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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • In Analytics, most of my visitors are landing on my home page, but when trying to see wich keywords they use, most of them are: (not set) or ( not provided) See screencast: Can you tell why? What is going on? Is there a way to solve this? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hello, Two weeks ago we have changed IP address of our website, also we've added new subdomains for static content (like & and changed the links on the site accordingly. The old IP is also working and the old links are accessible too. For some reason, since the change, we see a SE (google) traffic constant drop everyday. I've read only Google's support ( that such change shouldn't affect the ranking anyhow. On the other hand I've consulted with SEO people and was told that such change may affect in the close new feature (for couple of weeks) and then bring the ranking back. I would like to hear another opinion, I want to get back to our board with approved answers. Please advice. Thanks.

    | maddogx

  • I've started to notice something very strange: the search keywords report in analytics show a bunch of instances where a person copied large snippets of our site content and then pasted it into the search box.  Half these searches are coming from the US and half from...India.  I'm worried that this may be the sign of a competitor attempting to perform negative SEO on our site (though admittedly I don't know how).  Anyone seen anything like this?  Advice?  Thanks!!

    | SarahLK

  • Howdy,
    I represent a UK based workwear company called and our rankings have fallen following Penguin 2.0. We are a relatively small company compared to many competitors and have noticed the arrival of large companies in the serps. Many are not even in the workwear sector and pretty irrelevant which is annoying. We have not received any correspondence from Google, but our fall from grace particularly for the word workwear has been big. Do you think our link profile is an issue? Click here: Link Profile Is it worth emailing Google? We have attempted to remove bad links, is it worth using disavow? My feelings are we should: 1. Email Google via Disavow tool about the links we have already tried to remove with proof of attempt.Go through link profile with fine tooth comb and contact an even wider range of webmasters for link removal.Then email Google via disavow tool (best to try removal via email to websites first).2. Begin to build new content and links, even guest blogging is now coming under scrutiny from Google – There really is no bluffing Google anymore.3. Build site conversion.4. Develop a competition theme (10 years old anniversary) combined with say MyWorkHero, etc. Use this for social networking.5. Increase social networking, but is this experts are predicting this is the next kick up for seo.6. Having improved conversion, trial adwords.7. Continue to develop the site in a structured, non manipulative manner. – Look at it as a good site is a successful site in the eyes of Google and the rewards will follow. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

    | MarzVentures

  • Since May 21st our site is showing via Google Analytics a large spike in traffic to our home page.  The traffic increase is 4-5 times our average.  I was able to track the source to the same town we are headquartered.  We have lost 4 spots for our top keyword.  We went from 7 to 11 in Google in this time period.  I understand it could be related to Penguin.  But I also suspect this issue is negatively effecting ranking by increasing bounce rate and decreasing pages per visit and time on site. Before/After May 21st Returning Visitors: 52% / 23% New Visitors:  48% / 77% Pages per Visit: 12.4 / 5.44 Duration of visit Avg: 10.23 / 4.22 I would greatly appreciate any ideas on the cause of this issue.  Also any input on the above metrics and sudden lost in a couple spots in SERP. Thanks.

    | devonkrusich

  • I was recently running my SEO Moz report for my domain and saw a drastic drop in page rankings on the report. After some trouble shooting, I checked my Google Webmaster Tools and saw the "Preferred Domain for my Site has changed" the last week in which I saw the drastic drop. Under the "preferred domain" area, I have it set to but on most of the links to my site, it reads . We also have , but am not sure if this carries any relevance as the preferred domain is set for . Does the "/" make a difference in the "Preferred Domain" section? If so, how do I update it? Is there a way to confirm it is set up correctly? In the photo attached, what does "Linked Property" "Analytics Web Property" and "Associated Webmaster Tools Site" mean? Thanks in advance! T5tSCxm

    | Khadaran

  • Hi there! When the data from an A/B test shows a difference in AOV between the variants, how do you determine if this difference is statistically probable or not? Best Regards, Martin

    | TalkInThePark

  • Hello, When using the google webmaster tools, on Optimization --> HTML Improvements, I have some problems in field the Short meta descriptions. This is easy to fix and I fixed some last days, then today I check this again. Google webmaster tool still report these errors. Please let me know how to notify to google, these errors was fixed?

