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  • Hello, I am new to Moz and wondered how I can add new keywords to an already existing campaign? Regards,

    Getting Started | | carbonfreedining

  • We purchased a Wordpress Real estate theme called wpcasa.  My developer started coding it. We hired a new SEO. The SEO looked at a simple page (About Us) and saw about 70 Java scripts and 11 templates and was very dissatisfied with the coding and heavy source code contained in the theme. My SEO claims the optimizing this theme (removing the unnecessary Java Scripts and combining the templates is way too much work and that it would be better to start from scratch and purchase a theme like   with more compact, efficient and streamlined code. Problem is we need to throw out 2 months and thousands of dollars worth of code. My SEO says that in the day of Google's "mobile first" streamlined code is particularly important. My developer has taken the position that the code can be cleaned up after the design. Where it seems my SEO wants clean code to stat with. I don't know who to is right. Any ideas? Am I better of starting from scratch with a new more efficient theme, or cleaning up the code on the wpcasa theme? The code for the test page is below. Thanks! | |
    |   | lang="en-US" prefix="og:"> |
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    |   | property="og:description" content="New York City real estate brokerage service helps business tenants acquire office, commercial loft, retail or showroom space anywhere in Manhattan." /> |
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    |   | name="twitter:description" content="New York City real estate brokerage service helps business tenants acquire office, commercial loft, retail or showroom space anywhere in Manhattan." /> |
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    |   | rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Metro Manhattan Office Space » About Metro Manhattan Comments Feed" href="" /> |
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    |   | class="listing-search-keyword text form-control" title="Keyword or Listing ID…" name=" |

    Web Design | | Kingalan1

  • Hi, We have recently lost the review rich snippet for product that used to consistently show it for a long time. On top of that we have also lost the breadcrumb. The markup hasn't changed on these pages and gwt data tool tester doesn't show any anomalies. A few weeks back we have deployed a new property that list reviews from the first site without actually being under the same domain. Would that be an issue, review may have been considered as plagiarism somehow? Is there a way for us to confirm this theory? What are others factors that may have lead us to lose those rich snippet? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | mattam

  • Hello all I work for a small company. we do carpentings and old wooden furniture repairs. With the same company, we've started a tiny house building business, which is completly different  of what we usally do and this is a national business wj The question is, can a create a different google my business listing for this activity ? It has different brand on logo  but same phone number and same physical address. From what i ve found in google help pages , i would say yes, but i d  take opinions about this , tks for your precious answers from google : Departments within other business, universities, or institutions
    Departments within businesses, universities, hospitals, and government institutions may have their own listings on Google.
    Learn more
    Publicly-facing departments that operate as distinct entities should have their own page. The exact name of each department must be different from that of the main business and that of other departments. Typically such departments have a separate customer entrance and should each have distinct categories. Their hours may sometimes differ from those of the main business.
    •    Acceptable (as distinct listings):
    o    "Walmart Vision Center"
    o    "Sears Auto Center"
    o    "Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Dermatology"
    •    Not acceptable (as distinct listings):
    o    The Apple products section of Best Buy
    o    The hot food bar inside Whole Foods Market
    For each department, the category that is the most representative of that department must be different from that of the main business and that of other departments.
    •    The main business "Wells Fargo" has the category "Bank" whereas the department "Wells Fargo Advisors" has the category "Financial Consultant"
    •    The main business "South Bay Toyota" has the category "Toyota Dealer" whereas the "South Bay Toyota Service & Parts" has the category "Auto Repair Shop" (plus the category "Auto Parts Store")
    •    The main business "GetGo" has the category "Convenience Store" (plus the category "Sandwich Shop") whereas the department "GetGo Fuel" has the category "Gas Station", and the department "WetGo" has the category "Car Wash"

