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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • So apparently when I add the name of the blog within Wordpress, the name of the blog shows up after the the main title of each blog post and page. So trying to keep the title element >70 characters, how does one name the Wordpress blog as mine is/was: Lake Tahoe wedding photographer / Heidi Huber Photography and keep that only on the intro page and leave each page of the blog and the titles of the blog posts to not have "Lake Tahoe wedding photographer added to the end of the Title Element? Anyone have any idea? I also had gone in at one point and updated every single Title on each page/post using Yoast's SEO and the SEOMOZ crawl is still coming up with over 216 caution errors for the title page. Thank you so much for any advice! Heidi

    | hmhuber

  • Hi We have been doing SEO on one of our properties for 4 years now. We had a new competitor jump in and is now ranking above us within 6 months. I verified various parameters including link backs/etc. but cannot see as to why Google would rank them above our page despite us following all ethical SEO practices/updating content etc. Do you guys have an experience/thoughts on this? P

    | Parvesh

  • I have a client that does ski and snowboard rentals in lake tahoe and not sure what the best way to optimize the home page title tag. Lake Tahoe Ski and Snowboard Rental
    Lake Tahoe Ski & Snowboard Rental
    Ski & Snowboard Rental Lake Tahoe
    Ski Rental | Snowboard Rental | Lake Tahoe Which one of these is the best or is it not even listed??? Thanks!

    | tahoemedia

  • Hello, My client has a second keyword for the home page that is competitive. The home page is not being ranked for this keyword. Instead, an internal category page is ranking. This internal category page is more relevant than the home page - it shows the categories for the actual products that this term refers to. But everyone around us in Google's page results has far more backlinks than the internal page, and we're all heavily optimized for this term. My question is, is it safe to pull the second term off of the home page or is this internal page strong because it is somehow being strengthened by the home page optimization?

    | BobGW

  • Hello, Will a longer, two big phrase title gather more long tails overall than a title with one short keyword? Example: Would this: Title: Nike Running Shoes, Adidas Tennis Shoes create more long tails overall than this title: Title: Running Shoes or is more dependent on other things, like content? It seems like you'd be more likely to hit more phrases strongly with a long title. If that's true doesn't it make sense to always use a longer title when possible? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hi, Anyone know where i can get freelance worker that writes
    about 500 to 600 words original article that is free from Copyscape? And also how much does it cost in general?

    | chanel27

  • A site I have been asked to take a look at has an RSS feed on there home page. The site offers Austrian mortgages. But the RSS feed is in the side bar and it is drawing information for Austrian News. I personally would of said that if it was to draw anything then it should be more accurately related to the site, or am I wrong? I also have seen that he has installed RSS Bomber, now it just submits his blog posts to a lot of RSS aggregators each time he makes a post. Is this a bad thing as I am not sure. I am thinking it cant be good as it is effectively automated but I would like others opinions on this. Thanks Paul

    | propertyhunter

  • I'm working on an adult dating site review blog and am hoping to build links to the category pages. It's a wordpress blog so the posts are categorised by topics. However can you tell me if there is enough content on the page for google to identify what the page is about? The problem is that the content of each category pages is pulled from the posts. What I think is needed is some static text on the page 2-300 words that use the keyword. Here's an example of a page targeting the keywords 'online dating'.
    [editor's note -- thumbnails on site may not be appropriate for some workplaces] Will the page rank like this if there are a good amount of authorative links or does the page itself need work?

    | SamCUK

  • How can I remove all but one meta description tag?

    | ReF12

  • I'm pretty sure when I counted the mobile meta description in Google, it's a lot shorter then the recommended 165 char for desktop. Is it shorter or am I just seeing things?

    | activitysuper

  • Hi This is my first question on SEOMoz and I am confused how a competitor can out rank me for a local search term SEO Tamworth. I have a higher Page Authority, Domain Authority, Number of links etc.. Would this be down to the quality of the links to my site or could it be down to the structure. I score an A for SEO on the on page analysis. Regards James

