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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hi Everyone, Basically I know that if you have duplicate content your ranking is effected! This I understand, so why is it that WordPress has the option to post your blog entry straight onto your paired Tumblr account? Surely if this can be done, I can have the same content on the company website but also on WP and Tumblr? Or is there some sort of method to how it works specifically for those 2 websites? Thanks in advance.

    | MariusFermi

  • hi i have a voice on my website  but i am looking for a new better one that are based in the UK. can anyone please let me know if they use voice widgets on their site and if so which company they use. I am looking for a better one in the UK which offers a better service as well as being vat registered. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello, I have a site that is dedicated to real estate. I designed it in dreamweaver. I also attached a blog to it with wordpress. Its self hosted. My question is what is the best way to increase my search rankings with wordpress? Page vs Post? Any tips?

    | bronxpad

  • Hi, For my Buddypress site I use a tool to create sites with RSS feeds.  Each site is for a different feed, but the number of dup tiles and content is running in the thousands. I've been trying to reduce the dups, but have begun to think there is more trouble from such content than benefit.  Should I dump the content or ignore the errors flagged by SEOMOZ? Any ideas if thes RSS feed dups are hurting my BuddyPress site? Any suggestions in general about how to eliminate such dupe for a Buddypress Site, eg. the activity log. Larry

    | tishimself

  • Hi I keep getting errors for duplicate content and long url, when i look at these pages its all related to the news pages on my sites how do i define each new news article?

    | emmanis

  • Hi, Does having text in hidden areas (that are expandable with a button) harm their value in SEO? E.g. there are 'read more' areas on the homepage of this site that have content that is not accessible otherwise. Does this content have the same weight when it is hidden versus if this whole area was visible?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • I need to add an RSS feed for my Wordpress blog. Which one is the best to use? How can I maximize my RSS feed once I have it ? I'm thinking Technorati but what other places should I place it?

    | bronxpad

  • Hi all, your feedback would be hugely appreciated. I've had a mortgage website for about a year and half now that I've painstakingly filled with relevant, informative content. I've seen my traffic ranking in Alexa go from > 14,000,000 a year ago to right around 1,000,000 today, but I got hit really hard in the recent Google updates. I lost about 60% of my traffic at the end of April and have been at a loss as to what to do about it. I wasn't doing anything shady to generate traffic, so my guess is that some of my backlinks were discounted in the update, so my site got hit in the rankings. Now I'm really trying to rework my site to get my traffic back. What would you suggest? I feel almost like I'm starting at square one again because all my efforts thus far got hammered in the updates. Currently I'm updating and reworking some of my content to format it better, make the site more navigable, and better optimize the content for the search engines. I've also hired a virtual assistant to manage my Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts to help build traffic that way. I'm keeping up with blogging on a regular basis as well, but it's such a big time suck when I'm trying to get loans funded full time as well. Also, mortgages is kind of a boring subject. Who the heck would want to come back to my site every day and read about mortgages? How can I make the subject interesting and fun so that people want to come back on regular basis? I'm new here and your thoughts are most welcome! Feel free to unleash the tough criticisms too! My site is if you'd like to take a look at it. Thanks!

    | MortgagesByMark

  • I am an agency-side SEO who has a few different SEO clients. A couple of them absolutely refuse to add any content to their site - no blog, no articles, no link bait, nothing. They have resisted efforts for any content to be placed on their site - whether it is written by us, them, or a third party. They just don't see the value in it, despite my attempts to persuade them. As a result, these websites are just brochure websites. What are your options for link building in this situation? If content is the foundation of white hat link building, what do you do if the client refuses to add content to their site? All help gratefully received! Thanks

    | kevinmorley

  • So recently purchased an ecommerce site to work on with lots of potential. The site was effected by Penguin update and now I am trying to fix up some issues. One of the problems I think may be the articles that he had written within the site. The site is an ecommerce site but has lots of articles like how to's and tips. A lot of these articles are not very fluent but seems to be written for SEO. Should I just remove them entirely or should I just stuff them in the back somewhere.

