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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hi, i am working with a new site which is in wordpress and i am just wondering if i have the google adsense in the right place. I want great user experience but i also want maximum exposure to earn money to pay for the site. I must say i have no experience with google adsense, have used it for a couple of years but never sure where the right places are to put it. here is the page and i would be grateful for your thoughts. i was thinking of moving the top google adsense above the title and replace it with a 300 by 250 box in the middle of the content and either keeping the bottom or moving that to the side. any advice would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, i am looking for the best theme clubs out there for wordpress, i am looking for clubs that offer support and also ones that have a forum that you can share ideas as well as get support. any suggestions would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello, I was wondering, if anyone here in this community runs a directory using wordpress + a geolocation theme like Geoplaces or Geotheme or others. I have tested Geoplaces and felt with around 100 business entries that my page loaded superslow (up to 4 sec) already on a power server. I would like to work with a fast, secure and SEO-friendly directory theme...any recommandations?

    | reisefm

  • Morning Guys As part of a bigger SEO Project I am writing some blog posts.  I am trying to use information we have based on shopping habits within our store. So I have written this first blog post: What can I do with my blog now to get more exposure?  I have submitted our blog to a couple of RSS directory lists.  I also created a pintrest board, and announced the blog post on our facebook and twitter accounts. I am hoping to do 1 of these bigger posts per week, and this took me about 3-4 hours to research the stats and compile the information, so obviously the more I can get out of it the better.  Also, I am hoping over a number of weeks I can identify what sort of content relates best to our customers/browsers. Thanks Paul

    | TheUniqueSEO

  • Hi, Just a quick question - I assumed it would be a better to have a WordPress blog in a sub folder rather than a sub domain however I just wondered would it offer any more / less value if I just embedded the WordPress blog into my existing code? Thanks, Dan

    | Sparkstone

  • I just discovered my client was posting the same content as the site I'm working on for him on a separate blog. I don't want to run into duplicate content issues. Both are Wordpress sites. Will it suffice to simply unpublish duplicate entries on the other blog and leave the posts as drafts?

    | locallyrank

  • hi folks i launched a new website last month can anyone tell me how long it normally takes for google to pick them up? is there any of speeding up the process as i want to launch another one by the end of the month. the address of this one is cheers donal

    | homebrew1

  • Hi, over the past couple of years we have turned down thousands of request from companies to have paid editorial on our sites, I have always turned this down but i have seen some sites accept this and would like to know your stance on this. In newspapers and magazines which i have worked in both, they have paid editorial all the time, so i am just wondering what google thinks of paid editorial. look forward to hearing your thoughts

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, we are testing a new website using wordpress, we have never used wordpress before and normally use joomla so we would like some advice to make sure the page below is good user experience, good for seo and the layout of the page including text style and size and paragraph space is ok would love your feedback here is the page

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Can anybody recommend a particular company or website where I might be able to find some help in creating a whitepaper for lead generation? We have a few subject identified, and we've written a handful of blog posts about these subjects already, so we have some content. We're just struggling with compiling it and formatting into an effective whitepaper format. I was hoping we might get some professional help with this first one.

    | _JP_

  • The problem we find as a small printing company ( even though we are in a decent field for ideas (design, printing, business advertising) we are really struggling with types of resource / link bait content to create which is either not out there already or would create a decent buzz (ideas we have bounced around such as exhibition guides sound ok but they have been done to death such as independent sites). Any help would be really appreciated.

    | BobAnderson

  • Crawl diagnosis indicates duplicate page content all from the blog on my website. What can i do to fix this?

    | skinbiz

  • Looking for a great freelance writer to assist in creating linkbait and viral content pieces. Please contact me if you are, or know of, such a person. 🙂

    | AdamThompson

  • A client who writes blog posts for Huffington Post also wants an identical version of the blog posted to his personal site. Do you think there could be a problem of being punished for duplicate content? Would a better SEO practice be to have the client do an on-site blog just linking to the Huffington Post blog and providing information about it?

