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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi, I have been noticing a really dramatic variation in the number of results Google is returning for the name "Carolyn Hadlock." Most of the time it seems to be around 2000. But then it will jump up to over 10,000. Does anyone know why there would be such a big jump? And then why it would go back? If tested both logged into Google and then not - as well as having others log is as themselves. That does not seem to be it. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    | yandl

  • Hello, I'm using this code in my thank you page to track ecommerce sales in GA. The problem that I'm having is that in the google event the _trackPageview doesn't register the proper page but puts the url of the ecommerce website. The transaction is properly tracked. Any ideas of what could be the issue looking at this code? Maybe there could be other code could be causing the problem? Thanks a lot.

    | nagar

  • Buon pomeriggio..... I have a clients whos data shows that they have very high visitor traffic between 1 AM & 5AM. Prevoisly I have been advised on this forum to search out and filter out bot traffic but i can find anything 😞 But i just want to know where can i spot theses obscure things described here: in google analytics. Ive followed stacks of tutorials and all i find out is i have Browser internet explorer behing the busiest traffic at 2AM 😞 Perhaps the time report is jinxed, but illustrated here is whats triggered the concern 😞 So if anyone could give me simple what to do in analytics and be v gratefull!

    | Nightwing

  • Hello ! I've just implemented new images on my website and I would like to know what is the best tool to track them on social media (how many are tweeted, shared on facebook, etc.). The best would be a tool telling me that this photo was shared X times on faebook, Y times on twitter, etc; What is the best tools for you ? Tks a lot !

    | AymanH

  • Google's mod_pagespeed has a lazy image loading facility which is great, but it uses meta refresh to auto disable itself for people without javascript and the moz crawler says it is not good for seo, but we are not using them for that, example code <noscript><meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;url=''" /><style><!--table,div,span,font,p{display:none} --></style><div style="display:block">Please click <a href="">here</a> if you are not redirected within a few seconds.</div></noscript> Will this cause SEO problems? If not then is there anyway to filter the warnings out of moz, it finds this issue with every page

    | Fammy

  • My question is about a previously used Domain. recently one of my client buy a new domain and now start working with that. he ask me to manage google webmaster and analysis. Yesterday i found its showing 360 Not found error. and showing some link which is not generated by my client, maybe previously this domain was used and these link are generated at that time. in webmaster tools i use Remove URLs to remove these links from google. My question to experts: it will effect my clients site? can i overcome from this situation? or better to use a new domain? at opensiteexplorer its showing Domain authority is 6/100, Page authority 16/100

    | Tahrim

  • Hi all, I am looking through the Analytics data on a specific 'page' (404.html which is the Not found page) and as my secondary dimensions, I have Landing Page data. Now am I not sure how the page and the landing page are related here. Is it basically saying 58 Page views of the 404.html were originated by the users who landed on brochures.html? If someone could provide any pointers on it, it would be great. Thank you for your time. uZQJ

    | nirpan

  • Hi All, I have carried out keyword research based on Google Analytics, Keyword Planner, competitors and various other toolsets.
    My research has been based on performance metrics favored towards Google.
    I'm looking to research keyword traffic metrics and suggestions based on Bing Ads Intelligence. My Logic
    I have compiled my master list based on Google metrics.
    I will carry out Bing search traffic metrics based on my Google master list.
    I will carry out Bing keyword suggestions based on my Google master list. My Questions
    #1 Will my logic yield me any favorable benefits based on the high number of Google users vs Bing users
    #2 Should Bing favor a particular keyword with high search traffic compared to Google, is there a fear that creating a 'seo user friendly website page' could dilute link juice based on the high Google users. Any other useful advice would be welcome. Regards Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • Hi everyone, Been doing some research about cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics (preferably Universal Analytics where documentation is a bit spare). All of the tutorials focus on the auto-linking and ensuring links to the other site are taken care of. I'm considering a site that may not cross-link like that at all (or it may, but won't be the main avenue). A good example is: Now, they do link to the other brands in their navigation but let's pretend that they don't necessarily do that. Gap Corporate may want to roll up all these domains into a single reporting profile because customers can clearly visit any of those sites on their own and buy. It would be nice to know that Visitor X bought 2 items from and 3 from and of course, here were their campaigns, etc. From what I am reading, I am not sure this is really possible. It seems that the cross-domain code is really only best for when my main site links to another domain for checkout or something. But in my example, we are definitely not in control of that kind of behavior. Thoughts? Perhaps I need to recommend they go with subdomains only which Universal GA seems to handle quite fine out of the box. Thank you!

