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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Howdy Moz friends. I've just been checking out this post on Moz from 2011 and wanted to know how relevant it is today? I'm particularly interested in a number of links we have on our HP potentially harming important landing page rankings because not enough 'link juice is getting to them i.e) are they are being diluted by all the many other links on the page? (deeper pages, faqs, etc etc) It seems strange to me that as Google as has got more sophisticated this would still be that relevant (thus the reason for posting).  Anyway, I thought I was definitely worth asking.  If we can leverage more out of our on-page efforts then great 🙂

    | isaac663

  • Hello guys, My client is using an ad server (not sure if i am allowed to tell which one so I will not for now) installed at It is using noindex, nofollow for preventing Google to index it but also it is blocking like 90 000 other pages on to be indexed/crawled. The guy that applied the noindex tag it is no longer here so I cannot ask him about the logic behind those noindex tags. How big could be the damage to if I will remove the noindex tag from the ad server ( If needed I can PM you the ad server platform we are using, Regards, Ed

    | Noriel

  • I am a little confused about whether or not it is ok to use Schema markup with reviews collected through Feefo. We use Feefo to collect reviews from our customers and these get displayed on our website. We get service ratings as well as product ratings through Feefo. My question is: Is it ok to use Schema markup for these? I would have thought they would fall under 3rd party reviews, but this article from the Feefo website seems to suggest that it would be ok to use markup in the way they recommend. Can anyone confirm how Google handles review markup like this? Thanks in advance!

    | ViviCa1

  • I understand the basic concept of page hierarchy, i.e. parent and child pages. My question is: Should the home page be the parent of all 2nd-level pages?  Can/should there only be one top-level page, the home page? In other words, is this: than for your opinion!

    | BillWoods

  • I changed different things on a particular page (mainly reduced the exaggerated keyword density --> spammy). I made it recrawl by Google (Search Console). The new version has now already been integrated in the SERP's.Question: Are my latest changes (actual crawled page in the SERP's is now 2 days old) already reflected in the actual position in the SERP's or should I wait for some time (how long?) to evaluate the effect of my changes? Can I rely on the actual position or not?

    | Cesare.Marchetti

  • Hello, Can anyone suggest the best tool for a visual HTML sitemap? I want to show what a website looks like architecturally before and be able to drag pages around visually to show an enhanced site architecture. I have looked at a few tools online but would like to try before I buy and also get recommendations. Any ideas?

    | AL123al

  • Hey guys, I have a somewhat silly question that I probably know the answer to - but would still like to hear your POV's. We're a WP theme making company but we also build other stuff. Context: 1. All demos for themes currently go under The demo is lorem ipsum so is marked noindex nofollow. That being said we get rocking analytics data usually (not sure if it's still valuable for G after the noindex). 2. Currently we need landing pages for themes and we're running them under dofollow and indexed ofc. My question is...Would we be better off to include all landing pages under a category/tax and then go for the optimized-landing-page-title.php page? Does it make any difference either or? Right now we're not REALLY running them on subdomains (though the structure seems like it), they're just folders. We're thinking that more seo juice would flow through the different pages if we have them all under the same category, rather than basically starting from scratch each time under a new folder. Right? Thanks!!!

    | andy.bigbangthemes

  • I do. Firefox is a browser. Mozilla's website is quite authoritative and gets a lot of traffic. Firefox is a browser and has been for a very long time. What might be preventing en-US content about Firefox from appearing in en-US search for "browser"? Results for that search includes such things as... The Blackboard browser checker utility page: The Ensembl genome browser page: Dozens of pages for things that aren't browsers but just happen to use the word "browser" in their URL or content Pages for any number of web browsers, including almost every web browser you can imagine except Firefox If you force results in other languages, Firefox shows up (it was #7 in Danish SERP when I typed this): If you do a site-specific search, plenty of Firefox pages rank: The en-US site continues to rank well for all sorts of other unbranded terms that include the word "browser" -- it's in the top 5 for "private browser" and "fast browser". The attached image shows what "browser" searches that produced en-US results looks like in webmaster tools. There are dots where the site appears in the top 20 (which is probably its appropriate ranking) and then it immediately disappears. There are short lines where a new page on the site starts to rank for "browser" (as in the case ofFirefox Focus), and then those disappear too. Is the en-US Firefox site being penalized for some reason on this keyword? Does anyone see some obvious misconfiguration causing it to fall out of rankings? Thanks. wE0Bn