    | JohnHuynh

  • Hey, There is something not working in our GA account, its shows too many visits per day, when look where this traffic comes from, the majority comes from (not set). Please find attached. Really appreciate help! Thank you! BvmAKtO

    | Comunicare

  • Last week, I had 14 keywords go up and less than 5 go down. I was so thrilled! Except this week, I had 10 go up and 14 go down! How can I figure out what is going on? I am up and down 30+ spots with Google. I'd really like to stay up. My site is pretty new, just a few months. I am still fiddling around with settings trying to follow all the advice I read. (robot meta tags, title tag) I didn't change any content in the last week. Does SEOmoz analyze the ranking data?

    | dealblogger

  • Hi Guys, I have enable site search for analytics a number of times. But this time it's the first time I came across a search with no query parameters. What is the most simple way to approach this? thank you!

    | GetApp

  • Hi guys, My ecommerce site is on Magento and in order to integrate it with Google Analytics, I enter my GA account number on the Account Number field in the backend. What surprises me is that some purchases are not tracked at all. So for the month of may GA shows X unique purchases when Magento shows x+5. Can this occur because the customer leaves the site before the confirmation page is shown? Thanks. Regards

    | footd

  • I'm auditing a site and would appreciate your help with possible explanations and solutions as to why Google Analytics in the Content Drilldown page is showing what appears to be duplicate pages. (Refer image) I'm wondering if I have got my head around the rel=canonical tag because the page I'd consider a duplicate "page/" has a Canonical tag pointing to "~/page.html" This is the tag from the page Locations/ rel="canonical" href="" /> so am unsure why both versions of the page are generating views.  Shouldn't the Canonical tag work like a 301 redirect? I'm unsure how the pages using the path page/ are generating so many views because I have not been able to find them and they are not indexed by Google. Unfortunately the site is built using a Propriety CMS I'm not familiar with. exK4EqrU25

    | NicDale

  • Hi All, New to SEOmoz but so far love it.  My reports list tons of duplicate links and webmaster tools does as well.   In fact it just updated last night and added several hundred more.  I have the canonical tag on my products.  Here is a product example page: Thank you for the help. Matt

    | mker

  • We've dropped rankings across the board in Google, not severely but 1 and 2 spot drops and yet increased in rankings in Bing and Yahoo on the same keywords (basically all of them). Is this the sign of a new bad incoming link?

    | absoauto

  • Hi all, One of our sites has seen a huge drop in traffic beginning in January 2012 and continuing to this day. However, even after spending a great deal of time going through analytics I'm none of the wiser to what penalty has caused the drop in traffic (please see attached - grey line is minus one year). The problem is that our traffic is particularly seasonal, hence the difficulty in highlighting what algorithm update(s) has hit us. I'm tearing my hair out with this one, so any advice would be most appreciated! Cheers yxkTnTn

    | dooberry

  • I set up Enhanced Link Attribution yestarday on two my websites, but it still doesn´t work. When I look at numbers of clicks at In-page analytics I see the same numbers of clicks for example on heading, read more button, thumbail of blogposts  - so it doesn´t work. My GA code: <script type="<a class="attribute-value">text/javascript</a>"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; var pluginUrl = '//'; _gaq.push(['_require', 'inpage_linkid', pluginUrl]); _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'XXXX']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); script> Could you help me? thanks 🙂

    | mysho

  • Hi, I need to identify the conversion rate for a product, lets call it a spanner. I have 100s of spanner product urls and I ensured that the url protocols must include the product name e.g /red_spanner so its easy for me to work out the conversion rate in analytics for all my spanner pages as I just add 'spanner' to the landing page filter, hit the ecommerce tab and bingo. What I cant figure out is how to work out the conversion rate for all spanner sales which includes alot of sales which didnt originate on spanner pages e.g. home page > search result > checkout. Theres 1000s of variations of this e.g. email > home > search > product page > checkout. How can I work out the total conversion rate for spanners which needs to include: people landing on a spanner page and people who didnt arrive at a spanner page and did a search with eventually got them to the spanner pages. Hopefully its not as complicated as I think! Thanks in Advance!

