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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Is there a way to find blogs with a high domain authority that are in a specified niche? For example is their a tool that finds high domain authority blogs that focus on tech?

    | twitime

  • I am working on a client website that has a Services section. Each service could have its own page. The problem is that some of the sections only have a 3 sentence paragraph. I am not sure if this is enough content to be considered quality. I am of course going to recommend that they revisit their copy and expand on what they do, but the question remains. Is it better to have one lengthy page of services or individual services/page even though the content is light? I know it would benefit from multiple if there was substantial content, but that is not the case in this instance. Thank you!

    | thinkseo

  • A client of ours has four websites for different shops they run in the surrounding area. Each website has original content as well as duplicate content. This is for things like product advice which needs to be the same Will having duplicate content on these four websites cause a problem? How can it be mitigated? We can't refer the visitor to another website to get the product information as this will break the user experience, and of course shopping cart sessions will not pass on.

    | Rebecca.Holloway

  • There are link spammers and programs like GSA and others, that automate linkbuilding, and I was wondering if anybody ever had a penalty because a page on his site is getting too many references (links). I am not talking about spamming here. So provided that the links are coming from relevant, unique sources, but you do an over excessive campaign, and you seem to be getting too many backlinks, can it negatively affect SEO? Alternatively: is there an upper bound on the number of links you try to build in a day when you are doing linkbuilding?

    | snetface

  • One of my clients posts Joint Press Releases with it's partners on their blog. The client's partner posts the exact same press release on their website. I think this must meet the Duplicate Content flag... does anyone have experience in dealing with this? Sarita

    | sarita-220119

  • Hi all, We are a fullservice internet firm working from the Netherlands. Because of that we are working on a .nl domain. All related domains internationally are taken. Currently on we only write dutch, but we have a lot of Magento and e-commerce knowledge which is related to all customers, we also get some international attention for our extensions, themes and content. The thing is, what to do when i want to maintain more languages. (dutch and english). Would or rank internationally. or should i keep due to the current ranking and get a .com kind of domain working with hreflang? many thanks in your insights.

    | mdaccount

  • Hi all, I blog at and have a dismal DA of 1! Does anyone know why? Thanks, H

    | HarrietB

  • I want to borrow you ideas/experience. I have a page that is ranking #7 in New Zealand. It's the most profitable course I sell. I want to support it with related articles/posts to potentially help it rank better. **I'd love some ideas. ** Page:  
    Keyword: Web Design Courses.

    | danlovesadobe

  • I want to know what questions people are searching for answers to in my industry so that I can create the most relevant blog articles to write.

    | IntelliSuite

  • This may be a hard one for most to answer. I am wondering if supplement facts should be listed as html on a website or as an image? I see the benefit of both. Having a master image that can be saved into a lower res version and posted to the website eliminates issues with misspellings, etc. It also displays the information the same regardless of user and would be much easier to manage in terms of setup. Our formulations change from time to time, so it is important that our labels are consistent across all platforms. That being said, having the facts in html, would add potentially useful search content to the page and I imagine it would be helpful for disabled persons who use text readers. Any thoughts on this? I haven't discovered any recommendations or specs on this but I've seen it done both ways on many different sites.

    | unikey

  • What do you believe to be the best approach in handling blog content for employees once they have left the company? We don’t want to remove the blog posts so they need to stay, but then there are the author pages. This gets tricky because the CMS ties the blog post to the author. One approach might be to change the author’s name to the Company’s name to get around author pages for people no longer with the company. It’s kind of tricky because the blog posts won’t have the same credibility if they don’t have a person’s name/photo associated with the post.  We could leave the blogger’s page and list him as a “Contributing Author” once he’s left the company. Thoughts?

    | RosemaryB

  • Our client has a good number of results showing up in SERPs that are search results pages produced by Blog posts. Unfortunately all these results have exactly the same Title tag and it has nothing to do with the blog content which means they are unlikely to help us much. We can’t create a 301 redirect because there is no page to redirect. There is no blog page we can re=canonical to either. The content on these pages is a short list of  blog posts by each author.  They are not true “Author” pages that would have a URL structure like this:  your Our plan is to use GWMT's URL removal tool to request remove of these pages. (and then try to stop new results from being created) We are doing this to get low-value content out of the SERP.  Is there a better way to remove these search results?  Any drawback in removing them in GWMTs? Thanks.

    | RosemaryB

  • Hello all, What components go into making a good case study please? Is there a specific structure that works well from an seo perspective - or is it just about making something read well? Thanks William

    | wseabrook

  • What's a good Text To HTML ratio for a website?

    | blackrino

  • There are a handful of pages, I'd like to get a fresh perspective on content-wise. They rank well and get traffic. However, we are not seeing the conversions we want to see, so I'm thinking a fresh pair of eyes could help write something more compelling. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on pricing (yes, feel free to self-promote)? Thanks, Ruben P.S. I'm really not looking for any ESL elance type solutions unless there are some strong writing samples.