    | William.Lau

  • Hi ! We own a E-commerce Store. we have forum and blog & video too. like:- Now to make it more content rich planning for Q & A on it. Do you think building one more sub-domain ( ) is good or Folder ( or should use forum for this. Actually we are selling cosmetics and on chat people asking us many questions. we want to use those question as content. I'm not sure how we should manage it. Thanks

    | vinku

  • hi. i have just seen a great map that i would love to have on my joomla website here it is it is the map on the side where it shows where the hotel is, on the right hand side, can anyone tell me how i can get this on my site and pop up on my site without the person leaving my site please many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have merged the content of three HTML pages to one. pages one URL stays as is. the URLs of the pages 2 and 3 are obsolete. Would you recommend to use 301 redirects from the obsolete URLs to page 1? Other proposals? Thanks, Thorsten

    | ThorstenDeska

  • How exactly can you go about getting a guest post on someone else's blog if you don't know them and don't have a budget to offer them anything substantial?

    | harrygardiner

  • Does SEOMOZ have article writing software?

    | l2yf

  • Hi everyone! What I need is a way in Wordpress for the author to select a category for their post, and then have a template come up with some fields in addition to just the large field where you write your post, where the author can add some additional information.  Then on the final post, have that information added to the top in some format that I (as the admin) can control. What I'm doing is setting up an internal company blog so our employees can have more visibility across teams.  Some categories of posts will always include the same information, like release numbers, conference attendance, yes/no conclusions, among other information. If there's a plug-in for this, free or not, that would be great!  If you can't tell I'm a Wordpress noob... so please bear with me. 🙂

    | john4math

  • Hi, I was wondering what Wordpress plugin you are using to add related posts to your blog posts. I would need one that allows you to pick the related posts manually and doesn't break the on-page SEO. Thank you! George

    | georgesan

  • If I have an article with my rel=author tag attached to it, and then I syndicate that article to another web site, should I keep the rel=author tag in that synbdicated article? Basically, what I'm worried about is that there will be 2 duplicate articles with my author tag on 2 different web sites. (I intend to put a canonical tag in the syndicated article so there is no duplicate content penalty) What is the best practice for this?

    | greggseo

  • Hello, Can you tell me if this is just duplicate content within my site or if it also recognises duplicate content on external sites as well? Thanks

    | stuarta60

  • We recently bought the .net version of our domain name. Our plans are to use it for blogging and link to our .com site through it. Is this a good or bad idea? Why or why not?  Is there a better use for the .net site?

    | kinsana

  • Hi, I was just watching one of the whiteboard Friday videos about the Penguin In the video he mentions building authority into your website, My question is how do you build authority ? Is it all about content? Adding quality content to your site on a regular basis or is there anything else we can do to build authority? Regards Jay

    | Jay_Mistry

  • For many years now we've had a blog, and accumulated a lot of links from it as a result. We now have a blog and are keen to move all the old posts on to the new .org site. How can this be done without losing the links from the old .com blog? Thanks in advance.

    | copywritingbuzz

  • Hi Everyone I've been looking for some software for  advance scheduling of  updates to Facebook/twitter  so we can set all posts a month in advance etc and it can update automatically. Do you know of any thing available? I've had a go at using Hoot-suite but its doesn't seem  to work that well. Any feedback would be much appreciated! Cheers, Pete

    | dawsonski

  • I'm blogging quite often for one of the biggest marketing community's in the Netherlands and I want to post these blogs on our own company's weblog too. Our own blog is meant for sharing professional know how and boosting our identity as professional web agency. But off course, we also benefit from it SEO wise. If I post these blogs on our own weblog, I have to add a link to the original article on the marketing community website. So, my question is: will that cause any damage for our own website?

    | ThijsLeydens

  • Hi Guys, I have a quick question. We have a website and in the wake of Panda, we are worried about our video news section. We produce about 10 videos news a month on a templated page and beneath it is a small extract of the words spoken in the video.  The text  below each video is about 180 words each. Currently the video news section makes up and 1/5 of the content on the site. I.e Out of 500 pages, we have about 100 video news articles. Should I be worried about  being wacked by  Panda for this? Can I tell Google this is a news section?

    | VividLime

  • Hi, I have a BuddyPress Multisite with sites dedicated to specific RSS feeds.  I did this to pull in the content for my users.  But they generate a 1000s of SEMOZ errors/warnings for dup content, dup titles, missing metatags. etc. So does keeping the content help my site SEO less than the errors? The content is not under my control so I have no way to relate it to my keywords. Any opinions? I can recreate these RSS sites, so I will probably delete them to see what happens. Larry

    | tishimself

  • We have thousands of product pages with similar information but differentiating variables such as length/width. Example: We built individual products instead of grouped products because we recommend specific part numbers for specific make, model, year boats through our finder tool. These pages have recently started showing up in SEOmoz as duplicate content and we are looking for solutions to solve it. We have considered creating a "parent page" that lists all sizes and then using a rel canonical on each individual page to tell google that the parent page is the preferred page. Any thoughts or other ideas on this?

