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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • What are the concerns I should have in deleting a WordPress Page that is no longer relevant or a duplicate? Note: This would be a page that does not have any inbound links to it.

    | CMCD

  • Is it best to have lower case URLs e.g or title case like I noticed in the seomoz tools that it would report the above two URLs as duplicate if the site had two links using pointing to each URL

    | NeilTompkins

  • Does content placement on a page have any effect, bring up top as opposed to bottom as opposed to embedded within? On my product detail page it comes up last after image, social section and add to cart

    | Dirty

  • Hi guys, I have been running SEOMoz for just over a month and slowly cleaning up one of my Wordpress Blogs.   While going through the crawl reports I have noticed that I have duplicate pages showing on the crawl. For example, the main post would be; Then I see another URL which would be; ** ** When I click on either URL it goes back to the actual post title URL. What's with these page URL's ?   Isn't these two URL's showing duplicate content to the search engines ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    | dcc

  • I saw that you recently changed your blog from "show all" to "show an excerpt" and then "read more", could you explain me the reason? It´s not supossed to be better for the blog readers to see the full posts in the homepage?

    | diegodjm

  • Hi The products from my e-commerce site are showing on Google shopping hower I don't have any seller ratings.  How do I get these as I don't see how my customers could add them? Thanks James

    | avecsys

  • (by Google Traductor) Hello, we are able to make agreements with sites of good quality and reputation to integrate our classified ads for agropeuariosector on the websites of these companies. We fear that thesesites begin to index all this content and begin to compete with us in organic positioning. On the other hand this would generateduplicate content? That strategy will be applied in order to do so. Greetings and thanks!

    | romaro

  • Hi Guys, Is there something that I need to do to make my blog posts appear in the Blogs Section of Google Trends? I've noticed that there are blogs whose latest posts appear on the Blog section of Google Trends and would also like my blog to appear there if possible. Thanks in advance...

    | Trigun

  • We currently use a wp blog but we don not host on the web domain. What are the advanatges to moving the blog to the domain The only 1 I can think of is  every time we update the blog this should help keep the web site fresh with new content .

    | NotThatFast

  • What software and graphics does Rand use to make his blog posts look so good? I recall seeing a blog about it that gave tips and insights for adding graphics to your blog posts.

    | -Noah

  • I am working at a company that has had SEO All in One installed on our Wordpress blog for awhile, but the Meta data is not being published. When looking at a draft of the post the fields are automatically filled with the blog post (I would like the possibility of manually changing the meta sometimes). However, regardless of that the Meta titles, etc.. on the live site are blank and don't use what is written in the SEO All in One pack at all. Any suggestions for me? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Does it really matter if somebody takes your content changes it slightly and republishes it? This is my original article on history of house paints which was also published on ezine in Feb. and from google alerts I discovered this page a minimally modified version. It is not easy to create content so these folks just copied and made a blog post. Their are now many versions of this on the web..who wins?

    | johnshearer

  • Hi Everyone, Bit of a serious question here for me, Is it worth doing a guest post on a blog more then 2 times? As an example one blog I guest post on has a homepage PR6 which I have posted 2 times, now they have requested another guest post but im thinking would it just be better to guest post on a different blog? So my question in simple terms is: 5 guest posts on two PR6 websites or 10 guest posts on ten different blogs with PR3

    | activitysuper

  • No matter how secure we try to make our wordpress blogs they still got hacked. We recently got hacked(server level hacking, javascript insertion that took our server down, through the askimet plugin), anyway there was nothing really showing in the front end, no inserted links and nothing suspicious looking code. Oh well we are changing the passwords now and going through and deleting the javascript. The problem im facing is that i am handling over 100 blogs, so its very time consuming to do this. I know that once or twice a year everyone goes through a wordpress crisis but we really cant afford nor have the resources to fix it all the time. Are there any alternatives to wordpress blogs(as good as wordpress). Wordpress has been showing good results so far so it works as far as SEO goes, but we are trying to figure out what to do in order to not get hacked. Besides alternatives id like to know if there are any work arrounds to not get hacked with little maintenance needed. Any tips?

