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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hi I’ve got a site that is ranking #2 in my area for my chosen keyword but the site  is in need of an expansion and overhaul its only one page at the moment and to rank for more keywords its  need to be expanded. Or another option is I  do own another domain and I was thinking of maybe instead of overhauling the new site launching that as a sister company aimed more at the corporate market, as my first site is a bit more alternative in domain name and content. The thing is i'm not sure how this will affect my SEO they will be on the same CBlock and be offering similar services.

    | genkee

  • I wrote an article in 2011 A Brief History of Benjamin Moore Paint on my website ( I am a painting contractor). It is a content creators win; sited as an authoritative article on wikipedia. Benjamin Moore Paint company has copied my content on their own corporate website; a deep page. Is this hurting, helping, or neutral? bX1kFQg,639HqZE bX1kFQg,639HqZE#1

    | johnshearer

  • I frequently blog and want to increase my ranking in local search in my area-Boston-blogging about Plastic Surgery. If I write a post about tummy tuck will I be penalized by Google search if I use a title like
    Tummy Tuck After Weight Loss Boston or Boston Tummy Tuck After Weight Loss

    | wianno168

  • We publish 2-3 great quality news stories/posts on our sites weekly, but are struggling to gain traffic from external sources for them, other than our own blog and socials. We have followings for each of our sites, but want to expand and get our posts found in other relevant blogs, features, releases etc. The posts are 'Top 10 Tips...', 'How To... in 6 Easy Steps', 'What Makes a Great...' etc. All great things that people want to read about and share. All this of course helps towards the SEO of the sites, but the posts aren't written for that, they are written to guide and inform. My question is, how are other people getting their great content found online, talked about and shared? I personally think that our posts are awesome; containing useful information that will help people. Isn't that what it's all about?

    | bricktech

  • I have a site I am building that has information that shifts based on weather conditions and location.  Is there a way to have information sort based on a users geographic location? I am trying to figure out the best way to do this.

    | Ron_McCabe

  • Am currently struggling with the link prospecting process for guest blogging. Right now, I've been using link prospector or just plain old Google to do link prospecting, However, this can be a really tedious process and finding the right opportunities to pursue for outreach seems to be like finding a needle in a haystack. Is there anyway in which to make this process much, much more easy and efficient, so that high quality and relevant opportunities can be found in quick timing? Also open to tips/advice on a completely different approach, for example trying out guest blog networks (e.g or something similar to attain sound opportunities. Much appreciated!

    | Gavo

  • Hello, I need some tips I think. I create content for my clients blog through research and I try to understand fully their product or service so that I can write about it and promote it. But is this enough, do you think, to be able to write good quality content? I will obviously never be as knowledgeable as they are about their product or service. Does anyone have any tips or approaches for writing content in areas they are unfamiliar with?  What do others do to create blog posts for clients? Thanks

    | AL123al

  • I'm getting ready to move a site into Wordpress. The current or old site is built with static html pages. My question is, how should I handle Google with these old pages. Should I 301 redirect from each old page to the new? Or is there a better way to handle it?

    | brandco

  • **I  received this email from a lady who wishes to write articles and post them on my site under my news section . Ok, if its quality I dont mind hiring somebody to create a post.   Her proposal is as follows and this is her email :-**Basically what I can offer is to write a couple of articles for your News section, something fun and interesting for your visitors which will hopefully drag some traffic your way. I could make them well suited to your site and I could include in each a link to a client of mine - one who wants to be exposed on a good site like yours - and for doing that I can offer you compensation of £33 for each client link - 1 per article. For example, one client is Watches of Switzerland, so I could write an article about ideal wedding gifts for a groom maybe, or something about a perfect Honeymoon destination like Switzerland, and slip a link in there. Other clients include Weddingsite and Lampcommerce - which could be included in something about making a matrimonial home. There are a few stipulations I would need to abide by, like - the article would need to be 500 words, it would need the link to be a 'do follow' link, it would need a picture or two, and it would need a couple of 'sacrifice links' (just links to Wikipedia or something to make it more Google friendly). Question.  Is this what a guest article is ? and also is the format ok ? Sorry if this seems a dumb question but still learning guys . King regards to everyone Peter

    | weddingshoesandaccessories

  • In a nutshell, I have a website and on the web site I have a rolling blog updated regularly with informative ,interesting and non pushy original material. However . I notice that my website blog has a lower page and domain Authority than my original platform which is on Googles very own platform "blogger" . Should I use Blogger or the website ? or would it be better to promote the website blog on blogger ? or am I over thinking this ?

    | weddingshoesandaccessories

  • Gotten a few emails recently about their latest promotion. Just wondering if anybody here uses that system (program, method,??) and can share their experiences?

    | GregB123

  • I've noticed a recent drop in organic traffic and a slight dip in rankings. When I looked at who replaced us in the top spots, I noticed text heavy, in depth articles. We produce many articles in the slideshow format. Do you think this is the reason our rankings dropped?