    | ironpac

  • The SEO Moz duplicate page content tool lists the following URL's as having duplicate content: The second URL is the price sorter/second page of the category and contains the following rel-canonical: |"> Are we using the rel-canonical correctly in this case? If so, why does it continue to show up as duplicate content in our SEO Moz report? There are over 1,000 URLS listed in the report with the exact same issue. |

    | ironpac

  • A friend of mine runs a website that recently got hit with Penguin. His site now longer has authority. But he does have a long list of very similar longtail phrases. Example: Dog Food for Cheap Cheap Dog Food Organic Dog Food Home Made Dog Food Dog Chow Organic Dog Chow Basically, these are all about the same thing. But, he'd love to write content that has the exact longtail phrase in the title.. but not over-stuff it. He feels that if he puts it on the same site, it might look too spammy in G's eyes.  But how would one go about doing it? I realize he should "Theme" this info -- but what does that really mean? Its all kind of the same theme.. IS there a way to do it in wordpress with categories? Please -- we'd love your help. We are also curious about how to run ANY site in the post-penguin world without adding redundant content.

    | momo3

  • When I search for "Popular Baby Names" using Google UK, I get the image below that is clearly displaying the wrong picture. I believe they are coming from a module on the page in the left rail. I know I can use Robots.txt to have Google not show the image at all, but I don't want to impact my click through. What is the best way to have the search engine either not display an image that is not part of the resulting article or better yet, pick the right image. | | Popular baby names in the UK14 Feb 2012 ... We list the most popular names for babies born in the UK in recent years, taken from official national |

    | network_operations

  • We currently have 16465 audiobook products presented at our Web store. 5411 of them are out-of-publication (OOP). Here's an example: Harry Potter Audiobook 2 : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling - cassette audiobook Many of the 5411 OOP products are duplicates and triplicates of one title but were offered on a different medium (cassette, CD or MP3 CD) or were a different type (abridged, unabridged, dramatized). The description (story-line) is the same for all. Because we know once a page gets on the Internet, it can live there for years, we decided to keep OOP product pages at our Web store to: Let those who may have searched for the product and clicked on a link to an OOP product's page that it was no longer available. Invite them to explore our Web store. Let them know that although the product may not be available on cassette, CD or MP3 CD, that it might be available as a digital download. We know that Google does NOT like duplicate content from one site to another and even within the same site. If we redirect all the 5411 pages to one OOP page, will this eliminate this duplicate content issue? The OOP page would explain that the title they were looking for is no longer available but that it might be available as a digital download.

    | lbohen

  • Hey all! I have a limited amount of time allocated to writing instructional blog posts for my company. When I complete an article I can do whatever I want with it: pitch it as a guest post on an industry blog, or post it on my company's onsite blog. I know there's not a magical solution regarding the percentage of time one should devote to guest blogging v. focusing on the company blog, but I figured I'd throw the conundrum out to the Mozzers anyway. In your opinion, how many of your writing resources should be devoted to guest posts, and how many should be devoted to maintaining the onsite blog? What if our onsite blog isn't currently receiving a lot of traffic? Thanks! Meg

    | ClarityVentures

  • I have never been able to use the blogscape function under my pro membership. Is this something that will be up sooner than later? Much thanks, Chenzo

    | Chenzo

  • Well I'm really sick of reading people questions saying "help my sites been affected by penguin" So I thought I would ask something about blogging, where is the best place to find and buy pictures for blog posts? I already use Wikimedia commons. But I'm interested websites that have a bigger range that aren't too pricey. What do you recommend?

    | charles1

  • I would like to manage my clients Google places account so I can add pictures, fill out the profile etc. If he already has a Google places account how do I get access? I feel a little gun-shy about asking for his personal email and password to gain access.

    | Czubmeister

  • We have permission from another company to copy their content and use it on our site.  This happens when we are describing a manufacturer's product and we copy pages from their site and add these pages to our site in order to describe the product we are selling.  Is this considered duplicate content?  Can this practice hurt us?

    | huskers

  • Is it advisable to have unique pages for different cities/states though there wouldnt be any actual differentiation in the content. For example should we have separate pages for "hammers in california" & "hammers in new york". The product is same and content more or less the same. The search volume for individual queries is low but  collectively makes a large number. The unique title tag automatically will generate traffic. So does it make sense to make 50 such pages. Else is there any way to uniquely target 50 such queries/month/city

    | DYo

  • As part of a SEO program for a small business, how effective are optimized, online press releases?

    | Doug_Hay

  • Most of my blog posts end up being 400-600 words, sometimes more, sometimes less. I have written one that is 2,500 words this time. If it were you, would you make one huge post, or split it into two or three? Or would you say it wholly depends on my site and the type of content? As far as link bait goes, one page is better . . . I guess. But would anyone ever read a 2,500 word blog post, even it it's about a subject he/she is interested in? Additionally, what's better for SEO? Just wants some second opinions. Thanks!