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We used to have a lot of success repurposing content through, but it seems like our articles are being de-indexed there very frequently now. I'd love to hear some others' opinions on Evan Carmichael and how worthwhile it is to keep publishing there. Thanks!

    | ScottImageWorks

  • I have tried numerous times to use the MyBlogGuest plugin on my websites I manage for clients. I have NEVER had success with that plugin. Has anyone used that plugin and have it actually yield any results? I have followed all necessary steps, consistency, etc. Nothing. Is there any plugin out there better?

    | cschwartzel

  • I would like to post my newsletters on my blog, but am afraid of duplicate content since you can click a link on the MailChimp email blast to view the Newsletter online. Is this considered dup content?

    | RoxBrock

  • I'm wondering if I need to go through all the various bio's our firm has on all the various legal directory and client review sites to make sure they have unique bio's? I really, really don't want to do that, but if they are going to flagged as duplicate content, I will. I'm hoping sites like "findlaw," "avvo," etc, have some built in rel:cannonical or something that says these bio's aren't to be seen as unique content and therefore conflict with what's on our site.  Anybody know? Just to clarify, any of the sties that have asked for unique content/bio/about us, I have complied with that. However, a lot don't specifically state it has to be unique, so I've just copy and pasted from our site in those cases. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I was contacted recently from a small online magazine (DA 17) who wanted to interview me about my area of expertise. Although it's not a high authority site, I gladly accepted, conducted the interview, and he posted it on his site today. Throughout the course of the final interview article, he linked to my website 5 times. Once in the intro, and 4 times in reference to different answers I gave. At this point, I'm wondering if it looks like a spammy guest post, even though it was legitimately conducted. Should I ask him to remove some of the links so it doesn't look spammy? I feel kinda bad because he's not trying to do anything fishy. If you want to see the referenced article, you can check it out here:

    | cojo

  • Hi, We would like to attracting more readers onto our blog by accepting guest posting from external bloggers. Could anyone refer any good artricles on MOZ about the best practices on managing the activities and what would be the normal KPIs and ROI?

    | LauraHT

  • I have a new customer who owns three local gyms. Each one has its own unique url. I intend to do some blogging for him, and would like it to be effective for SEO.  Obviously, publishing duplicate content is out, but writing tons of new posts each month is beyond our scope. Would you recommend having one separate blog (with its own url) that is linked from each of the 3 main sites,  or would it be better to create a blog on each site and alternate publishing articles on each one, putting a unique intro and link to the main post on the other two?

    | ScottImageWorks

  • Your Next Dress ( has been performing poorly in search for a long time. My theory is that Google's algorithm somehow thinks our content is poor, and that we're not ranking for that reason. While we have deleted hundreds of blog posts and improved plenty of others, our SEO has continued to tank and recently reached zero. We do not have a manual penalty of any kind, though I've tried to disavow dubious looking links just in case. Is there anything that I am missing? 6p6IOIJ

    | Jantaro

  • Should companies now shift away from creating great content and invest the time and money into something else? After Rand tweeted his frustration at @JohnMu in relation to "Authorship CTR's", it got me thinking - should we really be blogging as much as we should? I'm certain Google ditched author profile images to improve "mobile UX" and "CTR's" for "paid advertisers". So what I would really like to know is - should small businesses continue to focus on developing great content? How has your marketing strategy changed?

    | GaryVictory

  • Hi All, I am doing work for a rug company that acts as a third party. They have close to 4,000+ products. Each rug belongs to a collection. The collection has one main description that is the same throughout every rug in the collection. Ex. One Collection has 15 rugs, all with the same description. Should I take the time and change every single description? I think the answer is yes but I wanted another opinion. Thanks

    | Mike.NW

  • Hi, From Rand's recent Whiteboard Friday, I learned this: "Have right on the blog page the email address to use if they want to repurpose/reuse the content. That way if someone wants to give us a backlink and quote/reference our blog, they have an easy way to get permission." My question is, what do I say with the email address when I list our contact email? Something like 1. Just list the email address 2. "To reuse/repurpose our content, please contact" or something else?

