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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • We finally managed to obtain a spot in the first 10 positions of the serps for our main keyword. Since a week, our homepage started ranking in the top 15 as well, so we we're pretty excited about that. On our way to dominate the top 10! Since 2 days we started to rank with our homepage before our optimized page, which sucks because the metadescription (made up by Google) isn't helping our CTR. Is there a way that we can show Google that the other page is more relevant than the homepage? Or do we have to wait until we have build up enough PA to switch places with the homepage (seems unlikely to me).

    | duoweb

  • How Can I Get Yahoo to Index My Site? I have installed Bing webmaster tool two months ago  -- is Yahoo that slow. My site has been out since May 2010 and for a year and a half,  I only have 40 pages index. HELP!!!!

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • Hello, I am an NLP health coach. I am starting to work with both life threatening illnesses and minor diagnoses. NLP is a type of personal development. I'm wondering what your opinion of the best domain would be, keeping in mind branding, SEO, and usability/rememberability. The term "NLP" is not well known. I will be doing both phone coaching and in-person coaching. My other website ( is not very strong because of the lack of keywords in the domain, but it's easy to remember. Options are: (I'm in Boise Idaho) or whatever you suggest.

    | BobGW

  • If we decide to use custom web fonts - using CSS + linked .ttf files - will there be any sort of issue in terms of being looked down upon by SE's? I realize there would be a slight increase in download time - but other than that has anyone experienced any negative effects?

    | Zkwarta

  • Hi, Got a message from the On-Page Optimizer to update the ALT Attribute in an image. Does that mean just rename the image and re-upload it on to the site? Thanks!

    | OTSEO

  • My company recently created a WordPress hosted blog.  It is hosted completely separate from our company site.  The primary domain for the blog is, but we immediately created a folder within our company website for that has a reverse proxy to the blog itself. I'm curious though if we should consider taking the content from the blog posts and re-creating that within our company website as well?  The blog posts are very good SEO rich content, and we always struggle to find new content to put on our company website as it is already. Would like to get some folks thoughts on this. Thanks!

    | KHCreative

  • 1.) I need a suggestion from you, please help. How should be the Directory/URL structure if I am offering servicves in many cities of UK/US. /<service>/
    /<service>/<state>/<city>/ OR /<service>/
    /<state>/<city>/<service>/ Thanks for your time.</service></city></state></service></state></service></city></state></service></state></service></service> What exactly mean by 'URL enforce writer' to rewrite the URL.

    | younus

  • My site has been dropping in the rankings, not sure - my metrics seem better than my competitors. Historically I have been a very stable #2 for my main term, but now it's down to 7! According to SEO Moz, my domain authority is 32, while my better performing competitors are are 26, 11, and 1! Have more links than they do. Trying to think it through, not sure what is happening. My home page bounces at a low 20%-ish, other Google Analytics are good. I have a company Facebook account, occasionally upload YouTube vids, do online press releases, etc. I do have to target several metros scattered across the state, while my competitors usually focus on one major metro. I do have some SEO Moz errors, which focus on dup content due to our web editor's naming system. An example would be vs. domain/differnet keyword-different better keyword-i-14. 14 would be the actual page number. Our system lets me change the page title keywords, as I've added new links and pages over the years there are some dupes. The only major change is I've added a password protected section for sales rep materials. The hosting/web guru firm we use has assured me Google doesn't see pages behind the password portection. Not sure if Google is testing a new SERP formula. All social media or non-website results seem to have dropped out of search for my terms. Just local business sites like mine and some directory sites remain. Any advice or private consult would be greatly appreciated as I am a ... self taught 'OneManBand' for high tech marketing in our company. Thanks

    | OneManBand

  • I'm trying to decide how to deal with left navigation links on my e-commerce website diluting the amount of link juice passed to other links on the page. Any suggestions? Only options I can think of are: Nofollow the links use javascript (I'm assuming googlebots are still able to find these) Leave them as they are as followed links

