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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Do you focus on article submission, social media backlinks or what?

    | shauna7084

  • I have just come across a few blogs on a website that have outbound links that open in the browser window (and therefore direct people off site to these links) (there are also other outbound links that open in a new window)- is there a quick and easy way to check which outbounds links open in a new window and which open in the browser window? Much obliged Liam

    | ZaddleMarketing

  • This week on The Moz Blog, Eric Enge wrote about Why You Must Become a 10x Brand. In the post, he said: "You need to be in-demand. If some channel does not make it easy to find you, you need people to miss you. That's why you must behave like an authentic, engaged member of the overall community. Having a great product or service will be a requirement, but that's just table stakes—you need to be a 10x brand." I'd love to know what you think about this statement. In particular, I would love to hear your answers to the following questions: What does becoming a 10x brand mean for you, your business, or your clients? What does this look like in small business, medium business, large/huge businesses? Is it an easier process for any one of these categories, and how would you go about it? I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this topic, folks. Don't be shy, let's discuss. 🙂

    | Christy-Correll

  • Hi there, Moz Community! It's Thanksgiving here in the US, and this year I'm thankful for the release of Moz Content. 🙂 With that in mind, I'd like to revisit Kelsey Libert's November 5 Moz Blog post on creating and distributing content to kick of a community discussion to hold us over during this long weekend. Kelsey said: "Some content is designed to “go viral,” while other times a piece of content intended to stay among friends takes the Internet by storm. But whether planned or unplanned, rapidly-shared content has several commonalities. One of the key factors is that the content creates a strong emotional response in viewers." What do you think? How much effort do you put into getting your content distributed? Do you have particular strategies for creating your content? What are they?

    | MattRoney

  • Morning Mozzers, We have finally come to the point where we can start to focus on making good original content. We were wondering how you guys come up with ideas for your content. We are currently doing lots of keyword research to gather ideas and subject areas. But we are struggling with 'angles of attack'. Being an eCommerce site it is easy to do lots of "The 5 best products for this" type of content. But we feel there is limited value in these especially if we want to gain links to our articles in future as valued content. How do you come up with your ideas for more valuable and linkable content especially in very niche product areas. Thanks all.

    | ATP

  • Hi i'm building a new site and want to start building up author rank right from the start. If you are building author rank for a brand, do you think its fine to use the brand as the actual author of the content, instead of a actual person? Or using a stage name rather then a persons actual name, and have your writers write under that particular stage name? Would love to hear peoples opinions. Cheers, Mark

    | monster99

  • In my recent crawl, I was given a bunch of 200 errors for having titles too long, i rewrote the titles and changed the URLs to match (using wordpress). I was then informed by my boss that changing the URLs like I did ( -> may have changed our page rank for those pages and if so i should revert them to the old urls. There are about 14 titles in total that I made these changes to. Would it be quicker to change the URL's to their old names, or better for me to use 301 redirects to point the old urls to the new ones? Will either renaming the urls of the new titled blogs with their old titles or using 301 redirects have better SEO results? Does wordpress automatically make these redirects for me? When I click a link of the old urls I kept saved in a document it still goes to the page.

    | dclauser

  • Hi guys (& gals) We are in the midst of revamping our own agency website and i used to have blog site that talks about agency's thoughts and elaboration on process etc. I personally feel it could be better to consolidate these content into my agency's url since it will create better relevances and thus improve my DA. Appreciate if i have some feedback if my thoughts are on the right track with the community? J

    | kookabara

  • Dealing with my first client that had hacker situations on her wordpress... and she just got into sitelock. I am curious what everyones thoughts are and what other plug ins you suggest. I have used and suggested things like wordfence, bulletproof security, wordpress security, things like that. I just don't want her to get into a scam and I don't know enough about it.

    | kpexpressions

  • What is the best article spinner software?

