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  • I managed to snap up a domain last October that was previously being used by people to create online resumes. On this domain I have created a site that allows businesses to have a short web address that they then use to send their customers to. This short address displays a list of review sites that the customers can choose from to leave a review on the business, ie GMB, Facebook (basically any established reviews site) etc.
    The problem I have is that there are so many old links that are pointing to the site referencing the previous resume business and I have three issues: Many people blindly sign up thinking it’s the resume business because they read it on another site who’s link they followed. The sites that list my domain are mainly job or resume related sites. I have the previous business customers still with their personalised links leading back to the site that I currently 404. The site in question is Any assistance or advice would be gratefully received.

    Reviews and Ratings | | DeanAndrews

  • Hi all, I'm looking at how to handle backlinks on a site, and am seeking a tool into which I can manually paste backlinks - is there a good backlink audit tool that offers this functionality? Please let me know! Thanks in advance, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • Im finding a site with lots of duplicated words in the title tags, I have always avoided doing this in the past, Is there any penalty for having a word repeated twice in the title, indeed is there a benefit from having it twice, IM assuming not
    For example: Marketing Services in Milton Keynes | Our Services | TFA the word service is repeated twice, in my opinion this is of no benefit at all and is better rewritten to remove the duplication

    On-Page Optimization | | Donsimong

  • If we have a company with multiple physical locations across multiple states, but selling the same products, what would be an optimal strategy? All local locations have been claimed, but the site is not coming up for searches with local intent. If the corporate site focuses on the "products", what is the best way to get that associated with the individual locations as well? When implementing json+ld, would we put the specific location on the specific location pages and nothing on the rest? Any other tips would be great! Thanks in advance,

    Local Website Optimization | | IDMI.Net

  • Ok, i have a new website, with only 14.000 page indexed by google, but the potential is big, 1-2 million pages. What i have to do, to force somehow google to index my website faster? This is my website:

    On-Page Optimization | | TeodorMarin

  • Is there a better or affordable alternative to Copyscape tool?

    Other SEO Tools | | comfortclick

  • Hi, We all know that you should optimize your images as much as possible. We're talking about filesize, filename, alt tag, etc.... If we take a look at large websites with large listpages (overview pages / categorypages) I wonder, what the best practice is regarding images. What is your view on listpages / overview pages?
    So, I'm talking about a page with 40 products in a certain category, or 25 holiday homes in a certain region. Is it negative / bad for SEO when using background images (which are loaded through CSS and optimizing the seperate elements is not possible) instead of using 'normal' optimized images (for example .jpg images wich do have optimized filenames, alt tags, etc..). Will it negatively impact listpages / overview pages?
    What are your thoughts? Regards,

    Image & Video Optimization | | AdenaSEO

  • Hi there Moz Amigos! So I have this Website: Right now, our main target keyword is "camp de jour gatineau". The website was on WIX before. So, I created the worpress version and redirected the domain name to the new hosting server (outside of WIX). So before doing the changes, the website was on page 4... After the changes, it went in 1 week on page 1 (lol, WIX sucks so much). After 3 weeks on page 1, it went on page 4 again... I am so confused XD like what the hell happen... Any ideas?

    Local Website Optimization | | Gab-SEO

  • For some reason, I end up with a bunch of weird 404 error URLs like these. /KRVWZ/SVfSZ/ /wp-content/upl /MKWTZ/RKYQZ/ /wp-content/upload What should I do with them? Should I redirect them or is there a better way to do something with them.  I do use Yoast Premium if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | photoseo1

  • Hi I have my primary product page - that ranks well for  and is optimized for "primavera p6 training". However, I'd the same page to rank well "primavera p6 online course". Do I create another version of this page optimized for these different keywords? Or do I try to get the 1 page to rank for both? A bit confused here as to what to do. Thanks.