    | hoosteeno

  • Hey Guys, So I updated some copy on my site recently and noticed that whatever slender rankings I had (often on page 😎 have completely disappeared.  The copy was the only change I have made. Now I haven't intentionally keyword stuffed however I have noticed that there happens to be a lot keywords in there.  For example on my PPC page I use the phrase PPC 16 times however it has just naturally fallen into the content as that is what I'm writing about.  I'm wondering if there are maybe too many mentions here? 16 repeats of the word PPC and on the page there are 490 words.  Does that feel like too much repetition or am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks, Matt

    | MattStott4

  • I am looking for advise on how to best start adopting for a real estate portal. Would like to get feedback and suggestions on my initial thoughts. Here are the obvious ones: 1. > Organization > LocalBusiness > RealEstateAgent) Plan to use this to wrap realtors' information.We ll start with their profile page but possibly also on other pages with their information (e.g. listing page) 2. > CreativeWork > WebPage > SearchResultsPage) This will mark search results pages where e.g. multiple listings of certain type in certain area are presented. 3. > CreativeWork > WebPage) Pretty generic so we are thinking of using it on every page. e.g. significantLinks and breadcrumb objects seem like they could help in marking important links that will help search engines understand the site's information architecture better. I am not sure how to treat property listings Offer seems a good fit ( but not perfect. maybe it should be combined with place ( could also be used to mark each listing's location on the map. any thoughts or experiences you would like to share?

    | seo-cat

  • Hi All, I use Squarespace and while running my site ( through programs am seeing that my blog posts are being seen as one page with multiple H1 tags. I read through the SS help desk and found back in 2015 someone wrote that it's not a bit deal b/c of HTML5 and that the search engines will read each blog post as a sub-page. I'm not so sure about that and wondering what the experts think? If that is screwy then I'm considering possibly making each blog post it's own page rather than using their blog posting format.

    | rajam

  • Hey guys, We've got an app - a drag & drop email builder -  and we are looking to improve our seo efforts. That being said - we're not sure how to treat pages of the app that wouldn't tell google nothing at all basically (loads of duplicate content, lorem ipsum, etc). They're pages that are used by the clients to build their own templates ex: builder pages they are extremely useful for our clients, but GGL wouldn't prolly make too much sense out of them. That being said - rather randomly, before we nofollow noindexed them, some of them started ranking (probably given to the really great analytics data we have on them. Loads of clients, loads of time spent on page, etc). Can we harness them in a better way, or just nofollownoindex them? I don't really see how they can be "canonicalised" since they don't really provide any quality content for Google. Much like MOZ's keyword explorer tool for ex. Mucho quality for us - but not a google fan favorite content-wise. Thanks for your help 🙂

    | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hey guys, We're faced with a problem that we want to solve. We're working on the designs for a few pages for a drag & drop email builder we're currently working on, and we will be having the same pricing table on several pages (much like Moz does). We're worried that Google will take this as duplicate content and not be very fond of it. Any ideas about how we could integrate the same flow without potentially harming ranking efforts? And NO, re-writing the content for each table is not an option. It would do nothing but confuse the heck out of our clients. 😄 Thanks everybody!

    | andy.bigbangthemes

  • Hello Team, Can anyone suggest 2017 organic strategy? onpage and offpage both? Thanks!

    | micey123

  • Hi, we are (were) ranking top 5 with by focussing the homepage for a certain keyword. We're trying to change to focus from the homepage to /gietvloeren with more content / information. How to go about this? how to tell Google that /gietvloeren is more relevant / important then than the homepage? Or any experiences how long it will take for Google to see that the page has more information than the homepage? It's a test and any experiences you can share would be great. Thanks!

    | Heers

  • Hey guys and gals, I was wondering if it matters to have metadata on password protected pages or if they can be ignored. Thanks,

    | brightvessel

  • I'd like to find out what landing pages are ranking for which keywords, but I haven't been able to find a tool that does it. I was hoping there would be something where I could submit the url and get a list of every keyword it is ranking for. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!