    | Ralzaider

  • Hi, I have been using Joomla 1.5 until recently and the link structure would be something like - Now with Joomla 1.7 , ".html " automatically stripped and the URL become "" My site is due upgrade but ".html" part is a concern. Once I upgrade , Can I re-direct all ".hmtl" url like to non ".html" url like "" Will this ensure all the link juice is passed ? I have more than 350 URL in my site ... Please guide ... Cheers Krishna PS = the link will not work since the site is yet to be upgraded

    | iamnew

  • I am working on a site at the minute that has links like this: Jobs in London URL looks like: However, my developers insist that they need to use tracking codes, so everytime someone clicks on the above link, they are redirected (301) to a new URL that looks like: search id) This is killing me when I am trying to get internal pages, like /jobs-in-london/ ranked. What to do?

    | MirandaP

  • I'm confused about the best way for seo to set up the site structure . i understand the examples of the pyramid diagrams and how link juice flows, however does this mean that global navigation is not good?  It appears the pyramid structure leads to the designated number of category pages (we'll use five) and they lead to the 5 content pages etc and some "superman pages" can be linked to from the home page but is this is global navigation or anchor text navigation and is gloval navigation acdeptable for content pages?  Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    | JulB

  • Hi Mozzerz, If you have done successful on-page SEO optimization in the past, this may be easy for you to analyze quickly. (especially if you have some tools to help you compare things like keywords vs code weight etc) Does the homepage of constitute a well done on-page SEO? Could you please critique the homepage's SEO value and say why it is very good or why it is OK, or why it is bad.

    | limens

  • I have a wordpress blog that I've made a ton of changes to.  I have about a dozen pages on it that have old information or I no longer have a use for.  In retrospect, I probably should have used the old pages for new content instead of building new pages.  Should I just leave them on the site with no links to them, should I mark them as noindex, or should I delete them?  I think some of the old pages could be completing with my new pages for ranking due to similar content. Website is: if you'd like to check out my site. Thanks, Melissa

    | mrsmelmitch

  • We exist in a niche market with a good % of products that sell well at specific times of the year. Lets say for example a red cup can be sold as a christmas red cup and a valentine red cup or just a red cup. Would we be best to optimize each specific product specifically for those seasons/events on different pages or keep google pointed to just one page using a canonical link.

    | LadyApollo

  • Bit of a complicated one for anyone who likes a challenge.. We sell a range of products which are very seasonal, so therefore have a seasonal section within the store with the products categorized into their relevant categories. In additon to this i wanted to also create a feature of each season so in effect pull forward on to a new tab the relevant season ie: Valentine so that customers didn't have to hunt for the products by going via seasonal shop etc The problem is that my site urls display last-category/product-title so in effect as the seasons change these urls will be deleted. They do remain elsewhere in our catalogue.. Does this make sense?

    | LadyApollo

  • I'm going to create some new content for my site, I'm trying to decide on the best search engine friendly format. Namely, is it ok to use a subdirectory or should I keep all content on root level? Is the SEO effect of either of these URLs superior to the other? vs

    | limens

  • hello again! 1st i want to thank robert, istvan and everyone else for the great answers to my last question. i guess i should have been a bit more specific with the questionas i am still a bit unclear about a couple of things. i forgot to mention that we actually moved the site several months back and redirected all the "category" pages, but, i wasnt aware that the "product" pages were never redirecte! so my next questions are: at this point is it even worth redirecting those old product pages? if so, should we use the IP address as shown below or the domain as shown below ...i am guessing at the IP address. also, our old site was never deleted from the server. our ranking / sales dropped off by about 50% when the new site went live so im guessing this can be directly contributed to the products not being redirected / duplicate content from the 2 sites? im also guessing i need to find a new developer ..can i get a vote on that? 😉 <colgroup><col width="856"></colgroup>
    | |

    | k9byron

  • We are looking to use a 3rd party customer review provider and I have been told by their rep that it has a feature which allows us to display reviews placed with them about us on our website via JSON feed  or XML feed (I have limited technical knowledge so have no idea what this is but am hoping our developer does!) I wanted to ask whether providing data in either format has any SEO benefits? My initial thoughts to provide customer reviews was to be useful to the customer and be useful for search engines as it will be continually updating user generated content (?) Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    | jannkuzel

