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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • As part of our content strategy we are creating an ongoing series of articles to help both our potential buyers and our users learn about our product and improve their knowledge of industry best practices in general. Internally, we've had some debate as to where we should host this content within our site.  We've identified two approaches: Series of blog posts Dedicated knowledge section of the website If we go with the first approach, we would created a dedicated section that indexed all the blog posts.  If we went with the second, we'd create blog posts for each of the articles announcing their addition. Is there any difference, SEO wise with the two approaches?  What would you recommend? Thanks, Darren.

    | dgibbons

  • Hi guys, I have a question for you about a thing I saw on a website. I've attached the prints.
    They have like "hidden text". It must be good for indexation, they can
    target a lot of important keywords in it, and still keep the website
    Is this penalized by google if discovered? Do they see this as black hat? Thanks, Ricardo ?name=Captura+de+ecra%CC%83+2012-08-11%2C+a%CC%80s+06.00.36.png ?name=Captura+de+ecra%CC%83+2012-08-11%2C+a%CC%80s+06.00.36.png ?name=Captura+de+ecra%CC%83+2012-08-11%2C+a%CC%80s+05.59.56.png

    | ricardomargalho

  • Please do not respond with a "you can't stop them" comment, I understand this. Most of our pages have content that is duplicated across multiple domains. The recent Google algorithm update focused on penalizing pages that have duplicate content, and it could be one of the reasons that we have been seeing traffic loss. I'm looking for some type of javascsript/php code that will help minimize this issue.If could be code that does not allow you to copy and paste the code without turning of javascript or a dialog box pops up and says "this content is copyright protected, anyone copying this content is subject to legal action" I've found one script that might work My questions are still the same: 1 What is the best method to achieve my objective? 2 Will this additional code affect how the webbots see our site and or affect rankings? I know that anyone can figure out how to get the code, I am trying to mitigate by providing a warning about copyright infringement and making it more challenging to copy our content. Please do not respond with a "you can't stop them" comment, etc, I understand this. Thank you for your comments!

    | 4RealLocal

  • Hello, I had an idea, probably not original: While my website is still gaining domain authority, I was thinking about publishing articles in a website with great domain authority that allows articles from third parties. This way the article's relevance + domain authority of the site would result in a better position on Google for the article I write and with proper links, I can attract people to my website. This would be a temporary strategy until my website's domain authority increases. Any suggestions on how to do this? Where can I publish articles to attract people to my website (except blogs)? Thanks a lot.

    | Tev

  • I always scrape content from article directories and make it unique through TBS with copyscape passed but i still want to know will google detect the content is not unique.. I unable to write content myself because somewhat english problem.. i know there is lots of cheap article writer available but still is there any way to success ?

    | mamuti

  • Good Morning from 14 degrees C light showers & rain wetherby UK 🙂 Ok I'm getting really frustrated with clients inability to ad content so much so its time to go round the problem and find an outsource solution. So my question is please: 1. Can anyone recommend a contnet writting resource
    2. Whats reasonable rates to expect Thanks in advance 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Our Client has a pest control site with tons of articles. We suggested they link their articles to their author. They said they want an allies they can keep separate. We said ok... From what I understand google uses author score to help determine rankings. If a author that all of a sudden has 400 pages of content attributed to him and he is new to google plus will this hurt his rankings? This is an area where I need to spend some time learning. thanks.

    | OxzenMedia

  • I understand Google likes long content, and I make all my pages at least 500 words of unique and good content. But there is something I am curious about. Do they also count comments as content? The reason I'm asking is that I'm considering creating a Q&A site, where I'd control the questions, making sure they would be good ones and not duplicates, and then have people add answers. In reality, I'd be populating most the questions as first, and most definitely supplying a very good and long answer to questions.  The answers would likely be in the form of comments, with highest ranked answers at top.  So, I'm wondering what Google would think of a 100 word question, with a several hundred word answer in a comment, often followed by some other comments after that. Would it be a 100 word page or a 500+ word page?

