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  • Hi Moz Community, please can I hit you with a scenario and get your thoughts? We have a client site - - with reasonable rankings for some of our client's target search terms/branded terms. We have built language specific subdomains -, - which have been manually translated into local languages.  These subdomains have robots 'noindex' as we only want to drive traffic to We've installed a geo location tool on that 301s visitors to the appropriate subdomain, so content is served in their local language. will be the 'catch all' for locations where sub domains have not yet been created. If Google crawls and is 301ed to a sub domain, will we lose SERPS?  The sub domains will have the same content (99% the same content anyway) as, but in local languages. Cheers guys. Steve

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | steviechat

  • I recently migrated to a https version of a volusion site. They have some type of internal 301 redirect method to accommodate for the entire site.  I have also used the 301 redirect manager to redirect categories and pages which I have changed. The question is if I have changed a page internally in the redirect manager from say source.    /bluewidget           to say.            target.        /superbluewidget is it wiser or even possible to do it this way to reduce the redirect chain from 3 to 2 steps source.      /bluewidget                 to.      target               https://www.example/superbluewidget can a relative link be targeted to a full url to reduce steps in a 301 redirect link chain. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | mrkingsley

  • Anybody else noticed a change in SERP position over the last couple of weeks? I've dropped a whole page from 6 to 18 and similar drops across the board.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Libra_Photographic

  • Hi all, It would be great to hear about your experiences with Google+. We've tried a few times to use it in the hope that it might give us a hand in SEO terms but it has been utterly painful. Not only because the UI is almost impossible to figure out, but because engagement is essentially 0. Perhaps we're doing something wrong. How has it gone for you? Ross

    Social Media | | MSGroup

  • On page, there is an option to select languages. This option is in the footer. Once you select the language the url changes. Ex - if we select French, the URL changes to In case we decide to change the URL of this page with Geo, what should be the URL structure which accommodates languages as well. My research says that it would good to keep the url like

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Rajnish_HE

  • I have seen a sudden drop organic reach in a particular page of our website earlier this was I although understand that it happens while migration but it has been a while we did the migration. The migration happened around May month. Something similar has happened to our blog. Earlier it was a now _Could anyone suggest me what could be the possible issue for the drop in traffic? _

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Rajnish_HE

  • I have subscribed to MOZ Local and it is not showing my domain as listed in Google My Business even though when I Google my business it appears in Google on the right. Is MOZ Local experiencing a bug?

    Moz Local | | Kingalan1

  • Can a specialist doctor who operates out of several locations have multiple GMB listings? She operates under her company brand name if that makes a difference. Thank you community!

    Local Listings | | Crystal.w

  • Everything I've seen using Moz has been great, but there's one thing I can't figure out how to do. All I want to see is some kind of overview or display of my site's internal link architecture, but there doesn't appear to be anything like that in any of the Moz tools? Am I missing it, or do they just not have anything for that?

    Feature Requests | | A.S.

  • The page supports information for our partners in the UK.... but from an SEO perspective which will Google understand better in the URL... UK or United Kingdom?

    Keyword Research | | EdTechTeam

  • We operate a full service printing and direct mail company located in Houston ( ). We have been in business for quite sometime and had enjoyed top tier position on page one for many years. However after revamping our website and  main page it was determined that we used "Houston" way too often. Our keywords are ( Houston Printing , Printing in Houston)
    I suppose to the pros it looked and it seemed a little spammy with all the references to our city. But after the changed we have now dropped to mid - bottom of page two. Should we worried or does after sometime
    will be move back up? I dont want to hastily change back but to our surprise those aren't really searched terms I would hate to see our positions and ranking fall because of this change. Thanks CATDI PRINTING