    Local Listings | | uservices

  • Hi My website has millions of URLs and some of the URLs have duplicate versions. We did not set canonical all these years. Now we wanted to implement it  and fix all the technical SEO issues. I wanted to consolidate and redirect all the variations of a URL to the highest pageview version and use that as the canonical because all of these variations have the same content. While doing this, I found in Google search console that Google has already selected another variation of URL as canonical and not the highest pageview version. My questions: I have millions of URLs for which I have to do 301 and set canonical. How can I find all the canonical URLs that Google has autoselected? Search Console has a daily quota of 100 or something. Is it possible to override Google's version of Canonical? Meaning, if I set a variation as Canonical and it is different than what Google has already selected, will it change overtime in Search Console? Should I just do a 301 to highest pageview variation of the URL and not set canonicals at all? This way the canonical that Google auto selected might get redirected to the highest pageview variation of the URL. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SDCMarketing

  • Hello, I like to rebrand my site for the same URL - How can i do this?
    Example:  My site URL is and i used "SignsNY" as brand name and citations and after the website redesign, i decide to go with "Signs NY" so i change the citations and pick the word as Signs NY to use but in google i lost the site links and knowledge graph on **Signs NY **keyword.......... Can you suggest me what to do and how to change the things for better results? Thanks,

    Local Website Optimization | | signsny

  • Is there a way to protect your sitemap.xml so that only Google can read it and would it make sense to do this?

    Technical SEO | | Roverandom

  • Hi everyone, When creating my XML sitemap here it is only able to detect a portion of the website. I am missing at least 20 URLs (blog pages + newly created resource pages). I have checked those missing URLs and all of them are index and they're not blocked by the robots.txt. Any idea why this is happening? I need to make sure all wanted URLs to be generated in an XML sitemap. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Taysir

  • Hi guys, Situation: A website selling a mix of products from various vendors. When a product's Buy Now get clicked, it redirects to the vendor's website so the order can be placed there. Question: How do I track all these conversions reliably? Is there any shortcut? Also, what do they need to do technically to make it work, and will it send to my GA or is it any tool that will record these conversions? Does anyone do this actively? Thanks for ALL the ANSWERS!

    Affiliate Marketing | | Katarina-Borovska

  • Hi We have roughly 8500 pages in our website. Google had indexed almost 6000 of them, but now suddenly I see that the pages indexed has gone to 45. Any possible explanations why this might be happening and what can be done for it. Thanks, Priyam

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kh-priyam

  • Hi, We have a ecommerce website that performs very well for our brand pages on the text results including the reviews snippet. Our brand pages also include embedded videos. Until now we have always ranked poorly on video results. Our videos are hosted over youtube. In order to boost our video result we have recently submitted a video sitemap to help crawlers find out our videos. The result is the following : our brand pages are now only competing in the video results space. Instead of showing as a text result with our reviews snippet, it shows as a video in a carrousel widget. Within the video tab we are ranking top. We have experienced a drop in CTR since then. Moz have reported a drop on all our brand keywords for text search although the video widget shows our brand there. Is there a way to compete for both videos results and text results, making the choice to keey the review snippet widget? Is the video sitemap useful only to compete within the video space? Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mattam

  • Hi Mozers, We're trying to come up with an SEO friendly URL. Does it make sense to re-order primary-secondary-tumor to secondary-primary-tumor because "primary tumor" has high volumes and thus those two words should be adjacent? Any advice is appreciated! Yael

    Keyword Research | | yaelslater

  • In other words how does google know which entities are the closest to each other ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, We have moved our site to https, Google Analytics seems to be tracking correctly. However, I have seen some conflicting information, should I create a new view in analytics? Additionally, should I also create a new https property in Google search console and set it as the preferred domain? If so, should I keep the old sitemap for my http property while updating the sitemap to https only for the https property? Thirdly, should I create a new property as well as new sitemaps in Bing webmaster? Finally, after doing a crawl on our http domain which has a 301 to https, the crawl stopped after the redirect, is this a result of using a free crawling tool or will bots not be able to crawl my site after this redirect? Thanks for all the help in advance, I know there are a lot of questions here.