    | Powerblanket

  • Hi All, I could be wrong but it appears our site is getting sitelinks for brand name + product name. I understand that this is Google's choice and of course it would be great to have this for all our products. Is this random or an experiment by Google. Please see attached screenshot. All ideas welcome! Jim Aeg2Z

    | LucyBee

  • Not long ago I wanted to change the permalink structure on a blog where the full date was included in the post urls to one where it was just /category/blog-post-title. The site is on a managed host and they setup the redirects for me and then I changed the permalink structure in the WP settings. Everything worked fine after and all old posts now redirect to the new structure. However in Google search console I can see that my 404s report has jumped from a few hundred to several thousands but it seems to be counting the urls paths to elements such as images within the old posts permalink structure eg /2012/6/some-post/some-image-in-post all the old posts themselves and their content redirects fine though. Do I need to worry about these 404s? It annoys me to see so many in my reports like that even if they aren't hurting my site 😞

    | linklander

  • I have a couple of questions about this.  First of all is one more important than the other?  Also, I currently have a website setup for, should I try to change that to without the www? How is it possible to grow page authority yet I am having a hard time growing domain authority.

    | jonnyholt

  • Hi, Our site is a football (soccer) statistics sites. We gather information on upcoming games and post results of past games. At the moment we have over 50,000 pages of results each having in-game data displayed. The main problem I have is none of these match data pages has any text.Mostly tables of stats. Could anyone suggest a way of creating unique content for these pages? If I created some generic a paragraphic of text that changed based on stats and figures would this be seen as duplicate content?

    | jtatsubana

  • Hello Experts? Header tags for homepage, category, product pages is it required to be have from h1 till h6? If No...then w3c validator will give me  Warning and it will never Pass my site so? Do google say h1, h2, h3..etc should be in sequence only? As per my site design I cannot define h1 always on top it can be after h2 or h3 so? h1 can be only 1 for per page but it is fine h2, h3 etc multiple for same page? At listing page to give all 30 products names as h3 is fine or it is not correct way? For ecommerce site what is the best header tags you suggest? I mean till h3 is fine or h1 also fine? Do header tags helps google in crawling ? or for ranking purpose? or header tags should be best for blog not for ecommerce site? Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • I have encountered a serious problem with google rankings and the sequence of events goes like this for a high volume phrase. I make changes to the page which gets a score of 98 in Moz and equally good scores in other tools. I resubmit the page to Google for searching via crawl in google webmasters. After about 1/2 to 1 day, the page will be ranked between 30 and 50. Within another 1/2 to 1 day, the ranking goes completely away. This page has much higher scores than pages that are ranked.  Other phrases continue to rank OK.

    | tiedyedshop

  • Do you know a plagiarism or duplicate checker tool where I can receive an email alert if someone copies my content? I know there's a tool like this (similar to though people can still remove the link from the original source) but I forgot the name or site. It's like a source code that you must insert in each of your webpage. Thanks in advanced!

    | esiow2013

  • After adding the suburb of my business to each title tag on my website, I've noticed their rankings have dropped from page one to page four in a lot of cases. Should I wait it out and expect to see them improve in the future? Should I revert them back to their old title tags? I'm a little concerned!

    | thomaslutrov

  • According to Rock Your SEO with Structured Social Sharing "OG description overrides meta description tag." Moz Crawl Diagnostics seems to ignore og:description and only look for meta name="description" - does that mean my meta descriptions tags should be meta name?

    | leighw

  • I am working on optimizing the content on my site and am currently reviewing my h1s and seeing how they can be improved. What is the exact purpose of the h1 and how should it differ from the meta title?We sell clothing apparel on my site. So for example- my meta title for women's printed tops category is- Printed tops for women I Patterned Shirts & Tunics I Company Name. How should my h1 differ from this? Thanks.

    | whiteonlySEO

  • I had ratings stars appearing on my site and recently started using the sale event schema, but the two won't show up at the same time, so the rating stars have now disappeared and have been replaced by sale event data. When looking around for more info I found the attached example which shows both appearing at the same time - however upon trying to replicate this myself with that same site I can't get both to appear. Does anyone know if it's possible for both schema data properties to appear in the results at the same time? save.png

    | meqdiw46ao

  • Let's say I have a list of rebates available in either a fixed or percentage based format. I'm looking for the most appropriate code to use for this, currently using aggregateOffer for the list and referencing the name of each rebate, but search console advises that "lowprice" isn't specified, and I only seem to be able to specify a fixed price in the local currency here. I don't think using "lowprice" is appropriate here because this isn't a list of products with the lowest price, but it's a list of rebates to choose from. Is there anything that is more appropriate to use in this case than aggregateOffer?

