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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hi, i got sent an email and normally i ignore them but decided on this occasion i would try it. It was an email from saying it is a great place to get noticed. Now i have joined and to be honest it is a lot of rubbish when it comes to promoting yourself. I have mine here The only place that i see you can promote yourself is at the top but once you change your article it goes, so is it all a con. would like to hear your thoughts

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have never been a fan of comment pages such as the sun but i was told the other day that not only is it good for the reader but it is also good for seo and increase the number of times that google would visit the page and i would like to know if that is true. if you have  added a comment section to your articles i would like to know if you have noticed any change.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Some content pages act as buyers guides for certain products for example Used Paddle Boards for Sale - this is a content page that gets huge amount of traffic and is pure content with no products on the page, but we also have a ecommerce section of the site that is Used Paddle Boards for Sale - however this page just has a small paragraph and all the ecommerce product related to this section on the page. The content only page above gets all the traffic and rank and then they click over to the actual ecomm section wiht the products from a link on that page. Should i merge these two together so its just one page and put the content on the ecom page? If i do all the content with push the ecommerce products down which is not good so what does anyone recommend as a best practice? Also will this mess up the content pages rank is i merge them assuming i redirect? or Keep them seperate like i have with a content page regarding "used paddle boards for sale" and an ecommerce page that sells acutal "used paddle boards for sale"

    | isle_surf

  • If you want to target long tail traffic from commonly asked questions what is the best way to publish answers to these questions? A really long FAQ page, a new page for each question in a /faq/ subfolder, adding them to relevant product pages that already exist? Is creating a new page for each question a problem because the answer might be a paragraph and Google doesn't like thin content?

    | ProjectLabs

  • I've read that I should only have a rel="publisher" once on my site (on the home page) in a link that points back to the corporate G+ page. Cool. But, if I want to have a link to the corporate G+ page in the footer of every other page on the site then I assume it's okay as long as I omit the rel="publisher" part, correct? Second question: For blog postings, I assume it's good to include a rel="author" tag in the link to the author's G+ page, right? Even though there is a link to the corporate G+ page in the footer of the same page.

    | scanlin

  • Hi Guys I was wondering if you could help on this one. We are in the process of setting up a wordpress blog for our website to aid our content marketing efforts, and was wondering what main url for this blog is going to be the best for seo purposes? So of the following 2 which one is going to be the better one? or If anyone could get back to me on this I would appreciate it. Thanks David

    | DavidZA1

  • I deleted an EzineArticle to reuse somewhere more useful, but now I find it has been copied (and links to competitors added). Anyway, that's not really the main point. What I am wondering is, as they have been reproduced 2 or 3 times, are they any use to me at all, or would they just be seen as duplicate content. They were good articles too. Much too good for an article directory.....

    | Cornwall

  • Hey looking for cool content marketing examples in the car industry. Like major car companies leveraging their resources, in developing awesome, and viral content. Anyone aware of any cool campaigns? Cheers, Mark

    | MBASydney

  • Hi,
    Recently, I had to add the same phrase, with 15 words, nearly, in 700 posts in a same blog. In this phrase is written about the site ownership and eventually some links showing the posts sources. I thought in create a image, but it will be some variations in the source words (2 or 3), therefore I chose to use text format. I'd like to read some comments and opinions about this kind of insertion (the same phrase in many different pages of one site). For exemple, did you handle this in your site? Problems or benefits (mainly with indexing)?  Special code to indicate in this case? Any threat?

