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  • Hi folks. Instead of an archive page template in my theme (I have my reasons), I am thinking of simply typing the post title as and when I publish a post, and linking to the post from there. Any SEO issues that you can think of? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nobody1616542228134

  • I have a website whenever I open the both at same time mozbar occupy space over its header menu

    Product Support | | Niujbuj76

  • I have external links coming into my site going to 404 pages, but i cant seem to find a way to search all broken links pointed at my website.

    On-Page Optimization | | NickJPearse

  • We have some URLs that are being flagged as poor inside Search Console in the Web Core Vitals report. For example, the report is saying that some pages have too many CLS issues. When looking into things we can do to update we have noticed that when we run the same page using the PageSpeed Insights tool we are not getting the same bad scores. This is making it hard for us to actually know what needs to be addressed. Nor can we tell if a change actually fixed the issue because in PageSpeed Insights there is not an issue.  Has anyone else had similar issues. If so have you found a way to fix it?

    On-Page Optimization | | RMATVMC

  • Hey community, I have a question regarding canonical tags.
    I used the content of one of my domains ( and copied it to another domain, but on several pages:
    and so on). So I divided the content from domainA to several pages of domainB. The reason is, that my client wants to build a new business on domainB and wants to use the exact same content from domainA, because he can't afford another copywriter at the moment (and he doesn't want to rewrite it himself). Problem: DomainA is ranking for this content and he wants to keep the rankings, until domainB ranks similar (for the same keywords, of course). So my question is: Can I put a canonical tag on domainA?
    My thoughts are: Not a single page of domainB is 100% duplicate content, as it's always only partialy the same. Can I just choose one of those pages from domainB to put as link-goal for the canonical tag? Or do I need to create a "view-all" page on domainB, with all the content put together, so it's 100% duplicate to domainA, and then put a canonical tag to domainA and link to this "view-all" page? If I do so, do I need to also put canonicals on every single page from domainB, to link to this "view-all" page?
    IMPORTANT: Would the other pages of domainB then be ranked/listed in the SERRPs, or only the "view-all" site? I would really appreciate your help, as I have been seaching for answers to this specific problem since more than a week... Thank you! Best regards

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ElliPirelli

  • I am facing a problem that my MOZ bar is not showing a PA of my website page ipad rental. Kindly, tell me is there a problem with my page or extension?

    Product Support | | rankvizguru

  • Hi all My website is and it have +7000 Referring domains from competitor use tools bad backlink. i want to disavow it but Google Search Console accept export up to 1000 domains. So, What I have to do. Help me Please.67oetuz.jpg

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | simthanglongdotvn

  • Hello, I hope everybody is fine. I am looking for a right way to increase the DA and PA of the website and its webpage. I have a lesco duplicate bill info related webpage which I want to increase the PA. Kindly guys guide me the legit way of increasing the Page Authority. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | rankvizguru

  • Hi to everyone, I used Sitechecker.Pro for a website audit of a client website   and there was this warning (not an error!): TEXT TO CODE RATIO<10% How  important is this to  achieve good ranking? What are good ratios? I undestand that more text needs to be added to improve it? fcdcfbe438

    Technical SEO | | astweb

  • Hello Moz Community,   I have sports niche website I am in process of link building for my website. May i know what should i do to increase DA of my site? Is there any way to  increase my site Authority through increasing DA of my site and Keyword difficulty? Thank you !

    Link Building | | gogoanimetp

  • Hey guys. I've got a question about the url structure on two different websites with a similar topic (bith are job search websites). Although we are going to publish different content (texts) on these two websites and they will differ visually, the url structure (except for the domain name) remains exactly the same, as does the number of indexed landingpages on both pages. For example, & In your opinion, can this lead to a Google penalty? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vde13

  • Hi there. I use Genesis and StudioPress themes. I recently noticed that the canonical link for blog pages points to the first page on all paginated pages, which I understand is an SEO no-no. I found some code here that adds a unique canonical link to each paginated page but for categories only. It works fine. I only have one category for my site. My question is: is there a downside (or even upside) to not having a blog page and placing a link to my category page in the navigation bar instead, using the category page as the blog page? It looks good and works. What do you think? I find it odd that this seems to be an issue across the Internet and the only solution that comes up relies on the Yoast plugin, which I don't want to use (don't want to use a plugin for SEO). Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nobody1616542228134