  • Hi I have a small personal blog about food and wine that I recently moved from blogger to wordpress and it is currently being hosted by the company who moved the blog over from one system to the other. This week I've noticed an 80% drop in organic traffic thanks to losing pretty much every first page SERP, there's no messages in WMT, i dont pay for links, all that's on the site is original content about food and wine that I enjoy. I've never had a previous drop in ranking/traffic like it. The one thing I can say, is that the guy who took over the hosting is hosting it himself on his own server and the website has been down more times than I would consider reasonable, often for hours at a time (this is when I catch it and I don't check often). Would the site be penalised for this? If I move servers to a reliable co i normally use, how long will it take to recover?

    | xoffie

  • Anyone notice a while ago - the "more" drop down used to include "blogs" which really helped with finding like minded blogs for content marketing. Anyone finding this frustrating and or find a solution? I know they supply us with: Any other hints? Your pal, Chenzo

    | Chenzo

  • I have a blog on my website which is a part of the website. Currently I publish one article a day. Is it ok if I increase it to 2 a day? Is there any limitation in order not look negative to Google

    | AlirezaHamidian

  • Our site has always allowed other sites to RSS feed our content. Recently, we've noticed that searches for a title of our blog post will rank 2 sites that only publish said content, while our links are nowhere to be seen on the SERPs for Google. Is there any way I can fix this or prod Google to adjust it for us? Background: We were ranked highly in many long tail keywords, but lost many of them in June 2013. During this time going forward, we received no manual action.

    | FreedomKeepsMe

  • i have 2 ecommerce sites with 2 separate blogs, I m planning to redirect-301 one of the sites to the other. I want to move the blog content from the older site to the other site. Can just copy the content to the new site and combine with the existing blog content.? I would appreciate any suggestions on this topic. thank you nick

    | orion68

  • Is Wordpress good for SEO?  If so, any tips?  Do I need to set up as a subdomain so Thanks

    | Studio33

  • My company has a WordPress site (URL is It is a very simple site and is currently under utilized. I would like to make some SEO improvements to it by activating comments and installing an SEO plugin like Yoast but, I am being help back by concerns about the sites security. Is there some sort of suggestion/advice you guys can point me to that will help get the site to a place where we are confident in it's security level, and I can move forward with optimizing it?

    | ChadC

  • Hi Friends   Recently we changed Blogger to Wordpress with same permalinks but Unfortunately our traffic Down to 90% .please suggest me to recover  Traffic & Ranking In Search engine Our Blog : thanks in advance

    | jenisys

  • Suppose you have a weekly blog article and sometimes your articles earn social shares (e.g. 23 +1's on Google Plus on one article but normally 3-5 social shares). One out of 10 earns an organic link from a random blog. Would you continue publishing these blog posts?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Does Google penalise duplicated terms and conditions. I know solicitors use the same legal terms and phrases all the time... Thanks

    | GaryVictory

  • We are still in the hunt for "expert" digital marketing copywriters. While some previous mozzers recommended websites to visit, we're really interested in names to directly contact them. Help is much appreciated guys and girls! Thanks Gary

    | GaryVictory

  • Our blog has got more than one page (containing blog posts) what do we do about the fact that we have 20 odd blog pages but only the first page has a Meta title and description? Very similar to the moz blog? Thanks

    | Bossandy

  • Any suggestions where to find good copywriters, for digital marketing who will write expert content and promote? We looking to expand and thought someone here maybe able to help? Thanks Gary

    | GaryVictory

  • This question has been sort of asked before but I haven't found any concrete answers. We've never really had a consistent author on our company blog. We had an internal employee writing, and then we outsourced for a bit, and now we're moving back to an internal writer. With all the transientness of our authors, who should we be using for authorship? If the new writer leaves our company, they take all their AuthorRank with them. Would it make sense to post all content under one of the founders or maybe even a fictitious employee? Edit: Orrrr do we get the new author to create a separate G+ Profile tied to their company email address that we can retain control over even if they leave?

