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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hi, A few months ago we set up authorship for on our blog articles for multiple authors, which has helped driving extra traffic to our blog posts. Today, I did a search for one of most important search terms and one of our non-blog pages is showing in the first page of the results with one of our authors headshot next to it. Technically we have not not set it up to do this, the page is on a different CMS to our blog (which is wordpress). I'm not complaining because I think this is a positive outcome, but does anyone have an idea why it has done this? I was under the impression that only blog article pages could have authorship set up. Thanks, Stu

    | Stuart26

  • How do we maintain the SEO of a 5 year old News content based site? How should we deal with 3-4 year old content, which are outdated or not searched?  Some of them are still useful as archiving/history of a topic..but not searched.... ?? Should we no-index them? or should we keep it like that?

    | Wpfreesetup

  • Hi, I love the Moz blog and community so I'm just curious what it is built on.  Is it built on something like a bbPress or is it custom system built in-house? Thanks!

    | fbchris

  • How much does organic traffic make up of your overall traffic?   I have typically been driving my traffic through social channels and trying to get a feeling for how much of my traffic I should expect through SEO over time.  For my blog I promote it through Google+, Facebook, and Tweeter.   I also 'distribute' it through Feedburner, Google Currents, Feedly and a Newsletter.  There isn't one way to promote but rather target actions through multiple channels. Google+: 1,500,000+ have me in circles Facebook: 3,000+ friends, fans and followers Twitter: 2,700+ followers Feedburner: 2,300+ subscribers Google Currents: 36,000+ subscribers Feedly: 1,000+ subscribers My newsletter: 2,900 subscribers Each of these are good sources of traffic.  Are there others you would recommend considering?   How much guest posting do you typically do?

    | ShootTokyo

  • How long should a "quality" blog post be?  General advice seems to be that a 300 word post just won't cut it, but advice on the optimum length is vague.  I appreciate that all posts are different but is there a rule of thumb, is 1000 words good and 1500 too long...or should they are all aim to be 2000 words? Also with regards to pictures in blogs, can they just be taken from the web or are there sites that I should be using to source the pictures? Thanks

    | Studio33

  • So I'm working on a site right now that has been plagued with spun/rewritten content..we are talking in the thousands. Now would it be a smarter idea to just remove all the content or leave the content? This is an ecommerce site and I'm tasking a few people to rewrite fresh authentic content. So all of the spun/thin content will be removed eventually. The main question is to just delete it all right now or just replace as we go. I'd like to know what you guys think.

    | William.Lau

  • Hi, Can anybody guide me to a document or a presentation that elaborates how the content for overall Internet marketing strategy should be developed? And how do people beyond marketing department contribute to its success? Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • Hi guys, During the day I'm a PPC and SEO associate at a software company that provides merchant accounts and payment processing for small business owners. Think PayPal meets Quickbooks. For this job, I write lots of content on payment processing, merchant accounts, the benefits of ACH transfers, etc. However, during the evenings, I work on my side-business, which is a fitness marketing company. For this site I'm doing lots of content production based on increasing gym membership, crossfit marketing, etc. I'm getting authorship for all of the posts I'm writing (my image is showing up in SERPs). Do you guys think there is any adverse effects to having authorship on content that is so drastically different? Will Google punish us for having 50% of my posts are about merchant accounts and the other 50% are about fitness marketing? Thanks!

    | SmallBizSmarts

  • So we're doing a bunch of keyword research. We've identified the big traffic, higher competition keywords and we've identified tons (thousands) of long-tail keywords that would be appropriate. What I'm wondering is: does every keyword need its own landing page (or content page)? Obviously, we'll be building content for all the primary keywords we're targeting. I'm less mystified about that. What I'm more confused about is what to do about the long tail keywords. For there to be any measurable traffic increase, we need to rank well for thousands of long tail keywords. But it's just not realistic to create thousands of quality content pieces to target each of these long tail keywords individually. So how do you go about ranking for large numbers of long tail keywords? I saw somebody post about using an FAQ page to target multiple long tail keywords which makes sense but even with that I'm not going to have a thousand questions. How does one go after large volumes of long tail keywords? Thanks, --eric

    | EricOliver

  • Hi all We have recently employed a SEO company. They have written some blogs and promoted the blogs on up to 20 bookmark sites. On each bookmark site the text is the same. Will Google class this as duplicate content? Is this a good idea? Any advise would be appreciated, thanks.

