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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi Mozzers, We launched a website in October 2012 and have added in the settings(Google analytics) of that profile "Do Track Site Search" since we have a search box on the website.  The site search report worked for 10 days and it was over(from end of december till beginning of January 2013). Since then I have been trying to understand this issue. I have added all the query search terms possible, but still not showing any signs of life. At this point I am not sure what to do? Some Help would be appreciated! Search URL=**/search/node/**.... Thanks! z93cGUZ.png

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hello Everyone, I have implemented Ecommerce tracking in google analytic but I am not able to see revenue and average value. am I missing something ? Please tell me how can I see revenue and average value. I am also attaching image of that so anybody can understand. Please help me out asap. Thanks CVFakjD

    | Alick300

  • In Google Analytic, the majority of organic traffic via Firefox browsers to one of our websites suddenly dropped off, and an immediate lift in direct traffic via Firefox browsers appeared. This trend has continued ever since. I've searched to find Firefox releases that might have affected it (eg. security/cookie settings), but haven't been able to find anything, or talk of this happening to other people, and the anomaly doesn't appear in our other website analytics either...anyone have any ideas?! The attached GA graphs show Firefox browser versions 21.0 and 22.0, but it's the same story across all versions. (You can also see that I'd also filtered out traffic via IOS 6 and Android 4 operating systems to remove any effect from these known issues). Thanks for any help that you can offer! kPRnrcd.png dy0Bjg7.png

    | HubMDP

  • I figured it out had to click on the pencil icon. On GA looks like this - http://orlandocouponsfree.comUA-9313894-1orlandocouponsfree.combut url is this an issue? When I tried to connect to google analytics yesterday. There was a connection issue with Moz & GA. I refreshed page hoping it would help. Now it won't let me choose domain. When I view campaign it says I should connect properties. [IMG][/IMG] I click link and get to this page which doesn't provide my an option. [IMG][/IMG]

    | touristips

  • Hi Mozers, I've recently experienced the URLs of my key landing pages coming up as keywords. This has been on the rise since early July (when it was relatively insignificant) to the current position (see image below) where they make up the majority of my top keywords. Drilling down into a bit more detail, this seems to be almost exclusively Desktop traffic but in terms of Technology there are no clear standouts (seems to be mostly Windows OS and Chrome). Has anyone else been experiencing this?

    | mopland

  • Hi, I work with a lot of physicians and one of the things I'd like to do is add a goal in GA so we can try to track how many visitors are clicking the phone # to call the office from smartphones. Would doing this be as straight-forward as adding a the standard javascript click text that I'd add for an external link? And Is there a way to make a goal only "count" if the user-agent is a smartphone?  Because if I attach the JS to the phone #, it's going to be in all of the HTML regardless of which device is used.  Unless of course, I mess with the CSS to only make the javascript code appear on certain stylesheets. Thank you!

    | Titan552

  • Is there a way that I can get access to the Google Analytics new segmenting features? I've been reading about them for some months now, but still nothing in my GA account. Thank you in advance.

    | LinusB

  • Mobile text message service for Custom Alerts that set up under Analytics Intelligence is available in all countries worldwide? Is it True or False? Can you please explain me..i am confuse about this answer.

    | CommercePundit

  • A lot of you might already be aware of the recent Google change at encrypting all search activity except for clicks on ads. Rand did a whiteboard session on this recently. How is everyone planning to adjust their research data to accommodate for this change?

    | SEO5Team

  • Buonpormeriggio from 15 degrees C, very cloudy wetherby UK 🙂 In Google Analytics I love how you can eMail dashboard reports as illustrated here: But a client wants a weekly report but with a week range from Tues to Mon so my question is please:
    How do you or can you tweak the date range so when you select weekly it doesnt spit out the standard Mon to sunday report (or Whatever it is). Thanks is advance,

