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  • 25% of expired domains purchased came with a Google manual penalty, even when Moz spam score was 0 . Read the whole case study here:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bluishclouds

  • Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Long story short, I'm currently in the 30-day trial period for Moz Pro and I'm taking advantage of running a campaign for my (currently) one-man SEO/Digital Marketing company. Recently built my site using Divi. Filled out all the SEO information through the Yoast SEO plugin, tied Google Analytics, etc... Seeking feedback on the visuals of the website and whether you have any feedback on link-building in order to bring in more traffic to the site. Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Four-Peaks-SEO

  • We have pages with lots of unique content that are ranking very well in google.
    I am now considering to add towards the end of the pages widgets from the affiliate program and also from the affiliate program of two other accommodtion sites. These affilliate widgets would be placed far beyond our core content in the bottom 15% of the page. Each widget will contain a large number of links to the different accomodation options that or others offer. In our context this information would be indeed very useful for our visitors. Shall I be concerned that our google rankings may suffer due to google perceiving our site as less quality (or google misinterpreting our intent to generate traffic to affiliate programs) ? If google rankings would be suffering, is this something we would normally see in a week (most of our pages are crawled daily by google)  and then recover in a week when we would remove the widgets or would this generally be something that would affect the ranking over the course of a month or more? Shall I be concerned abou link dillution since my pages would now have a lot of links pointing to the affiliate sites, which could devalue my internal links? Any thoughts?

    Affiliate Marketing | | lcourse

  • One of my clients is having an issue where their Google search result title and description are just showing "Cookies are required to access this site." instead of the actual meta values. The problem is only in Google as Yahoo and Bing seem to be fine. You can see in the image below or by running a search your self for "be well bodyworks longmont" I've never seen anything like it and couldn't find any reference to anyone else having this issue... I would very much appreciate any insight as to what is going on. Thanks! c5PGL

    Technical SEO | | CampfireDigital

  • Context: I'm asking my client to create city pages so he can present all of his appartements in that specific sector so i can have a page that ranks for "appartement for rent in +sector". The page will present a map with all the sector so the user can navigate and choose the sector he wants after he landed on the page. Question: The UX team is asking if we absolutly need to reload the sector page when the user is clicking the location on the map or if they can switch the content within the same page/url once the user is on the landing page. My concern: 1. Can this be analysed as duplicate content if Google can crawl within the javascript app or if Google only analyse his "first view" of the page. 2. Do you consider that it would be preferable to keep the "page change" so i'm increasing the number of page viewed ?

    Technical SEO | | alexrbrg

  • Hi, I'm unsure of where I should be putting the following code for one of my Wordpress websites so that they redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] This is my current htaccess file: *missing

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Easigrass

  • Hello all, I have been working hard on my SEO (and SEM) to the point where I'm getting plenty of traffic from my targeted keywords. The only problem is that none of this people are becoming leads (the goal for our business). Anything jump out about these pages in terms of how to get people more likely to get to the form page? Anything on the form page that could be optimized to drive more form completions? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Web Design | | Enertiv

  • The Moz Bar displays a german flag un front of the URL in On-Page elements and lists Germany as the Country location in General attributes. Why is this, and how do i change it?

    Moz Bar | | eocreative

  • I would like to request that a "Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex" option be added to the keyword search areas. As it stands, each city must be individually chosen, which is not only very time consuming, but also acts as an insurmountable multiplier for the keywords used in our campaigns. Most businesses in DFW serve the entire Metroplex, which consists of around 200 cities. Even the core largest number well over 50. Almost all of these cities are within about 50 miles of each other as well. Asking the majority of businesses to only focus their SEO monitoring efforts on a few cities in the Metroplex would be like asking a Hyper Wal-Mart to only monitor about 10% of their inventory at most, and more likely 1-5%. Alternately, if you could instead have County choices for DFW, that would help a lot. The counties of DFW are: Collin County
    Dallas County
    Denton County
    Ellis County
    Hood County
    Hunt County
    Johnson County
    Kaufman County
    Parker County
    Rockwall County
    Somervell County
    Tarrant County
    Wise County The three in bold are typically the most important for businesses in the Metroplex, though each of the outlying counties listed contain dozens of cities as well, each with their own particular specialties, focuses, and demographics.

