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  • Maybe a dumb question (am a beginner), but MOZ bar shows no information on SERP results with site links? I'm sure there's a reason? What is it?

    Getting Started | | RionHaber

  • Hi guys I involved in difficult situation. in google webmaster tools -> internal links some important pages doesn't have any links from all pages. for example home page just have 9000 internal inks but there are 29000 indexed pages by google and some not important pages have 27000 internal links.(more than home page) Site made by angular v1 Is there anyone can help me why google could not find all internal links?

    Technical SEO | | cafegardesh

  • Hello, Doing competitive research for really gentle basic link building campaign. Which sites do I need to get a backlink list from besides open site explorer to be most successful? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | BobGW

  • I have added a page for a particular product, sodium bisulfate, Page Optimization Score is totally green 100%, what should I do, either to sit back and see the results? I typically do not understand while using the Moz that exactly line of action do I have to follow for to bring the good result for the keyword "sodium bisulfate"? How much does a google takes time to get your 100% things on the first page ?  I'm not good in SEO but few knowledge step by step What is the best things to do for good SEO.

    Moz Pro | | waqaspuri

  • I use Cloudflare, so I can't avoid the Crawl Error for "Pages with no Meta Noindex" because of the way Cloudflare protects email addresses from harvesting (it creates a new page that has no meta noindex values). I marked this issue as "ignore" because there's nothing I can do about it, and it doesn't really affect my site's performance from an SEO standpoint. But even marked as ignore, it is still included in my site crawl issues count. Of course, I want to see that issues count drop to zero, but that can't happen if the ignored issues are counted. I don't want mark it fixed, because technically it's not fixed. KwPld

    Getting Started | | troy.brophy

  • My Wordpress website is set up with a magazine style theme (Newspaper). Maybe that's the issue overall here. Questions: 1) Pages vs Categories vs Posts I currently have a category with a few dozen posts under it. The category page itself has a ~1000 word article on it. It paginates every 10 posts or so at the bottom, but most of the page is duplicate because it's only swapping out a few links. Should I instead make the "category" a page with the posts childed under it? What's the best way to go about that? 2) Canonical and Pagination I get errors about a ton of duplicate content for paginated categories and my author page (all posts are under the admin account, which has ~40 pages or so. Every page is just a list of posts and it bitches about duplicate Titles and Descriptions on every one of the paginated posts). Should I canonical these back to the root author? Same question regarding pagination for categories, assuming I'm not going to be switching them to Pages. 3) Home Page Links Right now my home page just shows a few links to the top posts of all time. After that, it shows the 5 newest posts. On the sidebar it lists a few random pages/posts. There are also a few "category listings" which just shows random posts relevant to that category. Do I want something more static/structured? The navbar does list most main content pages under their appropriate category, but the home page itself is pretty much dynamic.

    Technical SEO | | searchspot

  • I'm pretty sure one of my client's sites has been targeted by malicious black hat link building tactics employed by a competitor site. Over the last few weeks we've gotten 100s of super low quality spammy backlinks. No one has been doing link building, so the only thing I can think of is that competitor entered our URL into some spammy backlink building sites. Has anyone else experienced this? It's the real estate industry, so I wouldn't be surprised considering how competitive it is, but I'd love to hear your experiences.

    Link Building | | JBMediaGroup

  • My company is a global company with locations in AU, UK, and USA. Each has their own website. For example, we have (for the USA), a (for the AU), and (for the UK). I have used both canonical tags and hreflang tags for our USA website to distinguish any duplicate content from our AU and UK websites. I am wondering if I used the canonical tags and hreflang tags appropriatley in the below example for our USA website. Is it the best way to avoid link value loss? | |
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    Local Website Optimization | | joseph.defranco

  • Basically I really like and would love to use the new root domain feature in the Keyword Explorer in my daily work. I usually deal with small to medium sized sites in Switzerland. Looking these up unfortunately it either gives me back nonsense (i.e. keywords that merely have nothing to do with the site; sites are very well keyword optimized) or no data ("There are no results for your search") at all. Is this going to change in the future (...honestly) or its simply due to the fact that MOZ focuses primarily on US & Canada and maybe huge sites in Europe? Thanks for your input. Cheers, Cesare

    Moz Bar | | Cesare.Marchetti

  • I've been doing quite a bit of research on keyword cannibalization and duplicate content. I have two pages with nearly the same H1. The rest of the body is different, with a few similar overlapping keywords and points. Am I right in that nealry the same keyword in H1 on two separate landing pages will damage by SEO?

