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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I am re-organizing site structure for an e-commerce site. Here's the problem I have: The product (shipping container) is available to BUY and HIRE in four sizes, for example a 20ft container is one of them. Now, should I have a 20ft container product page for buying -- and also a 20ft container for hiring? I want the container sales and seperate container hire page to be pillar pages, if I don't have any cluster pages for the different container sizes below them it I'm worried it'll just be floating out there in the ocean while the sales page gets all the cluster love. At the same time I don't want to have something that looks like duplicate content with 20ft hire and 20ft sale page. Any ideas please?

    | scjames

  • HI we have a wordpress website with a chain of redirected urls? one is with www. the other without? How do I found out where this is? or what could be causing it? Any help much appreciated 🙂

    | KellyDSD86

  • my web site but when i search that in google , google can not find it in search result . i have to say my website is a new site and its age is 3 month .

    | p.farrhad1236541

  • hi all - question we seem to see people ranking better naturally when they have the seo term in their title. Say we were optimising for "red buses". Our company was called Diamond we are using and have a DA of 32 (Page Title Diamond Red Buses | Bla) Should we buy ? Is it best to continue on our domain and redirect? Or move domains? How much would it affect?

    | KellyDSD86

  • HI all - hope you can help We seem to be dropping back and fourth completely on one of our key terms and I really don't get it. The home page seems to now be ranking for another but I have made a page purely for this main term and whilst it was starting to rank well , we have now dropped off for it. Anyone able to lend some advice?

    | KellyDSD86

  • Hello, I am currently working with a dev team to develop a new site. We have designed the title tags to sit below a banner image on each page but the technical team are insisting the h1 title tags must come above the banner for maximum SEO impact. I am sceptical about this, can anybody please shed some light and/or share any up to date resource on this? I have attached a side by side wireframe to illustrate the pages with the h1 tags in both positions. Thank you! HnWcLTx

    | Popidev

  • Just looking for thoughts and opinions on the best way to set up the main nav on a news website that covers a specific professional services sector. There are news items, archived news, blog, events, but also main menu links to the numerous news categories that go to a page listing the news articles under that category (as created in Wordpress when publishing the article). I'm thinking that having these off the main nav is diluting the juice to the more important pages including the events and the news page? Just thinking about how to rearrange and consolidate.  Any thoughts on how people would structure something like this?

    | sam_legmark

  • Hi, Does hiding elements of the page have a negative effect on SEO? The reason I ask is I am using a Wordpress theme however in options if I disable a certain element of the theme that is printed on the page it simply hides it from the user using CSS but it still exists in the code. Could the search engine see this as bad? E.g. like you are trying to keyword stuff by hiding keywords in the page? Thanks.

    | mdeluk

  • Hi, I have a Wordpress website and want to delete or edit the text that appears when I hover over my navigation tabs. In my case, the text is always the same as the page title, but I don't know where to edit it separately. When I change the title of a page that is in the navigation, the text that appears changes too. So the general setting is that this text is the same as the page title. Does somebody have an idea where to edit this? Thanks!

    | Mat_C

  • Hey! I noticed the last few months that a lot of google searches now show an image next to your result when on mobile. i managed to get my listing to show an image before but I made some changes to the image and site and can’t seem to get Google to ahow the new image (or any image). I’ve added the image to schema mark up and still no luck. Wouod ahyone have any advice on how to get the image picked up, or st least help increase the odds? The site is and you can see it on search (for me it shows on the bottom of page 1) for the keyword “Niagara Falls tours“. Thanks again!

    | Originaladam

  • Hi guys, I'm trying to optimize a page to improve the chances of it appearing as a rich snippet in a list format (ie. Top 5 tips for...). I'm using the All in One Schema Rich Snippet Plugin in Wordpress and I'm wondering if you manually need to enter the bullets into the schema rich snippet maker or if Google pulls the information from the article and lists it themselves? Appreciate any help. Thanks!

    | marktheshark10

  • I have been hired to work with a dating website to help with some SEO. The website itself is in a lot of trouble from an SEO standpoint. I have been working on a plan with them for how to fix their problems. They are currently averaging 1.6k unique users a month and wants to get to 50k in 3 months and 200k in 6 months. This seems entirely unreasonable without spending a lot of money on SEM/Social/Other marketing avenues.

    | HashtagHustler

  • crawlers can't crawl my meta description and h1 tags even when they are present.

    | Green_Beauty

  • Hi, I'm working on a big website that will have new pages every month. I would like to find a plug-in or something free to generate automatic title and meta description for futur new pages. Thanks you for your help!