    | ketanmv

  • Hi all, Over the past 18 months one of the sites I look after,, has taken a massive dip in Google rankings (as per the graph attached). To give you an idea of what the site is about, we're effectively the largest directory of inns in England and have a mixture of exclusive offers direct from member inns but also have some affiliate links thrown into the mix. In terms of steps taken to remedy our falling out of grace with Google, these have included: A complete website redesign Removal of any duplicate content 'Adding value' by including interactive maps, better search functionality, promoting exclusive offers, etc. Unfortunately none of this seems to have helped our situation and we are now sitting at some pretty horrible places in Google's SERP's. For example, even for the keyphrase "english inns" we only rank #5 and this is a term associate with our brand! Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here... can anyone see any glaring issues with the site? Any help would be most appreciated Mozzers. Cheers google-analytics.png

    | dooberry

  • I've attached 2 analytics screenshots of sites of mine. I can't believe how volatile google has been this year for no apparant reason. The on site of my sites has not changed much throughout the year and I've not spent any serious amount of time on link building after initially building some links when the sites where first launched. As you can see from Screenshot 1 show gradual growth throughout the year but in August google completely killed all traffic from my site. Disheartened I pretty much gave up and didn't spend any time on the site at all. The for no reason in September the site bounced back with more traffic than ever. The second screenshot for another of my sites shows intial growth and the google kills the visits again in April. It's not until June that the site starts to see growth again but after it reaches its peak mid October google kills all traffic again! Does anyone else think that google is far to volatile for any serious business to rely on it for generating customers? I'm considering moving to PPC which is probably the end game for google but early tests show conversion rates are much lower on adwords which I don't really understand as it's essentially the same traffic source. I've been careful to create relevant landing pages for keywords in adwords. Any thoughts greatly appreciated. 3Itysj1.png ijoarzV.png

    | SamCUK

  • Hi there, recently I have been getting failed reconsideration requests back within 7 days. The last one i submitted (third) is now 2 weeks and no message back. Does this mean do you think it's gone to the next stage of auditing? is it a good sign? Typically when failed I have always has that response within 7 days. I also noticed a slight improvement in rankings but no message back in webmaster tools. Does anyone have experience with this? if so does this sound about right? thanks guys.