    | webg

  • Hi, i am going to try and explain this as best as possible as i am not used to working with k2 that much. What i have as an example is a page which is here This page is news about ryanair now because i am working in joomla and i am working with k2, and i am also making each landing page a front page, i am having problems. For people who do not use joomla i will explain. For the ryanair page which is a front page, i have to make a category and that category for all my content to go into is called ryaniar-news. Now i have the page above which is for ryanair news but the problem i have got is, because i have a category it brings up all the content as a blog format. so for example here is the category section in blog format. Now i have managed to make sure that the articles are not showing but it brings up the title of the pages and i am worried that this will be seen as duplicate content and will damage the main page of I may have set everything up wrong i am not sure but if i have i would be glad if someone can tell me the right way to do it. I do not like the blog format and that is why i use a front page set up so i can have my layout the way i want it. Can anyone please explain if my set up will damage the main ryanair news page or what i need to do to sort it out please.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I've set up google authorship on my site and my image appears in search result for posts.I run wordpress and my categories are also indexed but it doesn't show up for categories of posts? Is this possible? My other question though is that I do a lot of guest posting and want to get credit as a google author when I post on other people's sites. What code do I need to add at the end of guest posts so that I'm credited as the author via google authorship?

    | SamCUK

  • I just read this great article about location search. I am going o read it over and over again, but I wanted to ask... When ranking organically for location searches, do you recommend posting articles (such as testimonials, etc) or build informative pages - that can link through the home page through the nav bar or through a drop down or what have you. There are so many ways to do it, what do you think is best?

    | SwanJob

  • Say I write a great article about The Best Colleges at X and in the article there is a keyword linking to my hunch is that it would actually be better for if the article wasn't promoted to the colleges through - instead it was promoted through my thinking is that the authority of another site linking to /productX with a popular post is higher than my own domain linking to /productX with a popular post. Am I right? Does it not matter? Am I completely wrong?

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • So I have review pages for websites on my site, each website has a review around 400-500 words. Recently I had my writers write 2 additional articles on each site but about something they have there. My thinking was interlinking them allowing them to rank individually etc. However now after looking around etc.. I see that content that is upwards of 1000 words or more might be more powerful and the way this is all written etc.. I could easily put it all on one page.... So my question is do I go with 3 pages or 1 page. I can see strength in both

    | dueces

  • I recently hired a content writer to help me with my projects.  I want to give her access to my account.  How can I do this?

    | melen

  • Hi there my sitemap is @ and images are stored on I have verified but as there is no sitemap apart from google has 3000 images in sitemap but only 289 indexed - was all when all were on the same domain any advice would be good

    | jimmy164

  • I have a video section on my site.  Basically I am filtering quality videos for my readers to check out.  The videos are pretty much all embedded youtube/vimeo vids. There are a few categories, which are pretty niche-y in relation to my readers.  In general they probably aren't seen as too relevant to the overall content on my site... Is it a mistake to keep these videos up? Could they be messing up my rankings since they aren't necessarily in line with the rest of the content on my site?

    | PedroAndJobu

  • Mornin' Anyone have any guests blogging resources to find guest bloggers and blogs to guest post on? I've been using My Guest Blog but it runs dry after a while. Thanks

    | Martin_S

  • Hey Folks Question for those folks that have spent some time helping people with the recent penalties and the like. I have a client who has a clear Panda Penalty, huge drop in traffic on the initial Panda date and a further drop on the second date. Much smaller incremental drops on subsequent recent updates as well. From digging in it seems fairly cut and dry - copyscape shows another 250 or so sites with content from this site and there are nearly 2000 external URLs with duplicate content across these sites. We are talking complete, shameless copies of all of the text, sometimes the images as well. The client claims the content is all 100% unique and is his content and that the other blogs must have stolen his content resulting in the penalty - which, if it is true, and I have no reason to suspect otherwise, kind of sucks. Now, many moons ago, way before Penguin or Panda (maybe around 2006) I had a client that had suddenly lost all traffic and their historical rankings. No funny business, it was a small company, had been online since around 2000 and they were pretty much the first of their kind and always did very well from organic search. As it turned out, the content from the site had not really changed since it was set up and as lots of companies had sprung up offering a similar service they had seen their content copied wholesale, across many sites, all over the world. We attempted to contact many of these sites and got some results but many were just old, abandoned copy cat sites on advert supported hosting that had ceased to trade so we maybe got rid of about 20%. Well, in the end we just decided to rewrite the content, we did this and sure enough, the site bounced back to it's previous standing and has been pretty much there ever since. Now that was kind of easy, the site had maybe 20 pages, and it needed a sprucing up but in this case the site has around 500 pages so doing a rewrite is not going to be so easy. Problem is, I don't see removal requests being particularly successful either. So, I see the options and steps as being. Contact all the sites and request the removal of the content use the Google content removal facility: File a DMCA takedown for anything remaining Report Scraped Pages to Google:  Submit a spam report for all sites involved ? Submit a reconsideration request to let Google know what we have been doing (unlikely In a nutshell, do everything we can to get this content removed and then documenting this to Google in the hope we catch hold of someone who hears our plight. Interestingly enough, this is a sensitive one, so no URL but I would welcome any thoughts or experiences any of you may have had with similar problems. There is a little extra info here from Matt Cutts + Barry Schwartz that kind of tallies with my approach above but would really like to hear any feedback. Cheers all Marcus