    | CMTM

  • We are considering using a video hosting service like Vzaar or Wistia for our videos. What are some of the SEO advantages of using a video hosting service rather than YouTube?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Does the word count of a webpage make a difference to search engines?  Are longer word counts on pages indexed higher or given higher priority? For example,say you have 300 words of copy packed with 20 keywords, and say you also have 700 words of copy that have the same 20 keywords worked in, does Google have a preference over which one it ranks higher?

    | greentent

  • We are pushing SEO for only one of the domains, therefore I would like one to be dominant. We will be sending the blog post via email to their database, therefore each blog needs to have the same content. Thank you!

    | MarketingResults

  • Hello can anybody help me.  I'm trying to setup a feed from our company blog to our companies facebook page.  When I try and Google it the advice is out of date.

    | catherine-279388

  • What kind of research tactics are the best for finding great ideas for content or articles?  What tools are the most helpful?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Apologies if the following is a basic question but I am just starting out with SEO and I have seen this quite a lot recently on sites I have been on. My question is if you have a self hosted blog e.g. or and you use keyword anchor text in your blog post does that bring SEO benefits in itself or does the blog post have to be shared/commented by readers to have an effect? I have seen/heard of many sites spending a lot of money getting copy done or spending their own time and resources starting a blog but the blogs remain unshared or comment-less. I am starting my own blog to go with my social media and website so I wanted to establish the basics. Thanks in advance guys.

    | jannkuzel

  • Anyone have any experience using Textbroker through Raventools?  I like that it is alongside all of the other tools in the software, but I have no experience with the quality of content that will be returned.

    | esztanyo

  • From time to time we're promoting blog posts written by our employees on their external blogs (separate domains) to our official company blog. This happens when the content is valuable for our visitors and it's worth to be shared. The post is copied in its entirety and we add the sentence This post was originally published on <external blog="" post="" link="">at the top. Will this be considered duplicate content? Should we add anything else to the republished blog post? Thanks!</external>

    | lgrozeva

  • Any thoughts on how many blog posts per page are enough for SEO? Assume about 800-900 words per post.

    | casper434

  • The current SEO strategy for my company blog is to include a percentage of short tail keywords in each blog post, and not to link to the main site because they are concerned with diluting the blog. I would like to change the strategy and instead use the blog to promote long tail keywords by having each entry focus on around a different long tail keyword.  I would also like to use the short-tail keywords for internal linking to strengthen our important pages with keyword rich anchor text (no more than 1 link per 100 words). I would love the advice of the SEOMoz community about which strategy is more effective (or if there is something else entirely we should be doing). Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi there Would anyone know where i could fund affordable, reliable blog post writers who would be able to produce quality posts at affordable rates? What would the accepted rate be etc? Regards Stef

    | stefanok

  • Hi, Seomozers I would like to know if theres any particular Wordpress Thema that works better for SEO purposes rathen than other. Thanks in advance Maria Jesus

    | goperformancelabs

  • Good evening, I have noticed using some h1 checkers, that my primary h1 tag is blank. I manually introduced an h1 with my main keywords, but system recognises as 2 different h1 tags, and therefore it could be harmful for my SEO purposes. I created my wordpress website using Artisteer. Is there any specific way (or plugin) to change this primary h1 tag so it wont appear as blank? My site is Thanks in advance Maria Jesus

    | goperformancelabs

  • My company's blog is currently a sub directory - but for technical ease we are considering changing it to a sub domain - What are the SEO ramifications of each? Thank you! Best, Sara

    | theLotter

  • Search "Google Places Changes." My Blog,  is ranked first.  Has been for a week.  Why?  Makes no sense. I have been getting many first page Google results for 3 and 4 word keyword searches.  The site or Blog just isn't that strong.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=661c0b1152c259b4&biw=1024&bih=583

    | MBayes

  • Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had used Google Site Search before and what they thought of it? It seems quite expensive for just returning your own pages but would be interested to find out more. Thanks

    | ASOS

  • We are mostly writing our own article but need a helping hand proof reading and putting the final touch on the articles. Any ideas to online services offering this?

