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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hello SEOmoz community 🙂 I would like to discuss the option of implementing AuthorRank on news portals where content changes daily and the importance and the ''weight'' of that content is measuerd mostly on the breaking news factor. Content changes multiple times through out the day and there are many authors / journalists who write for that portal, so my questions would be: can AuthorRank have impact on this kind of site? Did any of you have any experiences with AuthorRank on a big scale sites like news portals and if you would be kind to share some insights. Thank you in advance! sincerely, sinisa

    | TataSinke

  • I've migrated a blog with a bunch of content (but little traffic) onto a hosted WordPress site under my own domain name (the way I should've done it in the first place). Now I don't want to confuse Google that the new site is duplicating content from the other site, so would I be better off with: 1) meta-refresh redirecting each post to the same post on the new blog, or 2) just killing the blog entirely so Google will not find duplicate posts anywhere. In favor of #2 is the fact that these posts get very little traffic today. I figure I will lose more traffic from duplicate content ranking penalties than from losing the posts themselves in the original blog. What do you think?

    | chriscrabtree

  • I would like to know what can I do. Normally it takes google around 3 days to index my content. I got a site map, swiched the crawling rate to the fastest in my webmaster tools. I also tried crawling my homepage as google bot and sending it to the index with all linked pages but even if I do so my content takes around 3 days if not more to get indexed. I publish around 20 posts a week. My SEOmoz page authority is 48. Some sites of my competition seem to be getting their content indexed in the same day. What else can be done?

    | sebastiankoch

  • I want to hire out to someone who can write some good quality articles for my site. First has anyone had experience with this and do you recommend this. Also are there any ideas where I could start in looking for this. Websites? Freelance? Let me know

    | cbielich

  • Hi SEOmoz Community! My company is looking to create an eBook and we are looking for a third party vendor to help us with production.  We are a technology company and write a lot of white papers, but would like to take the white papers to the next step and turn them into eBooks. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you! Lauren
    Dell Software

    | vkernel

  • Hello! I am responsible for SEO of a job portal of a recruitment agency. We get 30-40 jobs every month which we post on a) our job portal b) other job portals (like monster, career builder, Naukri , etc). How do avoid content duplication? We can only post the same job descriptions everywhere. We always post the job on our site first and then the other job portals**. How to ensure that Google knows our portal is the original job posters and not other job portals.** Thank you.

    | peoplesutra

  • Hello On a lighter note just wondered what Christmas song's are the favorites of the SEO industry? One from each of us in our team: Fairytale of New York - The Pogues Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Jackson Five White Wine in the Sun - Tim Minchin Last Christmas - Wham! Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses 🙂

    | highwayfive

  • Hello, I'm getting a lot of Seomoz warnings about rel=canonical issues. Is the code below ok to put on our (drupal website) blog? link rel="canonical" href=""< (with the > reversed). Thanks!

    | OTSEO

  • I've read a number of articles and am getting opposing answers. I've been checking pages of in copyscape for duplicate content. I'm finding a number of domains have the site iframed onto them. I was wondering why copyscape could read the content if the search engines supposedly didn't crawl iframes. Copyscape said Google can read the content.  I just want to know if these sites need to remove the iframe (is it hurting Thanks. Examples:

    | cakelady

  • Hi, I've read that some sites will "borrow" the content of your blog. In order to ensure that Google recognizes the original author, what code should we put into the blog posting? Our blog is for Drupal 7 (?) if that helps. Cheers!

    | OTSEO

  • Hello, We are currently promoting a website and are considering promoting content via google + We have technical issues that prevent us from promoting content via the company blog. Our question is how beneficial is it to write original articles and post them directly on a company google + page. Is it good to post articles on google + and  write original content directly to the google +  page? is a technical option to integrate the goole+ content to the website? Do you have any advice as far as the length of original google + articles or any other practical advice? Thanks! Guy

    | ciznerguy

  • I am looking for a legal copywriter to write 400 - 600 word articles for me on various legal based articles.  In addition, I'm looking for other legit industry sectors. Do you know of the legit "quality" sources to locate copywriters?  Let me know your thoughts.  Thanks. Justin

    | JQC

  • i.e. crawling a site to identify last date of new or changed content? Thanks.