    | Palmbourne

  • Should blogs that are part of an overall content site be on separate sites and link in or is it ok to promote them as content on the home page of the site and take users off to their own url to view the site.  Is this good practise for seo?

    | Pday

  • We have a new hire and want to teach her twitter marketing any great resources to recommend?

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hi, getting really fed up now. we have for years had nothing but trouble with people stealing our content. I have checked this morning and have spent the last three hours contacting sites of the theft of our content. This is now happening on a weekly basis where i am spending hours contacting website owners. can anyone please let me know how i complain to google and how can i stop this theft from happening

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I'm a beginner of SEO. I have a few questions need to ask people to help. The MozPro's Crawl Diagnostics show I have a lot of duplicate titles and duplicate content. However, most duplicate titles are related to Pagination. What should I do? Also, for my duplicate content. B/c we are selling similar products,everything all most the same, only product's item number different. How can I avoid it?

    | alexsu0910

  • Hi, i would like to know what is the best way to promote press releases and guest posts. We do a lot of guest articles where we write for other sites and we also do a lot of free press releases, but i would like the hard work to pay off and would like to know what are the best methods to promote these press releases and guests posts. what I would like to do is to have our brand name come up a lot in the search engines. any other methods to do this would also be a great help

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi Mozers I was thinking about adding an industry news page where we would post articles written by others but give proper citation and linking. Would a page like this hurt my SEO ? Thank You

    | Pzabarko

  • Hi Mozers I was thinking about adding an industry news page where we would post articles written by others but give proper citation and linking. Would a page like this hurt my SEO ? Thank You

    | Pzabarko

  • Hey everyone. This is my first question here, I apologize if it has been covered before. I have a health and nutrition blog [authority nutrition] that has been up since December 1st, 2012. I've managed to write quite a few viral articles which have given me a bunch of natural links and a domain authority of 49, which I think is pretty great for such a new site. Haven't done any link building and everything is 100% white hat. Getting good rankings and good traffic already, so I can't complain. My only (1st world) problem is that sometimes major authority sites (DA of 70-95) republish my content. I always say yes if they ask me first, but some of them just republish without even asking. My articles are always indexed on my blog before they get republished, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. These sites always clearly link to the original URL, but they often tend to outrank me for the keywords I was targeting in the articles. They tend to rank in the top 5, but my original article is nowhere to be found. I plan on continuing to allow these sites to republish as I get powerful links and good traffic from them, but it's a bit frustrating that I don't seem to get the credit as the original source. I've already set up Google Authorship, but it doesn't seem to help. Is there anything I can do to make sure Google recognizes my article as the original and chooses to rank my site instead of the authority site that simply republished my article?

    | kriistjanm

  • we have had a competitor who has been stealing a lot of content from us and now they have used seo tactics to write a bad article about one of our sites that they have been taking content from, and what we would like to do is to use seo techniques to drop their article down the rankings. We are consulting a solicitor to take action against them as we are fed up of the content being stolen and the other techniques they are using, can anyone give me ideas on the best way to drop this post down the rankings. I was thinking about articles and press releases and blog posts to get higher up in the rankings and do a lot of these to drop their article down the rankings. Our solicitor has already taken action against them in the past and that cost us a fortune and it looks like we are going to have to spend a fortune again, so any help on using seo techniques to drop their article down the rankings would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • If you have a page that summarizes four different product types adequately in a chart that requires no scroll, is there an SEO justification to also breaking out each product into a separate page, but basically it would contain the same information? The SEO in me says yes, because that's more crawlable content you can optimize, but wouldn't it go against usability and general common sense?

