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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hi All... I have had an SEO guy doing some  work for us (link building etc) over the past few months. In the last week or two, I have been receiving emails from a few website owners complaining that our SEO guy has been spamming their sites (either through blog comments or forums posts etc). Now, to clarify, it's not spam as in "come and buy our awesome product" - it is spam as in he makes (for example) blog post comments that are relevant to the topic, that sometimes don't make perfect sense (due to his english skills). So, they do seem perhaps, extra spammy... (it is all hand written... not an automated scripts) My questions Im not out to do the wrong thing, so, is this approach bad news? Apart from annoying people, are there are other downsides? If I were to pre-write him comments/posts that actually made perfect sense, would that be a better approach? I don't want to annoy people, and I don't want to do the wrong thing, and I don't want our rankings to be effected, so... what is the consensus?

    | blitzna10

  • Hello, Google caching the new pages, but is not appearing in search results. Why? site:

    | papajogos

  • What is the best way to post an article jam - i think it will appeal to article writing people who are kinda bored with,  well,  writing content?

    | GardenBeet

  • I am writing a document with a big enumeration (100 subjects) and in that enumeration a keyword will be shown also 100 times.  e.g.: 1. little car 2. little shoe and so on... I will use the unordered list html code. The document isn't  4 SEO purposes such as high ranking. I 'm afraid that because the keyword is repeated that often this could  reflect the website. What are your thoughts about this?

    | PlusPort

  • I don't see a lot of talk on here about using testimonials to build good content.  From what I have seen, the search engines love client testimonials. I haven't found a good service provider for this yet.  I'm thinking something combined with Twitter or FB that also allows you to show the content on your site would be great.  Can anyone recommend a service like this? I'm checking out a service called, "Quick Vouch" but I haven't tested it yet.

    | BradBorst

  • For one or two months my new questions / Answers have a bad positioning and competitors who have a contents of inferior quality are classified in front of Recently I had + of 1000 errors of exploitation in  webmasters tools because there was an url in the code of every page which was untraceable. Do you think that it can come from there? Nevertheless since the passage of Google panda, I have more traffic. I don't Understand... Furthermore my old posts have same positioning. My website : Thank you. Sorry for my bad level in english.

    | elitepronostic

  • Many directories on the net are just spammy annoyances, but some are quite useful, particularly when someone has really put some effort into a niche market.  But how can Google look at that favorably?  I would be willing to invest the time to put together a directory for our niche market, but if someone uses our directory, they would come to it, find the link they are searching for, then click and leave our site.  They would visit one page on our site, and not stay very long.  Is it possible to create and maintain a compelling directory and get credit for doing so?  Of course, we would not have any spammy ads cluttering the directory, so that may help.  Anything else? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • The Client has the best sales on the weekends and his writing a weekly blog post to help the overall site rank better and hopefully drive more sales. When is the best time to post this content? On Monday so that it hopefully gets indexed by the weekend? or On Friday so that we can leverage twitter and Facebook to increase sales.

    | anchorwave

  • I have pages with duplicate content, i want to put them on hold while i write unique content as i do not want to get marked down for it. I also want to keep the urls and use them again.
    There are about 300 pages affected by duplicate content currently. Am i best doing 302 redirects as it is temporary? to the origional source of the content, or canonical tags no index? The pages are currently indexed and cahced by google, i want to use the url in the future for unique content to get it valued by Google. Any advice much appreciated. Kind Regards,

    | pauledwards

  • Wondering what the best way is to display blog posts, and organize a blog in general, for maximum SEO benefit. Displaying the entire blog post for the reader to scroll down right on the main page of the blog?  With previous posts displayed farther down on the same page. Displaying a snippet/paragraph of the post with a link to continue reading - this way each blog post has it's own dedicated page?  And the main blog page can display more topics. Any additional ideas or suggestions to think about would be great.  Thank You!

    | NiallTom

  • We are a listing site for programs overseas. Many of our listings are inherently the same content, because in many cases the same exact information applies. We have resolved duplicate content issues to some extent by making some of the content in these listings unique. However, for the rest of the content which is going to be the same for about 100 pages, we were wondering if its better to have an image in place instead of duplicate text content (this would basically be an image of the text in question). We know this is a problem, because this is inherently duplicate content as well (only its a duplicate image instead of duplicate text). However, what's the best solution to this problem, and is a duplicate image just asking for trouble, or might this actually be a good idea?

