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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi guys, I've need to set gup goal to track Banner Views and Clicks on my website based on the Event. I've set up the Event like this: | | Anh the page is When I se the event on goal I filled like below: Category/Equal to/quangcaoBIG Action/Regular expression/bannerID_\d Label/Equal to/view I do the same for tracking Click. But when verifying, the conversion is 0%. Anyone help me please! Tks a lot!

    | DGX

  • We have a quick question about our Google Analytics code: We recently updated to a re-marketing Analytics code, and some of our traffic numbers seem to be off by a bit. I used the Google Tag Assistant Chrome Extension today, and noticed that it's finding our old Analytics code on our pages, but it's coming up as an error due to "no HTTP Response". I am attempting to remove this code from the website, but it is nowhere to be found in the HTML coding. Only the current one is there. So I'm wondering if this second Analytics code is effecting our traffic and reporting, even if the code is currently non-functional? and if it is, how could I go about removing it if it's not currently in our HTML? Thanks!

    | PlanetDISH

  • We have a client that has received 100+ organic visits for the keyword 'airport transfers', yet the site does not rank in the top 100 search results for this keyword. We have checked that it is not untagged PPC traffic. Truly baffling. Can anybody help?

    | mrdavidingram

  • Why are incoming links to my site in Google Webmasters tools totally different then in MOZ? Which is correct? According to Google as of this week I have hundreds of links coming from linkarena (dot) com (Never heard) Does any one know who they are or if they are hurting me? I definitely did not pay them to put me on there. It looks like a German site.  Thank you.

    | omakad

  • Hi Mozzers, I have multiple filters in one of the GA accounts I manage. I just created new pages that have URLs containing the keyword "spring" (location in texas) and wanted to filter out spring in the GA Spring profile(screenshot) . My issue is it will filter all the URLs containing the kw spring and the website has multiple blog post containing the same kw (spring). So what I need is a Regex formula so I can make sure I track only the Spring tx traffic and not  the blog posts. Thanks for letting me know how can I do that! xejc38l.png

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Will the analytics offer me the same content review power as Hootsuite or Twitonomy?  I need to know if I should get one of these tools in addition to this.  I need information weekly about retweets, mentions, most popular content, reach, etc.,?  I would like to be able to do this all from one place- here in Moz.

    | Isaac5589

  • Yesterday, one of my sites had extreme Adsense clicks for several hours in the morning, which brought it up to CTRs of around 120%. My normal CTR is about 10-15%. It added several hundred dollars income over and above my normal amount.  After that, it went back to normal. I have waited to see if Google would adjust the income down, as someone or some bot seemingly clicked the heck out of the site's ads.  Nothing has been adjusted; it's been 24 hours. Question #1: what usually causes this type of insane clicking to occur (i.e. competitors messing me?) Then, today I noticed something else disturbing. I cannot find my site in the top 100 SERPs for the main keyword.  I was at #1 for a couple years, then, when I changed themes from Thesis to Genesis (site otherwise exactly the same) a couple months ago, I bounced around various positions on the first page. In the last couple weeks we've been bouncing between the teens and the thirties.  Two days ago we were at #15.  (the site is still indexed when I use "site:" to check. It seems awfully coincidental that yesterday I had the Adsense click explosion, and today I'm not even in the top 100 for the first time in my pretty stable two-year history, and have no idea how far behind 100 I am.  I went to Google Webmaster Tools and see no errors or warnings relating to this. Adsense has not sent me any messages. So... Question #2: does Google search apply some sort of penalty to site that have suspicious Adsense clicking? By the way, I don't have any funny business going on with any bad SEO practices, it's all above board, and I have thousands of real readers each day Liking and commenting on the pages. It's a very real site.  Note: I have been checking the ranking each day via a Google Incognito window and searching for the term. Of course I use MOZ but I do the Incognito search for a quick real time check, which I've found to be accurate.

    | bizzer

  • hi ive been added to a clients facebook account as a content creator but when trying to add there facebook to moz it says i need to switch to my account then there's no option to add the clients account.