    | pauledwards

  • I'm hoping for a couple of second opinions of my conclusions here before I shoot 60% of our link profile in the head...
    a) I've not needed to deal with an angry Penguin before,
    b) it's not as black and white as most of the blog posts seem to find. Domain is The Penguin Google Says... ●  We have no unnatural links warning in WMT
    ●  We have dropped out of the top 50 for all keywords except three.  Those three are a couple of pages down.
    ●  We still own page 1 for a brand search (World Text), though we lost the bottom result.
    ●  Overall traffic down 25%, organic down 50%, SERPs impressions down 50-70% I'd love to know where the remaining organic Google traffic is coming from as we currently rank for nothing (useful anyway);  the analytics doesn't show the usual off a cliff to nothing, more a few quiet weeks. Several other players in the sector appear to have been obliterated too - searches on several keywords are a total mess with total unknowns and spam showing up on page 1 SERPs. Adwords traffic is up markedly which I put down to the mess that is SERPs Our adwords are nicely optimised and our top keywords are hitting quality scores of >=8, mostly 9 or 10. Why did the Penguin Peck?... Simple.  Opensiteexplorer should make it blindingly obvious what the issue is. We have a horrible link profile that I have been muttering about for 18 months or more. ●  Long before I joined seems they got a 5,000 search friendly directory submissions package or equivalent
    ●  Sadly not a single one of them was from the long obsolete SEOMoz directories list, or worth keeping.
    ●  Every single last one of them has identical anchor text and description.  Still, makes for easy analysis.
    ●  The anchor text used isn't likely to be searched often
         " Text Messaging Services"
    ●  3 of 4 originally submitted sites/directories have since expired, removed links etc Findings 740 judged bad domains:
        All the identical anchor text SEO directories
        a couple of others picked out as unwanted
        the domains serving malware Only 235 class Cs in these
        144 have 0-2 indexed pages - not useful for a directory! 500 judged maybe:
        No links found even though in WMT (a lot of these)
        down, suspended etc (a lot of these too)
        links that are less than ideal but not identically anchored spam.
        (for instance someone who had linked to us has had their site scraped and dropped on dozen or more forums including our link) another pass of these in a week or so, just in case some come back to life... 400 judged good (well harmless):
         Natural links
         real directories
         all the assorted alexa like scrapers, domain valuation junk etc. Executing Penguins and other vermin... Apparently pretending to know nothing doesn't help, so... ●  Disavow the three discovered sites serving malware
    ●  Remove where possible every last one of the SEO directory entries avoiding any extorted payment.     Track contacts and responses.
    ●  Disavow the rest {Reconsideration request} I KNOW this is for manual penalties, and we don't have one, BUT I've seen countless sources suggesting reconsideration for Penguin.  Really? Anyway that was far longer than intended, so thanks for making it this far!  I look forward to comments!

    | WorldText

  • I have done a few guests posts on different sites and they are not coming up in my link analysis report.
    We created an info graphic on one particular site and this site isn't coming up on the link analysis report. Would there be a reason for this. I ran a check on the sites code and it doesnt contain  "nofollow" as i originally thought this was the problem. Here is an example of our work on a site that isn't coming up on the analysis report. Thanks

    | meteorelectrical

  • I'm using the Google Tag Assistant for Chrome, and I noticed something really weird. No matter what pages I look at, the same two GA tags show up. It's weird. You can see the tag that is "working", and then there are two repeats. For example, when I look at this page, I see the GA tag that is working and then all the remarketing tags. Then I see UA-36732895-1 repeated twice. Anyone have any idea what this is? Thanks!

    | PGD2011

  • Hello, I have a quick question: Is it secure and safe to link my Google Analytics account with here's the link: I want to create easy-to-understand report from Google Analytics and if you have any experience with this service can you share it with me please. Thanks.

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Hi all, Just wondering whether anyone knows how I'd be able to track Proactive Chats as a goal in Google Analytics? So when someone visits our site, and we proactively contact them by initiating a chat (rather than a reactive chat where the visitor initiates it). Thanks!

    | AdrianCordiner

  • Hi, I hope you can answer this question for me, obviously I'm aware of the changes regarding "not provided" in analytics however I am still getting keyword referral data in analytics (not much of course!) in the section Acquisition>Keyword>Organic Can anybody explain why I am still seeing organic keyword data even up until yesterday for the odd term? I cannot find an answer anywhere!!! Many thanks

    | splendidapple

  • Hello there, Last week I discovered an unnatural drop in the direct traffic channel while analyzing all traffic channels. I dived into the data and discovered the following aspects of the traffic drop: The drop is only caused by: Direct traffic coming from browser Safari on Apple tablets (Safari traffic includes 83% of all direct tablet traffic) Android, mobile and desktop traffic didn't drop at all The direct tablet traffic dropped on the 1st of October It has never dropped before and it has grown naturally every month since more than a year In week 42 we only made 35% of the revenue we made in week 39. We're talking about k's. I attatched two screenshots coming from Google Analytics: the drop of direct tablet traffic compared to direct mobile traffic, and the drop of direct Safari tablet traffic compared to direct Android tablet traffic. We asked our web developer (SEOShop) about possible changes they made around the 1st of October to i.e. our mobile website. They said that they didn't change anything but they pointed to Hummingbird that has been released around that date. I can't link the traffic issue with Hummingbird though.. Can anybody let their light shine about this one? I'm very thankful. Marcel 76gzsLx,fOlkm10#1

    | MarcelMoz

  • Sites error increasing i.e. 404 errors more than 1.8 lacs, Duplicate Content, Duplicate title, missing meta description increasing day by day as site is based on regular ticket selling (CRM), We have checked with webmasters for 404's, but it is not easy to delete 1.8 lac entries. How to resolve this issue for future.  kindly help and suggest the solution.

