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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hello, I'm doing on-site SEO for a client's ecommerce site. Are 160 words enough for a category description? I'm using the keywords once at the top of the description, and once at the bottom of the description, with the ones at the bottom reworded so that they are the keywords with a different word order. I used to put the keywords in 3 times but it just feels like stuffing. Is twice, worded differently the second time, enough for a category description? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • We run an e-commerce site with about 250,000 SKUs. Certain items, such as a micro USB car charger, will be applicable to several different phones. Example: As one can imagine with so many items, unique content for each item description page can be a challenge. What would be the best way to address this on a large scale?

    | eugeneku

  • Hello, One of my client's old sites has all category titles of the form (for example) running shoes | running shoe | walking shoes | walking shoe including many that perform well with over 60 characters. I'm in the process of rewriting the titles into something like Running and Walking Shoes, A quality shoe at The reason I'm rewriting them is for future google penalties, and to look better to possible guest post opportunities. Also to look better in the SERPS But the old style is performing very well. What are the real pros and cons of each? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I work for an internet retailer that specializes in pet supplies and medications. I was going through the Crawl Diagnostics for our website, and I saw in the Duplicate Page Content section that some of our manufacturer pages were getting flagged. The way our site is set up is that when products are discontinued we mark them as discontinued and use 301 redirects to redirect their URLs to other relevant products, brands, or our homepage. We do the same thing with brand and manufacturer pages if all of their products are discontinued. 90% of the time, this is a manual process. However, the other 10% of the time certain products come and go automatically as part of our inventory system with one of our fulfillment partners. This can sometimes create empty manufacturer pages. I can't redirect these empty pages because there's a chance that products will be brought back in stock and the page will be populated again. What can we do so that these pages won't get marked as duplicates while they're empty? Write unique short descriptions about the companies? Would the placement of these short descriptions matter--top of the page under the category name vs bottom of the page underneath where the products would go? The links in the left sidebar, top, and in the footer our part of our site architecture, so those are always going to be the same. To contrast, here's what a manufacturer page with products looks like: Thanks!

    | ElDude

  • How should I rephrase these pages to avoid Phrase duplication within Title Tags  Duplicate Page Title Page1-  Page2-   Page3-  Page5-  Page6-

    | amydiamond

  • I am interested in potentially changing a category name on our site, This section has been called "Covers & Faceplates" for the better part of the decade. However, changing search trends, PPC data and search volume analysis have indicated that our preferable KW combo may be "Cases & Covers" instead. What are the potentially ramifications of making the switch now? We have a significant amount of age, link juice, etc built up toward our "Covers & Faceplates" section at the moment and all of their relevant URLs. A change would involve 301 redirects, rewriting of URLs, rewriting of all tags, img alt tags, etc.

    | eugeneku

  • I decided to create a page on my website where I would list all of my favorite resources and 3rd party tools.  There are now 35 links in the main content section of the page, all with anchor text, pointing to  websites in my industry.  My question is this: what is the best practice here? Should I add nofollow tags to the links? Should I do something else to indicate that these links shouldn't be crawled? Frankly, I don't mind passing some link juice to these tools (in this case, and from this particular website), but I might make a different decision with a client's website.  Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  Here is the page I'm referring to, in case anyone wants to look: Thanks!

    | williammarlow

  • So i made 2 sites within 24 hours of each other:
    and nanny has 530 pages index and babysitters only 10. Any idea why that would happen and what the problem would be? Thanks and happy holidays!

    | mweidner2782

  • How beneficial is properly optimised text on your website? I have been reading copy blogger and they seem to think it's almost the foundations and can have a massive impact -  thus their software for improving optimised text. So... The way I see it, content can fit into 3 areas: 1. Over optimised - keyword stuffed 2. Produced without the keyword in mind and then small changes, maybe the keyword used once or twice within 500 words, slotted into the h1 tag. 3. Optimised - At the front of the h1 tag, density of roughly 3-4%, emphasised with bold and italic. What kind of impact can number 3 really have on rankings? If your position 7/8 could it be possible to see position movement from content changes? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I'm creating a few hundred category level pages on my site, and am wondering if duplicating a phrase within each title tag is OK to do: Examples: 1)  Title Tag for a page that provides brochure templates for the child care industry. - Title Desired:  Child Care Brochure Templates | Brochure & Flyer Maker 2)  Title Tag for a page that provides brochure templates for the financial services industry. ** - Title Desired: ** Financial Services Templates | Brochure & Flyer Maker Question: Is it OK to repeat what is after the pipe in each title tag (i.e. 'Brochure & Flyer Maker') on a few hundred category level pages.  It's definitely an accurate description of what you will find on the page, however I don't want to run the risk of duplicate content / keyword stuffing issues. Essentially, can I use an exact duplicate phrase inside multiple title tags and be OK?...or is this not advised? I appreciate any advice or feedback.  Thanks. -J