    | genkee

  • Hi Mozzers! One of my clients is having an issue with cross-domain tracking, in other words their own domain is seen as a huge referrer. When you land on their site, which is, and then choose a holiday to book it then takes you to another domain which is, during the booking process. I'm just wondering if there is a Google Analytics genius out there who may be able to take a quick look and let me know if there is any obvious solution to this within the Google Analytics code? Thanks in advance everyone! Gavin

    | strategemilabs

  • I am webmaster of E commerce website. And, We're selling online home decor products to USA! Today, I was checking my website Admin Panel sales section. I have found big variation in E commerce Revenue data on Google Analytics and Admin Panel Sales Data. I am looking forward forward for quick discussion or suggestion on it. If anybody require further information to know more about issue so please let me know!

    | CommercePundit

  • I've been using Pinterest for a couple of years now. It has been great in promoting our brand and generating referral traffic. My question is this. I've noticed in Webmaster Tools, in the "Links to your site" section, that my links from Pinterest has really shot up.It's gone from 3,500 links, 6 months ago, to over 23,000 recently. Those of you using Pinterest, have you seen a similar increase? Just wondering if Google is recognizing more of the links, even though they are "no-follow" links.

    | tdawson09

  • Hi folks, I was just wondering at the disparity between the "Organic Search Visits" total in the Traffic Data tab and the total visits from "Non Paid Keywords Sending Search Visits". Once you add up all the traffic generated from the individual keywords (including the not provided numbers) shouldn't the total match the number of organic search results? Or is there something I'm missing? At the moment the total visits from non-paid keywords is about 2,000 short of the total organic search visits.

    | BrettCollins

  • Hi guys, Something super weird happened. The bouncerate of one of my clients has been around 20% for over a year now, with steady traffic. On the 14th of February, the bouncerate trippled to 60%. The traffic is still as usual, and the bouncerate did not increase for one specific channel, it just trippled overall. Pages that used to have nearly 0% bounces now have almost 80%, these pages are super relevant for the users. I am worried that something happened, that happened offsite. Because we did not make any changes to the site the last month. Do you have any suggestions? It is super weird.

    | J0riss

  • I'm trying to register my twitter account and keep receiving the error duplicate account.  I recently changed my name on twitter from Jasonalanmagic to JAmagician.  Same account but different url.  could this be causing it?

    | Jasonalanmagic

  • I have a page on my site,, that gets me roughly 17% of my traffic.  That being said it is not really relevant traffic because it comes from the search term "floor plans", which really has nothing to do with Hawaii vacation rentals, which is what I do. My question is does Google know how to figure that out when they are looking at my stats or is there a way to let google know that that page probably should not show up for that search phrase? On the positive, they are nice floor plans and if someone is searching for ideas for floor plans and see one of them in google images then it probably could help them, but it really is not relevant to my business.  It has a 80% bounce rate, but does have an average time on page of 1.5 minutes, which is a fair amount for what is there.

    | RobDalton

  • Hello Everyone, I'm seeing a strange issue. On the 22nd of this month Webmasters tools started showing 6 impressions per day down from hundreds or thousands. I thought I was hit with a huge penalty for my keywords but they are still ranking where they have for the past month or two on Google. In analytics my organic traffic is stable. It just seems to be GWT showing the massive drop. My domain is: Any Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

    | PatchofLand

  • Does anyone know of classes or people who teach Google Tag Manager and how to use it effectively?

    | JQC

  • Hello! Here's my situation. In the coming days I will have two sources of Google Analytics utm Campaigns running: Source 1 is paid online advertising. Source 2 will be banner ads on our own website that encourage people to request an appointment with the dentist whose profile page they're viewing. (With close to 100 doctors, that's a LOT of Campaigns URLs, but I fell it will be worth it to know where appointment requests are coming from.) So, the question... Let's say a site visitor arrives to our site via one of our paid ad's utm Campaigns URL. What happens if that visitor navigates to one of our dentist's profile page then clicks the banner ad that also contains a utm URL. Which Campaign gets the credit for the goal conversion? The most recent (the banner)? The original source (the paid ad)? Both? Thanks in advance for any insight! Erik

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • Hi All, I have a funny situation that I would like some advice on handling... There are a handful of domains that were created several years ago in support of an offline to online campaign.  These domains are simply vanity domains that use an IFrame at 100% to show the content of another page.  Essentially, the content of the sites I manage are embedded into the frame on the vanity URL. Since I do not monitor or have access to any analytics for the vanity URLs, is there a way to tell how others are discovering those vanity URLs?  As stated above, they were used on direct mail flyers two years ago and never appeared online.  However, I still get a good deal of traffic from them and cannot believe people have hung onto those flyers in such volume. I have used Open Site Explorer for the vanity URLs, which show no links existing anywhere online.  I am wondering if the vanity URLs may exist in pdf lists of local businesses that match my category, etc.  Is there any way to tell how traffic finds those vanity URLs without analytics or discovered links through link profiling tools?