    | SSFCU

  • Hi, I have a website with a lot of similair subjects. Its a website with around 1000s pages.
    For example this website is about "cars" so I wrote a pages about: Green classy cars
    Green cars for the summer
    Green car show 2013 What happens is that on the query of "Green car show". The page green classy cars shows up. I have the feeling that google takes one page about a similair subject and only put on in the serps. I checked this on multiply pages and this seems the case. If I search on exact "Green car show 2013" + MY URL, still then its shows indexed but only position 4. Places 1,2,3 shows again other pages of my website with similair subject. Now my feeling says the other pages have more authority and thats why they show up higher. But then...again now all the content Im adding it isnt showing up.. The last months I added around 300 pages and I did not got one visitor more daily and I have the feeling it is because it are all similair pages and google does not want to show them. My question is: Is their something I can still make them show up? Because they do have all 100% unique content and 100% unique images they only have similair subjects. or Is their some way I can tell Google that his are really different pages, so this would maybe help?

    | vulonl

  • We have all our stories published today ( 20-Jun-2013 ) got indexed by google except this ( ). Do anyone out there have any clue about that? Thanks in advance

    | COEDMediaGroup

  • In my website, all the pages are not indexed by google. How to make sure that all the pages are indexed by google?

    | Muna

  • I've got my hands tied, and I cannot install a blog like Wordpress on the domain I'm optimising. My question is, where then, would the next best place be? I've heard stories about subdomains being completely useless for affecting SEO of the root domain, and so anything external would probably have the same effect, correct? Would love to hear what some of you do in these situations. Cheers!

    | featherseo

  • Hi, I need to know how I select blog for guest post. What are you looking in blog for guest post? DA, PR or any other thing? Thanks In advance

    | KLLC

  • I remember a few years ago, bolding text was important for the search bots, is this still the case?

    | TheVolkinator

  • We have a company blog living on our corporate domain.  The blog contained many posts with keywords and we believe google is penalizing us for over optimization as we use to be ranked in the top 5 for our main keyword now we're on page 8.  Keeping this in mind,  we are planning to relaunch the blog and we wanted to get some tips on best practices that addressing the following questions.  Should we archive _all _of our previously published content and start fresh with this relaunch?  Should we keep 50 or so published blogs visible?  Where should this blog live (on our domain or a wholly separate domain)? We'd love to get thoughts and opinions, and any insight about best practices for a blog relaunch.

    | plumvoice

  • I have a list of URLs of articles I have written and posted in many different article databases. But many of the URLs are not indexed by Google. How can I get them indexed? I was thinking of putting them into an RSS feed and then pinging that feed. Good idea or bad? If a good idea, can anyone recommend a free RSS hosting site? Thanks.

    | scanlin

  • Hi forks I dont know why Thesis and Genesis is good for SEO ? what is diffirent about website's code ( css/html). it is something about i have to fix my website's code like that. thank U

    | giasungoaithuong

  • 2 months ago, I publish a NEW blog, The blog has only 3 posts. I don't have much time to work on it. Does it HURT my SEO? Can I start working on it on regular basis and try to built authority or does it looks "dead" to search engine? I would like to bring it alive and give it a second chance, will it be hard if it has no content since the beginning? What is your opinions? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Our blog has recently been updated to allocate past posts from 2011 and on to link to one of our recent writers who just came on board in 2013. Our writer set up a new Google+ profile for our blog last month, and has tagged all of the past posts with his Google+ authorship code. Is there a possibility that this could actually hurt our writer's authorship authority and our blog's authority, since the blog posts and the Google+ profile activation dates will not match up?

    | eugeneku

  • We'd like to add more content to our ecommerce site so are considering adding a wordpress blog.  Which domain option is the best for SEO?