    | white.kevin

  • I'm asking this question with the full recognition that the issue may be a little contentious and possibly unresolved, but I would like the opinions of those here anyway. When I quote another article in mine I always use either blockquote or q. (q is an inline version of blockquote). But I recently learned you can add a cite attribution to those tags. Like so: I have a dream... or
    <q cite="">He who doesn't ask himself...</q> But these links don't show up anywhere, only in the code. To be as ethical as possible, I also put in an anchor link. That also is my first concern. Can putting the same link twice essentially right next to one another cause issues? To add to the complexity, I've also been researching the <cite>tag. And it's history is a little... well... rocky. It seems as though the current standard is to use either blockquote or q and then add in cite as a footer to it. Like this:</cite> They seemed to think that the greatness of their masters was transferable to themselves. It was considered as being bad enough to be a slave; but to be a poor man's slave was deemed a disgrace indeed! <footer>Douglass, F. (1999). <cite>[The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass]([link to book (or article where appropriate)])</cite>. Oxford: Oxford University Press,</footer> Notice the cite tag is only around the link to the item in question. Not the entire footer. Also note that the footer is inside the blockquote, thus it is not meant to be at the bottom of the page. So IF this is the standard way to do things, it answers my first question. But is it? And can the use of the footer tag confuse search engines? Ugh, crazy all over the place question, I know. But I'm struggling to find the right way to handle quotations in a way that is both academic, and SEO friendly. Start from the beginning if you must. 🙂

    | eglove

  • Hey Mozzers! I have a client who is a dentist, with multiple offices, and wants to use an identical blog post (including images, alt text, text, tags, everything pretty much) from one of his office's website on his other office's website to save time and mimic the success of the original content for his other office. Everything I've researched says this is a HUGE no-no, but I'd love to hear if anyone else has tried to do something like this and if they were successful in doing so (implementing rel=cannonical or 301?). Also, if he is the owner of both sites and they both receive low traffic will Google even notice? My biggest worry is that if I did post the content on his other site, identically, that it would dilute the visibility of the original post, which has and is continuing to surpass our organic search goals... The main goal though, is to drive traffic to BOTH sites via organic search using the same content. Would love to hear everyone's opinions if this is possible or unrealistic... Thanks! -D

    | Derrald

  • Hi Moz, Can you help me on how to put canonical header manually onto old blog posts? Thanks

    | Jeanie04

  • Many pages on the web rank highly - even though they have no keyworded text. They might have listings, or just images. How do they achieve such high rankings? Is it just by getting lots of inbound links?

    | GayWelcome

  • I have a large site that sells various products, I have been on a kick creating new content relating to the many aspects of upkeep with these products after purchase, I wanted to create a blog post combining all the info for the group of products, but will be reusing some of the FAQs and even tips, since I'm more or less relocating the info. Since this blog post is using many different sources on our site, using a rel=canonical isn't possible. Is there anything I should watch out for, Will rewording / phrasing here and there be enough or should I steer clear of this as a whole?

    | Deacyde

  • I have a big cluttered website that I want to simplify. There is content for patients, researchers, therapists who are looking for grants, etc.. Would it be a bad ideas to turn these into 3 or more, completely different sites with each focused on their specific demographic? Or should I just figure out how to organize the one site better? Thanks for your help!!!

    | bosleypalmer

  • I would like to get in touch with some good bloggers who would be happy to write a blog about my company services. Is there any website where is the list of blogs so you can get in touch with them or buy blog post on their blogs? Thanks Lukas

