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  • Hello, I wonder if any SEO internationalisation experts can help. We are a UK centric business with a .com domain which all our traffic currently goes to. We have been growing in the US and are therefore looking to internationalise our website by building out some US pages using the subfolder .com/us. Since the keywords we wish to target in the US are different to the keywords we are targeting elsewhere, when implementing hreflang tags is it possible to use a different URL for the US page? So let’s say we are targeting ‘estate car’ generally but want to target ’station wagon’ as the keyword for the equivalent US page, can the URLs be different? Example: General page: US: Hreflang tags: Would that be the correct implementation? Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | SEOCT

  • Hello, I read lots of blogs and websites. None of them clearly tell that where and how to build links. How to get back links quickly to boost the website rank. Would you help me to build quality links? give me specific answer where to build links like 1. Press release 2. Directory submission 3. Web 2 submissions etc

    Link Building | | NancyThomass

  • Hi We have a sub-folder ("/shop-by-department/") which is pretty much useless on our site and I'm looking to remove it. But the team want a list of the Pro's & Con's in doing so. So for example I'll be changing to I know there will be an intial hit as Google adjusts to the change but think it's definitely the way to go. I was lookng for a complete list of the Pro's & Con's to send onto the team. It'll be going to the traditional marketing (print, radio, etc.) too so can ve top-level points too. Hope you can help! Thanks

    Web Design | | Frankie-BTDublin

  • We are trying to create tables or bullet points on each of our pages summarising the content of the page and get it to rank on position 0 on Google. This technique worked for some searches but not all so we were wondering: Is it beneficial to add links or not ? Is there a keyword limit? We are on Magento 2 if that helps. Thanks James

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JamesDavison

  • Hi SEO is new to myself and I'm still trying to get my head round it.  My friend and myself run a DJ company in our spare time but we are desperately trying to rank higher to increase our visibility. we have worked hard on our page optimisation and scoring high 90's, we'd love to invest in someone to do it, but simply dont have that kinda cash at the moment. I'm aware that some pages need meta description and alt image text, which is what I'm now working on, but even other sites with lower percentage are ranking higher. is this due to recent changes and google not ranking our pages? Will our ranking improve over time and how long should it be before we see any changes.

    Branding | | Bluice

  • Hi, for guest posting which Anchor is better for my brand website? 1)Naked Anchor text (e.g according to OR Branded Anchor text? (e.g according to Example, which can be clicked to ) Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KINSHUN

  • How  do I redirect SEO from pages on old website to new website with new domain name? My website in squarespace has good rankings and we have rebranded to a new name and enw domain name, how do I move across the rankings fomr the old site in squarespace to my new site thats in wordpress please?

    On-Page Optimization | | Carrotpower

  • The difference between pa and da??

    Getting Started | | ddox

  • What's a DA?

    Getting Started | | ddox

  • I'm a beginner. I want to know what this is 'DA'

    Getting Started | | ddox

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers, We have added canonical URL to this page -, pointing to When I check in Google search console, there are no issues reported with that page, and Google does say that it was able to properly read the canonical URL. Yet, it still chooses the page itself as canonical. This doesn't make sense to me. (Here is the link to the screenshot: Has anyone dealt with this type of issue, and were you able to resolve it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DmitriiK

  • What with Google recently coming out and saying they're basically ignoring paginated pages, I'm considering the link structure of our new, sooner to launch ecommerce site (moving from an old site to a new one with identical URL structure less a few 404s). Currently our new site shows 20 products per page but with this change by Google it means that any products on pages 2, 3 and so on will suffer because google treats it like an entirely separate page as opposed to an extension of the first. The way I see it I have one option: Show every product in each category on page 1. I have Lazy Load installed on our new website so it will only load the screen a user can see and as they scroll down it loads more products, but how will google interpret this? Will Google simply see all 50-300 products per category and give the site a bad page load score because it doesn't know the Lazy Load is in place? Or will it know and account for it? Is there anything I'm missing?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • I've read some conflicting information on YMYL and EAT.  If the Google Quality Raters are out there reviewing YMYL pages and scoring them on EAT, does that site's score have an impact on that page's/site's ranking?