    Keyword Research | | plannerguy

  • Just wondered if anyone knows how to be included in SERP if it comes to related questions (People also ask). Do you have to fill some requirements or is it featured snippets kind of thing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Optimal_Strategies

  • UPDATED 4/29/2019 4:33 PM I had made to many copy and pastes. Product pages are corrected Upon researching the hreflang x-default tag, I am getting some muddy results for implementation on an international company site  older results say just homepage or the country selector but…. My Question/Direction going forward for the International Site I am working on:  I believe I can to put x-default all the pages of every country and point it to the default language page for areas that are not covered with our current sites. Is this correct? From my internet reading, the x-default on every page is not truly necessary for Google but it will be valid implemented. My current site setup example: Redirects to (functions as US/Global) Example Countries w/ code Site:- 4 countries/directories US/Global, France, Spain Would the code sample below be correct? (functions as US/Global) US/Global Country Homepage - US/Global Country Product Page(s) This would be for all products - (functions for France) France Country Homepage - France Country Product Page(s) This would be for all products- (functions as Spain) Spain Country Homepage - Spain Country Product Page(s) This would be for all products - Thanks for the spot check Gravy

    International SEO | | gravymatt-se

  • Quetstion, Due to some recent SEO issues on our website on an audit, we found that a potential risk could be all the semi-sitewide links derived from a buy now pay later provider's code in our source code. Our developer implemented Rel= no follow in the following context...   <p class="afterpay-paragraph" style="display:block; margin-top:0.3rem;" rel="nofollow"></p class="afterpay-paragraph" style="display:block;> Is what the developer has done, adding it as a class correct? and will it work correctly for SEO?  or should i tell the developer to go back and include the no follow code instead as    href="" rel="nofollow">      and add the same to each external .png link too? | |
    |   | |
    |   | or make 4 interest-free payments of |
    |   | |
    |   | fortnightly with |
    |   | [](<a class=)"> |
    |   | |
    |   | src="" |
    |   | srcset=" 1x, 2x, 3x" |
    |   | width="100" height="21" alt="Afterpay"> |
    |   | More info |
    |   | |
    |   | |
    |   |   |

    On-Page Optimization | | oceanstorm

  • If I am running and have a blog on Will moving the blog to and using a reverse proxy give the blog the same domain authority as Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | El-Bracko

  • Hello. I'm new to Moz and know very little about SEO. I just finished going through the Beginner's Guide to SEO and I'm ready to take action. I plan on doing the SEO work myself. The guide says before doing keyword research, I should first answer certain questions about my business, such as: What types of my product are people searching for? Who is searching for these terms? When are people searching for these terms? How are people searching for my product? There are several more. How do I go about finding the answers to these questions? Thank you in advance.

    Keyword Research | | KathyAshley

  • Whenever I search for my website, All of the pages appears as different search results. However, I want my website to appear as most of the website out there appears. I have attached an image for your understanding (that's what exactly I want to get). I Shall be very thankful! Oycm2Kd

    Technical SEO | | primecoursesfree

  • So i am working with a review company and I am having a hard time with something. We have created a category which lists and categorizes every one of our properties. For example a specific property in the category "restaurant" would be as seen below: /restaurant/mcdonalds /restaurant/panda-express And so on and so on. What I am noticing however is that our more obscure properties are not being linked to by any page. If I were to visit the page I would see 100+ pages of properties, however it seems like only the properties on the first few pages are being counted as having links. So far the only way I have been able to work around this issue is by creating a page and hiding it in our footer called "all restaurants". This page lists and links to every one of our properties. However it isn't exactly user friendly and I would prefer scrapers not to be able to scrape all properties at once! Anyway, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | HashtagHustler

  • Hello, I'm trying to make an SEO backlinks report on my website When using the Link Explorer, I see only a few backlinks while I have much more backlinks on this website. Anyone has an idea about how to fix this issue. How can I check and correct this? My website is

    Moz Pro | | signsny

  • Hello, I'm trying to make an SEO on-pages audit of my website. When using the SEO crawl, i see only one page while i have much more pages in this website (200+). Is it an issue with the sitemap ? The robot.txt ? How can i check and correct this. My website is

    Link Explorer | | MK-Discoolver

  • One of my websites does not display sitelinks when using a branded search on mobile. Desktop , it is fine. Moz tells me I have no crawl issues. What could be reason for sitelinks not showing on mobile? Any thoughts?

