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Category: Keyword Research

Learn about keyword research best practices and how to improve your keyword strategy.

  • We updated some pages to try to improve our site. We kept the same URLs and changed the page title and meta description to target specific key words. Our page authority has dropped to 1. This is one of the pages What have we done wrong?

    | CostumeD

  • We work for a doctor who has a common name that she spells differently than the way most people spell it. So when you put it in Google Search, Google keeps trying to say "do you mean this spelling instead?" and it corrects it, but the name I'm putting in IS the correct spelling of the name. I'm worried this is going to affect how people will find her when they type in the correct spelling of her name in Google Search. Any solutions of how we can avoid this problem?

    | SEOhughesm

  • I recently started with a company who've benefited from using a competitors brand name to explain why theirs is superior. They're not wrong and neither have they been derogatory, however they have had significant traffic to their website using the competitors branded search terms. I'm concerned Google will penalise us for this (if so can you point me to case studies/similar examples), or am I worrying unnecessarily?

    | LJHopkins

  • Have an online e-commerce store and need to start on keyword research.  There is a round 1000 products, not very many all things considered but a very big job to do manually. Do you know any tools that could speed it up? or Process/method that could help? Thanks

    | seoman10

  • I did some keyword research in order to do some onsite optimization on a travel industry-related website. I found 2 kinds of relevant keywords: 'flight'-related keywords (e.g.: flight chicago dallas) 'airplane ticket'-related keywords (e.g.: airplane ticket chicago dallas) Competition is the same on both but the first ones have more volume. So I'm really tempted to go with the 'flight'-related keywords. However the 'airplane ticket'-related keywords also have an interested volume so how should I do my onsite optimization. So each one of this solution do you think is the best: creating one page targeting the 'flight' and 'airplane tickets'-related keywords knowing isn't a good practice targeting two different keywords ? creating two different pages (one targeting 'flight' and the other one targeting 'airplane tickets') but it isn't very relevant for visitors since both pages are proposing the same offer? also it might have some duplicate content issue. creating one page targeting 'flight' and forget about 'airplane tickets' and missing some opportunities ? creating one page targeting 'flight' and adding some 'airplane tickets' keywords in content and hoping to get some 'airplane tickets' keywords traffic ? Thank you in advance for your feedback and sharing your experience in the same kind of issue.

    | patricksiki

  • I'm in the legal industry, and a lot of the long tail keywords I'm finding are search queries that are pinpointed for my location. As a result, I come up with [subject] + [location] as good keywords... for example: "subpoena duces tecum new york." (basically it's a subpoena, just the fancy name). However, I have no clue how to use something like this in a sentence....if I say "subpoena duces tecum IN new york" does the "in" break up the keyword, or is "in" just a stop word that doesn't affect the keyword? Countless examples of similar keywords "Car accident new york" etc. Thanks!

    | cgs230

  • A key part of my content creation decision is identifying keywords that have been successful for competitors. Ahrefs has a feature that allows me to see the keywords that have resulted in organic traffic for a particular page. So, for example, I can identify CompanyA as a competitor, find their top pages and, for each one, find the keywords that drove the most traffic to each of those pages. The information reported includes the monthly search volumes associated with each keyword, plus the number of visits driven to the page based on that keyword. That is very interesting to me. I am a long time Moz subscriber and want to find a way to do this here. Is there any way to do this with Moz features? I can't justify both a Moz and AHrefs subscription so I have a tough choice to make if Moz doesnt' support this. I'm hoping I am just missing that here. Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • So, on our site, we have a list of related blog posts on a page that focuses on bamboo flooring. These blogs posts have anchor text like "What's the best bamboo flooring?" "How to install bamboo flooring." "Yada yada bamboo flooring yada." Because the main keyword for the page is bamboo flooring, would the presence of these words within anchor text on the page be considered as keywords on the bamboo flooring page, affecting that page and possibly stuffing within that page?

    | Syed1

  • Hello Moz community, Let's suppose you're working on a +600 pages website and you are working on lots of keywords. I'd like to know if you had a database / excel / tool to know which keywords you've been targetting so that you don't create twice the same content ? Thanks for your answers

    | Sindicic_Alexis

  • I am trying to establish my best keywords using the keyword difficulty tool. So if I want to come up with the best keywords, should I use the ones that come in at 50%??

    | mmookie

  • Hi there Hoping someone can shed some light... The same keywords give different Search Volume results in Moz and Google Keyword Planner. Why is this and which one should I "trust"/use? Thank you!

