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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Either something is seriously wrong with my website or seomoz is not analyzing my site correctly. When I view the source code for my site ( I clearly see elements such as page title, h1 tags etc. However, on the onpage reports seomoz says these elements are missing. I am not seeing any meaningful data in the reports because it isn't analyzing correctly. Please help!

    | mortickles

  • I have a page on a client's site for testimonials (a dental practice).  The page is actually a post on a Wordpress install where customers can enter their testimonials as WP comments. In an effort to encourage more clients to give more testimonials I was considering setting up an iPad or other tablet at the receptionist's desk where patients would be able to enter their successes as comments on the page. If I made sure the patients all used unique names and emails in the Wordpress comments, would Google still see all the comments are from the same IP and view this as suspicious?

    | jargomang

  • It's my understanding that adding a nofollow tag to pages that aren't of significance to users can help with page shaping and directing google to the most important links on my home page. I have 4 links on my home page that I'm considering adding a nofollow tag to: Privacy Policy, Legal Policy, Anti-Trust Policy, and Help-Desk Because these links are in the footer on every page I think they're probably sucking up some useful link juice.  It's doubtful that anyone would actually search for our privacy policy or legal policy to find our site.  I'd rather the juice to spread to other pages of use. What do you guys recommend?

    | inhouseninja

  • If you take a look at this SERP for "boys costumes" you can see that Amazon, HalloweenExpress and Target all have attributes listed such as "Products 1-25 of 500" or Kids Legolas _Costume. _ These are getting blended with their meta descriptions.  How are they doing this?  Anyone see any lifts in ranking or CTR by doing this? Thank you!

    | Troyville

  • Hi, I'm optimizing a large, consumer electronic e-commerce superstore. Based on client's choice of keywords, I'm using product category pages as my target urls. Because of the proprietary CMS structure, product names and titles, featured on my landing pages (product category pages) create a keyword overkill, affecting various ranking factors. For example, one of the target urls / landing pages, dedicated to a specific product category, mentions the keyword over 190 times because of so many product titles in the "body" section. Would inline "rel="canonical" help? If yes, what part of the website should it "canonize"? If rel="canonical" is not the answer, what strategies would you suggest? Thanks!

    | dimanyc

  • Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I'm currently optimizing a website and have a few structural questions: How should one view targeting keywords with respect to the home page of any given site? EG -> If the home page has the preferred keywords at the beginning of title and the page follows most if not all the recommendations from SEOMOZ tools, why are sub pages outranking my root domain for the set of keywords I'm after? When sub pages use my homepage keyword as the 2nd keyword in its respective title, does that give the overall homepage more power for the keyword it's after? EG.  Homepage Title "ABC DEF - DEF ABC - XYZ | Company name I'm targeting "ABC DEF" for the home page Subpage title -> "DEF ABC - ABC DEF - XYZ | Company Name. The sub page keyword  is "DEF ABC"

    | FPK

  • Should I have the same H1 tag in my header through out my entire site? Or is this considered to be  self canalization for my main keywords. For example right now I have an H1 tag with my main targeted keywords on every page on my site, even if the pages content doesn't necessarily match the keywords in the H1 tag.

    | TRICORSystems

  • This a summary of my understanding of anchor text and hash tags, along with a question. I'm looking for confirmation of my assumptions and an answer to the question. Here we go: Given these two links on a page in order, Google will use the anchor text "first" a) First b) a) Second Given these two links on a page in order, Google will use the anchor text "Second" a) First b) Second Given these three links on a page in order, Google will use the anchor text "Second" and "Third" a) First b) Second c) Third Is this consistent with your understanding of using hash tags to get around the first link rule? Here's my question: If I have the following 4 links on a page, does 50% of the link juice go to Page A and 50% to Page B; OR 25% to Page A and 75% to page B; OR something else? Thanks in advance.

    | dvansant

  • We are changing ecommerce platforms. Is it best to use magentos own url re-writes to redirect every page of a site from its old url to it new one?

