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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Has anyone ever successfully managed to have a deleted GA profile restored? One of our client's profiles was deleted accidentally. I know the official line is it can't be restored, but...

    | David_ODonnell

  • I just got an email for one of my client websites from Google Webmaster Tools letting me know that the Google Bot could not access the website?  The notification indicated that there may be a robots.txt issue that prevented crawling, but that they would try something to crawl it again. In this situation, we had just created a new Webmaster Tools account for the client, and there were (are) two GWT accounts now for the website, one that is incorrectly set to and the other that is set to  One of them reports zero errors, and the other reports an odd crawl error. Anyone encountered this type of thing before?

    | williammarlow

  • I'm migrating a domain to .com and am trying to decide if I should reuse the same Google Profile (if I can?) or create a new one. If I choose to reuse the same profile so it has historical data, does anyone know if it's just a matter of keeping the same UA profile identifier in place on the page? Or do I have to change anything on the actual profile in GA as well to say "start pulling data from .com now"?

    | Lindsay_D

  • Hello, in a site, in which I'm working ..  in webmaster tools i see a lot of links as following: With more links to your site:     3.066   2.964      2.722     2.721 Total inlinks to my site are 20.000, and links incoming from linguee.* are more than 50% !!! My site is about spanish courses in spain,  but i think all these links are fuck*ng me. I checked if these links have nofollow tag, and not, they don't have this attritute. What can i do?  My site is going down in Google. ¿disavow that domain? Please help.

    | jarizaro

  • About 9 months back we thought having an extremely reputable company build our client some local citations would be a good idea. You definitely know this citation company, but I'll leave names out. Regardless, it's our mistake to cut corners. Google Webmaster Tools quickly picked up these new citations and added them to the links section. One of these citation spawned a complete mess of about 60K+ links on their network of sites through ridiculous subdomains of every state in the country and so many other domain variations. We immediately went into remove mode and had the site's webmaster take down the bad links from their site. This process took about a month for outreach. The bad links (60K+) have not been on the spam site for well over 6 months but GWT still shows them in the "links to your site" section. Majestic, Bing, and OSE only displayed the bad links for a brief time. Why is webmaster tools still showing these links after 6+ months? We typically see GWT update about every 2 weeks, a month tops. Any ideas? Could a changed robots.txt on the bad site prevent Google from updating the links displayed in GWT? We have submitted to disavow, but Google replied with "no manual penalty". We even blasted the bad site with Fiverr links, in hopes that Google would re-crawl them. No luck with anything we do. We have patiently waited for way too long. The rankings for this site got crushed on Google after these citations. How do we fix this? Should we worry about this? Any advice would really help. Thanks so much in advance.

    | zadro

  • Hi All, I have a 301 redirect tracking issue. I have a domain, say and I have that domain 301 redirecting to Looking in analytics, I do not see any referral traffic sources for the redirect i.e. I do not see as a referral (and I know it does sent traffic). My question is - how can I implement a solution that will show referral traffic from  to as a referal in analytics? Hope that makes sense?

    | Webrevolve

  • Hi Guys, I am In need of some technical help with regards to Google analytics. One of my clients has a site providing HR Software on SaaS basis. The users login via the site for the various HR Tools. Obviously this is skewing the analytics data and showing 10,000+ extra visitors that actually don't exist. Now I understand i can add filters and exclude certain pages for instance the login page, however, some users will visit the home page then click login. How can I exclude them just to show new visitors to the site rather than users that are just trying to login. Hope this makes sense Neil

    | nezona

  • Hello, I have about 5 sites I want to set up multiple-domain tracking in google analytics. All posts I read seem to be focused on cross-domain tracking for the purpose of tracking a visitor from one domain across another domain for shopping cart check outs. I don't need that. I have about 3 sister sites (,,, related to my primary site. I want 1 Master Analytics Profile to track traffic for all of these sites combined. My visitors will not jump from over to There will be no cross-domain visits. How can I set up 1 master google analytics profile that will aggregate traffic data from all sites and present the data to me in one analytics profile. Please help

    | AndreGant

  • How do I find out if other websites are trying to link to my website using a misspelled URL or broken link?