    | meqdiw46ao

  • We are going to move into a new market - Malaysia. Currently our domain is like this, and what will be your suggestion for domain for our new market: or something else? Furthermore, currently in google webmaster, we set our target country to Singapore, what should I change when we move into the new market? Thanks

    | melvinwu

  • Hi, I have two reasons to change some images of a page on a wordpress site: 1.Google speed service advise me to optmize the images size to better spead load times. 2.I want to change images titles (to improve seo optimization for the page keyword), so i need to replace them, since im using wordpress. Now the question is: Can i just change the images without worring about any related seo issues? Or should i follow some best practice to change images in order to not affect the ranking of the page? tx for your support!

    | Dreamrealemedia

  • I had to delete a page of my site, now when I search for it I see it's showing a 404. How to I get that page to stop showing on Google? Thank you in advance!

    | Coppell

  • These two URLs are being flagged as 98% similar in the code. We're a large ecommerce site, and while it would be ideal to have unique product descriptions on each page we currently don't have the bandwith. Thoughts on what else might be triggering this duplicate content? Thanks, Natalie

    | eTundra

  • We have the popular brands that we sell listed on our homepage. We currently have them in just plain text at the moment but we want to know if it would be best to: Leave them in plain text Link each to the most relevant page on our website Link each out to the actual brands website Link some to internal page, others out to brands website, some blank Not have a list of brands We do have a webpage that lists all of our brands but there are hundreds we carry so we narrowed down the 40 most popular known brands that people will be looking for on the homepage. Thanks for your help!

    | petsofoz

  • We have a new client and they don't have meta descriptions yet. However, Google has assigned descriptions for them now appearing on the SERPs. The problem is that Google added a phone number that's totally not the client's and goes to a different unrelated business. Our plan is to update the meta to reflect the correct information, however, we're just perplexed as to how Google came up with the incorrect phone number. Where does it get its information from? The page currently has all the correct phone number, hours, and content. I've read that Google sometimes also doesn't recognise our meta descriptions if it thinks they could serve up a better one. My next question is, what if Google insists on showing the incorrect phone number. Is there a way we can fix this? Thanks!

    | nhhernandez

  • My website has several pages with a lot of text that becomes pretty boring. I'm looking at shortening down the amount of copy on each page but then within the updated, shortened copy, integrating more target keywords naturally. Will shortening down the current copy have a negative effect on my SEO performance?

    | Liquid2015

  • Hi, in page recommondation I get a "Acoid Multiple Page Tile Elements" Fix. Make sure your page has only one <title>tag. </span><em>"Web pages are meant to have a single title, and for both accessibility and search engine optimization reasons, we strongly recommend following this practice"</em></p> <p>Well I'm trying....I am not able to find where og why I have multiple titles in this page?</p> <p>This is a norwegian page, but maybe someone can look through it?</p> <p></p></title>

    | Marked_Proplan

  • Hey community, We noticed, that our meta's are cutted after much lesser characters then it used to. Mainly after 130-135. Did i miss something? Should we basically consider to write meta's constantly with lesser then 130 characters instead of the advised 160 characters? Cheers, Boris

    | posthumus

  • The addition of a new grid type navigation within the body of our page could mean that the keyword phrase the page is optimized for could be pushed below the fold. Is this a bad thing?

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • When I look through my MOZ reports I can see it's included 'pages' which it shouldn't have included i.e. adding filtering rules such as this one How can I exclude all of these filters in the robots.txt? I think it'll be: Disallow: /*?color=$ Is that the correct syntax with the $ sign in it? Thanks!

    | neenor

  • Hi everyone, could anyone please help me understand what to do next with the xml sitemap after making on page changes? For example, a website has an already existing xml sitemap and it's submitted to Google search console. We make changes to the website - URL structure, content, added new pages, 301 redirected broken links etc. for optimisation. Is there anything that we should do to change/update their current xml sitemap? Does it automatically update itself? Do we have to resubmit their xml sitemap to search console? Thanks!