    | LadyApollo

  • If you sell a range of products say 3 at the most, all on their own pages, is it ok to link to the other products within the range from each page? I have tried this and it eventually leads back to the same page is this a good, bad or doesn't really matter thing? Also is the anchor text still important?

    | LadyApollo

  • I have setup a campaign and have a number of pages which are ranked as F, but that is because they are comparing against the homepage and not the internal page I have setup.  Is it possible to update the page which the campaign monitor is checking against. Or is it driven by the highest ranking page for that keyword. Thanks Andy

    | iprosoftware

  • So we have already built a site under a parent company's URL: And now we have their branded product lines in directories:, and We also own the actual URL Brand Name 1 (which is also the exact description of the product): We do not yet own the URL for Brand Name 2 (which is also the exact description of the product): This is because a squatter is sitting on it and is asking $10,000+ for it. What we are trying to determine is how valuable these brand name URLs are since they will be redirecting and not the actual site's primary domain name. Anybody know how much of an effect owning those and redirecting has on ranking for those brand names that are also very descriptive of the products? Would we be smarter to spend $10,000 on adwords or 10,000 on the domain? Thanks!

    | grayloon

  • what Drupal 7 module for SEO article writing optimization, analyzation  does anyone recommend? Thanks in advance. We are updating our sites and need this information. If hter is not a Drupal module what else would you recommend?

    | alternativelaw

  • I blog for hotels and I am wondering whether it is best to have on a wordpress tagline the name of the hotel such as Holiday Inn and Suites vs Holiday Inn & Suites. In Google AdWords, the "and" keyword always beats out the "&" word in exact search. The "&" just always looks cleaner. Also, when I refer to the hotel within a blog post, should I use the "and" or "&" in the name? Please help me understand which is best for seo. Thank you!

    | lwilkins

  • Has anyone else had experience with different CMS's for Ecommerce . Ones that create static pages and others that dynamically create pages. What differences have you seen with rankings on google with the two. Here are two examples of sites using static framed pages and one with a system that dynamically creates pages - - static frames and - dynamically

    | onlinemediadirect

  • When using the 'on-page optimizer' tool, I continue to get the same recommendation on every page to only use 1 canonical tag on the page. I'm not sure why there are 2 tags on each page in the first place so I don't know how to remove the one that's not needed.  Our site is on a WP blog and a sample page to view the source code would be: Does anyone know why this is happening, how to fix it and/or if I should even be concerned with it? Thanks!

    | shilohstreet

  • Hi, If I wanted to rank for 'cheap football boots' and 'football boots' which tag would be the best option: 1. Cheap Football Boots (notice both keywords im targeting are included) 2. Cheap Football Boots, Football Boots (both keywords separate) and the keywords sit on an EMD ( Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • Hi All, New to SEOMoz, so thanks in advance for any answers! Looking at our Crawl Diagnostics and "Too Many On-Page Links" is first on the list. The site was build with the intention of users being able to quickly get to where they want to go with drop down menus (sub nav), so we built the navigation using bullet points/css. Yes, agreed there are too many links on each page from our navigation, main nav cats are 4 with sub nav about 40, but what is the best way to resolve the problem other then removing most of the links (from the sub nav drop down)? Could we just use the attribute rel=nofollow for the sub nav links? TIA

    | bmmedia

  • Hello, In the keywords difficulty tool, one of my client's sites has a different number for links to root domain and links to page even though they're both the home page. How do I tell if I have a cononical URL problem, and what do I do about it if I do? Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Hi there, We are migrating to a new website, which we are writing lots of new content for the new website. The new website is hosted on a development site which is password protected and so on so that it cannot be indexed. What i would like to know is, how do i check for duplicate content issues out there on the world wide web with the dev site being password protected? Hope this makes sense. Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • I've been tweaking a Wordpress little by little over the last 3 to 4 weeks but I'm making no progress in the rankings for my keywords. All keywords are still reporting >50 in the SEOMOZ Campaign. Here's the clients pet keyword: "Sailing in Scotland" The site is indexed and shows IF I search for the company name "Caprice Yacht Charter" What am I missing? Thanks in advance Steve