  • Hi everyone, First post. Tried a few awkward searches on the topic but I must be using bad keywords. I'm re-designing a site that has multiple products and matching multiple audiences. This means we have multiple sillos for multiple groups of keywords with the supporting pages for each silo landing page. Currently I'm working on updating the look and text of those landing pages for each silo to increase conversion. This leaves me with the root web page. We get quite a lot of search traffic from people searching our brand name - so this results in clicks straight through to our root domain. There are no product specific landing pages because it could be any one of the 3-5 different personas we have hitting the site from that source. Does anyone have any good examples of where a site has had multiple products and needed to segregate their audience on a root top page? I'd like to see some examples and hear peoples thoughts. At the moment I'm thinking I need to fill that page up with trust factors as to why people should use us as a company, along with navigational elements in relation to each and every product so they can click through to the proper landing page. The main way I can see on executing that is to have a rotating banner with the same tag line "this is what we do" but be alternating between banners relating to each product.. with their own click through button to go to the respective landing page. Thoughts anyone?  Example of sites doing this well?

    | specific

  • Hi, we have an online store: There's been a debate regarding which area is recognised to be the most important place/hotspot for SEO: Free delivery van area (top left panel) OR Top menu navigation Given that if you look at the page html source code, the top navigation loads last and the free delivery fan area is the first one to be read in the html source code. We did this because we want the body page content (h1 & text content) to be read first by search engine robot & also the body can load faster for the user. Is this the right thing to do or we better off load the top navigation first? Thanks

    | Essentia

  • Hi, in my campaign crawls diagnostic, I have a lot of Duplicate page content, but  we use canonicalization and I used webmastertool to make sure the campaign parameters are not consider by the Google bot. Can you see what could be my problem, or do you have a tip for me or things to look at ? Thank You VB

    | Vale7

  • Lets suppose that i have 10 NICHE products under me. Should i make one site for each product or one site overall. If i make 1 site for each product i get several advantages Domain name has keyword Title tags etc will be dedicated to one keyword only. Disavantage - Backlinking for each domain will become tougher. Advantage of one site onl Good management Seo / backlinks becomes easier Blogging to attract traffic becomes easier Can target a lot of keywords through business blogging Disadvantages Can become messy with unimportant keywords gaining importance. SO WHAT DO YOU THINK??? One site per product or One site for all products?

    | hith234

  • We have a client whose website is There are frames in the site and will they hurm seo efforts. Also, what metrics are missing so that we can give advice to the client.

    | seoug_2005

  • I've reviewed other answers on this forum and searched the web. Still looking for a good answer that's actually specific and can explain why. I've looked at themes, which I love but doesn't appear to have much optimization out of the box, PS - not looking for answers that involve the use of SEO plugins, but if there's a theme you know of that takes minimal editing to improve optimization I'd be interested as well. Thanks in advance, hope this can help someone else as well

    | Aqua

  • We are interested in showing customer reviews on our website (in UK for seo purposes- UGC) and are initially reluctant to use a 'What customer say' or Testimonial page as we think customers may think we have just made these reviews up? I wanted to ask what methods you folks use to capture reviews? If you use 3rd party providers do you have any recommendations? (I found this link but it seems a little outdated as it doesn't include for example eKomi: Thanks in advance.

    | jannkuzel

  • Hello, We are having 4 domains,,, with same content and same inner pages (, etc.) targeting on different geographical areas. How can we avoid duplicate content issue in the home page as well as in the inner pages. is the major site. Thank you.

    | semvibe

  • hello everyone, we moved our site to a new platform that has url rewrite feature. we are building out a spreadsheet of the old aspx urls and the corresponding page on the new site. my dev tells me that its not important to redirect the old page to the new "clean url" page which sounds a bit odd to me ..example below. okay. so he says its the same difference to 301 redirect this url: to this urls: instead of this clean url: can anyone give me any feedback on this? thanks!