    Technical SEO | | Tom3_15

  • Hi Guys, I posted a question recently about "Can I have multiple areaServed mark up on one domain?" and the responses I got was no. My client work predominantly in the South East of England in specific towns, so I wanted to be able to list all the areas they service. However, after being told no, I went ahead anyway and put in multiple areaServed markup on the page to see if this generates any errors and it isn't when I run it through the Structured Data Testing Tool. I don't get any errors by doing this, so hurray! But... What I want to understand (which I can't find the answer anywhere), is if this is okay, and how will Google read my markup? Will Google see that we are in multiple areas across the SE of England and push my content up before other sites, or is this just going to confused Google? By putting in all these areas into the website as multiple locations, will Google identify that person X in area Y fits the areaServed mark up I've added and push my content to them? Overall... has anyone else used multiple areaServed markup and can validate that this works? hHpEyQf

    Local Website Optimization | | Virginia-Girtz

  • Hi, We have  'local' websites for different countries (UK, DE, FR, AP, US etc.) and a corporate website, the local websites are going to be linking back to the corporate website in the main menu (think about us, terms and conditions kind of pages). Any local products will have their own pages on the local website but global products will be linked back to the corporate website. We will be placing an indication the user will be going to another website next to those menu links that go to the corporate website. Is there any drawback to this for SEO?  Should we use nofollow in the menu structure of regional websites for these links? Thanks for your help.

    Local Website Optimization | | UNIT4

  • For a long time, we were ranking 1st/2nd for the term "Manual handling training". That was until about 5 days ago when I realised that Google had started to index not only a query stringed URL, but also an old version of the URL. What was even weirder was that when you clicked on the result it 301 redirected to the page that it was meant to display... The wrong URL that Google had started to index was: The correct URL that it should have been indexing is: I can't get my head around why it has done this as a 301 was in place already and we use rel canonical tags which point to the main parent pages. Anyway, we slapped a noindex tag in our robots.txt file to stop that page from being indexed, which worked but now I can't get the correct page to be indexed, even after a Google fetch. After inspecting the correct URL in the new search console I discovered that Google has ignored the rel canonical on the page (Which points to itself) and has selected the wrong, query stringed URL as the canonical. Why? and how do I rectify this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | iHasco

  • Hi there, I recently made a change to the title URL for my site, and it changed how Google displayed my sitemap. Before it showed the most common sites, and now it simply links to 4 of them below the domain URL without descriptions. I have attached images below which shows my problem. I hope this is the right section for this question. Thanks! 5ypdnY2 4u2HAia

    On-Page Optimization | | One2

  • Moz local listing score is telling me to add 2 Photos to Facebook. I have tons of photos on FB via posts at least.  Is it a certain type of photo I should add?? If so, where? Steve

    Social Media | | stevewardaustin

  • I am working on overhauling the on-page SEO for ecommerce website on Sitecore. I've done all my research and I am ready to plug the Title tags and descriptions in. So, if the page on Navigation is 'SHOP' this is in the Title tag box. How do I add my 70 characters of keywords? Thanks. JOE

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | iJoe

  • Hi, Recently our website after 5 months of launch started seeing more organic traffic, thanks to the seo effort being put. However, off late the growth is quite slow and we don't see much increase in organic traffic any more. Any idea on what could have happened to cause this or is it normal. Here is the link to the website to check and if you can recommend anything - Thanks, Search-Console-Search-Analytics-https-www-keyhub-com-1.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | kh-priyam

  • Hi community, We are using wordpress website. We have redirected hundreds of URLs from wordpress redirect manager for last 10 years around. Suddenly from last one week, the redirects are taking too long to navigate to the pages; like around 1 minute. Could you anybody face the same issue? Please help me on this. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • The reasons for Spam Score:
    1 - No renewed content
    2 - weak external links
    3 - No internal links inside content
    4 - Social Media pages do not exist Is that right for getting Spam Score?

    Moz Bar | | RoadMedia90

  • Is there any way in analytics where we can check Users by time of day for speicific country?

