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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi, I need your help please check i am trying to display site structural data but not showing in SERP after doing efforts, please tell me if i am missing something:

    | abrarpasha

  • I am wondering if a similar article title may bring negative impact to seo, such as: 1. The benefits of eating potatoes 2. The benefits of eating tomatoes 2. The benefits of eating apples. Any idea? Thanks.

    | tangjianghuan

  • When using     cache:     on google, and clicking on Text-only version, our site has the top menu gibberish on top? My feeling is that this take away SEO juice from our title and focus keyword. Our website is

    | Sammyh

  • Hi!, i have a question for the community, in a promotion landing page of the type believe that it is positive to include a menu apart from the main one with categories of the type , but in relation to the products maintain the same URL without perform What do they think?

    | WhiteLabelMKT

  • I use to use Moz as an example by looking at their site using Google's Rich snippet tool, Today I checked and it is so bare with errors What happen?Why the sudden change?

    | uBreakiFix

  • Hello In our site we are planning to add a metered paywall, a kind of soft paywall, in which users can see X pages on the site with no restriction, and then on the next page (X+1) they are blocked and need to register. How will this affect SEO? Should we cancel the block on search engine spiders? If the block is just JS popping up a full-screen popup, but the actual content is loaded, is that ok? or another method should be utilized? Thanks!

    | idosmaccount

  • Hello, When describe an alt tag from what I understand you need to put your keyword when you can and not literally describe the image. For example let's say I have a picture with 2 cyclists on a road in the dolomites. I would tend to describe it saying " 2 cyclists riding in the dolomites" But for google it is better to describe it saying "Bike riding in Italy and through the dolomites" based on the fact that I am looking to rank on "italy bike tours" Isn't it ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • If you ad a rel=canonical tag to a page, should you still optimize that page? I'm talking meta description, page title, etc.

    | marynau

  • Hello, Should I be tracking and trying to rank my home page for the services we provide? For example, I have separate pages for services that I will be ranking for, but should I also be adding those same service keywords to my tracking list for homepage? Or just merely mention that we have those services on the homepage and leave the attempted ranking of those for their service page? I hope that is clear... Thanks in advance

    | Gavinn

  • I'm working on some basic on-page SEO content for a website within my company and I need some guidance as far as 1. whether Google can read the small amount of existing text (not optimized) and if it isn't spiderable, then 2. what code should be there instead. Here is the site: The text I'm referring to is toward the bottom of the page (isn't it always?) and says this: Designed for a Thriving Lifestyle The Le-Vel Gear store is an extension of the LV Life, the Thrive product line, and the world's largest health and wellness Movement, which you helped create. Living a life you deserve includes looking good while showing the world your pride in being a Thriver...Check out all the new and incredible gear and tools and take your Thriving lifestyle to the next level!!! When I "View Source," I cannot see the text, however, the text is highlight-able with my cursor and I can see it when I "Inspect Element" in a container that says Thanks in advance for any help!

    | lizzyr

  • Urgent! We're doing a site redesign and our vendor recommended new url structure as follows: Our current structure is They said that from SEO perspective, it doesn't make a difference if there are dashes between words or not and Google can read either URL. Is that true? I need experts to weigh on the above, as well as SEO implications if we were to implement their suggestion.

    | bluejay7878

  • Hi all, A quick question regarding HTML copy in Image Alt Text fields. An extended client has some landing pages containing infographics, but contrary to our recommendation - no intro copy or surrounding copy was used. The infographic was simply placed on the page, and all of the text of the infographic was placed into the Image Alt Text field. As far as I know, Google would still see that content in the Alt Text field and attribute it to the Infographic, although this would not be sufficient enough of an effort for the page to rank for any of the content used in that field. I'd just like to check that I am correct? And as a consequence - we should insist that they include some copy with the infographic, or alternatively, use HTML text overlays on the infographic instead of flat text in the image itself? Thanks!

    | Saatchi_HU

  • Hello my name is Alexander muller and around 2 years ago i have build this website i love to use MOZ to analyze other sites, so i know that my page is better than some others but they still aut rank my website can someone give me an explanation for this ? and i also have a couple of other questions it would be great if someone can help me Is on-site optimisation really that important??? How often should I update my blog???

    | alexmuller87

  • I am looking at adding the trademark and rights reserved symbols to some of my titles. I think this might help with click through rate. From what I have found, this shouldn't have an affect on SEO unless it makes the title too long. Is this correct? Stephen

    | stephen.volker

  • It seems strange that a group of web developers would make up an entire structured language to designate businesses by category and somehow forget  to include companies like.... web developers. So I must be missing it, what is correct to use?