    | dunklea

  • Hi Guys....One of my sites has a blog and the site does very well overall.....however managing the blogs comments (fighting spam...attacks...general monitoring and approval) is becoming to much trouble.  The blog itself really gets fed from facebook and most of the blog comments are done here. I am thinking of removing the comment section on the blog and only responding to facebook comments.....I am concerned though how much weight the "user generated content" carries with regards to has always been said that it does carry weight but what if i get traffic to these pages and links but remove the comments ability... just really wanted to hear some opinions on this and how much respect i should give UGC. thanks for your time

    | nomad-202323

  • Ok, so I know that is has been covered in depth and at the risk of being sent to “google it!” (Which I have done with no success) I thought that I would ask your opinions on the topic. What are the best content marketing evaluation tools? By this I am specifically referring to tools that evaluate the content of Blogs, etc and not the performance of the blog, etc. I’m eager to hear your thoughts of what works and if you care to share what tools did not. Thanks

    | Questionmana

  • What is the best way to title an image in a blog post. The wording will relate to the post discussion so I am not discussing the word stuffing, rather how to enter the words. Here are my options for the title: 1. dayton engagement photos 2. dayton_engagement_photos 3. daytonengagementphotos 4. Is there another preferred method? Should I increment the image title for each image such as: daytonengagementphotos1, daytonengagementphotos2, etc. What about the alternative text area? Does the same concept apply there? Thanks hR3ua.jpg

    | maximphotostudio

  • We just can’t decide what the answer is, particularly from an SEO perspective. We want to run multiple blogs on different categories, please assist on deciding should we go with different blog domains or create subdomains for each category.

    | amitjain

  • We are thinking about setting up directory on a subdomain ( with content supplied by DirectoryM. Despite assurances by DM that they are Panda proof, I am uneasy releasing 100's of 1000's of pages at once to the search engines with content that is somewhat limited in value. Even if DM can somehow make these directory pages look a little unique then what they already have out on the internet, I am still scared how a potential spammy subdomain will impact the master domain. The upside to DM is that they can add 1000's of new weekly visitors and they will add 1000's of links to our pages to our master domain to their existing directory sites. What approach would you take here? Is there any risk in trying this out or are my fears unfounded? Would mass linking to the subdomain from the master site impact the master site?

    | irvingw

  • Hello, I see a lot of errors on my webmaster tools because of this ajax code on my questions pages of the site (screen) : The code : | / ADD ANSWER FORM |
    |   | $("#answer-add-button").click(function () { |
    |   | $.ajax({ |
    |   | type: 'POST', |
    |   | url: '/answers/quelle-assurance-choisir-pour-un-scooter/', |
    |   | data: $("form#answer-add").serialize(), |
    |   | dataType: 'html', |
    |   | success: function(data) { |
    |   |   |
    |   | if(data=="answer") { |
    |   | $('.answer-add-message').show().empty(); |
    |   | $(document).ready(function() { |
    |   | $(' Vous avez déjà répondu à cette question. ').appendTo('.answer-add-message'); |
    |   | }); | I have add a line on my robots.txt : for remove all urls with /answers/. These urls with /answers/ aren't indexed in google. Do you think that it is dangerous and  that can be considered as duplicate content ? 1129546035.png

    | elitepronostic

  • I am getting ready to implement a blog for my company.  We have our website controlled through a commercial Content Management System that has a blog feature, but it is cumbersome to use and doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a Wordpress blog for example.  I know for SEO purposes that we would be better to use the CMS blog and make it a subfolder ( instead of using a subdomain (  However, we would like to use the hosted WordPress blog and find a way to retain the same SEO value for our site that it would provide being a subfolder on the site. Any suggestions? Installing Word Press CMS on our current web servers is not an option.  We would have to use Wordpress hosting services for the blog.

    | KHCreative

  • There are a number of clients that I have that want to syndicate either posts or video content to other websites via RSS feeds.  Each of these are built on a WordPress platform, fyi.  Two that this applies to are: and Many of the sites that would pick this content up would be higher Domain and Page Ranks than the original sites.  Those that have video content put it up on multiple sites, including YouTube. What can I do in the configuration of the RSS feeds to ensure the credit is maintained to the original website, and are there any other considerations I should be concerned about? Perhaps things that I would ask the other site to do in their incorporation of it to their site? Thanks for your help.

    | skipshean

  • Sure we all know about oDesk or textbroker but is there a place people can go to hire higher quality writers?

    | joseph.chambers

  • We're doing a guest coulmn here -, how do we re-use/rewrite this for our blog? Whats the best practice if the column comes first?