    | stevecounsell

  • Alright, so I would consider myself a beginner at SEO. I've been doing merchandising and marketing for Ecommerce  sites for about a year and a half now and am just now starting to attempt to apply some intermediate SEO techniques to the sites I work on so bear with me. We are currently redoing the homepage of our site and I am evaluating what links to have on it. I don't want to lose precious link juice to pages that don't need it, but there are certain pages that we need to have on the homepage that people just won't search for. My question is would it be a good move to add the meta robots 'noindex'  tag to these pages? Is my understanding correct that if the only link on the page is back to the homepage it will pass back the linkjuice? Also, how many homepage links are too many? We have a fairly large ecommerce site with a lot of categories we'd like to feature, but don't want to overdo the homepage. I appreciate any help!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • In my report of my website it was indicated that I had 19 links/locations blocked by meta-robots.  What does this mean and how do I fix it.  My website is a Wordpress website.

    | cyaindc

  • My report indicated that I have 340 crawl warnings.  Not sure how to fix them.  Please provide links on where I need to go to fix them.

    | cyaindc

  • My report also notes that I have 176 Rel Canonical.  What does this mean and how do I fix it.  Thanks

    | cyaindc

  • Hi all, I have a customer that wants to create a mobile version of his website, he wants to create a subdomain to redirect visitors to the mobile version and this mobile version will be a separate folder hosted on the same hosting. I'm seeing really good things from frameworks like JqueryMobile but I thinks they are not really SEO friendly since they load pages with Ajax. So, the question is: its ok to use this kind of frameworks or should I create all the html and css by myself? I'm really looking forward to use the frameworks, since its faster and less time consuming than creating the whole site with html. But I don't want to waste time if it will not be SEO friendly. Thanks in advance

    | Pablotavano

  • We have a client who wants to secure an exact match domain for their new website, but it's very long. They're wondering about securing an additional domain that is much shorter for marketing purposes (business cards, email addresses, etc). We would then 301 redirect the short domain to the main domain. Are we going to see negative SEO implications from that?

    | MackenzieFogelson

  • Hi, I have 270x blue notices within crawl diagnostics in SEOMoz Pro labelled rel=canonical. My site has the rel=canonical tag set-up as I was advised to do so. See Are these notices suggesting I have to remove the tag? Can somebody please explain this notice to me .. Thanks Olly

    | ojkingston

  • Suppose you want a page in your website to rank for a two word phrase like "red wagon".  So you create a page and optimize it for "red wagon".  Suppose the domain name is taken, but the domain name is available.  Is it possible to take advantage of the available domain name to improve the rank of

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • I work for an eCommerce site and many of the vendors we get our products from have videos our their site that explain how the products work and the different features of them, ect. We really have done nothing with video marketing, and would like to create some of our own unique videos, but this will be impossible for the vast majority of the products on our site. We know from a content standpoint embedding videos from our vendors to our product pages will be beneficial, but at the same time it shows our competitors and other site visitors where we are getting our products from which we would rather not do. How will this effect us from an SEO standpoint though? Will it help us to have new content, even though it is embedded from another site? Or will it hurt us because it is not unique? Or will it have no effect at all? Thanks for you help!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • I have heard quality is the most important factor for page rank but after the 7 Nov 11 PR update I am no longer a believer. The PR on my home page dropped from 4 to 3 and the rest of my inside pages remained the same even though I have added a significant amount of content since the previous update and kept it fresh. Any thoughts on this most recent PR update?

