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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hey All, A particular client has multiple websites and we're planning on implementing a global header across 15+ sites. I've been looking for a way to track the clicks on this global header across all sites (that is that they are summed up), what's the best way to go about this if I am using Google Analytics (I know Adobe site catalyst could do this no problem with some advanced tweaking), any ideas? I could do the general click tracking route and tag every link but that will only help me if I do that for each site (that being said, if the global header for all sites pulls from a single HTML, then tagging it would technically count all the clicks from all the sites, the only caveat being that I'd have to pick which Google analytics profile I'd want to track the header with). Thoughts? Thanks!

    | EvansHunt

  • Over the past week or so, my client's Australian personal training website has experienced a dramatic spike in Google Analytics sessions (see attached screenshot). All the visits are coming from various states in the US and via the "Direct / None" source. All the visits are less than 1 second in duration so I'm assuming it's coming from some sort of automated bots. I'm worried for a couple of reasons: A) Could somebody be deliberately spamming the site to adversely affect our rankings? B) How do I get rid of this traffic from our analytics reports? 7kwsJnB

    | Dave_Eddy

  • Yesterday I implemented a mobile redirect as I don't have a mobile version of my site. As a result I've seen a drop in traffic which makes sense as my redirect script is at the top of the page. If I were to move the redirect script below the analytics code would that allow me to still track mobile users? Would this affect my bounce rate though?

    | SamCUK

  • This may be a difficult question to answer without a ton more information, but I'm curious if there's any general thought that could shed some light on the following scenario I've recently heard about and wish to be able to offer some sound advice: An extremely reputable non-profit site with excellent ranking had gone through a re-design and change-over into WordPress. A robots.txt file was used during development on the dev site on the dev server. Two months later it was noticed through GA that traffic was way down to the site. It was then discovered that the robot.txt file hadn't been removed and the new site (same content, same nav) went live with it in place. It was removed and a site index forced. How long might it take for the site to re-appear and regain past standing in the SERPs if rankings have been damaged. What would the expected recovery time be?

    | gfiedel

  • There's no correlation between click in the 'search queries' report in WMT and analytics. Analytics organic google traffic is over double what is shown in webmaster tools. When I look at the graphs over the last 30 days in each they look similar its just that analytics is showing more traffic than WMT. I've checked I only have the analytics code once on the page. What could be causing this?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi folks: I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have on a problem I am having with organic traffic. One of our sites has about 500 pages/blog posts.  We had about 200 pages that no one was visiting, or only one to ten people had visited in an entire year.  As a result, we decided to experiment, and delete any page which had fewer than 5 visits in a year.  This resulted in a deletion of about 90 pages.We did this on April 6 or 7 of this year. Two days later, we had a substantial drop in visits to the site.  We had been getting about 300 sessions a day. Now, we are lucky to get that in a month. I know there was an algorithm update in late March, but our traffic dropped about two weeks after that, and a day or so after the deletion of the pages. There is a clear demarcation on analytics. I gave it a month, the traffic did not recover, so we decided to restore the pages.  Traffic has not recovered and it has been about 3 months now. Does anyone have any thoughts on why we might have experienced such a drastic drop as well as what we might do to recover from it? Thanks very much

    | jnfere

  • This question was answered in 2011 here: Wanted to post it to the community to see if anyone had any new thoughts in the last 3 years. I have been running campaigns on Facebook and seeing dramatic discrepancies between Facebook and GA's numbers.  For example, I ran a Facebook ad campaign for a chiropractor where FB shows 35 clicks to the website, but GA only shows 2! An attorney ran a Facbook promotion, got 4 clients who actually filled out a questionnaire online, but GA only showed 2 visitors exiting off the form completion page. Is this because the users did not have JS/cookies enabled?  Something else? What is the recommended work around?  Tracking URL?

    | aj613

  • Google Webmaster Tools has been successfully installed on my website, ( for more than five years. Suddenly, today I have received a request to Verify this Site". This makes no sense. The only possibility I can think of is that this is somehow tied to the following events in the last month: 1. Launch of new version of website on June 4th
    2. Installation of Google of Tag Manager
    3. Sudden Increase in number of pages indexed by Google. Unexplained indexing of an additional 175 pages. About 625 pages should be indexed, while 800 are now indexed. In the last month ranking and traffic have fallen sharply. Could it be tat these issues are all linked? But the strangest issue is the request to verify the site. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • Last week my website ( started PPC advertising with Google. This has been successful in increasing the amount of overall traffic to the site. However, since we started the PPC advertising, our traffic from organic search has decreased significantly. Our rankings haven't changed dramatically enough to warrant such a decrease. Has anyone else been in a situation where organic traffic has dropped as a result of launching a paid campaign? What did you do to rectify it? Thanks.

