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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Our retail site just rolled out a second online store.  The URL is new and it is showing some of the same products from the same vendors (probably about 40% of the fist store is in the second store).  Down the road, we will remove the products from the first site, however, we are keeping it for now.  The products show up on both sites, with the same images, and the same descriptions and almost the same URL query string.  Are we going to get hit with any penalties due to duplicate content?

    | klmarketing

  • I work for a content marketing company and the majority of our clients are large banks looking to get their message out there. We're thinking of favouring writers with Google plus profiles and adding the rel=author tag so all the articles incorporate rich snippets and a profile image. So this is more of a discussion into whether you think this would be beneficial to a large corporation. I know it aids in search and authority but it would mean a company would have many faces and they usually have one.
    Think of when a company makes a speech on TV its always 1 person designated as the company spokesperson. Another way would be to write on behalf of somebody in the company and have there profile image but I can imaging this is frowned upon by Google. What are your thoughts

    | acs111

  • Hello, When setting up a blog for seo, are same rules applied as far as keyword density, exact, phrase & broad match etc? We are in the process of setting up a blog on our site, with wordpress and want to start off on the right foot. Thank you

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi All, I need some pointers on setting up a blog for our new e-commerce site. The new site uses magento and is going live in a month or so. This is a bit of a learning experience for me as I have never set a company blog up before I am not sure of the do's and dont's. Any ideas will be very appreciated. Cheers Nic

    | nicc1976

  • I'm working with a publisher who is considering reorganizing the content on their site, which up to now has been presented more or less as a portal site for a variety of segments in a particular business industry. One scenario that is on the table is to remove some content sections altogether and republish them under their own unique domains. It's important to note that this reorganization would be part of a new brand strategy. So my first question is whether this is one of those avoid-at-all-costs scenarios? My second question is if we decide to procede, what kind of time could it take for these new domains to generate the same level of search traffic they are currently pulling in on the portal site? Thanks!

    | accessintel

  • EDITED: To just focus on the issue at hand. I am trying to figure out the SEO rules instead of just working on the content.  Please bear with me.  I am adept technically.  I just do not know the rules of the SEO process or even some of the termology. So I’m trying to attack problems one at time. Today’s problem – **Duplicate Page Titles ** We evidently have thousands of Duplicate Page Titles. We are using Joomla 2.5 & Easyblog.  Our sitemap is automated from XML Sitemap Easyblog takes the title of the sites and uses it for a name of the summary pages.  We post 5 blog items per page and all the names are the same.               Page Title =  Site Name             Page Title =  Site Name A similar thing happens on the sorting by Author or Category etc etc.    Basically non-duplicate pages are looking like duplicates. What is the best practice / approach? Using the Robot.txt or XML Sitemap to tell Google not to crawl these pages? Writing a script or edit the Easyblog code to edit the 2000 duplicate Page Titles? Other thoughts?

    | Romana

  • Hi Mozzers, Can you help me with something please. I need a tool (preferably free or low cost) to find a list of influencers (blog or some types of publication) in a particular marketplace. Step 2 would be to see if we can then syndicate content but I need to find them first. Obviously there Google blog finder and general searches, I've used other tools in the past but a long time ago - what are people using now and what's the best? Thanks B

    | Bush_JSM

  • Ive been working on a large ecommerce website that has thousands of pages, although we are working on adding custom content daily to the largest pages, we have "defaul content" with dynamic tags matching search query. Someone recommend we add a google Rss feed where they can also add some type of tag. Is this a bad idea? Ive asked in the past but my main concern is issue with duplicate content, It would be next to impossible to have all pages filled with custom content. Any help much appreciated!! Thank you!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi I know I can use Twitter and latest posts on Google & Blogs, but I was wondering what are the best tools at the moment to use if you are looking to write about up to the minute information about a certain topic. Say the topic is London, is there a website or tag cloud to understand what people are saying about London right now? Anything better than Social Mention?