    | Resultify

  • I'm building up my personal website. When I moved from my old domain to my current one a few years ago, I  had moved a folder with all my old blog posts (from an old account) to an archives called /blog/. It's bad enough the entries just text and nearly all the images aren't there but because of the way I moved over the posts, I have 200+ duplicate page titles with no meta descriptions. Is it worth saving these posts ? (putting them into an sub-domain?) I already have the folder disallowed in my robotos.txt file and there's nothing really incredible content-wise in the archives, though they are some of the oldest pages on my current (3 years old) domain. There's no real SEO thought in them as this was just a fun personal blog at the time. Thoughts?

    | JamesDziezynski

  • Hello, We've decided to create 24 articles of content for our ecommerce site, everything from an FAQ to history of the products to 10 articles on the top 10 products. Really useful to the user. How do you suggest that we make our content visible to the users? We could put a nice button on our right banner that says "Extensive Help Session" or we could put a banner on our home page or we could make it a tab at the top of the screen. We could additionally make a well organized footer with links to the articles. Or we could do all of those but that might be overkill. What do you suggest?

    | BobGW

  • My Wordpress traffic has hit an all time high over the last few days - in the last 48 hours I've had as many views as the last two months combined. This huge spike in traffic has coincided with a great piece of exclusive content that went up, but I wouldn't expect the traffic to be nearly as high as this. The strange thing is that all the extra traffic seems to be referred from, however, I cannot drill down to a more specific URL. Also, the referrals do not seem to translate into page views of the homepage, nor a particular article. Can anyone offer any insight into this situation? Thanks

    | pugh

  • I would like to start up another blog which has more of a "technical" topic coverage vs my regular blog, which appeals more to non-techie business folks.  If the goal is to drive traffic ultimately to the main site, should I do this second blog on a different domain, a subdomain, or try to incorporate it as a separate-but-equal blog on the same domain as the currrent one?  What would you do?

    | JMagary

  • Does anybody recommend any book about content writing?

    | echo1

  • I recently noticed a drop in rankings for my site shortly after the new algorithm update.  I'm not sure exactly why rankings went down, but would like to know if it has to do with having videos on our site that do not belong to us. We have a few videos on product pages that the manufacturer of the product had created.  I was wondering if Google maybe thinks we are maliciously stealing these videos or something and penalizing us for it.  And if stuff like this has anything to do with the recent algorithm update. We make our own videos, but some of our manufacturer's videos are just better... and they work with us and are glad for us to have their videos listed. Thanks in advance

    | poolguy

  • Someone hacked my Wordpress site, wiped out all my content and changed my login status to a subscriber. Years of hard work gone, I can't log in to fix anything. Is there anything I can do. Is there a way to prevent this from happening ever again. Is there a way to catch these people?

    | ArenaS

  • Hello, We're adding a blog to one of our sites. How many words should be in a blog post for it to be optimal for the search engines? If it varies from industry to industry, please give a couple of examples. We were going to do 500 words but that seems a bit long. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • If i attempt to split the blog and main site, how can Google  recognize they are both owned by the same person.

    | seoug_2005

  • We've never syndicated content or done "article marketing". Another site contacted us and requested to use the content on several of our webpages.  The other site is a fairly prestigious nonprofit in our industry.  We don't mind them using our content, but we want to get the most benefit out of it. There are two ways the occur to me: Have them create pages with the exact same text as on our pages, but put in the header of those pages Just have them create pages with the text from our pages with embedded links back to our other pages.  Each page they create will say "Content courtesy of XXX" Does anyone have opinions on which way is best, or another approach?

