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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • I was thinking, that SEOmoz or other technical SEO blog writes long blog post which cracks my interest when i start reading few lines of the blog post. My mind speak,  Wooo! so boring.In SEO what will be best post long or Short? Thanks

    | tapankumar

  • I received a guest post earlier from an  SEO company. I have published it, and it's been indexed in Google. Now the person wants me to remove the guest post, probably because they already have a guest post with a link pointing to the same client on my blog. I don't mind removing it, but are their any negative aspects in republishing that same article on another blog? Would it be a mistake to remove that article from my blog?

    | Briardale

  • I would like to ask what is the recommended number of words on your page? Thanks

    | mattvectorbpo

  • I have two places I post news for our company. Our blog - typically more informal posts & Our news page - typically more newsworthy than the blog My question is, It is okay to just copy the exact text from my wordpress blog and paste to my news area of my site and vice versa? Does this hurt ranking potential for either page?

    | seo-hunter

  • I have a market news and education site focused on the bond market.  Each day we have an end of day market wrapup piece.  We also have several weekly pieces as well as pieces that come out once a month. My question is how should I handle these from an SEO standpoint?  When someone searches for "bond market update" for example I want my latest piece to show up in the results. Similarly when someone searches for "savings bond interest rate forecast" I would also like the report for that month to be the one that they find. Here are two examples of what I am talking about: and Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks Dave

    | fxtrader1979

  • I use wordpress for most of my sites and generally have a post 'news' section.  What I've noticed is that just about every time a post will always rank much higher and much faster than a 'page'. As long as I don't let it get buried in the news archives it continues to rank well, better than if I were to create a 'page'. Is there any sort of reason this might occur?  I'd like to be able to just create 'pages' but at this point in time it makes no sense.

    | GYMSN

  • Hello fellow SEOMOZ rs. We are building out a platform on WordPress that provides a free blog for a market niche in a multi-site WordPress environment. The client we are building this solution for now wants the people signing up for the free blogs to be able to search for each other (based on categories and keywords), to build a list of favorites from other bloggers in this community (sort of like building a team), review each other (leaving a publicly viewable review and score of each other) as well as create a forum that is outside the blogs that each of them have. Here is a summary of the goals for the WordPress Plug in (s) 1. Search for other sites within the multi-site environment
    2. Scoring / Review system for other users (who also have blogs on the system)
    3. Ability to build and maintain a list of other users in the community (like a prefered list or team list)
    4. A shared Forum area that we could admin from the multi-site platform that they could log in with using the same credentials as their multi-site blog credentials. My question for you all is: Does anyone have experience in a single plugin that will work in a multisite environment that would handle some or most of the goals listed? If not a single plugin, how about recommendations for individual plug ins that might help with this? Thanks for any recommendations!

    | webindustry

  • Does anyone know where I could find a link to watch the webinar on this? Thanks

    | MirandaP

  • I know the recent Google update devalued a lot of low quality blogs, but i'm having a hard time understanding what can be considered low quality? My site is and it wa sitting in the top 3 for all my keywords(virtual assistant, virtual assistants etc etc). Last month everything tanked and now on the 2nd and 3rd page for my keywords. I'm thinking this is because of a lot of my links got devalued but with my limited SEO knowledge, i'm having a hard time identifiyng these. Please help!

    | Shajan

  • Can anyone recommend a hosted eCommerce solution that makes blog/article creation very easy and seamlessly integrates the content into the storefront? If the solution also offered great social media tools, also, that would be great.

    | DenverKelly

  • Many wordpress themes like mine have a homepage where the last 3 to 4 posts are displayed on the frontpage. Each post also has its own url where the post are shown seperately. How do I avoid beeing seen as duplicate content by Google?

    | wellnesswooz

  • We have some Google Knols that have done well but now they have to be moved (Google closing). The popular alternatives are: Annotum (new, based on Wordpress and containing scholarly articles) Blogger Although those could work I am seeking out other viable alternatives. Any suggestions? Squidoo is spammy but has anyone had any good things to say about it? Thanks!

    | geteducated

  • I have a blog, with a directory on the subdomain:  Is that smart for SEO, as it gives the overall domain more traffic?  Or bad for SEO because of the different topics and all those outbound links?  I'd appreciate opinions.  Thanks.