    | AccuraCast-UK

  • How do you handle a "too many inbound links" notice on your crawl diagnostics report? The url's identified come from our it reading all the blog post URL's and giving me a notice? Is this ok to leave all the links? Or would anyone recommend no follow tags on all of our blog posts?

    | cschwartzel

  • We are currently working with a website that is receiving multiple errors through their vbulletin forum. These errors include: duplicate meta descriptions duplicate title tags duplicates title tags and meta descriptions from the archives as well The forums do not drive a lot of traffic but people are active on there. Would you recommend no-indexing the entire forum plus the archives or is there a better solution for that?

    | axzm

  • These two filtering options ("organic traffic" in the left sidebar and "non-paid search traffic" in the advanced segments) give me slightly different numbers. Any idea why this would be the case?

    | FPD_NYC

  • Buon pomeriggio from Wetherby multiple community flower bed winner 😉 On a site I'm working on web analytics is reporting traffic spiked in the early hours of the morning by a huge margin (this is so wrong). Yes its a multi national site but looking at the global distribution of visitors there really is no accounting for this. Here is a link to the data: Ive checked the analytics config & it is correctly set to GMT London so my question is:
    "What could be causing traffic being incorectly logged in the early hours of the morning"? Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • Hi All, I just want to clear some of my confusion regarding bounce rate. Bounce rate depends upon time. If yes than how? What will be the bounce rate for single page website. Single page website will have same bounce rate and exit rate?

    | RuchiPardal

  • For the past month I have been struggling to resolve a problem with an increasing number of 404 crawl errors in Bing.  (Only Bing reports these  error, not Google and not Moz.)  I did receive email from them requesting a server log (which I have now sent 5 times.)  Their response, please send a server log.  The last email I sent (6/21) explained there should be server log attached, if they did not get it, not why not?  Do they have a restriction on file size?  What other compression types do they accept?  It has been very frustrating to deal with them and all of their responses are between 9 PM and midnight.  Almost a week later, no reply. Any suggestions how I can get out of this seemingly endless loop and get a helpful response during normal business hours (PDT)?

    | PerriCline

  • Hi, the last 2 weeks i am seeing a drop to some keywords!
    The problem is when i am doing a check in this keywords my entry has the biggest numbers in Page Authority and Page Linking Root Domains! Also in the Domain Authority and Root Domain Linking Root Domains i have the same numbers with others! Can anyone explain me why this happen and how can i change that?

    | petrospan

  • (I hope I haven't missed something simple 😉 I have add IP exclusion filters in Google Analytics. What I haven't been able to determine is how to test to see if it is working. I'd imagine there would be a dip in traffic but if a site is low volume it might not even register. Thanks!

    | AUDigitalMarketing

  • Hi all, I'm working with a client that is marketing to English speaking ex-pats in Thailand. I have a suspicion that many of these ex-pats are searching through (or instead of In Google Analytics (or any other tracking tool), is there a way to see which country-specific Google domain organic searches are coming from? Thanks, Tim

    | TimKelsey

  • My last rankings report dates from   10 june. How is that possible since it is supposed to happen every week ?

    | suntrails

  • Given the list of GWT domains that link to our site, what is an easy way to find the actual pages on those domains that link to our site? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Client has 3 RSS feeds in Feedburner, and they saw a drop in subscribers from 6/21 to 6/22. Wondering if anyone else has saw a drop recently. Obviously, this could be the results of multiple people cleaning up their feeds, but it appears too coincidental. Has anyone heard if there are any recent issues with Feedburner tracking?

    | DanaLookadoo

  • I've started to look at ranking and visitor behaviour within a specific product category and I've come across this strange data in GA that i'm struggling to get my head around. keyword - wishbone necklace gold landing - ...necklace-dive-in.html bounce - 99.31% new visits - 0.00% The landing page is not anywhere in the results for the given keyword (nor does the keyword appear anywhere within the page).  The data is spread out to date since Dec 2011 and the landing page accounts for about 97% of the traffic for that keyword. I then looked at browser which is 95% Safari (different versions) and breaking that down into City about 30% is (not set), 30% a single city and then there is a spread of locations.  It might be fair to assume that therefore 60% could be the same location but there is still 40% to take into consideration. What I can't get my head around is how the landing page is being accessed so regularly for the wrong keyword.  The correctly ranking URL only accounts for 5% of the traffic which is more in line with the estimated search volumes for that keyword.  I've checked versions of the page going back and none contain the keyword. Am I missing something, or any ideas how to fix?

