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  • Hi All, I will try and keep this as simple as possible. My product page links to a separate page with an IFrame, giving my users the option to upload artwork for the product. The IFrame contains the external file upload site (mail big file). When finished, the user can use a button link to return to the product page to continue with their order. As soon as the page with the IFrame was crawled by Google, the IFrame page started to rank in place of where my product page used to rank, yet there is no content on the page relating to my product (just a file upload). So now users are visiting the IFrame via the same query which must be an absolute headache and not useful at all. I have tried the following: 1. Added a line in body text which contains an internal link pointing to the product page using exact match anchor text for the query. (This didn't work) 2. I applied a no index tag to the IFrame, and now my product page is no longer ranking at all. Can anyone help me solve this puzzle. I believe I might be missing something. Kind regards, Adam

    Technical SEO | | SO_UK

  • I have researched and researched on this question, and I'm still not satisfied. Most of the answers on the Moz forum and otherwise are all from 2013, as well. So, I thought I'd bring it up again. I have two distinct audiences for a real estate business I'm working with (very different needs and interests): Farm Buyers Residential Buyers My client is wanting to expand their presence in the farm market. Their main competitor is ranking for, more or less, an exact domain name match. They want to spin up a site focused only on farm buyers. Here are the pros/cons in my mind of creating a separate site: Pros: Reaching/targeting a specific audience (better user experience), having domain name with keywords (I won't keyword stuff...promise), a site completely devoted to content regarding farms, a blog completely devoted to farms (we have a content strategy in place) Cons: NAP issues (same address), splitting up domain authority, a bit of brand confusion (though the same logo/brand will be on both sites) In my mind, the pros outweigh the cons. Any ideas on how to address the cons? I could just not include address and phone, but that seems to the bots and not the user. Thanks, everyone!

    Local SEO | | Gabe_BlueGuru

  • Hi I wanted some feedback on how other SEO's structure their time. I feel as though I'm falling into the trap of fire fighting with tasks rather than working on substantial projects... I don't feel as though I'm being as effective as I could be. Here's our set up - Ecommerce site selling thousands of products - more of a generalist with 5 focus areas. 2 x product/merchandising teams - bring in new products, write content/merchandise products Web team - me (SEO), Webmaster, Ecommcerce manager Studio - Print/Email marketing/creative/photography. A lot of my time is split between working for the product teams doing KWD research, briefing them on keywords to use, checking meta. SEO Tasks - Site audits/craws, reporting Blogs - I try and do a bit as I need it so much for SEO, so I've put a content/social plan together but getting a lot of things actioned is hard... I'm trying to coordinate this across teams Inbetween all that, I don't have much time to work on things I know are crucial like a backlink/outreach plan, blog/user guide/content building etc. How do you plan your time as an SEO? Big projects? Soon I'm going to pull back from the product optimisation & try focussing on category pages, but for an Ecommerce site they are extremely difficulty to promote. Just asking for opinions and advice 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi Guys, We have a domain name and looking to move into the US market, and other markets in the future such as UK, Canada, etc. We are reviewing our options. Currently the is ccTLD to Australia so won't perform well in US. It seems the best option at this stage is to get a generic domain Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) like a .com. Then create different sub-folders for each country for example: .com our main country .com/us/ target us .com/uk/ Then in Google Search Console don't set country targeting for entire domain but use Hreflang Tags to specify the targeting for each page? -- This seems like a complex strategy to execute so i just want to check if this would be a optional option? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cerednicenko

  • Does anyone have suggestions for managing duplicate product/solution website content across domains? (specifically parent/child company domains) Is it advisable to do this? Will it hurt either domain? Any best practices when going down this path?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pilgrimquality

  • Hi everyone,
    I am struggling to remember the correct term to describe a substring of a KW phrase. For example- the KW "top online seo tools" is composed of the substrings:
    top online seo tools top online seo tools
    top online seo tools top online seo tools top online seo tools There is a term that describes those "KWs within KWs", and I am going crazy trying to remember what it is... Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | unirmk

