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  • Hi! I have a problem with the results in Google. My website ranks, but all countries appear in the search for example from Argentina.
    I have the correct hreflang tags. How can I "block" the results of other countries? This is the site and this is the search example. Thank you! 🙂

    International SEO | | SEO-Mediabros

  • A few months ago i bought a 5 year old domain and when i went to check in Moz pro the spam score, it shows its at 23%. DA is 1 everything else is 0. The spam score shows 23% but there are no links at all for this website (see image) I don't understand, there are no links at all going to this website. I checked google search console, analytics and tried looking for any links linking to this domain and there is none. Even Moz isn't showing any links in the picture i provided above. Is this a glitch? Can i reset my spam score on this domain? Does that mean i wasted my money on this domain and now i can't rank with it? Is there something im missing here. I also checked is there are any warnings or manual actions and it clearly says "No issues detected". A few months earlier i bought a brand new domain very close to the 5 year old domain (new domain has a z instead of an s) and the spam score on that is 0 and DA is 1. Given that the 5 year old domain has a 23% spam score, does that mean i should use the other new domain instead and redirect the 5 year old domain to the new website?

    Moz Pro | | Nor123

  • I'm wondering should I put any effort in making Meta Keywords tags for my pages or normal Tags (they're separate in Drupal), since apparently first are not considered by most of search engines, while not sure about normal tags. Obviously SERPS has to determine partial valu of the page by content, thus consider keywords / tags to some extend. What's your opinion on that. Thank you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Optimal_Strategies

  • Hey everybody, I am seeing some confusing results. I am seeing that in the back of our Search Console we are showing around 4,500 sites indexed. If I use the "site" operator in google, only 2820 show up... any thoughts as to why that happens?

    Moz Pro | | HashtagHustler

  • Our e-commerce shop has numerous pages within the main shop page. Users navigate through the shop via typical pagination. So while there may be 6 pages of products it's all still under the main shop page. Moz keeps flagging my shop pages as having duplicate titles (ie shop page 2). But they're all the same page. Users aren't loading unique pages each time they go to the next page of products and they aren't pages I can edit. I'm not sure how to prevent this issue from popping up on my reports.

    Technical SEO | | NiteSkirm

  • My prospect's domain ends in "" (Ontario, Canada). The structure of their site is (main page) and all other pages are sub-folders ( All pages are no more than two levels deep. I'm wondering if anyone knows if the provincial sub-domain ( presents an SEO challenge?

    Web Design | | 22Eighteen

  • Hey Folks, We have a client with an experience I want to ask about. The Moz crawler is showing 4xx errors. These are happening because the crawler is triggering my client's spam throttling. They could increase from 240 to 480 page loads per minute but this could open the door for spam as well. Any thoughts on how to proceed? Thanks! Kirk

    Moz Bar | | kbates

  • We have 155 podcasts and in many we have affiliate links to Amazon. But I recently found out that one of the two products we are promoting is no longer available. I now have to fix many podcast descriptions. My thought is maybe to build a link like: and 301 it to the Amazon product.  That way if the product changes, I simply change where the 301 points. Simple. BUT my question is does that bouncing people offsite immediately hurt us? Are there any other options that will accomplish the same goal?

    Technical SEO | | jgoethert

  • Hello I verified my website on Google Search Console and submitted sitemap a long time ago. I have been getting data for impressions, but no clicks. However, Cpanel shows that people have been visiting my website, but Google Search Console does not.  The data do not match up. Would you be able to explain why and what can I do about this? Also, Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest does not identify keywords on my website. Kind regards,
    Igor kRdsaku MFFNnlZ

    Algorithm Updates | | zi9gy

  • Hi we have a Roofing business that has an office "corporate headquarters" in Lincoln Nebraska-  We have also setup service areas or "address locations" in other states and cities we service. The remote addresses we have are through the UPS store locations giving us an address in the areas- Knowing that Google GMB wants us to list these as service locations and not physical addresses- they have told me directly we are setup okay with separate GMB pages for each location- they say we just need to "hide" the addresses in GMB. Question: If we "hide" the local address on "all" of the local listings how will this affect the local SEO? It seems like not having a physical office will hurt the local presence- or moreso- having an actual office will help it?   Can anyone give input and opinion of setting up "Service Areas" vs "Locations" as it relates to SEO and SERP placement? Many thanks in advance.

