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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi everyone I have sports website. My website DA, DR is good. I have created good quality  backlinks. But still my website ranking is not improving. Can you guide me how to improve my website ranking. Thanks in advance!

    | fktos.tam.906n

  • I am in the process of truncating many of the URLs using a plugin installed on Wordpress. The question is does google penalize or have issues with too many 301 redirects on your site. I have many many products I want to do this with.   I thought I read somewhere that 301 redirects should be held to a minimum. Would appreciate any assistance

    | xinar

  • Hi. I'm a long time ecommerce guy and starting a third business. The main site URL is the name of the new business but I also purchased a .com URL that is our #1 keyword to target. So I need to know the best strategy to use the keyword url for helping with getting a top ranking for that keyword. I'm curious if I can or should build out the keyword URL site for the search engines and use a 301 redirect. Can you get top ranking for a site that just redirects? Anyway, I guess you get my question. This keyword gets a ton of perfectly targeted traffic so seems like a goldmine if I work it right. Thanks very much.

    | jimmyseo

  • I have been following advice for improving the SEO of my YouTube videos, for instance by having the keyword early in the title and description. Do I then need a plugin like Yoast Video SEO for my website where the videos are embedded to increase the chance of showing the videos for that keyword?

    | AudunBK

  • Hello great Moz contributors, I'm working on a 4-months-old site, which I didn't see improvement after the Google December core update. What I'm facing right now is that my newly published posts take a lot of time to index on Google search results and it affecting my performance. While my competitor's sites index in less than a minute. I could've used the Google index tool which they removed a few months ago assumed they bring the feature back. Meanwhile, my site passed test perfect what happens very rarely. Is there any other thing needed to be done so that my posts will be indexing in less than a minute? Any help will be appreciated!

    | mmesoma

  • Hello, I'm new member here, hoping to get some help

    | Mel_macallan

  • Hi, I have an ecommerce site with several categories that I consider good landing pages. In order to get better search results I add content to these pages, usually above the fold, then after the content products are listed. Example: I worry that customers get to the page and since they don't see the products above the fold, they move on. Should I be putting content in the footer instead of the header and if so how does that effect SEO? This has been bugging me for a long time. Thanks

    | MikeCarbs

  • I have seen many people are concerned about increasing DA and PA of their websites. While I am very curious why do people focus on increasing DA and PA? Does DA and PA effect the rankings of the website? Because I have recently launched my website regarding men beard trimmer and it is ranking on 1st page but not on number 1 position. Will increasing DA/PA of the site help me in occupying 1st position?

    | RyanAmin

  • _ I analysis my domain ( on Moz domain analysis. But there is not data show and show the message "No data here". What should I do?_

    | MelissaDooley

  • Hello good time Is it recommended to use SEO plugin for dedicated sites? Or do you think we should change the dedicated CMS to WordPress based on the convenient user interface that WordPress has.

    | falamakmachine

  • In this situation, how can we make our pages be fetched by google?

    | supporthandle

  • I have implemented a star rating from jetpack on my website. But google stubbornly refuses to display stars in the snippet. 2 months have already passed. Maybe I did something wrong? I must say that I did not cheat artificially.

    | WayneM.

  • I have updated the title tag but not showing, Please have look at the view source for this website- I want to show this title and description- <title>Online Bus Ticket Booking | YoloBus India</title> But showing the wrong title and description on google SERP- Title - YoloBus :: Home Description - Delhi Lucknow; Lucknow Delhi; Delhi Gorakhpur; Varanasi Lucknow; Gorakhpur Delhi; Delhi Delhi; Bangalore Bangalore; Manali Manali; Chennai Chennai 7mHsdmu

    | AnkitS.1990

  • Hello our websites offers prayer times in the US and UK. The problem is that we have nearby towns where the prayer times are the same and the pages (exp : and are in duplicate . Same issue for this page How can we solve this problem

    | Zakirou

  • Hello In googe search console i have about 500 pages indexed for my websites and but only 20 pages are indexed as AMP. Butmy site is amp only. I can't understand why google indexed the page but not in amp mode? Thank you in advanced

    | Zakirou

  • We use Disqus on our blog Is it helpful for SEO? I found a few comments. Is our blog content not good enough, or use this? Few plugins

    | ahislop574

  • Hello We rebranded 5 months ago, and set up a new domain for the new brand name which sits on different hosting to the old. We still have the old hosting running with the old site still on it. We have set up redirects to the new domain and wondered when/if we can turn off the old site hosting?