    | AndyMacLean

  • Anyone got any suggestions for good intranet analytics? We can't use Google Analytics because the ga.js JavaScript will only work if the intranet can be accessed using a domain name that is fully qualified, but ours is http://intranet. Also, we don't want user data sent to a remote server via the ga.js script. Our intranet is built on SharePoint if that helps. Thanks

    | Houses

  • My errors just stopped updating on April 25. Everything else is updating normal, did something change/

    | EcommerceSite

  • Yesterday was a jubilant day! Our website hit the #2 spot on google for one of our keyword searches "german shepherd puppies in Alaska." We are new at this and it took a lot of work and about 2 months to do this (I realize this is fast). What happened overnight? We have new pages on page 1 towards the bottom, but our homepage fell to around page 4? What would make this happen? I didn't make any updates to the homepage recently. Am I linking to it too much interally? Am I running too many categories? The "too many on pages links" warning comes up all of the time, but I feel like my site is structured user friendly. I am blogging like mad and successfully getting guest blog posts on reputable sites like mad. I have 30,000 Facebook fans.... but will never understand google. Any takers? What happened overnight?

    | Joshlaska

  • Buongiorno from 8 degrees C Wetherby UK 🙂 On this site the scrolling banner has been hyperlinked with underscore blank causing new pages to open when a user clicks on a banner. My question is please... "If a user clicks on a banner will Google measure this as a home page bounce" ( I dont think it will i just want to be 100% sure) Click here for illustration: Grazie Tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • What do you do when you have a few profiles under one property in analytics (for subdomains etc) but you want to link each one of them to webmaster tools? Far as I know, you can only link them at the property level. Thanks! -Dan

    | evolvingSEO

  • Does somebody know why links from Itunes are not visible in Seomoz/ Majestic. While the content is indexed by Google. (even if no-follow, I dont see the link). I hoped that building an app for one of my sites, is they ideal linkbait strategy for my EMD domain 🙂 Especially when apple is linking to my website from I tunes 🙂

    | remkoallertz

  • HI All, I Would like to know your views on structured data on your site. What are the qualities and point that should keep in mind when we talking about the "structured data on your site". how we can apply structured data. How we use data highlighter for the website which don't have any events. your thoughts please.

    | lucidsoftech

  • Hi all, We're having an issue with Analytics where we are getting different figures from what Silver Pop are saying. For example email campaign A sent via Silver Pop, with Google Analytics tracking code show's 50 unique clicks in Silver Pop. Looking at Google Analytics there are only 10 visits from that campaign. So I thought it could be something with the tracking, but there wasn't a significant rise in web visits = either Google Analytics is not recording visits properly or Silver Pop figures are wrong. I'm more inclined to think that it's something to do with Google Analytics. Has anyone come across something similar? Where one system is showing you X amount of visits but the figures on Google Analytics don't add up? A few quick things already covered: Double checked the links have been tracked properly, but this doesn't explain the low increase in web visits generally We've double checked that Google Analytics tracking code is properly installed (and it is / was at the time of send). Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks guys.

    | RKHStaff

  • I noticed today that we had a huge spike in visits on December 9th of this month.  We are talking like 13,000 more visits.  The network the visits were from was psinet inc. Any suggestions on how to keep these bots from registering in my Google Analytics?  Is there an ip address I can exclude?