    | Marcus_Miller

  • Does anyone else use HitTail? I am using it for a free trial at the moment. The idea was to get some keyword suggestions and write blog posts on these topics. My problem is that I am ranking on the top page sometimes spot 2 or 3 for the keyword terms that are being suggested, so what's the point? I don't see the point in writing for google searches in other countries so I delete them as it isn't an international business? Am I getting the most out of this or just missing the point?

    | Hughescov

  • The reasons we want to put one up is obviously for SEO reasons but since we are a small business with limited resources the higher ups are worried that we will start strong but slack off. Some feel that it's worse to start and not keep up the blog as it gives an unprofessional vibe to google and other users. I maintain that I will try to keep it up to the best of my abilities and that it's better to have something than nothing. What do you feel and do you have any experiences in this?

    | EcomLkwd

  • We are in the process of researching the best plugins and widgets for our clients' blogs. It appears that SEO by Yoast is most popular for 2013 so far. Any recommendations on which widgets we should be using or plugins for content syndication? If we use something like the Jetpack plugin, would this do the trick?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Does that mean the article in my blog address bar link? I have a blog with many posts focussed on different keywords.  What does step 1 mean for me? Does it mean I should publish my post on my blog - copy the url in the address bar - and then enter it in SUBDOMAIN? Your help is appreciated. Thanks

    | coffeecup

  • I was hit with Penguin on April 24th like a ton of bricks. Luckily my cash cow keyword was kept safe and still is today with even an increase in traffic over the year. With some other main keywords I used to rank far I fell off the board on that day. Since then I have been slowly trying to clean things up as much as I know Today I was sitting down with my coffee and Penguin mindset and I decided to use copyscape again to review duplicate content issues and something I noticed which I either didn't before or didn't think was an issue was my footer. In my footer I used a blurb from some other site in my niche a long time ago. Which I discovered they used from one of the main sites in my niche. Anyways I noticed that my footer is what kept coming up as being duplicate content and was always at an overage of 28% according to copyscape. My question is should I be worried about the footer? Is 28% a lot?

    | cbielich

  • I just have a quick question. I have seen a few people mention that the use of more than 1 H1 tag has little bearing on things. I am trying to sort out a site for a friend and it has 2 H1 tags. My issue is that it is ranking for a quite competitive keyword (don't know how as the whole site layout is a total mess) but in my efforts to clean up the site I am wondering if I should actually reduce the No of H1 Tags to 1 or leave 'as is' for fear of breaking something. Thanks Paul

    | propertyhunter

  • I setup a wordpress blog about 6 months ago called Infographic Directory on this URL: and less then a week after I set it up I was #1 on Google for infographic directory and my posts were ranking reasonably well. Because the blog was quite successful and got nearly quarter of a million visitors in the first few months I decided to take it a bit more seriously and purchased a proper domain name: I set up a proper 301 redirect about 6 weeks ago but my rankings are still terrible - worst then ever. I am getting outranked on Google for infographic directory by my listing for the blog name: infographic directory and my blog posts are not showing up in the rankings at all. Should I just be patient or do you think I might have been hit with a penalty or something?