    Keyword Research | | joseph.defranco

  • I'm working on improving site speed from an SEO perspective, and one bit of advice I see often is to specify the dimensions of the images you're using so the browser knows the size of the image it needs to download. However, I am wondering what impact this may have if the site is responsive? If you specify the large dimensions suited for a desktop browser, would you be forcing a mobile browser to use that sized image? Has anyone seen dramatic improvements in site speed using the <picture>tag for responsive images?</picture> Thanks! Jannette

    Web Design | | JannetteP

  • I'm currently working on this site I've been watching this video by Rand - but it's still unclear in this scenario. if you use the search facility "check availability" half way down the page the results page (urlparams) are no indexed. Would it be better to index and canonicalise? There is no similar content but I'm concerned that no index will remove the ability for semantic content to be  visible to google. LADkajY

    Whiteboard Friday | | Andrew-SEO

  • Hello all! On May i read the article and I implemented it in order to de-index some pages. I was really happy cause it worked but now the same problem appeared. Does anybody know if Google stopped taking into consideration SEO changes through Tag Manager? Hin6E Hin6E

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GeorgeGia

  • I have a Bangla SEO related blog where I have written article like "Domain Selection" "SEO Tools" "MOZ" etc. All the article has been written in Bengali language.  I have used wp tag for every post. I have submit xml site map generated by Yoast SEO. However I kept  "no index" for category. I know well duplicate content is a major problem for SEO. After publishing my content Google ranked them on 1st page. But my fear is that most of the content twice or more. The keywords are ranked by post, wp post tag and Archive. Now I have a fear of penalty. Please check the screenshot and please suggest me what to do. uRCHf yq7m2 rSLKFLG

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AccessTechBD

  • Our company has multiple (3) offices, including our headquarters, and each has its own Facebook page. Other than the primary company page, the other two locations have only been claimed and do not have posts, reviews, check-ins, etc. Now, Facebook recently granted us access to Facebook Locations, which, if I understand correctly, would remove 2-out-of-3 office pages and add a "Locations" tab to our primary company page where people can see the other offices. _See Starbucks Example: _ I've read mixed reviews regarding using the Locations feature, but nothing definitively answers whether or not this would negatively affect local rankings. Does anyone have firsthand experience going from individual business pages to a single parent business page with Locations? Is there any trustworthy documentation out there about this?

    Local Listings | | MPlata

  • My company has many websites having similar content . They are into the retail business and sell manufactured homes.  Since they sell different manufacturer homes products having different specification in different states that's why they have created many websites. Will duplicate design and similar content on some of the pages across multiple website will cause issues in Google ranking.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | christmaslaserlights

  • My company website ( organic traffic is dropped in March 2017 and after that it never recovered. I am not sure what is the reason. Can anyone help me out to figure out the reason.

    Technical SEO | | christmaslaserlights

  • I am working with a realty company that is hosted on a subdomain of the larger, parent realty company: [local realty company].[parent realty company].com How important is it to ride on the DA of the larger company (only about a 40)? I'm trying to weigh the value of creating an entirely separate domain for simplicity of the end user and Google bots: [local company].realtor They don't have any substantial links to their subdomain, so it wouldn't a huge loss. I have a couple options... Create an entirely new site on their current subdomain, leveraging the DA of the larger parent company. Create an entirely new site on a new URL, starting from scratch (which doesn't hurt you as much as it seems it once did). Create two sites, a micro site that targets a sector of their audience that they really want to reach, plus option (1) or (2). Love this community!

    Technical SEO | | Gabe_BlueGuru

  • Has anyone had luck choosing photos to display on SERPs for their Google My Business profile pages? Recently, Google has been overriding our photo choices and they've picked some terrible, user-submitted photos to show on SERPs. Our clients are understandably upset about this and we've tried flagging photos which works only a small % of the time. When we call Google they say they can luckily remove individual photos, but this isn't too scalable across dozens of clients we work with. How can we have better control over the photos that show on GMB listings? Any suggestions or best practices would be appreciated! Attached is an example of one we have showing on SERPs for a dealer. Screen-Shot-2017-10-25-at-2.16.52-PM.png

    Local Listings | | SummitAuto

  • Hello mozzers, We are currently running a Magento 1 store and in the planning phase of migrating to Magento 2. As an eCommerce website, it goes without saying that we use secure pages for all pages where exchange of sensitive information is required, however, we do not use https on all pages. I recently read this Moz article stating that the adoption of sitewide https is at around 50% for top websites. I see Moz is also using it. I know that at this time right now, Google states not giving an SEO bump for https pages, but part of me thinks the time might be right (while re-platforming to M2) to make the move if this is what the future is going to be. Do you agree? Is this something that everyone will eventually have to do?
    I am ambiguous about whether 301 redirects would be needed for http -> https ?
    Also, is there a how-to or checklist to making the switch to sitewide https in order not to inadvertently cause an SEO drop? Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | yacpro13

