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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Has anyone demonstrated measurable value from routinely tagging your posts? I am of the mindset that what is good for a user/reader is good for SEO and therefore the posts should be tagged. I wanted to see if anyone else had specific experience to the positive or negative.

    | SWKurt

  • Please help me decide the benefit (from an SEO perspective) of hosting a company blog externally (either on blogger or self-setup external domain) or hosting on company's website.

    | bcmull

  • I currently have text articles about various topics on my site - for this example say I have written about "Negative Reinforcement". This article is live over a month now and getting listed on the first google page with an added keyword which the article is specifically related to. Now I want to create an infographic related to the same topic "Negative Reinforcement" - but I want to call the page this infographic will go on "Negative Reinforcement Infographic" while the article is currently called just "Negative Reinforcement". Neither page will have duplicate content from each other. The article is 2,000+ words so I don't want to throw more into it by adding on the infographic and I want to specifically create the infographic as linkbait and on a stand alone page. I am curious if adding another page with such a similar title and H1 have any negative effect ("dilute" the strength of the other article), for example will google take having two different pages with such a similar heading as potential keyword stuffing and penalise the site?

    | GavinC

  • For one of my sites I'm in a situation where I have 6 main pages that are for lack of a better word "showcased," one of which being the homepage. The problem is that I am seeing pretty good traffic growth, but my conversions/sales are really weak, and I'm about 95% positive that this is because there is too much information on all of those pages --- each one has about 1500 words or so. The site architecture and link structure on the site is good as out of the couple of hundred pages on the site only 3 of them aren't indexed according to Google webmaster tools. What I want to do is rewrite the text on those six main pages with more of a sales type of feel and limit them to 500-700 words or so. This will have no impact on the link architecture whatsoever, but I'm a bit worried that it will have a negative impact on my continual traffic growth. Actually, I'm not as much concerned about the continual part as the steady new content stream should take care of it, but I would be very concerned if I lost the rankings that I have right now. Granted, those rankings aren't worth as much as they could be because conversions are down, so so it's kind of a catch-22. The question is, how dangerous is what I'm planning on doing? On a side note, my lack of conversions has nothing to do with my description or title tags that show up in the results as they are targeted properly and written for sales. The problem is that the pages, though rich in content, are a bit too rich in content and need to be fixed to work in unison with the descriptions and titles.

    | RussNauta

  • Hi, One of our clients has tons of PDFs (manuals, etc.) and frequently gets good rankings for the direct PDF link. While we're happy about the PDFs attracting users' attention, we'd like to redirect them to the site where the original PDF link is published and avoid that people open the pdf directly. In short, we'd like to index the PDFs, but show to users the pdf link within a site - how should we proceed to do that? Thanks, GM

    | gmellak

  • I searched a snippet of one of our Articles (in quotes) and got two results back in Google, one for the article on our site and one for our development/staging site.  Does that mean that our development site is getting indexed by Google, even thought we "Disallow:/" in the robots.txt file?  Is this a big duplicate content issue? Thanks

    | poolguy

  • With so many different social network sites these days which ones really make a difference when it comes to SEO, Facebook? LinkedIn? I only have limited time with my clients websites and a really want and need to expand their social network exposure

    | francesco27

  • Hello All, We have a local service based website that caters to all types of services. We have a blog with over 130 original articles published. I recently hired three writers that each write at least one article per day. The topics we blog about are based on and google webmaster keyword searches. Besides writing articles, what else can I do to leverage this blog? How are you all choosing topics to write about? Here's my blog: www[dot]yipees[dot]com[slash]blog

    | zorricsia

  • I have a full text RSS feed of my blog available for users with RSS readers. A few sites have said they would like to republish the unedited feed on their site (so my blog postings show up on their sites with links back to my site embedded). I'm wondering if this is a good/bad idea (to let them republish my postings) and/or if I should do anything in the feed to protect myself from an SEO point of view? Am I at risk of some kind of duplicate content penalty from Google, or will Google figure out that I'm the original source (which would be good) since the blog postings have links back to my site? Thanks!