    | Eavesy

  • Hey there. I'm a new Pro member and this will be my first question on the Q&A. Thanks in advance for your responses. I'm the owner of an ecommerce site that sells custom candles. in case anyone wants to take a peak. I've become somewhat of an expert on all-things-candles over the past 4 years and I am thinking about starting a candle related blog. My question is this. Should I build this blog on the ecommerce site itself, say @, or should I devote a separate site to answering candle related question, history of candles, etc? At first, I was thinking that the blog should remain on the ecommerce site so readers would have easy access to the shop to be able to purchase products. But then it occurred to me that people who may be interested in reading up on candle history, candle making, meditation & candles, etc., may not want to go to an obviously ecommerce site to do that. I know Google values informational sites more than ecommerce sites (at least I think they do), so that encourages me to lean towards the separate site. Well, I may have just answered this question myself, but I'd definitely be interested to hear feedback and opinions. Thanks so much guys and I look forward to hearing from you.

    | Devynn

  • I have 27000 products on my website, showed one by one on a separated webpage.  Google index them almost all (+- 25000).  But the SEOmoz report shows them as duplicated content.  Indeed, most of the page is identical, only changing description and price of the product which is indeed not more than 2% of the total content of the page.  On the bottom of the product page are shown the alternatives for this product, mainly other colors.  So, within the same family of products that can have 50 products, the site creates 50 webpages showing the product and it's family.  That's why nearly everything on the page is identical within this family of products. My guess is, as Google indexed them all, I should not worry about duplicated content. Is my guess correct? Thanks for a soon answer. Rik

    | noordhout

  • Hi all I'm wondering whether anyone knows of any good reputable Australian companies that specialise in SEO content marketing? Looking for a company that can manage & produce quality content at scale, while being cost effective. If you've had experience dealing with them, please list the pros & cons of your experience. Thanks.

    | danng

  • Is there any problem updating the date and text of a news article if the URL remains the same? For example, if we published a minor sports story on Monday and on Wednesday there was a small update to the story I would like to take my original article and change the date + first paragraph of the text to make it still relevant for my users to read without having to write an entirely new article since this is not a major story and there is not much new content to add. Any SEO issues with take the original article and changing the first paragraph + title?

    | theLotter

  • I'm looking for a couple of blogging ideas to get the ball rolling (mainly in my head) for one of the company websites I am working on. The site is  The company is based around offering trenchless technology across the UK. The first couple of posts are more like 'Latest news' items and I have only really come up with an idea of 'microtunnelling vs directional drilling'. I didn't seem to get much out of ubersuggest, soovle and google instant. Has anyone got  any ideas? Thanks

    | Hughescov

  • Hi, i am going to add a blog to my site to encourage more visitors as well as encourage google to visit the site more often but i am concerned on a couple of things. The blogs will be on weight loss hypnotherapy, anger management therapy and also gastric band hypnotherapy and i am concerned that by writing a number of articles on this topic that by using the keywords it will lower my rankings for the following keywords, gastric band hypnotherapy, anger management therapy, weight loss hypnotherapy. To help you understand more, i have three sections which are gastric band hypnotherapy, anger management therapy, weight loss hypnotherapy, which rank well with google and i am worried that if i write about these subjects in my blog that it will reduce my rankings. Should i reduce the number of times i use the word gastric band hypnotherapy in my new blog articles and say only say the word once or twice so google does not thing that is my main page on the subject. any help would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Ive read through past articles and this has come to mind, when wiritng instructions in parts, so for example Scuba Diving part 1 - Equipment Checks Scuba Diving Part 2 - Choosing a buddy Scuba Diving part 3 - Check and double check With the keyword through the article being scuba diving. Looking at previous posts if they are on multiple pages with teh keyword Scuba diving then link juice would be shared but as an article then pages make more sense for reading. Is it best for SEO to have it all on one page or is it best to have for part one as scuba diving   , part 2 as diving, part 3 as diving equipment,   Although other pages are taken up with those keywords. So i suppose what im asking is will the same keyword over multiple pages devalue the work on the first post.