    | AAttias

  • We have noticed that * (star) is being displayed as a keyword in our Google Analytics account since 5th June'2014. It is visible in Google Analytics > Acquisition > Keywords > Paid Keywords Similarly, (remarketing/content targeting) is also being shown as a keyword since 13th June'14 Did any of you guys saw this in your google analytics account.....

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi all, Does anyone have any concise info on how to extract long-tail (or any) terms in Google Analytics that have converted for me as I am having a hard time finding out how to do this? Many thanks

    | Martin_S

  • What is the exact meaning of  external links & anchor text and what is different between these?

    | surabhi6

  • Hi all I want some help can some one help what google dont like on this web site  [staff disclaimer: site is not safe for most workplaces] Escort München ist my keyowrds thancky very mutch all regards jivko

    | jivkojelazkov

  • We have an internal debate, that perhaps y'all can help us resolve. In the past "freshness" of content has been important, correct? (Google's QDF for example) In the past (to present) when we build a site with the intent to SEO the site, we build the core pages with the expectation that we will be adding more site pages as the project progresses, thus settling the "fresh content" factor. But it has been proposed to us, from a client, that completely building the site out with all the pages you hope to rank, getting the upfront bang for your buck. The expectation is that the traffic soars right-off. Now the client says that he has been doing this for years and has not been affected by any alog changes. (although we have not seen proof of this from him) So our question is this: Is it better to provide a website full of fresh content at the beginning of the project, for a jumpstart on traffic, then leave the site alone ( for the most part) or Is it better to have core pages of fresh content at the start, and build out new pages from their, so the website remains fresh every month? And can you prove your argument? (we need cold hard facts to be convinced 🙂

    | Britewave

  • I've been trying to figure this out for awhile, but I have had no luck. The current ecommerce store that I work for is trying to find out how to track how many people coming in via the blog are converting/buying. The site lives on Magento and the blog is on wordpress and they both use the same Google Analytics code. Site URL: Blog URL: Is there anyway to do this so you can see which landing pages are driving conversions? If not, Is it possible to set up Google Analytics to show conversions and revenue coming from people who enter through blog directory?

    | Erik-M

  • Hi Does anyone know, can advise a process, for how to compare user behaviour (time on page, bounce rate etc) for a major site section/category page that's changed its url since a new site upgrade (so effectively 2 different pages i presume) with the old page version (say comparing U.B between the two pages and between June this year vrs June last year) in Analytics / Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Greetings MOZ Community: On June 14th Google Webmaster tools indicated an increase in the number of indexed pages, going from 676 to 851 pages. New  pages had been added to the domain in the previous month. The number of pages blocked by robots increased at that time from 332 (June 1st) to 551 June 22nd), yet the number of indexed pages still increased to 851. The following changes occurred between June 5th and June 15th: -A new redesigned version of the site was launched on June 4th, with some links to social media and blog removed on some pages, but with no new URLs added. The design platform was and is Wordpress. -Google GTM code was added to the site. -An exception was made by our hosting company to ModSecurity on our server (for i-frames) to allow GTM to function. In the last ten days my web traffic has decline about 15%, however the quality of traffic has declined enormously and the number of new inquiries we get is off by around 65%. Click through rates have declined from about 2.55 pages to about 2 pages. Obviously this is not a good situation. My SEO provider, a reputable firm endorsed by MOZ, believes the extra 175 pages indexed by Google, pages that do not offer much content, may be causing the ranking decline. My developer is examining the issue. They think there may be some tie in with the installation of GTM. They are noticing an additional issue, the sites Contact Us form will not work if the GTM script is enabled. They find it curious that both issues occurred around the same time. Our domain is Does anyone have any idea why these extra pages are appearing and how they can be removed? Anyone have experience with GTM causing issues with this? Thanks everyone!!!

    | Kingalan1

  • We have recently updated our website and twice webmaster tools have reported an increase in 404 errors. However, these errors are not for normal pages, they are things like I have used the redirection tool in WordPress to redirect all these links to the homepage but does anyone know why this is happening since it is the second time I had to do it. Thanks.