    Local Listings | | murraycustomhomescom

  • Hello, I have a site that has around 300k static pages but each one of these has pagination on it. I would like to stop Rodger Bot from crawling the paginated pages and maybe even Google. The paginated pages are results that change daily so there is no need to index them. What's the best way to prevent them from being crawled? The pages are dynamic so I don't know the URLs. I have seen people mention add no follow to the pagination links would this do it? or is there a better way? Many thanks Steve

    Getting Started | | twpnglobal

  • What I'm reffering to is replacement of Polish characters from i.e "ł" to "l" or "ę" to "e". I believe it relates same way as other similar Slavic languages.

    On-Page Optimization | | Optimal_Strategies

  • I have a local seo campaign im trying to reconfigure. Lets say i am a dwi lawyer and i have multiple locations. These are merely examples for cities and keywords. Home page is Criminal defense lawyer - this is the term we should be targeting. Maybe i can target the state name, but i am losing so much SEO weight by not leveraging this home page as the main page for this term. Then we have a location page in south Boston  that is "S Boston DWI lawyer" as the title tag. Then we have another location page north Boston that is "N Boston DWI Lawyer" as the title tag. I can leave the city name off the home page title tag,  but then what do i do with these pages that are pretty much competing with one another? I know the home page will not rank since none of the locations point to it, and only to a location page. I was thinking about creating one page with both locations and having both G map listings go directly there, but that doesn't make sense because other locations do not have the same setup. Or choosing the most central location and pointing that to the home page and let the rest have a locations page. Finally the home page will not rank well for any major  terms. The location page does rank for the fictional south Boston DWI lawyer, but the other listing does not show up. The home page does not show up in the first ten pages either.  One other aspect is that the home page ranks for terms that I am not even targeting. These pages are all targeted on specific keywords so that they do not overlap or compete, but some pages are the services main outline, but the location pages have their own version. I have removed all mentions of the same keyword from the home page.  I made a few wchanges about 2 weeks ago and already noticed movement in rankings days later.

    Local Website Optimization | | waqid

  • delete me this is a duplicate

    Local Website Optimization | | waqid

  • I am a bit boggled about https to https we redirected to, but redirecting or non-www is not possible. because the certificate does not exist on a level where you are redirecting. only if I setup a new host and add a htaccess file will this work. What should I do? just redirect the rest and hope for the best?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | waqid

  • Please take a look at the attached images which show the apparently inverse relationship between one of our top competitors (purple trace) and us (blue trace). There seems to be a fairly clear correlation, we're just left wondering what could have happened to cause this. It seems clear that the 'purple' team was termporarily able to beat us out on the keywords we were working on, but a few questions arise: Did the purple team beat us out, or did we screw something up? If they beat us out, what on earth did they do because it clearly wasn't content creation (they have a skimpy site with no blog and their Alexa score is almost identical to ours We took some steps to fix our situation including: Page optimization website speed improvement Blog review and update You can see from the second graph (rankings) that our keyword rankings slid starting may/2018 along with our traffic, but we regained our footing a year later (now). I guess the big questions are: were there black hat tactics at play here? If so, what were they likely to be? did the problem go away because the purple team stopped paying someone for these results? Was it our fault but we fixed it? what is the most likely reason for this problem? Could it have been a Google  algorithm update? Which one? Anyway, any insight that you can give would be appreciated. -- PeteR FHM1Sn0

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | rastellop

  • For the last 4 hours of so we were registering zero users and Adsense reporting has not changed. We checked the site, and there were no problems. It seems for some reason there was no reporting. Just now it came back up and we are showing live traffic. Trying to figure out if this was a problem specific to us or if it is on Google's end. Thanks,

    Reporting & Analytics | | akin67

  • How is it considered by google at the end of a sentence ? New paragraph or not ? Thank you,

    Technical SEO | | seoanalytics

  • hey my forum rank dropped becuz of fake dmca to much dmca daily what should i do ?