    Algorithm Updates | | BFMichael

  • I need some advice... I've noticed our link profile has increased with many comments links --- something I certainly have not pursued manually. I'm new to disavowing links. However, before I go ahead and disavow them, I'd like to ask how harmful these links are and would you recommend this is something I can do myself (relatively novice SEO) or if you'd recommend someone who could do this for a reasonable cost. In one instance, the link from this comment thread is with the anchor text, "porn"... Certainly not something we want to rank for, haha! I look forward to your advice

    Link Building | | LukeBTDT

  • Hi, I am new to SEO, may I know how many anchor text with a do-follow link I should aim for a 500-1000 words guest post? also, what is the percentage of different type of anchor text per post, e.g. ( 20%  Branded,  20% Exact-match,  20% Naked link and more? I know that quality is more important, but is there any magic number and the percentage I should really aim for? Kind regards CHRIS

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KINSHUN

  • Hello guys, I am experiencing crawling errors in Moz because the URLs read by spiders contain accents and special characters, which I know isn't best but yet my client needs to keep it. I know that  Moz "uses percent encoding to parse the HTML in the source code, so any line breaks and spaces in your HTML links or sitemap links are converted to %0A and %20, causing a 404 error". Is there any way to avoid these errors happening in the dashboard? Or am I supposed to simply ignore it?

    Link Explorer | | fran875

  • Hi, We are migrating our website and an issue we are facing is how to handle paginated content in our categories. Our new website will have the same structure but with different urls. Should we 301 redirect all the paginated content (if crawled by Google) to the url of the main category? To put this into an example: Old urls:      (main category of TVs & also page 1) ** **    ( page 2 of TVs) New urls: **     **(main category of TVs & also page 1) **       **(page 2 of tvs) Should we redirect  all of the old TV urls (also the paginated) to ? The is no rel next, prev tag in our site and no canonicals. Also there is a view all products page in each category, BUT it doesn't contain all the products(max. is 100 per page - yes the view all page is also paginated). The same view all products page (paginated) will exist in the new website also. I checked google search console, and Google has decided to treat as canonical page the first page . Also, all the organic traffic of our categories goes to these pages (main category page - 1st page). I would appreciate any thoughts on this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HellasSITES

  • We’re really confused about the current best practice of URL structure. For example what would anyone advise to rank for luxury hotel rooms? Or do we add location? They also do cottages

    Local Website Optimization | | SolveWebMedia

  • We are trying to narrow down our SEO agency list and I was told to propose 5 different tests. I'm not sure where to start. I also want these tests to help me understand what these companies can do for mine.

    On-Page Optimization | | NBJ_SM

  • Hi, I am new to SEO and I am planning to hire someone in Fiverr regularly to submit different guest posts on the different related topic on the website with a good domain authority (>60) as a result to have some quality inbound links. As I am writing the guest post myself, May I know how many backlinks should I have per post are best for SEO? and should I only focus on anchor text backlinks? Also,  here is my understanding of what I should be careful when hiring someone on Fiverr to do a blog post, please let me know if I am wrong and if there is another thing I need to be careful. It needs to be dofollow link It is permanent I check the website domain authority and spam sore that the person provides before using it. Please let me know if I missed out something. Appreciated Kind regards Chris

    Link Building | | KINSHUN

  • Hi! I have a client whose company name is very similar to one if their company divisions. This division has multiple locations but its main location is in the same city as the parent company. The problem is that when you search for the division, the parent company shows up. The parent company has a physical address, but most users searching need to be going to the division address which takes customers. They are having problems with customers coming to the parent company address instead. I have made the Google My Business parent company page to show service areas instead of their business address. Yet, their listing still comes up first when searching for the division location. This is because of part of the parent company name is in the division name. My client wants users to be able to find the division more so than the parent company. Anyone had this issue before? Any tips would be great!

    Local Listings | | agrier

  • While combing though spammy backlinks, I'm finding a lot of supposedly "active" links that lead to 404 errors, pages that contain no html, domains for sale, and sites that all have a uniform design which I can't tell if they're  web host default pages, or pages using a spammy third-party link aggregator (or both). 
    For example: So, do I disavow missing sites? Lost sites? Is there a drawback to disavowing sites that have been removed? Any help would be appreciated.

    Link Building | | rickmic

  • We have a website that has links to documents related to various sectors. But the challenge is we do not have the documents on the website itself and they are linked to our document repository that has been blocked to google. We have put nofollow and noindex to the repository. Since Google can not read those documents, it has resulted in an impact in our SEO ranking. What would be the best way to make Google crawl the PDF documents in the repository at the same time make it invisible the "repo" not appear in the search engines.  Would dofollow and noindex sequence work ?

    SEO Learn Center | | PracticalActionDigital

  • A client has an existing successful website that sells niche products - they are well known in their marketplace. They have two sets of key customers, let's call them (a) and (b), that need addressing in different ways to maximise sales. (a) is the more specialist end of the market, where people have complex needs - there are fewer of them but repeat business is likely, and we can talk to them in more technical language. (b) is the layman's end of the market - there is a vast pool of potential customers but they'll be more casual buyers and need to be addressed more in layman's terms. So what they want to do is to take their existing website, and essentially split it into two different websites, one for each market. The one that will use the existing domain, with all the links that have built up over the years pointing to it, will be the site for the more specialist end of the market (a). The domain name suits it better, which is why he wants to use the existing domain with that site and not the other. (b) will be a brand new domain. The client will write new product descriptions across the board so that the two sets of product information are not duplicate. I'd rather he didn't do this at all, because of the risk involved, and the difficulty of building up the traffic to the new site, which is after all the one with the best chance of mass market sales. But given that the client has decided that this is definitely what he wants, does anyone have any thoughts on what the action plan should be?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | helga73