    | Nightwing

  • Bon Pormeriggio from cloudy hot sticky & Humid Wetherby UK 😉 I have three sub domains which are reporting all the same stat traffic. Phase 1 is complete in that sub domain tracking has been configured in the analytics code for: But now i want to get traffic just from (Previously all three subdomains reported exactly the dame data). But its this stage I just want to double check. Ive set up a filter correcly as illustrated here: Will what ive done give me just traffic arriving at and not continue the problem of all three sub domains reporting exactly the same traffic?
    Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • Buon Pormeriggio from 15 degrees C mostly cloudy Wetherby UK 🙂
    Whats the difference between Trackbacks & Network referrals within Google analytics social media reporting? I'd like to specifically understand why a link to site i'm working on withing this post: is classed as Trackback & not a Network refferral 😞 Illustrated here is the link thats being recorded as a track back: And here is the data: But why is not showing up in Network referrals? Thanks in advance,

    | Nightwing

  • We noticed a significant drop in our direct traffic in Google Analytics for mobile on July 30th but all our other traffic remains the same. What is the possible cause of this?

    | COEDMediaGroup

  • I have this newsletter send using Mailchimp. This campaign is link to G.A. How can I create custom report for me online store about this campaign? For example: I have 2 Goals Completion Location setup in G.A. they are: /checkout.php and /finishorder.php Is there a way to find out how many visitors from my campaign reach the /finishorder.php vs. /checkout.php Reason, about 50% are reaching /finishorder.php Maybe I need to creat a "How to redeem you coupon code" video to included in the newsletter to HELP customers complet there order process. Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hi, I watch analytics on a website (for a friend's business) that is reasonably stagnant, which just experienced a massive spike in search traffic for no explainable reason. The organic search engine traffic had always been steady, but about two months ago, organic search traffic started rising slowly. I checked OSE & a few other tools, but couldn't find any massive source of gained links or other explanations - just the usual occasional blog post about the company. I got in touch with my friend to see if maybe they'd gone with a competitor or something else, but he also had no idea (and even if he wasn't being honest with me, we still should've been able to spot links or social metrics or something!) Then, yesterday, their organic search traffic just tripled. The crazy thing is, it's not from one keyword: Every search term, and (not provided) essentially went up 200-400%. And I have no freaking idea why. No large gain of links. No website editing. The only possible explanation I thought up is maybe one of their competitors got knocked out, but I doubt that would cause such a stratospheric rise. So figured I'd turn to y'all. Any ideas on what might be causing such wonderful results? Anyone have any good tips on figuring out why a website could all of a sudden be doing incredibly? Analytics chart is below for the curious, and thanks in advance for any ideas / tips! nQHrscw.png

    | FlynnZaiger

  • Judging by open site explorer, I'm crushing my competitor in every imaginable way. And yet, somehow they have a higher page authority than me and, consequently, are ranking higher than me. How is this possible? My site is on the left: 40atcpP.png

    | ScottMcPherson

  • I noticed recently that 4 of my keyphrases which ranked on page one, and were climbing 3 weeks ago, have suddenly dropped to > 50.  What could have happened?  I did find an issue with my sitemap (yoast generated), but why would that suddenly change?  And even more importantly, how do I fix it?

    | chill986

  • In my Google Analytics, the top keywords for Organic Search are suddenyl displaying full URLs. For example, now the third and fourth keywords are These have all started recently around the same day, July 12th. I've checked back, and we've made no internal changes to the site around that time that could affect this. Any thoughts on this? Thanks! P.S. It might be related to rich snippets, but I cannot tell at this point.

    | 10SL

  • When I look at the heading "Local Search Volume" or, "Global Search Volume... Are these figures for 1 month (that's what I'm assuming) Thanks

    | bricktech

  • Hi Which is more accurate WT or GA data ? Since GA reporting a KW (thats very recently fallen from page 1 to 3 hence looking into data to find the cause) in the Organic part of Search tab as having generated just 1 visitor over a month (hence presuming fall could be due to low visits from a page 1 result) whilst under Search Engine Optimisation tab (data sourced from WT i think) its reporting 5 click thrus from 150 impressions over same period resulting in a quite good 3.33% CTR (hence wouldn't expect to be the cause of a fall) and what i would have thought GA would report as 5 visits instead of the 1 they do report !? The reason im looking for answer in the data is because no on-page has changed and still scoring a grade A and off page metrics have all improved across the board (apart from small drop in majseo's Trust Flow) such as increased links, RD, Citation Flow, Ref Subnets etc etc etc Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • If I'm setting up an Adwords campaign, will setting my homepage as the landing page boost my domain rank? and will the Page Rank of the landing page get boosted because of the high click rate coming from the Adwords campaign?