  • i cant log in my moz account, it keep me showing error. Moreover, i have seen lately that Moz works slow because it shows my ranking keywords late. Other than this my Domain authority is not increasing even though my site have alot of backlinks

    Product Support | | Iuj873g

  • HI Team and members We have website related to jobs in Pakistan and we purchased 5 niche edits backlinks to a specific page " MES Jobs 2021" In ahrefs it show only 2 backlinks to that page but in moz 0 backlinks but in actually there are 5 links. Why this happen in moz? We actually love this tool used for Keywords research for jobs in Pakistan find some cool keywords using moz but we facing backlinks issues in it.

    Link Building | | AliHassanbinali

  • Hi, I am Kyle. I have a affiliate related website where I update articles that is related to Dental Tools. I want to improve my Website . Any one can guide me that how can I increase it.

    Link Building | | rankvizguru

  • Keywords showed volume before but now they say 'no data available'. And this is happening with common words like "prints" - I'm dead certain this keyword should not have 'no data available'.  What's going on? How do I reset or fix this? I only have 12 days left of my trial and I can't even use the feature I need.

    Product Support | | Andresia

  • I am wondering what is a Good Domain Authority Score? This is my website currently DA and PA are quite high, but the traffic is decreasing, I don't understand the reason, you can help. Thank you !

    Getting Started | | gogoanimetp

  • Hi folks. I would like to discuss pagination. I use WordPress (Genesis, specifically). I ran my site through a site scan and it flagged an error which told me that my blog was producing duplicate meta descriptions because the  blog is paginated - the same meta description from the blog page is being used on Page 2, Page 3 etc. I looked into this and the Internet is awash with many other people scratching around for a solution. My understanding is that using a canonical link on the first page is not a good idea, because it says to Google that only Page 1 of the blog is important. I also read an article that states Google no longer reads the Rel=Prev/Next code that could be used to tell Google to ignore the issue. So, what's the solution? Do I even need one? As a side-thought, it seems to me that pagination is, well, pretty useless. I mean, if my blog has 20 pages and I've worked hard to create content, who is going to click through to anywhere near page 20? Nobody. There has to be a smarter way for people on-site to access content. I would love your thoughts on all of this. Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nobody1616542228134

  • We have about 100 really old blog posts that are nothing more than a short trip review w/ images. Consequently these pages are poor quality. Would best practices be to combine into one "review page" per trip, reducing from 100 to about 10 better pages and implement redirects? Or is having more pages better with less redirects? We only have about 700 pages total. Thanks for any input!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KarenElaine

  • There's a section of my client's website that presents quarterly government financial data. Users can filter results to see different years and quarters of financial info. If a user navigates to those pages, the URLs automatically append the latest query parameters. It's not a redirect...when I asked a developer what the mechanism was for this happening, he said "magic." He honestly didn't know how to describe it. So my question is, is it ok to canonicalize the URL without any query parameters, knowing that the user will always be served a page that does have query parameters? I need to figure out how to manage all of the various versions of these URLs.

    Technical SEO | | LeahH

  • lighthouse

    Hi, Many experts cite the Lighthouse speed as an important factor for search ranking. It's confusing because several top sites have Lighthouse speed of 30-40, yet they rank well. Also, some sites that load quickly have a low Lighthouse speed score (when I test on mobile/desktop they load much quicker than stated by Lighthouse). When we look at other image rich sites (such as Airbnb, John Deere etc) the Lighthouse score can be 30-40. Our site loads quickly on Desktop and Mobile, but the Lighthouse score is similar to Airbnb and so forth. We have many photos similar to photo below, probably 30-40, many of which load async. Should we spend more time optimizing Lighthouse or is it ok? Are large images fine to load async? Thank you, Dave bg_05.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | erdev

  • I have an SEO campaign, where I have about ~100 target websites.  I have an article on a specific topic, that is relevant to their industry and mine.  The article links back to my website, and in exchange for posting the article the owner of the target website receives compensation in free services from our company. The topic is very specific to the marketing campaign and the compensation model.  It is not possible for this particular campaign to create other topics for articles. If several websites host the exact same article that links to my website: Is there a negative SEO consequence for the target websites? Is there a negative SEO consequence for my website? If yes to either of these questions, just how different would the post need to be to avoid the answer being yes to either of these questions?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | deweydecibel

  • Is there a way to see all of the business locations I manage on a map, so it's easy to visualize and check? Like a Google Custom map, but I don't want to create a custom map because then I'd be updating information in two places. I thought this would be a built-in feature of Google My Business but I can't seem to find any information about this. Thanks! -Ryan

    Local Listings | | RyanD.