    | BobGW

  • I've seen this "1 link per 125 words" for blog posts suggestion pop up a variety of places. I wanted to know if that's "correct" or a best practice? In my posts, I generally write between 800 to 1200 words with about 4 to 6 links in the body of the post. However, (and this may be a problem) I add about 13 links in my closing paragraph, "if you have any legal questions, etc etc, click here for your "Tampa personal injury attorney, Clearwater Personal Injury Attorney, etc etc for all the areas we practice in related to that blog post." Should I stop doing that? Does that come off as spammy? (The blog is hosted on our site, if that matters for this question at all). Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I wanted to know how I should repost my original content from my blog to other sites, obviously quality ones and legacy style content. I don't want get hit with any duplicate content or spam type penalties, but want to further spread some of my content from my blog to get it noticed and drive traffic and leads. Do I submit the posts as is, then put a link to the original source and if so, how many sites can i safely repost the same piece of content too? I am not trying to do anything sneaky, just want it to spread my best content to a good amount high authority sites. I already do social bookmarking and Facebook, twitter etc.

    | photoseo1

  • I've just found a large number of great technical papers that we have written over the years. They are all scanned pdf's but still relevant. Currently they exist as a download but it seems to me that as each is approximately 5000 words of unique content we ought to be able to get some mileage out of them So I'm thinking of OCRing them, editing and putting them up as blog post with lots of links (10 - 20 max over the post length) to product pages (as it discusses a lot of the technical aspects underlying the products). Is this the best way of maximising benefit from them? Are there any other ways that would be good to use them?

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • I had lost a lot of search engine rankings & it almost put me out of business.  I worked a lot on the site in April and in May my sales rebounded 37%+ almost back to where they typically are.  I have blamed Panda and saw another Panda update in May and my traffic is declining again.  Today I happened to decide to check what pages were being indexed and I also noticed that when I published an update this morning it said the page "<cite class="_Zd"></cite>" exists on the destination server but not in current site and it asked if I wanted to delete it.  I said no at the time but am going to delete it right after this question.   I went to google & put "" into the search.  My website has about 50 pages but google has "About 2,160 results" @ 10X per page.  The first four pages are mostly my pages but I noticed even on the first page, 3rd result was for Nike shoes and it isn't my site.  Someone has hacked my site and put up over 21,000 pages!  That must be the real reason behind my website problems, right?  How do I stop this from happening again?  Is this having the negative effect that I fear it is?

    | cheaptubes

  • Hi, My client has recently launched a new site - while the site was under development (A period of around 6 months) they build up a large amount of posts for their new blog. I have advised them against uploading all the posts in one go (ie from 0 to 100 in one day), as I'm sure this would be viewed with suspension by the search engines. My question is (and I'm not looking for a magic number here), what would be the best way to publish these blog posts, and what possible penalties could be triggered if we do it incorrectly. I do believe the content is unique and unpublished elsewhere. My suggestion to my client was to create a content calendar and set dates on which the various posts should be published. Further I suggested it is stagged or random, i.e. not every 2nd day - but vary it - so for example, 2 a day then a break for a day or two then one post, then the next day another 2 etc. Any thoughts from the Moz Community? Thanks, Jason

    | Clickmetrics

  • Hello Mozzers! We have a client who is thinking about dropping the Wordpress blog on the site, and switching to a Tumblr blog. Obviously there a great benefits to having each, but does anyone see any problems with having both? Thanks in advance for all your input!

    | FrankSweeney

  • Hi all, I run a blog from my WP site, and also a seperate one on which has authorship linked to it. I'm noticing that if I put up a  WP blog (from my site) on my G+, this will pop up on listings presented the same as the authorship (image shown). My question is, although I make sure that I do not duplicate content between the two blogs, will this kind of mixing up of things (incorporating G+) actually be counter-productive? Thanks in advance.... tom

    | T-J-I

  • Hello! I'm looking for a cool solution to a seemingly outdated concept and hope you can help. Here's the situation... Our sales team would like to develop a new email newsletter that can be sent to prospects and clients quarterly. From my perspective, I would rather see them develop content for our website than for an email newsletter (which will disappear into the abyss). Does anyone have an example of something that's a collection of facts, news, tidbits, etc., packaged for a website article as opposed to an email newsletter? I know I've seen people mention "daily digest" or "weekly digest" that are promoted via personalized emails or on twitter and the like, but can't find an example now. Once this content-rich feature is developed for our website, the sales person could then draft a personalized message to either a prospect or client and tell them about it. Much more personal than an impersonal email newsletter. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Erik