    | Jana_Joubert

  • After doing keyword research and coming up with a list of keywords/phrases that I'd like to optimise a specific page for (an additional page to an existing website), I get confused about WHERE to use which keywords. For example, choosing between two keywords like home insurance and specialist home insurance. Let's say home insurance is more searched than the other, and but is more difficult to rank for,  and specialist home insurance is less searched but easier to rank for. Firstly, which one should I use as my "main keyword" and secondly, what benefit does the other keyword(s) then have on the rest of the page, and were do I use them? I hope this makes sense. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    | Jana_Joubert

  • I'm targeting Roho Cushions and the category page has many products starting with Roho underneath it. I know the keyword "Roho" shows up at least 70 times. I'm not targeting the keyword Roho, but could this negatively effect the rest of my keywords that start with Roho, such as "Roho Wheelchair Cushions"?

    | Mike.Bean

  • Checked my keyword rating: it dropped from .08  to.03 any suggestions on how to improve it Just added more keywords: my competition rating is 2.7

    | jalan

  • I notice in my referral data, and I assumed that it was referral spam at first, but there website says "Start monitoring your keywords now... it's free" I have never heard of them and googling them does not bring up too much.  Anybody heard of them/ used them?

    | PaddyDisplays

  • Hi guys. I work for stationery company.  We make personalised diary products, but recently we've expanded into binding services/ printing services. I've been doing some keyword research around these new services we offer, but i'm struggling to 'separate them out' into focused areas that we can then apply to our landing pages. In the images i've attached you can see how the keywords naturally fall into groups (and were generally in different groups in Ad words) but they also overlap somewhat.  E.g) There's a 'Book binding service' group as well as 'print and binding' group...they're different but overlap.  Another example would be 'Book binding' groups and 'leather book binding' on and so forth. So... do you think there should there be a landing page for each group (and therefore having some keyword cannibalisation), or should I try be more broad trying to capture the searches within 1 or 2 landing pages? Make sense? Sorry I know it's kinda open ended question... but i'm struggling with this one 😞 Hope you can help. Isaac. wO974JK wO974JK.png 9oZjZbz.png JJ1MlRT.png 4Zx5iko.png

    | isaac663

  • We found that keywords are not case sensitive, but MOZ show same keyword in different case under "Top National Keywords" tab. Eg:  1) Wobble Wedge  2) wobble wedge

    | torbett

  • For our site Boynton Law, we added it to be indexed on Yahoo and Bing but none of the keywords are showing up in the top 50 rankings. Why are our keywords not working on Yahoo and Bing, but on Google our keyword rankings for Boytnon are really strong?

    | netprodjb

  • Hello, I have a site where the word 24k gold is mentioned very often in titles, file names, url etc etc. How can I know what would be good limit to use this word per page, to make sure google won't see it as spam... Most of our products are gold plated in 24k gold and need that to be mentioned quite often, appropriate to the content, but google might see it as keyword spamming perhaps thanks a lot

    | bidilover

  • I recently read the Moz guide for  "How To Rank - 25 Step SEO Master Blue Print" and had a question on keyword themes. What is considered a theme? Is there a recommended number of keywords in a theme? For example, if my site is for listing and selling cars, would the following terms fit within the same "car" theme or should the terms be broken out by "cars general" / "car locations" / "car types"? Cars Cars for sale in new york Ford Explorer for sale

    | Emily_A

  • If the keyword contains the location term like "SEO company London" is it better to use the wider results over local? Additionally, some best practice examples of national v local result tracking would be great 🙂 Darren

    | SEODarren

  • Hello, I am rather new to online marketing and because of this employ an SEO company to help with improving my ranking. They have now been working with me for around 6 months and I have not seen an increase in the traffic to my site - in fact it is at it all time low. Yesterday I only had 4 visitors for example. They keep ensuring me it will take time, and show me reports on how my keywords are ranking, and some appear to be doing okay, but I would have thought traffic would have improved by now. Why I am a little suspicious of this company is they only seem to be doing back linking. They have done very little, if anything, with on-page optimisation, so much so that I tried to do this all myself following Moz guidelines etc. But even this has seen very little improvement. I would have thought that as a paid SEO company, they may see that something is clearly not working. Perhaps the wrong keywords? Suggest a different tactic? I write blogs posts, am social media active but feeling very discourage with it all as seeing very little results. I continuously hear about scams and get new emails every day saying "we have analysed your site and all these things are wrong... pay us $XXX and we will get you traffic" but who can you trust and how can you find an affordable way to gain traffic as a very small business. Would be great to get feedback from anyone who may know what is going on. Thanks Astrid

    | Lilala_Kids

  • Does anyone have any experience in multilingual SEO? We are looking for software that conducts research for GEO Locations such as UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan & India. Writing content for each of these countries is difficult unless we speak their language, we could look at outsourcing the translation but conducting keyword research for each location is almost impossible.