    | cre8

  • I'd like to see all duplicated content URLs in excel. But when I do the export to csv, and then use text to columns, I end up with an empty duplicated content column. The URLs should be in column AF in excel, but this column is empty. Can somebody help me on this?

    | jdclerck

  • Hi anyone looking for help faithfully Steve Robinson

    | ReSEOlve

  • Do you think it's good to have an instance of your primary keyword occur on most of your site's title tags throughout your site? Or do you think having the keyword occur in most title tags throughout the site will dilute the ranking ability for the home page? I haven't read much about this in "best practices" for title tags. hmmmm...

    | Joes_Ideas

  • One of the major keywords in our industry “fireplaces” is now viewed as a local search phrase & Google seems to be displaying website results that it views to be local businesses. We have 2 stores, and for some reason they do not appear high on the rankings despite us having a physical location near by... can anyone help? Also, we have a verified location on Google place, but even that doesn’t appear.

    | Ray_UK

  • Hi, i am working on a page at the moment and i am trying to work out why i do not rank well for the keyword gastric band hypnotherapy or gastric band hypnosis. The page is any help on what i need to change to start ranking well would be of a great help

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello! Does anyone know why when Im seeing my page in the serps its not displaying the meta description I have sepcified using my CMS but rather google is pulling a line from the last paragraph I have on the page? Thanks guys!!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hello, Currently We are running an A/B test on a few pages, the footer and the header on our site. I was wondering what is the proper way to do an a/b test so that our google rankings won’t fall and that Google will only index one version at this time? Thanks

    | Tonyd23

  • I am about to work on a multi-national site and need some more information about what I should consider regarding: content keyword research anything else My biggest question is regarding content. The company would like a UK version of the site with a different URL, but plan to keep the content essentially the same, with the exception of a few minor details. In this case, would duplicate content still be an issue? If so, any suggestions for working around this? Any strategy information on multi-national sites would be really helpful. Thank you! Erin

    | HiddenPeak

  • Hi, I want to ask how google differentiates web sites like directories or company listing websites? How it understands that is a normal thing to have many links in a directory site? Are there some guides links about what to do and avoid and how to make SEO optimization for a directory web site.

    | vladokan

  • Hi, Our website consists of approximately 15,000 pages however according to our Google Webmaster Tools account Google has around 26,000 pages for us in their index. I have run through half a dozen sitemap generators and they all only discover the 15,000 pages that we know about.  I have also thoroughly gone through the site to attempt to find any sections where we might be inadvertently generating duplicate pages without success. It has been over six months since we did any structural changes (at which point we did 301's to the new locations) and so I'd like to think that the majority of these old pages have been removed from the Google Index.  Additionally, the number of pages in the index doesn't appear to be going down by any discernable factor week on week. I'm certain it's nothing to worry about however for my own peace of mind I'd like to just confirm that the additional 11,000 pages are just old results that will eventually disappear from the index and that we're not generating any duplicate content. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a way to download a list of the 26,000 pages that Google has indexed so that I can compare it against our sitemap.  Obviously I know about however this only returned the first 1,000 results which all checkout fine. I was wondering if anybody knew of any methods or tools that we could use to attempt to identify these 11,000 extra pages in the Google index so we can confirm that they're just old pages which haven’t fallen out of the index yet and that they’re not going to be causing us a problem? Thanks guys!

    | ChrisHolgate

  • Two years ago updated url page to include better keywords and used a 301 redirect from the old page to the new. so now points to ... That moved the pages up in ranking, but now have better kw for the url, so is it okay to redirect the /keyword-2nd-geration-html to And what is a good length of time before removing the 1st-generation url? It's been 3 years and there is no chance of using it again. Plus, no sign of it in analytics.

    | AllIsWell

  • Hi, I've been getting a lot of rel=canonical warnings from seomoz. I went into the original pages and pasted in plain text the following code: link rel="canonical" href=""< (the > are reversed). After a few crawls I couldn't see any effect from posting the code. When I went and checked again, it didn't stay in the wysiwyg editor. It disappeared! We are using Drupal 6. Could someone tell me what code I should be pasting? Thanks!