    | scanlin

  • Hi seomoz, This is not quite a SEO issue, but I have a feeling you may be able help. English is a second language to me and copywriting is not my favorite sport. So, I've decided to find a copywriter. But have no clue how to look for one. I have hired ton of programmers, designers, and other technical resources in the past. People that have concrete skills - programmer where I could say do X, Y & Z and I can check if X, Y & Z were done - are no problem for me to hire. It still takes a long time, but that's not an issue. I know I want the copywriter to write in certain style (style of, or How do you define writing like that? Can writing like that can be defined? And put into requirements? Do you need 'customer avatar' or 'marketing voice' document or something similar? How do I find a kick ass copywriter? Optimisticly hoping there is a better answer than just 'test bulkload of them'! Thank you,
    Your big fan!

    | AverageJoe

  • My Blog Entries appear in Google with a date, do those dates matter ? Will people stay away from an older date, say 2009 ?  Is it worth removing the dates ?  Or should I update the entry and change published date ?

    | jp_cp

  • Hi, Setting up a blog for a new website. What affects will hosting a blog on a sub-domain ( vs. have on SEO? Also, would having a separate blog domain be beneficial or detrimental ( Thanks, Shane

    | notarynow

  • For a consumer facing blog, how often do you recommend updating content to develop good rankings?  I understand that it's really dependent upon the niche/competition, but what are some best practices?  Content is expensive.  Thanks

    | CSOD1999

  • Hi, Quick question; I have set up a micro site in which i was going to take some of the content from my reviews and recipes my customers have posted and have them placed on my other site. The site i currently have is a large site receiving over 200,00 visitors every day. Will this be affected as duplicate content if i was to do this as i do not want to affect my rankings. Any suggestions what i can do to get round this? Cheers

    | wazza1985

  • I'm a big fan of Wordpress (.org) as a content management system. However, I recognize that Wordpress isn't necessarily the best CMS for all ocassions. For those of you who don't like Wordpress, I'm interested in understanding your strongest reasons against. So, why not Wordpress?

    | Gyi

  • Hello, I have a question how about how google sees dashes, slashes, full stops etc. I am new to SEO so this might be dumb. I sell refurbished printer parts. The majority of people search for the part number in google. A typical part number might be "04.F5/S3A YA50" .  A customer might search for "04F5S3A YA50" or "04.F5/S3AYA50" or "04.F5/S3A YA50" or "04.F5/S3A-YA50". They aren't radically different but seem to effect the rankings. At the moment I use the following stucture for the meta tiles, descriptions etc 04.T5/S3A YA50 (04T5S3AYA50) by OEM | mysite Buy refurbished OEM 04.T5/S3A YA50 (04T5S3AYA50). Free next day delivery. 12 month warrnanty on all parts. www.mysite/4F5S3AYA50 Part number (Part number no spaces) by OEM | Mysite Generic text Part number (Part number no spaces) text www.mysite/(Part number no spaces My questions, should I try to include all the different ways a customer might search for a part number in my meta title, description, url etc.  Or should I try to include within the content of the page. Many thanks

    | DavidLenehan

  • I release this site, about 1 year ago: Cant understand why the site has so low value on domain mozrank e moztrust. The page has 1500 visitors/month and 3500 page views/month too. Most of the visitors from Google come to this site, with the keyword "bioespaco" the name of the company. Cant find what is wrong... Looks like something it penalizing the page (or the domain!?) Thanks! GDSAK.png

    | comercialroldao

  • I run a mini-content farm so to speak - a nationwide computer repair business. We have screened professionals that are specific to one industry. I was wondering if the SEO community would like to offer ideas on how to make this type of site more interesting  to end users. What are some things that could be integrated into the site that are 'location specific' that would be of interest to users. I'd like to be able to offer a list of certified, screen, professionals that is searchable by zip code and town. We are planning on showing the quality control rating, as well as current certifications, and a checkbox showing that they were background checked. Customer testimonials are also in the works. Any other ideas?

    | ilyaelbert

  • Hi There, Where would you install the blog? regards

    | Jvalops

  • If I have a facebook widget with live stream embeded on a website. Does the spiders crawl  the text of the live stream as a "content text", in the case of a) the page of the website where the widget is embeded is crawled regularly and the facebook stream is changing rarely b) the page of the website where the widget is embeded is crawled regularly and the facebook stream is changing regularly ?

    | petrakraft

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