    | k9byron

  • Is putting content in a div so it doesn't muck up the look of the home page create a problem in doing well organically? Example - We have lots of clients that want no text on the home page and we are trying to figure out how to do this while still ranking well organically. What are your thoughts? Can we get in trouble? Are there negative impacts with SEO doing it like this? Thank you!

    | RezStream8

  • For the On-Site Optimization Grade I get different results for keywords For example Street and St and street and st All grade differently How should one optimize their site for common interchangeable words?

    | Bucky

  • At nlpca(dot)com, we've had a drop in rank of like 13 slots for our main term "NLP". Could this be caused by?: Adding keywords to title and meta tags that are not completely relevant to page. For example, "degree programs" on this page The word "degree" and "programs" do not show up on that page, but "program" does. Our courses are 'certification programs' but maybe 'degree programs' is not close enough. Adding keywords to title that do not show up in page. The same keyword "degree programs" is a good example. Another example is the keyword "learn about NLP" on this page: Targeting 2 different locations (California and Utah) Having our title 2 characters too big on the home page (we used to) And lastly, Do you think our ranking drop is reversible if it's on-site SEO? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hello, I was curious about where to get related products from.  Currently I just grab some random products from the same category. Would there be any benefit to always linking to the same related products on a product page? Thanks

    | nux

  • Good Morning, I'm hoping someone out there can try and help me figure out what has caused my site to drop from #6 to #10 to #14 and now #19 for my main keyword.. ( My Site is : ) I am convinced that my site has the best/most unique content in this niche.  Every other site uses the same manufacturer descriptions and info and i have added text to certain pages to try and give them more unique content. I believe that my site is very easy to use and navigate, and should be considered a great user experience... Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.... Thanks

    | Prime85

  • (By Google Traductor) Hello, I wanted to ask about some changes that we are evaluating for the issue of passing the url with variables to be more descriptive, for example: to In this case corresponds to the breakdown of a product if you have long published andcan be well positioned to change the title of this position would be lost unless youmanage it with a 301, as one would manage when you have more than 30000 products and title may change several times? There are tools to manage this? Finally, we must apply this to all listed with their respective filters, recommends doingtheir part with 301 redirects and analyze what funciene well to continue with the rest or implement a complete change? I hope I can bring a little light to implement this. Greetings and thanks! Roberto

    | romaro

  • I work at a marketing firm, and was trying to convince my boss that we need to start writing meta descriptions for all pages on the sites we develop for clients. He asked why this would be necessary since Google automatically pulls a snippet of content, containing the keyword(s) that had been searched, from any page listed in its SERPs. I didn't have an answer for this, and it got me wondering: When does Google actually display the meta descriptions that people write instead of scraped content? And is it really that necessary to write meta descriptions?

    | matt-14567

  • Hi there, I'm running a new e-commerce site ( and have a question about our product review pages. On our current campaign, we have a lot of duplicate page content errors. When we export the data, it's almost all blank product review pages (since we are new, we don't have that many product reviews yet). Our product reviews aren't run through javascript, so we originally did not add them to a robots.txt file - however, I'm now wondering if it's worse to have all of these duplicate blank pages, or is it not affecting our SEO at all? Should we just wait until these products have reviews which will benefit our SEO and then they won't be considered "duplicate pages" - right? Sorry if this has been answered before - new here at SEO Moz and just looking for some help. Thanks!

    | BoatOutfitters

  • Hi, I'm working with a very niche website where only one product is sold. This means there is a small keyword set (just variations of same keyword) that we are optimising for. Currently the homepage ranks in position 2 for target term - "sample". But there is also a required deeper page which has lots and lots of internal links targeted to "sample" pointing to it. This page ranks position 8. Effectively this is optimising the deeper page for the same keyword as for the home page through internal anchir text. This deeper page must exist as it has much more detailed information about the product. We want the homepage to rank highest and I'm trying to figure out if we are confusing Google and splitting authority between 2 pages. Best result for us would be to have homepage in position 1 and the deeper page can disappear (total visits would increase). So the question is, is there a solution to do this? My initial thought was use canonical tag on the page specifiying Can we do this? Its not duplicate content. Other option I considered is to nofollow links to the deeper page. Again not sure if this will have positive or negative impact. My fear is by removing 40 odd internal links with "sample" anchor text will reduce relevancy of the domain as a whole for the "sample" keyword. Any help much appreciated! Thanks

    | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • We currently a variety of brand landing pages on our e-commerce site. What’s slightly unusual here is these brand landing pages all belong to a Men’s or Women’s category. Typically, e-commerce sites have one level up in the hierarchy where you can go to a general index brand landing page from which you can then select Men’s or Women’s products for that brand. For example, here’s what we have currently: We do NOT have a layer-above page like this:  that would allow you to see the full consolidated selection of Brand X items with nav links for Men’s and Women’s to drill down further. We think this divided approach might be hurting our rankings for brand-oriented keywords, many for which we have inventory in both the men’s and women’s markets. If a user were to search for something that isn’t gender-specific like “brand X apparel”, the search engines would need to decide which page, men’s vs women’s, is more relevant.  So we are wondering if our SEO concerns are valid before investing in creating all the new pages and maintaining all three.


  • The suggestion is that my keyword food truck be in the URL of But what if my URL which is the domain name of the site does not contain the keyword? I cannot change the domain name, can or should I? Thanks

    | richwebstudio

  • My report has listed a few links with 404 errors.  They are internal links but are not found.  Is there a way to remove that link so it is not found again? Thanks

    | SavingSense

  • Hi guys, I'm new here, so this might be a basic question to the experts here! So here is my situation: I have 1 "umbrella" website (root domain name) that contains 4 different websites, for a total of 5 different websites. They are related, but we needed to brand each website differently to fit each strategy. Q: I have 23 domain names.. this means I have 23 sub-domain names?
    Q: Is this practice good or bad for my SEO?
    Q: should I analyze each domain name/SD? Here are my 5 websites
    SD4: Thank you for your help!!

    | Jacky_C

  • My site bestdslrreview dot net was ranking number one for Canon T3i. I was amazed considering my competition. 🙂 Canon T3i was at number 3 to 5 usually for US traffic.. Canon 7d review was ranking number 2 and Canon 7D was on page one. Canon 7D keywords dropped about 10 places but Canon T3i Review dropped about 50. and same for Canon T3i. I worry about a number of things, including thin affiliate site but I don't know, my articles are original. I also worry about to many links with my keywords in anchor text. My on page results from SEOMOZ look great to me. This drop was my main reasons for going ahead and signing up. Hoping I could find out what happened. The site is only about six months old. I waited probably three months before doing any significant link building. The good thing is, I was ranking high from Black Thursday until a few days before Christmas.  It can't be someone else just started doing SEO as I fell far too fall. Some kind of penalty.  I had Google do this to another of my sites once though and after a couple of months it bounced back for most of my keywords. A site very much like this one. Is this just the Google Dance? Thanks

    | RustyF

  • It's as simple as the title. We're a well established ecommerce company about to move away from the actinic platform on to a new magento site. Of late our long held rankings have slipped and we are looking for guidance in making up the lost ground and getting the most SEO wise from magento. Thanks is advance.

    | LadyApollo

  • Hi all, I have a question. I have been working SEO on our site for the last 4-6 weeks and I have been looking forward to seeing the new DA and PA numbers. However today, our DA is now 30...where it was 31 or 33 a couple of days ago. How come the decrease? I have only improved the site i should say... Hope someone can shed a little light on the issue... -Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • I'm trying to rethink my company's content production process. I believe that we're stuck using a formula that works but can surely be improved. Our Current Process It essentially boils down to posting a certain number of content pieces per month for each client. After the pages are approved and live, there isn't much thought given to them. What We're Thinking After taking a step back, we realize now that a lot of these clients have sites with a tremendous amount of content that is rarely, if ever, revisited. In hopes of creating higher quality content and avoiding having to write that certain number of pieces per month, we're investigating alternative strategies to ensure each client has fresh content. What We're Looking Into Page Edits/Refreshes - I'm beginning to wonder if we can get similar gains by simply refreshing the content that already exists. We can include additional keywords and improve the content in a fraction of the time that it takes to produce a new piece. We're struggling to come up with a process for refreshing the content, however. Ideally we'd be implementing a process where content is revisited 6-12 months, but that still doesn't take care of the problem of creating too much new content. Simplified Version I believe that my company is creating too much content. Editing/refreshing seems like a better use of resources, but I have no idea how to implement a process and develop procedures. Questions What does your content production process look like? Do you produce a certain number a month, a quarter, as needed, etc? How do you go about refreshing your content?