    | OTSEO

  • Hi Mozzers, One of my client is a carpet cleaner and I was wondering if adding a phone number into the title tags would hurt our rankings . I am asking because the client has mentioned it and that we do have some space to add a phone number into the tag. Thanks

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Is there any type of tool that can monitor a large website's outgoing links? I'm dealing with a huge site and was hoping there was something available that could check outgoing links without having to go through each page manually. (I'm looking to remove anything that links to a bad neighborhood). Thanks.

    | cakelady

  • Does Google give weight or importance to scholarly articles such as those found in pubmed? Do you think it matters to Google if you format and word your contents so that they look like research articles?

    | monchconch

  • Hi, I need your help here. I have a website, and few pages are created for country specific. ( I have blocked many country specific pages from Robots.txt file. It is advisable to listed those urls (blocked by robots.txt) on my website sitemap. (html sitemap page) I really appreciate your help. Thanks, Nilay

    | Internet-Marketing-Profs

  • Hi! I just added a website and the crawling result output has only 42 pages but my website has about 75 pages. What am i missing? Thanks!

    | ovieira

  • Hi everyone 🙂 I was hoping someone could point me in a direction on where I could get my website's on-page SEO a review with recommendations.  Title tags, meta description, code, H1s, content and so on... I know you can find most of what I'm asking online, but I would like a professional with a new set of eyes to help out. Thanks in advance for your time in helping!

    | AutoGlassRescue

  • I have clients who have worked with Web Design companies that focus on a particular niche. As most of you may know, these type of web companies use the same content on all of their clients' sites (examples: Dentists, Law Firms, CPA's). I want to propose to this prospect for us to do a site redesign as part of their SEO contract. The site they use right now is managed by the type of web company that I have described above. But the main question is, if they keep using this site with unoriginal content - will it hurt their rank of have no effect? I plan to add plenty of original content to their site.

    | TalkingSheep

  • Hi All... We have a client who wants to really minimize and simply their website.  They want to remove some of the footer info.  Obviously we do not want to remove any contact or address but they would like to remove the footer menu system. I have read various things about it NOT effecting SEO and that it is there for user navigation and usability. Thoughts?  Opinions? zach

    | Group2

  • Some clients of mine have sites that are throwing the "too many links on one page" error and we're not just talking a little more than the status quo 100 links, it's much more. I believe it could be due to the fly-out navigation. My Solution: shorten the Tier 2 categories in the left nav down to 5 and add a "View All" link after the 5th and remove top nav fly-outs.  I'm not sure if these are best practices or the best for usability though?

    | LisaS13

  • When you have a photo gallery with many search filters and loads and loads of pages, is it best to block all the filters and use google's pagination code? Ex: This site has pages for many different queries. While the page titles are unique, the pages are showing duplicated content.

    | cakelady

  • Hello, on my blog i don't nofollow the outgoing links inside roundups like : a friend of mine suggest me to nofollow all out going links in such postings. he added that it will help increase posts PRs and better search rankings. Any thoughts? cheers

    | wickedsunny1

  • Please remove

    | viralsweep

  • Hello,
    i have a little question, it seems most of my posts which are 3 years old or even more, all have almost same type of 2-3 lines of text at post starting and then images roundups etc. 
    which recently stopped getting any traffic from google. Probably becuase of lack in text etc. 
    So if i now edit those old pages, will they be reindexed in google with this new content/data? 
    thanks in advance.

    | wickedsunny1

  • Hi again SEOmoz community. What are your thoughts on mainpage navigation. How it should be handled? Scenario 1. - links to the main sections with a mouse rollover feature where it shows subsections of the main sections Scenario 2. - links to the main sections, but the subsections are hidden and only visible on the click Scenario 3. links to the main sections and subsections allways visible I would like to hear you oppinions on this. What did you find as the best featrue, or did you try to find someting new entirely. What do you think would be the best scenario SEO wise and in the light of keeping links on page in decent numbers 🙂 Imo, Scenario 2 is the option to go with. Tnx in advance for all your replys. Sincerely, sinisa

    | TataSinke

  • Hello, I'm going nuts as I don't understand what's going on with this domain of a client. We have this classical htaccess redirect from to But I'm getting Page Authority for both domains, and the non-www, which shouldn't be crawled, is gettting higher PA .. - PA 34 - PA 36 I attach a file, you see there that google robot is recognizing the 301 redirecht from non-www to www ... But, the site isn't doing good at all in google, it seems the home page has a penalty ... duplicate content due to non-www and www home page? So it would be great if somebody has a hint for me ... my client is losing trust in me Thx! GbDC4.jpg

    | hgw57

  • Hello folks, I'm new to SEOmoz . I was looking at our Crawl Diagnostics and found that some of our blog posts that have been commented on were tagged as duplicate content. For example: I'm unsure how to fix these, so any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!