    | Hosmercars

  • Can anyone tell me what this means?  "We have detected that the root domain does not repsond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site or present accurate SERP information"

    | MannixSEO

  • hi all I have been reading the documentation here; But cannot find a real GREAT reason for using this and how it will help my fairly small (500/600 visitors/month) hobby website. Any suggestions help most welcome! Thanks Andy

    | andystorey

  • I am having difficulty in using different GA codes for each individual campaign- this must be possible. Can someone please advice. Thanks

    | ChrisDingley

  • Hi All, OK, we seem to be struggling to break through a Google glass ceiling which is limiting our organic search impressions. The site launched in Nov 2012 and we plodded with very little organic traffic until the end of January 2013 when organic traffic slowly started to rise.  All was great and we knew we were in for the slow but steady build of organic traffic. However since early March 2013 we have reached a very consistent Plateau of around 5,500 organic impressions per day and we simply cant seem to get past it. CTR has stayed relatively stable and clicks match impressions quite consistently. Could this be Google sandbox in operation or more a lack of reputation? For information we have an SEOmoz Domain Authority of 23, MOZRank of 3.19 and MOZTrust of 3.21. Your thoughts would be very much appreciated? Thanks in advance U2rgXJd.png?1

    | KevSwann

  • Does anyone know of a way to do a profile level filter to exclude all traffic if it enters the site via certain landing pages? The problem I have is that we have several pages that are served to visitors of numerous other domains but are also served to visitors of our site. We end up with inflated Google Analytics numbers because people are viewing these pages from our partners' domains but never actually entering our site. I've made an advanced segment that serves the purpose but I'd really like to filter it at the profile level so the numbers across the board are more accurate without having to apply an advanced segment to every report. The advanced segment excludes visits that hit these pages as landing pages but includes visits where people have come from other pages on our domain. I know that you can do profile filters to exclude visits to pages or directories entirely but is there a way to filter them only if they are a landing pages? Any other creative thoughts? Thanks in advance!

    | ATIseo

  • I am not the owner of the account it is a clients and I need to connect my SEOMOZ to their GA account.. any ideas? Thanks in advance 🙂

    | Andisue

  • Hi Is it possible to link two Analytics accounts that I have admin access to to the one AdWords account in my MCC. Thanks

    | BeattieGroup

  • After making SEO focused changes (adding/removing internal links, changing nofollow attributes, changing titles, etc) how long should I wait to "judge" the effects of those changes on my ranking?

    | tvfoodmaps

  • We are using wordpress and seo plugin from yoast. We have set indexed all the posts, but not categories or tags in order to avoid a duplicate as those categories contain the posts. My question is, is it possible to set for index rather the categories and then set posts non-index? Would be then posts in categories still index?

    | VillasDiani

  • I have a mega menu on my website with a lot of product categories. In my site analysis its coming up as a problem because there are too many links and its on every page. Is this something i should worry about or how should i correct it?

    | Inbuilds

  • A client has provided me with their analytics access but i notice that there are two default accounts on their account. They have two UA numbers. The first UA number is in their company name and the other UA number is in another company name with my clients website underneath. Their UA number in their company name is not showing any results however the other company UA number is showing results. Does anyone know why they will have two accounts and if this will cause a problem when trying to link their seo moz campaign to their analytics to track their keywords?

    | Shelly76

  • I'm getting a few 404 errors show up in seomz, but a few thousand in gwmt. These are old site url's that may have been missed by redirects. Which one should I believe/attack first?

    | Paul_MC

  • First of all thanks for reading, especially if you are the one whose bright ideas will help me out:) I started using senuke xcr about 3 months ago, obviously at the beginning i didnt make much success(not like I do now). Later i bought that inferno thingy and it actually works. First 2 weeks didnt make much difference(although i could see some little but stable uprising) but after 4th week ended, the average impression and queries doubled up, 6th went up again, its like every week or two it jumps up and keeps it there. Also the actual traffic from keywords went up! When about the second week finished, i started using a traffic generator program, first it leveled out the impressions and seemed to help a bit. Lately i think it messed it all up, plus about 2 weeks ago there was 2-3 dayswhen  i sent a bit more traffic than usual and around that time the average rising of impressions didnt happened, it might even went down. Now i stopped using traffic g. and everything stayed the same no improvement!! Anyone could help me? I need to get it moving up again! Also im still nowhere near the top as the keywords are competitive well at least for me. What do i do wrong and what should i do? Also what about traffic generator? ps is it safe or/and or allowed to write that? Thanks

