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  • kindly explain me i am new.

    Getting Started | | saadrazaa12

  • my website is going daily in down postion.

    Moz Pro | | Dekhneto

  • my website has alot of losted backlink from  alexa top domain. is it ok ? url:

    Link Building | | pgmarketing2008acn

  • Hi, I have a 10 years old website, where I promote all my services - around 30 of them under 5 main categories. For example, my current website promotes these services. A service - with a1, a2, a3 services B service - with b1, b2, b3 services C service - with c1, c2, c3 services D service - with d1, d2, d3 services E service - with e1, e2, e3 services Now I want to promote just "A service" with its sub-services into a separate website, as that service is in demand now and also those keywords should be my main keywords. I want to connect my old website with the new one, to increase the trust among users. Can I do this? I hope I am not violating any Google rules by doing this. Please help with suggestions. Thanks. Jessi.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Sudsat

  • hi am buying moz pro but can't  please help me. ı want scan this web site

    Moz Pro | | nurmasumi2002

  • You heard from me back in the fall about our plan to shift away from brand and mentions monitoring as a standalone feature when we made the decision to sunset Fresh Web Explorer. Based on customer feedback and usage trends we’ve decided to move forward with sunsetting the Mentions without Links feature within Campaigns and the Mentions module at the bottom of the Keyword Overview page in Keyword Explorer as well. This functionality has become a relic of the past and no longer provides as much value as it once did, nor as much value as other solutions in the market (or in Moz Pro) do for link building. On April 15th, we’ll be saying our final goodbye in order to make room for more valuable and innovative features on the horizon. We plan to add a better way to find easy link wins with Link Intersect. Currently found in Link Explorer, having this powerful research tool built directly into your Moz Pro Campaign (as well as Link Explorer) will make it much easier to find and report on who’s linking to your competitors’ sites, but not to yours–giving you the keys to understand which pages/content are attracting links from authoritative sites and identify sources for link outreach. If this planned sunset will pose a major disruption to your work, please let our Help Team know so we can do our best to accommodate. If you have questions, this is the place to be. I’m ready with answers!

    Moz News | | jacob.butler

  • how to find informative low difficulty keywords. how can I get content ideas? I have lots of content ideas but it's not good search volume on google. I have a kitchen-related affiliate website called

    Keyword Research | | MalikJan

  • Hi Moz community, i have done some reseaarch whether hreflang pass link juice to other language site and found that hreflang doesnt pass link equity. Is there any way to pass link juice to new language site without building new links to new language site ? im using subfoulder currenly for hreflang.

    Link Building | | lims

  • Hi, We have a marketplace website with blog post section (which we only have 1 version of the article which is in english).My question isCan we just use hreflang tag for only specific pages like categeries & product pages.leave Home page and blog section in single langauge in english ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lims

  • Hello, Moz Community! I'm helping a friend with some local marketing for his youth sports program. He trains his kids at a community center and a public park where court times are managed by the city. His address in his Google business listing is currently the community center, but that is shared with multiple businesses including the community center itself. I know he needs an address that is unique to his business, but he lives outside of the city in which his program is located. Our goal is to boost exposure in the city in which his program is located. Since 1) his business address is located outside of the city in which he conducts business and 2) the addresses at which he conducts his business is utilized by multiple businesses including the actual property owner, what options do I we have for an address that Google will recognize as valid and won't cause ranking issues? If there is nothing we can do in the current situation, what are steps we can take to address this issue for his business? Thanks a lot!

    Local Listings | | Tony_GP

  • I want to keep my email address as it is now for all of my profiles, however to manage my MOZ account I prefer that my assistant get the emails. If I change my email address on the Moz account will that trigger a change anywhere else? Thanks, Cindy

    Product Support | | CGoldrich

  • Hello Moz communication, please how can I analyze my site with moz tool and  also run a link audit? So that I can see spammy backlinks?

    Link Explorer | | loadedroms
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  • Hello, My Website Spam Score is 60. how can I reduce the spam score of the website. plz give me suggestion

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jyhkgkkkkkhkjgj

  • Hi, I wonder if anyone can help? We have an e-commerce website based in the UK. We sell to customers worldwide. After the UK, the US is our second biggest market. We are English language only (written in British English), we do not have any geo-targeted language versions of our website. However, we are successful in selling to customers around the world on a regular basis. We have developers working on a new site due to launch in Winter 2021. This will include a properly managed site migration from our .net to a .com domain and associated redirects etc. Management are keen to increase sales / conversions to the US before the new site launches. They have requested that we create a US optimised version of the site. Maintaining broadly the same content, but dynamically replacing keywords: Example (clothing is not really what we sell): Replacing references to “trainers” with “sneakers”
    Replacing references ‘jumpers with “sweaters”
    Replacing UK phone number with a US phone number It seems the wrong time to implement a major overhaul of URL structure, considering the planned migration from .net to .com in the not too distant future. For example I’m not keen to move British English content on to Would this be a viable solution: 1. hreflang non-us visitors directed to the existing URL structure (including en-gb customers):
    2. hreflang US Language version of the site: As the UK is our biggest market It is really important that we don’t negatively affect sales. We have extremely good visibility in SERPS for a wide range of high value/well converting keywords. In terms of hreflang tags would something like this work? Do we need need to make reference to en-gb being on ? This seems a bit of a ‘half-way-house’. I recognise that there are also issues around the URL structure, which is optimised for British English/international English keywords rather than US English e.g.  Vs. Any advice / insight / guidance would be welcome. Thanks.