    | Maely

  • how to fix duplicate meta title issue in amp and non-amp pages? We have set the 'meta title' in desktop version & we don't want to change the title for AMP page as we have more than 10K pages on the website. ----As per SEMRUSH Tool---- ABOUT THIS ISSUE It is a bad idea to duplicate your title tag content in your first-level header. If your page’s <title>and <h1> tags match, the latter may appear over-optimized to search engines. Also, using the same content in titles and headers means a lost opportunity to incorporate other relevant keywords for your page.</p> <p><strong>HOW TO FIX IT</strong></p> <p>Try to create different content for your <title> and <h1> tags.<br /><br />this is what they are recommending, for the above issue we have asked our team to create unique meta and post title for desktop version but what about AMP page?<br /><br />Please help!</p></title>

    | 21centuryweb

  • Google web master tools is displaying 406 errors page.The source is not from our site domain. How to fix these issues if they are  from different domain? 2KXlhRy

    | SirishaNueve

  • Hi everyone, Too much of anything is not good. In terms of internal linking, how many are too many? I read that the recommended internal links are about 100 links per page otherwise it dilutes the page's link equity. I have a concern about one of our websites - according to search console, the homepage has 923 internal links. All the pages have a corresponding /feed page added to the page URL, which is really weird (is this caused by a plugin?). The site also has an e-com feature, but it is not used as the site is essentially a brochure and customers are encouraged to visit the shop. I assume the e-com feature also increases this number. On the other hand, one of the competitors we are tracking has 1 internal link site-wide. Ours is at 45,000 site-wide. How is it possible to only have 1 internal link? Is this a Moz bug? I know we also need to reduce our internal links badly, however, I'm not sure where to start. I don't know how these internal links are linked together - some aren't in the copy or navigation menu. When I scan the homepage links using 'check my links', the total links identified for the homepage is only 170. kAeYlTM

    | nhhernandez

  • This is my first post here so forgive me if I made any mistake while posting it. Say I have one category called News on my website, it gets frequently updated with new posts everyday. So the thing is one article that is sitting on first page of the category, will eventually move down to 2nd page, and then 3rd and then 4th and so on. Now bots will see this article on first page, then index this on second page also and then on third also and so on and this goes on for rest of the articles as well. Will this raise a duplicate flag for the website. How should one approach this problem. I would really not want to use noindex tag here as I do want such pages to get indexed but without getting the duplicate content issue.

    | thetelescope

  • Hi, I've been looking at a clients site and Google is pulling the prices of the products (for some not all) and the pages that rank have started to have a lower organic CTR. Does anyone know how I can control what prices show in the SERPs? There is no Schema on the site to display this and the price is not in the meta title or description - it's just appearing on some pages - it's not uniform across the site? Any ideas? Cheers B

    | Bush_JSM

  • Hello, I had a question about noindex and Rel=Canonical on category page pagination. On my site, the category page the meta="robots" has "Index,Follow" tags and the rel="canonical" is the main category page, but when a user sorts the page the meta="robots" changes to "NoIndex, Follow." My question is should the sorted page be name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" /> since the  rel="canonical" is pointing to the main page?? Or does it matter that it is NoIndex?? Any thoughts on this topic would be awesome. Thanks. Main Category Page
    name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" />
    rel="canonical" href=""/> Name Sorted Page
    name="robots" content="NOINDEX, FOLLOW" />
    rel="canonical" href="">

    | chuck-layton

  • Hi all I've very recently started a small chimney sweeping business for which my friend has designed and built a website, Not approaching this from a tech-savvy background I have learnt a lot over the past month but am still an utter novice and as such require some form of help to get me up and running. My main and immediate priority (sweeping season starts soon!) was to have it so when my company name, kembers embers, was googled I would come up at the top of the results. I understand this can take a little time but it has been a month now since I indexed and I have been told my domain authority is 0.1% so I have sought help. I don't want to sign up to a 3/6/12 month contract with a firm so I found an SEO consultant local to me who said they could spend a couple of hours doing the right things to hopefully help jump this initial hurdle. I parted with £120 for this which I deemed to be the going rate and they do/did seem honest and professional enough. Upon meeting the consultant he has since told me that he would like to set the website up under a Wordpress template and has cajouled me into changing my hosting over to one he uses also. He says it will take a couple of hours work to do this (there goes my £120) but without this he would hit walls which would be timely to get past and so will save me money in the long run. Do these kind of suggestions ring an alarm bell to anyone? It didn't seem right that a good SEO couldn't work with what I already have so it leads me to the question is this one to avoid? On a side note I have also received bad advice from friends of friends/family who claim to know SEO but have, for example, put me in the direction of a link scheme through which I understand may have done me more damage than good. I am now more aware of white hat vs black hat and wish to proceed with the development of my online presence in an ethical way growing organically. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    | kembosabe

