add transactions to GA to cover the missing one?

    | Towelsrus

  • Anyone else find that there are, almost continually, links added to the 'Links To Your Site' list from years ago that weren't previously reflected? I'm seeing links that were added to directories in 2008 (by whoever was doing the SEO then) only showing in the last week or so when these links weren't in the list a few months ago. I don't suppose there's much I can do - it's just annoying in that it adds to more people to contact to have nonsense removed.

    | Martin_S

  • How should I go about fixing this?  See image. Capture.PNG

    | Darden

  • Is there a way to check the domain authority of a site from a past date?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • Hello! This question is seems so obvious that I'm also ashamed to ask... almost. If the goal of a website is to have a visitor complete a contact form, when setting up the Goal in Google Analytics (as a "URL destination") the URL of choice would be the form's thank you page, correct? Because that's the page that proves the visitor completed the task we want them the achieve. Right? Thanks!

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • I set our site's preferred domain back on January 28. We had a www and non www domain being indexed. Since then, I've seen the number or results for our site site operator (site:) decline dramatically. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing. So, I'm trying to see if it's unique to our site. My gut is that the numbers are probably leveling out to where they should be and the duplicates are falling out, but I would think that as I see number of results for non www decline, the number of results for www would increase. Any thoughts? Anyone else seeing fluctuations in results using site: ? Lisa

    | Aggie

  • So...I know Google secret sauce is just what secret but on a couple occasions I've seen a Phenomenon occur that I'd like some help understanding.  I work at a fairly new eCommerce sit called  We have the normal new site desires...more traffic.  Most of our traffic is coming from CPC but we were seeing about a 33% increase in organic wk over wk, until...we drastically cut our CPC spend on Google for a wk.  Then organic dropped by about 1/3'rd.  Nothing else changed, that's it.  I know Google says that CPC spend doesn't affect rankings but I've seen this phenomenon a couple time @ a couple different sites & I'm getting to the point where I just don't believe it.  What's your perspective on this?

    | RPD

  • Hi there, We design and sell our own product range in a narrow niche, and we are also stocked by Amazon and a lot of other big retailers in the UK. During the first two weeks of Dec 2012 the position of one of our main keywords, which was in google SERPs on page 1 (8 or 9), dropped to page 4. The keyword describes the niche we're in. The drop is shown in the webmaster tools traffic report for that keyword. But it's the only one of our keywords where this has happened, and furthermore it hasn't happened for variations of the keyword. And in Adwords our quality score for the keyword is 10 For example say we were making and selling shopping trolleys -  our keyword "shopping trolleys" has dropped through the floor, but "shopping trolleys (on) wheels" is just fine. Can anyone shed any light on what's going on here? Losing this one keyword has cost us some good organic traffic. i1uxSlB.png

    | w1ll1am

  • is there a better analytics tool (preferably free) that will show the actual keywords that drive traffic to a website or are we doomed to deal with (not provided) as a result of the Big G's retarded privacy policy? - seems they cant make up their minds as to whether they are going to take care of site owners or advertisers - but they should really take a stand and stop putting out half-ass results if anyone has any helpful ideas that may ease my pain i would be forever in your debt.

    | Ezpro9

  • Just noticed today that the "not selected" has been removed from the Index status, Advanced section of Google Webmaster Tools. Anyone know why. I've used this metric to determine how or why Google was not selecting pages, particularly to gauge canonical's, 301's and duplicate content. It will be missed if gone for good.

    | tdawson09

  • Dear Moz-members, I have read several discussions regarding not to implement Google analytics on your website. Reason: Google is tracking your website behavior, for example you have a high bounce rate it will affect your rankings negative. See it as we are opening the doors too much to Google so it can have a negative impact on your online business, especially when your site is new and you are still building your credit. Because of this i have not chosen to install GA. What is your experience with this? Most of the time if i read analytics posts at Seomoz, people do have GA installed. I am also in doubt whether to switch over at GA, but then again mine site is relative new and i am still working on the negative bounce rate/daily visitors. Would like to hear from you pro's whether this is a myth or not 🙂 Thanks!

    | mcweb

  • and what are the disadvantages of awstats compared to Google Analytics?

    | esiow2013

  • Hi guys, As it says in the title, we've recently reached the absolute #1 position for a certain key phrase in the travel industry which the Google Keyword Tool tells me averages 110,000 local (165,000 global) searches a month... however we have received barely any traffic at all over the past TWO months for it and I'm trying my best to determine why. We've checked on multiple different devices with all forms of personalisation off, different browsers, 3G connections as opposed to office Wi-FI etc. and it still returns us as the #1 rank. Meta descriptions and title tags are pretty much pristine if I don't say so myself, however what should be a very lucrative key phrase is currently returning little to no traffic results. Has anyone had experience in a similar situation to this? Any possible causes that I might be missing? Would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks.

    | ExperienceOz

  • Hi There, We have no traffic data, is this something we are doing wrong or is this an issue with SEOMOZ ? Also duplicate listings have gone sky high, check goggle analytics's and all ok ? Any answers ? Thanks Charlie

    | pro58

  • I'm trying to add a URL that is having some obvious issues so I can further investigate. When trying to add this site to a campaign in SEOmoz i get the following: Roger has detected a problem: We have detected that the root domain is not a live URL. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site or present accurate SERP information. == What does that error mean? Where should I be looking to begin troubleshooting? The initial issue was that back on 9/1 according to Google Webmaster Tools this site began getting a high number of 500 erros and that number continued to rise up to 3200 of the same type of error. So something screwy is going on and I'm not sure where to start looking.