    | xoffie

  • Hi there everybody, It's the end of a long day and i have a few minutes to spare. So what better way than to spend those minutes on the seomoz forum. As you might have already noticed this isn't a serious technical question, but more of a fun google related one. As the title suggests..... Do googlwhacks still exist ? For the people not familiar with a Googlewhack, its a 2 word search query that comes back with a signle hit in the SERPS. Here are some examples of what used to be googlewhacks (which they aren't any more pretty much the moment someone writes about it and Google indexes it and gives up 2 results): bamboozle guzzler unmerciless politician inculcating skullduggery antiestablishmentarianism psycho Who else remembers the good ol' Googlwhack days? P.S. SeoMoz mods, I have no clue in what category to place this topic :). It's just a fun question, thats  all.

    | PrizeWize

  • Hi, I want to ask is it possible for a website with about 20 pages to be ranked well in Google for keywords with middle concurency? Most of the web sites in  the top for such keywords are with much content and many pages. This is the web site: And that's are the comeptitors:курсове+по+немски&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a

    | vladokan

  • hi i have started using google plus after some great advice on here, i am not sure if i have done this correct but here is my url for my account, if anyone lets me know if this is the address i should be promoting. my question is Is it best to have my postings as public or as circles, very new to this so not sure how to have my posts set, any advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I've created a pinterest board, which kind of serves as a blog also as it tells people how they can save money on their heating bills this winter. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to promote it as a backlinking opportunity? Would it be good to also feature the content on our website? Guest blogging? Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thank you.

    | AAttias

  • I have 1787 4XX (Client Error)  in my wordpress blog and I have no idea how to get rid of them ?  Can someone please help

    | afrika111

  • hi, we are looking at re-doing our website and would like to know if this site is a good example of attracting traffic and google. what i mean is, they only have the title of stories and not much content, please take a look and let me know if we can learn any lessons from this site or if they should be adding more content

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, we are having a re-launch of our online lifestyle magazine and i am wanting to know if anyone on here reads lifestyle magazines and if so, what keywords should i be targeting to drive traffic to our magazine. I would like to know what sections you would expect to see in a lifestyle magazine as this would help me determine the keywords. I would also like to know if you were looking to read a lifestyle magazine online what would you put into the search engines, besides the word lifestyle magazine Any help would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hey Mozzers, I have a lot of blogs that deal with health/exercise/fitness and that niche and need to get content for them. I'm not looking for mass content that is crap. I'm looking for well thought out stuff. Any bloggers in that industry want to be guest authors and put up some posts on any of my sites? Trying to get good content and this seems like a good way. You can include a link back to you obviously. Please let me know if you are interested, I'm happy to get in touch and post your content on my sites. Thanks!

    | DanDeceuster

  • Hello, Can anyone tell, if it is possible to protect text –type content without the rel=author tag? We host a business listing site, where, apart from the general contact information, we have also started to write original 800+ character-long unique and original contents for the suppliers, where we expect visits, so rankings should be increased. My issue is that this is a very competitive business, and content crawling is really an everyday practice. Of course, I would like to keep my original content or at least mark it as mine for Google. The easiest way would be the author tag, but the problem is, that I do not want our names and our photos to be assigned to these contents, because from one hand, we are not acknowledged content providers on our own (no bio and whatsoever), and on the other hand, we provide contents for every sort of businesses, so just having additional links to our other contents, might not help readers to get what they want. I also really do not think that a photo of me could help increase the CTR from the SERP:) What we currently do, is that we submit every major fresh content through url submission in WMT, hoping that first indexing might help. We have only a handful of them within a day, so not more than 10. Yes, I could perhaps use absolute links, but this one is not a feasible scenario in all cases, and about DMCA, as our programmer says, what you can see on the internet, that you can basically own. So finally, I do not mind our contents being stolen, as I can’t possibly prevent this. I want however our original content to be recognized as ours by Google, even after the stealing is done. (Best would be an ’author tag for business’, so connected to our business Google+ page, but I am not aware, this function can be used this way.) Thank you in advance for all of you, sharing your thoughts with me on the topic.