    Feature Requests | | sbatx

  • Hi! The Problem We have submitted to GSC a sitemap index. Within that index there are 4 XML Sitemaps. Including one for the desktop site and one for the mobile site. The desktop sitemap has 3300 URLs, of which Google has indexed (according to GSC) 3,000 (approx). The mobile sitemap has 1,000 URLs of which Google has indexed 74 of them. The pages are crawlable, the site structure is logical. And performing a Landing Page URL search (showing only Google/Organic source/medium) on Google Analytics I can see that hundreds of those mobile URLs are being landed on. A search on mobile for a longtail keyword from a (randomly selected) page shows a result in the SERPs for the mobile page that judging by GSC has not been indexed. Could this be because we have recently added rel=alternate tags on our desktop pages (and of course corresponding canonical ones on mobile). Would Google then 'not index' rel=alternate page versions? Thanks for any input on this one. PmHmG

    Technical SEO | | AlisonMills

  • Hi all, I am considering using full overlays/modals for an e-commerce site for all our product pages (category/listing pages will be "normal", the product page will come over the listing page as an overlay/modal when you click on the product). Those “product overlays” will also be accessible directly with own URL (if need to be linked to for ex.). All the literature I find out there treats overlays and modals as “marketing” ones (ads, sign-ups, etc.) and is generally critical to overlays when it comes to SEO, while also saying that an overlay that has to do with good UX should not hurt the SEO of our site. What do you think? Will all product pages as overlays be considered as good UX by the search engines and therefore not be negatively impacted, SEO speaking? Or should we stay clear of overlays and create “normal” product pages? Thanks in advance! Arnaud NB: The reason we want to create those overlays are for design and UX purposes, and try to increase our conversion rate.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Arnaud_Fo

  • Hi all, Our website homepage doesn't contain much content associated with our primary keyword or product, it's mostly explaining our features. So we tried adding a section at bottom of the homepage which explains the about our services like "what is seo" and "how seo helps business". We are trying to rank for this primary keyword like "seo" with generic content and we dropped immediately after this deployment. Any suggestions on this why and how to proceed? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • We currently add original content to our website every couple of months in the form of long form articles we have guest authored for other reputable sites. We also maintain a LinkedIn company site with weekly updates in the form of annotated newsworthy re-postings. We are thinking of duplicating our LinkedIn update feed on our website as a blog in order to build more traffic and improve SEO. Hopefully the additional frequency of site updates will also help. Again, this additional content will be largely re purposed, with the exception of our value-added annotations. Good idea?  Waste of time?  Suggested tweaks? Should we link back to the original content source, no-follow, or no link?

    Social Media | | Lysarden

  • do you believe that the advantage of targeting a search term on the home page is now worse off than before? as I understand it ctr is a big factor now And as far as i can see if two pages are equal on page etc the better ctr will win out, the issue with the home page is the serp stars cannot be used hence the ctr on a product page will be higher? I feel if you where able to get a home page up quicker (1 year instead of two) you still lost out in the end due to the product page winning on ctr? do you think this is correct?

    Algorithm Updates | | BobAnderson

  • do you believe that the advantage of targeting a search term on the home page is now worse off than before? as I understand it ctr is a big factor now And as far as i can see if two pages are equal on page etc the better ctr will win out, the issue with the home page is the serp stars cannot be used hence the ctr on a product page will be higher? I feel if you where able to get a home page up quicker (1 year instead of two) you still lost out in the end due to the product page winning on ctr? do you think this is correct?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobAnderson

  • if we are targeting the US from the UK, would it make a difference if we have an https not set to any location or one registared in the US? we are going to also use a CDN (like cloudfront) in the U.K. Would that be a good idea or an actual server in the US. I think the issue we have is the competition is strong so we need all of our ducks in a row.

    International SEO | | BobAnderson

  • how much value doesn't having an address a phone numbe an https rather than http i appreciate any help.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobAnderson

  • Hi everyone, I'm struggling to figure out why our website has dramatically changed and is ranking far worse than ever. We were top for around 10 keywords, and had over 4 high traffic keywords in position 1. I think the website needs updating (as it's magento 1.7), and that the competition is increasing. Taking our eye off the ball has been a huge mistake. Could anyone advise on what the next steps would be to start increasing to a better serp rank? These two are own main ranking pages: Any advice or pointers would be absolutely awesome. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mg33dev

  • Mainly to allow updates without the need for publishing - would Google interpret any differently? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | RichCMF

  • Hi, We have a client who recently switched their site to https:// The rule to force redirect non-secure URLs to https is in their .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on if non-SSL and one of these, redirect to SSL RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] However, they also have simple redirects below this rule that redirect one page to another, such as: Redirect 301 /old.php This is causing redirect chains like this: (A) > (B) > (C) Is there any way to rewrite the rules in .htaccess to get rid of these redirect chains? So that URL A goes directly to URL C? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | roundabout