    | PeterTroast

  • We are looking into offering blogs for our customers on their current sites that we have built & host for them. My developers have given me 2 options. 1. Sub domain with a hosted blog. 2. A Google Blogger blog with our customers sub-domain pointed to it. In my opinion I feel that a blog hosted on the sub domain is a better option as it is more authority then a Google Blogger blog. What does everyone think? Having a blog hosted on the subdomain would help with authority building vs. a Google Blogger site? Thanks for any help!

    | DCochrane

  • I'm looking for a wordpress plugin that that keeps current/updates with all the changes that constantly take place on various search engines. Is there such an addon that meets this criteria?

    | uofmiamiguy

  • Our domain has/had a blog on a seperate subdomain. However we were a little slack in always keeping this up to date when we are particularly busy. Rather than reinstating the blog, I have been adding all our new articles directly onto the website rather than as blog posts. Is there any advantage from an SEO perspective to posting articles to a blog rather than as content on a site?

    | dsmdesign

  • duplicate content report shows many errors that are simply forms on every page for user to register for a newsletter and such. Is there a way to filter out these spurious errors from the reporting view? Or better, remove that from being reported in the first place? I wouldn't think calls to action like this are going to be penalized by search engines as duplicate content, or are they?

    | Jacog

  • Recently i have been using Copyscape premium to check the outsourced worked, but on many times it didn't caught the duplicate/plagiarism contents. One article run through copyscape get passed without any plagiarism and when i recheck the same article second time it caught plagiarism with five different sources. I am really concern about this, does some one else find this thing with copyscape? Copyscape have set the content limit to 2000, but what is the ideal length to run through it? I am also using palgium and grammarly for the same purpose. What other reliable alternatives are available to use?

    | Sajiali

  • Hi, i am wondering if anyone uses rss feeds to bring visitors to their site. My site is and i am not sure if it would be worthwhile in using rss feeds to bring visitors to my site. I must admit i have never subscribed to any rss feeds so this has got me thinking, do many people subscribe to them these days.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • How to get started and produce some really fantastic contents on regular basis? I am into weight lose niche and don't want to produce garbage. where to start and get going?

    | Sajiali

  • I am using odesk for outsourcing content creation, but i am finding it difficult to hire quality contractors. I am trying to use the fix rate is this is the main reason for getting low quality response for my job openings. Does quality contractor on Odesk prefer hourly rate? Is hourly rate is safe for client? Some of the contractors i hired has provided me the plagiarism content. I am keen to use Odesk for outsourcing but really getting nowhere with this. Suggestions and comments are highly appreciated. Thanks you all in advance.

    | Sajiali

  • Hello, I'm hoping someone here has used or knows about a content writing company overseas that is very good. We would provide a lot of the information, and they would gather the rest by internet or talking with manufacturers by skype. We need at least 200 articles written, and we're on a tight budget. The articles need to be unique content, and very helpful to users. The people or person I hire will provide the articles in Microsoft Word, I'll do the rest. So far I've posted on Elance. Any useful people, companies, or helpful hints in doing this is appreciated! Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Hi there - Our team is in the process of a website redesign. We're currently using a content rotator and are wondering if any folks have data to support whether this is actually a good practice despite it's popularity? Overall, I'm not impressed by the click throughs as a percentage of site traffic and most of our visitors are not repeat visitors so this may not really be necessary. Thoughts and experiences appreciated!

    | pasware

  • Hi, We produce research report on same topic every year (e.g. cost of patrol in different part of the country) and publish them to a new url every time. What is the best way to do it? create new page every year or update the existing research report with modification Considering long term benefits. Thanks

    | APH

  • Hi everybody Everybody's talking about content marketing strategies these days and the videos from MozCon has definitely been a great inspiration for me. I have a customer who sells solar panels (wiki) here in Denmark and they are more or less hooked on the idea of investing long term. And this is where I wanna ask you guys for ideas to this strategy. I'm open to anything from overall guidelines to specific ideas on content. I hope you will chip in, thanks a lot 🙂

    | loevgaard

  • I am wondering what is the best way to show google that there is duplicate content on the page.  for example on our product pages they are unique content except we give the same guarantee and promise on every product providing some duplicate content.  What is the best way to fix this issue?