  • I am using the link explorer to search my website in Moz. But it is showing no ranked keywords but in other tools it's showing some keywords. What could be the issue.

    Moz Pro | | DanielMaier

  • Can anyone tell me that how can we see a KD of keyword? I want to know the KD of keyword volcano hybrid for adults.

    Keyword Explorer | | rankvizguru

  • I am counting on some more ads on the site, is it a problem if I add some ads about sex, porn ..., to make a little more money. So does it affect the PA DA score. Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | gogoanimetp

  • Can you help with how to fix this 404 error please? It appears that I have a redirect from one page to the other, although the referring page URL works, but it appears to be linking to another URL with this code at the end of the the URL  - %5Bnull%20id=43484%5D that I'm struggling to find  and fix. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Nichole.wynter2020

  • Hi folks. I am based in the UK. I am about to launch a new blog, and I want to appeal to the UK and US markets. One of my primary keywords is 'generalised', which gets way more traffic (as seen using Moz's keyword tool) in my keyword phrase when spelt with a z and not an s. What do I do? Any guidance would be great. I note this has been discussed before, but seemingly without a conclusion. I would really appreciate any help you can provide.

    International SEO | | Nobody1616542228134

  • I want to know how PA works in MOZ? Like I have a website its DA is same on all posts but when I see PA of IESCO Bill Page and LESCO Bill page. Both are different. Why PA is different of many posts when DA is same. Is there any specific reason?

    Link Explorer | | ehtishamkhan

  • Hi All, I'm desperate for a bit of advice. I run which has been my project since 2006, and after LOTS of hard work over 15 years held 1000's of P1 positions in the SERPs. I recently moved from the original to .com to aid with future internationalising plans. I was very careful not to change ANYTHING else, just 301 from the UK to the .com and updated everything in webmaster consoles. My background is development and I spent weeks triple researching everything to make sure I followed all the google best practices, as this is my life's work and primary income source. From a tech point of view the change went perfectly, but sadly google quickly started deranking the new domain, and now two months on it seems to have stabilised at around 40% down on traffic year on year and mostly dropped from the UK region. This is mostly from medium to long tail keywords. One such example is "Michelin Primacy 4" in google UK, old webmaster tools is showing my average position this time last year as 1.4 and now I'm 12.4! The .com site is geo targeted to the UK by both webmaster tools and href lang tags. So, my question is, so I keep waiting, or do I give up andrisk the switch back to the uk domain before it's too late? Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TyreReviews

  • Hey, My website Spam score increased suddenly. We had 1% spam score, Now it's 50%, We don't have many spammy website links, spammy links already disavowed. Why the spam score increased. After checking the 27 signals we found we blocked Google Fonts API, Is this the issue? When is the date of the next update in the spam score? Waiting for an Expert opinion. Thanks in Advance Neethu

    Link Explorer | | seofarahat001

  • how to change my page URL to customize it myself?

    On-Page Optimization | | amenkhan

  • Hello there, I want to increase my Domain authority but how can i do that? please suggest to me some tips here is my website: And also how can make sure that this can help in ranking? what parameter are in background and what should be followed for better performance.

    Link Building | | seopack.org4564x

  • Four month ago I launched my website , and i write about latest fonts which we used in our blogs,artices,letters. Well, when i check stats of my website in moz, it doest not show ranking keyword in moz.
    What is this issue, and how i resolved this issue. Thanks

