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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • I'm creating study guides for various musicals, plays and operas. A few issues: I want to easily view in Google Analytics data for all study guides, data at the category level (musical,play, opera) and data for an individual show. I want urls to be as short as possible for usability purposes. Some show titles are the same for shows in different categories. For example, there is the play Romeo and Juliet but there is also an opera Romeo and Juliet. Each study guide contains multiple sections that will live on different URLs (overview, context, plot summary, characters) What would be the ideal URL structure? Here's what I was currently thinking we should use: /show/play/romeo-juliet/ /show/play/romeo-juliet/context /show/play/romeo-juliet/plot /show/play/romeo-juliet/characters

    | stageagent

  • I'm getting crawl error notifications in Google Webmaster tools for pages that do not exist on my sites?! Basically normal URL's with /feed on the end.. Has any body else experienced this problem? I have no idea why this is happening. Simon

    | simmo235

  • Hi, For a given time period in Bing Webmaster Tools it says that combined clicks from Bing and Yahoo organic search are about 4,700 total, for the same time period in Google Analytics, combining sessions for Bing and Yahoo Organic comes out to about 8,900 total. Has anyone else experienced this discrepancy? Is this common? How can I get 8900 visits from 4700 clicks?

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • Hi Mozzers, I have linked properly my adwords account to GA and vice versa and somehow I can see 3/4 of this paid traffic recorded to organic search. The most confusing part is that I can see 1/4 of the paid traffic under the "paid" metric. At this point I don't know really what should I do? Thank you guys in advance!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I am looking for help on using Googles Reverse an Ecommerce Transaction in Analytics work flow documented here: Essentially an incorrect transaction was processed that was for such a large number that it is really messing up reporting. I have never used Googles outlined process and from my research it looks like it might not reverse the transaction for the date it was placed but ad a negative amount to offset it on the date submitted. This will still work for year of year reporting but it will mess up the data for two different days in one month. If someone who had done this before has any insight please chime in thanks! Here is a support thread about the reverse transaction messing up a different days data.!searchin/analytics/reverse$20transaction/analytics/gDiVNJDwx5I/BwlNJ9D6Lp8J


  • "Site:" search for site: is showing 76 results.I am using SERPS Redux to collect all the indexed pages, but when I re-checked indexed status of these pages using "site operator" google showed that these pages are not indexed. What is the possible explanation for this? Thanks

    | prsntsnh

  • Hey Guys, This might be an over spoken topic but I havent been able to find a proper answer or solution for this issue. So far, the closest solution I came across is this article --> I would like to know if there is any other solution for this matter. I have been searching the web for quite while now and I havent found a reasonable solution to segmenting the traffic from google news one box.News onebox traffic is counted as organic/google in GA.Is there a way to measure the traffic coming from the onebox news??Please note that is not the same thing.I really appreciate any help.

    | Mr.bfz

  • Hi Guys, I have been trying to implement demographics in Analytics for a site built in nopCommerce and I have run out of things to try to correct the problem and get some data! The code I am using is below: Any help would be greatly appreciated - it's driving me mad! Thanks, Dan

    | SEOBirmingham81

  • Hi, We currently need to setup a goal that involves a different domain.  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. more info: the checkout process is redirected to a secure.domain Just let me know if I can provide any additional info that may helpful.

    | opusvo

  • Hi, I set up a new content experiment 6 days ago, the experiment says there have been 2 conversions but the goal associated with it says 5. The experiment is set to target 100% of traffic, distributed evenly among the variations, the goal is a destination URL goal. I've doubled checked the goal set up and everything seems fine.  How can the content experiment report a different figure to the goal associated with it? Has anyone else noticed the same problem? Is this a bug? Is there a workaround available? Or is there a setting I need to be aware of when creating content experiments to prevent this from happening?  I need to know I can trust the results the content experiments provide.

    | UNIT4

  • When i look in GA under Channels (under Acquisition) 'other' is listed What is 'other' ? I have been told its other unidentified channels as they did not allow 3rd party cookies or surfers were in anonymous/private mode.   Other is usually organic traffic that couldn't be identified for the aformentioned reasons. This data is encrypted and available but it violates Google guidelines as they are not allowed to pass personal info//data to third parties so it is automatically filtered. But they are not 'Not Provided' (since that still shows under organic) but is usually/mainly some form of organic visits. Hence Seo can take credit for much of that traffic, is this correct ? Many Thanks