    | Sugafree

  • Actually, We have submitted more than 100 pages in to google through xml sitemap. But, we see in that 75% of the pages where indexed by google. Note : Excluding the duplicate pages

    | Webworld_Norway

  • Our website feature holiday villas, hotels and cottages on beaches in Kenya. The site also include a lot of information about the destination. At the moment we have properties mainly optimized for Diani beach, as I though I am smart and if somebody is looking for Diani beach will find a property as most likely is planing holiday and will need holiday accommodation. But we have also a lot of information about Diani beach as a destination so guess it is not working:-( We do not rank well and especially not for this keyword and I believe it is due to cannibalization and I really can't get how does this work like. If we have so many properties what should I optimize them for? They can't be all optimized villas for villa key word, hotels for hotel key word etc.. can they? Even today, I am trying to upload a new property which is called Tree Villa, we have have already one tree villa.... I will appreciate any advice

    | VillasDiani

  • My site was performing first page locally on 6 of 20 keywords, and universally on 3 of 20  keywords.  We started a link building campaign and optimization about 3 weeks ago.   When I looked at the rankings today I was happy to see that 16 of 20 keywords were in the top 20 rankings universally, but not happy to see that only 1 of the 25 words were ranking locally now.    I lost my local ranking on 5 very important keywords.   I realize that you can not rank first page for both local and organic but its as if I traded my first page local ranking for a universal ranking that appears lower on the page.  Maybe someone could point me in the right direction.

    | whmgatx

  • Hi There, Just checking  Google webmasters for one website. I have download a list links that was show in webmasters under "Links to Your Site". And found that there are few not found urls that or expired domain. May be that belongs to very old links building on bookmarking websites. I am thinking to submit all these links list in disavow links. Your thoughts.?

    | lucidsoftech

  • Morning all, i am using Google analytics for some time now, One of the issues that i don't have a clear answer for is, when i am looking at Traffic Source --> overview In the Keyword column, that is a line (not provided) What we think here is that we cant see the keywords if someone arrived to our website but was logged-in to Google account Is this correct? is there a way to find the keywords behind this (not provided)? - i have many visits for this line (17.3% of all visits) and i don't know which keywords people used. Thank you SeoWise

    | iivgi

  • Hi guys, Can any of you tell me how the Assisted Conversion Value is calculated under Assist Interacion Analysis? For the channel Direct, we have Assited Conversions: 6 Assited Conversion Value:  451,59 Last Click or Direct Conversions: 10 Last Click or Direct Conversion Value: 786,54 Assisted/Last Click or Direct Conversions: 0,60 How the value 451,59 is calculated? Thanks. Regards

    | footd

  • I'm looking for reasons why Google Analytics goal completions would appear to be fewer than the actual known number of online sales for a company, and I'm wondering if disabled javascript is likely to be the primary cause of a discrepancy.  Thanks for any insight you have.

    | williammarlow

  • I am seeing a big spike in traffic coming from Facebook. The referrer looks like this (at least sometimes, mostly it is just or😞 Is there a way to know who shared my URL on facebook?

    | cengelhardt

  • No black-hat SEO strategy was adopted, so we suppose it's not a penalty, but ranks and organic traffics are dropping. What will you do in this situation? And how long it takes for you to make sure it's not a normal flux, but something wrong happens on your site? Thanks in advance

    | JonnyGreenwood

  • I monitor about 10 websites in GA.  Many of these sites are in a stable phase of their lifecycle.  I've noticed this year that direct visits on all my sites and even friends sites have dropped by 20-60%.  Has anyone seen any explanation for this or noticed this when compared to previous year?  In every instance I have no penalties, notices, anything and the drop is made up completely of "direct visits".

    | bradwayland

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