    | AAttias

  • For one of our white paper campaigns we are getting multiple URL's some how but we only have one version of the page.  So do I put the rel canonical tag on that one single page?  Will that fix the other url's from being indexed?  I'm assuming people are typing in the urls with underscores and capital or non-capital letters and it's showing up that way in analytics.  Thanks!

    | Sika22

  • I'm working on a website builder with a few friends and we would like to track traffic statistics for each site built on our platform. We're looking for a solution to dynamically generate analytics for each site published on our platform.  I've used Google Analytics for a number of years, but I'm not sure if it's capable of doing something like what we're looking for.  Any chance someone could throw me a bone? Thank you in advance!

    | NickMacario

  • I want to write reports on other websites and need to know MUV data on them

    | WeAreVillage

  • We lost 10% last month when Google upgraded. Now we are half of last weeks numbers. I run an informational site for digestive diseases. We don't sell, and we don't spam. How do I recover from something I am not doing? Moz shows me a few errors, but the only thing that it consistently reports is the keyword is used too often in the pages. This is an informational site that talks about diseases. We do have some strange links that point to us, but we did not create them, and have no idea why they are there. We did not buy them. Any ideas would be appreciated. Scratching our heads a lot here. Harry iADdhcf

    | hamackey

  • Greetings MOZ community!!! Both my hosting company and developer have told me that in order to install Google Tag Manager it is necessary to disable the rule securing against malicious i-frame attacks in Mod Security and that this would leave the site (we operate on a virtual private server and out hosting company is InMotion Hosting) extremely vulnerable to attack. I can't believe that Google would write code that could allow potential security issues? Is this true? Does anyone know of a way to install GTM while maintaining site security? What functionality will we lose if we choose to stick with the old version of Google Analytics rather than upgrade? Thanks everyone!!!

    | Kingalan1

  • Just noticed a large drop in Webmaster tools of our structured data graphs. Both "items" and "items with errors" dropped. It is across the board on all our sites. Even checked some of the sites that I do consulting work for, and they dropped. My assumption is that this is another Google glitch, similar to what we saw last year, and in March of this year, where is corrected itself. Anyone else seeing anything on their end?

    | tdawson09

  • Hi we have had some success recently with increased rank positions, so I am trying to find our what's caused it? Am I correct in thinking that if google hasnt listed any new links in my GWT account that it hasnt indexed them yet and therefore not impacting my rankings? Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Hello Everybody! so I am setting up a website that will have several subdomains, based on the language of the site, for example:;; How should I trace this is GA but having attention that I should be able to see visits as a whole and also if I want I should be able to see visits per subdomain, anything on specific I should do when creating the account? And after creating the account, how to separate that accordingly? 🙂 Thank you all!

    | NelsonF

  • Greetings MOZ Community!! My SEO firm plans has requested that Google Analytics GTM be installed on my website to better track goals and events. My developer will be responsible for installing the GTM script on my website and the SEO firm will actually configure GTM to track goals. Is anyone aware of GTM causing server errors/issues when installed? My developer claims that running GTM would create additional vulnerability to hacking. Is anyone aware of potential security risks from running Google Tag Manager? Once Google Tag Manager is installed, will it make the site more difficult for my developer to administer? Will there be increased risk of the code breaking? Overall, is GTM a big improvement over the existing version of Google Analytics? Is it worth the effort to install? My SEO firm is very much in favor of this upgrade. I would like to move forward provided there is no major downside. I look forward to feedback. Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • I have a client that has a market place site, where people list goods and sell them, think something like Etsy. Instead of developing a system to show the users page views and things like that, does it sound reasonable to let them enter a Google Analytics property on the pages they list on, then let them monitor through GA? Does anyone see any fatal flaws in this thinking?

    | LesleyPaone

  • Does anyone have an explanation for why Google organic visits plummeted while direct visits rose the same amount.  Total visits have been very normal. jI1Bn2B,UuzONNK kepV0eu

    | phogan

  • Hi guys, I'm conducting a link analysis for one of my websites and I have found a few potentially damaging links. However, there are some people who I have contacted about removing links who have said that they will not remove my link because they are using data that is publicly available. Is there anything I can do to get those links removed rather than diavow? Thanks.