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Moz Analytics is showing Joomla 3 tag pages as Duplicate Page Content because many articles are tagged with multiple words and therefore show up on the same tag-pages. example URL: I already added "tag" as a URL parameter with Crawl=No URLs. Is there anything else I should do? ​

    | modernmagic

  • Hello Has anyone ever used this tools ? Looks to good to be true in the way they reveal the non provided by Google. Tks !

    | AymanH

  • I am confused on what a client account shows in WMTs, client account is They have a graph showing 486 pages submitted to web, but only 40 are indexed. Also, they recently re-launched, i.e in April 2014, and the new site has about 40 pages indexed.... so I am guessing that the 486 number relates to all the pages that are showing errors in retrieving...i.e. 28 soft 404 errors, 10 access denied errors, 808 not found errors. Does this make sense to explain why there is such a gap between 486 and 40?

    | DianeDP

  • Is there a way to add Instagram and Pinterest analytics to Moz?  Is this already available and I am just missing it?  VERY interested in this... thank you!

    | Isaac5589

  • We have a bit of a conundrum. Webmaster tools is telling us that they are crawling too many URLs: Googlebot found an extremely high number of URLs on your site: In their list of URL examples, all of the URLs have tons of parameters. We would probably be ok telling Google not to index any of the URLs with parameters. We have a great URL structure. All of our category and product pages have clean links (no parameters) The parameters come only from sorts and filters. We don't have a need for Google to index all of these pages. However, Google Analytics is showing us that over the last year, we received a substantial amount of search revenue from many of these URLs (800+ of them converted) So, Google is telling us they are unhappy. We want to make Google happy by ignoring all of the paramter URLs, but we're worried this will kill the revenue we're seeing. Two questions here: 1. What do we have to lose by keeping everything as-is. Google is giving us errors, but other than that what are the negative repercussions? 2. If we were to de-index all of the parameter URLs via Webmaster tools, how much of the revnenue would likely be recovered by our non-parameter URLs? I've linked to a screenshot from Google Analytics ArxMSMG.jpg

    | znotes

  • Hi All I've been struggling to create a regular expression for a Google Analytics goal step that would match the following: ^/specifictextstring/anytextstring/anytextstring/
    ^/specifictextstring/anytextstring/ However I don't want it to match any URLs that end with: /anytextstring**_**phonecall or /phonecall, for example: /specifictextstring/anytextstring/anytextstring/anytextstring**phonecall
    /specifictextstring/anytextstring/phonecall Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance for all contributions.

    | Cabbagefeet

  • Just wondering if these rankings even matter? One will go up while the other goes down.. and the Alexa ranking doesn't seem to follow any rhyme or reason in relation to the data I see in Google analytics. Anyone else using these tools? Is one a better indicator of a websites health than the other or should we scrap both from our reports?

    | unikey

  • I am working on setting up goal tracking. Currently when we receive a new signup, the person gets sent to their dashboard homepage and this is not a valuable a goal tracking destination. My suggestion was to build a "Welcome" interstitial page to send a user to when they create an account. Our tech team suggested using a Virtual pageview instead as it is their thinking that a "Welcome" page adds little value. Is there any downside to using Virtual Pageviews with regards to goal tracking?
    Are interstitial page more reliable?
    Can you still use funnel visualization with Virtual Pageviews?

    | Vacatia_SEO

  • Hey Folks, I have discovered a Korean site is sending considerable traffic to a specific landing page on my client's cosmetic surgery site in California. I am concerned Google may deem this as spammy - I know I do. I have been able to track the referral traffic to this point: which appears to be a community-based site and/or forum. However, I can not locate the exact source where the href back to my client's site resides. Given that my Korean is not exactly up to par 😉 and Google translate only takes me so far, can any of you suggest an advanced query or method of tracking to pinpoint the source page? Thanks!

