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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi recently changed my site so it is based on Wordpress, got my preferred domain set in Google webmaster as but since moving to wordpress my domain is now having a slash put on the end of it like Most of the links going to my homepage do not have the slash on the end so am I right in thinking I should get rid of the slash from my site so I have one consistent url? If so any ideas how to banish the slash? Cannot seem to do it through the Wordpress general settings (despite preferred domain being set as !) Thanks T

    | Jon-C

  • Hi there! I'm new in SEOMOZ and the SEO world (so excuse me if the question is so elemental.....). I'm having trouble when trying to apply the right seo strategy to one of the page of my companys corporate  site. My company offers serveral services in the field of the communications&advertisement. Not being considered as different items in the services menu of the website  is a requirement for the company. They want to describe them (all services)  in a single page. The problem is that there's one title, one description tag, one url and many relevant keywords related. Should I convince them that this structure is a bad one regarding SEO or there's a way to solve this situation? Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I am launching an eCommerce website in magento, and there are some affiliate products are included. I am looking best and Free magento extension that allow me to add no-follow attribute to outgoing link with one click. Please do suggest Thanks

    | Ganesh34

  • Our biggest issue with SEO right now is the lack of meta descriptions. There are a ton of pages that require meta descriptions that we don't know which ones to prioritize first, namely: corporate website pages landing pages for specific content offers that are gated behind a form blog posts Since we can't tackle everything at once, what's best practice around which pages to fix first? Thanks!

    | BizoMarketing

  • Hi, If an item page has  'related items' links and  'you may also like' links - and both those are essentially the same links, doesn't it make sense to only have one set?

    | Freelancer13

  • Hello there. I work for a marketing agency that manages SEO campaigns for a variety of small businesses in South Florida. Let's say we have a client that sells cheap shoes at their store location. Obviously, we want to show up in Google rankings for search terms like "cheap shoes south florida" or "cheap shoes miami." Now, my question is, when optimizing a website's content for various keywords, is it really necessary to include keywords with the location (which are often awkward for both reading and writing purposes)? Ideally, I'd prefer to have text that always reads as naturally as possible. Text like this is just an eyesore: Welcome to, home of the best cheap shoes Florida. We offer all kinds of cheap shoes Boca Raton. Your whole family doesn't have enough fingers and toes to count how many cheap shoes West Palm Beach we have in stock! Contact us to ask about our cheap shoes Miami discounts today! Olé!" What say you? Is there a way to work around ugly SEO text like this while still effectively ranking for GEO terms? Thanks!

    | BBEXNinja

  • At "On-Page Report " i have noticed that the only important problem my site has is the "Occurrences of Keyword " it says that i have ONLY 14.156 keyword repeat. My page ofcourse does not have so many repeats of same keyword. In fact this keyword is shown 10 times as i saw at source code of this page i tested. This report is for one page or for all pages of domain ? My keyword was two words keyword if that matters but there is no way that keywords to be repeated so many times.

    | Web-Builders

  • Has this ever happened to you? You create an amazing piece of content to rank for a keyword phrase that you are targeting. The content is way better than your competitor's page but they are outranking you. You have a higher domain authority. 
    Your page has a higher page authority.
    Your page and site has higher toolbar Page Rank.
    Your page has more inbound links.
    Your page has higher quality links.
    You have more Twitter, Facebook, and Google plus shares.
    etc., etc. But still you are being unranked and you can't find a single factor where your competitor is better. What can you do?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Is it better to target main keywords on a site's homepage, or in a sub page. I would usually assume the homepage, but if the domain for the homepage doesn't include the keyword is it better to have a sub page with an exact match URL? For example we target the keyword "abc123" Is it better to optimise the homepage: Or create a page to target it: And leave the homepage to target brand keywords, but link to the "abc123" page. Whats the best option?