    | AAttias

  • Does anybody know if a link on an expired domain affects your SEO? I'm just asking because the SEO agency we used before used to create websites and then link to our company - very spammy. We have since ditched this agecny, however they wanted an extortionate amount to remove these links. Therefore, we decided to wait until these domains expired and then the links wouldn't exist. However, I am now completing a link audit and some of these sites are still appearing in the results (obtained from Link Research Tools) but I cannot access the links because the domains have expired. Can anyone help?

    | AAttias

  • What is the easiest way of separating branded from non branded org. traffic volume? I've created great rankings for a client, and at the same time their brand searches seem to have dropped a lot. How do I present this in the best way since GA only shows little org. keyword info. Thanks!

    | Majsan

  • Hello Everybody, Can somebody help me figure out this puzzle: My WMT is showing 6000 clicks, while my Organic Traffic in Google Analytics is showing only 3500 daily ... how is that possible? Best Regards

    | Muhammad_Jabali

  • Hi all I cannot pin this down to one of -new theme using Thesis 2 and Social Triggers, or -implementing Moz Does the Moz crawler linger on page? I'd love to know why this is happening 7iSnNfC

    | TimMarsh

  • I'm using a variety of backlink toolsl; OSE, SEM Rush, Link Research Tools and Google Webmaster Tools. On some occasions the tools are telling me there is a link to my site on a certain page, however when I open that page I can't see any mention of my company. I have run all these reports today, so I think it is unlikely that Google is using old data. Does anyone know why this happens and if I should still be concerned about links that I cannot see but backlink tools are telling me are there? Thanks guys.

    | AAttias

  • Where can the keywords that go with a specific ad be found in Google adwords? Right now the only keywords we can find are all the collective keywords  used across the 10 ads in the campaign. We need to which individual keywords are associated with each ad. Is that information available, and if so, where? Appreciate your input. David

    | Manifestation

  • Hi there, I am looking at the landing pages report on Google Analytics, I see 4 columns: Impressiones Clics Average position CTR Regarding the clics metric, this shouldn't be equal to the sessions of organic traffic that you get? In Adwords, a clic is a session. What I see is that clics are not sessions and I am a bit surprised of this. Why are they different in this report? Thanks and regards Thanks and regards

    | footd

  • Hi guys, I recently started using Moz Analytics's for my site and it has told me that the vast majority (perhaps all) of my pages have duplicate content because Google will be indexing the version both with and without www. in front of it as seperate domains. I've done some research and have come across a few suggestions of what to do, but i'm not sure which to go with or how to actually implement it. Any help, advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

    | Sandicliffe

  • I was wondering if someone could decode the jumble of a referral - this is supposedly the referal that led to a click through to my site via a product listing ad. I am trying to figure out how comes in to the picture as we do not have refurbexperts even listed there? Thanks to anyone who tries/does work it out.

    | henya

  • Hi, We have noticed dip in traffic from Pune after 6th May'14 in our Google Analytics account for few of our sites. Did anyone noticed the same for your site. Kindly let me know if you have any idea. Thank and Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • My original site was published in 2001 using "version 2" software from Ivenue, the hosting company that I signed up with at that time. The site's structure was built in such a way that the primary category pages ended in the extension .ivnu. Product or item pages on the shopping cart side ended in the extension .ctlg.  My site's name was and is [Lamplight Feather, Inc.](<a class="webkit-html-attribute-value webkit-html-external-link" href="" target="_blank"></a>). We built our business between 2001 and 2011 and by the last three years (2009 - 2011) of using their version two were averaging a million dollars per year in gross sales. We decided to "upgrade" to Ivenue's "version 3" in 2011 to take advantage of some more modern options and because their newer software created web pages ending in .html which we thought more desirable. We made the switch in late 2011. But it was a disaster. Traffic and sales dropped precipitously. For the past two years (2012-2013) our annual gross sales average dropped to $400,000. (Two other factors were involved beside losing the many incoming links and link juice we had built up over the years: Panda came in that fall and my little niche market (decorative feathers) was flooded with competitors.) However as I try to rebuild our traffic and business little by little, I am stumped as to how to redirect the many incoming links that went to our first site's .ivnu and .ctlg pages. I have constructed redirects for some of our current but changed .html pages like this and put them in the file cabinet and they work: For (example): then But trying the same thing for (example) still returns a 404. Is there something I am missing. Ivenue is useless in this matter by the way. Their "technicians" are no help. I plan to be migrating my site once again to a new hosting company and hope to solve this problem before then. Thanks for the attention, Tony Hill This is an example from Google Webmaster of the type of links that show up as 404's that I would like to redirect: | URL: | | | | Error details | Linked from | | <colgroup><col></colgroup>
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | | |   |   | |