  • My client has "load balancing" site traffic in the following way: domain: traffic from US IP redirected to traffic from non-US IP redirected to The reason for doing this is that site contents on the www2 contains herbal medicine info banned by FDA."" is a "cleaned" site. Using HK IP, when I google an Eng keyword, I can see that is indexed. When googling a Chi keyword, nothing is indexed - neither the domain or www2 subdomain. From Google Search Console, it shows a Dell Sonicwall geo ip filtering alert for www2 (Connection initiated from country: United States). GSC data also confirms that www2 has never been indexed by Google. Questions: Is geo ip filtering the very reason why www2 isn't indexed? What should I do in order to get www2 to be indexed? Thanks guys!

    Technical SEO | | irene789

  • Hello, I have different pages that are written on the same model. I updated their content 2 weeks ago. Some of those climbed to 1 st page or beginning or 2 nd some didn't move or stayed where they originally were, 3 rd of 4 th page ? My question is whether there is a longer delay for some of them to rank (due to the term being more competitive for example) or if I should look somewhere else in maybe something that I wrote in the content of the pages that ranked versus those than didn't move. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Was hoping someone could advise why Moz is unable to crawl my site at **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Oct 5, 2017. **Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Getting Started | | jbarinaga

  • Our home page has disappeared from the Google SERPS completely. It won't even show for a search of our business name although other internal pages appear. Site appears in bing for our keywords but not for our business name. When I republished the site I got a message saying there was a php and html version of the site on the home page. I deleted this immediately but was then advised by another staff member that they had also got that message the week before but not done anything about it - so I think it was out there for about a week. Could this be the cause of the ranking drop? We have also done the following: Checked GWM for robots issue, manual action, crawl errors, blocked URLs - all good. Some crawl errors on other pages relating to broken links. All sorted and marked as fixed. Checked for duplicate content - redirected non www version of site to www Checked back links Removed video from home page that was temporarily unavailable when we did fetch and render Added canonical tag Added H1 tag that was missing Coding checked - all looks good There has been no change to the content of the page. We have fetched and rendered and resubmitted for indexing but it's still not coming back in SERPS  it did for a short time the other day and then after a couple of days disappeared again  Prior to all this it had ranked really well for our most important keywords for years. It's not a new site. The page is indexed as it comes up when doing a site: search. Please can anyone help? Nobody seems to have the answer and we don't know what else to do. The site is NSFW NSFW Main keyword sex toy party

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GemmaApril

  • We have a campaign set up that is tracking keywords with varying monthly volumes and the website is ranking for them. I have gone into the new Keyword Explorer Feature (looks great!) and I have tested it by putting in the root domain address mentioned above. My problem is that none of the keywords that I am tracking and ranking for are appearing in the "ranking keywords" report in Keyword Explorer. Does anybody know why this might be happening?

    Moz Bar | | RedAntSolutions

  • Our website has a Google powered search bar and for some popular keywords it has always returned the same results but for the past week it has been returning totally different and nonsensical results with the previous top 2 entries now on the 2nd and 4th pages of the results. It seems to be mixing up two separate keywords which the same user may search for but which both mean two very different things. Is this a User Intent issue do you think? Anyone know if there's anything we can do to stop it? I'm guessing not...

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | missus

  • Does anybody have any idea how often Google reads the disavow file?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoman10

  • Hi We are changing the structure of 2 areas of our site but the URL's won't be changing. We're effectively removing the first category level as it doesn't make much sense: Current structure Cat 1 - Cat 2s - & Cat 3s... New structure will look like Cat 1's & Cat 2's.... etc The top category 1 doesn't rank for much & the level 2's perform better anyway. Will moving the structure change rankings even though the URLs don't change - just what is assigned to them in the back changes I know if the on-page content changes, things may be affected, but we're minimising this as much as possible. Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Rankings for almost all the keywords are not improving and going down, not sure why. Can anyone please suggest me what's wrong with my site and what can i do to improve the overall performance of the site.I would really appreciate your help.