    Local SEO | | NEWCHOPPER

  • Hi, Hope someone can help me out here. This is the current situation: We sell stones/gravel/sand/pebbles etc. for gardens. I will take a type of pebbles and the corresponding pages/URL's to illustrate my question --> black beach pebbles. We have a 'top' product page for black beach pebbles on which you can find different types of quantities (differing from 20kg untill 1600 kg). There is not any search volume related to the different quantities The 'top' page does not link to the pages for the different quantities The content on the pages for the different quantities is not exactly the same (different price + slightly different content). But a lot of the content is the same. Current situation:
    - Most pages for the different quantities do not have internal links (about 95%) But the sitemap does contain all of these pages. Because the sitemap contains all these URL's, google frequently crawls them (I checked the logfiles) and has indexed them. Problems: Google spends its time crawling irrelevant pages --> our entire website is not that big, so these quantity URL's kind of double the total number of URL's. Having url's in the sitemap that do not have an internal link is a problem on its own All these pages are indexed so all sorts of gravel/pebbles have near duplicates. My solution: remove these URL's from the sitemap --> that will probably stop Google from regularly crawling these pages Putting a canonical on the quantity pages pointing to the top-product page. --> that will hopefully remove the irrelevant (no search volume) near duplicates from the index My questions: To be able to see the canonical, google will need to crawl these pages. Will google still do that after removing them from the sitemap? Do you agree that these pages are near duplicates and that it is best to remove them from the index? A few of these quantity pages do have intenral links (a few procent of them) because of a sale campaign. So there will be some (not much) internal links pointing to non-canonical pages. Would that be a problem? Thanks a lot in advance for your help! Best!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AMAGARD

  • Should I be cautious about using a local number that is forwarded on to my main office? I have 2 "satellite" offices. 1 has an actual phone number and line that is active at the location, and the other has a "local" number that is forwarded. The location with the actual phone number and line that is active at the location is performing much better, and I am trying to isolate the cause. Ben

    Local Listings | | BSessions

  • I have a quick question that I hope someone might be able to help me with. On a wordpress website I have a lot of posts in each category. My problem is there are now several category pages. ie: The problem is on the category page I can set page title / description etc. But the problem is I cant do that on page2 / page 3 etc. Does anyone know how I can change the titles and decriptions etc on those pages. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | DaleZon

  • Hello, Could you tell me, can I use the api to get such data as ‘Discovered in the last 60 days’ and ‘Lost Links’?
    If yes, which values of ‘Cols’ in URL Metrics I can use? Thank!

    API | | OlegKireyenka

  • I have a disallow entry in my robots file which is /*src= So I have urls that look like I would expect these URLs to be blocked. However both Moz and AHREFS have these in the crawl logs It is as if the bots are reading the first parameter but being blocked when they reach the second and logging part of the URL. Is this standard behavior for Roger (mozbot) or Ahrefs bot. Does google act in the same way?

    Feature Requests | | Andrew-SEO

  • Hi there, I know that Google have sadly discontinued ratings extension in AdWords but does anyone know a get-around for this? If possible, we'd like to show off the good reviews we have from Google My Business' Knowledge Panel in our ads. We're an online product/service so I don't want to link GMB through the location extension if possible (it doesn't make sense for anyone to pay us a visit in real life). Is there a better way of linking our AdWords to our GMB or is there an alternative extension/ AdWords feature we can use to get review ratings in our ad? Thanks 🙂

    Reviews and Ratings | | Fubra

  • Hi everyone. I am using Moz Link Explorer to find relevant links from competitors and when I narrow it down to Link Type: Follow Status: Active I get the list. All good here... BUT ... Inspecting the actual link on the page there is a no=follow attached to it. Is this feature still working properly on the new Link Explorer or is a bug? Thanks!

    Link Explorer | | Sorin_T

  • My Forum backlinks and social share backlinks are not indexing plz suggest any free r paid tool that index such backlinks. Otherwise my ranking will drop. Plz help

    Moz Pro | | AsifSeotools777

  • I was wondering what's the difference between campaign data and link explorer data, both in pro version of moz? What are the features we get by adding campaign that we don't get via link explorer?