  • Hello, Imagine that my keyword is "Corsica cycling holidays" and that my related topics are the island of Corsica, Lavezzi island, Porto, Piana, Calvi. When I POS tags my sentence do those topic need to come out as subjects ? or do I just need once corsica bike tour as subject (subject of my sentence) and then can I include Calvi, Porto, Piana just as keyword throughout my content even though they aren't subject ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi Moz team, I have noticed that one of our old domain has high spam score of 9. This has been redirected to our domain around 2 years back. I can see that old domain doesn't have any back links. Then how come the spam score have been calculated for this? If there is any metric for this, we just wanna remove redirecting this spammy old domain to our domain. Please clarify. Thanks

    Link Explorer | | vtmoz

  • Hi all, As most of the users are visiting our website for log-in, we are planning to deindex login page. As they cannpt find it on SERP, they gonna visit our website and login; I just wonder what happens when most of the visitors just end up at homepage by browsing into an "noindex" page. Obviously it increases bounce rate and exit rate as they just gonna disappear. Is this going to push down us in rankings? What are the other concerns to check about? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello, everyone. As you can see from the images attached, the site link of the About page has a Weird title " About About about". I have add proper meta description, but it still appears like this. This problem is killing me. What else i can do to solve this problem? Thanks Jason UJcRov1

    Technical SEO | | jasonyeyeye

  • Hi! We use Hybris as plattform and I would like input on which url to choose. We must keep "/c/" before the actual category. c stands for category. I.e. this current url format will be shortened and cleaned: To either: a. b. (hundfoder means dogfood) The question is whether we should keep the duplicated category name (hundfoder) before the "/c/" or not. Will there be SEO disadvantages by removing the duplicate "hundfoder" before the "/c/"? I prefer the shorter version ofc, but do not want to jeopardize any SEO rankings or send confusing signals to search engines or customers due to the "/c/" breaking up the url breadcrumb. What do you guys say and prefer from the above alternatives? Thanks /Hampus

    Technical SEO | | hampgunn

  • Hello all, I'm looking for opinions on this. Imagine there is a website in English and the company 'Example' wanted to translate some of the pages (not not all) in to Russian. So they set up and translate the key pages into Russian. But half of the pages are left in English and there are no plans to translate them. How would you handle the pages in Engish on .com/ru? My thoughts are that they should: Canonicalise to the same versions on .com, and... Remove RU hreflang tags from the pages on .com/ru which are in English Otherwise, users searching in English with Russian browser settings could land on a page in English but then navigate to a translated page in Russian (+the menu navigation items will be in Russian) = bad UX. Not to mention they would be telling Google a page is in Russain but Google would be crawling English. So IMO, the best option is to use canonicals for this so that the .com version of the page is indexed. Then when a user lands after searching in English they will always be served English pages within that session. If English speakers/searchers land on the .com/ru page that would lead to a website half in one lang and half in another. I'm aware that Google recommends not using rel="canonical" across country or language versions of your site, but I believe they are making that recommendation based on an assumption that all pages are going to be translated to another language. In this case, there is no intention to do that, ever. Thanks for your thoughts and opinions. Cheers, Gill.

    International SEO | | Cannetastic

  • Hi all, Does the number/percentage of new visitors (from different IPs and countries) impact the Google rankings? If there are more number of new visitors, will Google favours the website in rankings considering the fact that new visitors are better than returning/same visitors? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello, Around 2 months ago someone started a negative SEO campaign against us. Each week in Majestic around 50-60 domains appear (all .biz or .eu) which link to our site in hidden code via the exact match keyword. Now luckly nothing has happened to our rankings, as i have been disavowing all those links as soon as they appear in Majestic. (google only shows a few of them, and Google webmaster forum told me that google only shows a "sample of links" and that we should disavow as soon as we see) So only thing for me is to monitor majestic each week and keep on disavowing. I think there are almost 250 domains to this date i have disavowed. Or should i still only disavow those that google shows? (I think not, as those are "sample links")