    | RealWisam

  • Hi everyone, I have a quick question regarding blog marketing. A colleague  is embarking of her new years resolution to get in shape and is blogging about her experience, which has so far been successful. Can anyone suggest any good free blog directories where I can list her Blog? Or any other ways to market her blog? (she will be doing one post a week over the next 20 weeks)

    | Hardley111

  • I am looking to hire a content writer for our sites. Anyone familiar with a service where the manage the content on your site? Basically, come up with topics & content ideas, then writing the content. Please give me an idea of the pricing if possible. Greatly appreciate any help.

    | inhouseseo

  • Hello, We have found traffic to increase upon adding content to category descriptions. Our category pages are stronger than our product pages. Our main categories (the fourty that are in the navigation) have 500 words on them, carefully written helpful content. We are trying to decide whether to increase (for these 40 categories) to 1000 words per category. Do you think this would increase traffic ? Is it a good idea? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I'm in the process of launching two new websites (redesign / rebrand) - one website represents the manufacturer while a second website represents the retail side of the manufacturer (same company essentially but two different brands). The sites have co-existed historically without worry of canibalizing the other's traffic, but I want to make sure in this redesign that we're all set. I'm curious if anyone has any recommendations on how to handle two sites with different branding but VERY similar content (product descriptions are essentially the same). I was thinking it could be smart to just no follow the content on the manufacturers site since we're just trying to drive traffic to the consumer-facing retail side mostly anyway but would love to hear from the experts! Thank you.

    | TheBatesMillStore

  • Hi Mozers, This question looks a little bit silly but english is my third langage (with french and dutch) and I've some troubles to see the difference between assets and infographics. Could you easily explain me with some examples please? Thank you very much for your help. Jonathan

    | JonathanLeplang

  • Are site owners relinquished from plagiarism when copying word for word from another blog almost daily, as long as they reference the source? This blog has copied everything from the Moz blog, however, references the source at the bottom. Can this hurt a website/blog as duplicate content? I'm interested to know what everyone's take is on this. - Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Hello Moz community, I have a question about creating content on a new website that we just launched. Do we really need an area called a "Blog"? It's a financial website and the network admins have some security concerns about placing a blogging application such as Wordpress on the server because of PCI regulations. Can an area such as one called "Resources" where you list articles or posts be just as effective as a "blog"?

    | bcglf

  • Hi Does anyone know a site where i can paste text to test for duplication? We've used some outstanding freelancer copywriters in the past but need to check the authenticity of the article created before publishing, Thanks Gary

    | GaryVictory

  • Could anyone out there recommend directory sites containing industry specific bloggers or industry specific guest blogs. Always seems very difficult to come by. For example we have written a great article collaborating with a "hardwood flooring" company and would love to get this published. We are in London. Happy holidays to you all 🙂

    | GaryVictory

  • It is a book we don't own, either. Would you need to somehow find the original and rel=canonical it? Or is this just all around bad to do? Thanks.

    | ThridHour

  • How to you manage your guest blogging efforts between companies. I blog for 4 different companies, and just started….I am confused if I should blog as myself, or should each company have an "author" set up, and then guest blog under each author? I want their website to get better rankings, and the brand to get more engagement. I am not concerned about myself and my authorship rating….but should I be? Would that be more beneficial to have all blogs tied to me, to help with engagement. Or am I shooting myself in the foot by not increasing my authorship. What's more important? Authorship or blogging about the relevant content from the author that makes the most sense? Just looking for tips from anyone that has to blog under different brands. How do you do it?!?! (also, looking into myguestblog plugin)

    | cschwartzel

  • Some of my important keywords are not in English. Is blogging in another language rather than English helps ranking those keywords? Does Google crawl other languages just like English?

    | Armin666

  • Our CMS doesn't support a user friendly plugin to create markup for recipes, so we have to do it manually. Does anyone know of a schema creator tool for recipes?  Raven tools has one for every other content type. Thanks! Lisa

    | Aggie

  • I have a news section on my site that I aggregate from multiple RSS feeds.  They are stored on my site and I have sitemap that links to them.  Is this a negative thing to do?  Since its overall duplicate content to another site, it may be a strike against me.  Should I just leave it as an updating feed and not keep the articles visible on my site?

    | BrickPicker

  • I’m trying to get my blog posts to show with rich snippets but they are a collaborative effort from our staff and as such are posted under our business name. We do have some guest bloggers who write under their own name and we use the author tags to show this. Is there a similar way to do this with a business?

    | mark_baird

  • Moz is giving me an overly dynamic URL warning for around 30 or so of these on our blog. I have no idea what's causing this, we have the permalinks set up for category/post and are running yoast. Anyone have any idea what it is? And how can I stop them being crawled. They link to the blog homepage when clicked, which is set to canonical in the head so it shouldn't do any harm - but i'd like to remove them all the same. Will /Disallow /?=page work in robots.txt?