    Reporting & Analytics | | BPLLC

  • Hi guys, Our CEO is having an interview with a known broadcaster on radio. During the interview he will mention a specific URL that we want track on Google Analytics, therefore behaving like a vanity URL redirecting to the actual URL Would this work the same way a vanity URL in terms of tracking or not such as following guideline here ? I am asking because vanity URLs are supposed to be completely different domain name that gets purchased and in our case it is the same domain name just with a different URI. thanks guys!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Taysir

  • Hi guys, We are currently trying to add new products to our site but we are in a quandary on what type of URL structure to pursue. For example:
    Product Name: Aspect Exfoliating Cleanser 240ml (including the size)
    VS 1.) Which is a better URL structure based on SEO 2018 and why?
    2.) Is there any merit in removing the size from the URL key with the aim of attracting more traffic? Keen to hear from you guys! Cheers,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | michel_8

  • Hi community, I am just trying to figure out which can be priority in on page, off page and technical SEO. Which one you prefer to go first? Which one is easy to handle? Which one is easy to measure? Your opinions and suggestions please. Expecting more realistic answers rather than usual check list. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • My google search console indicates that my SSL certificate is blocking Googlebot. I was wondering if the blocking of my SSL certificate to the GoogleBot is causing any issues. I I'm not sure if this was only blocked recently by Volusion (my host) as a means of accommodating my ssl certificate not being able to address the various url versions of my site, or is this just commonplace and not really harmful to my indexing. I  tested one of these "blocked" urls in the robots.txt tester and it showed that the Googlebot was allowed. Could it be just the SSL certificate at the bottom of the page is blocked? Thanks

    Moz Bar | | mrkingsley

  • While doing keyword research I found out that there are 2 keywords with same search count and difficulty level.
    Outsource Engineering Design India
    Offshore Engineering Design India My question is, should I create 2 separate pages for these keywords with the addition of their extended related keywords or just keep one long page with both these keywords targeted? Technically, Outsource and Offshore have separate meanings but on SERP it seems like both are searched for the same purpose. Can you please share your views on this? Thanks

    Keyword Research | | harshal.khatavkar

  • We recently implemented rel=canonicals on a few of our pages to prevent query parameters from showing up in the SERPs. The two pages we added the tags to are no longer ranking. The pages used to rank very well for branded terms such as "morningstar direct" and "morningstar sustainability", but now don't show up at all. When you search for the urls specifically, for example "products/direct morningstar" the query parameter is still indexing.  Does anyone know why this might be or what we can do to fix this issue? The two pages are and

    Technical SEO | | jmigdal

  • There is a domain for sale that has a quite nice profile and a lot of good backlinks, but also quite a few spammy ones. This domain has a Spam Score of 14% acc. to Moz Link explorer, ours has only 2%. My questions: 1. The domain and the good backlinks are related to or close to our content/keywords. But we are worried whether the "spammy" ones will hurt us. Does anyone has experience with this? 2. Would it help if we disavow the spammy backlinks afterwards? And if so, how do we do that? Add new domain to search console, disavow the bad links and then redirect the entire domain to our domain or redirect the domain first and then disavow from our property? Many thanks for your help!

    Link Building | | pissuptours

  • Hello, I wanted the community's advice on how to handle old subdomains. We have We also have two subdomains directly related to the main website: and As these pages are not actively updated, they are triggering lots and lots of errors in the site crawl (missing meta descriptions, and much much more). We do not have particular intentions of keeping them up-to-date in terms of SEO. What do you guys think is the best option of handling these? I considered de-indexing, but content of these page is still relevant and may be useful - yet it is not up to date and it will never be anymore. Many thanks in advance.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | e.wel

  • Hi all, we're going to changing the url structure of our website. Moving from: /news-and-views/blog/thisistheblogpost to /blog/thisistheblogpost (ie removing the /news-and-views/ portion of the url). There's approximately 300 posts. I have 2 questions - will this have an impact on domain wide authority? and is bulk 301 redirects the best solution? The blogs themselves don't get a huge amount of traffic but we just want to make sure we don't do something that will be penalized by search engines.