    | PegCorwin

  • I am seeing these terms, but for the life of mine I can't understand what they are. Could anybody explain that in layman's terms? Thanks.

    | VinceWicks

  • Does anyone know a good plugin for connecting facebook and twitter to your wordpress blog? I’d like it so when i make a new post on my blog it automatically displays on my facebook/twitter

    | christinarule

  • Anyone know of an effective program to create video sitemaps. I just used pro and only two of my many videos showed up in the sitemap

    | casper434

  • My client is a big international firm with 10 websites with different url (, .com,, .pl... etc). All websites are exactly the same except the price. I suggested them to only use .com and use region as a sub domain like instead of However they cannot do that for some reason. I am trying to solve the duplicate issue. I dont think i can use 301 redirect or canonial link because all regions are making even traffics. Any suggestions?

    | ringochan

  • Just got a crawl report back from SEOmoz and it gives me lots of errors for "duplicate page content".  Upon investigating, I notice this is because my WP blog is setup into categories so the home page is almost identical to one of the category pages.  None of my actually posts are the same but the category pages have some overlap since the same post could show up in two or more categories. Is this a problem or can I just ignore this error?  Any thing I should be doing differently? Thanks!

    | frankthetank2

  • A few months ago I found out that someone had hacked my site and placed malicious code and modified my .htaccess.  I am pretty certain that I have cleared up all of the bad code (within 12 hours of it being infected).  Yet, I am getting people telling me that their virus checker is warning them of a trojan on my site. Is there anything that can be done? I have no malware warnings in my Webmaster Tools. The site currently has 2 articles that are going viral and I'd hate for that to be screwed up by a stupid virus!

    | MarieHaynes

  • I wrote some blog posts on my wordpress blog a few years ago that I no longer want on my site. I have them "no index" and "no follow" but everytime I run a report on my site they still seem to pop up. If I just delete the posts will it result in a broken link for my site? Or is there another way I can go about it? Thanks guys

    | Caseman

  • I have quite a bit of excellent content articles at my disposal and we would like to increase the number of pages on our site. I could, theoretically add 100's of pages at a time. Does anyone have a good sense of how much content added to a sight in mass looks bad to Google? My plan is to add approximately 50 pages a week to our site, which already has 4000 pages of content. This is relevant content, since we are a custom writing service and all topics are covered. Our content is what gives us great organic hits and orders. However, I would like to add more than 50 a many is too many? Thanks and I appreciate thoughts and feedback! Karen

    | eworld

  • Yes I know, running multiple websites on 1 IP isn't smart. 6 Websites with duplicate content on 1 IP is even worse. It's a technical issue we can't solve quickly. Thing is, our #1 website, which has the highest DA and PR, was the first website with all this content. All other websites we're running were launched a few months, and some a few years, later. All content was copied from the #1 website. I'd say the other websites would get knocked down by Google, because they duplicated the content. Google should see that our #1 website was the first that uploaded this content. Therefore our #1 website should rank normally. Questions is: What does Google think of duplicate content when all websites are on 1 IP? Is, or will our #1 website get punished as well?

    | Webprint

  • Are there any SEO Content writers that can create several pages for me on a post- graduate level for a target audience of physicians? Writing should be informative regarding our company and also optimized for keywords. I only have one quote so far from a company outside of SEOMoz and I was hoping to get someone on this site that had some experience in this area. Thank you, Utah Tiger

    | Boodreaux

  • I have a website where I post articles every few weeks.. Should I remove the outdated and unrevelant posts? I fear that google might punish my website in the Panda update.

    | wellnesswooz

  • I am currently trying to improve exposure for an online degrees website but the content for the degree program pages is exactly the same as the company's main website. What would you suggest for getting around the duplicate content issue as a lot of the curriculum content will obviously be the same for each module, etc? Thanks