    | s2bkevin

  • Anyone have recommendations on a good multi-site analytics dashboard?  I am managing roughly 20 sites right now, and am looking for a dashboard that provides basic info like # of visitors, search traffic, etc. for a couple dozen sites at a glance.

    | TakeshiYoung

  • Hello Mozians, I have noticed many people saying using GWT fetch as GoogleBot can affect your crawl rate in future, if used regularly. Though, i am not very sure if this is true or just another stale SEO myth. As  currently GWT provides a limit of 500 URLs to fetch every month. I hope my doubts will be cleared by the Moz community experts. Thanks!

    | pushkar63

  • Buongiorno from 14 degrees C cloudy wetherby UK 🙂 With a whole gamut of books out there are written around the topic of "Actionable Web analytics" where you have to wade through chapters of how to suck eggs and how to get analytics part of your business culture (whatever! most clients who look after their websites are entry level Marketing Execs who pay the digital agencies to do the thinking for them) I'd like to cut to the chase and list out say a top 5 of actionable insights a client would actually give the time of day for so heres my top five, whats yours? 1. Landing page bounce - showing them the £5k landing page designed with no conversion thinking is turning off customers
    2. Synching up PPC campaigns to analytics and showing them how much money they are waisting
    3. Goal funnels - Showing them there 20 step shopping conversion funnel gets abandoned at step 3
    4. Non brand keyword traffic (although a stack of this gets blocked by "not provided" Big groan...)
    5. Event tracking on there 10 page carousel anner showing them no one clicks on banners 2 - 10 So under the strict label of "Actionable data only" from Google analytics whats your best insights you share with clients in the hope that they may actually give data reports the time of day! Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • Hello All, I have an e commerce site, when goal conversion happens by CC(credit card) I can see order value in e commerce tab in Google analytics but when conversion happens through paypal I always see order value zero. I want see order value for Pay pal also.Please help me out. Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Hi all, When I try to the "Fetch as Google" feature on Webmaster Tools, I get the error Unreachable page. I checked the Google Analytics code, everything seems to be OK. What should I do?

    | fisniks

  • Hi Guys I have a site currently being built that is 45 days away.  I am wondering whether it is possible to have a dummy website (with same domain name) in play and starting the SEO effort so that these 45 days are not wasted from an SEO point of view.  Is this something you have seen done effectively, or is it a no no. Kind Regards, Justin

    | jchapman5

  • I'd love to start using the Multi-channel funnels feature in Google Analytics but I have zero confidence in the reported data as it seems to bear no relationship to the standard ecomm reports. To be specific, in August 2013, MCF is reporting the following for email campaigns: Assisted conversions = 20
    Assisted conversion value = £1,405.91
    Last Click or Direct Conversions = 14
    Last Click or Direct Conversion Value = £369.57 Now switching to the traffic sources report, GA reports for the email campaigns revenue was £1,226,41 over the same period across 21 transactions. My interpretation of this is that the email campaigns were the "last-click" and delivered £1,226,41 and 21 "conversions" (as I have no goals configured in this GA view, conversions = transactions I believe) That leaves the MCF last-click report short by £856.84 (£1,226,41 - £369.57) I can see no reason why this should be so unless I'm not interpreting the data correctly! Anybody have any suggestions/ideas as to what's going on? Any help appreciated.

    | Bluesnapper

  • My site has on average 220 internal links a page largely due to how the site is built ie every page shows every link via the menu system, which isnt great, but from what i have read there isnt much i can do about it. However, this week 3 pages jumped to over 400 links and the home page over 500 internal links, GWT will only show me 200 of them, Is there a tool that i can use that will list all my internal links, so i can find out why this has happened? Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Has anyone else found that Google Analytics Content Experiments seems to quite quickly favor the best performing variant in an experiment, and then show that variant many times more often than other/s - not split the traffic evenly? What is Google's thinking behind 'optimizing' during an experiment? It seems odd to me.

    | David_ODonnell

  • I'm working with a site that had over 700 500 errors after a redesign in april. Most of them were fixed in June, but there are still about 200. Can 500 errors affect rankings sitewide, or just the pages with the errors? Thanks for reading!