    | robnewman

  • We are a service provider and we have different links on our website to each of our services. The problem is the content that we would have for each is very similar. How can I ensure that it is not deemed duplicate content and ranked poorly because of it. Thanks

    | JayTurner

  • How long before I can see those links show up in SEO Moz for my website?  What elements is SEO Moz looking for before they add the  wordpress site to my linking domains report? Regards, Jeff

    | biggieshaws

  • What is an optimal size for a description of an image without being penalized. In the past, I would put whole paragraphs in the alt and title tags. These were well structured sentences to avoid the "keyword stuffing." Just wondering whether any research has been done on this element.

    | manintights28

  • On  pages being 301 directed what should be done about the copy on the old page? 1. leave the copy up on the page being 301 redirected? 2. delete the copy on the page? 3. Have  a link pointing to the new url with a short note saying if not redirected to the page in 5 seconds?

    | AllIsWell

  • Hello, I was given the great advice of sticking with 5 long, stellar, graphically well developed articles in the article section of an ecommerce site. And to put lots of how-tos articles (links to them) in the FAQ. But what articles do you put in the FAQ if you're selling things like shoes or clothing? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I have seen popular blogs use the Getty images of newsworthy figures with attribution. Is there a special way to request this privilege, besides just emailing them and asking? I am working with an author who is getting ready to start blogging on a more visual basis.

    | handsun

  • Hi, i have a serious problem. I work in joomla and sometimes it can be annoying. When you set up a category, you need to give it a name and maybe this is a huge error on my part as i did not really think about the names beforehand. The situation i have now is, all my sections are in front page mode, but because you have to name the categories in order to write articles, i am now left with a load of blog sections such as Now i have a main section called Benidorm news so i have duplicate sections, i want to know if i can redirect the to go to the main benidorm section or if there is a better way of doing it. i have left this blod layout the way it is to show you, but the others i just have it where it shows the title and then goes to the article. I work in k2 and would be grateful if anyone can let me know the solution to this as semoz is showing that i have many duplicate titles and content many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • hi can someone guide me the right direction for guest blogging ? i m looking for quality blog sites that allow guest blogging especially for ecommerce related sites. Thank you Nick

    | orion68

  • Hi, Just come across this and thought I would share it, looks good from the outside but not yet signed up, going to though in the next hour or so. Anyway looks good -

    | activitysuper

  • Im currently working with a new client and their goal is to create the absolute best content in their industry. I've seen alot of articles on WHY to create the best content but not a lot on HOW to create the best content. Can anyone recommend a article they recall which talked more about the HOW. I'm looking for a process on how to create awesome content, how to go about it. Any suggestions?

    | monster99

  • My client is publishing their own articles simultaneously on three sites, sites which they own. What can and should they be doing to ensure the get maximum exposure without penalty?

    | DonnaDuncan

  • Hello, I am interested in adding a rel=author tag to all of our website pages. They are static php pages. How would you suggest we go about doing this? We do have a Google+ business page setup. Thanks

    | AspectExhibitions

  • Good Morning... I have multiple blogs that all relate to the same industry and products... The blogs all have unique content, they do not have duplicate content... Is there a way to share the information or link from one to the other without being seen as someone trying to manipulate anything?  The goal is to keep each blog updated frequently, but I can only write so much unique content... can i somehow share the content? Please provide any feedback or advice... Thanks

    | Prime85

  • For the last few months I've been rewriting website descriptions for the company I work for, trying to comply with the Panda algorithm as best I could. There are about 400 items. Today I am going to begin working on titles and descriptions. Question: Once I'm finished and have run the site through SEOMoz's pro tools, I would like to have Google look at the site _**in toto  **_once the changes have been made so that maybe we can procure some decent organic rankings. Can the site be resubmitted, and what is the procedure? Ps. Today I am asking my fellow employees to help me proofread each description for grammar, spelling, accuracy, and keyword placement. I am also asking for suggestions from them.

    | RScime25

  • Having a particular blog appearing in different categories or under different tags on a site- does it cause duplicate content? If yes, why ?

    | Personnel_Concept

  • I have found a blog in my niche that accepts guest posts. However, the site is quite odd in that the homepage has a PR of 0 and all the other pages have a 2. I just wanted to check if it is still worth posting on this site as it looks suspicious to me. Thanks.

    | AAttias

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