    | EmarketedTeam

  • I want to post articles and get backlink. What is the best practice for finding guest blog? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I have a online store selling furnace filters. For link building, I started to post on guest blogs I'm new to posting on guest blog and I would like to know what are the most important metrics to look at when selecting a blog? The P.A. ??? I did a few test and this is what I did: in the Goolge-BLOG tab option search for K.W like: ''furnace filters'' ''air furnace filters'' Look at Google results and (MozBar is installed on browser) slect blog with P.A. of 15 or higher Read the post and if I have a relevant content to add, post on the blog and had my infos, store url... Then I keep the blog URL and see if my post get approve and publish. Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hi, I have a situation with a client site which is quite frustrating. Basically, most "recent" (by that I mean for the last couple of months) blog posts are failing to reach the SERPS (actually, one has and a couple have from the early days but it's taken months for them to arrive). Previously the blog posts were indexed very quickly - often instantly. Now, I've checked WMT etc and I've submitted each post manually but still nothing.  The Sitemap is valid etc. However, pages (not blog posts) seem to be getting into the serps very quickly. Another complication is that if I search: and set the date filter to a month I can see some of the earlier blog posts in that result set. However, if I scrape a bit of unique content from one of those posts and search - nothing in the SERPS.  And my Moz report tells me that the page is not to be found in the top 50 either (so I'm confident these pages are not in the SERPS). Any ideas why this would happen to just blog posts?  Is it something to do with the parent blog landing perhaps being too strong in the rankings? Any ideas appreciated. Thanks.

    | KMUK

  • We launched a new version of our retail website in Dec. 2012. This included new content and new metadata. When our homepage displays in search results, it almost always displays with designated meta description - except when it's searched with the .com. In that case, an old version of our meta description (pre-Dec. 2012) is visible, though our current title displays. The old metadata isn't loaded anywhere in our content management system. What can we do to change this?

    | bcbsm

  • I realise the main blame fell on the newspapers for what was essentially cash for links, but a separate part of the PR push was sending flowers to bloggers who then blogged about it. I can see that this could be construed by Google to be a breach of their t&cs, but equally it could be a legitimate action by the blogger if they are giving an honest viewpoint. Is the Google Chrome "satchel" ad being unintentionally misleading? If it's all down to the intention that's a worryingly grey area to be stuck in, what do you think?

    | Tompt

  • With just a few more thumbs up, I will become the 18th SeoMozzer to reach Guru status at 2,000 points and I will earn the coveted mozBot Guru Trophy. I really love the seoMoz user community, it's awe inspiring on the amount of free information that is dispensed. Kudo's to all. I am thinking of taking a little break in the action on the Q&A and to shift my activity to blog writing. As an aside, I am not too happy about the removal of the private Q&A.  Not everyone is comfortable on openly sharing their SEO wrongdoings. | Guru | 2,000 - 4,999 | mozBot Guru Trophy |
    | Oracle | +5,000 | Something really special! |

    | irvingw

  • Hi there, I'd like to ensure I avoid a duplicate content penalty and could do with some advice. There is a popular blogger in my industry.  I have agreed to add his blog to my website.  He currently posts his blog on one of the popular free blogger platforms, and will continue to do this. The issue is that I will be posting duplicate content onto my site and I want to ensure that I do not trigger a google penalty. Is there a simple way form me to inform Google of the original source of the content. My intitial thoughts are: 1. Add a noindex to the Robots.txt file 2. Add a link at the beginning of the article pointing to the original source 3. Adding a rel=canonical tag in the header of each blog entry pointing to the original blog post which resides on a completely different domain. Thanks DBC

    | DBC01

  • We have a user interested in having a WordPress 3.5.1 blog on their own existing, robust site. There is a blog module available in the CMS but the user feels more familiar with WordPress. It will be set up at the root as a subdirectory. Based on the URL structure, Google should see the WordPress blog and the user's website as the same website. ( There will not be a 301 needed. Does using the Wordpress module impact rankings? We've understood that Google doesn't care for Wordpress because 99% of spammers use it... is that only if it is hosted on Also, are there any other reasons that our user should use/avoid WordPress?