  • I moved my website in May from Wix to Wordpress. Since then the home page authority has dropped from 27 to 16. The old website displayed as, but the new site is set to without the www (this was set by my hosting company). I tried changing the settings in Wordpress to www.etc, and the home page bounces back up to a page authority of 27 - but it messes up the menus and some other elements on the page so that the page is not displayed correctly. Is there any other way I can get that page authority back? Thanks.

    | Photowife

  • So I would like a few opinions. How long should a product description be? Enough to get the point across? 100 words? 800 words? Over detailed? Any advice would be appreciated.

    | mattl99

  • Hello, I sell products relating to wood. Although the products vary, I like to give description of the wood type for the customers who might not be familiar with it. Will it hurt my rankings to give the same descriptions for the same wood type as long as the majority of the description is different? Here is an example of the layout: 1. Different description for different products 2. The same short description for the same wood types (seen throughout multiple pages) Hopefully my question makes sense.

    | mattl99

  • Question Deleted

    | ahirai

  • I'm helping with SEO for a client who has a very old website, but is updated regularly and has lots of relevant content for the keywords i'm looking to rank for. For other keywords we are able to get to position #3 on Google, yet for this one - the name of the town the website is about - we rank on page 15 of Google. I haven't done anything differently between the two and I really can't see why we can't get there. I've just done the monthly report for the client, and it's showing as being at position #1 for all of July - I checked during that month, and it wasn't. And then on 1st August it dropped to page 20 of Google. I understand slight fluctuations but this is pretty major. Can anyone help?

    | Cubiqdesign

  • I have been building my website ( its a property portal ) I have feeds coming in from nearly 200 estate agents and I have just over 26k properties listed all over the world. I have tried to make the site fast, mobile friendly and followed several SEO tutorials but I am looky If I get 10 new visitors a day !!! I have managed to get 1st page ranking for terms like " Property for sale in Hambye" ( less competitve than " Property for Sale in France " ) Can any one see anything obvious I have done wrong, I feel like there is a switch to turn on the traffic and I cant find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated Barry

    | Bazconnolly1

  • Hello, We are ranking for an acronym, which I understand can lead to fickle rankings. However, we have two pages ranking page one - two for the same keyword, but they do so in spite of each other. By this I mean, one page will rank, while the other is nowhere to be found. It seems that the one page (a blog post) is more likely to rank on the weekends while the product page is more likely to rank on the weekdays. I would like the product page to rank all the time, and to target another keyword with the blog post. Would removing the keyword from the blog post allow the product page to rank all the time - or would it lead to no pages ranking during times when the blog post would otherwise be ranking? I should note the blog post has more external links and is not exactly optimized for the keyword, while the product page has more internal links and is optimized for the keyword.

    | Tom3_15

  • Hi there, I recently made a change to the title URL for my site, and it changed how Google displayed my sitemap. Before it showed the most common sites, and now it simply links to 4 of them below the domain URL without descriptions. I have attached images below which shows my problem. I hope this is the right section for this question. Thanks! 5ypdnY2 4u2HAia

    | One2

  • I'm planning to update my Volusion Commerce site to https protocol. A config variable switch will config urls to become secure https urls. I'm looking into what additional steps I must take and issues that I may run into. I guess any relative links within my site will not be affected but how about incoming backlinks. How do I address this. Also concerned about previous redirects. Do I have to create a new xml file incorporating the new protocol in the target and a version of both secure and insecure source urls. I figure a new sitemap has to be submitted to Google Search Console -  should there be a secure https://www.example version as well as a https://example version of site and older similar http versions submitted. Thanks Howard

    | mrkingsley

  • Hello, I know this probably gets asked quite a lot but I haven't found a recent post about this in 2018 on Moz Q&A, so I thought I would check in and see what the best route/solution for this issue might be. I'm always really worried about making any (potentially bad/wrong) changes to the site, as it's my livelihood, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Moz, SEMRush and several other SEO tools are all reporting that I have duplicate content for my homepage and index.html (same identical page). According to Moz, my homepage (without index.html) has PA 29 and index.html has PA 15. They are both showing Status 200. I read that you can either do a 301 redirect or add rel=canonical I currently have a 301 setup for my http to https page and don't have any rel=canonical added to the site/page. What is the best and safest way to get rid of duplicate content and merge the my non index and index.html homepages together these days? I read that both 301 and canonical pass on link juice but I don't know what the best route for me is given what I said above. Thank you for reading, any input is greatly appreciated!