    | EileenCleary

  • Hi, i am a bit confused, it seems that my content and my google ads are going onto this site which is a foreign site, google is asking if i want to authorize my ads to be shown on this site which i have said no, but what i am worried about is, if they are stealing my content or displaying it in some way with  my google adsense Can anyone let me know if this has happened to them and how i can find out if they are taking any of my content

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hey Folks, Does anybody have advice on tools I could use to locate blogs on specific topics? My plan is to approach the webmasters and offer guest blogging services. I know I could just do a google search for something like "KEYWORD blogs" but I thought I'd see if there is anything more sophisticated out there. Thanks, Rich

    | Rich-O

  • Just saw this video in which Matt Cutts talks about "Advertorials" on the net as apposed to "Editorials" (Content where one is paid, the other is not) Thought there was some interesting points in the video, but as obvious as it gets Google is cracking down on this HARD! You can see it and smell it 🙂 Google News joined the bandwagon as well Matt Says @ 45 Seconds "but it basically means that someone gave you some money rather than you writing about this actually because you thought it was interesting or because you wanted to" I pay writers to write for me, do they like what they are writing about? No. They do it because I pay them, but they write very well and provide great content that gets shared naturally and socially (soturally - I just made up a new word :)). Anyways yes I may place links in those articles that point to other sites, but nothing in the aspect of paid advertising. Just that it relates to the content. I'm just curious how far the rabbit hole goes on this one...

    | cbielich

  • Hello, In looking at GA for a client, his top 100 landing pages are all category pages with only a slight amount of articles and product pages. We haven't added content to the product pages, we just rewrote descriptions for unique content. They are about 100-200 words per product. Does that mean we should focus on adding content to category pages first? We're thinking of totaling 500 words or so (though less sometimes) of quality content to category pages. Your recommendations?

    | BobGW

  • Hi Guys I am just wondering whether or not for SEO purposes it is better to have a small number of categories for your blog posts to fit into as opposed to numerous ones.  The reason I ask is that I have one site which is fairly new to the search engines - 8 months old which has 7 general categories within the blog for instance "rail contractors", "railway construction" "airport construction" etc   I have another site which is 10 years old which has built up 25 different types of categories for instance brand design, brand development, brand management (i guess you could put all these under 1 category "branding"?  We've been writing lots of press for both sites... yet the younger site is getting more coverage on Google page 1.  Would this be because the blogs / press are more concentrated under a specific category as opposed to being spread thinly throughout the site? Any help would be appreciated. Debs 🙂

    | lethalmarketing

  • Hi guys, I'm new to the art of SEO and am learning every day from all the fantastic content here, I have a question that I can't find an answer to, hope it doesn't stump you like it has me... I have a one page website ( that I need to put more content on for SEO purposes but needs to be kept as one page. I've set-up a blog via blogger, and have that on the website but it's in iframe, which I've now discovered is ignored by search engines. So, my question is, is there a way to pull my blog feed into the website and have it recognised by search engines as content for the website? Would I use an RSS feed or feed burner or something else completely?! Thanks for your time and help in advance.

    | BamMK

  • We are planning to leverage specific posts from a US-based blog for our own Canadian blog (with permission, of course) but are aware that this can cause duplicate content issues. We're willing to re-write as much or as little as we must from the initial blog posts to avoid duplicate content issues but I have no idea just how much we will need to re-write. Is there some guideline for this (e.g., 25% of content must be re-written)? I've been unable to find anything. Thank you in advance!