    Moz Bar | | HuptechWebseo

  • Is anyone aware of a setting in the MozBar which would highlight your website within SERPs? Or, even more exciting, display a number on the bar when looking at a SERP, showing your best current position for that query (in real time)? If not, it'd be interesting to know your thoughts on the idea? Great for quick checks and references or would it discourage people from staying vigilant in the SERPs and keeping an eye on the competition? (Note: we do have MOZ Pro and are aware that it does something similar. I'm thinking more for a quick check of those difficult targets where you're not hitting the first couple of pages).

    Feature Requests | | MSGroup

  • I need help with getting my site appearing in the knowledge panel for reviews. Our reviews are appearing in the search snippets but not on the knowledge panel when our competitors with far fewer reviews are. We’ve labored over best practices in perfecting our markup but would love a second opinion to see if there’s something we’re overlooking. For example take this venue on our website: It has 136 of our own reviews. We are the 1st result and it shows our star rating, reviews and price range. However, we don’t appear in the knowledge panel - this is happening for almost every business we have listed on our site. In this particular example, the knowledge panel has en Ville Catering with 45 reviews. I cannot find any errors in our structured data but I see it in our competition: Example 2: Search: US:
    SDTT: Competitor in KP:
    SDTT: Example 3: US:
    SDTT: Search:
    Competitor 1 in KP:
    SDTT: (I know it’s Facebook. However, there’s about 6-8 competitors appearing in the KP with Schema issues and we aren’t. We’ve compared ourselves against each one of them and cannot determine what the issue might be.) Competitor 2 in KP:
    SDTT: Competitor 3 in KP:
    SDTT: CMxg9Z1

    Reviews and Ratings | |

  • Hello all, I am a little bit confused about the "content suggestion'' feature in Moz. If I understood well, this feature suggests Anchor texts we can use in other page to link to the page we are trying to Optimize. So far, I've been using page keyword as Anchor Text in other articles. For example, I have a page about the best places to visit in Morocco, where the keyword is 'places to visit in Morocco'. I am using this same keyword as Anchor text in other pages to link to that page. While Moz suggests '10 best places' as Anchor text. What does it mean ? Is '10 best places' anchor text better ? Or should I use both ? Thanks in advance for your enlightenment.

    Moz Pro | | sportygirl

  • Our new website has been live since April - it's an old domain but we've had a new website built on Magento 2, however, it's not ranking for most of our main keywords. Can anyone offer any advice?

    Web Design | | RayflexGroup

  • I understand what canonicalization does, however I'm a bit confused on one point. Generally, of course it's used to determine the main article out of two which are identical. But what happens to the keywords if the content isn't quite identical? Example:-
    Let's say the 'first page' it is optimised for 'racing cycles'.
    The 'second page' is optimised for 'second-hand racing cycles' Let's assume that the 'first page' doesn't have any reference to 'used' or 'second-hand' so it would be essentially unrelated to the 'second page'. If I then add an canonical tag to the 'second page' that points to the 'first page' in theory, the 'second page' will drop from the search rankings and pass any link authority back to the 'first page' What I want to know is will the 'first page', then rank for the keywords that the second page used to rank for? (in this case 'second-hand racing cycles')

    Technical SEO | | seoman10

  • Hello, I know this probably gets asked quite a lot but I haven't found a recent post about this in 2018 on Moz Q&A, so I thought I would check in and see what the best route/solution for this issue might be. I'm always really worried about making any (potentially bad/wrong) changes to the site, as it's my livelihood, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Moz, SEMRush and several other SEO tools are all reporting that I have duplicate content for my homepage and index.html (same identical page). According to Moz, my homepage (without index.html) has PA 29 and index.html has PA 15. They are both showing Status 200. I read that you can either do a 301 redirect or add rel=canonical I currently have a 301 setup for my http to https page and don't have any rel=canonical added to the site/page. What is the best and safest way to get rid of duplicate content and merge the my non index and index.html homepages together these days? I read that both 301 and canonical pass on link juice but I don't know what the best route for me is given what I said above. Thank you for reading, any input is greatly appreciated!