    | Lukas-ST

  • In the last year, we've searched for ways to make YouMoz more interesting, more exciting and more inviting for the Moz community. The blog really does belong to the community, for it's the place where many novel ideas are shared, discussed, and further developed. Aside from being a great place to share ideas, though, YouMoz is also the primary vehicle by which many now-household names in online marketing were discovered. (Many of the top posts on YouMoz eventually find their way onto the main Moz Blog.) YouMoz belongs to the community. The blog was created as a place for the community to share and engage around bright ideas, in addition to being a vehicle for provoking thought around new concepts, strategies and tactics. For both aspiring and established authors, YouMoz has become a popular destination in the online marketing space. In the quest to make YouMoz even better, we’ve come with a few ideas to ensure that everyone continues to feel as though they can contribute to the blog. Beginning today, we’re introducing what we hope becomes four common formats for YouMoz: My Story, Headsmacking Tips, Problem Solved and Here’s How: My Story: The name pretty much says it all. Share with the community an interesting story related to online marketing. The story could be funny, personal or informational. As long as it’s interesting, well-written, and a benefit to the community, we’d love to hear it. A great example of the type of post we’re looking for is Mike Ramsey’s From Zero to a Million: 20 Lessons for Starting an Internet Marketing Agency. Headsmacking Tip: We’re bringing this format, first shared by Rand years ago on the main blog, out of the mothballs. Simply share with the audience an awesome online marketing-related tip that could make their jobs easier. (Example:Headsmacking Tip #21: Write Better Headlines Than Anyone Else.) Problem Solved: Tell the audience how you solved a significant marketing problem, making it easier for you to do your job. Share the nitty-gritty details, and include any graphics or tips needed for the community to solve the problem for themselves. (Example: A Simple Guide to Overcoming Ad Blindness for Publishers.) Here’s How: This style of post is meant to be a little more wide-ranging, allowing you to share with the audience ways they can successfully deploy a technique, tactic, strategy, tool or anything else you’ve gleaned that might be of value to marketers. (Examples: How to Write Emails That Get Opened Every Time and The 10 Tools I Use to Monitor Social Media More Effectively. A big shout out to Katy Katz for the inaugural post in this category: Here’s How to Write an Email That Throws off a Whole Room’s Productivity.) Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? Don’t overthink it. Read our guidelines, then dive in and get started. Also, we’d love to hear what you think about these new formats. Plus, we welcome your comments or questions. Feel free to share your thoughts below

    | ronell-smith

  • My client currently has a page on their website that advertises one of their products. The product in question is manufactured by someone else but branded by my client. Recently, the manufacturer have released their own version with their own branding which is available to the public. My client has decided that they are going to stock both their own version and the manufacturers version of the product to avoid losing any sales. This have left us with trying to find the best way to add the new product to the site without it competing with my clients own product in search engine results. We want the page to be indexed so that people searching for the manufacturers product can still find it on our site but at the same time we risk cannibalisation and essentially having two pages with what will essentially be the same content. Does anyone have any ideas for a suitable solution? I am unsure whether we should create a new page for the new product or whether we should somehow incorporate the new product in to the existing page.

    | BallyhooLtd

  • Hi, I'm working with a site on Magento with views for UK, US and FR websites. Currently they have a French WordPress Blog that is pulled into the French site view and an English one that appears on both the US and UK views. Of course the problem here is that the US and UK views are duplicating content so these needs sorting super-fast. The plan is to disconnect the US view from the current English blog and create a dedicated US onsite blog. However, should we continue to use WordPress or instead use an alternative blog module or plugin for Magento? Cost is an issue and running three separate blogs and the cost of plugging these into each site view. However, getting these right for SEO is the most important factor here. I'm also concerned about the mess of multiple plugins causing page speed issues etc... My instinct is to go with WordPress, but I'm keen to hear what others think or have experience of.

    | ExtraDigital

  • I've been asked by my manager to investigate the best blogging platform for our company website.  On a recent CIM course it ways suggested that Wordpress is not necessarily reliable.  Could anyone advise?  The blog is required to provide a space for current industry news, casestudies etc.  It is also envisaged that the blog will allow comments. I've only got good things to say about Wordpress, but have only used the platform for my own small SEO company.

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • I'm thinking of starting a new blog, but when I did my keyword research I found that my keywords all have low search volume (under 100 searches per month, with the occasional keyword having 480 searches a month). Is this a deal breaker? Any recommendations would be great - thanks everyone!