    | dreservices

  • This one is pestering me and i am on the fence, so i thought i'd ask the trusty Moz community for their opinion. I am running a technical / onsite audit for a client who has quite a pretty, creative and animated homepage with lots of overlaid imagery. As its primarily imagery, including their glossy typography and clickable links, the page does not have a H1. Now i know this goes against best practice, however it's unlikely the page will ever be served as an SEO landing page (in current format), so what are people's thoughts on leaving as is without a H1, considering we are not going to try and ranking the landing page for any particular keywords. Let us know your thoughts! Thanks

    | NickG-123

  • Hi mozzers, I am wondering if the search engine gets bothered to read multiple heading 2s or heading 3s or heading4s (these would be unique content headings of course)? I am asking this because I need to follow a consistent content structure and many of titles would fall into one type of headings. Thanks Ty

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi Guys, I love the SEO world I really do, but sometimes it can be quite confusing and even after 11 years and a few clients under my belt, I still have head-scratching days and this week has been one of them. It seem the rules surrounding onpage optimisation of keywords have changed quite a lot this year. Whilst, I understand blatantly sticking to a 3% keyword density rate for your keywords, hasn't been good practice for a while, and with RankBrain and machine learning, we have to pay attention to semantic words and phrases but it seems there is a new set of rules I haven't learnt yet. For example I had a client I was working on and we we noticed although they were ranking quite high for a keyword phrase, it wasn't actually mentioned in the text at all and so by adding it in a place it made sense, we should lift this and other keywords. Here is what happened, within a week their main keyword moved down from 1 to about 6 and the keyword that wasn't added moved from 4th to 23rd. After scratching my head and then going to full panic mode, I calmed down and looked at competitors, they didn't mention the word in the content either and so I decided to remove the one word we added to the text. The rankings came back overnight (well after doing a fetch as Google and getting to reindex). So if keyword density now is clearly NOT a metric to go on, how do we know the sweet spot? Do we use something like Ryte and make sure we using semantics and keywords within the average of the top ten? Does what Google deems important depend on the niche? Not a right or wrong answer here, just interested in your thoughts Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • I have a long existing URL that has included my key word but the url has about 5 additional words in the text ( eg url would have "  /super widgets in stock at the widget store "   as url text after domain.         keywords is super widget The URL was at the top of search results for my keyword for many years until recently. Is it better to shorten my url text to now use only my keyword " /super-widgets " after the domain with a 301 direct from my existing url to optimize it Thanks

    | mrkingsley

  • Good morning, We are trying to rank our India based company which provides the following services
    Engineering Design Services
    Architectural Design Services
    MEP Design Services Our target audiences are in the US and UK. Offcource, we are targetting above services keywords on most of our main pages and created dedicated services pages too. But lately, we found out that we are ranking well for keywords like Outsourcing Engineering Design Services, Outsourcing Architectural Design Services, etc... which are actually very very good keywords in terms of closing the leads/inquiries as people are actually looking out for outsourcing but the search count for those keywords is low. (though we closed 2 inquiries from those keywords). These pages we created in past just to increase the content of the website. I really want to give it a try to target those keywords by creating more pages, blog posts, backlinks, etc... My question is if we create more and more pages around those keywords then will it affect the rankings of the pages which are already ranking for those keywords or will the new pages compete against those pages or the new pages will help to boost current pages? We can write good content and blog posts on the outsourcing topic but not sure if we should create new pages or increase the length of the existing pages. Can you guys please help with some directions on this as I really don't want to take the wrong route. Look forward! Regards

    | harshal.khatavkar

  • Is it possible for me to take my Google reviews and show them under my homepage as stars when my page is shown in search results.  I provide a service, so I don't have separate product reviews.  My homepage is what ranks most in the searches I target.  If this is possible, what is the best way to do it technically? I have a wordpress site.  Thank you in advance!