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • I'm looking for a good article spinner. I used to use Spin Doc but it's not as intuitive anymore.

    | 0102345

  • If I am looking to guest blog for back links, do I need to reciprocate and provide guest blogging opportunities for them on my site? OR is it better to ask other site's to link to articles on my client's page with the understanding I will link to their page (if they are not competition)? I am trying to do some link building for a bankruptcy lawyer and I am considering possibly searching out guest blogging in different cities/states. Bankruptcy is primarily a federal matter, so reaching out to neighboring states. Not sure the client will be interested in this or not, but it's something I am considering. A lot of law firms have contact information  Thanks everyone!

    | DigitalEnvy

  • Im a photographer. Im interested in starting a blog on my site with articles relating to photography advise, tips, recommendations, etc... Will traffic to those posts help my serp rankings to terms i wouldnt specifically target in them? Say local terms such as my city wedding photographer? I know the blog posts would help others, and help give me industry authority, but i would like it if in addition it helps drive my local target market to my site. Thoughts?

    | studio35design

  • I have noticed that some of my pages from my site are posted to different blog sites and directory submissions they are word for word what is on my site but at the bottom of the page it does list my site as the source and there are links in the text back to my site. Is this going to negatively effect my rankings or is it ok since my site is sourced in the article?

    | steve215

  • We used to sell text links on our site , I told about that via Twitter in public, Google penalized us and here’s the history of the issue in more detail. I write it here to ask if you guys know how to sort out this issue coz I’m not exactly sure at this point. Before I tackle the issue itself, here's some background. OUTBOUND LINKS ISSUE Jun 22, 2013 We received an Unnatural outbound links penalty (Manual spam action message in our Google Webmaster Tools account) from Google July 1, 2013 We nofollowed all homepage links and submitted a reconsideration request July 10, 2013 Google replied that we still violate their quality guidelines July 15, 2013 We removed links to low quality and irrelevant  sites (such as Chinese stores, etc) and submitted another reconsideration request July 22, 2013 Manual Spam Action revoked INBOUND LINKS ISSUE November 8, 2013 We got a message from Google about Unnatural links to your site - impacts links (Message in our Google Webmaster Tools account) November 27, 2013 We Submitted a Disavow file with Deadly Risky links (found via generating a LinkDetox report) and submitted a reconsideration request December 15, 2013 Manual Action revoked (main keyword ranking got from 41 to 4) February  6, 014 And here's the actual issue: OUTBOUND LINKS ISSUE (Again) I told via Twitter in public that our site sells links. Matt Cutts noticed that and we got another Unnatural outbound links penalty (Manual action). Main keyword ranking decreased from 9 to 65. We removed all outbound links on the homepage and submitted a reconsideration request. April 15, 2014 Google replied that we still violate their quality guidelines. We nofollowd all outbound links with JavaScript (wrong move because Google did not take it as nofollowed) and submitted another reconsideration request. April 19, 2014 Google rejected our reconsideration request and said that we still violate their quality guidelines. April 23, 2014 We nofollowed properly this time (with PHP) and submitted another reconsideration request. May 4, 2014 Google replies that we still violate their quality guidelines. So, at this point I’m kinda lost in terms of what to do next because we've nofollowed all our outbound links (both paid and natural ones). What would you recommend?

    | VinceWicks

  • Hi we produce a range of videos of which are part of a paid advertising campaign on a third party site. We then take these videos and upload them to you tube. From an SEO perspective what is the best way to  optimise these videos? Should I use keywords in video titles and video descriptions etc

    | Hardley111

  • We are based in the UK & have used alot of content / copywriters & so far have struggled to find someone we feel meets our needs? Can anyone recommend a content writing company or freelancer? Thanks

    | webguru2014

  • Hello MOOOoooOOzzz ! Oye one small innocent question. If I get it properly now we have to use Ok fair enough. But how do we use + Google Authorship ? Is it going to be something like ? [itemprop="href="">Bob Smith](bob.html) What do you think ?