    Reviews and Ratings | | Mr.Suren

  • Hi all, We have total 4 pages about same topic and similar keywords. These pages are from our main domain and sub domains too. As the pages from sub domains are years old and been receiving visits from SERP, they stick to 1st position. But we have recently created new pages on our main domain which we are expecting to rank on 1st position. I am planning to hide the sub domain pages from SERP using "Remove URLs" for some days to increase visibility to new pages from main domain. Is this the right and best practice to proceed with? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello, We’re having two issues with our Moz tools and we’re not sure what’s causing them and whether they are related. The Moz Bar isn’t highlighting some of our internal links (including navigation links). The Top Pages Report in Open Site Explorer is only picking up the homepage and a couple error pages (none of the internal pages). The full Crawl Report is picking up everything though. Could a potential cause of both these issues be the Title attribute in some our links? – We use <a <="" span="">title="Example" href="link"></a> <a <="" span="">Or is this most likely from something else blocking the crawler from accessing our links/pages? Google Search Console does seem to be picking up the links in the navigation and everything is indexed/rendered correctly so we also didn’t know if this is something that could be issue. Any insight or help would be appreciated. Please let us know if there are any details we could provide that might help. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thank you in advance. Best,</a>

    Moz Bar | | Ben-R

  • I want to hear the opinion of other Marketers My main goal is found a place where I can get an integral knowledge, not just SEO or PPC or whatever. Simplilearn offers a Master Program called "Digital Marketing Specialist"
    Which cover this areas Advanced Web Analytics
    - Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    - Advanced Pay Per Click (PPC)
    - Advanced Social Media But also they have available other related topics such as Email Marketing Conversion Rate Optimization I know there are some ones that are mandatory and FREE
    and for me this are not a big deal, because all the documentation
    is available for everyone Google Analytics > Data Analytics
    Facebook Blue Print > Data Analytics
    Google Adwords > PPC
    Bing > PPC I will make the certifciation
    But Im looking for something with better level
    Such as "Integreted Marketing Campaign"

    Industry News | | Roman-Delcarmen

  • I have been working on Digital Marketing for long time ago,
    most of the knowledge that I have I learned by myself, researching, testing, asking, participating in communities like this one. But is time to go up to next level. Im not a Guru but definitely I'm not a newbie and I have been looking for the best, course and certfications on this fields Some ones are mandatory Google Analytics > Data Analytics Facebook Blue Print > Data Analytics Google Adwords > PPC But I'm looking for an Independent Organization who can validate my knowledge, time ago I read on Envato
    "6 Professional Certifications for Freelancers", The American Marketing Association (AMA)
    is that type of independent source. The OMPC look the same as AMA and then a lot of question comes to my mind And I want to hear opinions of others marketers about it? Are they relevant?
    Which has better recognition?
    The people (who can hire me) will see useful those Certifications? As I see I have to invest money, time and a lot of effor so I wonder to know
    which one is the best option.

    Industry News | | Roman-Delcarmen

  • Hi, I have been reviewing the info from Google on structured data for products and started to ponder. Here is the scenario.
    You have a Category Page and it lists 8 products, each products shows an image, price and review rating. As the individual products pages are already marked up they display Rich Snippets in the serps. 
    I wonder how do we get the rich snippets for the category page. Now Google suggest a markup for shopping aggregator pages that lists a single product, along with information about different sellers offering that product but nothing for categories. My ponder is this, Can we use the shopping aggregator markup for category pages to achieve the coveted rich results (from and to price, average reviews)? Keen to hear from anyone who has had any thoughts on the matter or had already tried this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Alexcox6
  • This question is deleted!


  • Moderator's Note: URL NSFW We have been desperately trying to understand over the last 10 days why our homepage disappears for a few days in the SERPS for our most important keywords, before reappearing again for a few more days and then gone again! We have tried everything. Checked Google webmaster - no manual actions, no crawl errors, no messages. The site is being indexed even when it disappears but when it's gone it will not even appear in the search results for our business name. Other internal pages come up instead. We have searched for bad back links. Duplicate content. We put a 301 redirect on the non www. version of the site. We added a H1 tag that was missing. Still after fetching as Google and requesting reindexing we were going through this cycle of disappearing in the rankings (an internal page would actually come in at 6th position as opposed to our home page which had previously spent years in the number 2 spot) and then coming back for a few days. Today I tried fetch and render as Google and was only getting a partial result. It was saying the video that we have embedded on our home page was temporarily unavailable. Could this have been causing the issue? We have removed the video for now and fetched and rendered and returned a complete status. I've now requested reindexing and am crossing everything that this fixes the problem. Do you think this could have been at the root of the problem? If anyone has any other suggestions the address is NSFW