    | timscullin

  • Hey all, So I've made the decision to cancel the service that provides my blog with regular content / posts, since it seems that having duplicate content on my site isn't doing me any favors. So I'm on a Wordpress system - I'll be exporting the posts so I have them for reference, and then deleting the posts. There are like 150 or so - What steps should I take to ensure that Google learns of the changes I've made? Or do I not need to do anything at all in that department? Also - I guess I've assumed that the best decision would be to 'remove' the content from my blog. IS that the best way to go? Or should I leave it in place and start adding unique content? (my guess is that I need to remove it...) Thanks for your help, Kurt

    | KurtBullock

  • Hello everyone, I am working on a project so the website is not online at the moment. My question is about Google's view on geolocated results : on the mainpage of the website, a bloc will be displaying local classifieds according to where the visitor is located. What will be Google's view on this bloc as it has no location ? A white empty bloc ? Bonus question : do you have any experience regarding this kind of situation ? How do you best deal with it in your opinion ? Thanks for your help ! Best Regards, Raphael

    | Pureshore

  • Hello, As you can tell from my question, I'm COMPLETELY new to SEO. SEOMOZ flagged some pages as lacking a meta description. How do I add a meta description to the site? The site has a CMS architecture so I can edit text on the individual pages, but I don't know how to add a meta description, or where on the page it should go. Thanks!

    | OTSEO

  • Hi - i would like to know exactly what an on page link is? i understand the linking system however cant work what exactly what an on page link is? Thanks

    | OasisLandDevelopment

  • Hi I would like to ask if it is duplicate content if I place on my website article with pdf attachment-the same pdf attachment is placed on more websites. Worldwide company made article (short article and some photos) with special offer in pdf, this pdf file is placed on more sites. How google handle with this file? Can google read text inside?

    | joeko

  • Is it true that one can improve image seo by adding metadata to the details (right click image and choose details), like tags and comments. I never heard of doing this before. It seems like grasping at straws.

    | Webzenz

  • Hi Around the time of the April/May 2012 penguin update we lost around 40% of traffic and ever since traffic has slowly been reduced to around 50% of what is was from last year from approx 1000 hits a day to under 500. I'm not convinced totally that penguin is to blame as link building has not been overdone especially when other companies who rank first page for "personalised gifts" have 100's of anchor links pointing back to there sites with this term as the link. I think our site may be hit due to accidental keyword stuffing! Basically when an order is placed the product page is updated with the last message to be engraved on the item, so for example if someone buys 10 wine glasses all personalised with "happy birthday mum, happy birthday dad, happy birthday son etc or if customers choose similar engraving then we have lots of combinations of the same words repeated. This information has increased the number of conversions as it gives customers ideas as what to engrave and I don't really want to remove it from the page. Could anyone advise me on what i need to do, is there a way of telling google to ignore this text, a way of hiding without being penalised? Any ideas greatly appreciated!

    | SmithyWhiffy

  • So apologies in advance for this question, but: Can someone explain whether as a site we should be using the "rel author" tag or the "rel publisher" tag? 1. We don't really need to distinguish between the people who write our content. 2. We definitely do need to establish ownership of our content, as unfortunately it has been widely copied. We are spending quite a bit of time filing DMCA notices. 3. Do we need to apply either tag to every page? Or does "del publisher" just need to be applied to the homepage to cover the rest of the site? 4. What looks better in the search results? - a person's face or a company logo? If prefer a face, but understand we need to promote our brand. Thanks P

    | dexm10

  • Redesigning website in Wordpress and going to use the following lightbox plug-in Naming the original images that appear on screen as say 'sweets.jpg'
    and the bigger version of the images as 'sweets-large.jpg' Alt text wise I would give both versions of the images slightly different descriptions. Do you think there would be any duplicate content issues with this? Anything I should do differently? I'm very wary of doing anything that Google is likely to think is naughty, so want to stay on their good side! Cheers

    | Jon-C

  • What is the best way to redirect non www to www. I saw a lot of the solution. is this one ok? RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^ [NC] RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301]