    | featherman

  • Hi guys, I'm working on a new website which is consolidating a number of existing event sites into one. The existing sites use a variety of URL structures: This inconsistency has led to issues with tracking category usage properly in analytics - for instance, with, events fall within categories ( but as soon as you drill into an event detail page ( from the category page, the category is lost to analytics. This is compounded when one event lives within multiple categories, as I can't figure out which category is the most effective for a particular event. I've seen other event sites establish a canonical URL for a primary category, display it in the URL (i.e. yet still let that event get hit via the secondary categories ( This way, the categories get passed to analytics without any duplicate content issues (i.e. via the setting of canonicals) Basically, I want to make sure that whatever instruction I give to the devs for the new site re: URL structure is correct from an SEO perspective and analytics perspective. Do I even need to worry about having the category in the URL? Can someone please help me with this? Hope this makes sense Cheers

    | cos2030

  • My site is related to UAE and the Gulf region. An year ago, Google Analytics abruptly started showing high incoming traffic from USA (Visits grew from 50k/month to 500k/month) while the overall traffic was stagnant. An year down the line, this has now been reverted back to normal nos and the overall traffic is still maintained. What could be a possible explanation for this discrepancy? Since this reversal has also now boosted traffic nos for other countries, should we rely on this data? Or is it polluted?

    | vivekrathore

  • I want to implement Google event tracking after my visitors complete an estimate form.  The form provides them an approximate range of costs based on their widget and widget amount. I have the php coding done, but I don't know JS and I need to send an event upon completion of the estimate form.  However, all of Google's examples are button click events.  How do I send the event upon completing a form if there is no separate landing page? If I have my Google analytics code on the page as well, would simply adding the following the completed estimate code work?

    | TheDude

  • I have a client whose site did not use the www preference but rather the non www form of the url. We were having trouble seeing some high quality inlinks and I wondered if the redirect to the non www site from the links was making it hard for us to track. After some reading, it seemed we should be using the www version for better SEO anyway so I made a change on Monday but had a major hit to the number of pages being indexed by Thursday. Freaking me out mildly. What are people's thoughts? I think I should roll back the www change asap - or am I jumping the gun?

    | BrigitteMN

  • Hello everyone,
    I'm wondering what's the best way to prevent/block search result pages from being indexed by Google. The way search works on my site is that search form generates URLs like:
    /index.php?blah-blah-search-results-blah I wanted to block everything of that sort, but how do I do it without blocking /index.php ? Thanks in advance and have a great day everyone!

    | llamb

  • Is there any way to tell for sure if there is a penalty? My client has a ton of low quality back links, and I think they are in danger of a Penguin penalty. Any way to know? The links are there for a business reason.... their clients mention them in the footer, with a backlink. It is not a link scheme. but folks are generally not clicking on a footer link, and so there is a pro/con of leaving it as it. Any way, to diagnose whether a Penguin penalty has already hit?

    | DianeDP

  • We want to build out this functionality so a client can log into our site and view data. I know its possible but I can't find any articles about the steps so that my team can move forward.

    | appbackr

  • Greetings Moz Community! My firm operates commercial real estate website that contains 3-4 forms.  Each form represents a goals. Google Analytics has been set up for years, but it does not track these form completions/goals properly. My SEO firm has offered to configure Goals on Google Analytics for $750. Is this a fair price? If the set up takes one hour, I am really over paying. But if this is a complex project that may take 7-9 hours the pricing seems OK. Also, the SEO firm will require an additional $750 in the future to set up event tracking. Is this excessive? I might add that my developer will need to add code to my web site. My SEO company has proven reliable and accurate. I can go to sleep at night knowing they are doing a good job. Where as my Argentinian developers really try their best, but perhaps because of the language barrier, they can make mistakes from time to time. I am willing to pay a premium to ensure that the job is done correctly domestically, however I don't appreciate over paying. Is the $750 payment for setting up Google Analytics reasonable assuming the job is done well??? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • What distinguishes an internal link with equity from one without equity? Is there a limit to how many of these I want? What's the rule-of-thumb? Cheers, Wes

    | wrconard

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