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • I know a URL should "technically" shorter than 75 characters. Does that include the  ? Thank you 🙂

    | Libra013

  • I do SEO for eCommerce websites both in-house and for clients. A few of our clients want increased rankings but are not willing to allow us to make the changes internally to help make that happen. One of which is adding content to the webpages since 90% of them have very little to none. I have a couple clients that are extremely picky about what can be seen on their eCommerce website. They have the site setup the way they want it but it is not SEO friendly in the slightest. The pages (including homepage) have little to no content, and the only things they want changed are things visitors CANNOT see on the webpages (META, ALT Tags etc). The tactic i am wanting to use is often used by spammers but i have a legitimate reason to use this and wanted to know if this would be a good idea. They are wanting to target fairly competitive keywords but are unwilling to allow any on-page changes to add any information and keywords to help with rankings. I was thinking about adding text behind images or hide the text in whatever ways to prevent the end user from viewing it (except for the search engines). My idea was simply to add a paragraph or two of content for the search engines purely to help in ranking because they have a lot of pages that have zero content except for product image and title listings. Is this tactic recommended or does anyone have any other ideas for these type of situations. Thanks,


  • I have a problem with to many links on the same page, and there all for the classified adds of my web site, what would be the best way to handle this.

    | clickit2getwithit

  • I have noticed that on the On-Page Report Card, refresh does not work at all. Namely, when I make a change after receiving a suggestion, it does not change at all. I remember that option worked almost instantly before which helped me make an optimized page quickly. Also, I have seen that meta tags are not desirable and when I want to remove them, I have quotation marks left instead of meta keywords and an error reported. These are the most important issues for now, especially the refreshing issue since I tried deleting data from cash memory and all the other available options such as changing the browser etc. I have also tried deleting key words and repeating the grading on on-page report card but had no results. Exiting SEOmoz and re-entering also gave no results. Kasa

    | Kasa-Nenad

  • I know less than 70 is recommended. I am about to run a script to create some title tags and a few will be between 71-74. Is going just the few characters over ok until I can get in there and manually do them?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Dear all, Our main site is a bussiness directory, and following some SEO advices, we are creating landing pages for each category, in order to optimize them for the keywords. Those landing pages have links to the listings related to them. Using the same idea, we have created pages related to the regions, and those pages include links to the listings located in them. The only problem that I see with that, is the number of links that some categories or regions could have. Is there a limit of recomended number of links per page, from a SEO perspective? We also have a main category page, that includes a list of all categories, and this page could also have a relatively high number of links. The pages have around 300 to 500 words, some include also images, some include videos. Many thanks for your help, Daniel

    | te_c

  • what is duplicate page content,  I have a dating site and it's got a groups area where the members can base there discussions in a category like for an example, night life, health and beauty, and such.   why would this cause a problem of duplicate page content and how would I fix it.  explained in the terms of a dummy.

    | clickit2getwithit

  • Hello, On my life coaching website, I have 40 articles that I want to replace with 5 good ones (to get up-to-date in modern content writing). The new articles will be long, thorough, and graphically stimulating. What do I do with all these old short articles. There's no backlinks on them, but they are gaining a little traffic. I'm not sure I want them around since they're not high quality enough. What's normally done?

    | BobGW

  • I have a dating site, it's got a lot of duplicate page titles, most of them are the language buttons for the users to view the site in there language. but I think it's obvious that the buttons don't have anything to do with it. I'm thinking that page tittle is basically a description of what the site is. like for an example "online-dating" is this it? please tell me in terms for a dummy, how to fix it.

    | clickit2getwithit

  • I have a problem with temp redirects, I have a dating site and the redirects happen when guests on the site are prompted to purchase a subscription while trying gain access to the sites contents. I was told to change them to 301 redirects but don't know how. any help, thanks guys.

    | clickit2getwithit

  • The first URL is coming from a "click here" hyperlink from the excerpt of the 2nd URL in my homepage. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • My name is Ken Jansen, Here is my homepage: []( I work in Overland Park, KS and work as an real estate broker at Keller Williams Realty Partners, Inc.. Trying to convey the following information Name: Ken Jansen Work Location: Overland Park, KS Occupation: Real Estate Broker Homepage:

    | Ken_Jansen

  • After my first site crawl im being told that there is a 404 error on my site..... It gives me the problem link url but would it not be useful to show me where its finding this 404 error? How do i find it? it just tells me there is one and the location of the 404 i need to know the page that has the link on it?