    | dianemahan

  • Hi, I have one online store using 2 differents domain: ( french language) ( english language) A language switch at the top right of the store, give you access to a different language when shopping. I had to do this because, my shopping cart does not offert the possibilty to have a multyi-language store! Now I want to create a blog. What is my best option: 2 blogs with sub-domain. ex: and one multil-language blog with a new domain linking to my online stores I would appreciate your advice on this. My goal is to increase traffic, rank better and increase sales by providing solid content on a blog. I will use Word-Press self host. I will buy a premium theme. I purchase themes from theme forest before. Do you have a favorite theme to suggest? Thank you for your help a support. BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • A while back when things had really gotten over slow, I asked the opposite. Today I go on Q&A and the feel is quite a bit different. I also notice other cool little changes. I am wondering if moz did it just for me or is everyone seeing it??? As usual, steady improvement from the folks at SEOmoz. You guys are on. Thanks PS (For any who require uber speed, yes it takes about a second and a half for the response to load... I can live with that).

    | RobertFisher

  • Hey everyone, Hoping someone can shed some light on canonicle links for me. Have read as many articles and tutorials as possible but am still unsure about how to use them in my situation. I'm about to sign a content syndication agreement with a large newspaper for 3-4 of my articles per week. It's great because this national newspaper has a PR of 8, to my recently reduced PR of 3. The newspaper are providing attribution links back to my website, both to the homepage and original article on every article. Nice, but worried their size will make their copies of the article list above mine. Can anyone tell me, IF the newspaper agreed to making canonicle part of attribution, where exactly would it go? On my article? On their article? In their document ? Or in the link that directs back to me? Thanks.

    | Luc-W

  • Since looking around for popular content discovery tools I came across a review about a tool called PostRank which seemed ideal until I learned Google had bought it and shut it down already 😞 So far I have been using Google reader and Topsy to discover popular content in my niches but I am guessing there are a whole bunch of other tools out there that may work even better - please do let me know your favourites!

    | Clicksjim

  • I am looking at ideas at the moment, we have been getting a large number of guest bloggers wanting to write for our site but i have to say we are turning down around 90% of the articles as they are low quality. So i am just wondering, to attract high quality articles, should we carry on offering a link in the articles or offer them revenue share by asking for their google adsense code and putting it somewhere on the page. If we did offer this, how would we impliment this, we work on a joomla website and have read about rev share but not sure how we do this correctly. Would like to know people's thoughts on this

    | ClaireH-184886

  • My eCommerce cart is BigCommerce. It is not possible to use my domain name to add a blog on there server. I would like to create a blog on a sub-domain, something like: Is it possible to host this sub-domain on another server? Host this sub-domiane to BlueHost for example and keep my domaine to BigCommerce. If YES, I would like to buy a Word Press theme and start a blog on this sub-domain: Thank you, BIgBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hi, I am looking to incorporate a blog that currently sits on another domain into my site. I am not sure whether to do this as part of my domain or as a sub-domain e.g. I can see the benefits from an SEO perspective for both but just wanted some advice on the best way to go.

    | landonkahn

  • this video highlights some duplication problems in some of the free themes - does anyone know of a theme that deals with this?

    | swimby

  • Hi I am trying to find a site which can help drive more traffic to my blog.  At the moment I am only getting traffic from social media (namely twitter) but all other sources are failing me.  Does anyone recommend a good site to either help with traffic or is able to ping out posts regularly. (even old ones.) my site