    | BeattieGroup

  • Many years ago we wrote about 60 content pages for our surfboard e-commerce website targeting all the top popular keywords. Many of them generic but very keyword focused. We are now revamping our content our our site and want to move away from the generic side of things and actually rewrite all the pages to make them very useful and actually stuff our customers can really use and will find very helpful. I noticed that many times we wrote small pages less than 500 words that target similar keywords around a general theme. In looking at the analytics all the pages are getting a good amount of traffic and ranking well but im wondering would it be ok to focus on a main topic and combine similar pages if they are related? So i can take the say 60 articles and combine it down to say 10 articles and make the articles cover alot more stuff instead of just being small 500 word articles. As an example we have many surfboard models so we wrote an article for -Longboard Surfboards -Funboard Surfboards -Mini Malibu Surfboards -Retro Fish Surfboards -Womens Surfboards -Beginner Surfboards My question is could i weave these all together and write one long guide on say "Choosing The Type of Surboard you need" and cover all the board models in that article and then redirect the old pages to point to that one article. Would i still rank well for all these words Or would this destroy all my current rankings for these words? What is the best approach to rewriting and or combining old content pages that currently rank well but could be combined with others around the same theme to make it more user friendly?

    | isle_surf

  • About a week ago there was an awesome YouMoz post entitled How To Use Memes to Build EASY Backlinks & Traffic. I was so inspired by this post to come up with something awesome. I have been thinking long and hard about it ever since then, even browsing meme sites, and I'm coming up with NOTHING. Our company, designs and supplies custom embroidered patches for uniforms, events, and things of that nature. I know that I know the niche the best, but I'm not good at funny. So maybe someone who's good at funny can come up with something without having to know all the ins and outs of the niche. I'd so greatly appreciate some suggestions. I'll give everyone who tries a thumps-up, even if it's not good!

    | UnderRugSwept

  • I'm managing my blog on Blogger platform. I have published 7 blog posts to my patio umbrellas blog. Today, I have published following blog post to my blog. When I see page title so it is shows me as follow. Patio Umbrellas Blog: Offset Umbrellas: Awesome choice for good quality time outside! I want to remove Patio Umbrellas Blog: segment from each blog posts' page title. I can't find out Meta description in my blog posts. So, How can I make it happen?

    | CommercePundit

  • If you were creating an informational website, how many words on a typical page do you think would be ideal for achieving the best organic traffic and rankings? Why?

    | ProjectLabs

  • We have a company that create content and send as media press. We would like to use this content in our blog. We made it using RSS and having in our blog the same content. So right now we have some concern about duplicate content. How do you guys deal with deal? Would we be penalized by duplicated content?

    | kauelinden

  • Hi I was wondering what mean the term "pass through" redirection. Means that is a 302 redirection? Because i want to make a 302 redirection with the redirection plugin and I cant find it in options. the only what I can find is the pass through term and the 301. thanks

    | nyanainc

  • I just launched a WordPress blog on our website and SEOMoz is reporting duplicate content on all of our tags. We only have one post so far, so of course each tag is going to be duplicate. Should I no-follow those tags for the time being?

    | TRICORSystems

  • Hi, we are publishing news on our website blog. In the news we use excerpts from other websites but do mention the source like "according to XYZ news source" etc. Does it count as copied content as sometime copyscape shows alsmot 30% duplicated content due to inclusion of references from different sources in our news stories ? Regards, shahzad

    | shaz_lhr

  • I GOT THE FOLLOWING EMAIL: Hi, I visited your site and would like to connect regarding nSphere syndicating your content into our search platform. We are interested in syndicating your content into our network. There’s no cost for this, we ask you to place a module on your site that reads your content and syndicates it into our network of millions of users. You only need to place a simple JavaScript code on your site.  I have the code, but I would like to speak or email with you first. This module acts as search tool for your users as well.   Can you email me or send me your number and a good day/time to connect? Thank you in advance.
    Matthew Mantyla | nSphere

    | UnderRugSwept

  • I just had an article posted on to my site, My request to them was that they link specifically the phrase "100 Red Flags" to, but they actually said "go to" - with hyperlinked. My question: If I'm trying to build rank with the term "red flags", or at least "100 red flags", is the way that they did it helping me at all? If it will help me more to have them link the phrase "100 Red Flags", does it matter whether they do that today when traffic is high, or tomorrow when traffic is lower? Thanks for the clarification, Bill p.s their post here:

    | 100RedFlags

  • My friend has a website with similar content to mine, in a different language however. He has allowed me to translate his content if I link to it every post (can be nofollow). Does Google penalize me for clearly translated content? How can I make sure it ranks well? BTW, if I convince him that I don't link to him, is it better SEO-wise? Best,

    | kikocherman

  • THe main difference I see in the report on my site compared to a higher ranking competator is my percentage of no follow-54% me 4% on competator How big a factor is no follow in ranking? What is the major factor in the seomoz "trust rating"? Does high no follow rate impact trust factor?