    | nhhernandez

  • Hey Everyone, We have a client (I don't have permission to disclose) that has just attempted to create better URL's for their site, per our direction. In the process, their website platform kind of took over their renaming attempts and instead of creating the clean, short, descriptive URLs we all wanted, they got convoluted, longer URLs. This all happened within the past 3 or 4 days. So, they went out and got an add-on that's going to help them create better URL's. In the meantime, they now have the original page/URL plus two new ones for a total of three. No 301's have been setup yet. When they create the new and (hopefully) improved URL tomorrow, will it hurt their rankings to have three pages redirected to the new one? Is a 301 redirect the right method for this issue or should they do something different? Thanks in advance, Kirk

    | kbates

  • Hi, I have a quick question about updating blog posts. When I add "Last Updated" to an updated post should this be in any particular type of code or simply just text, perhaps with the tag? Thanks An Advance

    | KNpaul

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm working on Content Strategy at my job, and I'm close to making some recommendations on short/long-term direction. While I'm there, I want to tackle the URL/menu structure (correct term?), which is a bit of a mess as pages have been created without any consideration for it over time. For ease, let's just say we have 3 main subdirectories of the site (Section A-C), and let's also say that section A also has 3 important subdirectories. From a UX perspective at least, we want a page to look like: but currently it's We have dozens and dozens of these examples. To complicate matters a little further, Sections B and C have been earmarked to be consolidated into a new section (D), as they're currently confusing and overlapping, and create roadblocks in user journeys. So a page that is, say: may well want to be: I'm comfortable enough with technically doing this, as I'm experienced enough in Drupal and have an agency on hand too, BUT - I don't know if there are any SEO pitfalls I need to be wary of when I'm doing this, beyond resubmitting sitemaps, and the trickle-down effects of redirects. Any advice, wise forum? thanks!

    | joberts

  • I'm a psychotherapist here in California. Its common practice for people to say "counseling and therapy" on their websites. Although the two are technically different, most people consider them to be synonyms. Do you think google would consider this practice to be keyword stuffing? Also, I am making a page for the forms I need people to fill out before they see me. Do you think it is bad to list links to the forms like this:
    -counseling / therapy intake form
    -informed consent for counseling / therapy
    as opposed to
    -intake form
    -informed consent
    .....I think this falls under the idea that readability is important. I'm just really struggling because recently google decided my main keywords are things that have very little to do with therapy/counseling.

    | joebordersmft

  • Hi guys... I've just been working through some issues to give our site a little cleanup.   I'm working through our duplicate content issues (we have some legitimate duplicate pages that need removing, and some of our dynamic content is problematic. Are web developers are going to sort with canonical tags this week.) However... There are some pages that are actually different products, but are very similar pages that are 'triggering' MOZ to say we have duplicate pages. Here an example... and They are very similar refill products, it's just the diary format is different. Question: Should I be worried about this?  I've never seen our rankings change in the past when 'cleaning up' duplicate content. What do you guys think? Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Hello everyone, I was wondering if I can get some different opinion about having a blog feed on the homepage. Image, title, excerpt I have several feeds on mine which I do not believe it hurts and has helped my rankings but I wanted some superior SEO brains to weigh in. Is it good for SEO? When would it be bad? How many posts would be considered too much? On my blog, have the most recent posts which have some of the same feeds. Which is making me question the duplicated content. Thanks! Judd

    | brightvessel

  • I have been told by a a few different SEO and Marketing Agency friends that by putting your address and phone number in the top section of your navbar is great for SEO. Does this myth have any merit or is it just misguided? Tksac28

    | UndergrndMarketing

  • When making content pages to a specific page; should you index it straight away in GSC or let Google crawl it naturally?

    | Jacksons_Fencing

  • I am new to SEOmoz & trying to work my way through the ca-trillion errors that have been found on my site, but for each one I want to ensure that I am helping rather than harming my site. The tool has (as a "notice") said that my category pages & Archives are NO-INDEX, is this how these pages should be dealt with? In addition, the crawler has also (as a "warning error) discovered that my categories, and Archives do not have a meta this of great importance for non indexed pages of this type? Thanks so much to the SEOmoz forum members, you have so far been of invaluable help to me.

    | KMack

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