    | bruki

  • I have learn the basics of seo and use seoMoz for more then a year. this help me to rank my online store better and increase sales. I only know the basics of seo and it is now time increase traffics to our online store, How can I hired a good seo consultant? I'm self employes and the only one managing my online store. I want to be shure I invest in a good consultant. Our small business does not have thousand$$$$$ dollards to invest. For example, can I see result if I invest $1000? Thank you

    | BigBlaze205

  • I am quite new to SEO and have now got my first results. I am getting all my index.php pages returned as Duplicate page content. ie: blue-widgets/index.php
    blue-widgets/ green-widgets/large/index.php
    green-widgets/large/ How do solve this issue?

    | ivoryred

  • Hi everyone I have setup a site map using a Wordpress pluggin: Can you please tell me if this is sufficient for the search engines? I am trying to understand the difference between this and having a robots.txt - or do I need both? Many thanks, Abi

    | LockCity

  • I ran an audit on a new clients website (they did a redesign and fell off of the radar).  One of the major issues that the audit came back with was over 6,000 warnings for temporary re-directs.  This is a large e-commerce site and I know there will be errors but wondering why the company who did the redesign wouldn't do a 301?  Would someone be able to look at this code and tell me if what they did is correct? One of the many pages that has the temporary redirect: Where all the many pages with errors is redirecting to:

    | KnopfBay

  • We are a 15 year old ecommerce company.  Most of our category descriptions are about 3 years old.  Our product descriptions are 5-8 years old.  While our category pages still rank well in Google our product pages have dropped significantly over time. How often should product page descriptions be rewritten so they do not become stale to Google?  We have about 1,000 products on the site.  If we rewrite them we are thinking about 250 words each.  Thanks.

    | SLINC

  • The pages that are automatically created through WordPress (ex: blog post page 5) are popping up as pages that don't have titles or descriptions. Should I use a branded title and description on those pages or hide them from the search engines? Since it's pulling blog posts to create the pages, keywords are all over the place as well. What's the best course of action? Ex:

    | BlackDogStudios

  • Hi all, this is my first forum post 🙂 Ive just began using this piece of software - previously I was using IBP where you where given a on page analysis and ways in which to improve to get onto page one for a particular key word/search term. I was wondering if this program has anything similar to this? Many thanks William

    | naturesbeauties

  • I have a few pages like the contact and privacy policy page that I could really care less about as far as whether people visit them, or whether the search engines index them. They also don't have any sort of unique content on them... pretty much duplicates of what you'd probably find on hundreds of other websites. Would it be logical then to just nofollow those pages? I just don't know if maybe there's something hidden that I'm not thinking of. For example, maybe Google wants to see that your website has a privacy policy, and by excluding it, you're actually hurting yourself.

    | JABacchetta

  • I would like to display H1 Title tag invisible on the homepage. I set up Title colour  same  colour as background colour. How google handle with this cloaking? What should I to set up in the style.css?

    | joeko

  • If I hide H1 tag (title on the homepage) with CSS, how Google handle with my site?

    | joeko

  • hi I have a cms website with 2000 problem is that 1. 2. it showing duplication page in me seomoz  error list. It is a single page. Please suggest solution for it