    Technical SEO | | mifin

  • Hello Moz, I recently activated my trial version, when I go into link explorer section. The linking domain option on Moz bar showing a different number. when i check the site into ahref, it's showing 14 linking domains, and when i check in Moz it's only showing me 4 linking domains. what is the problem? Which tool showing the accurate result. I am confused. please help.

    Link Explorer | | NewDisplayAsi

  • Hi community, We have some top hierarchy pages with spam score 16 as per Moz due to the backlinks with very high spam score. I read that we could ignore as long as we are not employing paid links or never got a manual penalty. Still we wanna give a try by disavowing  certain domains to check if this helps. Anyway we are not going to loose any backlink score by rejecting this low-quality backlinks. Can we proceed? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Question Which link structure is better in 2019 for best SEO practice Example A) Or B) We're on the bigcommerce platform and used to have Last year we went from bigcommerce long URL to short to bypass the link juice being sent to /categories Now we have an SEO company trying to sell me their services after a bit of a steady decline since september 2018  and told me that we should have link structure as example B and that is likely the reason for the dip..  Due to breadcrumbing, True or False?   
    I explained i had bread crumb like shown in  buy the SEO guy said no it needs to be in the URL structure too. I was under the impression that Short urls opposed to long was better these days and link juice is passed better if it is short url direct to the point?  Am i wrong?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | oceanstorm

  • Hello, We have an Ecommerce store and we need our category buttons to be redone and to shine. Unfortunately, I've tried all my places and none are 10X, though none of them cost very much (like Fiverr, Freelancer) What I would like is some advice on where to go for inexpensive but still very good quality graphics. I'm a good designer, and so far, I can do better graphics than the designers I've found, I just don't have the time as a busy SEO. Please let me know If you have any gems you are willing to share. I'm searching the community colleges as we speak. Thanks.

    Web Design | | BobGW

  • I have a question about an SEO tactic.  There is this site that has purchased three domain names, and has redirected them to their main site.  The three domains are: Spokaneduilawyer org, Spokaneduilaw com, and Spokaneduilawfirm com and the website has all three domains redirecting to their main site. What is the SEO value with this?  I looked at those three domains on Majestic and they have no backlinks that I could find, and when I looked on I didn't see any history of those domains being actual sites that might bring traffic.  What is the webmaster trying to do, and what is this tactic called?

    Link Building | | RandyHT

  • I remember when I first started to see people tweeting their content summaries on twitter. At first I was interested and would click through but I started to get blindness to the posts in my feed because it seemed like people were getting lazy with it and it was just an easy way to get a couple of retweets or likes. I recently had this proposed to me as an option to share content but was wondering if anybody was effectively using it and having success with it? Does it have a strong user base? Are there any brands using it effectively? Look forward to your feedback!