    Technical SEO | | francisclark

  • Hello, We have magento 2 extensions website since 1 years google every 15 days cached my all pages but suddenly last 15 days my websites pages not cached by google showing me 404 error so go search console check error but din't find any error so I have cached manually fetch and render but still most of pages have same 404 error example page : - error :- so have any one solutions for this issues

    Technical SEO | | vikrantrathore

  • Hi Moz community, As the different usability issues like pagespeed or mobile responsiveness are playing a key role in website rankings; I wonder how much the same factors are important for sub directories or sub domain pages? Do each and every page of sub directory or sub domain must be optimised like website pages? Does Google gives same importance? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi all, Why does the Moz Bar show a different link count from the Moz link analysis page? For example, when I check the SERP below, for the first result, the bar shows 936 page links from 4 RDs. But when I check out the link analysis page, it tells me there are just 141 page links from 4 RDs. What gives? For the second entry, the bar shows 6 page links from 0 RDs. Not sure how that's possible. Can anyone explain these things. Thanks! Andy Reviewed SERP:

    Getting Started | | AndyKubrin

  • Hi guys, We have the following situation: After an error message in new google search console for a large amount of pages with noindex, nofollow tag, a validation is requested before the problem is fixed. (it's incredibly stupid decision taken before asking the SEO team for advice) Google starts the validation, crawls 9 URLs and changes the status to "Failed". All other URLs are still in "pending" status. The problem has been fixed for more than 10 days, but apparently Google doesn't crawl the pages and none of the URLs is back in the index. We tried pinging several pages and html sitemaps, but there is no result. Do you think we should request for re-validation or wait more time? It there something more we could do to speed up the process?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ParisChildress

  • Dear members. I am looking for a seo expert who can help in my business presence? thanks

    Link Building | | hellomandy2137

  • Hi, I have one site with a well-established link profile, but no actual reason to exist (site A). I have another site that could use a better link profile (site B). In your experience, would 301 forwarding all of site A's pages to site B do anything positive for the link profile/organic search of the site B? Site A is about boating at a specific lake. Site B is about travel destinations across the U.S. Thanks! Best... Michael

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • We are currently implementing the SEO module for Endeca faceted navigation. Our development team has proposed URLs to be structured in this way: Main category example: As soon as a facet is selected, for example "blue ink" - The URL path would change to (the "N" value is a unique identifier generated by Endeca that determines what products from the catalog are served as a match for the selected facet and is the same every time that facet is selected, it is not unique per user). My gut instinct says that this change from "/c/" to "/m/" might be very problematic in terms of search engines understanding that /m/pens-and-writing/blue-ink/ as part of the /c/pens-and-writing/ category. Wouldn't this also potentially pose a problem for the flow of internal link equity? Has anyone ever seen a successful implementation using this methodology?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | danatanseo

  • Hi, I have a new client that has pagination handled incorrectly on their website.... They have it setup as follows:
    etc etc rel=canonical from page 2 to page 1
    rel=canonical from page 3 to page 1
    etc etc i.e. they aren't using rel=prev, rel=next To get them to invest in the development time need to change this I need to explain to the client how what they have is negatively affecting things? Anyone? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | QubaSEO

  • My company is creating an international version of our site at We are located in the US with our main site at targeting US & Canada but offering slightly different products elsewhere internationally. Ideally, we would have hreflang tags for different versions in different languages, however, it's going to be an almost duplicate site besides a few different SKUs. All language and content on the site is going to be in English. Again, the only content changing is slightly different SKUs, they are almost identical sites. The subdomain is our only option right now. Should we implement hreflang tags even if both languages are English and only some of the content is different? Or will having just canonicals be fine? How should we handle this? Would it make sense to use hreflang this way and include it on both versions? I believe this would be signaling for US & Canda visitors to visit our main site and all other users go to the international site. Am I thinking this correctly or should we be doing this a different way?

    International SEO | | tcope25

  • Hi Moz Fam! Question... we have two pages for each state. Both pages are used in our PPC campaigns. One of the two state pages is fully optimized for organic search. The page that's optimized for organic has 1,500-2,000 words, the other one has thin content. All the content is unique, nothing duplicate. We call one set of state pages that I optimized my SEO state pages, then the other ones are our PPC state pages. Should I be setting a canonical tag to one of these pages to let Google know which one is the "master" page? (My SEO state page is the master) I've never used them, so I'm not sure what the right answer is for this. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LindsayE

  • On the Bing search engine, it isn't showing the actual meta title we have for a website. It's showing something different. However, the correct meta title is showing on the Google search engine. Has anyone had the same issue? Has anyone been able to fix this issue? Thanks for your help!

    Technical SEO | | Harrison.Stickboy

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