    | AymanH

  • From my understanding, Matt Cutts hates guest blogging, so I told all of the attorneys here not to write anywhere but on our blog. However, I realized people are constantly "guest blogging' on Moz, and considering how smart these people are, it must not be hurting them or they wouldn't do it. However, what I don't understand is why? Yes, I do get that the quality of what's on YouMoz is high and not spammy, but I got the impression that didn't really matter. Guest blogging would get you into trouble no matter what. Can someone clarify for me? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I am struggling with renaming a lot of my web pages because I used short form acronyms vs long form keyword page names and now my pages aren't ranking where they should be and used to be.  I am weighing  a whole new web site or just a massive update with new page names.  I also have an old domain that 301's to the new url but the old one outranks the new one.  If you search google for cheap tubes the first domain you see is (the 301'd version) when the real url is  I know I am getting a duplicate content penalty and when moz crawls my site they see 2X the page that I really have.  I tried fixing this with canonical tags but it only helped 5 pages according the moz crawls since doing them.  Since last July 4th my business has been declining and I know there was an SEO algorithm update last July 4th.   I think either method of renaming the web pages with better SEO for instance vs  as it is currently.  In either case, it is still an HTML 2 website done on frontpage and the question I keep asking myself is if I should just scrap the whole site and start over with a more modern format.  Should I try to get a new site together with good SEO and publish it quickly vs rename and 301 a bunch of pages?  What about the old site? Do I need to track the old page names and 301 them to the new ones?  Any help is appreciates Mike

    | cheaptubes

  • Hi I'm currently doing some research into content syndication strategies for our new and existing client base. Does anyone on here have any case studies, better still, success stories that may help broaden my exposure within this topic? Many thanks Gary

    | GaryVictory

  • I have a database of around 10,000 business I want to list on my directory. My problem has been that my people have been adding to the database for over a year, but due to my hosting limitations adding them, caused my site to crash. I have now got this sorted, would going from 1,000 urls listed to over 11,000 may Google think I am trying to spam them. Would it be worth while dripping them in over time, or just adding them all at once. Any advice appreciated, Thanks

    | Andy-Halliday

  • I bought a new HTML 5 theme.  My website is still in frontpage and now the SE penalties are killing my business I have lost over $150K in revenues since July compared to the previous year and am going insolvent if I don't get my rankings back. So I have redo my website this week.  I have tried many times to do this with many platforms (drupal, C5, joomla & others) and my brain keeps getting stuck.  I think I figured out why.  I am used to frontpage and the .dwt which allows me to easily create new pages from the .dwt and I know enough about SEO to do the job but I can't get out of the gate with the new themes.  The .dwt worked with my brain & I am lost without it.   My questions are 1-Is there a web editor I can get for HTML5  that I can create a .dwt from?  The site I got the theme from also sells them for dreamweaver & expression web but I am concerned if I use those I will find myself right back where I am now, w/ an unsupported platform. 2-The other thing I am stuck on is when I open the index.html file in an editor and try to modify a page to get started, I try to preview the page and I can't see the CSS.  Is that normal?  My concern is spending the massive amount of time to do the work and then finding it doesn't display properly. 3-I also need the ability to 301 redirect my old pages which I can't do with frontpage,  I'm at the point where i must redo the site ASAP and upload it but I can't get it started.  I must rename most of my pages for SEO reasons, i used short form page titles not long form when I did it years ago.  For instance, the domain is and I have a page that is when it should be for proper SEO.  I need to redo the site, rename the pages, and then 301 to the new pages.  I had my hosting co do a 301 years ago from my old domain to the new one but a moz member correctly showed me yesterday that the 301 is no longer there.  (another reason to get to a platform where I can do the 301's myself).  I am getting a duplicate content penalty as the SE's see both sites with the same content. I think all of these things add up to the total devastation I am seeing with my business and I will go under soon if I can't start ranking well again.  If I can get the new site up & the 301's working then I will resubmit the site to the SE's 4- do I need to 301 the old site too?

    | cheaptubes

  • Noob here so be gentle... We have a blog on our homepage that we're using for content/SEO purposes.  Does this content rank as highly as it would if it were a simple HTML page as opposed to a blogspot or wordpress from our page?  In other words, are we getting as much content cred in this way as we would if blogspot wasn't affiliated?

    | Greatmats

  • In addition to you tube  are there any other video sites worth uploading content to? Such as Vimeo? Are these any good or is you tube the only place worth publishing

    | Hardley111

  • Hi Everyone, I just got my first offer to get paid to write for a small company in the USA! My question is; How much should I charge? The company asked me to define a "rate per word". I have been published in the following locations. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Moz - Main Blog - Moz - Youmoz - Template Monster Blog - InfoBAE (Spanish Newspaper - I have my own column) - Thanks! Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

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