    | yeagerd

  • We are getting Moz errors for duplicate content because tag pages share the same blog posts. Is there any way to fix this? Are these errors bad for SEO, or can I simply disregard these and ignore them? We are also getting Moz errors for missing descriptions on tag pages. I am unsure how to fix these errors, as we do not actually have pages for these on our WordPress site where we are able to put in a description. I have heard that having tags can be good for SEO? (We don't mind having several links that show up when searching for us on google...) As far as the SEO goes, I am not sure what to do. Does anyone know the best strategy?

    | Christinaa

  • We have a massive long tail user generated gamification strategy that has worked really well.  Because of that success we haven't really been paying enough attention to SEO and in looking around caught some glaring issues. The section of our site that works as long tail goes from overview page > first classification > sub classification > specific long tail term page.  Looks like we were relying on google to crawl/use forms to go from our overview page to the first classification BUT those resulting pages were orphaned - so defaulted back to the search page creating duplicate issues.  and  and all had duplicate content as they all reverted to the overview page. It's clear we need to make an actual breadcrumb trail and proper site taxonomy/linkage.  I'm wanting to do this on just this one area first, but it's a big section with over 3M indexed "specific long tail term pages". I want to just add a simple breadcurmb trail in a sub navigation menu but doing so will literally create millions of new internal backlinks from specific term pages to their sub & parent category pages.  Although we're missing the intermediary category breadcrumbs, we did have a breadcrumb coming back to the main overview page - that was tagged nofollow.  So now I'm contemplating adding millions of (proper) backlinks and removing a nofollow tag from another million internal back links. All of this seems in line with "best practices" but what I have not been able to determine is if there is a proper/better way to roll these changes out so as to not trigger an algorithm penalty. I am also reticent about making too many changes too quickly but these are SEO 101 basics that need to be rectified.  Is it a mistake to make good improvements too quickly? Thanks!

    | DrewProZ

  • Hello Community, I'm running a .com website with India targetted audience on Webmastertools from 2 years. Now I want to start a separate zone for US. .us domain is not available for my domain right now. So what is your suggestion for best results: 1. domain/us (Subdirectory) 2. us.domain (Subdomain) 3. new domain (separate website) I think Subdomain can work great if I will pass place a header link sitewide. Or that can reduce authority as mentioned on few blogs? Let me know your thoughts

    | sah90

  • We've recently taken over this account and are baffled how the previous SEO company has been attaining rankings. Why in the world is this spammy tactic still working in this day and age? This is one of many landing pages on the website consisting of an iframe of the home page and a hidden article. The page had a ton of spammy incoming links with spammy anchor text from horribly spammy blog posts.

    | VertigoMG

  • Hello, I am a physical therapist and own the company Back In Motion Physical Therapy. We specialize in orthopedic, sport, and spine injuries in Fort Myers, FL. My question is for your home page do you put the keywords of the surrounding city and cities such as Fort Myers, Cape Coral, etc? Secondly, should I have a keyword of physical therapist and physical therapy as well? Lastly, do I need to use those words on my home page for it to become relevant from google? Check out my site here:

    | gray0620

  • A rel="canonical" is being added to every page and post on my Wordpress site - not tag results, not category results.  Not a major problem, right?  Except that I don't know where it's coming from. I've tried tracking it down - change the theme back to a default one, turn off all the plugins - it's still there.  Is it coming from .htaccess perhaps? The only issue it is causing is that it has causes me to have to turn off the canonical option in Platinum SEO  as that was resulting in two identical rel=canon on each page. It doesn't seem to be causing problem but I'd like to get a better understanding of what it going on.

    | robandsarahgillespie

  • Hi All, I was just wondering if anyone had come across this problem before - We are a recruitment agency so we have multiple of the same jobs at the same time, so we're looking into ways to differentiate and change it but we've got the same Duplicate Titles - has anyone faced this problem before? And if so what did they do? Thanks in advance!

    | marketingmc

  • redirects to NO canonical in place. Nothing in Htaccess. I cant think where else to look to find it. If I amend it to it still redirects. Any ideas? I have spent way too long on it now

    | agentmorris1

  • how to SE optimize a PowerPoint presentation on the website? Will it help to upload it to slideshare ?

    | intiGrow

  • Hello, I am wondering which would be more important to have on a website a customer review page or a careers page? And as far an SEO advantage which is more important and why?