    Technical SEO | | advertisingtech

  • When running our domain through google's page speed insights I'm getting the error message 'An error occurred while fetching or analyzing the page' at around 65% load. I'm concerned it's affecting our organic rankings. The domain is When testing in it is also failing at around 70% with the message 'It's taking longer than expected. You can leave this tab open and check back in a little while. We'll have your results soon.' but the results never come. I've tried testing on a few different speed testing sites without failures (,, and a few others). We’re stumped as everything appears correct and was working but now isn't. Is this Google or us, or a combination of the two? Any help greatly appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | imaterus

  • What's the best way to point a domain to an IP address? Two A records one with host @ and the other with host www ? One A record pointing to the naked domain 
    One CNAME record with host www pointing to Something else? Thanks so much!  This seems so basic, but always seems to stump me. I'm using WordPress, if it makes  difference.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aj613

  • Hi everyone, last week i add "Noindex" tag into my page, but that site still appear in the organic search. what other things i can do for remove from google?

    Technical SEO | | Jorge_HDI

  • Hi everyone, A quick question about setting up your Hreflang tags. Here you can see 2 examples: As you can see, the order of the elements is different. Be aware, there is a tiny difference between the 2: the first Hreflang is written for a specific language in a specific country, the second one only contains a language code. Is this the reason why the order is different or is this just a coincidence and doesn't the order of the elements matter at all? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | WeAreDigital_BE

  • I have a company that I started working with that has an outdated and inaccurate snippet coming up.  See the link below. They changed their name from DK on Pittsburgh Sports to just DK Pittsburgh Sports several years ago, but the snippet is still putting the old info, including outdated and incorrect description. I'm not seeing that title or description anywhere on the site or a schema plugin.  How can we get it updated?  I have updated titles, etc. for the home page, and done a Fetch to get re-indexed.  Does Snippet have a different type of refresh that I can submit or edit? Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jeremyskillings

  • I have dropped out for all my first page KWDs for this page Can anyone see an issue? I am trying to find one.... We did just migrate to HTTPS but other areas have no problem

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi Moz-ers, I've had much help from the Moz community and hoping you can help me out on this one too. I would like to track everyone who visits our town listing pages. We operate much like ratings and reviews websites like tripadvisor and What is the best way to track visitors coming to our listings pages only (for example tripadvisor shows top 10 hotels in London.) I would like Google Analytics on London and all other towns including Birmingham, Southampton ect... Is it possible to set up Google analytics to track this? These are our highest volume pages so having an idea of the traffic behaviour is crucial for SEO and Conversion Rate Optimization. As usual, looking forward to the advice we receive! Thanks,

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Eric_S

  • Hi, I have unticked "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" a few months before the initial release of my website. I don't want to be found by search engines until the official release (still a few months left). Do you think that ticking this box again will harm the website's long-term ranking or have any repercussion on the website? Do you have any additional advice to avoid being temporarily ranked until the official release which won't harm the website in SERPs? Thanks for your answers.

    Local Website Optimization | | Juvo

  • I'm looking for a tool similar to On Page Grader (Moz) or Focus Keyword (Yoast) with API. We are building out or internal CRM system. Even though none of these tools can replace manual on page analysis, it will be used as a metric and to catch human mistakes.

    Moz Pro | | OscarSE

  • Hi all, Our log-in page is ranking in SERP instead of homepage and some times both pages rank for the primary keyword we targeted. We have even dropped. I am looking for a solution for this. Three points here to consider is: Our log-in page is the most visited page and landing page on the website. Even there is the primary keyword in this page or not; same scenario continues Log-in page is the first link bots touch when they crawling any page of our website as log-in page is linked on top navigation menu If we move login page to sub-domain, will it works? I am worrying that we loose so much traffic to our website which will be taken away from log-in page sub domain Please guide with your valuable suggestions. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi mozzers, Has anyone used Bright Edge before? Is this a good platform for a website that carries over 1800 pages and is looking to scale their content? I would like to know the pros and cons of this platform. Thanks for sharing any other valuable information about this platform!