    | Dilbak

  • We want to set up a blog to discuss our industry. Is it better to set-up the blog on a domain that we buy and then link to it from our website or set-up a blog on a posterous account or something with a link?

    | AAttias

  • Occasionally, I get asked by another blogger if they can repost (in full) one of our blog posts on their blog as a guest post. I've always been under the impression that Google penalizes this type of behavior, but I haven't seen any evidence. Is this true?

    | Event36030

  • Hi, On my website I have a specific blog section, which like most people is linked to Wordpress.  I have been advised that to achieve better SEO its also a good idea to use Google Blogger, because it will link back to your website from Google.  Obviously we don't want to submit the same articles to Google blogger or else that would be duplicated, but is this something that could benefit and is anyone else doing this? Thanks!

    | Pulsar

  • I set up my Google+ but am not using WP nor do I have a Plug-In so I need to manually enter the string of code into the html of my blog post. Can someone give me the exact code to enter?  I've read some info about this, but can't seem to get it right. Thanks!

    | tutugirl

  • I don't think so, Im just saying.... Love your tools, analytic's and especially your robot. It has improved my site's performance greatly 🙂

    | cbielich

  • Hello! I believe Ive been hit with Panda, I have a large Ecommerce site with literally thousands of pages, but working on adding custom content daily. Should I block pages that have duplicated copy, that dynamically insert a product/artist/team name? Will this help with my huge ranking drop? If so after this has been done should I send a request reconsideration to google? Or will it just happen automatically? I believe this is a algo penalty and not manual, as I have not received any messages in my Webmaster. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thank You!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi all, We are looking at using some syndicated video content on our main category pages. We are an pharmacy and offer prescription medicines (Yes we are NHS registered and no we don't sell generic products). I want to use the videos to increase the UX for the category pages and increase stickiness......however i am a little worried about how Google will see this. We don't have the time or budget to create our own videos but the rest of the content around them is all ours. The videos are provided by the NHS so they are good quality content and should add value to the consumer. Will big G stiff us for doing this?

    | nicc1976

  • i want to ask technical pints of an article which can make that article easy to read and simple in language.

    | KLLC

  • We would like to see any tips or experience with filtering out spam reviews. We operate a website where consumers can post their reviews on / experience with certain companies. We do receive a fair share of fake reviews (the "to good be true reviews" about certain companies and also sometimes negative review about their competitors).We filter these as good as we can. For some companies, we receive a large number of reviews which individually seem to be ok (text-wise but also when checking IP addresses and e-mail addresses), but if you read all these reviews in sequence then there is something off, i.e. they seem to lack the linguistic variance that is normally present in consumer written reviews. We feel someone is trying to manipulate here but this someone is covering his tracks. Do you have experience in this regard or can you provide us with additional data points to look at?

    | NewBuilder

  • Hello all, im not that clued on SEO and only know the basics so please bear with me! I've just had built 5 different furniture retail websites, all of which will be selling the same products, but all priced differently and all of the sites will have different content etc on each one (4 of the 5 websites are on a multi store system with one back end on magento). The only thing that the 5 sites will have in common is the names of the products in the titles but all the content in the text and prices etc will all be different on each site, including articles and blogs… How will this sit with google in terms of rankings on each site? I know a lot of other companies that do this already and they all have good rankings on each site for their chosen keywords, the only difference between my scenario and theirs is 4 of my sites on the same back end which is mainly the ones i am concerned about… Any thoughts? thanks anthony

    | anthonybriant

  • Read an interesting article about how websites with just a "services" page suffer and they should try to create a meaningful page for each service they offer... Read so many blogs right now that I can't remember where I saw it

    | JamesFx

  • I have an existing blog separate from my main e-commerce site. ( Is there any advantage at all in moving the blog to a sub domain like blog.mainsite? I know putting it in a sub_folder_ is best. I don't want to do that because of security concerns. Handcrafter

    | stephenfishman

  • I currently have some html pages that have camtasia videos demo-ing our products; however, these videos are WAY outdated and we no longer want to maintain them. The are only videos, no text at all is on the page. The pages have an average page authority of 40 and mR of 4. Should I just remove these pages or should I create a redirect to the homepage or product page? Or...? I have roughly 30 or 40 of these types of pages. Thanks for any help. Mike

    | Mike.Goracke

  • Does having a blog on a subdomain as opposed to an extension of the root domain add or subtract to improving SEO on the root domain? For eg : what's better, HTTP:// Or HTTP:// When the www is the actual main site. Thanks!