    International SEO | | IronBeetle

  • What structure should a football website follow? Silo or Topic Cluster?
    I need advice on my website. My website:
    I hope there are answers!

    Link Building | | gogoanimetp

  • Hi All I am running a website, I have been using Moz since Feb 2021. Kindly go through these pics My question is why Moz is showing 2K plus backlinks while Google search console is showing just 1253 backlinks. Why fewer links in the google search console is less? How can I increase Google search console backlinks? Also, Moz is showing 90+ DA backlinks but those websites are not showing by the Google search console. What should I do to let google consider them? m0JGjBQ.jpg Cmp8ei3.png

    Link Building | | ssubodhsingh

  • Dear all i have established a new site and want to increase its DA fast. So i need your suggestions in this regard. This newly established blog is my first independant project so i want to make it perfect.  

    Getting Started | | hamza5252

  • Hi, I've the query related to backlinks of my website. Some of the high authority sites give backlinks to my website but these links are still not showing in Moz. My website is 6 months old and also continuously getting backlinks from high authority sites but still these are not showing on Moz and also not improving DA and PA of my website. I've also attached the screenshot of Moz link explorer results please check and guide me what to do with website so Moz will consider it and give some authority. And also guide me How much Moz takes time to crawl website backlinks and shown in their link explorer. Website URL: Moz Expert Suggestions needed. Thanks, overview?⌖=domain

    Link Explorer | | KOidue

  • I am trying to improve my SEO ranking for wood effect  floor tiles from position 98 to the top 3.
    This website is very new and so is the page of content. The keyword difficulty is only 5 so Easy. What would your top 3 tips be to improve the rankings as fast as possible? uvRmyaK

    Keyword Research | | ElevateOnlineLtd

  • my website is best self tanning oil  are not searching in moz search bar how to show in search bar please help me

    Product Support | | jksoiuerw

  • I work for an agency. Recently, one of our clients decided to do a complete site redesign without giving us notice. Shortly after this happened, Moz Site Crawl reported a massive spike of issues, including but not limited to 4xx errors. However, in the weeks that followed, it seemed these 4xx errors would disappear and then a large number of new ones would appear afterward, which makes me think they're phantom errors (and looking at the referring URLs, I suspect as much because I can't find the offending URLs). Is there any reason why this would happen? Like, something wrong with the sitemap or robots.txt?

    Technical SEO | | YYSeanBrady

  • Hello, I hope you are doing great. I am working on a website that is related to flea collars for cats and dogs. And I want you to make a quick audit of the site where am I lacking. It could be great if you can help ASAP. You can view my site here :

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Request4peace

  • Hey everyone can anyone please tell me why my website DA is not increasing even though I'm making the backlinks?  My website: URL

    Getting Started | | Ghulam899

  • I have a couple of questions about this. First of all is one more important than the other? Also, I currently have a website setup for How is it possible to grow page authority yet I am having a hard time growing domain authority. Thank you !

    Technical SEO | | gogoanimetp

  • Sometimes the MOZ logs out of my account on its own, and I'm quite annoyed about this, how can it not log out of the website even though I've already saved it?

    Product Support | | gogoanimetp

  • Hi, will the content within a dropdown on a page be crawled? I.e. if the page visitor has to click to reveal the content as a dropdown will it be crawled by bots. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | BillSCC

  • Why is the ranking for a keyword different for the locations National and for example Austria ... both should bring the ranking for the whole country, but often they are different?

    Moz Bar | | Art-of-Artists

  • Hi guys, is a pleasure being a part of this community, hope in learning a lot with you guys, i just started a year learning about SEO and it been a big journey. I was looking at some competition of some websites that i been optmizing, and i found a website that called my attention and i cant figure out whats going on, it haves huge traffic but in terms of technicall SEO is really week, and not just this but also in terms of DA and backlinks (most of them spammy - 20 backlinks), the domain in question is I notice that doesnt have any social media, not analytics, etc. The only thing that i notice is that there is a website or a company called "BH news" (televesion), but its not related with it, since the type of information that presents is "lottery" results. So this kind of situation confuses me a lot, because is a lot of hard work in optmizing a website to rank in google, and than i come a across with this type of website with 20 backlinks (most of anchor or name of domain), and than haves like 2M visits per month and ranks for keywords related with the this type of sites of lottery. Can someone tell me if there is some kind of black seo, or something that is making this rank so high? regards