    | SCW

  • We just witnessed a domain authority drop. We went from 24 to 21.Not sure why. We've been creating fresh new content for our site over the last few days and haven't done anything that would cause it.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    | StickyLife

  • Hello! I'm in the process of setting up Events in Google Analytics to track the performance of banner ads on our site. While that will take care of the action performed by the visitor (i.e. the click on the banner), it doesn't tell me if the visitor ultimately completed the form where the banner ad directs them (which is set up as one of out site's Goals). Once the Event is in place, will I be able to track the Goal  conversions that it leads to? It's nice that Events will tell me which banner drove someone to the form, but if I'm not able to see if that Event led to a Goal conversion it seems like something will be missing. So, is this something that's already available within Goals or Events reporting, or is there an additional step I need to take? Thanks in advance for your feedback! Erik

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • According to google analytics, most of my traffic goes to two URLs: "/site/kempruge" and "/" now, I'm pretty sure both of these are taking people to my homepage, but I do not understand the "/site/kempruge' one at all. When I type it 404's, so I'm not sure what URL it even is? Also, I'm wondering if this url is hurting my website in some way? I attached the screenshots, but they didn't load properly. I'll try to add another one in the replies. Thanks! Ruben [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a>

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Just recently we did a redirection from a website that is ranking very well.  The redirection was done through redirecting the page of the website A to the related page of website B.  Website B raked massive traffic in the first week and have increased its ranking among Google searches but recently the traffic seems to decline.  Website A which was ranking very well before redirection is now nowhere to be found on Google search. Is this a consequence of doing redirection?  Please help.


  • Since I've become a fellow MOZer I've seen an increase on my sites and proud to say that ALL of my clients have now accomplished 1st page rankings on at least 2 of their top 3 keywords. Yes, I am as stoked as them. Although I am a bit worried because as I rank keywords and test them on Google and engines alike all of our rankings direct to the homepage. I am essentially new to SEO. So as happy as I am to be doing something right I'm worried I'm losing the end user. By having them need to Search our site/menus/blog for the keywords/phrase that got them to us will turn most searchers away. They want the content now. What am I doing wrong? My pages are pretty specific so I never cared to use rel-canonical's...I dont have duplicate content, other than your typical footer/side bar consistent info. So I'm curious where I've gone wrong. Little history on my sites: I Use Joomla 2.5 & 3.x. I manage seo details through sh404seo. I've cleaned all duplicates I can up other than what these dynamic cms generate by just using one. I've done fairly well and all my pages rank A for moz's onpage grader for the keyword optimized around. Any help is appreciate, THANK YOU!

    | Funk-Creative-Media

  • This site was upgraded from Joomla 1 to Joomla 3 and launched on Feb 27th.  The SEF structure has not changed.  The extension sh404sef tracks the 404s and there are only a few dozen from mistyped urls, so I have to assume the historical ranking has not been affected. How can I figure out why there is such a decline on March 1st from 4400 to 1500 visits? Is it coincidence after the new launch or did something happen with google on March 1st? Screenshot%202014-04-11%2009.47.05.png

    | modernmagic

  • In Google Analytics under Audience Overview I want to visit total visits during any given period of time but instead it shows me sessions. Am I missing something? How do I switch from sessions to page visits?

    | gohawks7790

  • We've recently 301 redirected one of our client's domains to their new website and the strange thing is, we aren't seeing an increase in traffic in analytics. You would expect the traffic to increase roughly by the traffic volume from the old domain. There were a few hundred redirects and we tested a large sample and the redirects have been implemented properly. Is there something that we did incorrectly in our implementation of the domain redirect? Or is there something else that we need to do in Analytics to properly track those redirects?

    | ATMOSMarketing56

  • So I'm trying to figure out exactly what type redirect or hyperlinking Yahoo! is using on their article pages. For example: Hover over an external link, it shows you the ending URL. Right or left click it, it gives you a 302 redirect. When you actually left click it, it adds and "id" attribute, I assume for tracking. However, when you left click the the hyperlink, it no longer shows as a 302. I have limited working knowledge of web development techniques, so anyone with advance knowledge or have actually done this, it'd be helpful to understand this more.