    | DoRM

  • Hi, Has anyone used before? It says it has over 100,000 blog owners registered, which does sound good  but when you look at the sites own social following its very poor and when you start to dig a little deeper you can find blog owner profiles like this: First view, you think Ari Herzog has signed up to Blog Dash and you can pitch him content for blogs such as Huffington Post and Mashable, took about 10 seconds to realise he isn't actually part of the network as the yellow box is asking him to signup if he ever finds that page. Has anyone used this service? I can imagine 2% out of the 100,000 are actually members who have signed up.

    | activitysuper

  • I posted a blog on blogger 4/5 days back, though blog is good quality but site is useless and i want to remove it and put it some other site. Is it ok for Google ? I believe it might be indexed already

    | Personnel_Concept

  • We are a coupon site & occasionally have some updates to certain coupons that we post (maybe 24-28 hours after the original post). Is there any best practices to follow for reposting content? Here are a few thoughts: Would it be ok to use the same post, but just re-schedule it again to go out with the new updates? Should we create a new post & just reference the previous post?

    | seointern

  • Hi, I have a new site  I want to encourage traffic to the site by sharing some of my content with other related websites which have a higher PR ranking and traffic for a link to my site.  Is this going to upset Google re-duplicate content and devalue my site and stop any organic rankings in the future? Equally some high PR sites which have a good synergy with mine such as  allow me to add my RSS feed with their blog network. Is this a good thing to do or not for the same reasons as above? Or can I only do the above my creating fresh content? Thanks, Elizabeth Conley

    | econley

  • Does anyone have good tips for finding someone who can do guest blogging for me?  I don't have the time to track down good blogs to post on.

    | kadesmith

  • Does anyone know if it is okay to use creative commons images on your company blog if they are under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license. Technically you are using it on a commercial site, but you are not directly making money from the image or selling it.

    | ProjectLabs

  • I've set up a blog on one of my websites, however it doesn't open in a separate window. I know from looking at other blogs that they usually open in separate windows. Is that good practice? Will it make any difference to your SEO performance?

    | AAttias

  • Can anybody explain what is a hub page? Do you have any example? In a other post, somebody suggest creating hub pages. This is the post: Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • hi everybody, this is driving me crazy. I have this URL that must be converted internally to this /prueba.php?rgt=15&page=6&f= my rewrite rule RewriteRule ^/suenatremendo#pagina-([0-9]+)$ /prueba.php?rgt=15&page=$1&f= doesnt work I try # not woring I try /#/ not working If I replace the # with an - it works like this Why? Thanks

    | informatica810

  • I have a site that is an informational site about a particular market segment.  It is not a directory at all, but as part of the site I have pages for the various vendors, and have "states" pages that list which vendors sell in those states. The site makes very good money on adsense.  But I see opportunity in getting the vendors to pay to be listed in our site.  At a minimum, grandfather in those already there, and then charge for new companies to be included. Most of the new companies are second-tier players anyway, and if they decode not to pay and get in, it's not to a detriment ot my site. But I do have companies lining up wanting to get in. Of course my first thought, is what will Google think?  I would of course make any link out to one of the vendors NOFOLLOW, so even even though they pay for inclusion on our site, I am not selling links for page juice. Google loves us in search right now, so they have a favorable opinion of us. The site has lots of content, and new blog posts and comments all most pages hourly. So, is this going to be okay with Google? I don't see how it breaks any rules, but thought I'd better check. One further worry: If I change the new guys for inclusion on the site, and don't charge the old ones, that means I'd have the new guys NOFOLLOW, but the old ones would still be DOFOLLOW if I don't change them. I don't want Google to be confused thinking I might have sold those existing DOFOLLOW links as well. So, should I change them all to NOFOLLOW? And if I do, does that then cause anything that Google would not like (I know they don't like pagerank hoarding).

    | bizzer

  • Can anyone describe the fundamentals of blogging? Should I be aiming blog posts at "subject A vs subject B" or more on recent projects that have been worked on such as "keyword working with company A to complete subject X" ? Also, should I allow comments on posts and filter out the spam using plugins and manual methods or should I just turn them off and forget the hassle? Any help would be grand!