    | Jseddon92

  • Basically wondering whether or not to keep this domain or start SEO with a new domain. The product is a tool that is somewhat comparable to evernote. Basically you can use this instead of searching your email (inefficent, and badly designed for storing personal/biz info). It is a tool that we developed in house for ourselves before evernote was around. At this point I need to figure out which keywords to target, so any suggestions with that would be much appreciated too!! Dave2

    | Dave2

  • Hi, I am concerned that our website's rankings are currently being affected by KW cannibalisation. We don't rank too badly for our target keywords but they could, of course, be better, especially as the niche is very competitive! One thing that is bothering me is that our internal pages do not rank well for these KWs and instead it is the homepage appearing in the rankings. This is despite the fact that the internal pages are optimised for the different keywords. Basically the HP is also targeting these same keywords and I was wondering if this is affecting our rankings overall? I am not keen to risk changing the homepage in case our rankings suffer massively and we drop out of Google completely. If anyone could offer some advice then that would be great. Is it simply a case of trying to get external links pointing to these internal pages? Would internal linking to them prove effective as well? Cheers Tom

    | National-Homebuyers

  • Just could use some feed back on these products.  I am looking for something to help Identify competitors top performing keywords by traffic amount, as well as possibly suggesting related keywords. It looks like searchmetrics might do what I want, but not sure.  Semrush I know is popular, but don't really know what is best for what I am trying to achieve. I would appreciate your thoughts.

    | TheWebMastercom

  • We have a fairly large client for which I look after the analytics, and just recently the SEO also. This celebrity client already recieves near a million visitors per month, 96% of the time for her name. I'm using Googles keyword tool and search trends for insights as to what people are searching for As I get further and further into optimising different pages, I'm running out of ideas for Unique page titles to drive additinal traffic as they have all been covered. {high volume exact searches that is} I'm not sure if I'm over using her name also: for example most of the clients pages start with: "First name last name Keyphrase"  should I be using her first name last name on every title? Thanks in advance for what seems like a simple task, however when your up against it for the first time, it's a "Do I Don't I situation!" Kind Regards Sean

    | Yozzer

  • Howdy forum-fans! I've been toying with the idea for a while now, that 'SEO copywriting' and 'writing for Google' is no longer something that SEO's should be focusing on, but rather writing great, relevant, unique content for customers. The theory is that Google is smart enough to pick up on this and, via it's algorithms, know that it's content worth ranking as it'll be useful to people searching for queries related to the content. Additionally a well written peice of content should naturally contain keywords, phrases and links, taking away some of the overthinking that I've sometimes experienced (first hand) when writing content. What does everyone think? Is 'Writing for Google' dead in 2015 and, if so, has 'Writing for customers' replaced it? Or is there still a place for SEO copywriting; Eg. Well formed titles, URLs, meta-data (does this count as copywriting?)

    | JAR897

  • Hi! I found a niche I'd really like to work on. I was initially targeting a longtail keyword but there are so many available for this niche I decided to just make an authority site instead.  My plan is to have multiple pages with each page targeting a separate long tail keyword in the niche. There's probably going to be over a 100. Let's say for example it's an organic gardening niche.  The website will be setup for the entire niche and the page titles will be structured as such: Best Organic Gardening Soils Best Organic Gardening Tools Best Organic Gardening Seeds I'd prefer it to be setup this way so I can target traffic for the term with and without "best".  I'm wondering if this sounds a bit spammy or is acceptable? Any other ideas as far as targeting similar longtail keywords in the same niche on a single site? Thanks so much!

    | Kusanagi17

  • I am assuming the answer to this question is no but confirmation would help. I have a site in the UK and a site in Spain both on the same topic but different copy and obviously language – therefore I am assuming it is not possible to produce keyword research on the UK site and use the results on the Spanish site?