    | 1akal

  • I have a client that changed from MoveableType to Wordpress. He also changed from a dedicated server to WP Engine. He may have blocked search engines for a week or two, so his organic traffic is down but only by 25%. He's 301 redirecting all of the old pages. The mystery is that his referral traffic from Google is down 90%. It's a popular blog, so that's thousands. It's been going on a month now. Anyone seen this before?

    | Hyper-Dog

  • Hi, Our company produces content related to one loose overall theme. Within that we write content and sell products on three specific sub-themes. Some of our customers cross over and have an interest in two or all three themes and others are only interested in one. At present we have one site covering reviews of products relating to all three sub-themes... ....and three other sites offering how-to guides and tutorials dedicated to each sub-theme. We do not have a lot of time to commit to SEO and so we are considering merging the content we have on all three subjects into the one site covering them all. Each of these sub-themes could have websites in their own right and my worry is that it will be harder to rank for these subject specific terms if the content is not on a site dedicated to that subject. But of course if they were all together then any links we build will be consolidated into one big site. Does anyone have any experience of this or have any advice on what the best thing to do would be? Thanks for your help!

    | frantan

  • Is anyone familiar with a relation between Google PPC and Organic? We started a PPC campaign recently and our organic results spiked up at the same time for phrases that we are bidding on.

    | klmarketing

  • Our company's website has maintained decent rankings for the last 12 years we've been in business for our primary keywords.  We recently had our website rebuilt from the ground up, and the developers left the noindex tags on all of our 400+ pages when we launched it.   I didn't catch the error for 6 days.  During which time, I used the Fetch feature in Google, submitting a site-wide fetch, as well as manual submissions for our top 100 URLs .   In addition, every page that was indexed previously had a 301 set up for it, which was pointing to a destination with a noindex. 
    I caught the error today, and the developer removed the tags.   Does anyone have any experience with a situation similar to this?  In the SERPs, we are still ranking at this moment, and it's displaying our old URLs, and they are 301 redirecting just fine.   But, what happens now?  For 6 full days, we told Google not to index any of our pages, while also using the Fetch feature, contradicting ourselves.
    Any words of wisdom or advice as to what I can do at this point to avoid potential fall out? Thanks

    | yogitrout1

  • I am trying to identify the hour of the day that particular keywords (organic and PPC) are triggering my goals. Ideally I'd like to be able to use the all traffic report with the secondary dimension set as keyword. Hopefully I'm missing something simple, thanks all. Mark

    | mde911

  • Hey, I'm trying to find a way of getting data from Googles Webmaster Tools and recording it in either a database or spread sheet. Is there any software out there that I can use to do this or would i have to look at developing it my self? Thanks, Luke.

    | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • I notice Google made a bunch of changes to Analytics this week (although I can't find an official announcement?). Does anyone know where the Advanced Segments feature went??

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • Hi everyone, Tried searching for this answer but couldn't find it. In the new analytics, I can see that there is a graph that shows the number of unique keywords that brought traffic to our site sorted by weeks. I can't seem to find this data in Google Analytics. I can only find the number of visits but not sorted by how many keywords, instead it is just # of visits from all of the keywords. Thanks in advance. SZ

    | swzhai

  • The search volumes that I'm getting out of Keyword planner are approximately 10% (some as low as 1%) of the search volumes for the same keywords back in April. Is there something I missed in this time? I'm using the same account, same language and location settings. Anyone have an explanation for this? To be honest these new search volumes sound a lot more plausible to me - I'm just intrigued by what might have happened!