    | DanCrean

  • I have a large forum and I'm trying to figure out how to leverage it for SEO. Hopefully it'll help. Any advice? Does google ignore forums?

    | RamseySolutions

  • In Blogger, have at least three pages produced for each post - main post, archive and tag - each has their own canonical tag - are these considered duplicate content by Google? Not sure the best way to handle this.

    | holdtheonion

  • I had a blog associated with my site, then I had to merge two Google accounts and to make a long story short, my old Blogger page won't transfer to the new account.  So, I'm starting fresh. My Question: Would I benefit most from an on-site subdomain blog, adding content to my site on a weekly/monthly basis, or an off-site blog such as Blogger, linking back to pages and resources on my site? Then, any other juicy tips would be great.  Honestly, I won't expect a large subscription base.  There will be a natural draw for some trade associates, and I'll be linking and promoting them as well. Thanks for any input.  I'm new to the community, and SEO, but really impressed with this community.

    | honestabejosh

  • I'd be grateful for any advice regarding sourcing, adding & attributing images/photos for my WordPress blog.  Budget is tight so have to rule out paid stock libraries, but I heard that Flickr images can be used under Creative Commons providing they are correctly attributed. eg. eg 2. Example 1 does not seem to link back but example 2 does.  Are there any rules on this? I have looked at some plugins: Insights, iFlickr, WP Flickr Manager, Photo Dropper. Looking to save time by streamlining the process of adding images, resizing and attributing. Many thanks.

    | martyc

  • I need a referee on an issue. I have hired a company that does a decent job of creating a social presence for our company and its web presence.   But the main feature I hired them for was to create and cast articlesinto the social sphere  with back links to our main site. This was based on a premise that backlinks still matter. Instead the articles and posts they create are 1) posted on a separate url blog page maintained by them (but branded similar to our brand term) and 2)  casts out to other social sites with back links to their 'blog-type' site, not our main site.  In essence its a blog off the main url with articles/posts touting our product but linking back to the off site blog. I have requested that all the articles created monthly by them and cast out into the social sphere containe anchor text appropriate hyperlinks to our main site, not the blog type site, and they are resisting.  I am willing to make a switch if the premise of creating links to my main site still holds in the SEO world.  Their assertion is that it doesn't. They are getting the blog site to rank for certain key words that we also are trying to rank for and the blog site does  have links to our site on their site such as an "our website" button.  And they do create a lot of social activity buzz with twitter, youtube etc for our brand name.  In all i like what they do except in two months they have created 305 back links to the blog and our main site has only 8.  When they report they show me all the words the blog site ranks for, as if the main site doesn't exist. But wouldn't best practice still be for them to create the backlinks to our main site, not the blog and worry more about how the main site is ranking, not the cast site? Or has the SEO world changed so much that it doesn't matter.  I want to be fair but I am drwaing a line in the sand on this.

    | arainey007

  • Im currently building a blog on Wordpress, and I will be blogging about Office Interior Designs. When I look at my competition they have some great blog posts about office interior designs and I have no idea about how they get: a) The ideas to blog about, how do they find out about these office interior designs b) how they get the content for them, how do they know what to write about each one, do they need permission etc, c) if i am interested in doing a blog on the same office interior design as them, how can I get information )and permission from the company that done the office interior design) on the office interior design so i can blog about it and also how do i get the images and stuff. an example is I would like to cover this aswell, as i think my future readers would like to know about this. how did they get the images, and the information about the project so they could write a blog post about it? And how would I go about doing the same thing?

    | CompleteOffice

  • Surely shopping cart sites are going to have a lot of duplicate content? Does google recognise this? Is there anything I can do let google know?

    | borderbound

  • I’m in the works of setting up a company blog right now but I’m struggling to find a great blogging software (preferably free). I’d like to keep the blog in a folder, so, but I’ve been told I need to find a blogging service that is compatible with so we can download it (?) to our server…meaning wordpress is out of the question. Does anyone have any recommendations?

    | abernatj

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