    | DA2013

  • Hello Everyone, I was checking GA account of my site and I have found there are few keywords have significant number of visits in GA. These keywords not ranking even in hundred(google SERPs).I am not understanding from where these visitors coming .Please help me out. I am attaching screenshot of those keyword.Last but not least when i check source of these keywords source are google. Thanks aScZ8WT.png

    | Alick300

  • Hello, guys. I am trying to find information without luck for my case - I have a contact form, which is placed on many inner pages (about 40). My question is - how do I make a Goal that has simultaneously all the different sources at once (as steps probably) - because there is a max limit of goals, and because analyzing them separately will take much time. When a form is submitted, a /thankyou//?recordid=0d53415b-3e6b-4a32-add7-1586a4737a89 (or similar URL) appears.My guess is that I use a regular expression of ^/thankyou as a Destination, but I do not know what to write in steps. Thank you all in advance, I hope I find a solutions of this annoying problem..

    | petbiv

  • Hello guys, Looking for some help here hope someone will be able to point us to the right direction, we have been scratching our heads for months! Basically our Google rankings and organic traffic from Google have dropped signficantly in the last 12 months. At one point we ranked as high as page 3 with the term "holiday lettings". Now we are on page 16, and sometimes not found at all... This has been the case for months now.  Curiously, Bing and Yahoo have been much more generous to us, we have been and still consistently rank at No. 2 with the same term. We are in the vacation rental industry - our website is and most of the sites that rank above us are of much less relevancy, quality and authority. We just could not understand why we would rank so poorly on Google (both US and UK). Organic traffic has also dropped by more than 50% steadily in the last 12 months. One thing we thought might have affected our site is the quality of content. Most content/listings on our site are user generated, and it is not uncommon for users to copy and paste details from an existing listing that they have on another site. Having said that, the same would apply to our competitors too.  In this case, might Panda or Penguin have had any negative effects on our seo? We have been adding unique content to the site in the form of a blog and "Holiday Feature" articles. Could the actual design/structure/coding of our pages contribute to our poor rankings too? Any opinions or feedback is much appreciated! Thanks guys, Tom

    | forgottenlife

  • I have several keywords that seem to bring visitors in but when I look at my rankings it shows that I have no ranking authority at all.  Are these just robots or some non human click?  Or how do I even get these visitors?

    | Retail_Endeavors

  • Hi, Our problem is simple: we have statistics data for but some data is missing for (eg."links to your site", "structured data, "html improvements") . However, "search queries", "index status" and some other data is available for The problem is that we have over 5000 subdomains and we see no information about them.(especially links pointing to them). We followed every advice given by Google but doesn't seem to work: -Adding and in WMT -Setting as the preffered domain -Using DNS verification to verify our site What do we have to do? Thank you, Axello

    | axello

  • Have you used any API tools like Next Analytics and/or can you recommend another tool that is particularly useful for a SEO?

    | KnutDSvendsen

  • Buon Pormeriggio from Wetherby 22 degrees the summer continues! I need to set up a regex filter to knock out  lowecase versions of Thing is Analytics is returning this  lowercase version which i want to regex filter out.So if Regex filter /Sales/$ returns what i eant how do i knock out urls beginning with lowe case s. Grazie,

    | Nightwing

  • I've been playing around with a few excel plugins trying to get the visit count for over 350 different URL's on the same website. I cant seem to find a function that can do this. Can anyone advise a work around or a way i can achieve this? Greg

    | AndreVanKets

  • Every report we have fluctuations in our rankings, but the majority of them are only a few places up or a few places down. Other than first page and top 3, when do you all start noting fluctuations (good or bad)? Would you start at 5, 10, 20 etc? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Im having trouble separating our organic traffic vs our PPC.  When I go into Analytics>Traffic>Sources>Search>Organic, its giving me numbers that are not accurate.  I believe whats happening is that its not able to distinguish our bing organic/ppc. Is using Webmaster tools Search Queries a more accurate way to determine organic search volume?