    | wianno168

  • What software do you recommend to write web content for a new website and then manage the same as the site gets older. I am looking for a software that can take a list of primary and secondary keywords - give the keyword density and have the ability to create internal links between pages.

    | aromal7

  • For SEO and in general, which is the best website to host photos on and why: or or

    | tennisexpress

  • Hey friends. How much do you pay your copywriters? Is it be piece? I'm looking to do three different price points: Paying for just the copywriting Coming up with ideas and the copywriting Copywriting and finding a source to publish said blog post Thanks for your help! 🙂

    | 352inc

  • I have two websites in a very similar niche(s)...I have good unique content article that I would like to use on both sites because it adds value to the visitor experience.. Example: Science of Colors would be very useful for my seattle house painting paint colors page. I want  to have content so they do not need to leave the site to navigate to second site. Would the identical content trigger a penalty or would it be crawled, ignored, and not indexed. Does having a rel=authorship on one site trump the site..Or is it a pile of BAD.

    | johnshearer

  • Hello SEOMOZ Is giving me an error on duplicated content on my site. When viewing the details it is showing the following as duplicated content Obviously these are the same pages. Why is it seeing them as seperate. Does anyone know how I can resolve this issue? Many thanks

    | lcdesign

  • I have a blog that I post articles to, would it be ok to submit these posts to Ezinearticles as well or will that be considered duplicate content?

    | SEODinosaur

  • My company has signed up with a vendor to help write content. They are going to be supplying 50 articles per month so we'd basically be adding 2 or more articles per day. Is that too much or is that okay as long as it's quality content?

    | baudvilleweb

  • So i have this code: ID, 'release_date', '* '.$theme_review_tag_1_singular_name.': ', ', ', '')); } ?>
    ID, 'genre', '* '.$theme_review_tag_2_singular_name.': ', ', ', '')); } ?>
    ID, 'rating', '* '.$theme_review_tag_3_singular_name.': ', ', ', '')); } ?>
    ID, 'director', '* '.$theme_review_tag_4_singular_name.': ', ', ', '')); } ?>
    ID, 'producer', '* '.$theme_review_tag_5_singular_name.': ', ', ', '')); } ?>
    ID, 'screenwriter', '* '.$theme_review_tag_6_singular_name.': ', ', ', '')); } ?>
    ID, 'studio', '* '.$theme_review_tag_7_singular_name.': ', ', ', '')); } ?>
    ID, 'starring', '* How do I make those tags noindex,follow because it generates me uplicate content. Thanks

    | Dussk

  • What are the correct methods for showcasing articles on your Companies blog as well as your own personal blog to avoid the content to be flagged up as duplicate content?

    | sat13

  • it might be my imagination, but i could swear that after the launch of a bbpress forum and posts and replies coming from members, the site alexa website rankings actually went DOWN for a while. i always thought forums would de facto bring up rankings - more content, traffic, etc.  Is it possible that forum content is considered lower quality?  i remember reading that lots of new threads and such from forum members can actually hurt your rankings- is this true? i guess i'm trying to figure out: on balance, what is the impact of forums on rankings - and if there are any negative impacts, if you still want to have one, how to minimize the downside? thanks much for any help!

    | prospects

  • Due to takeovers, different strategies and a certain amount of historical lack of control, we have a dozen sites covering many different specialist areas of our business. To make things easier to manage, we are thinking of merging website content, then repointing some of the domains to the new section within the larger website. The content on each site is all different, but the subject matter is sometimes the same.This will make content, design and management much easier. We propose to choose the best content, then repoint the underperforming domains. Is there an seo risk of having many domains pointing to one site?

    | GardenGamer

  • I'm about to start experimenting with bookmarking software. My first step is trying (because it's free), but I am also keen to try (which comes at a cost- darn). My questions are: when I create an article for a client and post to all these social sites will this make a difference? Or will it only make a difference if people share the article? Has anyone been experimenting with  social bookmarking software that can tell me what results they have had and how they got there? Thanks a mil!

    | 2Stroke

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