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GemmaApril

  • Hi all, Many of our partners across the globe are using the same content from our website and hosting on their websites including header tags, text, etc. So I wonder will these websites are hurting our website due to this duplicate content. Do we need to ask our partners to stop using our content? Any suggestions? What if some unofficial partners deny to remove the content? best way to handle? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi guys, I do marketing for many nonprofits, and one of my clients is a Jewish women's organization. In the past week or so, Google has started disapproving ads and keywords that have the word "Jewish" in them. I know Facebook got called out recently for allowing people to target based on anti-Semitic sentiments, so I'm wondering if this is just Google's terrible execution of caution. It's telling me that keywords with the word "jewish" in them (like "jewish women's organization in boston" is derogatory or dangerous). I've asked for Google's help, and they've been incredibly slow to respond. Is anyone else facing this with other religions or content? Natalie

    Paid Search Marketing | | newwhy

  • Hello to all. The latest Google algorithm changes have had a big impact on the way that Google news features stories, at least in my country. I've been featured heavily in Google News until about 6th of october, when the changes had the biggest impact, but since then, I haven't been featured at all. Prior to this, I would be featured for keywords on almost any article, not necessarily on the 1st position, but I was almost always there. Posts still show up in the dedicated News category, but not in the main search pages. I've seen a lot of websites being impacted, but some with lower ranks than mine still show up there. I haven't done any changes prior to the 6th of october, and I haven't done any link building campaings, just getting links from higher ranking news sites in my country, for articles I wrote. What I'd like to know is if there were any major changes for Google News and I'm not complying with any of them, or If i could check to see if there are any other problems. I don't have any penalties disclosed by Google, and no new errors in the Webmasters console, I'm just baffled by the fact that overnight the website was completely cut off from being featured in Google News. And one other strange thing, I'm now ranking better for searches that are kind of opposite to my website's main theme. Think about mainly writing about BMW, and less about AUDI, but ranking a lot better for the latter, and a lot less for the other. Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | thefrost

  • I'm working on a site that has around 500 product listings. This is for a rental company without any sort of ecommerce platform, so, there's no prices, no adding a product to a cart, etc. Also, there are no different sizing / color options for each product, so each product is the canonical version. After some restructuring, we're starting to see a lot of 404s and just some general mess. I have a couple of thoughts. My first is to just noindex each product. We hardly get any direct traffic to an individual product page, and if they land anywhere related to products, it's usually a category page. If I noindex the products, I don't have to worry about the 404s. My second is to implement the rel=canonical tag on each product to correspond to its primary category. While this is sort of liberal use of the canonical tag, I'm thinking that it could help drive more organic traffic to the category pages. Does anyone have any insight or thoughts on this? Thank you very much!

    Technical SEO | | Savage-Solutions

  • Hello, we have our website in two languages. The subdomain cs. for czech and main domain for english. Somehow this has caused google not to rank our main domain in local CZ SERP for many english keywords and we have not found out a reason other than it might think of them as duplicates or that we at the start had put targeting for the cs. domain to CZECH. (Its been 4 months, english keywords in Czech serp are easier and still it ranks them on the very last place, yet for ranks them in, fr etc in top 10) We will close our subdomain and use only hoping this will not cause google to display only one domain and raise it in CZECH rankings. **Can i 301 redirect to and all the categories of to relevant english categories. This should be ok? **

    Technical SEO | | advertisingtech

  • Currently I'm working on SEO of one website I want to change url (permalink) structure of entire website which has more than 5000 pages. Currently website have structure of Which I want to change it to Likewise I want to change entire website permalink url structure to make site architecture more SEO friendly. Which means I'am going to add only categories & subcategories before actual link. Kindly guide with following questions which I need to move forward with this step. How much is it worth to change URL structure? Checklist or factors I need to consider while making this decision? Is it a good practice to change URL's of entire website at once or Should I change it in Parts? How much time it takes google to rank those urls again? Which are the best practices to do so?

    On-Page Optimization | | Mocomi

  • Hi all, One of our partners have embedded our webpage in their website using iframe such a way that anybody can browse to any page of our website from their website. It's said that content in iframes will not get indexed. But when I Google for h1 tag of our embedded webpage, I can see their website in SERP but not ours which is original. How it's been indexed? Is this hurting us in rankings? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • My homepage keeps disappearing from the SERPS for my most important keywords. My home page has been in number 2 position for years. When the home page disappears it will not even show in a Google search for my business name although it is still indexed. When the home page is not showing an internal page shows instead but in position 6. When the home page is back the internal page does not show. There are no issues being reported in Google Webmaster. When I realise that it's down I do a fetch as Google and request reindexing. No idea if this is bringing it back or not? We are so worried about this and totally at a loss. As are the three SEO companies I've called. Would really appreciate it if someone could give some advice. NSFW

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GemmaApril

  • I have a question regarding the ranking of YouTube videos. What are the ranking factors and how we can use them in our favor to rank our videos higher in search results within YouTube.

    Social Media | | Sakshamk117ue

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