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • Does SEOmoz have any "best practices" on setting a wordpress blog?  Things such as essential plugins, best practices on category structure, what to do and not to do? Thank you!

    | seomozinator

  • In your opinion, do you think it is okay to use Google images for your blog posts as long as it credits or includes a link to the site in which you located it? We tried looking at stock art for some license-free photos and had no luck in coming up with good pictures. What rules or guidelines do you follow when looking for pictures for your customers blog (or your own)? A lot of our posts have to do with "what to do in this city" or "Where to go in this city". Do you think it's okay to use Google images for these types of posts?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • I was watching the Mozinar titled: "From Nothing to Expert: How to Blog like You Mean It" and Tanner mentions that he does not stick to a schedule when posting blogs.  There will be days or even a week go by where he does not post anything because he has not found a topic worth writing about. I was under the impression that it was important to post blogs at the same time everyday, or on the same day every week.  Does sticking to a regimented schedule not have benefits anymore?  Are there any negative or positive effects of sticking to a schedule?

    | djlittman

  • Hello, SEO Gurus. I have a client whom I've been working with for a few months now, and part of our service offering is to publish and promote fresh, daily content on his site's blog. This strategy has been a huge success thus far, he is very happy with the content, etc. Now, he is getting ready to launch a second site, which will be a news publishing site for his industry niche, and we will once again be providing the content on a daily basis: we're going to be producing 10 to 15 articles a day. It's a big operation for us. The client, however, is concerned that he doesn't want the site to appear "thin" on content in the early going, and asked if it would be possible to populate the new site with the articles we wrote on the other site's blog. My gut reaction to this is that it would be an exceedingly bad idea to do this. While we are the ones who authored the original content (and we've used author tags and publishing markup), the best bet is to simply start fresh. Besides that, seeing as we'll be pumping out tons of content on a daily basis, it won't take long to fill up the content coffers. That being said, I just wanted to run this past you all and see if anyone had any alternative ideas on how to use the old content without it being duplicate content. I was thinking that maybe designating all of the old articles with noindex, nofollow could be an option? Many thanks in advance for your time and attention. Sincerely, Mike

    | RCNOnlineMarketing

  • Hi, i am thinking of building a website where 30% of the writers would be guest bloggers and i was thinking about letting guest bloggers have adsense on the site. What i was thinking of doing was, allowing the guest blogger to have one google adsense advert on the page of the article but not sure what people think. The new magazine would be on one topic but i am worried incase the person kept on pressing the google adsense advert to get money in. The google adsense code would be there code, does anyone know if there is a way from hiding their code so they do not know which one is their google adsense advert, and do people think this is a good idea. This would only be offered to people who write good quality interest content. will be interested to hear your thoughts

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello All, I launched a website ( last year.  I'm very new to the SEO world so I'm still seeing what works and what doesn't.  We recently republished some articles from that I think may have hurt us in SEO.  Does Google see our site as having duplicate content and then penalize us?  Our top keyword isn't even ranking anymore when I put it in the sites that tell you where you show up.  Help!

    | HRISGuy

  • I m looking for someone who can review my site and let me about quality of content on my site. Can anyone suggest / know who I can talk to about this ? Nick

    | orion68

  • Hello, We're creating a free resource on how to choose a product for our niche. I'm trying to make this as non-commercial as possible, but in light of competition using it, do I need to put a copyright statement at the very bottom of the pdf?