    | DemiGR

  • Hello, I noticed something quite strange over the last week with one of my keywords.  I'll explain the lead up to this so it makes more sense. I started SEO work for a client about 3 months ago.  One of the keywords I'm trying to increase their ranking for is "auto body calgary".  I made a specific landing page for this keyword so it could be better targeted.  After I made this landing page I saw their root domain (not the landing page) increase about 10 rankings to number 9 in 2 months.   It hung at number 9 for about a month, and then the last month it has decreased to rank 15.    For interest sake I searched "auto body calgary" on multiple computers and browsers.  On one of the computers I used Safari and my landing page showed up in the number 2 position.  On my mobile phone and personal laptop I used Safari and it showed to root domain ranked at 15.  I used Google to search every time and wasn't logged in to my Google account on either of the searches. The only thing I've done in the last month is updated some of their directory submissions so they are more consistent. Out of this I have two questions: Why would different browsers show considerably different rankings and pages for a keyword? Since my landing page is more targeted to "auto body calgary" is Google trying to show that page instead of the root domain?  (my root domain has considerably more authority than this landing page) Thanks to anyone who can offer insight!

    | reidsteven75

  • How do I get a cumulative tally of all the goals reached in google analytics? I've been using the percentages currently, but I was wondering if there was an easier way. Thanks

    | OOMDODigital

  • If you pair webmaster tools with an analytics account does this auto allow access for any of the authorised analytics users or do they have to be granted access individually from within GWT ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I am trying to install goal tracking for a client to measure leads from SEO, and I'm running into problems with the Google Analytics goal tracking not working.  The only thing that I can think of that is preventing goal tracking from working is that the URL confirming page request URI looks like "contact/#contact-form-4475" and perhaps the hashtag is causing problems.  I wanted to ask the community if any of you have run into basic conversion tracking problems like this, where you need to track form fills on a website via a confirmation URL/destination URL goal, and what you did to solve it?  I appreciate any input on how to get data on conversions either by fixing the goal in GA or using a different tracking tool.  Thanks!

    | williammarlow

  • I have been scratching my head at this one.  On my not provided keywords, there is a url.  Keyword is the primary dimension.  It doesn't makes sense why there would be url keywords for pages with a different url. For example, the keywords for page np - / Thanks for your insights in advance!

    | konverge

  • Dear Moz Community, This is a Google Analytics question. Using Google Analytics, we're trying to identify trends of visitors on a website from specific social media accounts, i.e: Ideally, we would like to be able to see the success rate for specific posts on these social media accounts, and how users engaged on the website after arriving from clicking a link on one of these accounts. Is this drill-down feature currently possible in Google Analytics? Many thanks for helping!

    | BoomDialogue69

  • Hi guys, I haven't played around with advance segments enough to know the answer to this, so looking for some help. What I want to track is a keyword through the whole analytics, so I created an advance segment for "KEYWORD". This segment is Include - Keyword - "KEYWORD". Now when I remove the advance segment and do the following: Traffic Sources - Organic - Primary Dimension - Keyword - "KEYWORD" The amounts of visits differ a lot. I'm guessing this has to do with sessions? Looking for a clarification on this.

    | William.Lau

  • I had always thought that the Traffic Source/Medium in all sections of GA shows last interaction, and the only way to see indirect conversions was through Multi-Channel Functions/Conversion Paths. However, the screenshots - shows transactions and conversion paths that resulted from an email campaign we've done recently. As you can see on the conversion path screenshot, there were 5 conversions (1 conversion type selected -  ecommerce/transactions)  3 direct conversion or last interaction  and 2  assisted conversions. However - according to the transactions screenshot - there are 5 transactions, all show up as email. I would have thought, that the transaction page would  have only shown 3 email conversions - for the 3 direct/last interactions conversions seen in the conversion path. Any idea why this would happen? Was my initial understanding of traffic sources wrong? O7v3cTj.jpg aAPhd8e.jpg

    | S.S.N

  • I am currently building a report on our bounce rates for the past few years. When I look at older data, from 2010-11 I see varying bounce rates for the checkout, which is fine. When I move to new data, 2011-12 and 2012-13 I am seeing 100% bounce rates and exit rates for my checkout. We do use a 3rd party for our checkout, Shopatron and yes we do have it set up to track. Any thoughts on why I might be seeing this high rate for my bounce rate oh and this also goes for my exit percentage as well.

    | K2_Sports

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