    | FirePowered

  • I have a PR 4/5 (it varies) blog with around 20-25k uniques a month. I'm wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a half-decent place to hire blog writers? Basically I would want someone to crawl disability news (I can provide tons of it, it autoposts to my 'Drafts' section on wordpress right now.). So basically would just need someone to re-write it. I also see lots of places pay you to write reviews of their products on your blog. Is there any service which effectively take control of content on your blog? They can post whatever they want (as long as it's not spammy and it's relevant to my niche) sell those reviews, and in exchange rewrite disability news articles for me? Thanks

    | craven22

  • What are peoples opinions on a blog and its appearance in relation to a site. The two ways being - 1. A Blog that is fully fitting within the theme of the main website. 2. A seperate entity following a standard wordpress theme Now I have seen many different scenarios and I wanted to share some experiences and gain insight from other people on here. I once spoke to a web designer who totally frowned upon the idea of it being a separate entity. "It looks cheap it doesn't fit within the design" My thoughts are benefits can been found with having a separate looking blog it provides that realistic "student" type look and feel adding a "realistic" angle. Thanks for your opinions,

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi, This may have been discussed here before though I couldn't find a definitive answer, but I was wondering what the best practice for having multiple e-commerce sites with some of the same products on both is. If Site A has 200 products, and Site B has 300 products, and 50 overlap, do they absolutely have to have unique product descriptions?  The descriptions have already been rewritten to be different from the manufacturer's description, but do they need to be changed again? Or should the 50 products only be listed on one site or the other? Sites like seem to have the same descriptions as the subsidiary sites that they have, but maybe they have different sidebars/footers/etc which make the content considered original?

    | nks2012

  • Many SEO's disagree on this subject so I wanted to see what everyone thinks. Producing an article and then distributing to multiple article directories. In the eyes of Google is this considered spam(duplicate content) or it is not? As I understand unique content is good SEO. However, I also understand that visibility of the content on multiple sites is very important. What do youthink?

    | DmitryP

  • Hey all, I understand the functionality of PDF files being indexed and how to remove them if required so in this post I'm not requiring any advice on 'how to' as such, but i just wanted to get a general opinion/consensus of if you deliberately allow PDF files to be crawled/indexed.
    Whether or not you guys optimise the files for search.
    If you do disallow them from being crawled and indexed, why?
    Generally the pro's and con's you may have found about have searchable PDF files as part of your indexed content.

    | Daylan

  • Hi mozzers Just looking for opinions on They seem very affordable so thinking that post panda this level may not be good any experiences shared would be appreciated. Thanks 🙂

    | TrevorJones

  • the crazy things we do mid week. But after reading Cyrus' post on beating Panda I went back to my website design site which I had set up a plugin which had all my posts setup as Website Design - %%title%% So basically every Title tag had Website Design in front of it.  REadingthis post now it suggests that this is bad practice so I just changed it to %%title%% which now of course means that I should perhaps look more closely at the titees I have been using. Was embedding   the Website Design in front of the post overkill? thoughts appreciated...

    | kdaly100

  • Our blog posts are typically indexed rather quickly, sometimes within 10 minutes or so.  Lately it seems like it is taking much longer, and a post from yesterday afternoon isn't appearing in any of the search engines.  Can anyone give me an idea why this may be happening?

    | 360ryan

  • Hello, For both ecommerce and sites that sell services, I've seen a lot of people recommending a blog for SEO. Should this blog be inside or separate from the main website for the most results? I can see how adding one to a site would create more unique content and an opportunity for link bait, but perhaps there is a reason to have a blog separate from the main site Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Is it ok to add the SEO Moz logo to the homepage of your website  ? We are a UK based Internet Marketing company and we are looking to inform our audience that we use SEO Moz to manage our SEO clients campaigns. here is our site - I am looking to add it on the SEO section to the left of the page.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hey, A few new clients have blogs hosted on blogger & blogspot, the first advice of mine is to set up a blog hosted on their company domain. It's usually easy to convince them of the benefits. What should happen to all the content on the existing blog? One blog in question has over 100 entries, good content with a lot of links back to the business domain. The blog itself has less than 10 links pointing in but a domain mozrank 3.5. In this example, my gut is telling me to leave it as is, and start fresh on the own domain. What about if there's less then 10 posts? At what point should the content be moved over to the new blog? Thanks for your thoughts.

    | LukeyJamo

  • I installed All in One SEO Pack widget, as recommended by SEOmoz a while back, and my Notices for this are higher. To fix the Connicalization issues with my Blog, on WP, but it keeps adding the page name in the URL, as displayed <meta name="description" content="Get more information from Gary!(602) 386-4415 or Also known as Web 2.0, social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are the advertising" /> <link rel="canonical" href="[](view-source:" /> Any advise?

    | smstv

  • I'm using Wordpress with the Thesis theme (which is great by the way). It puts in a rel canonical for each page. Is this correct? I had always thought that the rel canonical just went on the home page telling SE's the preferred home page address. This appears to be telling SE's the preferred web address for each page.

    | leaseman

  • Hi, Say you have a shop and connected to the shop is a nice blog with tons of great content, articles, tutorials, news, Q&A's and so on. How would you use the RSS feed of this content to help promote the blog? I see a lot of SEO's use feedburner but how does feedburner help SEO and exposure?