    | bizzer

  • Is someone able to suggest the pros and cons of using follow or nofollow for comments please.

    | worldwideadventurer

  • Does anyone happen to have a mid to high level contact at If so, kindly PM me. <<long, exasperating=""  tale="" of="" woe="" omitted;="" can="" you="" help="" resolve?="">></long,> Thanks and regards, -Daniel

    | DanielFreedman

  • I have (an attached) report that shows duplicate content for a blog page and I'm not sure how to resolve the issue. The blog/website is hosted on, maybe it's something to do with having to add categories or tags - can anyone help please? SDtXT.png

    | lindsayjhopkins

  • Hi guys, we're in the process of implementing rel=author markup on our blogs containing more than 3,000 posts. They are written by about 50 different people, and some of them don't blog anymore or are no longer with the company. Should we have rel=author for all blog posts, even those published in 2006? Thanks for your help!

    | lgrozeva

  • We have a very successful website that has been up for a number of years ( We rank high in the natural rankings for that site. A few months ago, we started seeing patients in another nearby city. I purchased a new domain name,, and had our web company duplicate the website under the new domain name. The reality is that the content on these two sites are nearly identical. Some of the pages are different; for example, there are fewer pages on the new site. But the pages that do exist are nearly identical. My question is: Can having similar content on my company's two sites hurt our rankings? Based on what I've read thus far, I believe the answer is "Yes". However, I'm curious how bad this may hurt us. I'm not as worried about the new site ( because our competition in that city is slim to none. But I AM worried about harming the original site/business ( Which site(s) rankings may be affected by this, and if so, how bad? Thank you.

    | comellortho

  • Hi Guys, Hope your all OK. Apart from our main site we have a static comparison site that's now ranking really high for some of our big keywords. At the moment the site only has 2 pages and I'm wondering weither or not to setup a blog on the site to not only increase the pages indexed but also increase our longtail keyword rankings... I'll be able to create a new article aday. Would like your input guys. Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Hi all, first post here so sorry if in wrong section. After a little advice, if I may, from more experienced SEOers than myself with regards to writing off domains or keeping them. To cut a long story short I do a lot of affiliate marketing, back in the day (until the past 6 months or so) you could just take a merchant's datafeed and with some SEO outrank them for individual products. However, since the Google Panda update this hasn't worked as well and now it's much hard to do - which is better for the end user. The issue I have is that I got lazy and tried to see if I could still get some datafeeds to rank with only duplicate content. The sites ranked very well at first but after a couple of weeks died massively. They went from 0 to 300 hits a day in a matter of 24 hours and back to 2 hits a day. The sites now not rank for anything which is obviously because they are duplicate content. The question I have is are these domains dead, can they be saved? Not talking about duplicate content but as a domain itself. I used about 10 domains to test things, they ranged from DA 35 to DA 45 - one of the tests being can a domain with reasonable DA rank for duplicate content. Seeing as the test didn't work I want to use the domains for proper sites with proper unique content, however so far although the new unique content is getting indexed it is suffering from the same ranking penalties the duplicate (and now deleted content) pages had. Is it worth trying to use these domains, will Google finally remove the penalty when they notice that the bad content is no longer on the site or are the domains very much dead? Many thanks

    | ccgale

  • Hello Mozzers! Our company (FindMyAccident) is an accident news site. The goal is to roll our reporting out to all 50 states; currently, we operate full-time in 7 states. To date, the largest expenditure is our writing staff. We hire professional
    journalists who work with police departments and other sources to develop written
    content and video for our site. Our visitors also contribute stories and/or
    tips that add to the content on our domain. In short, our content is original. A site that often appears alongside us in the SERPs in the markets where we work full-time is They are a site that only syndicates accident news and offers little original content. (They also allow users to submit their own accident stories, and the entries index quickly and are sometimes viewed by hundreds of people in the same day. What's perplexing is that these entires are isolated incidents that have little to no media value, yet they do extremely well.) The link profile is virtually non-existent. There are approximately 6 linking domains. I don't rest my bets with Quantcast figures, but accidentin does use their pixel sourcing and the figures indicate that they are receiving up to 80k visitors a day in some instances. Not too shabby for the Flying Dutchman of accident news sites. 🙂 I understand that it's common to see news sites syndicate from the AP, etc., and traffic accident news is not going to have a lot of competition (in most instances), but the real shocker is that accidentin will sometimes appear as the first or second result above the original sources. What the...!? The question: does anyone have a guess as to what is making it perform so well? While looking at their model, I'm wondering if we're not silly to syndicate news in the states where we don't have actual staff? It would seem we could attract more traffic by setting up syndication in our vacant states. Should the Panda updates have any effect on their site? Thanks, gang.... Wayne