    | MickEdwards

  • I was reviewing out traffic sources on GA for  this past week's traffic history, and noticed a couple of visits & conversions that GA cited as coming from campaigns from emails that were sent out in 2012 and early 2013.  it seems odd that we would have traffic & conversions from these older campaigns  - on a regular basis.  it's not even from one campaign, but from multiple campaigns. is it possible that it is a cookie issue?  - i wonder if these visits were really from the email campaigns - or if they were from organic searches or other sources. Thoughts? Thanks!

    | S.S.N

  • Hi guys, I am working with SEO for an auction site with B2C and C2C. (similar to eBay) All item\products on our page have an unique url. The auction can last from hours to weeks.
    When the item is live, sold or (finished but)unsold it still has the same url.
    So when I take a look at SEO traffic to items in Google Analytics, I can't tell if the item was live, sold or unsold at the time the user landed on the page. Which makes it diffucult to analyse the traffic. Is there anyway I can make GA show the status of the item for the time user landed on it? Best regards, Ceran

    | helgeolaussen

  • Hey guys, This month I started running a PPC campaign for a client and have noticed that none of the click data is showing up in Analytics under "Paid". However, under the "Organic" section, I've noticed that we're gaining a lot more clicks through to the site for some of our targeted keywords than we have been in previous months. Is this just a coincidence or is the PPC click data being used under the Organic section of Analytics?

    | Webrevolve

  • Hello everyone! In your experience, how many of your visitors' browsers completely block cookies including those of Google Analytics ?

    | Masoko-T

  • I am trying to rank for "home care grand rapids" and am having a really difficult time. My site: has better backlinks, keywords and other seo markers than my competitors but I still can't seem to rank. The keyword and associated keywords (home care grand rapids michigan, home health care grand rapids, etc.) are only 31-33% difficulty and my site/page rank is better than the leading sites. What gives? Todd

    | t1kuslik

  • Since the change to Moz we have noticed that the weekly summary emails do not show the 'most changed keyword rankings' table. We found these extremely helpful and would be disappointed to see these go. Are these going to make a come back?

    | RedAntSolutions

  • Hi, can any one help me to write a regex for below url? ?search={"AirportCode":"BHX","HotelCheckInDateAtStart":"16/06/2013","CarCollectionDate":"29/06/2013","RoomConfigs":[{"Adults":"2","Children":"0"},{"Adults":"2","Children":"0"}],"NumOfRoomConfigs":2,"NeedHotelAtEnd":false} Thanks

    | APH

  • Cioa from Latitude 53.92705600 Longitude -1.38481600 Clients love to know which part of the country there visitors originate adn cant get enough of this type of data: But just how innacurate is this data when you consder is getting the data from isp locations put another way if i was sat in darkets deepest hole of Paisley Scotland and my ISP was in London would i be tagged as visitor originating in London? Ta muchly,David

    | Nightwing

  • I have access to analytics for two different sites that rank for the same keyword. Strangely, the site that ranks on page 3 gets three times as much traffic as the site that ranks on page 1 (rankings according to multiple SEO tools as well as my own browser). How is this possible?

    | JABacchetta

  • Buongiorno from 19 degrees C wetherby UK 🙂 This website  contains a shop sub domian @ I configured the site Ga analytics code to include the subdomain (see below code). I had to do this as i was getting refferal data from the actuall subdomain. But after following the instructions on p117 of cutroni's ga book things have gone wrong, mainly now eCommerce data has dissapeared 😞 So my question is please: "Why has installing the GA code above caused eCommerce tracking to suddenly go dead?" Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • Buongiorno from hot a humid wetherby UK. A client has gone ahead and set up DNS forwarding from to now they wonder why theyve got no data showing in Google analytics. So knowing theyve gone ahead with this method of forwarding how is it possible to measure referrals originating from My only thought is to add a tracking parameter on the baclk of the forwarding url.Thanks in advance

    | Nightwing

  • Does anyone know of a Wordpress plugin that has similar functionality to the post analytics SEOmoz blog posts include?