    | SeoWebMechanix

  • So we're in the process of going back and forth with our designer about optimizing our search results, which also doubles as a landing page for visitors searching with keywords like "Meeting Rooms Seattle" and "Seattle Meeting Spaces" We're on the front page in the SERPs, but still have a way to go. This is our current page: And this is something we've proposed for our designer to work with: There search page text and links in the top left corner were to be placed for onsite SEO purposes ie we have no real text/content on the page for relevancy. We're currently in the process of writing the copy for each city on the search pages. Our designer made this argument: After giving it some thought I came to the conclusion that we may want to take a step back, and focus on the overall goal of this exercise. From what I have gathered, you would like to generate more click-throus and improve SEO, right? In my opinion, adding all of the provided copy and the link farm to the search results page would not necessarily help that. In fact, I think it would actually push the actual results way down. The content you provided me is more suited for a landing page, not a search results page (that is taking into consideration that you want similar content for other locations). Redfin has done a ton of great SEO work on their site. Using them as an example, if you go to, you will find tiny links in the footer that say "home for sale in seattle" etc. If you click on those, it puts you on a page like this: and then from there you can click to a neighborhood page like this: I would recommend that we create a set of location pages with the content the client is asking for, that are specifically optimized for SEO, and provide links in the footer of the site to get to those pages. Then the links on the new landing pages would land the user on the search results page. By keeping two different pages for two different purposes separate would help keep content more organized and help user find specific info they are looking for. As a quick fix we could put one line of text under the H1 text on search results as well, maybe with a strong tag. By doing that we will be able to keep the page looking clean and easy to navigate through. Anyways, that's just my two cents. Any ideas/input on this?

    | eVenuesSEO

  • I sell B2B industrial products.  I have 300 products on the site. Some products are seldom purchased and the brand name is not significant for these products If the title page is the right wording and length, and there is a valid product widget -1-1-1 but nobody  has bought one in 5 years due to it being a niche product, but they could and it's a profitable sale. Question:  Is** overall site rankin**g **being hurt **by valid content ( Description, Part # and Price and it can be checked out in the cart), but is is never/seldom searched for.?

    | Wales

  • Many URLs of my site are long due to long navigation paths.  Here is an example:  My question is, if I shorten the urls (which I probably should do), does it matter that they no longer follow the navigation path?

    | rdreich49

  • In my first seomoz test I have many tilte pages for products that are over 70 charachers long. The part #'s are long like 10-782-10-10-10-PPxxxx etc. All these part #'s are not my key products and I could delete or truncate.   My question is if the part numbers are not that important,  is it OK to leave them as is or is ranking being damaged because they exist?

    | Wales

  • Hi everyone, I've heard many times that keyword prominence in url have a good impact for on-page optimization, even in SEOmoz it is one of the on-page factors.  But what if i put keyword in URL then some of the page weight will be targeted to the page in the URL. Which in my vision makes only a negative impact. For ex. Targeted page <a>with keyword "buy car in NY" has a link with anchor text "buy car in NY" pointing on page **, so some weight from A will be transferred to B. Also I think this subject  cover a cross linking, so I would like to know, what is the right way of doing cross linking and does it still brings any impact on keyword rankings in SERP.**</a> <a>**Good answer will be appreciated. Cheers, Russel**</a>

    | smokin_ace

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