    | Wayne76

  • I am working on a site which will be a portfolio of many photographers - hence there will be a lot of images - each image will have an external link to the photographers site, there will be a very small description and a lot of tags (for the site indexing to work) Bearing in mind that the site will consist of 90% images, 9% tags and 1% text is there a chance the site will rank well for my keywords (which will be the tags)? There will also be social comments e.g. facebook or discus but I want to keep the amount of text to a minimum.

    | ribandhull

  • To optimize content for a website, how many words should be provided for a home page, category page and a product page?

    | gallreddy

  • Okay, I read an interview somewhere this week where Matt Cutts said he didn't care much for curated content.  Today I searched on that subject and came up with the following video of his: So, in the video he is going along and saying not to just grab content and repost it.  And then at around minute 3:15 he says that, on the other hand, you can have a blog like and that's a good thing, because the blogger takes the time to pick and choose what he is posting. I went to Daring Fireball to take a look, and I saw that he writes maybe one line of commentary, and then pastes in a big chunk of the curated content along with a link to the source. This shocked me. How could Matt like that blog -- he keeps telling that he likes original not duplicate, curated content.  So, the difference is that a blog can get away with this if they exercise discretion in what they choose to copy and paste?  How the hell would the Google algorithm know what the intention of the blogger is? And here I've been wasting my time writing up paragraphs and paragraphs to precede any excerpts I paste in, in fear of getting hit by Google. I'd like to hear your comments on this.

    | bizzer

  • Hi Friends, I need to know how to craft seo for business which is located in different locations.
    i.e. jewelery shop is there which has 3 shops in near by towns and they have one site for all of them. now my question is how i can get good rankings for top SERP's of these three different locations with one site ? any reference article or any clue you can give is welcome. Thanks for reading this much. Have a good day 🙂

    | hardik_dangar

  • Will duplicate pages different content hurt rankings/seo E-commerce Site is plugin style with WYSIWYG editor allowing for full customization, all pages are setup with basic default content. Ive created custom pages with content/keywords to begin seo on them I have two pages and The first url is default, with a single H1tag, + Default Meta+Title tags, the second is the content rich page, and structured properly,  both of which show up on the site, should I block the first url from displaying at all? The reason I am asking is because ive also setup breadcrumb links, which makes all of these category url's accessible on the site, I cannot edit breadcrumb links, we can either have them there or remove them. Thank you Very Much!!

    | TP_Marketing

  • I've been asked this question at work and not certain of the answer. Personally if I see an 'old' date in a meta description on Google I often scan for more recent articles. In other words it can act as a deterrent. We are a very big social networking site with a large content section. For some of our content the date might be relevant, such as legal information, but often it isn't. Are there any SEO factors in dating content?

    | CecilyP

  • I have 2 websites which sell exactly the same products and have the same product descriptions. Does anyone have any recommended spinning software solutions which I can use to get an alternate product description? Thanks in advance.

    | Anup_Gohil

  • I like to export al my website text to 1 file, to check if the are any errors in it. How is this possible ?

    | Jorianp

  • How do you transfer a blog to a self hosted domain. The domain name is purchased through GoDaddy and will be hosted through GoDaddy.

    | bronxpad

  • Hi, I'm doing some work on a new blog and wondered if anyone could recommend some low cost content writers? I have only justed started researching this service, so any advice the SEOmoz community could give would be grately appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    | RBH