    | alphatrad

  • For the past 5-6 months I have consistenly ranked at positions #14-16 for snow guards on The past 3 days I cannot find the home page anywhere in Google for that keyword.  The only thing that has really changed over the past two months is I placed 3 guest blog posts on pretty highly trusted sites that are industry related and created links to the site using suggestions from getlisted. I've read other reports of others seeing similar things happen recently.  I don't think this is a penguin thing, because I can still find the site by searching for the company name, I just can't find it when searching the keyword. I did notice that a different page on the site is now ranking in position #21 for this keyword, but this page is optimized for a different keyword phrase.  Is it possible that even though the sub page is optimized for a different keyword phrase, I am cannibalizing the site?

    | kadesmith

  • Anyone find a WP plugin they like for rel=author and rel=publisher markup? I'd love to find one that gives and about the author at the end of a blog, and tags the G+ page on the end for rich snippets. Does that exist??  🙂

    | AESEO

  • Very simple, Why would a website (and I have seen tons doing this) link the rel canonical tag back to the same page the tag is on? Example: somepage.htm has a canonical tag linking to somepage.htm I thought the idea of this tag was to tell google if 2 pages are similar, this page is the original, and it's this page which should be indexed and the page with the tag on should pass all PR to the original. Maybe im wrong and someone can help me out to understand this.

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, I recently did run a crawl report for my blog, and found that SEOmoz is reporting many pages on my blog having more than 100 internal links. I opened OSE, and made a search for one of my pages which was reported to contain more than 100 links. And I found it to contain 464 internal links. Here is the link: Please have a look at it. I have chosen - Show "All" links from "only internal" pages to "this page" option in OSE, which reports me this. I see almost every page in my blog linking to every page. This is not the problem for me. I have also tried to make a search for some popular bloggers, like,,, etc, and all of them have the same problem. Should I be worrying about this problem? What is the problem actually?

    | rahulchowdhury

  • Hello, My Crawl results in Seomoz shows me that i have few thousands of 302 direct problem, bucause it was crawling links like and it would be redirected automatically to because of cookie not activated from the user. Now I'm wondering if this is an issue to be solved or just a minor thing without impact. Thanks

    | angelowei

  • Does anyone know what the impact of a nofollowed link is on the ranking value any given page has to distribute? For example, if I have 2 links on a page, both followed, I know those links each distribute nearly 50% of the total ranking value the current page has to offer. However, if one of those links is nofollowed, does that automatically mean the other link gets the ranking value cast off by the nofollowed link? In other words, the single followed link now distributes nearly 100% of the ranking value the page has to offer? It seems to me I remember hearing this was not the case and that the ranking value a nofollowed link would have if it were followed just evaporates. This would mean the single followed link still only passes on around 50%...not 100%. Is the effect different if the links are internal vs. external? If any citations are available to justify knowledge here, that would be great. I know a lot of people have opinions about this subject, but I'm not sure anyone knows Google's position. Thanks!

    | RyanOD

  • My website is new. My On-page Optimization (Reports Updated: 1/2/13)  is empty. Is there a problem, I have to wait longer or am I doing something wrong? Thanks

    | franzneves

  • I'm hoping some of you may be able to help me understand the best way to optimize my image titles and alt tags for a specific situation. I'm working on an interior design website and they have hundreds of pictures. each of their projects has about 10 pictures. Is it best for me to us the key phrase in each title and tag? or is that to repetitive? here is what I mean: A project called "urban interior design" all images are of urban interior design, just different angles and features, so my initial idea is to just have each image title like this: Title: "urban interior design dinning area" Alt: "urban interior design dinning area view" Title: "urban interior design living room" Alt:"urban interior design living room couch view" Is this the best way or will it actually hurt my ranking with too much exact keyword use? Thanks for your help!

    | TBSEO

  • I changed up my on page stuff via SEOMOZ tips, and I dropped like a rock in water 12 positions from 29 to 41 over night for homes for sale in casa Grande AZ. What did I majorly do wrong?

    | sansonj

  • Hi, I recently did run a crawl report for my blog, and found that SEOmoz is reporting many pages on my blog having more than 100 internal links. I opened OSE, and made a search for one of my pages which was reported to contain more than 100 links. And I found it to contain 464 internal links. Here is the link: Please have a look at it. I have chosen - Show "All" links from "only internal" pages to "this page" option in OSE, which reports me this. I see almost every page in my blog linking to every page. This is not the problem for me. I have also tried to make a search for some popular bloggers, like,,, etc, and all of them have the same problem. Should I be worrying about this problem? What is the problem actually?