    On-Page Optimization | | dreservices

  • Hi all, Just ran into this issue, when analysing this site. Just got this message when using MOZ "Page Optimisation Error". Anyone know why? It seems to be working fine on other SEO analyser tools. Website is: Thanks in advance! luXS8V5

    Link Explorer | | Dushala

  • This one is pestering me and i am on the fence, so i thought i'd ask the trusty Moz community for their opinion. I am running a technical / onsite audit for a client who has quite a pretty, creative and animated homepage with lots of overlaid imagery. As its primarily imagery, including their glossy typography and clickable links, the page does not have a H1. Now i know this goes against best practice, however it's unlikely the page will ever be served as an SEO landing page (in current format), so what are people's thoughts on leaving as is without a H1, considering we are not going to try and ranking the landing page for any particular keywords. Let us know your thoughts! Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | NickG-123

  • We have two subdomains on our site: blogs and *www. Our most important and competitive pages are on the www subdomain. I have some pages on the blogs subdomain that have valuable backlinks. Would it be helpful to our SEO efforts for the www subdomain to move and redirect those pages on the blogs subdomain to the www subdomain?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RCF

  • I hooked up our google beacon and I activated per google's instructions...but I can't tell if it is working or not. Does anyone know if there is a way to verify it is transmitting other than the confirmation page I got when I put in the validation code? Thanks! Ruben

    Local Listings | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello all! I have a partner site that is linking their product page (step 1) to our product page (step 2) and then we instantly forward them to our shopping cart page (step 3) with that product added. Will my product page (step 2) get the SEO juice from our partners link (step 1) even though we instantly forward to our shopping cart page (step 3)? Curious about ways to technically do this correctly. Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jamesmcd03

  • On the crawl of our website we have had a warning that 157 have urls that are too long. When I look at the urls they are generally from 2016 or earlier. Should I just leave them as they are or shorten the urls and redirect to new url? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | DaleZon

  • Hi, i hope you can help. My site crawl is showing that I have a redirect chain on my home page. Basically it shows I am going from : http: > https: > https://www. I need everything to go from http:// and http://www directly to https://www. without the chain. Below is a copy of the htaccess, can anyone see if there is an error in there that could be causing it. RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress In addition, i have seen that they have a plugin called SSL insecure content fixer installed. It is showing this under its status: Array ( [HTTPS] => on [PHPHANDLER] => /usr/local/php70/bin/php [HTTP_X_REAL_IP] => [HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO] => https ) I think possibly this might have something to do with the issue, any thoughts are appreciated Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DaleZon

  • Hi All, I have a question I hope someone can help me with. I ran a scan on a website and it has a stack of urls that are far too long. I am going through and changing the urls to shorter ones. But my question is regarding redirections. Wordpress seems to be automatically redirecting the old urls to the new ones, should i be adding a more solid 301 in as well or is the wordpress redirect enough? I ask as they dont all seem to stay redirecting Thanks in advance for  the help

    Technical SEO | | DaleZon

  • I stumbled across something new when doing a site audit in SEMRUSH today ---> Modals. The case: Several pages could not be crawled because of (modal:) in the URL. What I know: "A modal is a dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page" based on CSS and JS. What I don't know: How to prevent crawlers from finding them.