    | Trevorneo

  • I look after 3 sites which have a lot of crossover on products. We have 1000s of products and I've made it a requirement that we give each it's on description on each of the sites. This sounds like the right thing to but it's very hard for our content writers to write three different versions descriptions, especially when we have variations on the products so potentially writing unique product descriptions for 4-5 very similar products on three separate sites. We've worked very hard to create unique content deep through the site on all categories, subcategories and tag combinations and along with the other SEO work we've done over the last couple of years is producing great results. My question is now far do we have to go? I'm busy writing some product descriptions for a 3rd party site for some of our products, the easy thing to do is just copy and paste but I want Google to see the descriptions as unique. Whilst all SEO advice will say 'write unique descriptions' from a practical point of view this isn't especially useful as there doesn't really seem to be much guidance on how different they need to be. I gather we can't just move around the paragraphs or jumble up sentences a bit but it is easier to work from a description and change it than it is to start from a blank slate (our products range form being very interesting and unique, to quite everyday so sometimes tough to create varied unique content for). Does anyone know of any guidance or evidence of just how clever the Google algorithm is and how close content has to be before it becomes classed as the same or similar? Thanks Pete

    | PeterLeatherland

  • Hiya guys, I'm wondering if it's worth updating my website's homepage title to focus on a seasonal message in the run-up to Christmas, or if I would be better to leave it as standard and focus on a more specific category page with a seasonal title and content? Cheers, JAR

    | JAR897

  • Hi all, Im thinking of creating a knowledge base with all many asked questions in my company. This could be a great Link-bait source but also nice ranking opportunities i think. But sometimes some new articles are so actual that i also want to blog them. 
    Can i for example double post them (or post a big excerpt) on the blog and canonicalise it to the KB article?
    Will links to the blog have equal value to KB links? And will this work?

    | mdkay

  • Hi all, i have a small internet agency with services in several area's.
    Currently i structud my services in 2 different area's.
    General services and specialized products with services underneath. like so:
    and so on. But now im thinking of create loads of different services i provide,
    there are some overlapping content of course, but all services are still individual.
    But i can write a lot of unique content about all the services. But is it smarter to make just a few big pages with the services more bundled.
    Or really long tail. Now i have around 15 services pages.
    when i make it a lot deeper im talking about 40 pages. Currently my complete website is around 35 pages.

    | mdkay

  • Sorry but this has probably been discussed earlier, but things change all the time. Gonna start blogging about my webside.
    Where should I place my blog to get most SEO benefits for my main page?
    blog.mysite.xx (on a server with diffrent ip)
    An external TDL.

    | helgeolaussen

  • Good Morning, I was recently approached by an influencer in my industry who says that they noticed the quality of the content on my website's blog and they want to know if i would like to write an article for them to publish on their blog. The article will mention my products and how they would be helpful to the readers of this particular blog. I would like for some of you to take a look at the blog in question and tell me if you think this is a high quality blog that is worth me attempting to network with and possibly even obtain a link from. You can view the blog here: I see nothing wrong with creating a brand new, high quality, relevant post and having it published on this blog - but i wanted to hear some of your opinions on these types of things. Thanks

    | Prime85

  • We have a Spanish language reference site, and want to link related entries to each other. For example, the entry for "home" can link to the page with the entry for "home away from home." What is the best and most efficient way to do this at scale?

    | CuriosityMedia

  • I find it odd that with the way life is today -- the gotta-have-it-now, instant gratification, can't hold someone's attention span for longer than 3 seconds -- why Google is wanting content to be REALLY long?? I've read articles saying content should be as long as 2,000 words per page. This just seems nuts to me. No one wants to read anymore. Look at how short Twitter posts are and how videos are so prevalent now. Any thoughts?

    | SEOhughesm

  • I have a site that is running its blog on and I am looking for ways to increase Google traffic. Would it be better to running the blog on something like: instead?

    | kevgrand

  • I'm working for a company that makes large touchscreen displays. I want to add some content to the site and target some competitor keywords by comparing some of our products to theirs. I know I've seen companies do this, I'm just trying to find a tasteful way to do this, and have it help bring in traffic.

    | zenmatrix

  • Hello, I have a question, in some moz guidelines you can read is better/more recommended than But when you look at the domain authority you see no difference. gets exact the same domain authority as So can somebody explain why is really better than Or is there no difference? Thank you verry much

    | mystorenl

  • I have some good articles I wrote for article directories a couple of years ago. I took them down 6 months ago.  I am hoping to repost them somewhere better if the content isn't listed on google and passes Copyscape.  Would this be safe?