    | SolopressPrint

  • Recently, I have tried looking into options that would allow us to dynamically populate content (specifically images to be used at CTAs on our blog in wordpress) to different users based on their web history on our website. We would want to be able to dynamically populate images based on the number of visits in the past 60 days and the inferred industry based on pages hit. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find anything as a standalone tool - I believe HubSpot may have something like this but it is rolled into their blogging platform. Does anyone know of one?

    | SMPoulton

  • Hii would like to know that should we sell our own written articles on freelancing site or any other sites. or we have to make our own blog and publish it on. Because I see most words that content quality is very important, So what do you think i sell the writing or publish it on my website. Actually i register a domain mbgadget and just want to know what should i do, i sell my writing or publish it on my blog what to do, I don't know if there is any other stratgy that you know, to make some bucks online in a same manner what to do, please explain it.

    | seom2014

  • I keep reading that a steady stream of new blogs from my site is a great way for getting inbound links to my site. My question is... Does the content of my blogs have to be relevant to my site? My site is If the blog should stay relevant, I am finding it pretty hard to create engaging content around cleaning marble floors. Also, does anyone know of a good place to find bloggers to help create this content? Thanks in advance everyone Dave

    | david.smith.segarra

  • Wondering if anyone has done this before,, this so, would they mind sharing the best approach please. To cut a long story short, one of our seo client is a free UK internet safety resource, backed by (but independent from the UK Govt), the site is heavily talked about by sites such as BBC, Guardian and many more newspapers and as a result the domain authority is creeping up to 90 - Oh to be given the chance to monetise a site with DA 90!!! As you can imagine, with the quality of the links the site picks up, the ranking of content on the site can be fairly easy, but the one problem we are facing is that of sites 'borrowing' our content.  These sites tend not to be small bedroom bloggers, but rather all kinds of sites. We have seen our content on UK University websites, Police websites and many more whom should know better. Obviously this is hurting the 'borrower' more than us with regard to duplicate content but it would still be good to get some credit for our work without having to keep hunting the sites down and emailing back and forth. We don't need the credit for backlink purposes but would be nice to have people know we read it incase they want to read more. A solution I have pondered is to create embed options, as per youtube et al. Instead of sites having to copy our content to list it, they can still include our content on their site and avoid any duplicate content issues. As I believe the embedded content will be called from our site (I think that's how a youtube video works) our site would also get the read stats on the content regardless of where is it located. We are hoping that this could become a great content distribution tool, we don't need people to come to our site as the site is non profit, has no advertising but we need to justify the resources we get by showing how many people are reading what we publish. We are never going to be able to stop sites using our content so, like the music industry and itunes, if we can find a legal way to do it then we can all benefit. My main question, yes, I do actually have one!!!, is two fold. Is it possible to create embed for whole articles and am i right in my thinking that if our content is on Jeff's Blog and loaded as an embed then the hit on the content is still reflected in our stats as the content is being pulled from our url? Sorry for the excessively long way of explaining this, any feedback is welcomed, even 'don't do it, it's stupid idea'!!

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hi, I have a lot of websites that I am currently developing.  Does anybody know of a website to find writers that are for hire. For example, I have websites that are focused on home related content, websites focused on the printing industry, websites focused on bugs...etc. Is there a website that I can post or hire writers that have various focuses and expertise? Any information or advice with this will be appreciated. Sincerely, Garret

    | eWebify

  • On my site I have tons of blog posts that have never been visited. (Falls on floor in tears).  I of course know why.  The content is mediocre in most cases and when it was average to good I didn't market it more. My question is should I go and just scrub the non visited pages or spend the time making these pages better and work on making the content above average? My competition above me do not have as many pages and their ranking is purely (I have researched this to death) from links from sites they have developed - with good authority.

    | GrangeWeb

  • Hello guys,
    There is a Press Releases company that posting every month 2 Press Releases in their website about our company. I want to show the Press Releases post in our company as well.
    How can i do it without that it will be consider Copied text ? Thank you

    | WayneRooney

  • We just redesigned our website and the work is still on, but it went live and we are stating to get some good page views now. THE URL is My questions what is the various ways to drive more traffic to such tech blogs. We have an auto social poster app installed which randomly selects from our 350 posts and publishes to FB, Twitter, Google+ of all of our 15 employees every hour. And we get some good Social traffic through that. But what are the other ways ? Shall I invite guest bloggers to submit their blogs into our blog, so they can get a link and we can get some more unique contents ? Or any other methods to get natural traffic, as organic traffic is already happening but its very slow, like 300-500 visits from google.

    | monali123

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