    Local Listings | | Web_Prosper_SEO

  • Hi, I want to ask what need I do to the old content after my 301 redirect to the new domain with the same content success? Do I need to remove that old content? Nothing bad happen right? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | matthewparkman

  • So, i have done some research on this and I am running into 2 problems. We run a review site for a specific niche. wordpress is viewing our category pages as an "archive" which i don't know that it really is. Google seems to only be indexing the first 9 pages of this category. We would like google to be indexing these pages because thats the only place on our website where all our specific products are linked. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

    Reporting & Analytics | | HashtagHustler

  • Hello, Moz community! I have been puzzling about what to do for a client.  Here is the challenge. The client's "product"/welcome page lives at this page allows the visitor to select the country/informational site they want OR to login to their subdomain/install of the product. Google is choosing this url as the main result for client brand searches. In a perfect world, for searchers in the US, we would get served the client's US version of the information/marketing site which lives at, and so on for other country level content (also living in a directory for that country) It's a brand new client, we've done geo-targeting within the search console, and I'm kind of scared to rock the boat by de-indexing this welcome screen. Any thoughts, ideas, potential solutions are so appreciated. THANKS! Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | SimpleSearch

  • Hi, I added canonicals last two days, and made a tiny change is our meta titles. (adding a secondary keyword). Now my ave. position and visibility has dropped very much. Can it be canonicals or is it the keywords? Can canonicals affect the website so quickly? My other question is can it be temporarily so should I wait more? how long? I should mention that our website content is not really good and I'm working on it. When I added meta tags we had a big jump in our ranking and then we stopped getting better,. But now we are going down! Can it be the content? Sorry I know that it is actually all, but i do not know which one matters more and do not understand why it happened immediately after adding canonicals. Our website is: Appreciate your advice.

    Technical SEO | | PSI.Account

  • I have a website that is much better optimized than its competitors, but the competitors rank much higher for the keywords I'm going for! This site: Has errors and all sorts of issues but it ranks in the top 10 for all the keywords I'm trying to rank for in Carlsbad, CA. chiropractor, chiropractic, carlsbad chiropractor, and chiropractor near me. My site: is much better optimized for a year now and it still ranks extremely low for these keywords. Not to mention, I was #1 for chiropractic and then it suddenly dropped to #97 and all I did was optimize some images. It's now back up to #17 but I'm seriously confused. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'd really appreciate it.

    Local Website Optimization | | Jarod4545

  • Do I need meta descriptions for category pages in Wordpress? They show up as errors in the Moz site audit. What should I do about it? Thanks,

    Getting Started | | Jarod4545

  • I'm trying to convince a client of the importance of their Google My Business profile and other listings. But because they are less concerned about local since they are a remote based B2B coaching group they don't see it as a priority. Any resources to help me unpack the importance?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seanc1

  • Hi if I'm getting a keyword stuffing warning on Moz for a brand page for the brand name kw that shouldn't really matter should it? Moz just oversimplifying it since seen the brand name says 27 times on a page think it's stuffed, but if its a 2000 word page all about the brand, those occurrences are totally natural & hence Google will think so too generally speaking? Thanks Dan

    Moz Pro | | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi Moz! We are having issues on a number of our international sites where Google is choosing our page 2 of a category as the canonical over page 1. Example; (Image attached). We currently use infinite loading, however when javascript is disabled we have a text link to page 2 which is done via a query string of '?filter=true&view=X&categoryid=X&page=2' Page 2 is blocked via robots.txt and has a canonical pointing at page 1. Due to Google selecting page 2 as the canonical, the page is no longer ranking. For the main keyphrase a subcategory page is ranking poorly. LqDO0qr

    On-Page Optimization | | RemarkableAgency
  • Solved

    spam score

    My domain is for a regular company website and someone sent a lot of external links on different low-quality websites on the internet. Now the score is very high about 75%. If I disavow the unusual links from google search console. Is it possible to reduce the spam score? Is MOZ associated with GOOGLE Data? Thanks,

    Moz Pro | | niaokun683807

  • What are the guidelines / best practices for clearing these errors? Google has some pretty vague documentation on how to handle this sort of error. User behavior metrics in GA are pretty much in line with desktop usage and don't show anything concerning Any input is appreciated! Thanks m3F3uOI