    | T0BY

  • Hey there! Been reading around and I believe that there isn't a perfect answer to this question, but I surely want to know your opinion. It's a fact that google likes new content but also updated content, so whats your position concerning the wordpress articles. Meaning, when I decide to update articles from 2011 on its content, should I also update the date? If I make a search and an article from 2011 will be shown, its unlikely that I will click on it... So that you can understand my point.

    | prozis

  • Haven't found a clear, recent answer on this. What are the SEO implications of exchanging guest blogging opportunities (in other words, we write an article for a partner blog with a backlink, and they write an article on on our blog with a backlink)? The partner site has a 57 domain authority and we have a 24 domain authority.

    | mikekeeper

  • Hi, I am writing my first blog post and I have downloaded 9 images from Wikipedia, After reading the confusing legal stuff, I am under the impression that all those images are allowed to be used  for other purposes with citing/ giving credit to the owner. At least the ones I download the author said its ok to use them anywhere, for anything So how do i do that? Should I have something like this: Image,  underneath--  image credit to xyz (link to Wikipedia page where i downloaded the image)  ??? Thanks for you time and explanation.

    | Davit1985

  • Let's say I want to find blog posts posted in the past week or so about "key west". These posts could be on a personal blog, travel blog, etc. Google News is mostly news sites (not blogs) and Google blog search doesn't work any more. What other good options are there? So far Open site Explorer Just Discovered is the best option I've found, but there is a lot of other stuff mixed in with a few blog posts.

    | AdamThompson

  • I look after a few ecommerce sites, one of them doesn't currently have a blog, we are setting up a wordpress blog now for the site. Going way back in time the site did have a blog which was on a separate Typepad domain. What I'm wondering is whether it is worth redirecting this whole blog to the new blog section of the site and copying some of the content over to the new blog as historical posts? I don't think it will be possible to redirect each individual post to a new one so it will just be a straight redirect of the old blog domain to the new one with the same (most of anyway) content. Do you think it is worth doing this for the value of this content which is relevant but dated (many of the links are now expired)? Doing this will take some time to do so it's not 'free' content we'd be getting We have a lot of new content planned out so we won't be short of content, just would be nice to have some historical content on there too Thanks

    | PeterLeatherland

  • My highest domain authority link to my website is from I have been in two minds as to whether the links are of benefit for some time. The site is highly regarded and the page content is of high-quality and has had hundreds of thousands of visitors but the content is not directly relevant to my ZenPlugs site, although there is a short passage regarding the ear plugs on the page. I also get traffic from the links. I have tried adding and removing the links but have not seen any obvious influence in either direction, although it is rather hard to tell. Do you think this link is relevant and how much does it matter?  Almost all my other links are very relevant.

    | T0BY

  • Hi, I am new to the blogging industries. I just want to know if Google penalized me if I translate other people blog post from English to other language and post it on my blog? Please let me know what you guys think. Thank you in advance for your time.

    | liburanbali

  • We are building a new site currently at I started doing some SEO after the developer I hired failed to do it even though it was in the agreement. I did our old site so I should be able to do this but I am new to wordpress. Now when i go to the products tab at the top of the page the first 2 have broken links, I checked the rest and there are 3 total that I need to fix.  I am unsure how to access the navigation so I can fix the links.  Please tell me where to look.

    | cheaptubes

  • Hi There, I’ve got a question. There are two website that are under the same proprietor but must stay not related (different brand, different IP, different country, different language). The question is: Does google penalize one of the site if I entirely translate the content from site 1 to site2? Thank you very much for you input 😉

    | Midleton

  • What is the best way to be in Google Finance? to do it?

    | JohnPalmer

  • Hi guys, Hope you are all doing well today. I have a questions with regards to our blog URL structure. The URL for the blog is /blog - however when you click on a blog post the "/blog" disappears completely and is replaced by the title of the post. So it is ".com/title-of-post" for example. Would it be better to keep the blog subdomain in the URL so it is ".com/blog/title-of-article" Any insight would be appreciated. My thoughts are that surely the second option above is ideal? Thanks Tom