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • When I was going through certification, I was told it should be limited to one or two. I was curious if there is a change.

    | SeobyKP

  • Hello - I'm working with a large ASP website and trying to troubleshoot issues I believe might be related to how the canonical element is used. On page - all internal links, including navigation links, use the following format (uppercase) -**/F**older/Folder/Product . So, any page navigated to will always display the uppercase version of the URL. And, all of these pages have the canonical tag pointing to the lowercase version of the URL. The pages included in Google's index are all lowercase versions of the URL like this -**/f**older/folder/product . My concern is that a lot of internal authority flow is being impacted/negated because all internal links point to the uppercase versions of URLs and all those pages reference the lowercase version URL in the canonical reference. Is this a valid concern?

    | LA_Steve

  • Hi, I am looking through my site structure and I have a lot of pages left over from the days of article keywords.  Probably 7 or 8 years ago, someone sold my husband on article key word pages.  I have slowly gotten rid of a lot of them as they have fallen out out of the ranks.  I would like to get rid of the rest, probably 5 or 6 pages.  Will it hurt my rankings to delete pages and redirect them?  My customers really like the simplicity of our site and I want to keep it that way, plus clean up flags that Moz is telling me is a problem. I think its easier to keep less pages top notch than have to worry with a lot of them.  Especially since my customers aren't viewing them. Thanks in advance!

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • My categories are indexed and I want to change the category page title. At present it just defaults to the category name but I want to set a different page title. For example I want the category to be 'Motor Cars' but I want the category page title to be 'Buy Motor Cars - New And Used'. How can I do this?

    | SamCUK

  • We have 1000's of dynamic pages on the website and would like to know how to add meta data to these dynamically generated pages. Thanks!

    | REIT

  • The question is about the Yoast plugin for WP sites. Let's say I have a site with 200 pages and custom meta descriptions / title tags already in place for the top 30 pages. If I use the Yoast variable tool to complete meta content for the remaining pages (and make my Moz issue tracker look happier), will that only affect the pages without custom meta descriptions or will it overwrite even the pages with the custom meta content that I want? In this situation, I do want to keep the meta content that is already in place on select pages. Thanks! Zack

    | rootandbranch

  • Hi, I am getting an error on Moz campaign for 302 errors. The reason we have this redirection is because we have the website available in different languages and the website redirects to the language according to the area you are in. e.g. or I am guessing it might be a common issue for all the websites with multiple languages. Any solutions for this or should we just ignore this error? Thanks, Priyam

    | kh-priyam

  • Hi there I am Facing Social Engineering Content Detected on from long time, we have Removed All Bad Java script, unnecessary links, bad content. After removing we Did Review also in Google, But still again & again we are getting this Notification in webmaster, is This harmful for Our web traffic?? how do I permanently Clear This Notification ? please any body can help ? Thanx in advance

    | iepl2

  • I dynamically generated pages using rewrite functions in wordpress (new-york, san-diego, san-francisco). All these pages look the same but with different content. yoast (seo wordpress plugin) was unaware of this and set canonicals up relating to the wordpress page used as the template page for the dynamic pages (City_home_page). so all these pages had the canonical using search console, i saw google indexed my site, looked at all these dynamically created pages (which is about 30 pages) and took them all in as duplicate pages. this happen sometime in april or may. I fixed this problem and set unique canonicals up for each dynamically created page. but now google is not crawling them for some reason. im not sure why its been months and these pages are not indexed. i thought to myself is it because these links end up on multiple pages? sort of like having "terms of agreement" link at the footer. every single page has that terms of agreement link. does google look at those links as duplicates and not index the page at all. this is where my issue lies. i need google to crawl regularly and see those pages with their new, unique canonicals and re-index them correctly. but it seems to save cpu resources, google feels once a thief always a thief. i could be wrong but this is why i need your suggestion. thank you.

    | bobperez736095

  • Our Fetch as Google in Google Webmaster Tools is showing this. What is this?? Thanks!

    | bluejay7878

  • Hello, if I am trying to rank for a service type and the exact phrase is in the companies name, can I put the company name in the image alt text instead of just the service type? Seizing the opportunity to get another mention of the businesses name...two birds with the one stone if you will... For example, "lawn cutting" being the service type but the company's name is Paul's lawn cutting. Could i put Pauls Lawn Cutting in the image alt text, or just stick to lawn cutting? Thanks in advance

    | Gavinn

  • A competitor has links to every state in the U.S., every county in our state and nearby states, and every city in those nearby states. All with corresponding link text and titles that lead to pages with thin, duplicate content. They consistently rank high in the SERPS and have for years. What gives--I mean, isn't this something that should get you penalized?

    | nkolson

  • Just wanted to confirm, if we have multiple similar pages, with all of their canonicals pointing towards the prime page, does it impact SEO rankings at all if the non-canonical pages were missing alt text from their images, or shared duplicate or multiple H1 tags? Basic SEO page construction stuff? I know some will hurt user CTR but wanted to make sure that SEO crawlers don't care about them even if indexed.

    | SimonZM

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