    | David_ODonnell

  • I want to building trust link profile and i have to know which backlinks bad for my website. And i have to disavow bad links.

    | umutege

  • In Google Webmaster Tools we have set up: As you can imagine, this gets confusing and hard to manage. We are wondering whether having all these domains set up in WMT could be doing any damage? Here it says: "If you see a message that your site is not indexed, it may be because it is indexed under a different domain. For example, if you receive a message that is not indexed, make sure that you've also added to your account (or vice versa), and check the data for that site." The above quote suggests that there is no harm in having several versions of a site set up in WMT, however the article then goes on to say: "Once you tell us your preferred domain name, we use that information for all future crawls of your site and indexing refreshes. For instance, if you specify your preferred domain as and we find a link to your site that is formatted as, we follow that link as instead." This suggests that having multiple versions of the site loaded in WMT may cause Google to continue crawling multiple versions instead of only crawling the desired versions ( +,, However, even if Google does crawl any URLs on the non https versions of the site (ie or, these 301 to anyway... so shouldn't that mean that google effectively can not crawl any non https://www versions (if it tries to they redirect)? If that was the case, you'd expect that the and versions would show no pages indexed in WMT, however the oposite is true. The and versions have plenty of pages indexed but the https versions have no data under Index Status section of WMT, but rather have this message instead: Data for is not available. Please try a site with http:// protocol: This is a problem as it means that we can't delete these profiles from our WMT account. Any thoughts on the above would be welcome. As an aside, it seems like WMT is picking up on the 301 redirects from all or domains at least with links - No or URLs are registering any links in WMT, suggesting that Google is seeing all links pointing to URLs on these domains as 301ing to ... which is good, but again  means we now can't delete either, so we are stuck with 12 profiles in WMT... what a pain.... Thanks for taking the time to read the above, quite complicated, sorry!! Would love any thoughts...

    | zingseo

  • this is my website when, i write the google "enakliyat" i found my website in te sixth page.  Two days ago my website was on the first in google. Do not understand what it is.

    | iskq

  • Hi guys, My traffic has been dropping pretty hard from just over 3k to around 250 in the last few days. I've ran a few tests using Google webmaster tools and Open Site Explorer, as well as answering a pretty cool quiz that was created by an SEO to determine if I'm the victim of any Google updates etc, and everything is looking okay... What do you think could be causing this issue? We're only just gearing up to start on a SEO campaign. At the moment no SEO is being done other than just casual blogging. CcZoXP7.png

    | featherseo

  • My home page has a explainer video. Is there a way to get metrics or analytics data about who watch or don't watch the video? For example, if I have 100 unique visitors on this page and my video get 33 views, 33% saw the video! I think the data provide by youtube are not accurate, my site has a avarage of 40 visitors/day and my video was saw 84 times sinces it is online, 14 days ago. On that 84 clicks, I most have click 30 times!!! When you lend on my home page, you can't miss it! I don't believe only a few visitors saw it. Conversation rate has increase. I use Google Analytics, is there a code or something that can be done to get metrics or data more accurate then the .Ananalytics" provide in my youtube control panel? Please HELP! thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Last month, a client of mine has had a very large increase in irrelevant traffic.  This traffic is all being sent by Google from mostly eastern Europe, but also from Egypt and Brazil.  The largest influx is from Turkey. The traffic is all landing on only two URL's.  The magnitude of this traffic is about 350 visits per day.  The main keywords sending traffic are: müzik indirme programları (Turkish which translates to "music download programs") تحميل برنامج اوبرا (Arabic translates to "download Opera") program za skidanje muzike (Bosnian for "program for downloading music") My client is a small nonprofit summer music festival (with a strong emphasis on Opera music) so some of the on-page at least relates to these keywords.  But the site is entirely in English. Since the words are related to a traditional sketchy vertical I'm worried that my client site has been hacked. Though, for the life of me, I can't imagine what anyone can gain from this. My questions are: Does anyone have any idea what is going on? What are the potential ramifications of this irrelevant traffic?  (I'm worried about the traffic slowing down the site, I'm also worried that 350 visits per day and a 95% bounce rate is going to hurt my clients reputation with search engines) What can be done about it? Thank you for any insight you can provide.