    | William.Lau

  • Hi, about a month ago i uploaded my site and have been working on SEO. I have used the on page grader tool and have got an A grade for a few keywords which are not that competetive. However it has been about 3 weeks since this and I am no where to be seen on Google. I understand that SEO is a long process but I was just wondering when i could expect to be seeing results? many thanks, Dan

    | danbancan

  • So my company has created a large amount of videos and I took a couple of them and created a test video sitemap to see what effect adding a video thumbnail/rich snippet to the SERPs would be. It worked on one page and gained 2 spots (position 6 to 4) for the highest keyword, but traffic didn't increase too much. Then a week later I tested it with the page that we get the most organic traffic for, which is ranking for a very big keyword. It worked and gained a bit of ranking, but traffic decreased 50% ever since according to Google Analytics. It seems to me that the traffic from users clicking on the video thumbnail is not be tracked as google / organic even though it lands them on the intended page/doesn't redirect anywhere else. I've looked to see if traffic to this page increased overall to see if it was being tracked via a referral or as something else, but couldn't find any traffic discrepancy. The only thing I did find is that impressions under SEO > Landing Pages > Video Property increased, but this could be from the page ranking in the Video SERPs now. Has anyone experienced a similar situation? Do you think having a video snippet could be that big of a turn off for customers that people just aren't clicking like they used to? I don't think so, that's why I'm leaning towards a tracking discrepancy in Google Analytics.

    | OfficeFurn

  • How can I block an ip from analytics? basically so I do not see test orders from a certain ip in the sales performance section? Thanks for any help.

    | tdigital

  • My Google Analytics is reporting organic traffic for URL's with a QueryString attached, even though there's a Canonical tag that points to the preferred (non-QueryStringed) version. Would the best way to handle this be the GWT URL Parameters Tool?  I'm fairly unfamiliar with the tool, but after some research, it looks like this might be the best way to go.  Does anyone have any good/bad advice for using the tool? Thanks!

    | GalcoIndustrial

  • Did Google run any update Monday or recently? My site, strangely had a 1000% organic traffic increase from day to night.  I didn't do anything in this site for long a time... but Monday I had a lot traffic coming from organic and every other day this week the site is doing extremely well on traffic and sales. I'm ranking first page for many keywords relate to my products. I wish I could figure out what happens so I can replicate it.  The site has very links and the On Page Optimization is kind of basic. Does any have any idea how it could be possible? Have any one seen something similar lately?

    | Felip3

  • Hi, I work for a company were the service we offer is a flashed based trading platform. We are wanting to add GA to the platform to get an idea of how customers are using this. 1. Can this be done and produce relatively accurate results 2.  How can it be done? Regards Ben

    | benjmoz

  • My site has just recently (or maybe not so recently...) had a great deal of https URL's indexed (I was really only able to find this out thanks to the recent update to the GWT Index Status). It appears that Googlebot picked up an ssl somewhere (I already know where) on my site and then proceeded to crawl and index pages with https rather than http.  Since I understand the issue, it should be an easy fix. My question is, does Google Analytics support (track) both http AND https for one site, or would I need to set up two different tracking codes for http and https?  I figured that I might as well grab some data from the https pages that are indexed before I try and remove them. I've done a little research on using Groupings/Groups but I figured I would reach out to the MOZ community to see if anyone else has worked with a similar issue. Thanks!

    | GalcoIndustrial

  • What is the difference between Total External Links and Total Links? Below is my metric and 3 competitors. | External Followed Links | 12 | 43 | 227 | 5 |
    | Total External Links | 19 | 51 | 296 | 11 |
    | Total Links | 2,990 | 704 | 15,234 | 12,518 |

    | seohlp44

  • Hey All, Against my objections a client has decided to move an existing site into a subdomain while putting up a new site on the main domain. My question revolves around Google Analytics, how do I make sure that I don't lose historical data on the domain before it moves to a subdomain? We're going to be doing a redesign of the old site and I need to keep the historical data so I can prioritize content. What do I need to do? Or will Google analytics recognize the URL's and still attribute the data to those URL's or will I have a separate set of data based on the new URL (with the subdomain). Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks!