    | a-champ

  • Within Google Analytics does anyone have suggestions for how to determine the exact reverse path for a product purchased? The goal funnel does not provide in a detailed way, especially if a step is taken out of the exact funnel provided. If this information cannot be obtained through Analytics is there another tool we can use to get the exact path?

    | bozzie311

  • I need to filter hundreds of cities from my traffic reports. I've been told that adding them all in this format: |Knutsford|Ripon|Cheadle Hulme|Congleton| and using the 'matching reg/exp from the drop down should do it... Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be working as I can still see cities like London in the results.... Any ideas?

    | david.smith.segarra

  • There's now an acquisitions tab.. but I can't figure out how to sort referral traffic by referral path.

    | S.S.N

  • For an eCommerce site we have 301'd legacy product pages to new product pages. Is all that traffic going to show up as referral traffic from our own domain in Google Analytics? If so, is there any way to preserve original source/medium info or will all the source/medium info be our own domain since there is a 301 redirect?

    | bozzie311

  • My GWT data seems to be have resolved through 9/28, but still looking low for the week starting 9/29 through present.

    | EmpireToday

  • Anyone have idea whats going on with adwords? The pre-existing data seems to be gone for many terms(avg monthly searches, competition, suggested bid). Even commonly searched terms Google is showing decreased amount of avg monthly searches. Is this for everyone or just me?

    | RichardSEO

  • Using Live Chat's ( Google Analytics integration was populating events and virtual pageviews into my analytics account. I've since added Tag Manager and moved my analytics tracking code into there, but since doing so, the integration no longer seems to work as there is no population of either events or pageviews anymore. Anyone else had any experience of something similar? Any other suggestions (beyond not using GTM for analytics code anymore)? I was considering setting up the event tracking code manually in GTM, but not really sure how to do so seeing as I'm not sure what to fire the different events on. This is the live chat JS code:

    | AdrianCordiner

  • At the start of August my Domain Authority was 52 but it has fallen to 46 over the course of 8 weeks. At first this was credited to the smaller index that SEOMOZ has taken and when this was certainly in line with our rivals results as well who all suffered a drop. When the index issue was fixed we did see an improvement, back up to 51 at the start of September, pretty much in line with all of our rivals. However our Domain Authority has dropped again and this time it is in complete isolation, none of our rivals have suffered anything like a 3 point drop. Our SEO has never been better with 65% of our keywords ranking in the top 3 and 86% ranking in the top 10. Im wondering what is causing this rapid drop in Domain Authority and what affect, if any, it was have on our future keyword rankings. Thanks, Emmet

    | CertificationEU

  • Why am i still seeing very recent organic kw traffic being reported in Analytics if G is now fully encrypted ? Should it not all be 'Not Provided' now ? When this fully roles out if not already wont it be impossible to distinguish between brand and non brand kw ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • What needs to be done to Analytics to track goal completions on a subdomain? The main Analytics profile is set up for, but landing pages for paid campaigns are set up at Thank-you page is What needs to be modified in Analytics (or to the Analytics code) or how do the goals need to be set up to track these subdomain conversions all within the same Analytics profile? They're not tracking currently. Thanks.

    | elcrazyhorse

  • When looking at Traffic Sources in Google Analytics, Google is broken out into paid and organic visits. I want to do the same with Bing.  How do I do it?

    | cpantages

  • Buongiorno from cloudy & overcast Wetherby UK... On this site I configured Google to tracdk internal search & heres how - But internal search data is not pulling through 😞 How can i fix this please.

    | Nightwing

  • Hi, As agencies, what are people finding to be the best practices for allowing multiple members of the agency's team to access client WMT and GA data? Have a generic "" account that's used for the shares, that anyone in the agency can use as needed (limited, of course, not admin). Have the individual person at the company use their company email for the share for each particular client?  Yet what happens when we need someone else to check the GA or WMT data? Any advice is much appreciated.  
    Thank you!