    | Nicks123

  • Hi, please bear with me as I'm pretty new to all this! I've my base URL but obviously want to add keywords to it for seo purposes. Should I redirect from the base URL to the URL with the keywords appended? So my landing page goes from say to If I do that, should I replicate all the meta data (descriptions etc) on the original landing page? Or does it not matter? Thanks, Nick

    | nickwoodward

  • Hi, I've started working with a client that provides VIP packages for various sporting events. They have a number of landing pages for these specific events that happen every year. What's the best way to go about maintaining traffic and optimising these pages going forward? I looked to see how some of their competitors are handling this and they seem to create a new landing page for the following year and simply add a '301 Permanent Redirect' to the old (expired event) so it points to the next one. Is this the best approach or is there a better way to handle this? Alternatively, would it be OK to simply change the dates on the existing page to the following years dates (when available) or simply add a 'Dates TBC' with some basic information. Help/advice would be appreciated 🙂

    | daniel-brooks

  • Hello Moz, I have a product category page and I have optimised 4 images around 1 keyword - is this bad practice? I worry Google will penalise me. Should I instead optimise them for other keywords? Cheers

    | crocman

  • Hi Guys, So I'm currently mapping out a load of meta recommendations for a new client we're working with and i just wanted to get an idea about the do's and don'ts of adding product prices into page titles etc. I've looked around to see how people and other marketer feel about this and the response seems to be mixed. I've included prices in titles in the past and had mixed success - I was just wondering if it's something you do regularly or something that you prefer to avoid? I don't think there is any right or wrong answer here - just be good to see how people feel about it. Thanks! 🙂

    | daniel-brooks

  • I noticed today that Google is showing a different Title in searches for the homepage. It is showing a title which I believe was active as of late last year or early January. The new title is in the title tag, in Google cache and in MOZ crawls as well. Not sure why it would still be showing a different title in the search and wanted to see if anyone can explain the reason. Thanks

    | campaigneast

  • Hello everyone, I am writing weekly articles for a website. At times, I am referring to data/statistics from other articles/studies. My question is - how do you include links/references to this material? For example, I notice that some articles cite their sources at the end/bottom. But - some include outbound links to the original source throughout the main content of the article- so that when you click on the link it takes you to the correct web page. So far, I am including a 'Sources' section at the end of my article that includes title, author, date. I am doing this to stop people clicking off my article to check out the link! Do I need a specific sources section if I cite my source as I go along? For example, 'In their 2017 study of life insurance, the Association of British Insurers found that 70% of Brits are without life insurance'. (made up statistic! Different web writers seem to do different things and it's a little confusing!! Sorry if this is rather long  -winded! Any help with this would be much appreciated. Thanks guys, Clare

    | ClareO

  • Hello Moz Quick question. Can I copy and paste a paragraph of text (100 words) from my main category page into my products without hurting SEO of the category page? The content on my category page is so good I don't want to take chances as this is what I will be ranking for. Thanks

    | crocman

  • New to WordPress and SEO. Built and launched my website last week. The URL was originally domain/about. However, I installed Yoast plugin and it told me "about" was a stop word. So, without too much thought (my first problem), I changed the url (before Google crawled me) to Since then, I've noticed that sites I know are optimized have their URL with the word "about." So, is this considered a bad practice? My site HAS been crawled at this point. If I change it back to About and do a 301 redirect, does that hurt reporting? Thanks for your help! Christy

    | christyr

  • I'm doing some overdue spring cleaning on our WP blog. Some big visual updates are in the works, but currently I'm working on pruning and updating some poopy and outdated content. Many of the older posts weren't written with SEO in mind and were posted to the blog merely as an extension of our monthly enewsletter. Here's an example: This post needs a lot of work to meet our new standards. The content is thin, readability is weak, kw targetting is non-existant, the visuals suck, zero links, and the charting software mentioned has since been replaced with another solution that we are currently promoting. There are quite a few other posts with similar issues... Any thoughts on the best way to handle these posts? From poking around similar Q&A threads, it seems my options are: Create new updated post, remove old post, 301 redirect from old to new Create new updated post, add blurb & link pointing to new post at the top of old post Edit/update old post, add "This post was updated....etc" blurb to top of old post Any other options or opinions on which solution I should go with would be much appreciated!

    | SamKlep

  • I have recently taken over the maintenance/redesign of our website and after setting up Moz I see many errors:
    Duplicate content
    Missing descriptions
    Duplicate titles
    etc. All are related to blog categories and tags. My questions are: are these errors hurting us? Should I simply remove tags/categories from the sitemaps or bite the bullet and create content for every single category page? Our site is and we are using Yoast plugin in Wordpress  (if that helps)

    | jgoethert

  • Hi, So I have started using the new Search Console and for one of my clients, there are a few 'Index Coverage Errors'. In the old version you could simply, analyse, test and then mark any URLs as fixed - does anyone know if that is possible in the new version? There are options to validate errors but no 'mark as fixed' options. Do you need to validate the errors before you can fix them?