    | QueenSt

  • Hey mozzers, I'm in quite the pickle today and would really appreciate some help! i need a way to have my members set their default custom search engine on their iPhones and androids to our sites search engine. Google chrome does on desktops but not iPhones. Thanks for your time/help, Tyler Abernethy

    | TylerAbernethy

  • I've been listing our business on various business and wedding directories most of which require a short description of the business. I've written up a "boilerplate" description which is fairly similar to one we have on the site. If I use this content on multiple listings sites will it cause me issues with google seeing it as duplicate content and finding it difficult to decide which pages to rank?Most of these sites are supplier directories so I don't expect people to site search them for our business they are much more likely to browse categories but will it affect organic results for our actual website? Should I be writing a different piece of copy for each listing which requires a company description to avoid any issues?
    Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

    | EdoubleD

  • Hi every one, I have been working on my local citations but I have a blog which has been up for 4 years and has about 500 blog posts but I was living in NJ before and there is loads of stuff from jersey and also I have a lot of errors which is way too much to go back and fix like thousands since I am a photographer and loads of images. Would I be better off starting a new blog in my new SC region? my blog is and my main website is so I thought of just doing a is it too much google juice to miss out on? is changing locations worth keeping blogging at this previous blog or should I just leave it up and start a new one which will be focused on new location? thanks

    | FeuzaReis12

  • I am considering outsourcing some of the blog writing and would like to get some idea of what is a reasonable amount to pay someone for writing say a 300-350 word article? Also any recommendations on where to find good writers? Thanks!

    | Clicksjim

  • It seems Disqus commenting system has grown and evolved so to make it easier to comment I've installed it on my 14 sites. I find moderation becomes much easier. Is Disqus SEO friendly and a part of an SEO process? (I checked the topic and only found one's dated back to 2011). Thanks, Don

    | NicheGuy

  • looking to keep adding to our blog in a big way. Things I use are questions we get a lot, we add them to blog and answer them - works quite nicely. Look at other blogs although in our industry its not really there, etc. What are some of your strategies for looking for content to write about?

    | PaulDylan

  • What happens if use a PR release as a guest blog article on someone else blog as we want to distribute PR as many places as possible? Thanks

    | Rubix

  • Hi I have hosted a website on azure, and was looking at starting a blog using wordpress. Wordpress does not get installed on the same domain as the my website by default on azure. I instead need to have it as a subdomain ie instead of I wanted to know which of the two approaches is better for my SEO, shoud it be subdomains or sub folder Tx Vinay

    | clinicea

  • I got lots of 404 errors due to the fact that I removed some crappy content. Do I need to worry about this? I know eventually they will go away when Google crawls the whole website and doesn't find any more links to those pages.

    | sbrault74

  • Hi, I am trying to get my colleagues work in different department to write an article about their expertise area. They are not aware that what type of benefits they would get if they become an online author. I  am trying to make a list of reason why they should participate. I was wondering anyone else would also make any recommendation what i should tell them. So far, my points are: Wider your online presence beyond Facebook and LinkedIn Go extra mile and share your thoughts **Show your expertise ** Reach nationwide readers Thanks!

    | Rubix

  • Hi everyone, Our company provides about 6 different services, each with a specific page on our website: 1. Accept ACH Payments (/accept_ach_payments.html) 2. Client Management & Billing Software (/customer_management.html) 3. Small Business Merchant Accounts (/small_business_merchant_account.html) etc etc Now, here's the question. One of our blogging strategies is to write content about how our online platform can help various types of businesses manage and grow their business. "5 Ways Fitness Business Can...." "How Law Firms Can Benefit...." etc In these blog posts, we don't specify our product, but we do link back into one of those main service pages, so I might link fitness management software to the Client Management & Billing Software (/customer_management.html) page as well as legal billing software to the same client management page Since there are so many different companies that could use our software, we don't want to include them on the Cl_i_ent Management & Billing Software page. That page is just about the benefits of the system and how it works as a great CRM. make a long question short, are we able to rank the Client Management page for "fitness management software" and "legal billing software" if we don't use those terms on the "client management" page itself, and only use it as the anchor text when linking? Instead of making a separate page about how we can be used as a fitness management platform, we'd like our "client management" page to rank for various terms like "fitness management software" "legal billing software" "online church donation software" etc BUT, we don't want to bloat the client management page will all those other topics and content. Hope that makes sense, Patrick

    | SmallBizSmarts

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