  • Hi all, We have taken down some infringing websites and acquired them, so far we made around 40 websites. We are using DNS to land on our website from the acquired. But I've see that recently that DNS is not a redirect and we must 301 redirect from the old site to the new site. Also there is a potential harm in employing DNS method due to the duplicate content that will harm SERP performance severely. Which is the best way? DNS or 301 redirect? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi, For a particular keyword combination we show up on the local pack but also on the organic search results on the 1st page. I have never been able to find out what the CTR, #clicks, conversions for this two different kinds of positions are individually. The aggregate figures I can find out in Google Search Console / Analytics, but I would like to know on an individual level as I am testing out different things. With the statistics on Google My Business I can't get along CTR as far as i know. Any hint? Cheers, Cesare

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Cesare.Marchetti

  • So the Keyword Difficulty Tool will be retired from the end of this month. Is anyone else worried about this? - because I just don't trust the numbers coming back from Keyword Explorer. Never have. I've even raised this with Moz staff previously, when there was a huge difference between the score given by the keyword difficulty tool vs keyword explorer. From what I see in Domain and Page authority and in the SERPs then the score from keyword difficulty tool, was always more accurate, and thankfully have been able to use both tools, but from next month I feel somewhat uneasy about solely relying on the score from Keyword Explorer. Thoughts? and feel free to run your own tests on keywords and I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

    Keyword Research | | GregDixson

  • I work in insurance, specifically CoOp Insurance. I researched on Google trend the 3 different spellings (Co Op, Co-Op and CoOp) and there is search volume for all 3 but no big trends. Moz shows optimization for all 3. Is there a right one to go after? Is the correct spelling the correct one to target, even if it doesn't have the highest search volume? Does going after the misspellings dilute branding, or enhance search visibility?

    Algorithm Updates | | Trent.Warner

  • Hey all, Recently got a PR piece published with a link back to our website. The link was not showing up in the Moz crawler, but I did find it under unlinked mentions. When I checked the page with the link, I saw that it contained rel="noopener". So a couple questions: Is this similar to a nofollow link? If the Moz Crawler is not registering it as a dofollow link, does that mean that Google will view it similarly? Thanks!

    Link Building | | mostcg

  • I am trying to resolve a referral data issue. Our client noticed that their referrals from one of their sites to another had dropped to almost nothing from being their top referrer. The referring site SiteA which is an HTTPs site, held a link to SiteB, which is also an HTTPs site, so there should be no loss, however the link to SiteB on SiteA had the HTTP protocol. When we changed the link to the HTTPs protocol, the referrals started flowing in. Is this typical? If the 301 redirect is properly in place for SiteB, why would we lose the referral data?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Velir

  • I'm just curious if I need these product tags and if they impact in any way at all SEO? - whether that be positively or negatively. on1iRin

    On-Page Optimization | | xdunningx

  • Trying to track clicks for individual slides on a homepage slider. I cannot enter UTM codes on the slide links, just choose from a dropdown containing pages on my site (WordPress). So, I set-up 301 re-directs for all the slides. /slide1-redirect
    /slide-2-redirect etc.. Will these redirect pages show up in GA? I cannot see them. I'm trying to create a Dashboard for Homepage slider clicks. John

    Reporting & Analytics | | jbernier

  • Hey guys. Wondering if someone can help diagnose a problem for me. Here's our site: We have a fairly large e-commerce site--roughly 23,000 urls according to crawls using both Moz and Screaming Frog. I have created an XML sitemap (using SF) and uploading to Webmaster Tools. WMT is only showing about 2,500 urls indexed. Further, WMT is showing that Google is indexing only about 1/2 (approx. 11,000) of the urls. Finally (to add even more confusion), when doing a site search on Google (site:) it's only showing about 5,400 urls found. The numbers are all over the place! Here's the robots.txt file: User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    Disallow: /aspnet_client/
    Disallow: /httperrors/
    Disallow: /HTTPErrors/
    Disallow: /temp/
    Disallow: /test/ Disallow: /i_i_email_friend_request
    Disallow: /i_i_narrow_your_search
    Disallow: /shopping_cart
    Disallow: /add_product_to_favorites
    Disallow: /email_friend_request
    Disallow: /searchformaction
    Disallow: /search_keyword
    Disallow: /page=
    Disallow: /hid=
    Disallow: /fab/* Sitemap: Anyone have any thoughts as to what our problems are?? Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | webrocket