    Product Support | | sbfhjsdfsdbfh

  • Hey guys I hope everyone is doing well. I am new to SEO world and I want to do local SEO for one of my clients. The issue is I do not know how to do Local SEO at all or where to even start. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me or give me an article or a course to learn how to do it. Main question The thing that I want to do is that, I want my website to show up in top 3 google map results for different locations(which there is one actual location). For example I want to show up for
    online clothing store in new york
    online clothing store in los angeles or... Let's assume that we can ship our product to every other cities. So I hope I could deliver what I mean. I'd appreciate it if you could answer me with practical solutions.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hi, I am a regular user of Moz premium. I was advised some of my friends about Moz benefits. 4 months ago I found a low competition micro niche longtail keyword and made a website on it. The keyword difficulty was 16 and I was confident that I will rank on the top page. but now after posting 15 articles of that micro niche, I am still ranking on 129 position on Google search results. Can anybody advise me what is the problem with my site. Was the keyword difficulty had manupulated states on authenticative. My site name and Please guide me how I can take further benefits of Moz Premium.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Iuj873g

  • i have a problem in search engine.. look at rank 3 that is my site.. how can i solve it ? this is post link : sVSxGna sVSxGna

    Local Website Optimization | | whcl.ir74

  • Using the on-page grader and whilst further investigating internal linking, I'm concerned that as the ecommerce website has a very link heavy mega menu the rule of 100 may be impeding on the contextual links we're creating. Clearly we don't want to no-follow our entire menu. Should we consider no-indexing the third-level- for example short sleeve shirts here... Clothing > Shirts > Short Sleeve Shirts What about other pages we're don't care to index anyway such as the 'login page' the 'cart' the search button? Any thoughts appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ant-Scarborough

  • For example, is the paginated URL of the category Can I remove the &resultsPerPage= variation from the canonical without it causing an issue? Even though the actual page URL has that parameter? I was thinking of using this: instead of: What is the best practice?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | laurengdicenso

  • serp

    Google search results are showing my site links in both URLs, "" and "". However the one with https is showing a favicon, and the other one is not. So i wanna keep the https one and remove the other one. I went to GSC to submit "" for removal and it said that URL will be deleted in ALL of its variations.So how do i delete the "" links? Should i just index the ones with https again? Would that work? Someone suggested me to do 301 redirect on all pages that are being displayed twice. But i am not sure if i need to do that since i am using squarespace, and both of the links lead to the same page?

    SERP Trends | | winter2233

  • Hello, recently, I found out about all the SEO advantages from 301 redirects. I had 3 websites that are now expired, their topic was Counter Strike 1.6 servers. All of these websites were registered 9 years ago and have few good backlinks (from website with 1%-3% spam score and DA 30+). Now I have one website that is not only about Counter Strike 1.6 but also many other Steam shooter games. If I revive these 3 old domains and 301 redirect them to my new one, will it help me with SEO and increase my ranking on Google?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bonito1993

  • I have a boxing gloves keyword kindly tell me how many backlinks required to rank this keyword

    Moz Pro | | saadrazaa12

  • I've decided to use sub folders for my site, and from everything I've read online it seems I shouldn't change the page content depending on IP, yet I know of a successful well funded site that hires full time SEO staff that does just that, and I'm wondering whether they know something I don’t which is helping their SEO. From everything I've read online this is the format I think I should use: does not exist This is the format the other site is using: (from US IP address) (from UK IP address) The content on is identical to when loading from a UK IP address, and a lot of URLs without /gb/ are being returned when searching google. The benefit I can think of that they are gaining is US pages which are being returned for UK based searches will return the correct content. Are their any other gains to this approach? I'm concerned that if I use this approach for different languages then the radically differing content of depending on the location of the crawler might confuse google - also generally changing content depending on IP seems to be recommended against. Thanks

    International SEO | | Mickooo

  • Hi,  on my report im getting 4xx error.  When i look into it it says the error is crital fo4r 403 error on this page i can get to the page and see it fine but no idea why its showing a 403 error or how to fix it.  This is the only page that the error is coming up on, is there anything i can check/do to get this resolved? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | JU-Mark

  • Please help me. How to check the DA, PA of the website . I want to know any quality website to take care of it more. But at present I do not know any forum quality is good and trust. Thank you

    Reporting & Analytics | | gogoanimetp

  • Hello, I am using Moz Pro and I am happy to have this tool for my SEO work. But I am having a little problem while working on my blog site some times the Moz does not work and asks to allow third-party cookies, wherein the settings third-party cookies are always allowed. Please guide me in this matter. Thank you.

    Link Explorer | | Niujbuj76

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