    | National-Homebuyers

  • Hi there, we've been blogging for a while now. Some of our content ranks quit well, other posts don't seem to be ranking at all. The weird thing (I think it's weird...) is that we recently published a post and focussed on a phrase that competes with over 400 million indexed pages, and after 3 weeks we're on page 3, and for other posts with only 2.5 million indexed pages we rank past page 5 (ok, this post is already 1,5 year old, does this matter?). To give you some background info, we moved our blog in January in a new subdomain, and redirected the old url's, but didn't actively promote the old posts. Would promoting the old articles through social media help us boost the rankings for these articles (the articles are "best practices", "how-to's", ...). Where / how do you promote your content after you published it on your blog? I find it hard posting in LinkedIn groups related to finance while I have the "online marketing manager" title on my profile. Why would a finance professional read an article shared by a marketing dude? As LinkedIn's API doensn't allow to post into groups anymore, do you actually go through all your relevant groups every time you publish a new blog to share the article?

    | jorisbrabants

  • We have a large amount of unique content on a domain we are no longer using/promoting. Its been sat there for a couple of years. Its literally wasted content on a non used or promoted domain. We want to move it to a busy site of ours. Are there any best practices or pitfalls we should be aware of?

    | Simonws001

  • You may have already noticed one of the decisions we made when we redesigned the Moz Blog:
    We removed thumbs down from the posts. And it was largely in the name of transparency. Wait, HUH? You took away a method of critique, and you're calling that transparent? Yes. Here's the scoop: Thumbs down are one of the most cryptic, uninformative, and often passive-aggressive forms of feedback on the Internet today. By removing the mud from the water, we make the entire picture clearer. It's so easy to see a handful of thumbs down on a post (we would almost always get 1-2), and begin hypothesizing what went wrong. We shouldn't have published that one. The topic was too tangentially relevant; it was too long or too hard to follow. There wasn't enough evidence to support the claims. We could dive into analytics, attempting to glean clues about what happened, but in reality, any one of the following are reasons someone might thumb a post down: The title is confusing The topic is one that I'd like to deny exists (algo update, e.g.) The milk I poured on my cereal this morning had gone bad, and I need to take out this frustration somehow I once had a falling-out with the author of this post I still have a bad taste in my mouth about yesterday's post, which is skewing my thoughts about this one I found one of the comments offensive My finger slipped on my phone while I was trying to thumb this post up (we've confirmed this happens) I didn't like the author's self-promotion in this post I saw the new Star Wars trailer, and am terrified that Disney might think including Jar Jar's long-lost brother in the new film is a good idea. I hate everything right now. Okay, the last one might be a stretch. But you get the idea. Sometimes a post would receive a disproportionate amount of thumbs down simply because the author was proposing an idea that wasn't popular, no matter its importance. One great example: Carson Ward wrote a fabulous post in 2012 titled "Guest Blogging – Enough is Enough," divining what Matt Cutts would write about nearly 17 months later. The response? 45 thumbs down – one of the most maligned posts in the history of the Moz Blog. Authors have emailed us in a tizzy, asking if their thumbs down meant they weren't quite right for the Moz audience, and in replying to them we came to this overarching realization: We didn't know why they got thumbs down, and we couldn't find out with any certainty, but more often than not it just didn't really matter. We were confident in their points and their presentation, and real criticism would nearly always show up in the comments. All that said, we love it when people offer up constructive criticism. We always take it to heart, and hearing directly from you all is the best way we can improve. For that reason among many others, we'll always have the comments below the post. If you feel like a post wasn't up to snuff, please take a moment and tell us why in those threads (please keep it TAGFEE). One last note: Thumbs down remain available on comments, though that's a temporary stop-gap while we work on a more informative system for flagging comments that are offensive, or facepalm-worthy attempts at links (they're nofollowed anyway!), or otherwise inappropriate for our community. We'd love your questions or comments on this change, and hope you're enjoying the new look of the Moz and YouMoz blogs!

    | Trevor-Klein

  • Ok, ,quick question. A client is launching a new product. Would you recommend creating a landing page (off main domain) such as: ---- and this page would have product information and would be a landing page for a possible PPC campaign. A link would be included to their main website to purchase product. or would you include the new product on their main website ( in the appropriate product category? Is there any benefits to having it on it's own domain? SEO benefits?

    | Kdruckenbrod

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