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi all, Please, I have a doubt about how Google Instant Preview works. My website is, it’s a Spanish website and our servers are here in Spain (for the Spanish version of course) Sometimes, in some URLs appears Google Instant Preview image with the preview of my website that advises users that they could visit USA or German version of my Website while they visit the Spanish version Even though they stayed in German or USA…. Sometimes in the Instant Preview image it shows that they could visit the version in German or American even though the user is in Spain. Then when I click on the link, the text does not show up. Emagister gets 12 version (each country we have). I attached screen-shoot. I don’t understand how it works, cause I’m in Spain, I visit my Spanish version and I see Istant Preview with this message…it happens just with a couple of URLs: Just two examples: Thank in advance for your help, Best regards, Francesca Nuvola

    | EmagisterSEO

  • I'll be starting a new blog within a week, for that i'm thinking to implement a 3rd party comment system instead of default wordpress comment system. I'm thinking of Livefyre or Facebook Comment System. Mostly my heart is saying to go for Livefyre. I'm in such a niche where i need more likes and sharing, so do you advice me to got for Facebook Commenting System. What do you guys suggest and recommend. which is better? Pls do advice, thanks 🙂

    | gurrambharath

  • /%category%/%postname%/%post_id%/ - Used by Labnol(I'm not sure) (or)
    /%postname%/ Guys, Please make sure that you inform me "Why?". Thank you all in advance.

    | gurrambharath

  • Good day Mozzers! A friend of mine recently asked for my help in regards to online marketing. While getting familiar with his online presence, I realized that he has a blog hosted under a completely different URL Main Site = (page rank 4)
    Blog = (page rank 3) What I am battling with is whether or not he should take all of the blog content he has, and merge it on to his main site. It has over 280+ blog posts spanning over a few years, so there is A LOT of content that could benefit his main site. However is it worth it, or should he continue to run everything as 2 different sites? Also, of you suggest moving the content over, what would be the best way to do it in your opinion? He currently has links on his blog TO his main site, so there is a little bit of link juice there, but with a average of 300 views a day, he only get about 10 clicks to his main site from the blog. Thanks a ton for your help!

    | vip4service

  • I'm curious what people are paying when they outsource content writing. I'm thinking about outsourcing some writing. I'm looking for the best quality content on the web, nothing medicore or average! What do you guys pay?

    | PeterM22

  • Hi, The anchor text link connected with an article used for guest blogging, say the anchor text has 3 words and the link is in the byline, do these 3 words need to be used within the article content? For example if the article is 500 words long and the anchor text from the link is not used at all in the article content will this have a massive negative effect against using the anchor text in the article a few times? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I have a lot of cool pics that just did not quite make it on one of my pages. Not necessarily because I did not want to, but space reasons they just happened to lose out to another photo. What I was thinking was, maybe I can add like a gallery page? Possibly with links back to the pages that each photo was considered for? Would this be a decent idea or just a page deemed as having low quality/value and end up hurting my site. Or maybe you can add an idea that may make it work for me!

    | VictorVC

  • I have an ecommerce site. My home page is set-up just as I want it. I'm not looking to redo it or change my site to a blog. Just looking for some new, different, SEO friendly ideas or concepts to keep it "fresh".

    | VictorVC

  • I've posted a few articles on my website blog page, but one particular blog receives a lot more traffic than the others. How, where and why do people find that particulat article over the others?

    | lindsayjhopkins

  • Hi, I've a site which has a link directory included. About 700 entries. Each entry has an own page with a title, description and of course a link to the extern site. The link is not marked as "nofollow". The site is only linking to similar / relevent other sites. Now the seo question: Keep the link directory as is? Add a nofollow to the links? Remove the link directory? (and about 700 pages) Best wishes, Georg.

    | GeorgFranz

  • Hi guys, Does anyone know of a script / app / bot / browser plugin that will crawl an entire website, examine the content, and report on any spelling (or grammar) mistakes? Many thanks. C.

    | cmoylan

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