    | Scivisum

  • How to find the most relevant internal link pages? site this page, find and Is there any other better way

    | ahislop574

  • For example, a page targeting the spanish language, does it make a difference if the URL is't-speak-spanish vs

    | LennyO

  • My client is a nationwide company.  They provide building maintenance services in 7 different cities.  In each city they provide a different range of services. They currently have a single service page for each service and no mention on that page of the cities they offer the service. The service pages are getting no SERP visibility. We are running Paid Search and recommending SEO. I'm wondering whether it would be beneficial to build out specific service pages for each city so the content is more relevant to both users and search engines. What is best practice in this situation? Client wants to dominate SERPs in each market for the services they offer.

    | SEOinSunnyNelson

  • I Have an Image Scale Error in Gtmetrix how to solve it which is the best way to solve it I tried many ways but it's not working.

    | AlexSmithh

  • I have optimized "equipment trailer for rent" on this page:  I'm wondering if anyone can tell me why Google has chosen to rank the keyword phrase for this page: This is just one example.  It has happened on several of my pages / keywords.

    | BigTrailerRentals

  • One of my key pages has a url name that is completely non descriptive ('About') with no keywords in it that match the important content on that page.  Should I create a new page with a proper url name and move the contents there (lose the authority of the current page), or create the url name only and redirect to the existing About page?

    | ppopov

  • The website mentioned below, the content is generated using javascript, and content is something to do with Unicode char. The Unicode content creates as you scroll down. Will this content affect SEO

    | teenmass42323

  • Hello there. I want to replace all of WordPress categories with static pages so that users see a well designed and constructed presentation of all the articles within each topic instead of just a long list of excerpts. I've already done this with 2 categories and although it is hard work I can't help feeling it is a much better thing for my users. However, I'm concerned that I am embarking on this project without being totally sure that it makes sense from an Seo point of view, or whether there are any downsides I haven't thought of? My idea is that the  WordPress categories are set to noindex and nofollow. Search engines should find all of my static category pages and all of the content within each category will be spidered from there instead. Just to be sure you know what I mean here is a link to a normal category - and here is my static page replacement for it - Both pages contain links to all articles within the category except the one generated by WordPress is just a long paginated list, and my replacement is a proper category page, which is hopefully far more useful . Can someone please confirm that there are no downsides to this strategy? 🙂

    | Snowdune

  • Hi I write a json+ld script for star snippet in my website but not work in my first page. you can see it in this URL when I googled my keyword"عطر"my competitor show with star snippet in SERP but my site doesn't show.

    | renorenotoodanes333

  • Is it good to use disavow tool and get rid of old URLs i.e. links for pages and posts which we have deleted from our website and added 301 on them?

    | Ravi_Rana

  • We're translating our website in a few languages (FR / DE / JP) using subdirectories. So our website will have the following urls I would like to change the url structure of a few pages from to Is it a good idea to do this now since we're adding the subfolders and these are anyway new urls in google's eyes?

    | dcalexandra
  • This question is deleted!


  • I have images with text at the top of every page on my site. But no H1 or H tags at all.  I would like the text on the image to be my H1 text. But I don't want to be repetitive. What should I do?

    | Calligraphy

  • Recently I have interacted with Google's new Feature Snippet Functionality. Please refer to the link shared. I'am looking for the way to optimize  my website for the same? If anyone has any clue then please help me with this. search?q=family+health+insurance&rlz=1C1CHBD_enIN893IN893&oq=family+health+insurance&aqs=chrome.0.35i39l2j0l3j69i60l3.4692j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

    | adlift

  • Hello there! I use a plugin on my ecom site that shows customer reviews - not product reviews but general shopping experience reviews. The plugin also loads links and short descriptions of products those customers bought. Having installed it site-wide, on every page there are short descriptions of the same products. Of course, as people leave new reviews the content changes (but it doesn't happen very often). So the question is: Is having links and short descriptions of the same products on every page harmful for SEO in this case? I'd be grateful for any insight into this matter.

    | thpchlk

  • For a websites that differ between catalogs (PDPs) what hreflang error causes the least harm? Obviously the best solution is to only have hreflang for shared products, but this takes more work to implement. So when no identical product exists... 1. Hreflang points to 404 or 410 error. 2. Hreflang points to 200 status "Page Not Found" page. This obviously has the additional issue of needing to point back to 100+ urls. I want to avoid having Google decide to ignore all hreflang due to errors as many correct urls will exist. Any thoughts?

    | rigelcable

  • I was experiencing today morning some issue on our website page. While I inspected the URL to Google for the page I noted the issue. The canonical tag is showing errors  only the source code showsThis is a serious issue right?Does anyone have the idea to solve this concern? Please help me to sort it out the issue and guide me on how to fix this WordPress issue.