    | Jason_Marsh123

  • Hi everyone, thanks for taking a look at this. We are looking at improving our traffic for our website. We are a tour company based in Thailand that caters to 18-25 year olds, mainly in the UK and USA. Our site is - A few years ago the now ex-team hired an SEO company who outsourced to a team in India. Things were considered to be going very well in terms of traffic but I suspect that a lot of it was shady link building tactics. The site was designed poorly, urls were a mess and there was a lot of misinformation on there. Fast forward a few years and there is a new team in place, we redesigned the site, added a blog & booking system, cleared out the misinformation and got ourselves a Moz Pro subscription. I only have Google search stats starting from 2013 and the total traffic (sessions) for that year was roughly 25,000. In 2014 traffic dropped to 19,000 and for the first five month of this year we are currently at 9,000. Obviously reduced traffic doesn't look good and we would very much like to get our numbers back up. We are tracking keywords in Moz and although we are ranking in the top 10 for a bunch of them the traffic just isn't going back up. Here are our thoughts on why we might be losing traffic - We're targeting the wrong keywords. We are being penalised. The competition overtook us. Right now we are at a bit of a loss because we don't know what direction to head in. Could it be our keywords? We would love to know what you think and sincerely appreciate the feedback. We will try and share any data that you think might be relevant or useful.

    | Starfish_Volunteers

  • Hi There! I have a website that is both b2c (retail) and bc2 (wholesale) in one. It just makes it much easier to handle. Wholesale is almost 90% of our business, but we hope to grow our retail. Platform is Advanced E-Media (webjaguar). I am working on optimizing and such, and i'm trying to figure out how much i need to focus on the wholesale keyword within the title tag as well as h1 header. When working a 2 in 1 website, what is best practice? Thanks!

    | NutcrackerBalletGifts

  • I have a photography page, where there are a number of galleries. In the galleries and thumbnails of each photo I'm selling. These also include the title. It's built dynamically. However, I've noticed when I do an on-page grade check, that one of the places I'm failing is over-using the keyword on the page. This is mainly due to the titles of each photo containing that keyword. For example, there might be a photo gallery for images of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and 30 of the 40 images on the page have a title with "Golden Gate Bridge" in them. So naturally, the title is displaying this on the page and showing up 30+ times (after the term is used in the page text as well). Is this a really big problem, or is the benefit on each individual photo page outweighing any hit on the gallery page? Any thoughts? Thanks!

    | shannmg1

  • I am a new seller on amazon. People told me that i shouldn't put the same anchor texts on the item title and the item keywords. I am trying to sell an very competitive item: HDMI cable, which it doesn't have much different than what everyone is selling. Any suggestions of what i should put?

    | ringochan

  • I'm trying to use Google's Keyword Planner to pull the search volume for a large list of keywords (2000+). While you're able to upload a CSV of up to 3000 keywords, the search volume search only returns a maximum of 800 keywords per query, which is an issue as I have no idea which keywords it's cutting out. Is there any way around this? I have looked around online, but haven't been able to find a solid solution. Thanks in advance!

    | RCDesign74

  • Hi, I'm a newb and I'm trying to wrap my head around how this keyword thing works. Let's say I find these KWs as part of my research: Acupuncture Acupuncture Clinics Acupuncture Clinics in Gainesville Acupuncture Clinics in Gainesville Florida Does optimizing for Acupuncture Clinics in Gainesville Florida optimize me for all the other terms as well? And furthermore, might I appear for searches like these too: Acupuncture Florida Acupuncture Gainesviile Acupuncture clinics Fl Thanks a bunch!

    | Graphbyte

  • Hi, I'm targeting a local business in Gainesville Fl. They provide acupuncture services. I'm wondering if I should choose "Acupuncture services in Gainesville" as my keyword for their acupuncture page or if I should omit the "Gainesville" qualifier and go with "Acupuncture services" since anyone located in Gainesville who performs a search for the the unqualified version will be shown primarily local results (including my business). Thanks Mozzers!

    | Graphbyte

  • I'm optimizing this page: This is for a local, Gainesville, Fl acupuncturist. The words that show the most search volume on GKT for the city of gainesville are "acupuncture" followed by "acupuncture gainesville fl". Will optimizing for "Acupuncture in gainesville" or "Your Gainesville Florida Acupuncture solution" optimize it for both of these important terms? I guess my question really is, how specific does the match between the searcher's phrase and the KW's I use need to be.