  • In regards to ranking organically for local search results (not google places), I'm wondering if there is any benefit to having a Google Map on my Contact page with our location pinned?  If so, how important do you think it is?

    | pharcydeabc

  • Hi Everybody, I wanted to buy few blogs of Home improvement, office furniture and artificial flowers.But I do not know from where we can buy blogs.If anyone have idea about this please let me know.

    | Alick300

  • I have a Joomla site with a WordPress subdomain that I'm wanting to use as a learning center. It's far more simple for new blog editors and publishers to learn that over Joomla. The issue I'm facing is trying to figure out rather having the blog put into the primary domain instead of a subdomain will hurt my ratings at all? Where I got the idea that it may hurt ratings is due to how (from what I understand) search engines will see a subdomain slightly different than the primary domain. Thank you for any help!

    | sDevik

  • Is it better for seo to accommodate articles of more than 400+ words by creating new pages on a site or is it best to blog them.

    | MSSBConsulting

  • If I host my blog on my corporate site (it is a wordpress blog) will the page authority and page rank of my site translate to the blog?  And does this also go the other way around?  My gut says this would make sense, and I think I have seen it in action with other corporate sites that host their wordpress blogs, but I want to be completely sure.  Even better, if someone can explain to me how this works, that would be super helpful!

    | Kendi

  • I'm a noobie when it comes to SEO, with my knowledge coming from a few books and blogs.  What are some of the best practices that you use when building a website for SEO and for user interaction?  I've read about the following, but am not sure if they are still relevant.  Also if you have any other suggestions, they would be appreciated. -Phone # above fold line. -A call to action above fold line on each page -An HTML sitemap -Terms & Conditions (supposed to create credibility in Googles eyes) -NAP in the footer of each page -Optimize each page for 1 unique keyword Are these correct and is there anything else that I'm missing?

    | pharcydeabc

  • I'm wondering if there is any benefit to creating a FAQ section on a website for the purpose of ranking for long tail keywords.  If so, are there best practices in the way that the page is structured? Also, would doing this just help me rank the FAQ page for these terms or would it also help more critical pages on my website, such as homepage, contact, about, etc... which do not contain these keywords.

    | pharcydeabc

  • I would like to create an rss feed of my blog, but not with all my posts, just ones that I select. How can I do this? (would like to use feedburner if possible). Thanks for your help

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Just a quick question...looking more for opinions and suggestions.... The specific page in question is: We get great traffic to this page specifically for these search terms (and more): natural beta blockers natural alternatives to beta blockers natural beta blocker supplements The bounce rate on this specific page is usually between 75% to 82%. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be (besides the obvious colors/theme of the website)? Thanks!!

    | Linwright

  • Hi Everybody, I'm just checking the warnings from Seomoz an realized that on our site there are a lot of duplicate page content problems. In fact some of them are not really duplicated content because there are subtle differencies ie.  colour or  pack of  products: What do you suggest, ignore this warning or change something on the site? Thank you in advance Balint

    | SanomaMediaseo

  • I write a monthly Social Media Marketing column for a local Business Journal and the column is printed in their paper as well as posted on their website. Is there any way I can repost these articles on my website's blog without being penalized by Google for "duplicate content"?

    | vyki

  • Hi, i am trying to find out if i should be putting all the introduction to new stories on the front page of my magazine I am not sure if to just put certain stories on the home page or if it would be better for seo reasons to put everything on the front page for the search engines to pick it up quickly. so for example, all health stories, all news stories and all lifestyle stories that have their own section, should i make sure that they all appear on the home page as an introduction. Or should i have them kept in their own section please do let me know