    | daniel-brooks

  • Hi, I'm working with a new client that works with a lot of suppliers and they want to have their titles built in a specific way. If I generate a template (so to speak) will generating dynamic meta titles have a negative effect on their SEO and is this even possible? If so, what would be the best way to handle this? There is approximately 100 suppliers. Any feedback/advice is appreciated!

    | daniel-brooks

  • Hi all, This is my first post at this forum 🙂 I'am running a Opencart shop with a SEO extension installed. This extension has a redirect module which works like this. When visiting the site on 404 url (and if there is setup a redirect for that url). It serves the correct content but on the 404 url with the correct url set in rel canonical. For example: Try visit this url:
    Here i have setup a redirect to the correct content, which is actually this url I am used to use a 301 header redirect so the user get redirected to the correct url. So my question is this. Is it a okay practice to serve the content on the 404 url (it responds 200) when the correct url is set in canonical? Any thoughts?

    | mrmagnecom

  • I am handling a client's account that has been closed for two years now. We do not have any access anymore to any of the emails that we used to create, we also forgot what were those. So what I did, I claimed it using my company email. Got the code and was able to claim it. Now it is showing up on my GMB Account. I have read the posts on here and some Youtube videos. Here are the steps I have taken: 1. Opened 2. Clicked on the Location 3. Click on the three lines at the top left 4. Here is where I am having a problem. The Settings on here is not for the listing but for my company email. Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing: 1. 2. Please help experts. Cheers,

    | webbizideas1

  • The website is I tried using to see if bots could see the content on the site, but the tool was unable to retrieve the page. I used mobile-friendly test and it just rendered some menu links - no content and images. I also used Fetch and Render on Search Console. The result for 'how google sees the page' and 'how a visitor sees the page' are the same and only showing the main header image. Anything below isn't shown. Does this mean that bots can't actually read all content on the page past the header image? I'm not well versed with what's going on with the code. Why are the elements below the header not rendering? Is it the theme? Plugins? Thank you.

    | nhhernandez

  • We are a furniture retailer and are currently looking at redesigning the website. Would it have an effect on SEO if the product descriptions were turned into bullet points and if the length of text on each page was shortened?

    | AHF_Furniture

  • Hi All, Should Ecommerce Site Give Registration Option to Customers? What are then advantages and disadvantages? Thanks!

    | Arnold3

  • Hello, I was wondering where my time is most valuable.  I have a linking tree as follows: Main Site > Product > Specific Product Is the Product page more important to add SEO or is the end deep linked page "specific product" more important? I'm ready to hear the answers of whatever gives a better customer experience and both... Thanks!

    | DiscGolfShopping

  • I saw a web site which has been number 1 on Google for a long time, and the home page has 5700 words, but the results show it is not spam, so what would be the recommended word number for a home page?

    | Majapopa

  • Just had a lengthy chat with an SEO guy and one of the points bought up was that video on the homepage is a definite signal these days and the bots read the metas better than ever. I'm not sure about this, I do think that videos are a thing that improves the user experience but to rank? If it was to rank would I embed a YouTube video as its owned by Google, Vimeo for the quality or self-host but cause me to have a heavy page. I'm a bit lost here and would appreciate some guidance.

    | Libra_Photographic

  • On our website we have CMS pages which end normally without a /. However when linking from web banners e.c.t it always adds a / on the end. Will this have a negative impact on SEO?

    | AHF_Furniture

  • hi google is seeing many of our pages and dupliates but they have canonical url on there has tags
    has tags
    has tags
    my question is which page takes authority?and are they setup correct, can you have more than one link rel="canonical" on one page?

    | hijabgem

  • I am using bootstrap 3 and am wondering if moving to bootstrap 4 would be beneficial as far as seo. Any advice? Thank you!

    | bhsiao

  • Hi, I am working on an ecommerce site and the main category - lets call them car widgets - is using a h1 at the top of the page which is great.  There are 4 sub categories on the page - lets call one of them red widget.  The only content on the page is the sub category name and an image.  Should the sub category red widget use a h2? Thanks S

    | bedynamic

  • Hi folks, My homepage has 3 identical H1 tags due to the fact that I have had to create individual hero images (with headings) for desktop, tablet and mobile. I couldn't get my theme to display the layout in exactly the way I wanted on each device without doing a specific hero image and tag for each device type. Does this have a major impact on my SEO? Thanks,

    | Veevlimike

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