    Content Development | | Brando16

  • In this situation I have SiteA, and SiteB on completely separate domains.  SiteA is the marketing front for the company and SiteB is an app that company owns.  SiteB receives a fair amount of backlinks as it has the login page of the application where customers link to a branded version for their members to login. Additionally none of that domain is indexable including the login page. SiteB's domain can't be changed to be a subdomain of SiteA as it isn't technically feasible. Initially I was reluctant to use canonical because as it isn't really duplicate content.  Is there a method for forwarding any link-juice from SiteB to SiteA without the use of a redirect and would canonical be appropriate in this case?  Additionally would SiteB's not being indexed negate any link benefit? Edit: Typo

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | OCN

  • Hi, Does anybody have an idea about this please? I am a newbie, so I am must be doing something wrong. The website: Thanks

    Moz Pro | | ethan3000

  • Hi there, We have a good-sized eCommerce client that is gearing up for a relaunch. At this point, the staging site follows the previous best practice for pagination (self-referencing canonical tags on each page; rel=next & prev tags referencing the last and next page within the category). Knowing that Google does not support rel=next/prev tags, does that change your thoughts for how to set up canonical tags within a paginated product category? We have some categories that have 500-600 products so creating and canonicalizing to a 'view all' page is not ideal for us. That leaves us with the following options (feel it is worth noting that we are leaving rel=next / prev tags in place): Leave canonical tags as-is, page 2 of the product category will have a canonical tag referencing ?page=2 URL Reference Page 1 of product category on all pages within the category series, page 2 of product category would have canonical tag referencing page 1 (/category/) - this is admittedly what I am leaning toward. Any and all thoughts are appreciated! If this were in relation to an existing website that is not experiencing indexing issues, I wouldn't worry about these. Given we are launching a new site, now is the time to make such a change. Thank you! Joe

    Web Design | | Joe_Stoffel

  • I am setting up a test campaign where rather than structuring my campaigns by the normal ad group>keywords with no targeting. I am making duplicates of my ad groups and targeting each duplicate to a different audience so I can target the ads better. But I also want my non targeted ad group to remain to pick up people who are not in my targeted ad groups. In the non targeted ad group, should I exclude all the audiences that I have targeted in the targeted ad groups to avoid any cross over? Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | pinder325

  • What do they need GTM for? And what is the use case for setting up Google Search Console?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NBJ_SM

  • I moved my site to https a few months back using cloudflare and all went well site is now running on https fine I have recently also signed up to MozPro and it says I have a redirect chain on I am not sure where to start looking to fix this? Site is running on Wordpress Also not sure how big of an issue it is as site is working ok? Bit confused as i used this and it reports no issues?

    Moz Pro | | Rogerperk

  • Hello, We're building out a small number of pages for the US in a sub-folder .com/us. The idea is to show US specific pages to users in that location. However, we also have a number of pages which we will not be creating for the US as they're not relevant. I am planning on geo-targeting the US folder to instruct the search engines that this subfolder should appear in the US SERPS but since it isn't an exact science, there is a chance that US visitors may land on these non-us pages which could potentially give them a bad user experience. What should we do in instances where a US user lands on a non-us page with no equivalent page? Any help would be much appreciated!

    International SEO | | SEOCT

  • Hi Just redeveloped my site and went live end of April Since then whenever i do a branded search  the GMB 'pack' has always shown on the right hand side whenever i do a branded search but it has disapeared as of the last couple of days. Any ideas why this can happen ? and is it anything to worry about or just a google 'glitch' that should right itself soon? If not any ideas how to fix ? (accounts and website all properly linked) etc When i go to GMB dashboard and click 'View on Search' it does show up as it should, but not when i go to do a google search for the brand name !? All Best Dan

    Reviews and Ratings | | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, my first time in the community. my web site is pretty new and I'm focusing now on the Onsite SEO. I am using an outsourcing company that writing me content, and I want to start my blog and publish it. but, I didn't finish yet my Keyword research, is it useless from google perspective to publish it without any keywords? it can hurt my site if ill publish it without any keywords inside of the article? or it still can be good for my site ranking/power? thanks !!!