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, I've a number of wordpress posts that were written by different authors, and I want to merge them into a single author. If Google sees that originally the post was rel authored to person A and later we change the author reference to person B, will Google see this as suspicious in any way? Or does it not matter, as long as it's only attributed to a single author at any one time? Thanks, Leigh

    | Leighm

  • I am working on redoing my blog and there are many posts that fit into two categories.  Should I keep them in only one? or place them in both? For example- Category 1 - Gucci Category 2 - Shirts Should a post about "Gucci shirts" go in both places or only the "Gucci" category and the "shirts" category would then only include posts about my more minor brands. Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi i am getting a bit fed up of people stealling our content and now i have come across this site that has stolen content from us but cannot find any email address or contact details and would like to know how to contact them or how to stop this site from stealling our work. here is the site any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i would love to have a commercial facebook page instead of my personal name, i would like to have my company name on facebook like the huffington post but not sure if you have to pay for it or not here is the huffington facebook page, can anyone let me know if this is a paid for page

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Im working with couple of clients in the travel business. Im building up a network of blogs that add content, internal contextual links and so forth to clients websites. What I want to do is to install a fresh wp client to a subdirectory e.g. for every and each client. This way I can get my outsourcing workers to log-in there and write content, add internal contextual backlinks etc. This also solves the problems of letting them learn on various different local CMS systems that are often just in the local language - that nobody understands:) So either I install it as an additional wp client if the clients has a wp client for the root domain. Im wondering what effects this will have on SEO and what is important to do?. E.g. do I install a new sitemap for this new wp client in subdirectory - or do I merge it with the one for the root domain. How? In regard to GA tracking - do I add the same tracking code to the new wp install or somehow merge it into the root domain? Are there some issues I need to worry about especially when using this approach?

    | rrrobertsson

  • I have two clients whose websites have landing pages that feature a number of product links.  In order to meet SEO/Google best practices, do I need to have additional content on these specific pages or will the links suffice? (Getpaper is an ecommerce; inpak is not) Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    | TopFloor

  • I have a small but growing SEO company.  I don't have in house content writers...where is a good place to find good content writers?  Please help!  Thanks.

    | ClickIt

  • I know SEOmoz is always going on about content marketing as the best SEO tactic, but I'm struggling to achieve search engine success with it for my site. Has anybody very successfully pursued a content marketing strategy for their site in a competitive niche? Can you give us the examples? (including the keywords you succeeded for). Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | kevinmorley

  • <y website="" <a="" href=""> was number 1 in for several years for our main search term "nile cruise" until about 4 months ago when we fell to our current position of 4 or 5.</y> I am looking at every aspect of optimising the site and wonder if I am using a good enough title for the home page? At the moment it is titled: Nile Cruise | Nile Cruises | Nile Cruise Bargains I wonder if I should just call it "Nile Cruise"? I alreay have a seperat page entitled "Nile Cruise Bargains" and wonder if having that phrase in the homepage title would have any adverse affects? Earlier this year our site was hacked and we spent 2 weeks with it being unavailable until we had rebuilt and repaired it. After that our position dipped. We have a Blog going back to 2007 and when we repaired the site the Blog was affected in that although we managed to re-install the hundreds of posts they were without all of the SEO tags and categories, etc, etc. I've been slowly adding those but there are still hundreds to do. Could this be affecting our page position? Thanks, Colin

    | NileCruises

  • Hi, i am a huge fan of Huffington post, it is an amazing site, not just saying this because they have mentioned our site over 50 times, but i really like the site. But one question i have which i have noticed over and over again is does the following help with seo, as i am a bit puzzled with it here is one of their pages and the section i am puzzled about is Follow: Louis Walsh, One Direction, Simon Cowell, Sony Music, The Sun, UK Entertainment, X Factor, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Uk News, UK Entertainment News Can anyone let me know why the site does this and what benefits it brings

    | ClaireH-184886

  • hi i am testing a page which i am working on at the moment, have some image problems which i am sorting out. what i would like to know if you feel this page is to busy or if this page looks ok. I would also like to know if this page would tempt you to click on other articles or if you would just go off this page once you have read the story. here is the page any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, i am trying to work out how these free article sites work. They allow people to put on their articles on their sites but these articles are on loads of different sites which means they are all duplicate content. I am finding it hard how google puts up with this and how the sites still continue to rank high in google when all their site is duplicate content. Can anyone please explain this to me.

    | ClaireH-184886

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