    | Hughescov

  • We have multiple Gallery Pages on a website and they are all being indexed as duplicate content. I am assuming it's because there's no content on those pages. So, it's picking up the pages header/footer navigation and considering it content. I am not sure what the best way is to deal with Gallery pages. I want the images to get indexed, but not sure how to do this if I need to set the gallery pages with the thumbnails on it to noindex. Would it be smart to set the pages to "noindex, follow" or "index, nofollow" or do you have any other suggestions?

    | cmaseattle

  • I was wondering if anyone has any feedback regarding this site: ?

    | dhidalgo1

  • I'm optimizing a Magento site and have a question regarding duplicate content. Currently, you can dig down to an individual product listings with URLs similar to this: (1) However, we also have a "Top 50" area, with a link to the same page; however, the URL for that page is: (2) Both are dynamic, so a static page for (2) with different content is out of the question. I asked IT to have both (1)  and (2) point to exactly the same page, within the same categor(ies), but they said I would have choose one or the other So, here are my questions: Will Google consider the pages to be duplicates of each other, and thus incur a penalty; If I were to choose one structure, which would be the "friendliest?" I've think I've come across questions similar to this in Q&A, but haven't been able to locate them; so, I'm sorry to be posting a "duplicate question." I've been busy writing completely different product descriptions, nice and deep and value-rich, for more than 300 items and categories and am only now starting to look at current SEO protocols; I'm hoping to ask Google for a site reevaluation in another 2 weeks or so. Thanks.

    | RScime25

  • I know nothing about content marketing, so who do I hire? Who are the authorities & leaders in this new era of digital marketing.

    | KristopherWho

  • I have been guest posting at a variety of reputable blogs in my niche.  I generally write once or twice a month and have a bio link with a link to my blog.  I'm wondering if multiple links from the same domain (but different pages) helps, or if there are some diminishing returns here. Should I only be writing one post for them? Of course, there are other non-SEO benefits too, because these are reputable sites.  But I'm wondering how this helps my SEO? Thanks in advance!

    | JodiFTM

  • I've recently began blogging on my site.  The content is all unique and useful and written properly without keyword stuffing... My question is, how do i go about getting people to see the blog (getting traffic to it) so that it can get linked to.  I've created content that i believe people will naturally link to, the only problem is they're not finding my blog. Any advice on how to get my blog out into the world?! thanks

    | Prime85

  • We are growing faster than expected and are in need of bloggers to keep up with updates for a multitude of websites. Where do you guys go to find reputable bloggers who are well versed in seo, social media and creative writing? We have tried ads locally but are not getting the quality we would like. Any recommendations or suggestions would be appreciated.

    | anthonytjm

  • With recent Search engines updates one thing is clear we cannot ignore content. Content marketing definitely going to be most important part of our SEO strategy. I have few doubts about content marketing (circulation of content over web) where I want suggestions of community members. There would be different thoughts so I would like to have as many as responses to know what majority thinks: When we are writing guest posts, does article needs to be unique with each and every blog we are writing or we can safely circulate one good piece of content to 10-15 blogs who are interested in our creative. We have written a good blog post for our own domain. Apart from social sharing should it be posted to other related blogs too or it should be unique  to our domain only. Social sharing, mentions, like of blog matters in rankings?Seems yes they do but need to know what majority thinks. Finally what is the safe number to circulate your content over web.


  • Hello friendly folks, Found a competitor has a great link from but the directory manager seems to be inactive.  Anyone had success with getting updates there or should I move on?

    | andrewhyde

  • Hello, Ive used PrWeb for a few press releases with great results and was thinking of see how marketwire would work for us. Although is much more expensive they have a larger outreach. If we decided to try both of them out simultaneously (Both Different formats same style topics) would it cause any harm to the site we are promoting? Different anchor text, titles, body etc. Thank You

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi We are writing a useful article which we want to put on our site, but we also want to add it as a pdf which people can download - will this be classed as dup copy?

    | jj3434

  • Hi, i am trying to find out how easy it would be to set up an email newsletter for our website. I would like to know what software is recommended and what i would need to put on our site to get people to sign up. I currently work in joomla for building sites Any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • hi, i am just wondering if anyone is using slashshot to promote themselves and if so how do you join to get your articles and news on the site

    | ClaireH-184886

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