  • Hi all,Hope you could you help me here.I just seen this message but I don't know how to fix it?"Your page redirects or links to a page that is outside of the scope of your campaign settings. Your campaign is limited to pages with _____ in the URL path, which prevents us from crawling through the redirect or the links on your page. To enable a full crawl of your site, you may need to create a new campaign with a broader scope, adjust your redirects, or add links to other pages that include Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster."Any ideas about how should I fix it?Thanks

    Getting Started | | lauracelada2310

  • Hi I've done Google fetch & render of this page & I have images which Google/customers aren't seeing - how do I identify the problems with this page?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • I realise ALT tags are important from an accessibility perspective but in terms of organic search, do they carry much value? I have a big site and it doesn't look like ALT tags have been added generally, it would be a massive job to fix and I'm just trying to weigh up what to concentrate on first. Does anybody have any real life experience?

    Technical SEO | | seoman10

  • Hi I'm reading about crawl efficiency & have looked in WMT at the current crawl rate - letting Google optimise this as recommended. What it's set to is 0.5 requests every 2 seconds, which is 15 URLs every minute. To me this doesn't sound very good, especially for a site with over 20,000 pages at least? I'm reading about improving this but if anyone has advice that would be great

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • We main domain is **.com, but we have the other domain by name .ir.
    So now we want to remove (
    what should we do? ,301? , park domain? Disallow?
    Which is better for SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Pintapin

  • We are a solar company with three locations.  When claiming our business listings on Yahoo (Yext), we noticed that one of them had already been claimed.  The name of our company and our phone number were changed to a lead generation company.  Upon further inspection, this company has hijacked hundreds of listings throughout the state and the country. To see the extent of it, go here:;_ylt=A0SO8odHUOZZdVUAYwBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTExOARfcgMyBGdwcmlkA3loNXdiQlJqVE9HMm9MdXlUSklLdEEEbl9zdWdnAzEEb3JpZ2luA3NlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMEcXN0cmwDMjIEcXVlcnkDc29sYXIgY29ubmVjdG9yIGlydmluZQR0X3N0bXADMTUwODI4MTk4MA--?fr2=sb-top-search&p=solar+connector+irvine&fr=yfp-t- Or, just search in Yahoo's Local search section for "Solar Connector Irvine" or pretty much any city in California. On every hijacked listing, the company name is changed to "Solar Connector" and the phone number is changed to a unique local number, but all the other information is left the same.  Now when people think they are calling our business, they get a shady lead gen company instead.  I have submitted a request to Yext and have tried (and failed) to find a support phone number.    This is a widespread, blatant fraud, and I would hope they would have interest in fixing it. Solar Connector (fake name) is associated with, which is run by Clean Energy Experts, which was purchased by Sunrun (a publicly traded company). My specific question is, does anyone have any insight on the best method for getting help from Yahoo/Yext?  Other than through their "help portal" on the website.  I need to speak with a human being.

    Local Listings | | SS.Digital

  • One of the companies I work with has purchased a business complex they plan to move their offices into. The current tenant is fairly reputable in the community, but ran into some financial issues, hence the sale. For easy, I'll refer to this place as the Simmons Center. So, currently, the Simmons Center has a Yelp!, GMB and other pages devoted to what it offers (mostly restaurants and small shops) but the new company will be turning the location into a large corporate campus. We'd like to bring naming conventions in line with the new center title and remove (where applicable) citations for the Simmons Center. What would be our best way to go about doing this? I'm thinking our best option is to: 1) claim current listings, where applicable, 2) mark the Simmons Center as closed, 3) Create new listings for the new name at the same address, 4) Use Moz Local and Whitespark to help clean up citations where needed. Is this the best approach for this type of situation?

    Local Listings | | AtlasGlobal

  • So, my company's site has been pretty tough to try to get moving in the right direction on Google's SERPs. I had believed that it was mainly due to having a shortage of back links and a horrible home page load time. Everything else seems to be set up pretty well. I was messing around and used the site: Google search operator for our staging site. I found and a lot of our other staging pages in the search results. I have to think that this is the problem and causing a duplicate content penalty of the entire site. I guess I now need to 301 redirect the entire site? Has anyone every had this issue before and have fixed it? Thanks for any help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aua

  • Hi guys, Anyone know good service that helps optimize and create citations to google map listing? Also is there recommended WP theme that helps the ranking on google map? Thanks in advance!