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jogobicho

  • Hi everyone, I am aware that issue of local SEO has been approached numerous times, but the situation that I'm dealing with is slightly different, so I'd love to receive your expert advice. I'm running the website of a property management company which services multiple locations ( From our local offices in the city center, we also service neighboring towns and communities ( ex: we have an office in Charlotte NC, from which we service Charlotte plus a dozen other towns nearby). We wanted to avoid creating dozens of extra local service pages, particularly since our offers are identical per metropolitan area and we're talking of 20-30 additional local pages for each area. Instead, we decided to create local service pages only for the main locations. Needless to say, we're now ranking for the main locations, but we're missing on all searches for property management in neighboring towns (we're doing good on searches such as 'charlotte property management', but we're practically invisible for 'davidson property management', although we're searvicing that area as well). What we've done so far to try and fix the situation: 1. The current location pages do include descriptions of areas that we serve. 2. We've included 1-2 keywords for the sattelite locations in the main location pages, but we're nowhere near the optimization needed to rank for local searches in neighboring towns (ie, some main local service pages rank on pages 2-4 for sattelite towns, so not good enough). 3. We've included the searviced areas in our local GMBs, directories, social media profiles etc. None of these solutions appear to work great. Should I go ahead and create the classic local pages for each and every town and optimize them on those particular keywords, even if the offer is practically the same, and the number of pages risks going out of control? Any other better ideas? Many thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HomeVaultPM

  • It seems that the broad keyword use is not very accurate. I have 3 very similar keywords:  Dive Florida, scuba diving in Florida, Florida scuba diving. Why does the program not recognise them as broad usage when assessing the page title? And if the program cannot understand broad usage terms, how confident can we be that the program can properly measure for keyword stuffing?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Zambezikid

  • My site is being flagged in Page Optimization Score for "Avoid too many internal links", but the warning doe snot tell me how many internal links are on a page. How can I find this?

    Technical SEO | | Zambezikid

  • Pls I want to ask how I can check a website authority? E.g the authority of

    Link Explorer | | Inforeniks

  • Hi, I'm in the process of helping a client with a wedding show & supplier directory. Could anyone give me pointers as to the best practice for the architecture? Because the suppliers and shows will be listed geographically is there a possibility for the site to seem keyword stuffed? thanks, MOZ brain, you guys always rock.

    Web Design | | Libra_Photographic

  • I want ask a valid question that why DA decrease after some times? My website often facing this issue.

    Moz Pro | | kmrck6226

  • So the website I am working for asks for a location before displaying the product pages. There are two cities with multiple warehouses. Based on the users' location, the product pages available in the warehouse serving only in that area are shown.  If the user skips location, default warehouse-related product pages are shown. The APIs are all location-based.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Airlift

  • The DA of my website: is 16 and PA is 24. Why PA of other pages is different but DA is same. Moreover, how i can increase the DA of my website. Thanks for helping

    Getting Started | | KOidue

  • I'm working on a WordPress website that has around 300 pages (not posts, pages), many of which have very little content and / or content that is super outdated with zero relevancy. The site has been up and running for 10 years and ranks well overall, 1st in many instances for competitive keywords. The company holds yearly events and works with various other companies who exhibit at their events. In their very early years, they created pages on their website for each of these companies, some of which don't even exist anymore. If I had to delete all of the pages that are deprecated there would only be 10 pages of the site left (with blog posts counted separately). Would it be safe to remove these pages and set a 301 redirect to a semi-related page without hurting the website rankings? Any and all advice appreciated!!

    Technical SEO | | enimmo1997

  • Hi friends. I build link portfolio  for local businesses and found out that publishing payed news articles in biggest local news portals we never see backlinks coming from these portals. Interesting is that these articles even appears in google search. Backlinks is correct with anchor text. How is it even possible? For example latest article or this Stuff swears there is no restrictions. They even asked extra money for google indexing. You can see there is correct link in article. Any suggestion or idea how is this possible would be highly appreciated.

    Local SEO | | netcomsia

  • Right now my page speed is above my competitors but I'm concern about the effect blog pluggins could have on my speed page. What would be a good plugin to start doing this without affecting too much to my speed page rank? My site:

    Link Building | | Matodontos

  • تحميل واتساب عمار العواضي 2021 يعد واتساب عمار العواضي من أشهر نسخ الواتس اب المعدلة التي اشتهرت مؤخراً، كما إن واتس اب عمار العواضي يحتوي على جميع مميزات الواتساب الرسمي مع مميزات جديدة أضافها **المطور عمار العواضي **في وتساب عمار، وبعض مميزات البلس في اخر تحديث واتس عمار العواضي، ولهذا يعتبر تطبيق anwhatsapp من اشهر نسخ الواتساب.

    Local Website Optimization | | anwhatsapp

  • We have a branch in Toledo Ohio, which is close to the Michigan border. Cleary we get calls for direction from Michigan customers. However, our phone reporting does not cross the state line. Any ideas? This happens at other branches that cross state lines as well.

    Reviews and Ratings | |

  • Hi guys, I'm looking to rank a new blog for a search term which we currently already rank #1 for. I want to create a blog which provides a better solution to a searchers query and knock our current #1 page for this new one. Is there a way to do this simply without losing the real-estate the currently ranked #1 page has already accumulated? Or is just a matter of working on this new blog to find it's own way to the top? Thanks in advance, James

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jameseacott

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