    | wmsindia

  • Hi, I have a website that aggregates NFL analysis (not news).  I write 3-5 line summaries about each article I link, so there is a pretty good amount of daily content.  Here's the site: After I received my initial report, there were several issues, and I just wanted to get some thoughts on them.  Some of these might be related to the aggregate nature, some might be not a concern, but I want to know which ones I should really worry about. Too many links.  My main page is a continuously running scroll of links, so obviously this is going to be tough to accommodate.  I know this makes each link less "valuable," but does it actually affect my site in any way?  I don't really have links to my site on the page other than in the menu, which I assume would be scrolled first. meta description on tag pages.  For site design reasons, I have several "pages" that are actually tag collection pages rather than unique pages.  For example, each team's page is simply a collection of anything tagged with that team.  So, I don't know if I can provide a meta description for those pages without making that the default meta description for any post with that tag. I supposedly have tons of duplicate pages but when I go to those pages, I don't see it.  Webmasters said I only had one duplicate.  Not sure what's going on.  I'm thinking anytime I update a post, it is reading it as two different posts even though only one post exists at a time on the site. I have tons of duplicate page titles.  Basically, I have tons of pages on my main page because after a certain amount of posts, it goes to a "new" page, even though it's just a continuation.  So, I have Main page 1, Main Page 2, etc with the same title and meta descriptions.  I don't think this is a concern, is it? Thanks for anyone who might be able to help.  Let me know if there are more questions. Jason

    | JMay

  • I have a change, perhaps temporary, to my web store that I will be making. I am wondering if the code that I will comment out () gets spidered?

    | lbohen

  • Hi I have a client who wants his whole site to be in lower case with the exception of his company name.  Absolutely everything. I just want to check whether or not this will effect the way Google sees the site? Does anyone have any idea? ........ and do you have any experience or data to support your views? Thank you PH

    | PH292

  • I have a number of pages that I believe are optimized just like other pages that have "A" reports, but they get Fs. How can I specifically drill down and discover the cause of the F?

    | enotes

  • When creating a On-Page Report Card I get 2 different results when using a WWW and without for my url. What is best?

    | thomas.wittine

  • I have a couple established, content rich sites with some content that I would like to move over to a new site. My question is what steps I need to take to ensure that neither my older sites nor newer sites are penalized for duplicate content. The purpose for moving the content is to add some depth to the new site for users, as well as possibly optimize it all for SEO. There is a fair amount of content involved, about 50 posts and pages per site, so I'd like to know if the potential problem with duplicate content might be serious enough that I should think twice. What do you recommend?

    | LeeAbrahamson

  • So, Im working in house with a large company.  They have a number of sites which are in need of content up dates etc.  In looking around, I noticed meta name = 'robots'content='noindex,nofollow' The IT person here who has influence as to what is or is not done; says it should stay that way. It is my understanding and please correct me if I am wrong..... we generally would like pages followed and indexed. I'm pretty sure by optimizing on page and making this change it could help the site..... Thanks for your consideration!!!!

    | APICDA

  • Hello, What do you do if there are too many links on product pages? With 18 products per page, there's 2 links per product for 120 links on many pages. There's 50 products in many categories, categories are at most 1 click from the home page. Should we use pagination or not? Thanks

    | BobGW

  • Could to many links on to many pages be a factor that the penguin update would effect your site. I know this is a broad question , but I am curious what people think.

    | cbielich

  • Good day! We want to have your suggestions here.
    What's your recommended (best) number of blog posts per page? Thanks!

    | robinwade

  • Hi there, we have now a client who has a job offering web site.There are many craw errors in it. My question is how should the url structure in a jobs website look like and which pages should be indexed? What is the best way and tips for optimizing a job website? Now the posted jobs pages are dynamically like: I see many job websites allow their job offers to be indexed and may be this is useful because some people find jobs also when directly search in Google. Are they using dynamically urls for that? And also my related question is what happens when the job offer expires? When Google craws that page again should it be redirected to 404 page or the original job offer text should be there and just to be added info that this job offer has expired? Otherwise If only it's written that it has expired may be there will be too much duplicate content on many many pages.