    | dsinger

  • Over the last two days I have seen a huge spike in the pageviews to my site  Up to this point my average page views per visit has been less than 2.  For the last couple of days it has jumped to 5 but the average time on the site has not increased.  Upon further investigation under the browser and OS page of google analytics I found that traffic coming from internet explorer and IE with Chrome Frame is reporting 10+ pageviews per visit.  Below is a screenshot.  Any insight into what might be causing this and how to fix it that the community can provide would be appreciated. Thanks

    | davidwaring

  • Hello fellow mozzers! My collegue and I are a bit puzzled in regards to our recent website statistics. In november 2013, we upgraded the technological platform of our website to be fully HTML5 coded, and implemented the Products scheme to systematically tag all our products on the site. To prevent too much loss of visitors, we created a 301-redirect table from almost all our old URL's to the specific new ones, as we implemented a new URL structure as well. The first few months were bumpy as expected, making a huge drop in rankings before rising up again. Our keyword rankings are better then ever (60% of the keywords in top 3, average competition, 25% more on first SERP) but our number of visits dropped by about 10%. Our bounce rate went down from 20% to 14%, our returning visits are stable, but our new visitors stats dropped by 25% as well. This comparison was made between equal periods in the current year and last year, using organic data stats. (new technical platform vs. the old one) What could be the reason that our number of visits dropped 10% while our keyword ranking is better then ever? We don't have any manual penalties in GWT and can't understand why visits would drop so much while ranking improved. May it be so easy that there's just less search volume on our ranked content or does anyone have other ideas? Thank you all in advance!

    | EconostoNL

  • I need to find an article or something with factual findings that shows Google no longer gives extra value to .com, .net, .us, edu. etc. or proving that is still does.

    | PPI

  • I am having a problem with my Google Analytics tracking codes. The relevant GA tracking codes have been entered into the source code of certain sites I'm running campaigns on, but Google Analytics is still telling me that the tracking code hasn't been installed - yet it has. What could possibly be the problem here? I have checked that these sites don't run off multiple domains, and that the tracking code has been entered in the correct place within the source code - and yet I am still having problems with GA. Any suggestions?

    | WebhouseISP

  • Hey, I own a large ecommerce site with a few thousand products. The platform we are using adds a default French, English, and German store. It is not out of the question to offer french version of our site in the future, but for the time being we have added temporary redirects on these pages back to the main (english) version. In my Moz analytics, there are 1000+ pages with temporary redirects, and Moz classifies these as medium priority. Is there a better solution to dealing with these default language pages? Thanks,

    | evan89

  • I have two separate events that I would like to track on my site. [Ask a Question](javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$MainContent$AskQuestionButton','')) and I think I would want to use this-_gaq.push ([‘_trackEvent’,’event category’,’event action’,’event label’, event value]); Is that correct? Where would I place it in the button code? Would this work?
    _gaq.push ([‘_trackEvent’,’AskAQuestion’,’Submitted’,’event label’, event value]); The event doesn't have a label or value. Are those left blank?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I'm seeing a drop in impressions across all my websites that are hosted at a certain location. Just wanted to make sure that it is not some reporting issue that others are seeing.

    | tdawson09

  • Hello! How does one go about finding the impact of shortened URLs in Google Analytics? (I know I should be using Campaigns, but this was for an old project.) Thanks in advance! Erik

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • I have conversion tracking setup for Adwords and Goal tracking setup in Analytics. There is a large discrepancy between the two. Anyone have any ideas?

    | EcommerceSite

  • For some reason paid conversions are not showing in the Multi Channel Funnel and nothing shows under the adwords tab. What would be the reason?

    | jbk365

  • Is anyone else here a user of Link Research Tools? I recently completed a Link Detox for my sites. However, it is saying that links from high quality press release sites are deadly and should be removed. They are also saying the same about the links from the Yellow Pages. Obviously I know these tools are automated, but does anyone know why they are showing these links as 'deadly' and should be removed? I have tried contacting LRT about this issue but am yet to receive a reply.

    | AAttias

  • With the (not provided) numbers growing to the inevitable 100%, can we make any assumptions about what the (not provided) visits includes without sifting through 5 software programs, Moz analytics, Google Analytics, Webmasters Tool, etc? It seems like a TON of time and work to "try" and get (not provided) data/keywords from all the articles and heads of the industries I've been reading. That amount of time and work are just not viable for a smaller SEO or single SEO working with smaller budgets, so my question, can we make an estimated guess based on visits for local businesses that most are branded keywords bringing traffic? Or am I way off here? Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts or how you handle (not provided) with your clients.