  • Hi guys, I am working on an e-commerce site that's running in Shopify. I noticed that the filter pages do not have canonical tags pointing to their respective main categories. I doubt that the action needed is to canonicalise each filter pages to the main category as it would take time (there are a lot of filter URLs involved). Do you know any technical coding to do in Shopify to have all filter pages canonicalise to its main category? Keen to hear from you. Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brandonegroup

  • Hi all, I'm having a huge (and very frustrating) issue-- I have 437 pages with 5xx errors and have no idea how to go about fixing them. All of them are links to pdf's, and when I click on the link on the Site Crawl page, it opens just fine. I've been trying to find the answer to how to fix this issue for weeks with no luck at all. I tried linking the pdf's to their parent page, tried renaming the links to be more concise and crawler friendly, and I've searched all types of articles involving pdf's and 5xx errors, all with no luck. Does anyone have any idea why these pages are getting this error and how I can fix them? Huge thanks in advance! Daniela S.

    Moz Pro | | laurelleafep

  • Hi MOZ friends, One of our clients has used for structured markup.  says: "If you are already publishing structured data markup and it is already being used by Google, Microsoft, Yandex or Yahoo!, the markup format will generally continue to be supported. Changing to the new markup format could be helpful over time because you will be switching to a standard that is accepted across several companies, but you don't have to do it." Although there is such statement, as is the common vocabulary in 2019, should I keep it or change it with Thanks in advance! 🙂

    Technical SEO | | bbop33

  • Hello, Is Creating Tables with Multiple Links and using schema markup bad SEO? For example I have a real estate website which I have  a hierarchy of home page -> County pages -> city pages-> blog posts.. However at the bottom of the county pages I list the city pages i serve under a table with links..

    On-Page Optimization | | sqc

  • I was horrified to learn that my hosting company, InMotion Hosting does not offer redundant backups, that it is on the customer to set up backups to ensure they don't lose their data. I plan to back up to Google Drive 3 x a week for 12 backups and also create 3 backups on our server (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday). So if something goes wrong and we catch it within a week we can generate the backup directly from our server. There are website backup services such as BlogVault. Do they offer any meaningful advantages to taking the contents of the entire server (16 gigs) and backing it up? They do offer Malware removal. Does this have value? Is back up on an external service like Google Cloud while simultaneously backing up on the server a safe way to proceed? If not, what is the simplest and most effective manner to backup? I prefer to avoid adding any plugins to WordPress as our site already has too many (about 30). Thanks!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Hi guys. So I'm racking my brain with a question whether I should use plural or singular keyword as a focus keyphrase of my page. The page that I'm optimizing is basically a review page of different websites offering proofreading services. Considering the fact that this is a review and I mention a lot of websites on my page, I decided to rank for a plural keyword that ends with "services". However, this keyword is very unpopular (ahrefs doesn't show any volume for it), while singular "service" has about 100 searches per month. As far as I understand, Google sees both keywords as synonyms, because search results for both keywords are almost identical. Should I change my keyphrase to singular "service" (even though the page mentions a lot of services), or stick with "services" instead? Do I have a chance of ranking for "service" if I stick with "services" in this case? Thank you.

    Keyword Research | | AslanBarselinov

  • Hi all, We rank for searches around "is youporn down" and similar because we provide a free tool to check if a website is up or down: I am worried that ranking for these adult searches is hurting us with ranking for things like "is reddit down", thoughts? I'd appreciate some input!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | bwb

  • There are two robots.txt pages. One for www version and another for non-www version though I have moved to the non-www version.

    Technical SEO | | ramb

  • Do you know if an H1 within a div that has a 'display: none' style applied will still be crawled and evaluated by Google? We have that situation on this page on line 136: view-source: Of course we also have an H1 up at the top of the page and are concerned that the second one will cause interference with our SEO efforts. I've seen conflicting and inconclusive information on line - not sure. Thanks for any help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rastellop

  • I am noticing a decline in the number of our linking domains and inbound links from month to month. It isn't drastic but looking like a trend. Any reason why this would happen? I'm not sure where to start. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | amanda_feagle

  • My ranking tool didn't show this but GoogleMyBusiness Insights did show traffic has dropped between those dates. Please see screenshot below. URL: Has this been caused by local algorithm update? Please help!