    | ZakD

  • Hey guys, I use Hootsuite to cross-post to twitter/facebook/google+/wordpress. It's mostly short one-sentence posts ( But it's updated about 5-6 times a day and the images are relevant and interesting to my followers. Currently the wordpress page is not hosted on my main site, it just links to it. I do have another blog on that has a couple of lengthy articles. My questions are thus: Should I keep going with these posts? Should I consolidate the blogs and host them on my main site? Thanks in advance.

    | HamburgerHelper

  • We are getting ready to add a WordPress blog to our established website.  Our plans are to place it in a subfolder on our website to maximize rank.  My question is...Do we need to utilize a Meta Robots WordPress plugin by Yoast or similar so that noindex,follow robots meta tags will prevent search engine indexing of search result pages, subpages and category archives? We want to avoid the dreaded Duplicate Content Error and penalty. Any other great SEO WordPress plugins? Thank you for your time. Brian

    | gw3seo

  • Hello, Can my rankings suffer if some of my inner pages have too many links/anchor text? Or would link juice just stop being passed after X amount of links? I have content on these inner pages, and it all flows. Thanks!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi All! After the havoc of Panda and Penguin - are there any article sites that still rank decently for the articles within? I'm not talking about using articles to get backlinks - I want to attract visitors to the articles themselves because of the message within the article. Yes, I know that for lots of reasons my own blog would be better.  In addition to that, if you want to spread the message - which sites are recommended? Thanks! Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • I have a section of a site that I want to remove. It has a main page linked from the nav menu, and a half dozen subpages under that.  The pages get some traffic and have ranks up to PR3, which is what my site's home page is. I'm no longer want to do these pages as they require tremendous upkeep and I'm not interested in keeping them going. So, I know if I just remove these pages and that's all, I'm going to pay for it somewhere with Google.  What else should I do? I do't really have similar pages to direct them too.

    | bizzer

  • Hi everyone,  I wonder if you can provide some information regarding inside or outside blogs benefits. One of us thinks that the blog should be within our website URL. And the other one thinks that it should be a separate url. I believe an outside blog will provide SEO benefits but we hope that you will provide us your thoughts on this issue? Thanks for all of your help. Antonio

    | AVSFencingSupplies

  • I am trying to get an infographic produced from end to end. The problem is, I work for a startup and finances are tight. I have looked at agencies, but they want atleast 2.5k for 1 single infographic. Any advice?

    | randowens

  • Have a few favorites but would like to get some other people's opinions on some ecommerce sites that are doing blogging RIGHT. Who is supporting their online marketing with an amazing blog? One of my favorites is's The Goat ( Let me know!

    | GManSEO

  • Hello, I'm going to start a new SEO project. It must be positioned in Google EEUU, so I'm trying to get the hosting in an EE.UU provider to get an ip for EEUU. Is it really important for SEO the ip address provided by hosting company, or it doesn't matter to get an Spanish ip-address ... Thanks. Pilar

    | OkTuWeb

  • I am currently rebuilding a site in Drupal. The old site was in Nukedit and all the urls end in .asp. Given the new urls will not end in .asp is there any point in matching the rest of the url or will using 301 redirects (to better seo'd pages) be sufficient to minimise any (temporary) ranking loss?

    | chunki

  • Is there a plugin or function in WordPress for a guest poster to just get admin access to control comments? Example: Big Brand X writes a guest post on Big Brand X wants admin access to approve or delete comments on their guest on Big Brand X doesn't want access to edit their guest post or any other post on, they just want admin access to manage the comments on their guest post. Is this possible? Thanks for the help!