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • I know that Google switch to all encrypted search, but I still show some keywords. Are those keywords that slipped through? Or are they all from Yahoo/Bing?

    | EcommerceSite

  • My campaaigns are connected to GA but traffic is zero for all campaigns

    | berndheyer

  • What's your opinion on analytics tools? Specifically Omniture vs Google Analytics. Is Omniture really that much more powerful than GA? Have you used GA Premium, the enterprise package? My main question - Can GA (free or premium) do everything that Omniture can? If GA Premium and Omniture were the same price, which would you choose? Is one harder to implement, pull reports, tweak, ect? Thanks in advance.

    | akim26

  • Goog Morning from 18 degrees C mostly cloudy Wetherby UIK 🙂 I'm on a mission to get away from manual reporting and move over to eMailing  custom Google analytics reports. Thanks to this tutorail  Ive made good progress but ive hit a snag. The snag being when i email the report the recipient only recieves one 1 report tab of data. This causes a problem when you eMail a report that has multiple reporting tabs like this: So my question is please..."When you eMail a recipient a custom report how can you ensure they receive "All" the reporting tabs data and not just one"? Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hi Just started use the Moz and got an analytics report today! There about 104 duplicate pages apparently, the problem is that they are not duplicates, but just the way the page has been listed with a description! The site is an Opencart and every page as got the name of the site followed by the product name for the page! How do you correct this issue?? Thank for your help

    | DRSMPR

  • I work for an e-commerce site. I would like to run a weekly report to see what every category pages increase and decrease for pageviews would be. How would I do that?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I am doing some research for a freelance project and found a URL receiving a decent amount of traffic from search with this url string after the normal page url ( Is this some sort of GA tracking code? Why would it be used on that page to track organic search hits if that happens automatically? Would love some help figuring this out! Thanks,

    | RickyShockley

  • Hello! Our marketing team is testing paid online ad networks (banner ads, mobile ads and video ads) this year in addition to some traditional television advertising. We would like to track how effective these various ads are, and I'm wondering the best method to do so. In all cases, we're not setting up new pages for these ads to go to. They will simply go to an existing page on our site. For tracking purposes, here's what I'm wondering... If we set up custom URLs on our site (e.g. then have the visitor immediately redirected to the intended page on our site (typically our home page), will Google Analytics show that custom URL in any report to see how much traffic flowed through it? Or will it not register because a page doesn't really exist for that URL? The biggest issue is with the banner ad network, which targets around ten categories of sites (sports, moms, entertainment, etc.). I know I'll be able to find the network listed as a referrer to see the total traffic the network sent us, but we would like to know specifically which category drove the visits. As such, would a custom URL for each category work, or will Google Analytics not pick it up because it's not hitting an actual page? For television ads, we are showing our URL as, which would then redirect to the intended landing page. In this case, it's a little more challenging because I won't have the referrer traffic to go by. But same problem... will GA recognize that URL and show it in Behavior > Site Content > All Pages? I hope this makes sense. If not please let me know and I'll try to explain. Thanks in advance,

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • Hi, On a cool summers day, I was quenching my thirst for SEO Knowledge in the depths of Google analytics, When I stumbled upon a most troublesome sight. I was Browsing the data inside Acquisition->Keywords->Organic and comparing them to Acquisition->Search Engine Optimization->Landing Pages, to find the results quite questionable.. Since Keywords->Organic measure the visits from the organic results, and Search Engine Optimization->Landing Pages measures the clicks onto one of my landing pages from Google, I assumed they should be the same or very close, (besides Keywords->Organic having visits from other search engines) but they were not the same, as a matter of fact it was telling me that Keywords->Organic visits = 1,474, 27.19% of total(5,422) and Search Engine Optimization->Landing Pages, clicks = 1,548 154.80% of total (1000). Even worst the Search Engine Optimization -> Queries clicks = 1,123, 160.43% of total(700). I have been searching, and come up empty handed in the answer so does anyone know why Google is showing me different results and strange numbers that don't make sense? Any information is greatly appreciated?