    | digisavvy

  • I was looking over the analytics of close to 200 sites because we have seen a large decrease in traffic. The 200 sites are all independently owned by clients but all began to hurt last year. Looking over analytics from every site I can pinpoint that on September 29th all the traffic stopped, like someone flipped a switch. Prior we were seeing 800-1000 hits from Google a month per site and now we are lucky to get 100-150 hits? What the hell happened? The sites all use the same structure but each site is on its own domain name and each site is managed separately. An example is

    | megaagentwebsites

  • Is is neccessary to use in order to have pages crawled and indexed. Thank you

    | APICDA

  • Hey all, After doing a lot of research, and verifying here in the forum, I set our site's preferred domain on monday. We had no preferred domain set for years, but we were already redirecting the non www site to the www one. So, it was evidently an oversight. The day after I set the preferred domain (Jan 29) our google referral traffic hit an all time low. Any other thoughts on the cause? Any ideas on why setting a preferred domain would be a bad idea? Our site is Thanks!! Lisa

    | Aggie

  • I am normally pretty good with Analytics but I can not figure out how to find out how many unique visitors there were on the homepage. When I do content drilldown all I can do is pageviews. Any suggestions?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Does organic search data show unique visitors or all visits? For example, if someone ( a single person) visits my site multiple times after searching the same keyword phrase, does that show in my analytics data as 1 hit from that keyword, or all hits? Thanks!

    | RickyShockley

  • Hi, I recently relaunched my site on a wordpress CMS. The relaunch has gone well except for a category of traffic within Google Analytics which is referral traffic from (its a UK site) which has dropped off hugely. The non-paid search traffic from is the same or better than it was. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between referral traffic from and non-paid search traffic from Thanks for your help. Ben

    | benacuity

  • Hello! I use Google Analytics to monitor our company's websites. In the coming weeks we will roll out a brand new website for one of our brands to replace its current site. The domain name will remain the same. My question is, should I use the same tracking code that's been used on the existing site for the new site, or is there a benefit to creating a new tracking code? Thanks in advance!

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • Just relaunched website and since then specific event tracking has zeroed. I copied event tracking directly from old site so it should work. Overall analytics are fine. Only variable I can think of is where google analytics code is placed. Does GAC code need to be on HTML header or at end of body specifically for event tracking to work? Example: When user clicks "REI" icon, this tracks an event that a user clicked on one of our"retailer links." Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    | Timmmmy

  • Why does a search for "" show no results, but when there is a space before it shows results? The same happens for "" (nothing shows up), but when I search for "" it returns results. Is there a problem I am missing? Thanks so much!

    | EmilyP

  • Hi,
    The website is: (remove the 123) All websites I have ever seen with similar metrics in OSE have normally a PR of 2 or 3 or max 4. This one is PR 5 and I would like to know why. I also noticed that they do not redirect the urls without www. to www. Which is normally bad ... can it be good for some reason in this case? It is PR 5 since a long time I just can´t get why it is PR 5. Please have a look. Thanks!

    | sebastiankoch

  • Looking at some Google Webmaster tools data and im a bit stumped. Can anyone tell me if the "not selected" pages should be taken from the "total indexed pages" or are they a seperate entity? The way the data is displayed on the graph leads you to believe they should be taken from the total indexed pages, yet Googles own description of "not selected" pages says that these pages are not indexed. Confused.

    | Silkstream

  • Hi, I am trying to see which of my Google organic keywords triggered my goals? In GA I click > Conversion > Goals > Overview > Source Medium (This then says where my goals came from but when I click Google / Organic it just brings me to the overview page of my organic traffic). Is it possible to see which organic keywords trigger goals?

    | AdvanceSystems

  • Greetings from 17 degrees C wetherby UK 🙂 The above url pints to dat I'd love to see in my Google analytics account but instead all i can see is this: What i really want to measure is Facebook Likes etc not just referral traffic from social media sites. So my question is please... "Do i have to add additional tracking code to Google analytics as explained here - " Thanks in advance,

    | Nightwing

  • hi mozzers, I am trying to setup my first event to count the numbers of downloads of an infographic(pdf file) we just created on GA and after some research I figured that I should add this piece of code (below) but where exactly? <colgroup><col width="386"></colgroup>
    | _gaq.push(['_trackevent', 'PDF', 'Download', 'name of file']); | Should I put it just in between _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); and _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); ? Please provide details because I ve never done this before Thanks 🙂

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Our new alumni application is going be tested at domain .  We are going to collect traffic data with a Google analytics account number UA-884652-XX. So going to would send its data to Google Analytics with that account number.     Then when it is ready for production we are going to just change the domain name of the application and switch the DNS over to .  So going to /myPage.html would send its data to  Google Analtics with that SAME account number.  Aside from having the testing domain data in the same profile are there any other issues/problems we may run into?

    | Darden

  • Hey guys, Just need some help deciphering my OSE link metrics for my site . Page MozRank: 5.51 (highest among my competitors) Page MozTrust: 5.74 (#2 among my competitors) Subdomain MozRank: 4.19 (#4 among my competitors) Subdomain MozTrust: 4.63 (#2 among my competitors) Root Domain MozRank: 3.89 (#5 or last place among competitors) Root Domain MozRank: 4.1 (#5 or last place among competitors) What does this mean? What am I doing right, what do I need to do?

    | Theskimonster

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