    | EvansHunt

  • I am following several key words on Moz. In the report the words false or true have neen added. What does this mean? truebreast implants falsebreast lift

    | wianno168

  • Hi guys and girls, around the 3rd of march it started to drop off and it has gone from 7000 to only 700. Kilobytes and time spent are both lower which is good but can someone explain if i should be concerned by such a drastic drop in googlebot activity? Thank you Jon 1bVMvZD

    | imrubbish

  • Hi there! I'm just doing the SEO for a client and I just don't know exactly how could I estimate the ROI associated to the SEO actions that are taking place. Should I only consider the conversions made via organic search? Is there another parameter, metric or item I must measure? . Is there something "formal" to follow'? I think I'm missing something. Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi, how are you? I'm having a question becasue of an inconsistency between the data GWT gives and the one GA gives me. When I see the ammount of clics GWT tells me in february, it says 32850. When I go to Channels --> Organic Search, it says 51014. The difference is really big! Do you happen to know why this huge gap between data?

    | arielbortz

  • Hello, I have various different accounts for a range of websites on Google analytic's and on a few of my accounts the impressions seem to have dramatically dropped from January 2014. Does anyone know what could of caused the drops, could to do with an algorithm? I am racking my brains trying to figure out why the drop so suddenly. All help would be greatly received. thank you! Beth

    | cmuknbb

  • About two months ago, I received an unnatural inbound links message from Google. Then I disavowed 58 (the worst ones) and now I can see that right after the date I submitted my disavow file I'm losing rankings. What would you suggest? I don't really want to revoke my disavow file because it has totally bad links. I  have  this idea to build 58 links from high quality sites (instead of the 58 I disavowed). Do you think it'll work faster (if at all) or I just need to remove my disavow file?

    | VinceWicks

  • Hi, My client's site has GA tracking code gathering correct data on the site, but the pages are listed in GA as having /index.php at the end of every URL, although this does not appear when you visit the site pages. Even if there is a redirect happening for site visitors, shouldn't GA be showing the pages as their redirect destination, i.e. the URL that visitors actually see? Could this discrepancy be adversely affecting my search performance? Example page: shows up in GA as thanks

    | JMagary

  • Hi, I have a blog and would like to know where it ranks for certain keywords. Unfortunately however, it's well above the top 50, is there any way of getting its exact position or will Moz only show position 50 and above. Thank you in advance. JG.

    | elite_marketing

  • We use Google Analytics and we are currently extracting information from the Google Analytics cookies about our visitors. Is it possible to access DoubleClick cookies in a similiar fashion and get some demographic/interest information for each visitor to our website (if they have a DoubleClick cookie set)? If so, any information on how to retrieve it would be very appreciated.

    | WebpageFX

  • Hi Mozzers I've created a container for a domain in Google Tag Manager. Within that container I've created a tag for universal analytics with track type "Page view" and the firing rule "all pages". Can I then replace the Universal Analytics code with the tag manager code? Would it still track all the normal data in Google Analytics? There are no events setup up yet so that's not a concern but there are goals setup tracking which are triggered by a page view. Would they be affected? Thanks Anthony

    | Tone_Agency

  • Hi there, I have a magento sort by feature which has indexed loads of pages in Google with urls that have /shopby/ in them.Over 8k pages have been indexed like this. I cannot edit the robots within the page but have now disallowed the urls in robots.txt - i guess this will prevent new ones being indexed but not deindex current ones? So I looked into URL parameters, I added 'shopby' as a parameter in webmaster tools and told Google not to crawl any urls with this in it, will this deindex the pages already indexed? The only other way seems to be manually removing 8k urls, which i do not want to do. Any advice much appreciated. Obviously I do not want these urls indexed as they are weak/duplicate sort by search pages, I fear the panda update would not be too kind on it long term?

    | tdigital

  • Hello, We have a php system and in the MOZ error report our index.php shows up as a duplicate for / (home page). I instituted a rel canonical on the index.php because the / gets better rank than the other. This said, the error report through MOZ still shows them as duplicates. Should I be using a 301 instead? Please help! Also, I would love a good technical SEO book (for bridging the gap between SEO and programmer) if someone can recommend one? Thanks in advance!

    | lfrazer

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