    | KBB_Digital

  • Looking at Google Webmaster Tools and I'm noticing a few things, most sites I look at the number of indexed pages in the sitemaps report is usually less than 100% (i.e. something like 122 indexed out of 134 submitted or something) and the number of indexed pages in the indexed status report is usually higher. So for example, one site says over 1000 pages indexed in the indexed status report but the sitemap says something like 122 indexed. My question: Is the sitemap report always a subset of the URLs submitted in the sitemap? Will the number of pages indexed there always be lower than or equal to the URLs referenced in the sitemap? Also, if there is a big disparity between the sitemap submitted URLs and the indexed URLs (like 10x) is that concerning to anyone else?

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • I created a few Dashboards in Google Analytics and scheduled them to be emailed for the next 6 months. Now I want to cancel those scheduled emails and am not finding those Dashboard reports/emails anywhere so I can cancel them. Do you know how to stop these emails from being sent?

    | cindyt-17038

  • works well to index my niche terms. Looked at webmaster tools today and since today it has put my indexed pages from 900+ to 11 ??? I have recently added a new site format via a web designer and was all working fine. Now none of my posts are appearing.I have resubmitted site map for 993 pages Is there anything I can do to stop/ prevent this from happening again? and what do you think was the cause? Thanks everyone! Daniel

    | Agentmorris

  • For the last week or so I've noticed a steady stream of traffic from "". I don't recall seeing this referral URL previously, but there to one blog post there was more than 10,000 visitors from that referral URL. Since then, the traffic has died down a bit, but other blog posts are starting the get visits from the same referral. The full linkedin URL is just a redirect though, so I can't tell where on LinkedIn the visits are coming from. Has anyone noticed this as well? Or have any insight as to what the Lite is? I thought it was LinkedIn Pulse, but that has a different referral URL (at least the mobile app does). I'm just curious as to where this content is posted so I can optimize and try to get more content there. Thanks in advance for your help!

    | daspion

  • Seems that Google has not been crawling due to an access issue with our robots.txt
    Late 2013 we migrated to a new host, WPEngine, so things might have changed, however this issue appears to be recent. A quick test shows I can access the file. This is the Google Webmaster Tool message: http://www.growth trac dot com/: Googlebot can't access your site January 17, 2014 Over the last 24 hours, Googlebot encountered 62 errors while attempting to access your robots.txt. To ensure that we didn't crawl any pages listed in that file, we postponed our crawl. Your site's overall robots.txt error rate is 8.8% Note the above message says 'over the last 24 hours', however the date is Jan-17 This is the response from our host:
    Thanks for contacting WP Engine support! I looked into the suggestions listed below and it doesn't appear that these scenarios are the cause of the errors. I looked into the server logs and I was only able to find 200 server responses on the /robots.txt. Secondly I made sure that the server wasn't over loaded. The last suggestion doesn't apply to your setup on WP Engine. We do not have any leads as to why the errors occurred. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. Google is crawling the site-- should I be concerned? If so, is there a way to remedy this? By the way, our robots file is very lean, only a few lines, not a big deal. Thanks!

    | jmueller0823

  • Hi Moz community. Wonder if you could help us out with a baffling Analytics issue. Are there any reasons why the _setDomainName() function in Google Analytics wouldn't track across subdomains correctly? We have been seeing visits to a subdomain come up as referral traffic, even after implementing the right tracking code. Would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.

    | mrdavidingram

  • Has anyone else checked their rankings today and noticed a big shift? We just got smacked by G big time.

    | Progauto

  • Hi Mozzers, Last month, one of our clients(appliance and kitchen design) has started a video ad campaign on Youtube for a specific Appliance brand, since then I have noticed Organic traffic has been inflated. I was able to figure it out thanks to some keywords that we never ranked for. How is this possible? Google Analytics should at least be able to segment that into a Youtube Referral traffic.

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • We are having a problem on our website with click through rates. We are getting between 100-150k impressions through search but we are only getting between 500-1000 clicks to the site. What strategies have you used in the past to help improve your click through rates? Thanks!

    | pdangermond

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