    | nazfazy

  • Hi all, Just a question re: Titles. Does adding terms like "buy online" to the title for ecommerce websites change the way Google ranks you? For example: Blue Flowers | Flower Palace Buy Blue Flowers Online | Flower Palace Would the second title appear higher for people in the buying phase of the sales funnel, and lower for people in the research phase of the buying funnel? Or will it not matter?

    | Onlineorders

  • Hi everyone, As i got stuck with the confusion that - one of our website pages for the business located in Sharjah contents has been moderated and inspected the URL to google for index with new tags and contents. This is the URL which made the changes: and As i came to know that our page reflecting an issue "Valid items with warnings" once after inspecting the URL in the search console. Something which seems interesting and never experienced before - which is showing: "Products"warning - something like that. I came to know that - Missing field "Brand" and showing no global identifier. Does anybody know what it is and can u able to rectify this concern and get me a solution to index our URL faster on Google search. please?

    | nazfazy

  • Hi. Recently I got a project (removing zombie pages here: ) As you can see this site has about 20k indexed page on google and it seems I should remove about 6000 useless indexed page. does removing (Noindex) these pages affect on the site metrics? Which metrics would affected? and how? Thanks.

    | jafarfahi

  • why does a business rank differ on google search and google maps (for example, a hair salon we do seo for ranks 5th for "hair salon in Dublin" on Google Maps and ranks 10th on Google search)

    | ryan.mamma

  • Hello, I'm trying optimize my google search for local business in Fort Myers, FL area. I've created specific keywords that people are searching and have made my page title and on-page experience reflect this relevency.  However, the page isn't appearing anywhere on google search even though search console has stated that the page has been indexed.  My question is, how do I trouble shoot this so that I can appear in local search for these search terms?

    | scottgray0620

  • Hey, when i have tested my website on GT metrix. When i test morning, it shown page speed of 3.8 seconds and in noon it shown 2 seconds and later i check, it is defeclecting. speed on the Google page speed test as well. What kind of error is this and does anyone have the solution for this issue?

    | nazfazy

  • long-tail keyword - "seizures in adults with no history" Should you include "in and with" in the url?

    | Moleculera

  • We're in a situation to move the page from "" to "". And adding new content to the "" page.   Does this change affect our ranking? If so how can we overcome this problem? Can anyone help?

    | Mohamednatheem

  • For content that's been loaded onto the page.. but it requires a click for it to be revealed.. as in a slider, or a tab, to save space or for a page's organization.. what are your thoughts on Google counting or weighting this content? It would make sense for Google to give it partial or no weighting as if Google attributes the content to being there, its confusion for the user to land on the page and have to find it/click around to find it.. Sorry if this is an obvious question to SEOs.. I've always assumed as long as it was loaded, it'd be mostly counted.. but I'm beginning to doubt my assumption. Thanks!

    | speedcommerce

  • Hello, I use a Wordpress theme for displaying mobile and desktop versions separately. The problem is that if you use tools like screaming frog or if you look at the code (view source), you can detect duplicated content. But if you're browsing on your mobile you will see only the content I have created for the mobile version and the same if you're looking at the desktop version, you will only see the desktop content.
    Is this creating an SEO problem? If it is, please let me know why and if it has a solution. Thanks in advance.

    | AlphaRoadside

  • Our travel website has a number of different places listed. The layout of each place is the same as the next. On place ranks on page 1 for its keywords where as others do not. Is there a tool of some description that may identify why this is.

    | twiguins

  • I have a website with a number of specific locations listed in a directory. The locations are in categories but i also have several pages with the same titles and descriptions. Will this be a problem when it comes to seo

    | twiguins

  • Hi, I want to index all my categories and tags. But I fear about duplicating the meta description. for example: I have a tag name "Learn Stock Market", a category name "Learning", and a main article "What is Stock Market". What is your suggestion for meta description of these three pages that looks great for seo google?

    | mbmozmb

  • Hello Moz community, We are an agency providing services to various industries, and among them the hair salon industry. On our website, we have our different service pages in the main menu, as usual. These service pages are general information and apply to any industry.We also have a page on the website that is only intended for the hair salon industry. On this page, we would like to link new service pages: they will be the same services as our “general” services, but specialized for hair salons. My questions relate to duplicate content: Do we have to make the new individual service pages for hair salons with completely different text, even though it’s the same service, in order to avoid having duplicate content? Can we just change a few words from the “general service” page to specifically target hair salons, and somehow avoid Google seeing it as duplicate content? Reminder that these pages will be internal links inside of the hair salon industry page. Thank you in advance for your answers, Gaël

    | Gael_Regnault

  • Is there any tool out there which can crawl a section of a website (or whole website) and gives a list of urls by subsections? I have tried PowerMapper but it only gives visual map, not a list. Thanks!

    | StickyRiceSEO

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