    Technical SEO | | Digital_Reach

  • Hey everyone, I should start by saying I'm very new to SEO (I'm actually just a copywriter that's taken on this role at an agency), so I apologize if I'm using some common terms incorrectly or if there's a lack of information. I've been optimizing my first ecommerce website (clothing company), and things were going very well last year. Strong surges in organic traffic, peaking in the summer. There was a drop before the holidays when the client dumped a ton of new product pages that weren't optimized. After optimizing the pages, the traffic went back up to its summer levels. Now, there's about a 10% drop in organic traffic since earlier this year, and a loss of just over 20% of keywords the site was originally ranking for. There's no sharp drop in the Analytics, but a steady decline. To give a better idea, the site was ranking for 5,270 keywords in February; it's dropped to 3,772 keywords in April. According to SEMRush, almost all the dropped keywords are the lower volume ones, maybe indicating long tail keywords? I'm really not sure what the cause of the drop is, as I've been following (I think) best on-page practices, which seems to have yielded results last year. One thing I should mention is the client has a unique product page for each variant of one product (so the same shirt will have 10 of the same pages, the only difference being the colour). Could Google be penalizing the site for duplicate content? It was fine last year though with that same site structure; I'm not sure how long it would take for Google to penalize a site for that. Sorry for the wall of text. I'd really appreciate any insight into this. Thanks Moz community!

    On-Page Optimization | | EdenPrez

  • I've searched the Moz blog as well as Q&A forums - but I specifically have a question about utilizing the Moz Location in keywords vs including the location in the actual keyword phrase. I've done both and get different rankings. For instance, I have "it company" with the Location set to Corpus Christi, Texas and our rank is #3. Then I also have "it company corpus christi" with the Location set to Corpus Christi, Texas and our rank is #6. Additionally, I threw in "it company corpus christi" with the Location set to National and our rank is #7. What is the best practice and what are the determining factors for the differences? Thank you in advance!

    Moz Bar | | LBoxerger

  • Hi! Does anybody have any expierence on the SEO impact when changing the content of a page depending on the IP address of the visitor? Would be text content as well as meta information. This happening on the same URL. Many thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Schoellerallibert

  • Hi, We couldn't able to see the last Google cached version of our homepage after March 29th. Just wondering why this is happening with other websites too. When we make some changes to the website, we will wait to our website indexed and cached, so the changes will have some ranking impact. Now we couldn't able to check if the website got indexed with changes. Is there any other way to check the latest cached version or time of last index? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hey Moz Team, This is Devesh Srivastava, you can call me Dev.
    Recently there was an update from your side and that was pretty good. I have analyzed model factors regarding Moz 2.0. Though my DA score has been down to 36 from 52, I would still say that an update was really necessary. I have some questions which require some clarification or you can say a proper solution.
    As of now, I have removed all the Spam links which were coming to my website ( and I have submitted the disavow list to GSC but I would like to know how should I begin my link building strategy keep everything in mind. And now that, I have removed those spam links how would Moz or how should I tell Moz or Google that those have been removed so how soon can I get back to my previous DA score? I am very much confused with the link building strategy now. What steps should I follow after submitting a disavow list and would Moz stats will change after Google Disavowing those links? Can anyone answer my question?

    Link Explorer | | nikh26

  • Hi Guys, Have a client who's blog is combined with there e-commerce site which is on Magento 2 but there are no SEO fields to add meta title, description. It only has the ability to add h1 tag see: We want to add this ability to add meta data like this: Does anyone know how to do this? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brandonegroup

  • Hi Guys, If you're doing an SEO migration and have multiple versions of the same page example: Version 1: Version 2: Version 3: And you want to redirect them to a new URL (new site): New Site: How would you ensure you redirect all the different versions of URL (versions 1,2,3) to the new URL on the new site? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brandonegroup

  • I'm seeing a lot of 404 errors with slugs related to cryptocurrency (not my website's industry at all). We've never created pages remotely similar, but I see a lot of 404 errors with keywords like "bitcoin" and "litecoin". Any recommendations on what to do about this? Another keyword is "yelz". It usually presents like .../yelz/-ripper-vs-steller/ or .../bitcoin-vs-litecoin/. I don't really even have the time to fix all the legitimate 404 errors, let alone these mysterious requests. Any advice is appreciated.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | bcaples

  • Hello, We want to block all pages in this directory from Moz and Alexa robots - /slabinventory/search/ Here is an example page - Let me know if this is a valid disallow for what I'm trying to. User-agent: ia_archiver
    Disallow: /slabinventory/search/* User-agent: rogerbot
    Disallow: /slabinventory/search/* Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Pushm

  • We've been trying to use the GMB Q&A feature as a lot of customers seem to be engaging with the listing/asking relevant questions. However, sometimes we answer a question directly from the business listing account but it does not appear (no error message is shown when posting either). When we go to re-post the answer, the text is sometimes still visible in the answer box field. Any ideas what might be causing the issue?