    | casper434

  • Our website has 5 main categories displayed in tabs in the header. The main landing page of each of the 5 categories is a paginated page (3pages- set up with canonical tags to avoid duplicate content) with a side bar which splits the main category into many subcategories. Each of these subcategories essentially filter the main landing page into more defined categories customers find useful (price/colour) BUT once clicked enter into a separate landing page. We have worked hard to avoid any duplicate content issues between these sub-landing pages and the main landing page. This was done as we wanted each of the subpages to organically rank (thus we went with this method rather than filters). Hope we didn't do the wrong thing there? The question is should these sub-landing pages route straight from home to have the best chance to get individually ranked or routed through the main category bearing in mind we have 5 main categories each with many subcategories. i.e.  or Thanks in advance for any advice given.

    | jannkuzel

  • This is my problem: duplicate_title Starts . this is the end. Itry to find the reason inside the css and htnl program but i can't find! please you can help me or give me the direction to how  i can do it?

    | mrMaximo1979

  • My website is relatively new, January. We climbed steadily to 6th for our search term then overnight rocketed to 1st. This only lasted a week and have been stuck at 9th ever since. When I use the SEO Moz tools our site should theoretically be top...I only joined today btw. Anyway in Google webmaster tools I noticed it said I had duplicate title tags, when I checked to see what the pages were- it was my home page! Google also seems to have cached two versions of our homepage, the root domain and the Default.aspx page. Now I have fixed this canonical linking issue today (using canonical link tag and 301s) so time will tell but has anyone got any first hand experience of this issue? Was it a big factor? Thanks!

    | SplashBacksNI

  • Hi, First post so please be gentle! My Crawl Diagnostics Summary is showing an error relating to duplicate page content and duplicate page title for and which are, in my view, the same thing/page? Could anyone shed any light please? Thanks Carl

    | Carl287

  • What techniques do you use for the optimisation of images on Google. Alt tag , image title Surrounding text Anyone tested actual linking to the image url and not the page url. I have achieved hundreds of top listed images but when it gets competitive what is the most useful technique you have used. Thanks

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi Everyone, Should i be careful of how many internal links I have on one page? For example if i have a page that contains 700 words, can i have 5, 10, 15 internal links linking to other pages on my website? Is there a ratio for best practice. I know that internal linking is important for spiders to crawl your website but at the same time dont make it look spammy. I hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help.

    | Paul78

  • Hi, This page isn't listed for keywords 'composite material' It has been live for a few weeks and gets grade A report for onpage optimisation? regards Michael

    | bluelilyseo

  • Hello there, One of the sites we do work for is a chain of care homes. We are in the process of adding a page reader so any visitors they have who are visually impaired will find it easier to access the info they need. We're doing this from a usability point of view more than anything (given their target audience), but while looking to see if there were any accessibility news sites /directories we could leverage for some links I came across mentions of the old Google Accessibility search. It seems to have been before my time as an SEO, so I wondered: is this still relevant, or has it just been assimilated into the regular algorithm (the only mentions I could find were very dated) if relevant and separate from the main search, are there many who use it what other things should we take into account when trying to optimise for this (assuming it's still relevant, of course) Cheers guys!

    | themegroup

  • Quick question - is it a best practice to add a footer link on each page of a website that points back to your home page, with the anchor text being your official brand name?

    | Bandicoot

  • Hey there, Today my site received it's first Google pagerank and noticed something strange. My domain got a PR of 2 whilst most of the other inner pages got PR1, so far so good. But then one particular inner page which is just 2 weeks old and has zero backlinks has PR 3. I'm not one to fixate on PR but this just struck me as weird. What do you guys think?

    | barabis77

  • We have the situation where a group of products fit into 2 different categories and also serve different purposes (to the customer). Essentially, we want to have the same product duplicated on the site, but with unique content and it would even have a slightly different product name. Some specifications would be redundant, but the core content would be different. Any issues?