    Web Design | | Dan-Louis

  • I'm planning to update my Volusion Commerce site to https protocol. A config variable switch will config urls to become secure https urls. I'm looking into what additional steps I must take and issues that I may run into. I guess any relative links within my site will not be affected but how about incoming backlinks. How do I address this. Also concerned about previous redirects. Do I have to create a new xml file incorporating the new protocol in the target and a version of both secure and insecure source urls. I figure a new sitemap has to be submitted to Google Search Console -  should there be a secure https://www.example version as well as a https://example version of site and older similar http versions submitted. Thanks Howard

    On-Page Optimization | | mrkingsley

  • Hi Mozers, Fetch as Google is showing Tablet view and not Desktop view. Does anyone know why this is? And does that mean that Googlebot is reading the Tablet version instead of the Desktop version (same HTML but different visualization)? Thanks!! Yael

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • I have a long existing URL that has included my key word but the url has about 5 additional words in the text ( eg url would have "  /super widgets in stock at the widget store "   as url text after domain.         keywords is super widget The URL was at the top of search results for my keyword for many years until recently. Is it better to shorten my url text to now use only my keyword " /super-widgets " after the domain with a 301 direct from my existing url to optimize it Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | mrkingsley

  • For years I've been managing campaigns in Moz through Moz Pro. This enables up to 5 campaigns. One of my clients wants access to their campaign and are happy to pay for a new Moz Standard account just for them. My question is - can this be done? They would like my company (or more specifically me) to still have admin access to the account. I'm confused as to whether multi-seat is the right way to go? I don't want my client to login to my current Moz Pro account as I have other client's campaigns on it. Can anyone help as to the best approach.

    Product Support | | T_Cooper

  • Submitting same content on multiple site or blog using original source Links. Its good or bad in term on Ranking and SEO. Can we post same content on multiple website with orginal post reference same like Press release site technique.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | HuptechWebseo

  • Hi Guys, I love the SEO world I really do, but sometimes it can be quite confusing and even after 11 years and a few clients under my belt, I still have head-scratching days and this week has been one of them. It seem the rules surrounding onpage optimisation of keywords have changed quite a lot this year. Whilst, I understand blatantly sticking to a 3% keyword density rate for your keywords, hasn't been good practice for a while, and with RankBrain and machine learning, we have to pay attention to semantic words and phrases but it seems there is a new set of rules I haven't learnt yet. For example I had a client I was working on and we we noticed although they were ranking quite high for a keyword phrase, it wasn't actually mentioned in the text at all and so by adding it in a place it made sense, we should lift this and other keywords. Here is what happened, within a week their main keyword moved down from 1 to about 6 and the keyword that wasn't added moved from 4th to 23rd. After scratching my head and then going to full panic mode, I calmed down and looked at competitors, they didn't mention the word in the content either and so I decided to remove the one word we added to the text. The rankings came back overnight (well after doing a fetch as Google and getting to reindex). So if keyword density now is clearly NOT a metric to go on, how do we know the sweet spot? Do we use something like Ryte and make sure we using semantics and keywords within the average of the top ten? Does what Google deems important depend on the niche? Not a right or wrong answer here, just interested in your thoughts Regards Neil

    On-Page Optimization | | nezona

  • Hi all, We know that generally logo with the website homepage link is the first link crawled by Google and other search engines. Can we change the anchor text from "logo" to "keyword"? Have any one tried or seen others doing? How Google considers it? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • If you have an ecommerce site that is using editorial content on topics related to the site's business model to build organic traffic and draw visitors who might be interested in using the site's services eventually, what is the SEO (page ranking) impact -- as well as the impact on the visitors' perceptions about the reliability of the information on the site -- of using phrases like "Here is where [our site] can help you." in nearly every article. Note: the "our site" text would be linked in each case as a conversion point to one of the site's services pages to get visitors to move from content pages on a site to the sales pages on the site. Will this have an impact on page rankings? Does it dilute the page's relevance to search engines? Will the content look less authoritative because of the prevalence of these types of links? What about the same conversion links without the "we can help" text - i.e., more natural-sounding links that stem from the flow of the article but can lead interested visitors deeper into the ecommerce section of the site?

    Algorithm Updates | | Will-McDermott

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