    | BobGW

  • We have a ton of articles and blog posts on our site.  Currently, we display summary lists of articles that contain the first paragraph of the article in the summary list.  However, in my reports, this is coming back as duplicate content with the full article itself.  How do I fix this? Ex: article main page- First article on that page- (which shows up as duplicate content with the main artilce page). With our blogs, we have the most recent 5 blogs (in the same summary format) listed on our main blog page.  We then have categories that people can sort by.  But again, this is causing us duplicate content because those pages show the first paragraph of the blogs related to that category. Ex:  blog main page- First blog listed on that page- (which then shows as duplicate content with the main blog page). And then you can also select categories to see related topics: which is showing as duplicate content also. Help!  How can I prevent this? Thanks! JWanner

    | jwanner

  • I would like to add a WordPress blog to my online store. My shopping cart is BigCommerce. My store URL is: I know the ''BEST'' option will be to have a blog like this: But I don't thing it is possible on BigCommerce platforme. If I can have a blog with this sub-domaine: will it be a efficient for SEO? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • How do you deal with Rel author on blogs for your clients? Suppose I'm a contributor (or rather, the only copywriter) to a clients blog - which happens to be about DIY.  The blog articles are written from the business perspective and published from 'the business'.  not from Me. Should I be adding myself as a contributor and using my own personal Google profile on these blogs?  If so, then it's my face that appears next to the blog post and I'm not sure that's what I want for a blog about fixing shelves etc! Am I misunderstanding how I should be using rel author?  Is it for SEOs to work into client strategy, or is it just for our own personal blogs?

    | littlesthobo

  • Hi, we have just started to allow guest bloggers on our site where we offer them two links within the articles, but what we would really like to do is to encourage them to link back to their articles. I am trying to find information on how we can encourage guest bloggers to link back and would love to hear your thoughts.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have to admit.  Sometimes, when i write a blog post, I'm a bit lazy.  I don't concentrate on the on page optimization portion of the blog post.  I used to.  But, as of late, I haven't. I was wondering if it was worth it to tweak my blog posts just a bit with a few keywords to improve my on page optimization.  Or, do you think that it is too late and not worth the trouble.

    | jamesjd8

  • Hi, i am trying to find a way to attract guest bloggers for my site. We are looking for people to be a guest blogger on items such as gadgets, business, finance, marketing and so on, but i am not sure what is the best way to attract people. Any advice on the best way to attract guest bloggers would be great and advice if we should give them more than one link. Would love to hear from people who have been a guest blogger to find out what they would want. It has been suggested to me that a guest blogger gets one link and if they require two then they must link bac. looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • There are many Spam Comments with the links leading to malicious website and subscribers do the same ! How to remove them - the spam count is huge !

    | Esaky

  • Hi Mozzers, Has anyone got any good tips to get an image to rank in blended search when a user searches for a specific company name. I'm not talking about image search - I'm talking about the regular SERPs that sometimes contain images (normally logos) when you search for 'Coca Cola' for example - any ideas. Thanks Gareth

    | Bush_JSM

  • I don't get Yahoo or Bing these days! I wrote a story "Did David Wineland and Serge Haroche Steal Idea For The Nobel Physics Prize?" It is a unique story, sourced from a prince. It is referenced on many other sites. It has had about 115,000 pageviews so far. most of those people read 2 or 3 pages. Do Yahoo or Bing list my story? No. They list all the referencing sites, they even list unrelated stories on my site that show that headline in the "top ten stories of the day" widget, but not the story itself. It has about 1250 shares. What am I doing wrong? Is it page structure?

    | loopyal

  • I read a very interesting answer by Andy Solo to a previous question in which he replied: "Use your blog to create some Tips & How-To's, optimize those blog entries for the long tail keywords and soon enough your blog will be the gateway into your website. Learn how to target longl-tail keyword searches and how to analyze keyword competition to find the right niche blog posts to create". With my own company site, which has a long-standing blog attached, I always felt that the blog content greatly aided our top positions in However, over the last 12 months we have slipped right down page one and I wondered if the blog is still helping our site or if the emphasis/value has switched and Google is looking at a lot of other factors where we score badly? Colin

    | NileCruises

  • I am just looking at different ways to attract traffic and i would like to know if anyone uses  and if so do they feel it is good for gaining traffic. i have used it before but never gained anything from it so maybe i am using it wrong, would love to hear your thoughts on it

    | ClaireH-184886

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