    | activitysuper

  • As SEOMOZ ranks Authority through percentage, at what percentage does a domain become authoritative? I'm looking for guest blogs/websites, which have a authoritative root domain to try and help increase our own auth and in turn rankings. So far I have found a few guest blogs, which have around 40-50% but I kind of think I need to find ones which are more like 70-80% for this to really work. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • What would you do if a competitor had their main domain, and then another domain targeting your local area with the same exact content? That's currently happening to me, and I'm not sure what I should do about it, if anything: and

    | ResslerMotors

  • Hey Mozzers! I just received a question from a copywriter: How does Google see part of keywords? E.g. When a page is optimized for "Pain", does the word "Painkiller" also have influence then, because "Pain" is a part of it? The question is about how he should use keywords for the right density. Love to read some answers from you guys, thanks!

    | Partouter

  • Does it matter if I use hyphens in URL versus. "no separation". Ex or vs. The last is perhaps more readable by humans, but does it make any SEO difference using one or the other?

    | clolsen

  • Hi My website provider doesnt yet have the function to integrate blog under my domain name so the blog is at blogspot. Inevitably there will be quite some links going from blog to differnet pages on my site. I havent yet incorporated a clickable link from my homepage to blog. I am not sure wether to do this or not. Will this just reduce the value of the links going from the blog ? Thanks

    | danlae

  • hi this is my first ever dip into the Q & a section of this website so go easy on mew please my question is , is it better to have a blog seperate fron your own site or within your website many thanks

    | Westernoriental

  • I enter in the subdomain as : which is my website I enter in the (Name Your Campaign) : Kimberlis Kuties which is my company's name. I hit continue and then it comes up saying " it can't process because of having twin domains" I'm not sure what else to enter ? Thank you Kimberli

    | KimberlisKuties

  • I need to continually create website trees for our group of websites. I was wondering what software you guys use to create site structure/trees? I've used Powerpoint, Giffy and other diagram software but ideally I want to find something that crawls my site and spits out a diagram and also gives me the option to add none existing trees so I can show new purposed sections. Cheers, Gary

    | Seaward-Group

  • Hi, I have 4 domains and 4 keyword sets i.e. penny stocks mutual funds stocks day trading My question is: what is the better approach: Have each site around one set e.g. everything about "penny stocks" Site A - penny stocks Site B - mutual funds Site C - stocks Site D - day trading Create 4 categories in each website about each set of keywords? Site A - penny stocks | mutual funds | stocks | day trading and the same.. Thank you, Alex

    | pwpaneuro

  • Hey guys, I am after suggestions on how i can better optimise my blog? I have been getting regular blog posts up until say a month ago. Looking to get a new writer and get 3-4 blog posts a week done. Sometimes targeting products, sometimes general chat about bins. I am hoping you kind people can make a couple of suggestions i could be doing. Thank you

    | imrubbish

  • I have  a new client in the holiday industry and want to setup a wordpress blog, we will be writing the first few blogs and linking back to the relevant site page. But I am wondering how I should promote the blog so that the links are more powerful back to his own site. Blogging is not my forte and doesn't come naturally so I really need some good advice to how I can start offering this service to my clients. Thanks

    | iprosoftware

  • We use Wordpress for our agency Blogs.  The URL's are very long and the Moz does not like the long URL's. Should we use the stubby, short Wordpress URL's for each blog post?  Is there a "Best Practice" for how one should use the Wordpress URL string?

    | theideapeople

  • I run a forum website built on Wordpress. We're about two years old. The theme of the site is a directory of attorneys, with each directory listing having its own blog account on our site. Through this platform, we receive 75-80 blog posts now every month of varying quality from our users. QUESTION: A good number of the blogs published on our site are also published on the attorney's law firm site as well (they're syndicating on our site). Will this hurt our site in light of Panda? A lot of the syndicated content is very well written and insightful. By contrast, Will non-syndicated but average to below average posts hurt our site? The authors almost always link back to their firm site. Would love some feedback on whether we should be happy about the syndicated content or whether we should potentially ban it?

    | JSOC

  • I have a great idea for an infographic.  Does anyone have any resources for tools or tips on creating an infographic? I have some design skills, but I'm not a pro.  I'm not against paying someone to create it...but my budget is small. How do you guys create your infographics?

    | MarieHaynes

  • We have a blog hosted directly on WordPress with a PR of 3. At this point we are moving this blog to our server and incorporating it into our website. I wanted to ask the experts how to go about moving this blog without loosing Page Rank. Is it possible to do a 301 redirect from WP itself? Is there anything that I can do to preserve ranking? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Dmitry

    | DmitryP

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