    | rahulchowdhury

  • Folks, We have User Generated Content site in travel domain, we want to leverage reviews & ratings for SEO rankings/CTR . We already are getting micro formats in google but not in all the cases. Any ideas/suggestions will be really very helpful. Thanks in Advance. -Amit

    | holidayiq

  • If you are trying to rank for a keyword phrase that is a question (e.g. how to ___) does it matter if your page is the home page of your site or an article on your site? I suspect that Google would treat question search queries differently and would show preference for articles over a home page in most cases. An article would be more likely to satisfy the searcher by providing the answer to their question, whereas the home page usually doesn't provide specific answers. I looked at one keyword phrase that is a question and only 1 of the first 20 results was a home page. Any thoughts or experience with this?

    | Charlessipe

  • Hi all, I'm pretty new here and this is a question I'm struggling with since years ! All my URLs are very long. Years ago I wanted to put as many keywords as possible but today I'm not sure anymore it was such a good idea. Example: The problem is I have more than 300K of these pages. I'm afraid to create a huge mess even if I 301 them all to the new pages. What's your opinion ? Is it worth the effort ? Many thanks in advance for your precious help !

    | kivanSOM

  • I have 75 pages with missing meta tag descriptions. So I add them or do they make no sense?

    | sarthakss

  • Would it be wise to change title tags on the fly? ex. NFL regular season is now complete and they are into the playoffs, want to optimize and structure page around new info. Worried about losing current rank. Thanks guys

    | TP_Marketing

  • I started my website as a blog over at Posterous, but decided to turn it into a full scale business website with a self-hosted WordPress theme.  Shortly after transitioning from Posterous to WordPress, I noticed that Google was indexing not only my old blog posts, but the URLs of my blog posts based on the tags they have.  Is there any reason why this is a problem?  I'm sure it shouldn't qualify as duplicate content, but for some reason it just feels a bit sloppy to me to have all of these pages indexed...Is this a non-issue?  Should I just be more discriminating with my use of 'tags' if it bothers me? JiGLH.png

    | williammarlow

  • Hi All, So I have put together a weekly video series on security topics. I have read an SEOmoz post around how you can boost SEO by adding the transcription to the page, which makes perfectly good sense. My question is, can I include the first couple of paragraphs and then have a "read the full transcription" so when the user clicks, the rest of the content appears? Do the search engine spiders only crawl the first two paragraphs in this instance or do they crawl the whole thing even though the entire content is not on the page? I dont mind making the page longer and including the entire transcription if it is easier for SEO but if there is no difference, than I think the first option would be the best user experience. Thanks for the help Pat

    | PatBausemer

  • My rankings seem to be going down all the time. Any idea why? Thanks!

    | nicolebd

  • I am under the impression that with ecommerce sites this happens often and that there's a plug in or just simply not worry about it since queries will often find similar conent.

    | Wayne_c

  • I am in the process of revamping my company's website. I do WordPress Development, Design, and SEO consulting, and i'm running into a sort of writer's block when wring my services pages. For example, my page on WordPress Security has 388 words of "body" content, and I feel from a content perspective, it serves it's purpose, but from an SEO perspective it is considered a little light. I really don't know what the SOP is here, because, I've literally seen competitors sites have a page on "WordPress Security" rank on the first page of Google with absolutely no content, an empty page. I see a lot of the Moz posts are huge, thosands of words, and I know they perform very well (and they also have ton's of links / PR...etc) and I just want to do the right thing. I know sites like have relatively short info pages as well. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Zachary Russell President, ProTech Internet Group

    | Zachary_Russell

  • Hi, Can anyone help me out? I am trying to get this site ranked for "Villa General Belgrano". It was on the first page of Google and then it disappeared. Did I over optimize the anchor text?

    | Carla_Dawson

  • We are redesigning the website for our blog and podcast for an upcoming press release. In rewriting to improve some of our blog posts, podcast descriptions, copywriting and overall presentation, would you recommend writing for the reader _first - _then optimizing through SEOMoz? Or should you write with SEO in mind first? I'm a rookie to SEO and would appreciate any recommendations or strategies you may have. Thank you!

    | UncleTodd

  • SEOmoz crawl states I have 3 pages with too many links.   My sites are hosted on Yahoo small business.  One page they state is too long is the home page/ind. with 600 links to each page on the web site ( I think). Is this really a problem and how do I fix it? The other two pages are product categories that link to the products under the main product type.   What I do not understand is that we have many larger product categories that SEOmoz crawl is not stating too many.

    | Wales

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