    | vladokan

  • Hello all I was looking at the crawling report for my project, I have noticed that there are so many duplicate titles in the "Duplicate Page Title" report, I checked the title tag for one of the titles (for this page) manually (in the page code), and it was showing like this: <title></span><span>Interviews | TechSparks</span><span></title> where it's showing in the "Duplicate Page Title" report like this: Interviews | TechSparksEasyRotator Preview Hovering over the tab in the browser shows the title as I mentioned first, and searching Google for this page shows the title like the first one I mentioned too. Do you any clue why that is happening? fUbtXe6 fUbtXe6.png

    | MHD

  • If you have to place a number ID into a URL. Does it matter from an seo perspective whether it is placed in the middle or at the end? Thanks

    | simmo235

  • Just pondering what is current best practice for Title tags of pages buried deep within my website? Say I have a page about 'Cheese's of the world' and from that page there is a page about 'Cheshire Cheese' how would you suggest to structure title tags Would for example this be ok - Cheshire Cheese | Cheese's of the World | Brand name Or is this better - Cheshire Cheese | Brand name Just wondering as I'm redesigning my site currently and looking at everything! Ted PS - I like cheese 🙂

    | Jon-C

  • I am reviewing a site, and the web designer used tabs to impart information. I think the tabs idea looks great, but it leaves the page looking thin. Here is a link to a product page, could anyone chime in please? Thanks in advance for your opinion!

    | drufast1

  • The issue of duplicate content has been well documented and there are lots of articles suggesting to noindex archive pages in WordPress powered sites. allows us to mark-up our content, including marking a components URL. So my question simply, is no-indexing archive (category/tag) pages still relevant when considering duplicate content? These pages are in essence a list of articles, which can be marked as an article or blog posting, with the url of the main article and all the other cool stuff the scheme gives us. Surely Google et al are smart enough to recognise these article listings as gateways to the main content, therefore removing duplicate content concerns. Of course, whether or not doing this is a good idea will be subjective and based on individual circumstances - I'm just interested in whether or not the search engines can handle this appropriately.

    | MarkCA

  • Hello, For internal categories - those that are not in the main navigation - we're optimizing for the long tail. How do you optimize the title tag for the long tail? For example if the internal category is about Men's shoes -> "Adidas Crosstrainers" and you already have a page in the main navigation with "Adidas Crosstrainers"  in the title, what kind of title do you use for the long tail category? These categories are usually for the convenience of the user. I assume they should each have at least 500 words in them to do the best long tail searches. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • One of my client's uses alot of links in their content. They follow style and fashion news. Many times I find the use of nofollows unnecessary, but sometimes they have articles with well over 20 oubound links...I wonder if this "drains" the authority/link juice of the page to the point where the long tail traffic wont kick in? Should I have reason for concern, and should I use nofollow on the links? I notice many of our competitors dont really bother, but they also have alot more authority.

    | jkellz514

  • I have a friend that has xxx in there domain and they are a religious based sex/porn addiction company but they don't show up for the queries that they are optimized against. They have a 12+ year old domain, all good health signs in quality links and press from trusted companies. Google sends them adult traffic, mostly 'trolls' and not the users they are looking for. Has anyone experienced domain word filtering and have a work around or solution? I posted in the Google Webmaster help forums and that community seems a little 'high on their horses' and are trying to hard to be cool. I am not too religious and don't necessarily support the views of the website but just trying to help a friend of a friend with a topic that I have never encountered. here is the url: Thanks, Brian


  • Question We have a large site that has a page for all 50 states. Each of these pages has unique content, but following the content has a MASSIVE amount of links for each zip AND city in that state. I am also in the process of creating unique content for each of these cities and zips HOWEVER, I was wondering would it make sense to create an additional 'county' layer between the states and the zips/cities. Would the additional 'depth' of the links bring down the overall rank of the long tail city and zip pages, or would the fact that the counties would knock the on page link count down from a thousand or so, to a management 50-100 substantially improve the overall quality and ranking of the site? To illustrate, currently I have State -> city and zip pages (1200+ links on each state page) what i want to do is do state -> county (5-300 counties on each state page) -> city + zip (maybe 50-100 links on each county page). What do you guys think? Am I incurring some kind of automatic penalty for having 1000+ links on a page?

    | ilyaelbert

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