    Keyword Research | | TalPard1

  • I am a Magician and have multiple location pages for each county I cover. I currently have them linked off the menu under locations/ <county>and also in the footer</county> However I have heard that a link from the page is much stronger, so I am experimenting with removing the Menu & Footer link and just linking to these pages from within the content. It's not really a navigation item and most people come in through search to the right page. Am I diluting the link by having it in the Menu/Page and Footer? I read a long time ago that Google only considers the first link to a page and ignores the rest - is that the case? Thanks Roger

    Technical SEO | | Rogerperk

  • Hello beloved, Been some time since I have  been on, planning to return and help out and be bit more active. Need some latest thoughts and input, on amp plugins for Wordpress, and their results and effect on rankings? Thank you all in advance 🙂

    Web Design | | vmialik

  • Our company is a full service law firm with a main website and 6 microsites relevant to each practise area. Over the last 2 years, we have had significant traffic growth and ranked well in SERP, conversions were good and everything was tracking along nicely. Come January 2019, the traffic on 2 of our microsites have dropped by 20% and is not recovering. We have done a site audit and there are no issues with the website, we are still ranking #1 in SERP for our targeted search terms but the traffic just isn't there. Has anyone else with legal websites had this issue or can provide insight into the drop in traffic? It just doesn't make sense why all of a sudden the traffic isn't there anymore. Any advice on what other actions we can take to try and find the issue would be appreciated.

    Reporting & Analytics | | monique-plaw

  • Hi All, My website URL is and it is neither caching nor indexing in Google. Earlier the URL was I have redirected it to by using 301 redirections. I have checked the redirection and everything else is fine and I have submitted all the URLs in search console also, still the website is not indexing. Its been more than 5 months now. Please suggest a solution for this. Thanks in Advance.

    Technical SEO | | ResultfirstGA

  • We are attempting to keep the number of CTAs (Calls to Action) on our commercial real estate website to a minimum. Our adjusted design (see attached) has 2 CTAs. One is "Contact Agent" the other is "Schedule a Tour". We are focusing on the listing page, which is the primary product page and critical in terms of CTA. Our mobile version does not show a phone number while the desktop version (also attached) displays a phone number. Should the mobile version also display a button a phone number? Some members of our target audiences, business owners and executives who are often in their 40s and 50s may prefer to call us up rather than communicate by written message. Any suggestions for elegantly displaying the phone number without causing confusion? I have read that the number of CTAs should be limited so I am on the fence as to whether or not to include a phone number Thanks, 
    Alan 6yR88Vt WwYpt81

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Kingalan1

  • I exported from Link Explorer. In the URL column, there is no protocol for each URL. Isn't the protocol part of what makes a url? I'm crawling each with http:// and https:// but it feels like this info could just be in the report. Am I missing a step?

    Link Explorer | | Hyper-Dog

  • It is redirecting all https to http and I am unable to change it, resulting in a lot of duplicate content.  Has anyone else experienced this? If so, did you find a solution? Or does anyone have any suggestions?

    Moz Pro | | KurtzGro

  • Are there SEO ramifications as a result of moving a group of sites that currently each have their own subdomain, under one subdomain? Ex: changing, and  to,  and etc. For example, let's say dept2 has a page about 4H and dept3 has a different page about 4H, if they're no longer their own subdomains, could only one of the 4H pages rank?  In addition, would moving the department name further down the URL path cause the department's front page not rank as well? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AnneHolz

  • Google is spending 37% of its time crawling the NAV bar which is on every page.  Google is spending very little time 1% on the most important pages -- product pages ( on . Does anyone know what is going on and how I can change the behavior?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | akih

  • Hello, when it comes to location & language targeting, is it possible to have different website page designs for their respective regions? So let's say we have one design for and a completely different design for Our branding is different for the US so would ideally like to use specific US designs for US pages. Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | SEOCT

  • This week we did two big email sends from completely separate sources and separate lists. However, in GA I see spam traffic coming from the same city and the same service provider when I look at the report for each source. Screenshots attached. I'm hoping someone can help me understand what I'm looking at and what I should do in the future to prevent. Thanks! g9NTZ5z X5WhYnf

    Reporting & Analytics | | eGInnovations

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