    | SEOPA

  • Hey Everyone, I've started an SEO On Page analysis for a web site and I've found a lot of duplicate content and useless pages. What do I have to do? Delete this useless page, redirect or do canonical tag? If I have to delete what is the best way to do? Should I use GWT to delete? or just delete from the server? This URL for example:,0,1,13,0,0,aneis-evolved-boss-cock's.html [admin note: NSFW page} There is no content and it is duplicate in reference of this:,0,1,12,0,0,aneis-evolved-boss-cock's.html  [admin note: NSFW page} and the correct page of the product is:,423,anel-peniano-evolved-boss-cock's-pleasure-rings-collar-white-reutilizavel-e-a-prova-d'agua-colecao-evolved.html  [admin note: NSFW page} What is happening is that we have 8.000 pages like this. Useless and without any content. How do I proceed? Thanks!

    | luf0709

  • Hi Mozzers, Currently I am optimizing ONpage after I made a report for which keywords the website already ranks in the serps. I was surprised about the numbers of keywords the website ranks in Google. The website ranks for multiple keywords in 1 landing page. They get a lot of traffic, but has a position #5 or #7/#8, onpage grade is for most of the keywords a C or D and lots of them a F, so it's worth to optimize it. How should I do that when the landing page is and the 5 different keywords are partofcategoryname. Should I put all these keywords in the title and landing page body content as the onpage tool recommend me that? I was thinking about the option I described above OR to create a new landing page for the specific keyword each. However, the already ranked landing page has a PA of 38. When starting to build new landing pages is starting to build from PA 0. Anyway, it's definitely I chance to do onpage, I just don't know what I should do since there are 5 different keywords that already ranks for the landing page with good traffic. I want to let it rise in the serps to increase the traffic of course. Looking forward to recommendations! thanks in advance

    | Falcopa

  • We dropped from a page rank of 4 to 3 because of the Google Freshness update. Are there any insights anyone can give me? Our site is

    | totalvac

  • Good evening, I currently have a blog that uses a popup window after 15 seconds that is used to add visitor to my newsletter. My question is :  Does it have a negative effect in SEO? Thanks in advance Maria Jesus

    | goperformancelabs

  • We are close to launching a new property and are also in the process of writing completely unique product descriptions for every product. This will continue to take a lot of time. We are debating the following two options: A. Launch soon with about 10-15% of descriptions being very unique and the rest being standard (mostly manufacture supplied). Then continue to update product content as we complete new fresh descriptions. B. Wait to launch until everything is unique. This will probably set us back 2 Months. We of course would like to go live sooner than later, but don't want to jeopardize anything as it pertains to rankings. The fear internally with launching now is that product pages get crawled, but don't make our best 1st impression with the engines. The counter argument is that it doesn't matter much, pages will get crawled again, and the fresh new content will be considered. Any inputs on this? Is '1st impression' with Google key, or is there no harm in launching and updating. Everything else is very sound -- architecture, on-site optimization, usability/crawlability etc. It's just the matter of the unique vs. generic product page content. Many thanks!

    | SEOPA

  • Hi there, Need some advice please on URL structure. I have been doing SEO for quite sometime now, however one thing that always get me is URL structure. I have a decision to make, its either: URL 1   /conditions/allergies/food/ URL 2   /conditions/allergies-food/ Lets say i am optimizing for the key-phase "Food Allergies" what do you think is best practice? I know that this is not a major factor in gaining high SERPs & maybe i'm thinking about it too much, however your input would be really helpful. Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • Just trying to get more feedback - so we recently edited title and meta descriptions for existing website SEO and we've noticed in the past several weeks, our client's website has dropped out of the top 50 in a variety of terms we were targeting that they used to show up for (note: when updating SEO, we DID NOT remove any relevant terms we were targeting). When the website does come up in searches, it is the old meta description and title. So far, the feedback we've gotten is that first, it takes Google a few weeks to recrawl and index - however, we are now on week 3 after the changes and still no rebound in rankings. We were also told to check with the SEO Moz page grader to be sure the keywords were being optimized correctly - got As and Bs for the test terms I tried. We also submitted an XML site map to speed up the crawl process as another user suggested. We've tested the site with various tools to make sure there are redirect errors, etc. and everything looks fine. Again, it's now been 3+ weeks and no ranking rebound. Any other suggestions on what could be happening?

    | laidlawseo

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