    Local Listings | | jasondumana

  • We are currently having very old pages dating back 5+ years ago appearing on moz all of a sudden, we don't necessarily get traffic from these links anymore and i doubt they still hold any weight. Currently they take you to a 404 page, would there be any worth in redirecting these links?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JH_OffLimits

  • Hi Everyone, Google is displaying instead of We have our preferred URL set up as, and even redirect to, but in the search results it is showing Problem is we are seeing referral data from and in Google it says "No information is available for this page." Anyone seen a way to resolve this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vetofunk

  • I have seen a massive increase in International Visitors on our website and visitors within the United States dropped off hard this month (by about 20%). Could it be possible that not having any hreflang tags can lead to an increase in International Customers visiting the site even though your sitemap is set to "Target users in United States" within the Google Search Console? In the Google Search Console, I have International Targeting set to  "Target users in United States." However, Google Search Console is saying our site doesn't have any hreflang tags. In the Google Search Console, it says "Your site has no hreflang tags. Google uses hreflang tags to match the user's language preference to the right variation of your pages." I'm not sure when that was flagged, but recently we have seen a massive increase in International Visitors to our site from countries such as Russia, Vietnam, Indonesia, the United Kingdom and so on. This poses a problem since our chances of turning one of those visitors into a customer is extremely slim. Along with that, nearly every international customer is contributing to an extremely high Bounce Rate. Attached is a screenshot of the Error about hreflang tags. And here is a screenshot of the Country we are targeting. Lastly, attached is a screenshot of all of the Countries that visited our site today:

    International SEO | | MichaelAtMSP

  • I saw the "" as a place to get a small blog and could create backlinks.  But it seems like it may be a PBN which google doesn't like. What are your thoughts of

    Link Building | | newbyguy

  • Does anyone have a solution where you can use a listing of page names with tiers in a Google spreadsheet and have it dynamically appear in a visual sitemap architecture format within in a Google document? Thanks in advance Moz community!

    Content Development | | peteboyd

  • Hi, I'm getting these weird phantom search results showing up in my analytics account which is skewing  my results. I have a wordpress site, and I do have some custom search results pages, but analytics is telling me these hits are coming from google- which I doubt. The end of the query string (&cat=plus-5-results) is not coming from a link created within my site. Anyone have any ideas? Failing that, would somebody be kind enough to explain how I can ignore these hits, but retain other, valid search result requests? Thanks reading! Will Screenshot%202019-05-16%20at%2022.32.10.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | madegood

  • Hi everyone, I'm looking for some guidance please. Our website saw a drop in rankings on around 14th - 21st Feb 2019 and the rankings haven't really recovered. I can't see anything significant in Search Console, there was a possible unconfirmed algorithm update during early Feb but I can't really find anything factual to determine if this was the cause. The ranking drop seems to be across different keywords. What else should I check? Did anyone experience such a drop around this time and if so found out why this happened and how to recover? Thanks for your help 🙂 Caroline

    Algorithm Updates | | Teepee_Digital

  • Hi, This is a technical question. OK, two technical questions. Please bear with me and I'll do my best to explain... We have a WordPress blog (business account, hosted by WordPress). We use it to blog and send traffic to our separate e-commerce site. We use UTM tracking to see which blog posts perform best. Our e-commerce site has a high domain authority. Our blog, not so much. In an effort to increase the domain authority of the blog we have mapped a subdomain of the e-commerce site to the Wordpress blog (still hosted by WordPress). Q1. Will this actually raise the blog's DA? If the blog does get a DA boost, I guess it'll be because Google now sees it as part of a powerful domain. But if it is technically part of the powerful domain... Q2. Should we remove the UTM parameters from the blog? I've read that you should never use UTM on internal links because it messes with your Google Analytics data. But I'm unsure if links on a mapped subdomain count as 'internal links'. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks in advance. J

    Reporting & Analytics | | JabeKay

  • Hi all, Found some websites stolen our content and using the same sentences in their website pages.  Does this content hurt our website rankings?  Their DA is low, still we are worried about the damage about this plagiarism. Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys, We have an e-commerce migration of a site moving from Magento to Shopify.  The URL stuctures are changing so we will need redirects in place. They have over 50,000 skus/products. We need to setup redirect mapping - from old to new pages. Now setting up redirects for every single product seems overtop. Thus what is a good minimum requirement to determine if its worth redirecting a product page? We are thinking about going based on referring domains and google analytics data (for the last 12 months). If any product page has 1+ referring domain or more then 50 organic sessions during 12 months then setup a redirect otherwise no redirect required. Thoughts? Thankyou.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brandonegroup

  • We use Cloudflare as a firewall. I noticed a significant number of blocks of bot traffic. One of the things they do is try to block bad bot traffic. But it seems they are mistakenly blocking Google Bot traffic. If you use Cloudflare, you may want to look into this as well. Also, can you confirm if the following IPs are for legitimate Google Bots? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | akin67

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