    | JesseCWalker

  • Hi all, a colleague asked a question, which I could not answer (never even noticed this "problem") 😞 When we are logged into our GA account and go the referring domains section, we find Google. I always thought that these visitors came via Google Image Search, but not all of them do. Most of them come via "/imgres", but some come via "/" (always thought that "/" was the homepage?), "/url" and "//" Maybe I am just stupid, but honestly I could not explain what these strings mean... or how these visitors landed on our site... Can you help me???

    | accessKellyOCG

  • They guys. Hope everyone is having a great week. I wanted to get some inputs from you guys in regards to what is happening to my site that i quite don't understand. Every month or so i get this influx of high visibility with impressions for my keywords and then the impressions go away but my rankings still keep going up. Has anyone experienced this before and can give me some insight on what is going . Why do i get such a big jump and then it dies off only to return again a month later or 2 months later. I know you guys want probably some info from my site or from analytics or webmaster tools so i will provide as much as i can . For now i have included a screen shot. ScreenShot2013-06-04at31220PM_zps0d02f5fc.png ScreenShot2013-06-04at31134PM_zps5bb81b68.png ScreenShot2013-06-04at31134PM_zps5bb81b68.png ScreenShot2013-06-04at31220PM_zps0d02f5fc.png

    | BizDetox

  • Hi Mozzers, I would like to track 3 out of 4 subdomains in a profile on GA. I have 4 subdomains: I would like to create a profile with only the first 3 subdomains without Can someone tell me what to do to get this? I also have a profile called combined profile that includes all of them with this filter(attached). Can I add another filter to this profile? if it is the case what should I add and how? if not, creating another profile would be the only other way, right? if it is the case how can I filter it to get Thanks a lot! u4HxY06

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hello, I have a website and it contains landing pages. after tracking and analyzing the data in Google Analytics  , I found out that the traffic for the whole site is affected by the visits to the landing page. I mean, the bounce rate is less than one minute. this is because users fill their details in the landing pages and leave my website. to improve my website, I need clear data about the traffic, bounce rate etc. in my website. I also need can you help me solve this problem I thought about create another account in Google Analytics and set it to my websites pages (not including the landing pages). and keep the current code for the landing pages. my question is regarding this: Is it legal to use 2 different GA code (each one of them belong to different account) in the same domain ? can you provide me with more information about Multi Account in Google Analytics, and how can I use it to divide the traffic in my website between the traffic and the data for the landing pages and for the website itself ?

    | JonsonSwartz

  • I checked my traffic data this morning for this past week and there seems to be what I hope is a huge mistake. My traffic seems to have dropped from 176 organic visits to 0 visits. There is no indication of this at all in Google analytics. What's going on?

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hi, I am providing SEO for Local business. Is it advisable to separate out the Google Analytics into different Google account or is it ok to remain it this way? Some of the client might be in the same niche, and might be competing with the same keywords as well. What I was worried is, Google might see these sites as same owner and only rank for 1 of the site. I was thinking to get the owners to register for their own Google Analytics and share the access to me.

    | JonathanSoh

  • Hi, I've got over 1k pages crawled but approx 100 pages indexed. Although, i submit them on Google Fetch and the links are indexable,they are not indexed. What shall i do the get max pages indexed? Any input highly appreciated. Thanks!

    | Rubix

  • Hey Mozzers I'm building a Wordpress-powered site (self hosted on different domain). I know there are different plug-ins and whatnot for Wordpress SEO, but what exactly am I getting myself into?  Am I required to use these plug-ins even if I already know how to do regular SEO on-page coding, or are they mainly dumbed-down tools for mom-bloggers to use? Am I still able to use Google Analytics as I am with a regular site?
    What else is there to think about? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • How can you see the conversion rates for the referral traffic? For example I want to see if any of the facebook visits to my site resulted in a purchase.

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hello and good morning. I work for a paint manufacturing company in the UK on their seo campaigns across a couple of websites, this is my question. as paint and chemicals require data and tech sheets by law, available to be downloadable for said product, should these be included in the sitemap, we auto generate our sitemaps which they include these files, with low priorities and never change in terms of name etc. they basically have a name of say 092847.pdf for example which cannot be changed, but from an seo view this doesn't mean a thing?  so theres my question should they be included and would they carry any value?

    | TeamacPaints

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