    Industry News | | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi everyone, We have a fully optimised client site with Moz optimisation scores of 95% and above. Each month we also create 1-2 backlinks. However, for the keywords we track, our client's site is stuck and no longer moving up at the bottom of page 1 and further down to page 2 and 3. The keywords ranking on first page are also getting very low click through rates - between 1% and 3%. The sites that outrank us are a mix of: Top X Places to visit... X Best Places to see... Trip advisor Things to do in... A guide to the best... Is there a chance for us to outrank the type of sites above? Will persevering in link building do the trick? I understand this may take a while because we have a fixed time and budget for each of our clients. If we can't outrank these lifestyle and list sites, will beating just direct competitors be enough? However, this won't change the low CTR issue... Another solution we're looking at is to change our keywords, which may be a bit tough because the current ones we track, even though they are a little broad, are exactly what the client offer and already have low search volumes. Going more specific will surely have lesser search volumes. Thanks in advance.

    Algorithm Updates | | nhhernandez

  • All I could find was a bunch of ancient posts on RSS directories. Just getting a new site set up and I want it distributing content as far as possible all white hat. Are Rss directories even worth my time these days. I was thinking of submitting to the top 10. We blog about 2-10 posts per week. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks

    Link Building | | photoseo1

  • I was watching Rand's whiteboard on how links in the headers/footers can impact SEO: If I understood correctly: 1) Google will use the first link in the html that it sees for a given page. Additional links will not be considered for passing weight. 2) Text links in body (carry more weight than) > image links > nav links > footer links If we want to use a global nav bar, is there a simple solution for not obscuring the links in the body content?  (It seems very awkward to load the header nav last (and bring it up via css after the page loads), and this also goes against Google wanting people to load above-the-fold content quickly.) If I internally link to a page that was not important enough to get a spot in the global nav, but I include this link in the body as a text link (for example, an accessory specific to that item), is this internal link really getting more weight in Google's eyes because it wasn't in the nav? This seems strange to me. Thanks!

    Whiteboard Friday | | HalfPriceBanners

  • Hey friends! Sooo this article was originally published in December 2016: It has been consistently ranking in positions 2-3 for long tail keyword "best places to buy rental property 2017" (and related keywords) since January-ish. It's been getting about 2000-2,500 unique views per week, until last week when it completely dropped off the internet (it's now ranking 51+). We just did a site redesign and changed some URL structures, but I created a redirect, so I don't understand why that would affect our ranking so much. Plus all of our other top pages have held their rankings -- in fact, our top organic article actually moved up from position 3 to 2 for much more competitive keywords (1031 exchange). What's even weirder is when I copy the sections of my article & paste into Google with quotes, our websites doesn't show up anywhere. Other websites that have plagiarized my article (some have included links back to the article, and some haven't) are ranking, but mine is nowhere to be found. Here are some examples: Is it possible that Google thinks my article is newer than the copycat articles, because of the new URL, and now I'm being flagged as spam? Does it think these are spam websites we've created to link back to our own content? Also, clearly my article is higher quality than the ranking articles. Why are they showing up? I double checked the redirect. It's good. The page is indexed... Ahhh what is going on?! Thanks for your help in advance!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Jessica711

  • I have some Links in my website that points to other websites, when i took one of this website to see his backlinks, i didn't find mine in that list?

    Link Building | | eldon19

  • What is the best way to differentiate and optimize two similar websites's SEO, having in mind that they do not produce content?

    Local Website Optimization | | EmmaGeorge

  • Hi all, I would like to know the different scenarios Google going to respond when we use canonical and redirect for duplicate pages. Let's say A to B are duplicate pages with 95% same content and C Doesn't have same content but context wise similar and priority page we expect to rank for. What happens if we canonical from A to B and set redirect from B to C? What if both A and B are pointed to C with canonical? What if A or B deleted and other one is canonical to C? Note: We can noindex or 301 redirect as they have their own visitors. This is more about showing most relevant content to the audience and avoid duplicate content in search results. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi We updated to HTTPs last week, we haven't had any major issues and most categories on the site are OK, apart from one. We have completely dropped out of ranking in Google at all for our Dollies section: We've always ranked well on the first page for a number of keywords, now we're out of the top 100 - I am trying to hunt for an issue but I can't seem to find one. Can anyone advise? Thanks 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi we have a Ecommerce client with 1000s of meta descriptions, we have noticed that some meta descriptions are not showing properly, we want to pull and see which ones are showing on Google SERP results. You can use tools like screaming frog to pull meta description from page, but we want to see if it's showing for certain keywords. Any ideas on how to automate this? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brianna0