    | Titan552

  • In the last 3-4 days we've had several thousand 'duplicate content' warnings appear in our crawl report, 99% of them related to our on-site blog. The blog is BlogEngine.Net, but the pages simply don't exist. The majority seem to be Roger trying quasi-random URLs like:
    /?page=410 /?page=151 Etc. etc. The blog will present content for these requests, but it is of course the same empty page since there's only unique content for up to /?Page=10 or so. Two questions: 1. Did something change recently? These blogs have been up for months, and this problem has only come up this week. Did Roger change to become more aggressive lately? 2. Suggested remediation? On one of the blogs I've put no-index no-follow for any page that has a /?page querystring, and we'll see what effect that has come next crawl next week. However, I'm not sure this will work as per: Anyone else had dynamic blogs suddenly blossom into thousands of duplicate content warnings? Google (rightly) ignores these pages completely.

    | Progauto

  • Hello Mozzers, I was a bit foolish a couple of years back when first getting into the game, and employed a dodgy agency to do some SEO for me on some sites. Fast forward to this year, and the two sites in my Google Analytics account have been hit with a manual penalty.  I decided to ditch the websites and move on, so removed them from my GA account, webmaster tools etc and will simply let them die a death. My question is, do you think this would affect how easy it would be to rank other websites within my GA account?  Does anybody have any views on this? Thanks!

    | Marc-FIMA

  • Hi I'm working on a project/client and have asked them for the common url that shows whenever user finishes the purchase process so i cant set it up as a Goal in GA so we can track conversions etc Since site is dynamically generated it does not have such a page. Dev are suggesting setting up a new goal, generate a URL and script and they will append to a similar call. Does this make sense/sound like it would work ? And is it quite easy to do that in Analytics ? Normally i just add a URL as a goal and jobs done, don't know about scripts etc ! Cheers Dan set up a new Goal and generate a URL and script and send that to us and we'll append this to a similar call we already did for this at your request originally

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I'm running a news site, and I have a problem of accuratly measuring which traffic is REALLY coming from google news. I analyzed a lot of  individual articles and I come to the conclusion, that the visits, that come from the google news section in the universal search results are counted as "normal" search engine traffic in google analytics. So if you do a Google search for a topic that includes links from Google news, you don't get an accurate referral count. As an example, if you do a search for "eBay", incorporated into the page 1 search results you may also see Google news results as well. 
    If someone clicks on that Google news link that appears in Google search, it shows up in Google analytics as a referral from Google search, when it was actually from a Google news referral. I was already checking google analytics and google news help forums and searched SEO blogs for this. But I wasn't able to find a working solution. Can anybody help me out with this problem? Thanks so much, Matthias

    | Mulle

  • With keyword data from Google on its way out, we're losing our ability to discover what keywords a website is ranking for (you can do ranking checks, but only if you already know what keywords the site is ranking for). What are some good SERP visibility tools? (i.e. you enter the domain name, and the tool lists which keywords the site ranks for organically, etc.) I know SpyFu offers this, but they seem to be PPC focused and perhaps not very accurate. I know other companies offer it, but I'm blanking on which ones.

    | AdamThompson

  • My Webmaster Tools account has stopped showing data past 9/23, which is a full week old.  Typically it is just a few days behind schedule.  Is Google cutting this off?

    | gametv

  • Buongiorno from Latitude 53.92705600 Longitude -1.38481600... Ok ive watched the video, ive read the blog posts but what is Double click by Google? how do i get to use it? Is it a seperate service to Adwords? Questions questions... Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hi, One of the things I'm looking to do is to track clicks on my social follow buttons. I know I can try to add GA events for each button and go from there.  But in order to simplify the process, I'm looking for a WP plugin that can help. Currently I've only come across AddThis and Share This as viable options, though Add This has very mixed reviews, and Share This isn't updated for WP 3.6.1. For my social shares at the end of blog posts I'm wondering the same thing about tracking shares.  I've used AddThis in the past with success in tracking shares, but I wanted to see what other are doing or if there's a newer technique. The bottom line is that I want to try to see as much of the "social" as I can in GA. Thank you in advance!!

    | Titan552

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