    | explorionary

  • As a longtime user (now the owner) of a great site that was down a few times over the last couple of years I am looking for advice on how to let the over 100,000 members that have used us know that we are back and now supported fully by a team of people that love the site and what we stand for (quality, curated content and blog carnivals).  We did a complete redesign, removed old carnivals, removed inactive users, deleted lower quality carnivals, and fixed some portions of the site that were less than optimal (aka broken).  Should we attempt to email everyone, or let them naturally come back? In case it's not clear, we are from

    | blogcarnival

  • We currently are using 1.6 and it's proving to be an SEO nightmare, with link loops causing infinite "duplicate content". I am trying to find the best blog solution as far as ease of use, clean content and good SEO. What do you use? What do you suggest? Thanks!

    | QuickLearnTraining

  • Assume I may have some pages of my site that don't have a lot of text on them, and I have to keep them on the site. Let's say there are no more than 50 like this out of 400 great pages, and the ratio of great-to-short pages continues to increase. If I no index the short ones, will Google really ignore them in search? Will they ignore them enough to not downrank my site due to the short, noindexed pages? I know, theoretically, they are supposed to ignore them, but I don't always trust all the rules.

    | bizzer

  • My blog site currently has maybe 100 posts and I do about 7-8 new a week. I am creating a directory for an this site, which will end up eventually being a few hundred or more entries eventually. In the directory browse/search listing, each directory listing will have a title and a short description (one or two lines) and will show about 10-20 per page.  And then the user can click an entry to see more details for the particular directory listing. This is where I have a choice, and I want to know what is the best for my site, in Google's eyes of course. Options: 1. The listing detail is displayed on a separate page. 2. The listing detail is displayed below the entry that was clicked, on the same page, by use of jquery to slide down the other content blow it to make room for it. (It actually looks slick, I've tried it). If I were writing full, unique pages for each listing detail, I'd choose option #1. But the vendors are submitting the content.  It's possible they might just copy and paste their site's About page into it, or they might not even add any more detail other than their address. I can't control it. So, if going with option #1, let's say a third of the vendors add nice unique content, a third paste in some dup content, and a third just leave it blank (there would still be an address, couple line short description, and a title on the page).  Would this situation be good, not good or neutral for my site? I'm not sure if adding additional pages, maybe half to two-thirds of which could be somewhat duped or of minimal word length would be bad or neutral for my site overall.  As for my existing and ongoing blog pages--they are all unique, long and Google seems to love them.

    | bizzer

  • One line of thinking is that you can not have too many words on a page because the more words you have the higher the chances that a long tail phrase will attract traffic. But can you go overboard with this? Is there a limit to the number of words on a page in terms of SEO?

    | ProjectLabs

  • I wish to add a "News" section to a highly-read, highly ranked blog I have. The News pieces will not be in the same flow as my regular posts.  I'm contemplating what the best way to do this is, and would like some advice, please. I see these options: Option 1. Pay textbroker type people to rewrite news releases and post them into the news flow. Pro: indexable content. Con: expense. Option 2: Have a Submit News form on the site for vendors to submit their news stories. I would have to ask them to rewrite their stories to avoid dup content. Pros: Easy for me, no cost. Cons: Will still get dup content I bet, a lot of companies won't take the time to do it, and I will have no control over quality. (I really doubt this option will work). Option 3: Post news releases from companies in their raw format, and mark them as no index (even if I don't noindex, they won't move up the SERPs anyway, so why not just noindex them). Pros: very easy, all the news I want. Cons: not creating any indexable content. Bonus question: If I do Option #3, and I place an adsense ad on the page, will it work the same as if it was an indexed, non-duplicate content page? Your thoughts?

    | bizzer

  • 2 etc. Same page, but WP generates multiple URLs for each tag. in reports, this shows as duplicate content. Is it something to worry about? If yes, what is the best fix?

    | VividImage

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