  • Hello, I am being pushed to consolidate our over 6k redirects that have accumulated over the course of 4 years. These redirects are one of the many factors causing extensive load times for our website. Many to most or over a year old, have not been used, or simply redirect back to the home page. Other than looking to keep the pages that have external links (also looking for recommendations/tools), are there other best practices from an SEO stand point to ensure there are no major hits to our website. A little more info, I am looking to pair 6K down by Removing all Redirects that have not been used Removing all redirects that are over 1 yr+ Remove all redirects that redirect to simply the home page or a smaller big bucket subfolder
    This should take the number from 6K to around 300. Are there any major concerns? Pat

    Technical SEO | | Owner_Account

  • Unless you're lining up the leads you get in Google Analytics with the form submissions onsite by date, it's impossible to connect the dots on which leads came to fruition. Does anyone know of any software that matches up the leads automatically? Can be either paid or non-paid. Thanks for the help!

    Other SEO Tools | | FullMedia90

  • Hey Moz comm! My company is migrating all of our content manually from several subdomains into one new, unified subdomain next week. We will be uploading content at the rate of 15 blog posts/day or 75 posts/week--is it possible that we can get flagged by google for this, or is it always good to be adding lots of content? It's all quality stuff, but would they think we're spamming? Just wondering, curious to hear any insights or recommendations, thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | genevieveagar

  • Hi There, I can't believe we are the first SEO Web Development company with the issue of dynamic IP addresses, for technical reasons our ISP keeps changing our IP addresses to different random IP addresses (no patterns, ranges, or reasoning to the specific changes) and we obviously need to exclude our own visits to google analytics - but I can't seem to find any simple way to do this in Google Analytics - can you help me find a simple solution for this? I did find two chrome extensions(I'll give you the links to those at the end) that I will look into if you cant help me find a simpler solution 🙂 Thanks so much!!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Ruchy

  • Hello, I recently attended SMX East and the concept of 'session stitching' for AMP was brought up ( I reached out to my development team and they told me they could do it, but that we would need to agree to the new TOS changes and making users aware of then... Has anyone here done something like this? And if so how did you deal with the Google's Client ID AMP policy? Thank you all! -Margarita

    Reporting & Analytics | | MargaritaS

  • Hello, when trying to access the site crawl to be able to analyze our page, the following error appears: **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Nov 15, 2017. **Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. Can help us? Thanks!

    Product Support | | Mandiram

  • Hello All!  First post in this community. I hope someone can help with an issue I'm having with my website, 1. When I Google my brand name, 3V Dental Associates, I see one result on the front page. This result shows ONLY my brand name as the title tag... See here: 2. When I Google my domain name,, I see a second result, that still only shows my brand name as the title tag, but with sitelinks showing in the results... See here: 3. Both results above are not ideal, as they are not displaying the correct title and meta tags set within the Yoast SEO plugin. Here's a front-end view of the site displaying the correct title and meta tags.. See here: Is there any way to correct this so that Google displays my preferred tags when my website is displayed? Thanks for your help in advance!

    Local Website Optimization | | Visionisto

  • Hi all, We have 3 pages for same topics. We decided to use rel canonical and remove old pages from search to avoid duplicate content. Out of these 3 pages....1 and 2 type of pages have more similar content where 3 type don't have. Generally we must use rel canonical between 1 and 2. But I am wondering what happens if I canonical between 1 and 3 while 2 has more similar content? Will Google respects it or penalise as we left the most similar page and used other page for canonical. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi we are looking to conduct some quite detailed analysis of our competitors social media content. Can anyone suggest a template or what the best way to the information out as well as what sort of information we should be trying to capture? Ie in terms of their content or advertising message

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | aplnz2017

  • Hi Everyone Im just looking to produce some quite detailed analysis and overview of out google search and display adverts. Can someone suggest a format or template  for the best way to present this information as welll as what sort of information would be best to include

    Paid Search Marketing | | aplnz2017

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