    Local Listings | | Wagada

  • Hi, Our website is set up so that our top menu is on every page, which means every page is going to have around the same amount of internal links (225-ish). Is this an issue that needs to be fixed for our pages to rank, or is it only a recommendation that doesn't really impact SEO that much? If it is the only issue listed for a particular page, is there another reason that page might not be ranking even though it has a 99 score? Or is because of having 225 internal links? I have many product pages on my website that have a 99 score on the Page Optimization with the only recommendation being an info that says not to have too many internal links. My  understanding is that internal links are defined as any URL on a page pointing to another part of the same root domain/site. So, for example, my page: has 225 internal links in the source code for that page: Where do I go to fix this issue if I need to get to below 100 internal links? Do I erase the links, or set up a no-follow tag? I appreciate any help or guidance. Thank you! Austin

    On-Page Optimization | | AllChargedUp

  • I have a website domain redirection query At the moment because of rebranding and domain changes I have redirecting to is the primary domain because at the time I wanted to appease any SEO ramifications that might’ve occurred if I had the new domain at the time “” as the primary domain.Unfortunately, my client now wants to rebrand AGAIN with the new website domain being “”.I wanted to gauge what would be the best SEO practice in relation to what domain should be the “Primary domain"?

    Local SEO | | JD26

  • I've been doing a lot research on GDPR impact and implementation with GTM-GA for clients, but it's been 12 months since GDPR has gone live I haven't found anything on how GA traffic has been impacted if users don't accept cookie consent. However, I'm personally seeing GA accounts taking huge losses in traffic since implementing GDPR cookie solutions (because GTM/GA tags aren't firing until cookies are accepted). Is it common for websites to see significant decreases in traffic due to too many users not accepting cookie consent? Are there alternative solutions to avoid traffic loss like that and still maintain GDPR compliance? It seems to me that the industry underestimated how many people won't accept cookie consent. Most of the documentation and articles around GDPR's start (May 2018) didn't foresee or cover that aspect properly, everything seems to be technically focused with the assumption that if implemented properly most people would accept cookie consent, but I'm personally not seeing that trend and it's destroying GA data (lost traffic, minimal source attribution, inaccurate behavior data, etc). Thanks.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Kickboard

  • Hi all, our tech team inherited a bit of an SEO pickle. I manage a freemium React JS app built for 80k unique markets worldwide (and associated dedicated URL schema). Ex/ Mistake - App, in its entirety, was indexed by Google in July 2018, which basically resulted in duplicate content penalties because the unique on-page content wasn't readable. Partial Solution - We no indexed all app pages until we were able to implement a "pre-render" / HTML readable solution with associated dynamic meta data for the Overview page in each market. We are now selectively reindexing only the free "Overview" pages that have unique data (with a nofollow on all other page links), but want to persist a noindex on all other pages because the data is not uniquely "readable" before subscribing. We have the technical server-side rules in place and working to ensure this selective indexing. Question - How can we force google to abandoned the >300k cached URLs from the summer's failed deploy? Ex/, would lead you to a live URL such as this which has limited value to the user, (Note Google's cached SERPs also have an old URL structure, which we have since 301ed, because we also updated the page structure in October). Those pages are currently and will remain noindexed for the foreseeable future. Our sitemap and robots.txt file is up-to-date, but the old search console only has a temporary removal on a one-by-one basis. Is there a way to do write a rule-based page removal? Or do we simply render these pages in HTML and remove the nofollow to those links from the Overview page so a bot can get to them, and then it would see that there's a noindex on them, and remove them from the SERPs? Thanks for your help and advice!

    Local Website Optimization | | Airbnb_data_geek

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