    Local Listings | | Tariq_Jameel

  • need advice  - we are launching a new responsive website. one team member very vocal that we should launch as mobile. site first then take that away. I think is a waste of time .. thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | AJFanter

  • It's best practice to minimize the amount of 301 redirect hops. Ideally only one redirect hop. It's also best practice to 301 redirect (or at least canonical) your non-https and/or your non-www (or www) to the canonical protocol/subdomain. The simplest (and possibly the most common) way to implement canonical protocol/subdomain redirects is through a load balancer or before your app processes the request. Both of which will just blanket 301 to the canonical domain/protocol regardless if the path exists or not In which case, you could have: Two hops. i.e. hop #1 to, hop #2 to 301 to a 404. Let's say never existed, but somebody for whatever reason linked to it (maybe a typo). If I request, the load balancer would 301 to a 404 page. Either scenario above should be fairly rare. However, you can't control how people link to you. Should I care about either above scenario? I could have my app attempt to check if the page exists before forwarding, but that code could be complicated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dsbud

  • Someone that reaches out to me on occasion for help but is mostly an SEO DIYer recently had his site copied completely and his traffic dropped significantly immediately after.  I have never had a  client experience this in the past. Does anyone have suggestions or expertise on this?  See his question and what he has done below. Jeremy This site scraped my credit site. Its appearance coincides with a dramatic sitewide decrease in Google traffic.I submitted a takedown request by paying this company $200. No results yet. My hosting company also placed blocks on the site HTML which pings my server for CSS and picture files. My Google Webmaster tools account shows inbound links coming from the copycat. Is there something more I should be doing? Copy Site: Site:

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jeremyskillings

  • HI Will a Metadescription with GREEN checkmarks be perceived as spammy in general? Or is one with BLACK checkmarks better? Depends on the topic/target audience, etc.? --> see screenshots. No doubt that the green will stand up more (increases CTR) in the SERPS but if it is perceived as less trustworthy or even spammy by the target audience its not worth doing it. Any experience with that? Would really like to know what do you think about it. Cheers, Cesare 0G3Fd

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Cesare.Marchetti

  • Hi One and All! We're launching a new site which provides listings for businesses, and being that it's very early in the process and we're building up our presence we're offering our services for free for now. In return though we would like to request that our clients exchange the free service we're providing for things which will help our SEO to develop faster. I've thought of things like following/liking social accounts, maybe even backlinking to us in a blog post if they have a blog, but does anyone have any other ideas about what other beneficial things they can do for us, and which things are most beneficial? Thanks for Advice!

    Social Media | | joelmd

  • Hi Guys, I look after multiple automotive brands websites and one of my sites is getting these images (see screenshot) pulled and placed into search results. When you click on them it then takes you to the model page of that specific vehicle. You can also scroll to the left and more vehicle images will appear. I'm trying to figure out how these are pulled and what i can do to get them on my other website search results - any ideas? Thanks,
    Gareth yOgTK

    SERP Trends | | InspireGlobalNetworks

  • I have a website that has been ranking really well with the home page for our most important keywords. 2nd position. A few days ago I noticed the home page was nowhere to be found in the SERPs. Not really knowing what to do I republished my Rapidweaver site and got the message that there were two index files.  An index.html and index.php file which could cause problems. The home page has always been a html page so I have no idea how this was created. I deleted the php file from the file directory and resubmitted the homepage in webmaster tools for indexing. Within about half an hour the page was appearing in the SERPs again in my original position for the important keywords. Two days later and it's gone again. I've tried everything I can think of and resubmitted the page to Google for indexing. I can see it is being indexed as it comes up when I type the URL into the search bar but it will not come up in the search results either for my two keywords or the actual name of my business. When I type in business name it brings up lots of other pages from the site but not the home page. I've spoken to 3 SEO companies and nobody knows what is causing it. Please help with any suggestions this will definitely impact our business if we can't figure it out. Has this happened to anyone else? My website is NSFW but is

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GemmaApril

  • If I need to teach a layman how to do SEO, where should I start and what main principles should I cover first? There's so much to go through but I need an organised way to approach this without overwhelming a person. Would appreciate your advise if you have taught a lay person this new skill. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Gavo

  • Our site has annual articles (such as a payment calendar and an announcement of our annual conference). Is it better to keep all the old blog articles available and searchable, redirect them to the most current year's entry, or something else entirely? My instinct is to have a permanent redirect to the newest article.

    Content Development | | GwenKestrel

  • Hi, I am wondering about the best way to ask a customer for reviews. I've read in articles back in 2016 that Google my places reviews will often show reviews from facebook page if they are linked together appropriately. Is this still true? Does anyone know additionally of other sites that do this ?

    Reviews and Ratings | | therealtechs

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