    | GiftReg

  • I have a client who rents kids' party products that are branded (Batman, Curious George, etc.)  Does it help or hurt to put the superscript "TM" in the Meta Title, or other meta or actual content of their product listings?  I have some guesses, but am curious for other opinions / data!  Thanks very much!

    | measurableROI

  • This is a question regarding the advise this tool offer to increase the ranking of a webpage with focusing with a particularly keyword we choose. I give an example: On-page   Report Card  am checking my keywords and I use. "cleanse london" my surprise is Report card give an "F"  for my target landing page , but the issue is I am already in first place first position. I know SEOmoz know have the algorithm from Google to know how to rank better but my issue is should be a little more accurate!  at least. I don't want to be misunderstood here, I just want more guidance, to rank much better using this tool that I am paying for. Any thoughts?

    | teksyte

  • My client has about 300 products in 20 categories with a lot of overlap. How many clicks from the home page should we keep the products? We're not doing pagination. I'd been told several years ago that all products should be 2 clicks or less from the home page. Is this true today? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hi, My client just sent me an 800 number that he would like to use to replace his number on the website. I know that it is best to keep a local phone number on the website and across all citations for NAP/Local SEO reasons. Is there anywhere that I could still incorporate the 800 number and not have it affect SEO? Thanks, Erin

    | HiddenPeak

  • Just started using SEOmoz and discovered lots of issues with my site.  Need some help.  Obviously the person could access my SEOmoz account and make sense of all that is needed.  Then either go to my website and fix or tell me what to do. Thanks, Scott

    | ecoscott

  • I'm using WordPress for my website. However, whenever I use the post section for news, I get a report back from SEOmoz saying that there's duplicate content. What it does is it posts them in the Category and Archive section. Does anyone know if Google sees this as duplicate content and if so how to stop it? Thanks

    | AAttias

  • Getting ready to launch a completely redesigned site for a fashion designer. Since it is a fashion site, visitors do not need text to describe what the site is about., We are weighing three options: 1) clean design with no text (just images and navigational links), 2) bolting on a couple of sentences of text at the bottom of the page to signal keyword terms to the search engines, 3) following the lead of the top ranking site in the category and adding lots of text to the bottom of the page. Do the SEO benefits justify cluttering up the design by bolting text onto the bottom of the home page, and if so, how many characters of text seem to be the minimum to be effective?

    | RandyP

  • Currently, my Website, according to the Crawl Diagnostics Summary, has 401 'Duplicate Page Title Errors'. But in Google Webmaster Tools, under Óptimization on the Left hand Side Toolbar, if you look up HTML Improvements, there are only 4 'Duplicate Title Tags'. I have two questions re this: A) Do 'Duplicate Page Title Errors' and 'Duplicate  Title Tags' have the same meaning' ? , and B) why are there 401 errors located by the former, and just 4  by the latter?

    | ABCPS

  • Hi All, I'm dealing with a company that has a two word name like "GreatCompany". They rank #1 for that but not for "Great Company". The phrase is not super competitive, but obviously they are not writing the company name with two words anywhere on their site. Has anyone had to deal with something like this? Thinking about creative solutions but I'm fairly sure we're going to need to use the name both ways to have an effect here (or use PPC to augment) but I don't really love the idea of doing that... will feel very odd and inconsistent for visitors. Thanks!

    | ketanmv

  • We are using templates that load the same header for every page. I'd like to just include a different title tag in the "body" template of each page. If I was to do this, does it affect SEO at all?

    | moziodavid

  • Hello, I've heard that there is a specific strategy for the best linkjuice distribution for categorizing an ecommerce site. How many links should there be on the home pages? Categories 1 deep? 2 deep? This client's customers don't like to go very deep, and they usually don't find our second page Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I have a great blog post about one of my products, which means there's some copy in the blog that I would like in the product page. It would constitute perhaps 5% of the copy on the product page if I copied it.

    | Brocberry

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