    | Graphbyte

  • Morning Mozzers, Please help a layman learn. This is probably a silly question but when I look at keyword search data in Google's Keyword Planner Tool and I see "COMPETITIVE" or "LOW" am I looking at all searches inclusive of organic and PPC? I have been a bit confused by logging in through an Adwords account? At the moment to get my keyword research I am using a combination of Moz, Webmaster Tools, Keyword Planner. I have had a look at the free version of SEMrush which looks really cool. Is my approach right using these tools? Am I covering all bases / missing key opportunities? Regards Ben

    | Bendall

  • Hi, I have 2 doubts regarding keywords SEO optimization. 1. I would like to optimize the keyword "liquidation channel". The thing is, in my copy/page title/URL/etc it doesn't make a lot of sense to use this exact keyword, but rather "liquidation channels", in plural. Will I rank higher for liquidation channel anyway? And if so, to which extent? (e.g. about 70%...?) 2. I would like to optimize the homepage for the word "liquidation", but found out that some combinations using this keyword (like "liquidation sales" or "liquidation auctions") would have higher traffic and might work better for some pages. I understand I would still be ranking higher for the keyword liquidation, but to which extent? If it's 100% because the keyword is always included, does it makes sense to use 1-word keywords or should we always focus on multiple word keywords? Would the same apply for 2-words keywords vs 3-words keywords, like "wholesale liquidation" SEO rankings being applied when optimizing "wholesale liquidation sales"? Thank you,

    | viatrading1

  • What is a good keyword difficulty score to pursue when deciding which keywords to try and rank on? I'm in a very competitive field and I am currently in the process of doing keyword research to look for the low hanging fruit.

    | 13375auc3

  • Hello Moz community, I wonder if you have tips / tools to build a good competitive landscape "picture" for your clients ? When i'm working on a pre-sales audit, i like to generate 100/200 keywords related to my prospect universe and then show him how well/bad positioned he is on this "market". To do so i use AdvancedWebRanking to monitor position of prospect + 3 competitors for this list of Keywords. Then i manually calculate a "market share" derived from each actor position. I wonder if there is a tool that can automatically do it ? For a list of keywords that you input. Thanks for your answers

    | Sindicic_Alexis

  • Hello, What should one do about a title tag for product pricing page (of a SaaS company)? The only keywords/phrases that have SV are "Acme Pricing" "Acme Product Pricing" and "Acme Solutions Pricing", but obviously I don't want to use all three since "Acme" and "Pricing" repeat in all three. Should the title tag just be "Acme Pricing"? In past experiences, a title tag that short typically gets changed by Google in SERPs. Should one not optimize the title tag at all? Any thoughts, suggestions, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    | Scratch_MM

  • Hi everyone! I'm currently doing long tail keyword research and I'm coming across keywords such as deer wall print for nursery for the main keyword "deer wall print" which doesn't really incorporate too well into a into a grammatically correct paragraph. Can I use something like **deer wall print for your nursery **or deer wall print is perfect for in a nursery? Does it have to be exact reproduction if I am trying to rank for a long tail keyword term/phrase?

    | TheFlyingSweetPotato

  • Hi everyone. So I optimized and used the on-page grader for landing page A. I got it down from 15 to 9 on its ranking. Weirdly, that keyword and landing page A tanked to 60 on its ranking, seemingly overnight. While this was all happening, landing page B, which was never optimized for this keyword, effectively "stole" the keyword and it now has a ranking of 9 for this keyword. As I see it, this keyword and landing page B don't match as well as the keyword and landing page A, but I don't want to lose the increased organic traffic I now receive. Does anyone have insight to this or direct me to an already answered question regarding this? Thanks a ton, -Josh

    | SpectraCal

  • Hi All, Best way to find the best keywords to write Q&A I have a celebrity website where people ask questions about Movies and celebrities. Now how can i create some content based on keywords so i can get some better traffic? Or is this method a waste of time?

    | jomin74

  • Like others, I have also been oblivious to the options which were uncovered in this article, using stars or underscores to uncover more keywords suggestions. However, I am trying to find a way to avoid the manual labour. Did any of you find a successful tool that automatically adds all the possible combinations of these wildcards to give a comprehensive lists of suggestions? I am looking for a tool that also included my country (.nl).

    | Entertainment

  • Hi Mozzer, Did you have tested the "Term Explorer" tool for the keyword research? Is it a good tool? Can we trust the results? Thank you for your help. Regards, Jonathan

    | JonathanLeplang

  • Hi, We are working on a site with lots of Acts and Rules (mostly legal stuff). The Acts are differentiated by Roman numbers like rule-VIII and Form-XX etc. I want to know if I should keep the page title same or change them to English numericals like rule-8 and Form-20 Thanks

    | sayeed

  • Hello and straight to the point, How does google treat connector words (the, in, on etc) in relation to keywords ? For example if people are searching for "hardware sydney" but the content on the page uses the phrase "hardware in sydney" does this make a difference to the way Google views the page content? Cheers David.

    | techdesign

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